katsu28 · 11 days
rain, rain, (don't) go away
pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: you put your trust in a handsome stranger in the midst of a bit of bizarre wet weather. what could go wrong? (4.6k)
warnings: minimal swearing
a/n: not quite the summer lando series i've been working on but the idea for this came to me in a dream a while ago lmao
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It doesn’t often rain in Monaco. Especially not during the summer. 
So when you feel a drop splash against your forehead, then another, you’re wildly unprepared. You squint up at the rapidly darkening sky like it's personally wronged you, and you’re met with another raindrop, this time in your eye. 
Part of you wonders if you could try and make it home before it starts to pour. The other part knows it would be an impossible feat given your lack of a car and how far you’d have to run in such a short amount of time. Even as you ponder the thought, the occasional drops turn into a heavy drizzle. 
You barely make it under the nearest awning before it really starts to come down. All around you are people scrambling to get out of the rain and somewhere dry, caught off guard by the unexpected downpour like you are. 
“Crazy rain, huh?” You startle at the sound of a voice from next to you, gaze snapping to your left to see a man huddled under the same awning, most likely having come up with the same idea you did. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologizes, holding his hands up in surrender. “I take it you weren’t expecting rain when you left the house today either?” 
You scoff, chuckling. “Was anybody?” 
You tear your eyes away from the sky to look at him once more, and to say you’re pleasantly surprised is an understatement. 
Your awning buddy is awfully attractive, and looks to be around your age too. A form-fitting black sweater stretches across broad shoulders, paired with baggy blue jeans that might not have worked for everyone, but definitely suits him well. He’s smiling at you too, a lopsided grin that has you intrigued by him. “The one time I didn't check my weather app before I headed out.” 
“You actually check the weather app?” He chuckles, tilting his head. 
“You don’t?” 
“Can’t say that I do. Usually I just trust the vibes when I look out the window. Didn’t really work out today, though.” He holds his palm out from under the makeshift shelter, letting the rain pool in his hand before dumping it on the ground, flicking his fingers to rid them of the excess drops with a scrunched nose. “Is this your first time in Monaco?” 
You shook your head, smiling softly. “I live here. You?” He bobs his head, shoving his hands into his pockets. “It’s never rained like this though, especially this time of year.” 
“If it’s any consolation, I reckon it’ll stop soon. It’s usually pretty quick—” 
A bolt of lightning flashes through the sky right at that moment, followed by a clap of thunder not five seconds later. If it continues on like this, you might be stuck here forever. 
“Huh! Maybe not.” The man sounds amused, aiming a sympathetic smile at you. You can’t help but chuckle, and you notice it makes him perk up a bit, looking pleased with himself. “Hope you don’t have anywhere to be.” 
“Honestly? I don’t. But I’d rather not be standing under this awning til the storm lets up. Could be ages, by the looks of it.” 
A stream rushes its way down the street, carrying a sad swirl of leaves down the storm drain at the corner along with it. It seems everyone else has come to their senses and found somewhere warm and dry to wait out the sudden storm because when you look around, the two of you are the only ones still outside. 
As if the man can sense what you’re thinking, he speaks. He’s smiling hopefully at you, head tilted invitingly. “There’s a cafe down the block that was open before it started to rain. Care to join me?” 
Normally, you’d be wary about a handsome stranger inviting you to an unknown location. This seems like one of those situations you’ve been warned about, but right now you can’t find it in yourself to care. It’s about time you put yourself out there, take a chance for once. You’re pretty sure he won’t try to kidnap you. 
“I’d love to.” You reply. You peer out at the dreary grey sky again, lips twisting into a grimace. “Is it just me or does it seem to be raining harder?” 
“I say we make a break for it. Run like hell on three.” He says firmly. You nod and he does the same, holding out his hand. You slip your fingers through his without a second thought. “One, two, three—go, go, go!” 
You both take off in a wild sprint down the sidewalk, splashing through puddles on your way. He giggles the whole time, peals of laughter bouncing off the cobbled street that sound gleeful. You’re laughing too, because who would’ve ever thought you’d be running through the rain hand in hand with a guy you’ve only just met?
He tugs you along, leading the way to your destination confidently. Well, as confident as one can while being half-blinded by a torrential downpour. 
You nearly slip as you make a poor attempt at a sudden stop when he finally slows, and you probably would’ve ended up flat on your ass if he hadn’t grabbed you by your forearms, steadying you with an infectious grin that you can’t help but return. 
The bell above the door rings when the two of you stumble inside, soaked to the bone even in the very short time it took to get down the road. But you know what they say, when it rains, it pours. 
He shakes the rainwater from his hair not unlike a dog would shake out its fur, and in the process splatters you with the droplets. Normally you wouldn’t be too happy about it, but you’re already drenched and he’s very cute, so you don’t mind. 
The place is pretty much empty when you look around, save for a handful of other patrons doing their own things. It’s cute though—cozy and warm, the smell of coffee beans and something sweet floating through the air. You never noticed it before, but it’s exactly the kind of cafe that you love. 
The man seems to notice that you’re still holding hands, because his cheeks turn pink and he drops it, smiling rather bashfully. 
“Sorry. I’m Lando, by the way.” He introduces himself softly, rubbing the back of his neck. You tell him your name and he repeats it, testing it out on his tongue. You’re not ashamed to admit you like the way it sounds when he’s the one saying it. “Nice to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet you too.” 
“I’m gonna go order something so they don’t think we’re loitering. Preferably something hot, because I’ve got water in places water definitely shouldn’t be.” He shudders, pulling his soggy sweater away from his torso as proof. “Do you want anything?” 
You ponder for a moment before responding. “A latte sounds amazing right now. I’ll pay you back, of course.” 
Lando shakes his head, backpedaling towards the counter. “My treat. You just sit there and look pretty.” You roll your eyes playfully at him, but smile nonetheless. “Oh look, you’re doing great already!” 
That makes your cheeks grow hot. You’ve just met Lando and he’s flirting with you, and you don't mind at all. In fact, you have half a mind to flirt back. 
He finds you at a table soon after, balancing two cups and a concerningly large paper bag. You pop to your feet, carefully grabbing the bag to ease the load, and peer into it. There’s at least five different pastries inside, all of them looking absolutely mouthwatering. 
“I hope you’re hungry. Got convinced to buy a few things by the lovely old lady at the counter.” Lando says sheepishly, sliding into the seat opposite you. “Very persuasive, she is.” 
You shrug. “I could eat.” 
You’re not sure how long you sit there, chatting with each other like you're the only two in the world. It’s surprisingly easy to talk to him too. He’s funny and quick-witted and he talks very animatedly with his hands, you notice. You find it cute. 
Lando tells you about himself, asks about you and your life story, and you find yourself settling in nicely with his friendly nature. This isn’t a date by any means, but he makes it feel like one by the way he truly pays attention to you and what you're saying, nodding along closely with rapt attention. As far as listeners go, he's a fantastic one. 
You’ve also learned a lot about him. He was born and raised in the UK, but moved here a few years ago for work. What exactly did for work, he wasn’t too forthcoming with, but you don’t pay it any mind. You’ve just met, after all. You’re not expecting him to tell you his whole life story. 
But it also doesn’t feel like you’ve just met. You aren’t sure why, but Lando has this way of making you feel like you’ve known each other for ages, of making you feel comfortable and at ease with every word out of his mouth. 
Your clothes and hair have just started to dry out a bit, and you’re having a great time. Such a nice time, you don’t even notice the girl approaching your table. Lando sees her before you do, and he smiles politely. 
“Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you guys, but are you Lando Norris?” She asks hopefully. She looks young, maybe fifteen or sixteen. Her eyes flick to you, and you can tell she’s nervous, so you smile back. You’re confused to say the least, but you remember what you were like at her age. She reminds you a bit of yourself. 
Lando nods. “I am, yeah. What’s your name?” 
“Valeria. But everyone here just calls me Val. I’m the owner’s granddaughter, so I work here all the time.” 
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Val.” 
She looks positively starstruck now, hands trembling as she holds up her phone. “Would you mind if I got a photo with you? You can totally say no if I’m interrupting something, I—” 
“You’re alright, love, don’t worry.” Lando stands, moving into selfie position next to her. The poor girl’s arm shakes so much you’re positive the photo won’t turn out clear at all, so you slide out of your seat too. 
“Here, let me.” You take the phone gently, motioning the two of them to scoot closer to get them in frame with each other. 
Val looks a combination of relieved and grateful, while Lando gives off nothing but a cool, albeit reserved, confidence. The same kind of confidence a celebrity might have when approached by a fan of theirs. But certainly Lando couldn’t be famous…right? 
You shake away the idea, snapping a handful of photos before passing it back to her, figuring there can never be too many to choose from. She beams bright, hugging him quickly, then to your surprise, gives you a hug as well. 
“Thank you so much! I’ll get out of your hair now. Enjoy your food!” With that, she hurries away with a bounce in her step, disappearing into the kitchen. 
You turn to Lando with arched brows. “That was interesting.” 
“So interesting.” He echoes, but his tone makes it sound like he doesn’t quite agree. 
“What are you, famous or something?” You mean it as a light jest, but Lando looks guilty for some reason. He beckons for you to take your seat again, sliding back into his own before offering you a sheepish smile. 
“Um, there might be something I haven’t told you yet.” 
“Shit, are you actually famous?” 
“...Yeah, kinda.” You arch a curious brow, and he sighs, but not in exasperation. “I’m a Formula One racing driver. For McLaren.”
Formula One…racing…it all sounds slightly familiar, but you can’t quite place it. Then it dawns on you. 
Lando isn’t just a local celebrity—he’s literally world famous. 
You’ve heard your friends talk about the races before, a few of your relatives who keep up with the sport, but you’d never paid it any mind. It just wasn’t something you could see yourself being interested in. That really famous race that takes place here in the streets every year that makes traffic an absolute fucking nightmare the whole week, Lando drives in that race, and countless others around the world, if you recall your limited knowledge correctly. 
He’s…cool. And he’s sitting right here with you in a tiny cafe, and you had no idea who he was. 
“Oh my god, you must think I live under a rock or something! This is so embarrassing, I—” 
“No, no! I’m not—I don’t go around expecting everyone to know who I am, I swear. It’s just that most people usually do recognize me, and it saves me the whole ‘having to tell them I’m famous’ thing, which always just makes things really awkward, and…yeah.” 
“Things don’t have to be awkward.” 
“No. We don’t even have to talk about it.” 
“We don’t?” He sounds a tad wary, but when you nod, the tension in his posture melts away. Relief floods his features at once. “Thank you. It’s actually quite nice to meet someone who has no idea what I do. Makes me feel normal for once.” 
“Glad my lack of sports knowledge makes you feel like a regular guy,” You joke, nudging his foot with yours under the table. He gives you a light kick in return, infectious smile back in full bloom once again. You quite like it when he smiles. 
You’ve just moved on to a new topic that has nothing to do with Lando’s job when his phone buzzes, making him jolt in surprise. He digs it out of his pocket, and when he sees the name flash across the screen, his eyes go wide. 
“Sorry, hang on. I’ve gotta get this.” He says, hitting the answer button. It’s a quick phone call, and you try your best not to eavesdrop, but whoever is on the other line has Lando worked up when he hangs up. 
“Everything okay?” You ask lightly. Lando bobs his head quickly. 
“Yeah, it’s—I, uh, I’ve gotta go. I forgot about a work event, apparently. That was my press officer, wondering where the hell I am and how fast I can get there.” He sounds disappointed, smiling almost sadly. “So much for feeling normal.” 
You try your best not to let your face fall when you nod. “I should get going too. Get home before the next freak summer rainstorm.” 
It’s nice when you step outside. You tilt your face up towards the sky, feeling the sun warm your face. This is the Monaco you know and love. Though if it hadn’t rained, you would’ve never met Lando. 
He turns to face you, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Thanks for the nice afternoon. I had a good time.” 
“Me too.” 
“Maybe I’ll see you around?” 
“Maybe you will.” 
“I certainly hope so.” He says softly. You shift slightly on the balls of your feet, suddenly feeling awkward. You’re not sure how to leave things with him, and it looks like he feels the same by the way he mirrors your actions. “Um, I really should leave, so…goodbye, I guess?” The look on his face tells you that leaving is the last thing he wants to do, but he has to. 
“Bye, Lando.” 
“Bye.” He echoes, one more time before turning away from you to head down the street. 
You can only bring yourself to wait a few seconds before you call his name again. He turns around instantly despite his hurry, meeting your gaze. You want to say something to him that’ll make him remember you, because chances are you’ll never cross paths again. If you were brave enough, maybe you'd even ask him for his number. But you’re not, so you don’t. Instead, you just smile at him. 
“Thanks for the latte.” 
If he’s disappointed, he hides it well. He smiles back at you, warm and bright like the sun beginning to peek out from behind the clouds. “Of course.” 
You watch him walk away, fighting that pesky little feeling in your gut telling you that you’re making a mistake by letting him go. It’ll go away soon, and you’ll go on with your life like you’re meant to. 
You find yourself going back to the same cafe often, whenever you're out and want a little treat before you go home. The pastries are always still as delicious as the first time you had them, and you’ve become well acquainted with the staff as the time goes on. 
Oh, and that feeling you had when you let Lando leave without a word? 
It never went away. It’s still here, worming its way into your thoughts every chance it can get. 
You’re a little embarrassed to admit that every time you walk into the cafe, you hope you’ll see Lando. It’s wishful thinking more than anything, hoping he’ll be there when you go. He’s probably busy doing his thing anywhere but here, busy racing around in the world to the tune of thousands of screaming fans. You’re not sure if he even remembers you, or the afternoon you’d spent together. 
Why would he? In the world of Lando Norris, world famous Formula One driver, you’re probably just a speck of dirt in his rearview mirror. 
The thought gets pushed to the back of your mind as you step up to the counter to order. Val beams at you from behind the register. 
“Hey, Val,” You greet the young girl warmly, returning her smile. You’ve become quite fond of her and her youthful energy, and she always brightens your day. “How’s business going?” 
“Oh you know, same old.” Val waves an absentminded hand in the air as she keys in your usual order with the other. Her smile turns mischievous at the same time, like she knows something you don’t, and you narrow your eyes at her, already knowing what she's going to ask. “Have you heard from Lando?” 
“No, I haven’t. How’s summer school going?” 
She makes a funky face at you, rolling her eyes. “Boring. Way to change the subject though.” Before she can press any more about Lando, someone calls her name from the kitchen. “Ugh, I’ll be right back. Make yourself comfy, wait for your order, you know the drill!” 
You chuckle to yourself, heading straight for your usual table by the window to wait for your name to be called. 
You like to sit while you enjoy your food and drink, watching the people and cars go by outside. The streets of Monaco are always busy and bustling, but being in here feels like a pocket of peace. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
Your brow crinkles at the sudden voice, because you know for a fact there are at least four or five other empty tables available other than the one you’re currently sitting at, but this person chose to to ask you. 
Pocket of peace…disrupted. 
You let out a short sigh through your nose, turning your head from the window to politely tell them to find another seat, preferably at a table that isn’t yours, and that’s when you see him. 
Lando is grinning at you when you look over, lopsided and endearing just like the first time you met him. 
“Oh fuck!” You can’t help the expletive that falls from your mouth at the sight of him, even though there’s a thousand other things you’d told yourself you’d say to Lando if you ever saw him again. He’s got his hands shoved into the pockets of his sweatpants, and he’s rocking on the balls of his feet slightly like he’s nervous as he waits for you to do something other than curse at him. “Lando! I—you—hi.” 
“Hi,” He echoes, shoulders creeping up towards his ears. All you can do is stare at him, wide eyed in disbelief. “Mind if I sit?” 
“Yes. I mean, no. I mean, yes, you can sit.” You fumble over your words like you’re not used to speaking, feeling your cheeks flame embarrassingly hot. Lando just chuckles, sliding into the chair across from you. “Um, so how’ve you been?” 
He rubs at the back of his neck, bobbing his head. “Good! Bit busy. We had a triple header the last three weeks, so it’s just nice to be home again.” 
“Oh, I bet. I don’t think I’d be very good company if I couldn’t sleep in my own bed for three straight weeks.” 
“That’s fair. Though to be honest, I’ve gotten scarily good at falling asleep anywhere. If it’s a flat surface, I can nap.” 
“I don’t know whether to be impressed or concerned.” 
“Impressed would be mint. Otherwise I just sound like a dumbass.” 
You laugh at that, and in this moment, you realize just how much you’ve missed Lando. No matter how many times you’ve tried to convince yourself to forget about him, to convince yourself that there was no point in pining after someone you’d only spent a few hours with, it all came back to this. You missed him because you like him. 
“I need to tell you something.” He blurts suddenly, bracing his elbows on the table. 
You nod, expression turning thoughtful. Whatever thoughts you’re having about liking Lando can wait. “Sure, go ahead.” 
“This is gonna sound unbelievably weird and maybe even a little bit creepy, but I need to get it off my chest or else I think I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that Lando looked nervous. The bouncing of his leg you can feel under the table and the way he plays with his fingers supports your theory. 
You cock your head at him, reaching across the surface to steady his fidgeting with a hand over both of his. His gaze snaps down to your touching hands, and you can see him visibly gulp. 
“What’s going on? Are you okay, is something wrong?” 
He shakes his head quickly. “No, nothing’s wrong. Everything is…the opposite, really. Everything is right. Meeting you, finding my way back to you—here of all places. I don’t believe in fate or anything like that, but this sure feels like something along those lines.” 
“Lando, I—”
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that afternoon. I tried everything. Nothing worked. I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He confesses. His fingers curl around yours gently, thumb stroking over the ridges of your knuckles. “If I’m being completely with myself, I think it’s because I didn’t want to get you out of my head. And I just got off the plane an hour ago, but instead of going home and passing out like I usually do, I came here, hoping that somehow, you’d be here too.” 
“Can I say something now?” You ask lightly, stifling a giggle. 
His cheeks flush an embarrassed pink, and he motions for you to go ahead. “Yeah, yeah, sorry. I talk too much when I get nervous. I’m working on it, I—fuck, sorry again. You go. I’ll shut up.” 
“I still think it’s cute.”
“Is that the only thing about me you still think is cute, or…?” 
That gets another laugh out of you. You chuckle, giving his hand a squeeze. “Not at all. I still think all of you is cute, and…I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either. We haven’t known each other long, but I really like you, Lando.”  
“I could kiss you right now.” 
“What’s stopping you?”
You don’t have time to second guess your newfound confidence before he’s leaning across the table, sliding a large hand over your jaw and pressing his lips against yours. Lando kisses you softly—gentle, like he’s worried you’ll pull away if he’s too forward with it. 
You’re fully aware that you’re smiling like a madman against his lips, but in your defense, he is too. His eyes open slowly when you pull away, almost tentatively as if he’s not quite sure what just happened actually happened. 
He leans back just enough to study you, letting his gaze flit around your face, taking in every detail he possibly can. All while he grins larger than Cheshire cat, like he’s a kid whose parents just told them they could get whatever they wanted at the candy shop, instead of kissing you for the first time. 
“I was gonna be nice and bring you your order, but it looks like you’ve already got something sweet.” Val’s voice cuts through the moment, and when you look over at her, she looks over the moon. 
“Lando, you remember Val, right?” 
“Uh huh,” Lando hums, holding out his hand for a fist bump that she happily gives him. “Thanks again for the heads up.” 
“Hold on, what? What heads up?” 
The two of them share a look, like they’re debating whether or not to tell you their secret. Then Lando sighs, giving her a go ahead nod, and she squeals, setting your food down. 
“Okay, so you know how you come in here all the time after work? Well me, being the keenly observant, brilliant young mind I am, noticed a pattern. You come on the same days, at the same time, and you never stray.” She explains excitedly, all but bouncing on the balls of her feet. You aim a questioning glance over at Lando, who just gives another amused nod.
Val continues excitedly, “So I’m expecting you today, right? But then the door opens and guess who walks in? Lando! He asks me if you’ve ever come back here after that one day and I’m like oh my god, you have no idea! So I tell him to wait a half hour for you, and now you’re both here and my matchmaking skills can be put to rest.”
“Are you being serious right now? Really, I can’t tell.” 
She tilts her head, popping a hand on her hip. For the same girl who’d been so nervous to meet Lando just weeks ago, she’s got a surprising amount of sass in his presence today. “Why would I not be serious? I’m basically a genius, and I expect to be invited to the wedding. You’re welcome, by the way.” 
“Alright, that’s enough, cheers, Val!” Lando blurts, shooting her a pointed look. 
“Can I get paddock passes for making this whole thing happen? Preferably Monaco but I could probably make it to Monza too. Imola is a little far.” 
Lando blinks at her for a few moments, probably seeing if she actually means it. When all she does is raise her eyebrows, he concedes. “Maybe. I’ll make some calls, see what I can do.” 
“Fantastic. Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone!” 
You both watch as she all but skips happily off, then turn back to each other. 
“She’s…definitely something,” You sigh, shaking your head. Secretly, you owe her everything. 
“Eh, I dunno. Kid’s growing on me.” He reaches across the table, lacing his fingers through yours with a fond twinkle in those pretty eyes of his. 
“How serious are you about those paddock passes?” 
“I mean…she did help me out massively. I’d have missed you if it weren’t for her.” Lando shrugs, rubbing an absentminded thumb over yours. “I hope you know I would’ve come back until I found you again. Everyday, if I had to.” 
“Me too.” 
If you’d told your past self that a bizarre summer rainstorm in sunny Monaco would’ve led you to where you are right now, you wouldn’t have believed it. But now, as you sit here with Lando, smiling at each other like complete and total idiots, you’ve never been more grateful for a bit of unexpected rain.
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sugawarassoulmate · 1 year
someone else tries to get with them
feat loser!kuroo, enemies to lovers!kita, and toxic!oikawa
part 1
cw: fem!reader
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kuroo's body tensed the second one of them came close to him. he always hates these events — spending hours fake laughing at awful jokes to get on the good side of investors. his only joy is when you tag along, keeping prying eyes at bay.
but kuroo's found himself cornered by three women, all the much-too-young wives of some of his colleagues who were all taken with the handsome ceo.
"this suit looks amazing on you," one of them said. kuroo wanted to tell her that his wife picked out his outfit but before he could answer, another chimed in. "you just fill it up so well, have you been working out?"
his eyes flick over across the room, where you're standing with a quirked brow. you've calmed down a lot since marriage and don't explode with anger every time another woman so much as breaths near kuroo anymore. instead, you took a sip from your wine glass and gave him a look that said, "figure it out."
"can we get you a drink?" one of the other women asks as kuroo feels another pulling on his bicep. did they not see the wedding band on his finger? did none of them notice him walking into the room with you on his arm?
he starts sweating, eyes darting back to you and then the women. kuroo's so used to you taking charge and staking your claim on him but he can't allow you to be disrespected like this.
as one of the women tries to pull him in again, kuroo fights out of her grasp. "i'm married!!!" he blurted out, startling not only the women but a few people that were nearby. embarrassed that he raised his voice, kuroo cleared his throat. "sorry for yelling but i don't think it's appropriate for us to talk like this. i love my wife very much. have a good night."
kuroo makes his way toward you, a smug grin on your face. "so, you into ugly girls or something?"
"baby, please," he whines.
enemies to lovers!kita
you may have found kita absolutely insufferable but most people found him a joy to be around. he was kind and respectful to others. the kind of person that helps others without asking or walks old ladies across the street. it seemed as though kita didn't have an unkind word to say about anyone, except for you.
because of his benevolence, most people wanted to be around him. girls threw themselves at him, knowing that he'd be the type to spoil his significant other. that wasn't the annoying part — because you definitely didn't care about some dumb bimbo trying to get his attention. it was the older women who tried to set kita up with their daughters that irked you the most.
"you know, i have a daughter your age that you'd just be perfect for," or "do you have a girlfriend? my niece could really use a sweet boy like you, can i give her your number?"
even after explaining that he was too focused on his studies and helping his grandma with the farm to even think about dating, these women wouldn't take no for an answer.
"can you tell whoever's blowing up your phone to cut the shit?" you complained, growing tired of the constant buzzing.
kita rolls his eyes at your foul language. he doesn't bother looking at his phone as the two of you lock up the club room for the night. "one of my grandma's friends gave my number to her daughter and she keeps tryin' to set up a date," he says, bored expression never leaving his face.
"you're that down bad that you need your grandma's buddies to get a date?" you scoffed, trying to hide the fact that it may bother you just a little bit that there are so many people trying to get kita's attention.
perceptive as ever, kita catches onto your catty attitude. "she probably won't stop until i say yes to a date," he says nonchalantly, walking back onto campus.
he's only getting a rise out of you. what little free time kita has left from all of his other responsibilities goes to you—both of you know it's true, there's no reason to argue. still, you'd just die if you couldn't make a comment at his expense. "i mean if, sure, you're into ugly girls. this girl can't get a date on her own?" you rambled, stomping beside kita as you head back to your apartment. "but don't let me stop you. i know how much you love doing charity work."
"i won't go if you don't want me to," kita hums, holding the door open for you (1. because he's a gentleman, 2. because he knows it pisses you off.)
"i don't care what you do," you said back to him in a similar mocking tone.
that weekend, though, kita is at your place, where he usually spends most of his weekends. "your date was that bad, huh?" you said as soon as you open the door for him.
"i told her it wouldn't work out and deleted her number," kita answers, carefully removing his shoes and placing them neatly by your door. "i only have time fer important things." he makes direct eye contact when he says it before brushing past you to head to your bedroom.
kita's words stump you for a second, trying to figure out what he meant but soon, his irritating voice comes back, scolding you to hurry back and any thought you had before is forgotten as an insult leaves your lips.
you felt terrible for being late. punctuality was something you always prided yourself on but your boss seemed to think differently, keeping you in the office for hours.
normally, you'd suck it up and accept that you had a shit day at work but you and oikawa had a date planned — one that took ages for both of you to set up.
the image of oikawa sitting at the restaurant alone broke your heart, so you practically raced over there, barely having time to change out of your work clothes.
"i'm so sorry, babe. my boss is such a dick and then the trains were slow—" you rambled as soon as you sat down, immediately asking for your boyfriend's forgiveness
"hey, slow down! it's okay, honey," he said, pushing a glass of wine across the table for you. "i know you didn't mean to be late. you're here now, that's what matters. i already ordered for the two of us."
he had every right to lay into you tonight. this was the perfect opportunity for him to be at his most dramatic, to really make you feel guilty for being late but he acted with a maturity you weren't used to seeing.
"i still feel bad that you were sitting here all by yourself," you said, reaching over to hold his hand.
oikawa shrugged. "well, i wasn't totally alone. our waitress kept me company while i waited."
you hate to say that the second he said "waitress" the alarm bells started ringing in your head. a handsome, young man like oikawa sitting alone in a fancy restaurant is like food on a silver platter for some of these vultures.
and you could only imagine how charming he must have been when the waitress comforted him about being by himself—smiling at her jokes and staring up at her with those warm brown eyes of his, completely unaware of that she would take it as an invitation.
you tried to swallow the bitterness down, not wanting to put a sour note on the night. you opened your mouth to speak but a grating sound stopped you.
"ohhhh, how good of you to finally show," said the high-pitched voice, dripping with faux concern. "i was worried you might have stood this poor man up."
oikawa laughs at the unfunny joke, clearly finding all of this amusing and she practically sparkles at the slightest hint of his approval. "i don't know how you'd ever let him out of your sight. any girl would just love to snatch him right up,'
his eyes glance over at you, ready to see how you'll react. oikawa just loves it when you get territorial of him and even though you've gotten better over the years, there's still that part of you that's always ready to claw someone's eyes out for thinking they could stake their claim on him.
"you're right, any girl would. in fact, many have tried and they've all failed," you smiled up at her, gripping oikawa's hand harder so she would have to take notice of it. "now be a dear and have our food ready soon, okay? i want to spend some time with my boyfriend."
with her tail between her legs, the waitress scurries from the table, muttering something about the food. oikawa laughs again, pressing a quick kiss to your knuckles. "my mean baby, you know you don't have anything to worry about, yeah?"
of course, you knew. you wouldn't be with oikawa if you didn't trust him but any girl who had the slightest inkling that she could lead your man astray had to be humbled—and oikawa would be lying if he didn't enjoy the possessive look you get in your eye.
"let's enjoy our dinner, babe."
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©sugawarassoulmate 2023 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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itwasthereaminuteago · 8 months
Just some Dom Frank smut that I've had in my wips for ages 😊
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Frank Castle x female reader (with some Billy Russo x reader at the very beginning)
You've got a friends-with-benefits thing going on with Billy and realise you have a little kink which he's not really into, but he has a solution...
Warnings: choking kink, praise, pet names, p in v sex, teasing, begging. Please reblog if you enjoyed so that others may do the same! Please! Thank you 😊
Billy is fucking you hard, driving himself deeper and deeper with every punishing, sinful thrust of his hips, making you lose yourself almost completely. He brings his hand up to caress the side of your face and you arch into his touch as he skims it down the side of your neck to your chest where he pinches and teases your nipples. He grins wickedly, diving down mouthing and grazing his teeth over the plush skin of your tits as you moan. You grasp for his wrist, dragging his hand back up to your neck, whimpering as you can feel your peak drawing ever closer when his fingertips brush over your throat.
But Billy gently draws his hand away. "Scotch." He says. His safeword.
Your eyes widen as the word hits your ears and you try to calm your breathing as you both slow down and come to a stop.
"Oh Billy, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to…"
"It's okay, kitten." He replies, carefully pulling out and laying down beside you. "I guess we never covered that particular area." He smiles but you still feel awful for trying to get him to do something to you that he isn't entirely comfortable with.
"I- I didn't really know I liked it, until just then… but I'm still sorry, I should have asked you first regardless."
“It's alright, don't worry about it. But hey, I'm glad you've discovered a new kink!" You share a smile as he cuddles you into his arms and kisses you sweetly.
You and Billy had been friends with benefits for a few months now. You were both currently single and relished the opportunity to cut almost completely loose with each other. You found each other attractive, had a lot of fun, and most importantly it was a much-needed tension release after a stressful work day where you just wanted someone else to take control and make you feel good.
Later on that evening he came to you with an unexpected proposal.
"I feel so shitty about leaving you hanging like that before, so I was wondering if you might be cool with me setting you up with a good friend of mine. I think he'd be able to give you what you need, maybe a little bit more than I can?”
You look up from your phone, rapt and curious at the suggestion. "Billy, are you for real? You'd really do that for me?"
He looks surprised that you'd think he wouldn't. "’course I will baby, I just want to see you happy! If you like I'll tell him all your preferences. He'll only go as hard as you want, and you can play here at my place if it makes you feel safer. I'd be there in the next room if you needed me, but Frank's a good guy, he'll take good care of you I promise."
You sit up straighter at the mention of Frank's name. "Wait, it's Frank? You mean your marine buddy Frank?! I didn't know he was into–"
Billy chuckles. "Yeah, not many do. But you like him,” Billy smirks as he teases you, “don't you?"
You give him a sly smile back, he's not wrong. "Well, from what I've seen…" you murmur, thinking about the few times you'd briefly met, once when you went to meet Billy at the gym and Frank came striding out of the showers, shirtless. And then there was the size of his hands…
Billy laughs even louder seeing a dreamy expression cross over your features. "Alright now kitten, don't get all fired up just yet. I'll go see him tomorrow and we'll talk it over okay? See what he says."
You leap into Billy's arms. "You are much too good to me Russo! You know that?"
He nods and kisses the top of your head, still amused. "Yeah, I know."
Frank was apparently very eager to help you out and so Billy arranged a little introductory session for you both at his on the Friday night. Billy had clued you in on what Frank was into as you'd wanted to know, even though this was primarily for your benefit.
"-and you call him 'Sir', yeah?"
You nod. You were melting already.
"Hey girl, think you got a lil bit of drool hanging out the corner of your mouth there…" Billy laughs and you give him a playful punch.
"Shut up! I'm just… a little excited."
"Oh, you should be, baby." You can't help notice Billy's slightly wistful look as he says it. "You're in good hands."
When Friday evening arrives Billy lets you get settled in and informs you that Frank's waiting in his bedroom whenever you're ready. You're slightly nervous but when you open the door and see his large form sitting on the side of the bed suddenly all you feel is a buzz.
"Hey princess, how're you doin'?" He asks in a low drawl along with a smile that makes you want to bark. He looks so damn fine you want to squeal.
Instead you greet him politely, reining in your giddiness and desire. "I'm good thank you, Sir."
Frank grins, a slight chuckle bursting past his lips in a way you found cute. "Did Bill tell you to say that sweetheart? Y'know he's just messin' with you? You can call me Frank if you want."
You return his smile, nodding. "Yes, Sir."
Frank makes a satisfied sound and laughs again, softer this time, his deep brown penetrating gaze making you feel weak at the knees. "Mm, alright. C'mon over here, let me see ya."
Just this simple request has your body feeling like it's ablaze. He stands up as you slowly walk over to him, his eyes running over you like warm honey, taking in the way your soft cotton summer dress hugs your curves, the hem ending just above your mid thigh.
“You're a very beautiful woman.” He says with a note of sincerity and awe, bringing his hand up to gently trace the side of your jaw. You feel the heat flush up into your face.
"What's your safeword honey?"
"Cloud." You reply hazily. You're practically purring already as his fingers graze over your rapidly heating skin.
Frank nods. "That's good, mine's 'bullet'. “How're you feelin' sweetheart?'' he asks, "Think you wanna play some?"
You start to lean into his touch as his thumb strokes across the small smile on your soft lips. "Yeah." You respond, and Frank grunts his approval as you start to lick and suck on his thumb as he gently slides it between your lips.
"Such a good girl. Damn. Bill told me you were needin' a little somethin' extra. S'that right?" he gently probes, and you feel your entire body start to tingle with the anticipation of what he's going to do with you next.
You take the digit deeper into your mouth as he guides you down to kneel in front of him, swirling your tongue around it and hollowing your cheeks to suck just a little while you look up at him with wide eyes.
"Yeah, we're gonna get on real well. How ‘bout we see what else that pretty mouth of yours can do, huh?"
He slowly palms over the noticeable bulge at the crotch of his jeans and you can feel the saliva filling your mouth, dripping out of the corner as he presses his thumb down against your tongue. Yes sir, please sir you think as you nod slowly as he removes it and unbuckles his belt. The clinking sound of it being undone has you soaking into your silky underwear already. This is what you need. Just him to keep telling you what to do, to take complete control of your body and mind and make you feel like nothing else matters.
As he pulls his cock out in front of your face you can't stop your eyes widening and the eager moan that escapes you. He's big, long and thick, and as he strokes himself to full hardness you shift about on your knees, your tongue darting out to wet your lips as you catch sight of a drop of precum leaking from his tip.
"Look at you, so damn perfect an' all ready f'me.”
You push up onto your knees, keeping your hands to yourself until he tells you otherwise, your mouth open and tongue out flat and wide as you wait for him to give you what you're craving. Instruction.
“Yeah, that's right. You know what to do princess."
His cock is mere inches from your mouth, just out of reach. He finally moves forward to rub the head of it over your waiting tongue, moaning as the addictive musky taste of him spreads across it. You slide your mouth on, stretching your lips over the fat head of his dick, closing your eyes as you slowly begin to suck on it.
"Ah-ah sweetheart, look at me. Eyes on me." He corrects, watching you take a little more of him in, beginning to move back and forth and shallowly fuck your mouth as you obey and look back up at him. He groans letting his head fall back as you lap your tongue along the bulging vein on the underside.
"Oh yeah, that's real good baby. Gonna give you some more just like you want, huh?"
You moan your agreement around his impressive girth as you pull back and ready yourself to swallow him deeper. He's gentle at first, he pushing his fingers through your hair, cradling the back of your head lightly as you take him in as far as you can, gagging slightly until you can figure out how to breathe. Your eyes start to water as you gaze up at him. He's telling you that you look so damn pretty, and you feel the wetness between your thighs increase ten fold as his big hand and thick fingers wrap around your throat to guide you.
"Oh- fuck- attagirl, there we go, fuck that's it."
You think he's gonna finish off in your mouth the way he's groaning and grunting fucking your mouth, obviously enjoying the way you're taking him and letting him use you. But you're silently begging him with your eyes not to, because you're throbbing, aching for him to get inside of you, to be able to feel that massive dick fucking you until you can't think thoughts.
Thankfully he slows his movements, pulling out his dick and wiping your messy spit covered chin with his thumb. He lifts you up to your feet and gently pushes you back on the bed where you land with a soft bounce. As you struggle to regain your breath he's chuckling at your gawking stare as he strips out of his clothes revealing his muscular chest, defined rows of abs and thick thighs that you dream of being suffocated between.
"Hope you weren't thinkin’ I was neglectin' that pretty little pussy of yours..."
Of course he knows what you're thinking but you still shake your head. "No sir." you mewl, your body aflame from the way his eyes rove over you. Frank prowls up your body, his hand slipping up under the hem of your dress and gently cupping your mound, middle fingers stroking so teasingly up over your folds through your damp underwear. You yelp as he takes his hand away only to slap your cunt hard, the pleasurable pain jolting through your whole body like an electric shock.
"Don't lie to me."
"N-no sir!" You whimper as he rubs you again through the flimsy fabric, grinning as he feels the fresh flood of your arousal soak his fingers.
"Well shit. Look at that baby. You like sucking cock that much?"
"I like sucking your cock, sir." You pant, trying to grind yourself against his hand for some immediate relief. He lifts it away, slapping your pussy lightly again making you cry out in frustration.
"Gimme a colour sweetheart."
Billy had said that you would be in good hands. You were gonna have to get him a present or something for this.
"That's a good girl." He smirks, curling his fingers over the waistband of your panties, peeling them down your ass away from your soaking core, and inching them ever so slowly down your trembling thighs.
"Heard you don't like bein' teased, princess…"
Your mind reels wondering where he's going with this, your breath shallow and fast as he bares you to him, tossing your ruined underwear across the bedroom. He kneels on the bed at your feet,
"On your hands and knees f'me."
He commands and you obey. It's that simple. He takes his time appraising you, his fingers drifting over your ass cheeks and carefully rucking up the hem of your dress to your waist.
"Cute." He remarks, noting how your breathing changes as he moves up behind you, his hand resting on your hip. You gasp you feel the firm head of his cock run between the folds of your puffy, sopping cunt. He rubs it up and down the length of your slit, over and over so slowly, and every time you think he's going to sink right in and fill you full he doesn't. You want nothing else so badly but to push back into him, to have him thrust inside and probably split you in half but he hasn't said that you're allowed to.
You want to scream.
"Doin' real good for me, such a good girl."
You shiver at the praise, but you need more, he has to understand how much you need him.
"Yeah, you want me to give you some more don't you? I know, I know sweetheart." He says soothingly while pushing his cock forward between your legs and bumping the head up against your clit. When he draws away yet again you can't stand the tease anymore and you break.
"Fuck, please!" you whine.
Frank smacks his hand down on your ass cheek and you cry out, heat blooming out over your skin as he runs his palm over the stinging spot.
"Please what?" He asks you so casually, as if he's completely ignorant to the fact you're almost dripping wet down the inside of your thighs.
"Please, sir… I-I need it, n-need your cock so bad, please!" You try, staring straight ahead as you dip your back, making your hips tilt up hoping he'll see just how ready you are for more. You breathe out a shaky whimper of relief as you feel the warmth and pressure of his giant hand grip around the back of your neck holding you still as he takes his cock in hand and slides it close to where you're aching for him to shove it. But he doesn't, and he so clearly knows what it's doing to you.
You want this teasing, this cruel punishment and yet can't stop your pathetic sobs of desperation, can't stop the tears from rolling down your flushed cheeks as you plead with him repeatedly.
"Shh-shh c'mon pretty girl, you know I got you." He says shushing you gently. "Deep breaths f'me hm? You good?"
You manage to drag in a shuddering lungful of air so you can tell him you want this, you want him to keep going, keep making you feel.
His fingers grip the back of your neck tighter when he hears your confirmation to continue and finally– he gives you what you need, forcing the thick head of his cock into your needy pussy. You moan and mewl as he stretches you open, despite how wet and ready you thought you were it's still a tight fit and he pauses for a few seconds, feeling you contract around his tip.
"S'that what you need huh? Feel good?"
You groan as he holds himself still, only the first couple of inches of him inside you. Then he moves, so slow that the tears return, running down the drying tracks on your skin as he thrusts gently back and forth, only fucking you with the very tip of his cock. Pushing in and popping out, so painfully slowly, in and out, again and again.
"Mm, that's all you deserve for now baby. That's all you're gettin' till you play nice."
The next time he pulls out he smacks his hard length down against your ass, thrusting himself between the cleft of your cheeks for a while leaving you completely empty. You do nothing, say nothing, just moan and let him use your body until he wants to reward you. And reward you he does…
You inhale sharply as you feel the sudden loss of contact, but then he buries his face in your cunt and starts licking and fucking you with his tongue. He grips firmly around your thighs, pulling you back, flush with his hot mouth as he works you up until your legs are shaking. You gasp as the coil deep inside tightens as he keeps it up, reacting to the increasing pitch and volume of your moans. You're gonna come any second and you know he's not told you that you can, that you're allowed to. You don't know what to do, the feeling is welling up from deep inside, it's getting closer and he won't let up, craning his neck to flick your clit with the tip of his tongue and delve his tongue into the steady stream of slick arousal leaking out of you.
Fuck, god… please, just a little more, so close, it feels so fucking good- almost… there–
Frank stops, pulls away.
You're shaking, crying, your cunt is throbbing.
He stopped.
Suddenly you don't know which way is up, whimpering as he spears you with his cock, sliding all the way into you until you can feel his hip bones hard up against your ass. You twitch and pulse around him at the sensation.
Fuck it's so good it's so good, you babble as he drags you up off your hands, his arms binding you to his warm chest as he starts to rut you hard and fast, his beautiful fat cock dragging so deep against your soft inner walls. Frank claps a hand over your breast, squeezing and fondling then tugging and pinching hard at your nipple while his other massive paw slides upwards to your neck, and you whimper and whine as it easily circles your entire throat. You lean into it, showing him that this is what you wanted, what you were being a good girl for. He holds you firmly while his hips thrash, fucking you so hard you can't speak, can't think about anything else but how perfect it feels, how you want nothing else but for him to fill you up, use you how he pleases.
He tightens his grip and growls as your pussy squeezes around him in response.
"Yeah," he rasps into the side of your neck, his skin smacking against your ass every time he thrusts up into you. You can feel his heavy balls almost brushing your clit. "Good girl… c'mon and let me hear you."
Every time he buries himself inside a pitiful little whimper falls from your open mouth. You wonder if Billy is listening next door, maybe getting off on the sound of the two of you fucking.
Frank's tightening, vice-like grip snaps you back to the moment and you're aching for him and starting to get a little lightheaded which makes everything feel so much more intense.
“Fraaank…” you pant.
"You close sweetheart? Goddamn, I know it, can feel you flutterin' honey, feels so good."
He's relentless in the way that he fucks you, but it's not without tenderness and sensuality. His lips kiss the sweaty skin of your shoulder as he holds you upright, your back flush against his broad chest, his hand still around your neck and one splayed over your stomach as he starts to ram his cock repeatedly right into that perfect spot.
“C'mon sweetheart, I got you,” he grunts, "go on, go off for me baby...”
When his hand slides down lower and you feel the electric sensation of the rough pads of his fingertips start rubbing over your slick clit, there's no going back. You're a hot, whimpering mess ready to fall over the edge.
He half-whispers, voice low and gruff by your ear. “Fuck that's it, fuck, yeah…”
He slams up into you as your body finally quakes around him and you let go completely with an uninhibited moan of pleasure, feeling the rolling fire of your orgasm exploding out in powerful waves through every nerve. You're barely aware of anything after that, only half registering the deep groan of satisfaction from Frank as he finishes inside you with several slow, deep rolls of his hips.
Everything feels warm and gooey, sounds are muted and distant for a while until you hear him again as you slowly come to, blinking your heavy eyelids open to his concerned voice.
“Hey, hey… you okay sweetheart?”
You gradually become aware that you're being held, warm and grounded. Frank's propped up on the mound of pillows at the headboard and you're laying against his broad chest as he trails his fingertips gently up and down the outside of your arm.
“Not too much?” He asks, angling his head to make eye contact with you.
You reach up your hand around the back of his head, leaning up as you pull him down to kiss him for the first time. It's a sweet kiss, relaxed and easy considering all that you've just done together. He's got the cutest smile you've ever seen on his face after you break away, this big unit of a man is maybe even blushing slightly.
“No this was perfect, thank you so much Frank, I couldn't really ask for more.” He hands you a glass of water and you kinda do wish you could indulge yourself a little more and lie in his arms for longer, but you're aware that Billy's just outside and you both should probably get cleaned up anyway. As you carefully push yourself up you can't help notice Frank seems almost reluctant to break up your little post coital moment.
“Y'know, anytime you need a little somethin’, you just let me know, hm?” Frank offers, and you know you'll definitely be taking him up on that. You slip out of bed and he's right there making sure you don't fall over your own wobbly legs on the way to the ensuite to shower.
“You comin' with me, big guy?” you ask him with a raised brow and a soft smile, glad when he returns it and shadows you, turning on the hot spray of the shower and helping you wash.
When you emerge Frank heads into the kitchen to pour you all a drink and you go to find Billy. He's in his office with his headphones on and gives you a smirk when he sees your blissed out expression, taking the headset off and putting it on the desk.
“Looks like you might've had some fun. Frankie, did you treat her right?!” he shouts through to the kitchen, and you can't help the huge grin that splits your face.
“Yeah he most definitely did.” You reply, your fingers playing with a pen on the edge of his desk. “I was thinking that maybe, we could all have some fun together next time..?”
“Oh we're already planning a next time are we?” Billy teases, and you smack him on the arm, shushing him as Frank appears in the doorway to hand you both a glass of bourbon each.
“You can count me in.” Frank responds before taking a sip and Billy grins.
You couldn't wait.
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translatemunson · 4 months
these days I'm restless, work days are endless • ttfd
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chapter three of the tortured firefighters department
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, banter (because i love it), reader is a math and science nerd, chris and eddie are here, mentions of food, hints of mental issues, proofread by my bye-lingual ass (let me know if i forgot anything)
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LA was less of a stranger now. Who knew going to that dinner at Maddie’s would slowly bring you closer to the 118 family.
Late night texts with Maddie to make her company while Chimney worked and Jee was nowhere close to sleep were standard. Night shifts were smooth as butter if compared to day shifts in any state, you found out. LA of course had more hits and runs, overdose emergencies, abuse situations, but you could type their info while waiting for your personal laptop to run the latest dynamical system you were analyzing. 
And now your agenda also included occasional brownie deliveries to the 118 and leftover food pickup you were sure Bobby wasn’t cooking as an accident; a few talks with Athena, Bobby’s wife, about how they could improve response time inside the LAPD with a small system you developed for your old local police; helping Chris over Facetime with his math homework — because Eddie called you one day looking like he just had the worst day of his life, but he couldn’t just understand the process to the results of a simple equation.
It was nice to finally have a life besides PhD and work routine. But that would always be brought up or come in handy for helping.
That’s how you ended up at Eddie’s place on a saturday morning. When he texted you that Chris needed extra help with a math syllabus — that could bring him some extra points that semester —, you jumped on your car and said would gladly help.
“How is it going, kiddo?” Eddie entered the dining room and checked Chris' progress.
“She’s really a genius!”
“And you are the most dedicated student I had.” And you weren’t saying that just to make him feel special. Chris was one of those kids that really put in the effort and dedication to understand things — when they wanted to, of course —, it wasn’t his fault the math problems were too complex for his age. Maybe you could talk to Eddie about it, so he could let the teachers know that maybe taking it easy with the kids was a good idea. They didn’t need to also be traumatized by mathematics. “C’mon, you’re crushing those equations, Chris!”
“Do you need a refill?” Eddie pointed to your empty lemonade cup.
“Yes, please.”
“Can you help me with science?” Chris asked, now that he was almost done with his math exercises.
“Not my forte, but I’ll try.”
In another universe, you would’ve stopped your studies once you had the basic requirements for being a teacher — maybe middle or secondary school. You’d always loved classrooms, and it was the safest option if your Masters ended up on a dead end. You were glad to be where you were, but your mind sometimes wondered the ‘what if’s of being a school teacher.
Chris brought his science homework, luckily just some questions about animals that, because of all of your free hours in museums and science classes you took for extra credits during college, were easy to deal with. Once you talked about seeing the dinosaur bones in real life, he was mesmerized, avoiding blinking at all costs just so he couldn’t miss a single detail.
“Dad! She saw the dinosaur!” He almost screamed when you pulled out your phone to show him some pictures.
The doorbell hung as soon as Eddie entered the dining room. “Be right back, buddy! Don’t give him any more ideas, Brains!”
“Won’t promise anything.” I took you one heartbeat to cover your mouth and whisper, “I will check if there is any dinosaur in town and take you there for a visit. What do you think?”
“That’s awesome,” he whispered back.
“But for now this is a secret, ok?”
“Ok. Pinky swear?”
“Of course, kiddo.” 
Chris got up to pick his books about dinosaurs. Your mind started to list all the museums in LA and how many of them had really good replicas of them — or the real ones, if possible. Maybe you could get the tickets for Chris and Eddie and tag along as their tour guide. Or maybe you could check with Eddie if he needed a babysitter someday in the following weeks, so you could help and also fulfill your promise at the same time.
“Buck!” Chris screamed.
You turned around just in time to see Buck taking him off the floor with a bear type huge and messing with his hair. “My guy! What are you up to today?”
“I’m studying dinosaurs.” He showed the books in his hands.
“On a Saturday morning? Where’s the fun? How about video games?”
“Are you done with your science homework?” Eddie asked, closing the door.
“Yes! Brains helped me!”
As your nickname has been brought up to the conversation, Buck finally noticed you. You heard Maddie saying, countless times, that Buck had a soft spot for kids. But had a huge spot for Chris, with all his heart. After the tsunami — you’ve only heard about it, still not in California to experience the disaster first hand —, their bond only grew even stronger.
“Oh did she?” He smirked.
“Yes. She even promised me she will take me to see the dinosaurs.”
“Chris! I thought you would honor our pinky swear!” you shouted playfully.
“Ouch! Someone call 9-1-1, I’ve been betrayed.” Buck faked having a knife to his chest, and pulling it out.
You pretended to have your earpiece on and changed your voice until it sounded like you were in your job, saying “Sir, calling 9-1-1 without being in real danger is considered a felony, and the authorities will investigate you. Hope you look good in orange pajamas.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and Chris laughed. Buck was definitely not impressed, and he took Chris with him to play some video games. You busied yourself with organizing Chris’ books over the table and checking his equations one last time. You took your lemonade glass to the kitchen, intending to wash it before going home for some deep cleaning.
“Just leave it there, I’ll take care of it,” Eddie entered the room and opened the cookie jar. “Are you serious about taking him to the museum?”
“I was gonna talk to you about it later. Maybe? Only if you’re ok with it, of course. I can take him on my day off, get him some pancakes from my favorite restaurant, bring him back by the end of the day, safe and sound. Or you could tag along, I can pretend I’m a VIP tour guide, I might be able to pull some strings at the Caltech museum, they don’t have real dinosaurs, but their exhibition on life on Earth is really good. It’s not much, but they have a few things about dinosaurs.”
“Does next Saturday work for you? I might need to take an extra 12-hour shift.”
“Sure! The Natural History Museum will do the job just fine. I’ll pick him up and don’t worry, we can stay at mine until your shift ends. Anything works for me, really.”
“Great.” He noticed how you held your bag and checked the door from time to time. “In a hurry?”
“I think my job here is done,” you pointed to the two kids playing and screaming over some stupid video game. 
Lately, you’ve been avoiding Buck like the plague. He was just so annoying towards you every time you met and it was getting on your nerves. Your small encounters when you were at the firestation to drop off some baked goods, or when you went to visit Maddie and he was just leaving the place, were messing with your thoughts. 
It was easier to give him the cold shoulder and keep your distance than sitting in a quiet room with your mixed feelings about the younger Buckley.
“Thank you again, Brains.”
“No worries, happy I could help.”
“You sure I can’t convince you to stay a little more and grab some lunch with us?”
“I really don’t wanna disturb the vibes, you know.”
“You know you are practically family, right? Catching lunch with us on slow days, having some beers, teaching math to the kids.”
“Yeah, but I just… Maybe another time, ok? I promise.”
“You have to stop acting like you’re always on the run, Brains. Someday you’re gonna run out of breath.”
“I appreciate the advice, Eddie. Text you soon?”
“He’s gonna freak out when I tell him about your plans.”
You left the house unnoticed. Before hopping on your car and driving to your favorite grocery store, you checked your messages, hoping to clear your agenda for next saturday — pretty sure you had a night shift on friday, but with enough caffeine, you could pull an all-nighter. Not ideal, but it was your plan B.
“Hey! Brains!”
“Tired of getting your ass kicked by a younger boy?” You were still too busy with your phone to raise your eyes to Buck.
“Why are you almost running to get out of here? Schedule’s too packed?”
“None of your business.” You opened the door of your car and threw your bag inside.
“Oh so you are still mad at me for eating the cupcakes!” Oh yeah, the cupcake incident. That was one of the reasons why you weren’t staying more than one minute alone with Evan Buckley.
“What did you expect me to do? I bought them for me and Maddie, and you thought it was ok to eat them all. Alone!” You faced him, your chin up high. “You have no fucking clue how long I waited in line before the store opened that day, I had a really messed up shift and I needed those!”
“I told you I’d get more cupcakes!”
“No! I wanted my favorites! Your sister wanted those specific ones, she kept mentioning them for days! And you ruined it!” You held the door open, hoping you could leave the place quickly.
“I’ve told you I’m sorry, ok? What else do you want me to do, hm?”
“How about getting out of my hair? Leave me alone, Buckley. I mean it. I was starting to grow fond of the 118, but you are making it impossible to enjoy some time with any of them!”
“I was there first!” Buck was much stronger than you, and he successfully closed the door. He wanted another fight.
“Great. Text me your schedule so I can avoid being in the same room with you.” You tried to push his arm out of the door.
“Now you’re just being dramatic! C’mon, Brains, it was just some stupid cupcakes, I got Maddie some of her favorite cake after you stormed out of the apartment. I texted you I was sorry a dozen times.”
“Maybe you should start asking before eating something that isn’t yours.”
“I don’t know what happened to you lately, but it’s unbelievable you’re holding the grudge for so long. Brains, really, I’m sorry I ruined your plans with my sister. Can we act as adults now?”
“Who are you to tell me ‘Let’s be adults’ now? You ruined the only free time I had with Maddie that week. And you know what? I had a shitty shift with some really bad calls that day, but, unlike you, I don’t go on messing with things that don’t belong to me.”
Your real name slipped from his lips and you knew it was time to leave. You took the chance to open the door and throw yourself into the seat.
“I’m tired, Evan. I really am. Give me some space, I’m still recovering from that shift. You could’ve bought us all the cupcakes in the world that day, and I’d still be mad at you.” You started the car. “I need to go home.”
“I’m gonna find out why you’re still mad at me after one million sorry’s!”
“I wouldn’t waste any more breath. But you know what, good luck.”
As much as you hated it, Eddie was right. You were running away. And you just didn’t want to admit who was from.
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author's note: and she’s back for chapter three!!!! you all were a little shy on chapter 2, but ok, i’ll forgive you. there is a small blurb coming up this weekend, so stay tuned. also, you can request blurbs from the tortured firefighters department or just talk about it via my asks!!! also i’m almost done with 9-1-1 lone star and i may or may not be working on a crossover in the near future hihihi kay love you see y’all next week byeeeeeee (actually this sunday ok byeeeee)
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lamogene · 1 year
Bubble pop electric
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Context warning. Cucking , p n v, oral,
Pregnancy , unprotected sex, cheating
and a slight breeding kink
Chad wants to make sure his new best friend Ethan isn't still a virgin at age at so he asked his girlfriend his huge favor...but it didn't go as planned.
"Man don't worry I'm sure you'll find someone to lose your virginity to soon you're a total stud." Chad said nudging Ethan's shoulder.
"I don't know man , I feel like I'm hopeless. You're so lucky you have someone as gorgeous like y/n" Ethan mumbled out.
Ethan had a thing for you since you guys were in highschool, he would jerk himself off thinking about you and still did occasionally. He tried not to though since he felt guilty for thinking about his friends girlfriend in such a way but whenever he saw you in your short skirts and short dresses he couldn't help but think about him pleasing you. Pushing your panties to the side and licking sucking on your clit while you moan his name out in pleasure.
He low-key had a bit of resentment and anger towards Chad for being in a relationship with you. He would literally see red whenever he would kiss you , hold your hand and the thing that made him wanna murder Chad was when he would grab your ass. It would make him sick to his stomach thinking about how Chad was the one making love to you, the nights that Chad would kick him out but the thing that really angered him were the nights when you'd sleep over and Chad would have his way with you when Chad thought Ethan was sleeping. He would jerk himself off listening to your moans and imaging him having his way with you. 
"You aren't hopeless man we'll figure something out , you won't turn 19 a virgin I promise." Chad said and then gave his buddy a fist bump and said that he'd see him later.
While Chad was walking to your dorm he had an idea , a really dumb one but an idea nonetheless. What if he let Ethan have sex with you. Ya it isn't ideal and no man wants to see girlfriend be fucked by another man but it was Ethan , it wasn't like he was gonna be some sex god. He was probably gonna last maybe 30 seconds and then cum all over your tummy and then he gets to say he's not a virgin anymore. 
You heard a knock on your door and excitedly ran to open up it to see your hunk of a boyfriend Chad. 
"Hey baby!!" You said smiling at him.
"Hey honey bunny" he said leaning in for a kiss.
You leaned into the kiss and continued smiling out of pure happiness. He smiled at you too but also looked like he had something on his mind. 
"What are you thinking about love" you asked him still smiling.
He hesitated to say anything but then decided to ask. "So what are your opinions on Ethan Landry do you think he's attractive?"
"I mean he's good looking but he's not you" You said with a smirk. "Why are you asking?"
"I was just wondering because I had this idea and it's crazy but hear me out. You know how Ethan's a virgin right?" He looked at you and noded.
"Ya…." You said, raising your eyebrow.
"What if you helped him with that problem…..it would only probably last 30 seconds anyways." He awkwardly chuckled when asking.
You thought about it for a second. The thing is you'd have sex with Ethan if you and Chad weren't together. You always had a bit of a thing for Ethan's nerdy charm but he never made a move when it came to you so you assumed he wasn't really into so you stopped thinking about him past being friends.
You sighed "Fine but only if you're in the room with me and hold me while he has sex with me."
Chad sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Ethan's so lucky he's my best friend…fine I'll do that for you but is it okay if I close my eyes?"
You chuckled. "Sure love" you pecked him on the lips 
Later that night Chad came home after having some adult fun time with you before Ethan potentially does. He saw Ethan at his desk stressing out over his math homework. 
"Hey buddy I have a little surprise for you...I've found a way to cure your virgin problem" Chad said in a jokingly seductive voice. 
Ethan snapped his head back at Chad, becoming immediately interested in the conversation. "So-so who is she?"
"I can't say , it's a surprise. Just come here tomorrow at 8pm and she'll be here waiting for you." Chad said with a smirk.
"Alright…" Ethan mumbled.
The night passes and it's tomorrow evening.  Ethan sat in his econ class wondering who the hell Chad set him up with. A bit of him was hoping It was you but he knew it wasn't since Chad would probably rather die than let another man shake your hand let alone stick his dick in you. After econ Ethan started walking back to his dorm room stressed , he texted Chad letting him know he was on the way home since Chad had asked him to knock on the door before coming inside. 
Ethan knocked on the door anxious about what was gonna be behind that door when all the sudden you open the door wearing one of Ethan's flannel which was unbuttoned and had your vagina and breast exposed. 
"Hey Ethan how are you doing today , I heard you had a really big test today? You asked while grabbing his hand and leading him to his twin sized mattress that Chad was sitting at the top of. 
"Ya-ya very stressful test" he said, stumbling over his own words while his pants became tight. 
"I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart, but I'm here now if you wanna have some fun with me" you said in a seductive tone.
You then made your way to the bed and  laid half of your upper body on Chad starting to feel a little nervous but also a little excited you started to wonder what his cock looked like. Surely it's not bigger than Chads. You're also just hoping it isn't since Chad's size is already too much for you to handle most of the time.
"Do you wanna touch me Ethan , you can touch me anywhere you'd like." You said In a sweet and comforting tone.
"Could I uh play with your breast please y/n" he asked with his face red.
"Sure , let me help you out Ethan" you said while putting his big hands on your breast. 
His face turned red as he started to massage them causing you to let out small moans  from how cold his hands were. He then took one of your nipples started to suck on it while playing with the other one. You continued to let out soft moans. Despite his virgin status his hands were magical. You felt yourself becoming wet just from him playing with your nipples. 
"Oh Ethan that feels so good" you moaned, face turning red forgetting your boyfriend behind you was right there watching.
He smirked when hearing that approval and looked up at Chad seeing him rub his head in a stressed out manor. He then started leaving a trail of kisses from your breast to your vagina. Ethan started feeling his cheeks turn red while looking at the beauty that was your vagina. He couldn't believe that his dick was gonna be in it tonight hoping it brings you pleasure so he could hear your beautiful moans. Also the thought of getting Chad's girl off made him his brain go feral.
He trailed his finger on your heat slowly pushing his long skinny ring finger into you. Chad looked down at you seeing you bite your lip making his stomach turn. He started to feel himself get angry. Ethan continued pushing his single finger in and out of you curling his finger up hitting your g-spot causing you to let out a loud whiny moan. You started to hold Chad's hand for comfort. You could see Chad was getting uncomfortable which made you feel bad , especially since you didn't want Ethan to stop. He then slipped in another finger which caused you to let another moan while he continued to push his fingers in and out of you picking up the pace making you squeeze Chad's hand tighter. Chad felt like he was gonna vomit seeing you feel such pleasure from a man he thought would make you laugh from how bad he would be at pleasing you. He then brought his tongue to your vagina swirling his tongue around your clit. Picking up the pace with his fingers making you almost moan out his name et-mmmmm." Ethan felt his pants getting tighter than he thought was possible. 
He took his tongue off your clit and pulled his finger out. "Mmm fuck.". He then got up and started taking his belt off and pulled his pants off. He was nervous but took a deep breath and pulled his boxers down. Causing your eyes to widen. His cock was so thick and long. He was at least an inch longer than Chad your eyes widen.
You looked at Chad looking mad as hell. He then leaned down to your ear and whispered "is it okay if I go out for a bit I don't think I can watch this." he said  in an upset tone. "Sure baby , do you wanna maybe go out after this" you asked him.
"Sure." He quickly got up kissing your head which caused Ethan to roll his eyes. y/n was supposed to be his tonight but it was okay since he was about to be up in Chad's beautiful girlfriend and the women he's been in love with since he was in high school. He then tapped Ethan's shoulder and then left the room.
"Are you okay y/n your eyes look pretty wide. We don't have to do this if you aren't comfortable." He said in a concerned tone getting closer to you and caressing your face. Which caused you to melt and look at him with soft eyes like you were in love with him. "No I want to do this with you Ethan….promise you won't tell Chad I said that…he'd never be able to look at me the same way again if he heard me say that…".
"Of course y/n , I'd never tell him that."
He laid a kiss on your check until you pushed his face onto your soft lips. His face turned red but he gave into the kiss , he felt like he was dreaming.
You then pulled him off. 
"My eyes were just wide because…. you're a bit bigger than Chad, so be gentle with me please Ethan."
He smirked hearing that but then quickly stopped. "Of course y/n whatever you want I'll follow. "Do you have any lube y/n?"
"Sadly no Chad kind of usually just spits on it and puts it in." "God you deserve better than that." He said planting a kiss on your neck." You felt his dick go in between the middle of your folds making him leak pre-cum.
"Are you ready y/n or do you need more prep.". 
"Ya I'm ready." you said kissing him again.
"Alright love.". 
He spat on his cock and started rubbing his spit all over his cock. He started to slowly push his thick tip inside you. "Mmm Ethan fuck just that for now.". You whined out. 
"Okay baby." He said pushing your hair behind your ears.
"Okay , you can thrust in just a little bit.".
He started to slowly thrust into you only pushing his 8 inches into you half way. 
"Oh my God you're so big…kiss me please to distract me from the pain.".  You said while stroking the remaining inches of cock that he didn't put into you yet. He let out a moan and then bent over and started making out with you accidentally pushing himself in you more. You let out a moan. 
"Mmmm Ethan." You groaned out. "You're so fucking big Jesus fucking christ. i think I'm ready to take all of it…". 
He nodded in response and lifted himself up off of you and started slowly thrust in and out while he watches you let out such sexy noises. "God you're so fucking tight , I'm so lucky to have sex with you , I've loved you since highschool y/n.". He moaned out. "Ethan….I wish you told me that , I always liked you…..I used to masturbate to the thought of you having sex with me." You said while you started to play with your nipples.
He started to blush while picking up the pace while put his hands on your waist. 
"Ethan……". You said while moaning out.
"Yes love.". He groaned out. 
"Tell me you love me still….". You said holding his hand that was on your waist.
"Y/n…. I'll always love you….". He said pulling your hand up to kiss it. 
He then lowered him onto you and continued to thrust himself in and out of you while making out with you as you started caressing his cheek.  You've never felt so loved. Chad was a great boyfriend but he never made you feel this special during sex. "Oh Ethan….I love you too…". 
You felt him twitching inside of you. 
He then started to pick the pace up fucking you faster and harder. Making you let out loud moans , you repeatedly kept moaning  out his name loudly. You didn't care if anyone heard you. You loved Chad but started to not care if anyone knew you were fucking someone who wasn't Chad. You don't know what it was but the infidelity of the situation made you wetter. You started to clench onto him tighter feeling your sex starting to on and off tighten on him. 
"Fuck I'm so close Ethan…". You looked at him with lustful eyes. He continued picking up the pace even tho he knew he was so close to cumming but he was nervous about him cumming to soon. You moaned out more and louder feeling him hitting your g-spot. 
"Oh my God , I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum Ethan!!!!" You scream out releasing all over him. He continued thrusting in and out of you while looking into your eyes.  He then felt himself release inside you pushing himself deep inside you letting out a loud groan.
You let out a soft moaning feeling the pleasure of himself emptying his warm cum inside you until you feel your eyes widen. "Ethan…I'm not on the pill…". You said with your face turning red.
"I-i I'm so sorry y/n.". He said quickly pulling himself out of you". 
"I had no idea Chad told me you were on the pill awhile ago…so I thought..". 
He said this feeling bad because he knew was lying to you. He wanted to cum in you hoping to get you pregnant and trap you. He felt a little guilty but he knew if it worked it would be worth it if you decided to keep it which he knew you might decide to keep it since he heard you talking about how much you wanted to be a mother someday. 
You looked at the time "Oh shit.". 
You kissed Ethan and quickly got up throwing you underwear and threw a dress on that you wore while walking to the dorm. And then planted a kiss on Ethan's lips. "I…would love to do this again if you can keep a secret…". You said smirking at him. 
"If would be an honor to make love to you again.".
It's been a month since you made love to Ethan and you guys continued to hook up at least 3 days a week you continued to let him cum inside you. The thrill of him finishing inside you while you were with Chad made the sex so enjoyable and exciting.
You were also extremely delusional and thought it was impossible for you to actually get pregnant since you were told a few years ago that you were 70 percent infertile so you threw away the idea of wanting kids but you fantasized about it. You would fantasize about it every time you had sex with you Chad or Ethan.
It was weeks later and you started to feel sick and started vomiting everyday. You were nervous and ended up calling Mindy crying. "Mindy I think I'm pregnant…can you come over while I take the test and please don't tell Chad…". 
"Of course y/n I'll be there soon.". Mindy said in a rushed tone. 
Mindy came over within 30 minutes with a pregnancy test. She hugged you while you continued to cry. You felt scared because you knew it was definitely Ethan's and you couldn't lie to Chad about it.
You took the pregnancy test anxiously waiting for the results while in the bathroom with Mindy while she hugged you. The alarm on your phone started going off you. You took a deep breath and looked at the test. When you read the test you started crying. It was positive. You were screwed. How were you gonna tell Chad that it wasn't his and tell Ethan that you're pregnant. Mindy hugged you. "It's okay y/n Chad will support any decision you make." She said running her hands through your hair. 
"I'll figure out a time to tell him…." You said in a scared tone with your eyes wide.
You knew your life was about to change depending on whatever decision you made.
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Drink Me Away
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dividers by @anitalenia
Series: Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)
Pairing: Haymitch Abernathy x F!Reader
Warnings: Age gap, porn with so much plot, smut, vaginal sex, daddy kink, slightly weird dynamic, traumabonding(?), underage drinking/alcoholism in general
Summary: You were never more than just drinking buddies with Haymitch, until you came to him for consolation when your parents disowned you. He never planned to make a move, but you couldn't handle it. He was your favorite person- but that could never progress, right?
A/N: Absolutely no writing of the actual Games- just there for plot reasons. I've loved Haymitch for so long and theres absolutely no xreader fics with him, so I wrote my own.
Please let me know if i missed any warnings! happy readings ☆
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You came from a well-off family, one that had never had to put their children in danger with tesserae, one that got the freshest bread, one that had no idea about their eldest daughter's after-school activities; heading to the hob as often as possible, paying anyone she could for a bottle of spirits. You began when you were 16.
Your only true drinking competition was Haymitch Abernathy- he had known your family for years, but as close as he was with your father, he had never known you. You never cared to approach him when he entered your house or when your parents spotted him in the square.
When you became a regular Hob attendee, you saw much more of him. Drinking competitions became a regular occurrence between the two of you when you were 17, praises of your tolerance always boosting your ego at 18. This lasted until you were 19.
Your father had a rough day at work. He had visited the Hob for the first time in year, accompanied by Haymitch. He had come to try and spot you before your father could and tell you to book it. It didn't work out that way.
Haymitch spotted you two seconds too late, after hearing the deafening screech of your father yelling your name across the Hob. You froze in place, glass in hand and arm on a man who's name you couldn't remember. The sounds around you died around somewhat, all eyes on the father-daughter exchange.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He hissed, approaching rapidly.
"I'm 19, dad, I'm allowed to have fun," you huffed.
"Since when is 'fun' illegal drinking in the black market?"
"A while now, actually."
"You're grounded."
"I'm 19."
"Then get your shit," he snatched the drink from your hand, throwing it back like water. "And get the fuck out of the house." He slammed the glass against the table, turning tail and leaving.
You sat, stunned at the confrontation. You slipped off your barstool and followed your father's path in a haze. You jumped when a hand clamped around your wrist, eyes flickering to Haymitch standing there, concern splashed through his features.
"What happened, sweetheart?" He questioned genuinely.
"Nothing, Haymitch, don't worry about it," you sighed, trying to pull away and not drag him into family business.
"I said 'what happened', kid. Not 'do you want to tell me'," he demanded.
"I- nothing," you stopped yourself. It was none of his business!
"I want to help you, let me, please." Well you never thought you'd hear him say please.
"My dad kicked me out- happy?" You fumed, a sudden rage building in your belly as you yanked your wrist away from him with all your might and began stomping off.
"You can stay with me," he called after you. "The couch is comfy." You turned on your heel back to him.
"You're kidding," you blanched. "Seriously? You'd let me stay with you? Why?" The questions spilled out, confusion and appreciation mingling.
"Because I care about your wellbeing, kid," he chuckled. "And if you're living with me you ain't gotta head all the way to the Hob for a drink or two."
And so began the complicated relationship between the two of you. Two unemployed day drinkers with no hobbies, no friends, and no family. You found out that your mother wanted nothing to do with you, and they wouldn't allow your siblings to see you. Haymitch had no family left alive. You were both stuck drinking away your sorrows together.
He didn't make you get a job- just run errands. Get food, get living supplies, relax. He got the liquor. He kept you from drinking too much, usually limiting you to three glasses at a time. A good majority of your time was spent cuddling. It wasn't weird. It was just.. comforting. For the both of you. Nothing weird.
The night you had moved in with him was the first time. You were vulnerable, and ended up sobbing on the floor with a bottle in your hand. He slipped it out gently, setting it on the ground next to you. He leaned down and picked you up off the ground with ease, your legs wrapping around his waist and your arms around his neck. He laid down on the couch with you in that position, letting you blubber and yap until you fell asleep.
When you awoke, you were squished between the back cushions and his body comfortably. His arms laced around your waist, holding you to his chest, his face in the crook of your neck. You dozed back off and when you awoke he was sitting at his armchair, unphased and watching the news.
it had been 6 months since that night. You drank with him almost every day, had two friends which were men you had drank with at the hob, and had hobbies and a black cat that roamed freely through Haymitch's house. Things were.. good.
And you were falling for your housemate.
He was nothing more than someone who you cared for. You were legal, yes, but he was so much older than you. He was a respectable man- sure, drinking the days away with a friend's disowned daughter wasn't exactly mature behavior, but at least he held you close every time you cried. But that was purely platonic affection, him caring for your well-being and holding you through the night being the only way he knew to comfort you.
That night, you drank your feelings away with him. He was getting louder and you were getting quieter, watching him carefully. Trying not to expose the vile thoughts running your mind into the dirt as he blabbed about his favorite liquor.
The heat in your tummy only got worse as you drank more, giving him professional fuck-me eyes by your 4th. If he noticed, he didn't say anything. But by the way his eyes never left yours, even when you looked away, you were sure he had.
"H-Haymitch," you hiccuped, certain you were bordering alcohol poisoning. You never drank this much- either you had enough or he stopped you. Not tonight. "I'm not, I'm really, uh," you couldn't get your thoughts straight. "Take me to our room, please." You managed to get out.
"Our room?" He questioned, brighter than you'd ever seen him. "Last I checked, we've never slept in it at the same time. If anything, the living room is our room." He sauntered over to you slowly, placing his bottle on the table in front of you. You reached for it and got your hand smacked. You were already feeling a little green.
"Just take me," you groaned, choking back a gag. "I'm sleepy." You whined at him.
"Sure you don't need to vomit, sweetheart? Do it before I tuck you in, if you would be ever-so-kind," you shook your head no, but then stood swiftly and shook your head yes. He guided you to the sink as you emptied the contents of your stomach in it. He held your hair. You tilted your head back up and turned the water on, washing the liquid away.
"Atta girl, let's get you some water, why don't we," you groaned and nodded, washing your hands and turning back to him as he handed you a bottled water. You chugged it, feeling a tad more sober, and you began to walk to the bathroom. Haymitch sat back down and swirled his finger around the lip of his cheap whiskey bottle.
You brushed your teeth and tongue thoroughly. You wouldn't have cared, you didn't. But something in the way Haymitch's fingers continued to linger on your skin made you start to. You exited the bathroom, swishing a bit of mouthwash through your teeth before walking to the kitchen sink and spitting it out there.
"Take me to bed." You requested, standing in front of haymitch in your big tee-shirt and shorts.
"Awfully bold now, aren't you sweetheart?" He rasped, standing almost as soon as you had asked. He walked towards you, leaning down and scooping you up bridal style. You were not expecting this- a belly laugh escaping from you as he began to walk you up the stairs.
You were drenched. Absolutely soaked through your panties. You just prayed he wouldn't notice anything off about your demeanor- maybe he would just chalk it down to the abundance of alcohol in your system?
"Haymitch! Do you have to be so rough?" You gasped as he nearly threw you and himself onto the bed. As you recollected yourself, he stood. "Leaving so soon?" You whined playfully.
"Not if you don't want me to, doll," he chuckled. His raspy voice sent a chill down your spine.
"Well, I mean," you sputtered. "I would- I don't, no. I don't." You finally got your words out, pursing your lips and peering up at him through your lashes as he laughed at you.
"God, you're a mess, aren't you sweetheart?" He mocked, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to you. "I would almost think it's more than just the alcohol at this point, wouldn't you?" You inhaled sharply through your nose at the insinuation.
"What? No, I'm just really drunk, that's all-" he pressed his thumb to your lips.
"Quiet," he whispered, leaning closer to you. "Lying won't get you anywhere in life, sweetheart." God, he was so close. You could smell him, more than usual. Pine and whiskey, mingling into the sexiest thing you had ever had the pleasure to smell.
You whimpered out loud when he pulled away. He smirked at you. Your eyes went wide as he began stripping. "Wh- why, what-" You tripped over your words, nearly beginning to crawl towards him. He was clearly relishing in your newfound behavior.
"Calm yourself, doll," he chuckled, flopping down next to you on his bed. "I'm just getting comfortable- you wanted to sleep after all. Right?" He was asking for your honesty.
This was the make-it-or-break-it of the night- he was giving you the chance to tell him what you were feeling. "I, uhm," you began with so much confidence and hope. But then, your critical thinking kicked in. He didn't actually want you to respond like that! He was warning you not to act on your obvious desires.
"Yes, just want to sleep," you muttered, beginning to pull your shirt from your body. You stood before you could finish. "I'll go to the bathroom, sorry." You apologized, melancholy. He grabbed your wrist.
"You're fine, sweetheart," he was serious. Your heartbeat increased and you suspected he was feeling at your pulse with the way he was squeezing. "Lying won't get you anywhere." He intentionally repeated his words from earlier. A shiver ran down your spine and settled in your bones. You were on edge and dripping wet. You whimpered.
"Haymitch, please," you whispered. "Don't make me say it." You pouted at him with glazed eyes and he pulled you back onto the bed in front of him. You were looking at him with need in your eyes, and he nearly matched your expression.
"Well, if you're so tired, you'd better get ready for bed, right, sweetheart?" He rasped, and you felt disappointment settle in your gut.
"Oh, uhm, yeah, I guess," you spoke quietly, scooting yourself to be more comfortable as you reached under your shirt to unclasp your bra. You were looking away from him, trying to avoid facing the cause of the weight on your chest.
A featherlight touch on your abdomen drug your attention away from your failed attempt, arms falling to your sides as he replaced your hands, unhooking the garment with ease. The straps fell from your shoulders as he reached to the bottom of your shirt. You raised your arms and let him lift it, leaving you in nothing but shorts and your loose and unsecured bra.
You looked at him in curiosity. He noticed and smirked. "You have to be comfortable to sleep, don't you, sweetheart?" His gentle grip turned demanding and you gasped as he snatched the only thing covering your breasts. Your arms flew to cover yourself and he slowly reached to restrain your wrists, shifting his weight so he was holding himself over you, pinning your wrists into the mattress.
"H-Haymitch," you whispered, barely audible.
"Yes, love?" He matched your volume, leaning so close that you could taste the whiskey on his breath.
"Kiss me," you asked. "Please." He looked from your eyes to your lips, silent for a moment.
"There's no going back if we do this," he warned, staring into your eyes for any tell of your thoughts. All he could see was desire. The same burning desire that fuelled the hard-on in his briefs. "I won't pretend anymore, especially not if you let me do what I want right n-"
"Shut up and kiss me, Haymitch," you groaned, bucking your hips up and rubbing yourself against his clothed erection. "Before I change my mind." You giggled.
He pressed his lips to yours fervently, touching you in a way that all the hours you had spent together could have never prepared you for. His hands flew from your wrists and his weight shifted to his knees, pressing your heat to his cock as he practically dry-humped you through your makeout. He was rubbing his thumb into your hip, squeezing it so tightly but you relished in it. His other free arm was pressed into the pillow next to your head, keeping him from crushing you under his weight.
"Good God," he groaned out needily, pulling away from your lips to begin kissing and sucking on your throat. He threaded his fingers through your hair, tilting your head for more access to your quickly purpling neck. "Sweeter than candy, you know that?" He grumbled against your skin. Your hands were settled in his hair and on his broad shoulders, taking in every sensation.
"There's something I would like to taste," you smirked slyly, pushing at his shoulders gently, sitting up with him.
"Oh, really? And what might that be, darling?" He reached up and held your hands as they sat on his shoulders. You reached down to his briefs and pulled them until his cock sprung from the waistband. You gasped at the size of it, watching it slap against his stomach with a soft sound.
"Y-You're so," you stammered. "I'm not sure I can take all of that, Haymitch.." He chuckled, replacing his hand in your hair as he pushed you towards his cock, pulling you with him as he readjusted against the headboard.
"You'll learn." Was all he said as he pulled you until your lips were wrapping around his broad head.
"You're so," you spoke around his tip. "So girthy, Haymitch.." He laughed at your muffled words, spoken with his cock bumped against your cheek. You began to swirl your tongue around his tip and he sighed, letting his laughter die down. He shifted his hand and shoved his dick straight into the back of your throat. You gagged and sputtered, pulling off and coughing with your cheek against his rigid member.
"It ain't Haymitch to you anymore, sweetheart," he growled. Your eyes widened, not sure what his next words would be. "It's daddy. Got that, doll?" You gasped- how vulgar, why would he ever think you would call him something so, so-
"Yes, daddy," your own words caught you off guard. You picked your head up and proceeded to gag on his cock until you felt as though you could throw up. A few times, you were enveloped in pure bliss. Those were the moments when he groaned and shoved your head down so far that your nose buried in the thick hair at the base of his cock. You felt so used and proud of yourself.
"Atta girl," he praised, lifting your head off his cock and smirking at you. You were panting, saliva and precum coating your chin. "So gorgeous like this, should get you drunk like this more often." He kissed you gently, contrasting the roughness of which he just fucked your throat.
"Please," You begged quietly. "Please fuck me." Haymitch chuckled at you.
"Say my name, darling," he growled. You began to say Haymitch, but he interrupted you. "Not that name, doll." He corrected, grabbing you and pulling you on top of himself until you were straddling him. You were slightly caught off guard, grinding down on him and moaning. You were still clad in your shorts and panties.
"Please, daddy," you whimpered. He chuckled, gripping your hips and pressing you harder against him. "Please fuck me, daddy!" You cried out, throwing yourself forward into a kiss. He flipped you over, pressing your back into the mattress. He sat up and yanked your shorts down before ripping both sides of your underwear. You yelped in surprise and scolded him.
"Consider it a souvenir, sweetheart," he chuckled at you. "A souvenir from the first time you're getting fucked by me." You gasped, feeling him begin to align his thick head with your entrance. He pushed in slowly, and you cried out.
"Daddy! Be gentle, plea-" You were cut off by a silent moan getting caught in your throat as he bottomed out. "Mmhm, please wait a- a momen- mm." You could barely speak, he wasn't thrusting but he was circling his hips ever so slightly, giving you friction in parts of your pussy you didn't even know you had.
"Oh, I'll be gentle for now, sweetheart," he groaned, beginning to thrust gently. "But I can't promise that'll last." He kept a slow and rhythmic pace, bottoming out with every lingering thrust. You let out a sharp breath every time.
He picked up his pace, your breath hitching with every thrust. You did your best to hide any moans, but could barely contain yourself. He began suckling on your neck and unintentionally digging his fingers into your hips.
Then, he pulled out. You whined at the unwanted emptiness, but then he grabbed your hips and flipped you onto your stomach. He began pounding into you, faster and harder and deeper than before. You became a slurred, moaning mess. He didn't stop, ignoring all of your moans and pleas of pure pleasure.
He had already begun to bruise your hips, squeezing and pushing and pulling to fuck you oh-so-nicely, penetrating you over and over.
He started getting rough, leaning over you and removing his hands from your hips. He started fucking you with the force of his whole body weight, leaving you moaning like a whore underneath him.
"I'm close, sweetheart," he growled. "You?" Not taking a break to let you answer, if anything going faster.
"Ah, uh, mm-mhm!" You cried. "K-keep, nn, going! Please daddy!" and with that, he lost all tempo and fucked you ruthlessly. He picked you up, put you on your back, pressed your knees into your chest, and slid back in one smooth motion.
This new angle was so deep, hitting your G-spot with every thrust. You cried out, reaching to Haymitch and gripping your hands in his hair.
"Daddy! Please, please, please, PLEASE," you screamed, begging for release with all your might. He reached down, playing with your clit for a moment, and you burst.
You felt the heat in your tummy rush to all your pleasure points, overwhelming you. Haymitch didn't slow down, but when you began to squeeze his cock like a vice, he pulled you close and started with short, deep thrusts.
You fell asleep immediately.
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When you awoke, you were alone in the bed. You looked around groggily, no sign of your newfound lover. You slipped your feet to the side of the bed, attempting to stand. Your knees gave out, but you caught yourself on the bed.
You noticed that there was no trace of your earlier activities- a clean bed that you had just been tucked nicely into, your legs had no residue of either yours or his juices. Your hair was neatly combed.
You heard the sound of water shutting off, and figured Haymitch had been showering. A few minutes later, he exited with damp hair and a towel around his waist. You were intrigued.
"Good mornin', darlin'," he chuckled at the way you were looking at him. "Looking so eager for another round, huh?" He teased. You settled back into bed.
"Soon," you told him. " But for now, come lay with me." You smiled, scooting further into the bed to give him space. He dropped his towel and walked towards you. You dampened at the sight of his semi-hard cock.
He slipped into bed next to you, flipping you over so your back was to his chest. His cock rested between your legs, the head bumping your clit.
"Go back to sleep, sweetheart," he whispered, moving his hips and making his cock bump your sensitive nub. "That's what you wanted, right dear?"
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A/N: hope you enjoyed! please leave asks/requests! BEGGING YOU!!!
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idyllic-ghost · 1 year
beeeeeee!!! congrats on 2k!!! 🥳🥳 you deserve all of the support and love that you have and so much more!! ❤️❤️
may i request a fluffy smut fake dating au blurb with mingi and prompts 5 & 12 please? 😊🫶🏽
a/n: thank you for this request cherry !!! it was so much fun to write <3
title: wedding buddies
prompts: (5) "I want you to kiss me." (12) "I haven't listened to anything you just said."
pairing: mingi x afab!reader
warnings: smut, p in v sex, afab reader
word count: 2k
join in on the celebration!
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Ah, wedding season. That special time of the year, between late spring and early fall, where everyone and their mothers decided to hold their weddings. You had come to that age where you friends and acquaintances were getting engaged and married - and you were just not there yet.
To every wedding you got invited to, you also got a plus one. For the first wedding you just went alone, but the amount of comments you got was enough to make you leave early. Which is why you now had a plan - and his name was Song Mingi.
Mingi was one of your friends, but he was the kind of friend you would usually just hang out alone with. None of your acquaintances, who had invited you to their wedding, knew of him, and your closest friends barely saw anything of him. So, to avoid future questioning, Mingi became your fake boyfriend.
It wasn't difficult to get him to do it, he was promised free food and drinks. What more could he want? Moreover, you got to present a hot boyfriend to all of your friends.
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The deeper you went into your lie, the harder it was to deny your growing feelings for you your fake boyfriend. Mingi was so good at acting as your boyfriend that you almost felt betrayed when he'd go back to your normal ways after the wedding.
Now there you were, the last wedding of the month, and drooling over the man that you couldn't have - and you had no one to complain to about it!
Mingi was getting the two of you drinks by the bar, and while he was gone you found yourself fixing your outfit. The need to look good for your fake partner felt stupid, but that didn't stop you from trying. You watched Mingi walk back to you, a big goofy grin on his lips which didn't match the tight black slacks and white button-up shirt he was wearing - three buttons unbuttoned, and his tie just laying around his shoulders. His broad shoulders... Mingi did a little dance, trying to make you smile and succeeding immediately, before he finally got to the table.
"See, the venue might've been worse than the last one." Mingi picked the conversation you had before he left back up. "But I still think this wedding is better- my proof being: open bar!"
"I can't argue with that," you hummed and accepted your drink.
Mingi kept on talking, but you were busy staring at the way his lips moved. Soft and pouty, so incredibly kissable- no. You weren't allowed to think like that - he was your friend! Your buddy! Your pal! So in an attempt to be rational, you looked back up at his eyes. He hadn't noticed you staring. However, he was looking for some sort of answer that you couldn't give.
"Sorry, I haven't been listening to anything you just said," you admitted.
"Yeah I could see that," he said knowingly, "You've been busy."
"Hm?" Your eyes widened.
"You're too obvious when you've been drinking," he said, "Honestly, it makes the acting a lot easier."
You stared at him, wondering if he had managed to figure everything out. Mingi wasn't dumb, by any means, but you didn't think he could figure you out - you were stealthy... right?
"What do you mean?" you murmured.
The music started booming, and people made their way onto the dance floor. You kept looking at Mingi like a deer in headlights. He knew something, but you didn't have time to question it. Mingi stood up and held his hand out to you, leading you out to the dance floor once you had taken it.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The wedding was far enough away from either of your homes that you had decided to book a hotel room together. It was a late booking, and the only room you had managed to get had a king bed. Before this wedding it had been a source of anxiety for you, but now it was convenient.
Mingi's lips stayed on yours while he fumbled with the keycard to the door. He pulled away from you, swearing under his breath and tried one last time to open the door. Slamming the door open, the two of you let out drunken giggles and laughs while you stumbled towards the bed.
"Maybe we should talk about this." Your ass landed on the soft bed and Mingi kneeled before you.
His hands worked on taking off your shoes for you, throwing them behind him when he was done. He stood back up, towering over you, and held your hands in his.
"Is there anything you want to say?" he asked softly.
You stayed quiet, your mind completely blank. Mingi chuckled and pulled his tie off his shoulders, throwing it behind him as well. Without hesitation, your hands went to the buttons on his shirt and started unclasping each one. As his shirt opened up more, you started kissing the revealed skin - leaving lipstick marks across his chest and torso. Mingi took your face in his big hands and made you look at him.
"Talk to me, sweetheart," he murmured, "What do you want?"
"I want you to kiss me again," you admitted in a plea.
Mingi bent down and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, teasing you before going in again. One of his hands went to your back, while the other one leaned on the bed behind you.
"Tell me you want me and I'll give you everything I have," he mumbled against your lips, "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do this."
"I want you."
It came out as a whisper, but you wanted to scream it. His lips attacked your neck, leaving blooming bruises on his path down your upper body. His lips felt like heaven, and you noticed a heat growing from your core throughout your body. When he got to your chest, where your dress started, he stopped.
"Wanna take this off for me?" he asked gently. "Let me see all of you."
You nodded eagerly and stood up on wobbly legs. Mingi worked on getting his own clothes off, laying down on the bed when he had done so. He watched you struggle with your dress, a big grin playing on his lips.
"Don't laugh!" you said as soon as you heard a snicker. "I can't reach the zipper!"
"Come here, sweetheart." He motioned for you to come over.
You stood in front of him and his hands landed on your hips, gently rubbing the skin over the fabric of your dress. He smiled up at you before turning you around. Reaching up, he grabbed the zipper and slowly dragged it down - teasing you.
"Mingi..." you whined.
"Mm," he hummed as he pressed a kiss to your spine, "I love it when you say my name."
You huffed and walked away from him, finally pulling your dress down. Almost instantly, you missed his hands on your hips. When you turned back to the man on the bed he was laying back with a confident smile on his face, cock straining against his underwear. Already, you could tell he was big. You got on top of him, straddling him. Mingi looked at you expectantly. Besides this rather bold move on your part, you had no other plan on what to do. At least you got to feel his hands on your hips again.
"You're even more beautiful than I could've ever imagined," he admitted.
"So you've been imagining me naked?" You grinned.
"Don't act like you haven't done the same to me," he argued.
You scoffed, but couldn't come up with anything else to say - it was true after all. Nevertheless, you had no time to respond because Mingi started grinding your hips against his, using his grip on your hips to get you to move. Strings of swears left your mouth and you leaned against him. You hadn't realized how sensitive you had gotten from his light teasing, but you were practically throbbing. Mingi found your lips again and kissed you, drowning all of your sounds out.
As you started approaching your high, your noises getting louder and your cunt leaking through your underwear, Mingi stopped moving you. Before you could whine and throw a tantrum, he flipped you over on your back.
"Did you bring a condom with you?" he asked breathlessly.
"In my bag."
Mingi quickly went over to your bag and rummaged through it. When he finally found it, he held it up to show you his victory. You laughed as he approached you once again. Your laugh got caught in your throat when you saw the wet spot you had created on his underwear. A big splotch of lust sitting promptly on top of his erection.
"Are you always this prepared?" he teased.
"I wouldn't call it prepared," you said, "Just hopeful."
"I'll answer your prayers, babe, don't worry," he grinned and got on top of you again.
He went to kiss you, but you put your hand in front of his face.
"No more fooling around, I need you to fuck me," you said desperately.
You ended up on your hands and knees, Mingi's cock ramming into you from behind. Each time he pushed inside, it felt like he was tearing you apart. His cock was even bigger than the ego he was going to get from fucking you stupid. Your moans bounced against the walls, filling the room quickly and most likely spilling out from the thin walls. You didn't give a shit, not when he was making you see stars.
"Mingi," you moaned, "Close..."
It was all you could muster saying. Your chest fell to the bed and he took the opportunity to drill deeper into you. It felt like he was in your ribcage, every thrust sending a shock through your body. Your sopping cunt was making sounds you couldn't imagine yourself making. It was crying out for more and more, the sounds of your wetness filling your ears.
"You can cum, sweetheart, I'm not stopping you." Mingi reached around your body and started playing with your clit, rubbing tight circles.
It pushed you over the edge, your body spasming and your legs almost giving out from under you. You let out a shriek as he kept fucking you, chasing his own high. The continued stimulation made your head spin, and you became a wobbly mess of limbs. You didn't even noticed that Mingi had pulled out of you and thrown away the condom. His sweaty body cuddled up against yours, the sudden skin-to-skin contact bringing you back to reality.
"You okay, baby?" he murmured in your ear.
"I'm alright," you breathed out, "Just need a minute."
"Okay, just lay back. I'll get you cleaned up and something to eat."
You felt him leave, and you turned around to put your head on one of the pillows. When he came back it was with a wet towel and snacks he had gotten from the mini fridge. He sat down beside you and helped you clean up.
"Do you have water?" you asked hoarsely.
Mingi reached over to the bedside table, where he had put all of his things, and opened a water bottle for you. You thanked him and sat up to drink.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The two of you were under the covers watching a film on the TV in front of the bed. You had calmed down from your high, and he had helped you get into bed properly. After talking for a bit, both agreeing that "just friends" maybe shouldn't be your title anymore, you decided to watch something until one of you fell asleep.
"You know what's so good about this?" you asked quietly and he hummed, "Now you don't have to pretend to like me at weddings anymore."
"I was never pretending."
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ghostlychief · 2 years
First and foremost your writing is amazing ❤️❤️ second (if you’re still taking requests) could you please write something like Ghost first sees / meets Y/N at a bar while they’re riding a mechanical bull and he starts getting some ideas 👀 thank you for all your hard work 😘
Hello sweet anon! First of all, thank you sm for saying my writing is amazing, like that is so sweet of you🤎🤎 Secondly, thank you for sending in this request, it was really fun to write! I took this in a little bit of a different direction, since I'm not currently writing NSFW, so it's just a little spicy. Hope you enjoy! <3
Joy Ride
Oneshot- Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader
wc: 1194
warnings: alcohol drinking; bar scene; mentions of "riding" (nothing too crazy calm down); flirting??
summary: You didn't think that riding a mechanical bull was on the agenda for tonight, yet here you are. It might have been all worth it though, when you catch the eye of a mysterious, tall, and burly man that you had been eyeing all night.
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You didn’t plan to end up riding the mechanical bull at your local bar. No, you initially were planning to have a few drinks with your friends and wind down from the week.
Despite your initial plans, one drink quickly turned into two, then three, then four, and before you knew it, you and your friends were all taking shots; a second round of shots at that.
As mentioned, this was not planned at all, but the more the alcohol flowed through your veins, the more loose you became, mindlessly swaying to the beat of the music, and dancing with your friends. It was hard not to feel complete bliss; you all were drunk and having a great time.
At one point your eyes noticed a tall, brooding man at the bar. It seemed like he was with two buddies, and is that a black balaclava covering his head? Strange. Since you could only see his side profile, you could barely make out that his eyes were the only thing left uncovered, the rest of the man’s face left a mystery.
Besides the man being tall and muscular, you couldn’t really make anything else out, so your drunk self quickly lost interest, and your gaze reverted back to your friend who was telling a story about running into her ex.
However, you found your eyes drifting back to the man every once in a while. Though, he never caught you staring. You felt a strange ping in your chest as you realized that he hasn’t even noticed you, yet it seemed like you couldn’t stop looking at the man.
Somehow in your blurred vision, you noticed a bull pen, and your eyes latched onto the mechanical bull placed in the very center of the pen. Eyes sparkling, you started to make your way over to it, friends following behind.
“Y/n, what do you think you’re doing?” Your one friend asking you this, concern lacing in her voice.
You turn around to your group of friends, “I’m just going to go for a ride, can’t be too hard. I used to ride horses when I was younger, anyways.” You nonchalantly wave your hand and shrug your shoulders, then go get in line for the mechanical bull, leaving your worried friends to watch you.
By this hour of the night, the bar is in full swing, filled with people all around your age, some even a bit older, some younger, and the bull pen seems to be the center of attention, drawing in quite the crowd.
Were you nervous? Nah. (You were sweating just a little bit as you got closer and closer to the front of the line). Your drunken haze however, proved to help ease your anxiety of actually getting up on a mechanical bull and possibly making a fool out of yourself in front of everyone.
So, by the time you were next, you felt pretty calm; everything was going to be fine.
It’s now your turn, and you climb onto the bull, settling in just like you would on a horse. You place your hand on the handle and prepare yourself for the ride to start. Just as it is about to begin, you glance around the crowd watching you, and your eyes meet with a pair of hooded ones surrounded by black material.
Of course, of course now is the time the man from earlier notices you. Great; guess I just have to give him a show.
You smile at the man and give him a wink. Then, the bull starts to move.
To say you were doing pretty well was an understatement. You guess that all your riding lessons from when you grew up were paying off now, even though you haven’t been on a horse for over three years.
As you were sitting atop the bull, you flexed your legs and positioned your seat so that you had the right balance to not be thrown off.
However, your skills aren’t what drew in a big crowd. No. It just so happened that you were wearing a very lowcut shirt with your biggest push up bra that you own, so of course that was what made the men come running. Typical, simple-minded men.
You didn’t care about any of them though. Just the tall one with the piercing eyes surrounded in black.
You may have gotten a little cocky, because you started to lose your balance, and eventually got thrown off. When you came to, it was announced that you held the record for the night, which earned you a round of free drinks for you and your friends.
Exiting the pen, you run over to your friends and excitedly pull them all in for hugs and they all cheered for you as you made your way over to the bar.
The bartender gives you and your group free drinks as promised, and you all down them in one go, still high off of the events of the night.
When you turn around to place your empty glass on the bar, you notice the towering man, but he was standing right next to you this time, looking even more massive than before.
You briefly glance over at him, but then drift your eyes back to your empty glass, running your fingers along the rim.
“Well, I was gonna offer you a drink after that impressive round back there, but it looks like I don’t have to.” He nods towards your glass.
With wide eyes, you turn to him, well more so turn and look up at the man, surprised at all that he’s talking to you. You’re also surprised that he’s British, and his voice is that deep and gruff.
Your eyes lock with his, and notice that they’re a deep ocean blue, but the shadows surrounding them make them look even darker, like the night sky.
You let out a short laugh, and tuck your hair behind your ear as your cheeks warm.
You smile up at him, “I never turn down an offer for a drink.”
He lets out a hum of understanding, “How ‘bout this, you tell me where you learned those riding skills of yours, and I’ll buy you another drink.”
He’s now turned completely towards you, and he’s leaning on his forearm that’s placed on the counter of the bar. You briefly glance down at his arm, noticing an array of tattoos filling up the space all the way to his elbow, thick veins running up and down.
Your eyes roam up his arm to his broad shoulders, then brawny chest, then back up to his face. Even though you can’t see all his features, you’re enamored by him, and you want him.
Tilting your head, you place your pointer on your chin, feigning thought as you say, “Or, I can show you how I learned all my riding skills.”
You think you see him smirk underneath his balaclava, and he sticks out his hand.
"I think I can work with that."
You place your hand in his and he leads you out of the bar, into the chilly air of the night.
The night concluded with an unexpected ending; Ghost simply made sure you got home ok and left a cold glass of water with Tylenol on your bedside table. He may have also slipped a piece of paper with his phone number on there as well.
He left you sound asleep in your bed with a kiss on your forehead, hoping to see you in the near future.
Hope you enjoyed!
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I love the sanji and Usopp childhood best friends AU but let me one up this a bit. Robin being usopp's not so legal guardian.
She's in her early 20s she's still on the run and hiding from the government. She runs into the red hair pirates. They hide her on their ship for a while running away from the Marines as well. They really don't know what to do with her at this age she's really not up to being a pirate. Especially on a boat full of men she just met a week ago, they don't know what to do. They're planning on dropping her off at any random village but yasopp had a better idea.
Her name is not Robin. Her name is Ruth, She cut her hair. Maybe dyed it a different color She looks like a completely different person. (They also fake her death. They blew up a navy vessel. They could have executed the plan a little bit better) He takes her to his home and gives her the key.
This is a kind act. A little too kind.......What's the catch? Of course the catch is she has to look after his son. Yasopp has recently been bereaved losing his wife while he was at sea leaving his 7-year-old basically alone for the time being.
(Since yasopp knows that his wife has passed, I'm pretty sure he got Merry or someone in the village to check up on him while he tries to come up with something in the meantime.)
Yasopp: He needs someone to look after him.
Robin: and why isn't it you?
Yasopp: with my bounty? No, not a chance...... Folks recognize me you know my face and once they know It's off to jail for me but you... Ms "Ruth" they don't know you... Which means you can roam around without any worry.
Yasopp: I know this isn't your ideal situation but this is the best we could do. Okay? Look you got a nice house. You can have the master bedroom.... Some of my wife's clothes are still there food, water, Shelter You're set....... All you have to do is just keep Usopp safe..... Say hi buddy don't be scared she's here to watch you..... Come on let go of Daddy's leg..... Say hi to her usopp....
Usopp: no!... I don't wanna.
Yasopp: *sigh* come here upsy daisy.....God either you're getting heavy or I'm getting old.....*sigh*.....he's a good kid really. Honestly he's very low maintenance just feed him and bathe him and put him to bed at 8.
Robin:........... (Staring)
Usopp:........ (Staring back)
Robin:... Alright...... I'll do it.... I'm truly grateful for this really.
No, but I absolutely love this. Robin and Usopp bond after a while of Usopp being a bit shy and scared of her. She's like a big sister of some sort, too. He tells her all his stories and speaks about his mom! And Robin also tells him her mom was an incredible person too but also died :( She takes care of him in such a gentle, and loving way. And Usopp is protective of her. Like. A lot. He keeps saying that if anybody dares to come around her he'll just stop them with his powerful slingshot because Captain Usopp will be there to save his dear archeologist! (dude, is this Au just Usopp stealing crew members from Luffy because he found them first? Maybe yes). She tells him her real name and the real reason she's there once he grows up a little bit, and Usopp promises to keep the secret if she stays with him because he really can't lose somebody else. Robin tells him they'll be together for as long as he lets her. She's the most,,, Precious thing. She loves Kaya, too! They spend sooo much time together with Usopp.
And then the whole drama comes because Sanji appears. It's not like Robin is going to fight somebody now that she's safe, but the way the kid speaks when he starts staying over with them (while the crew fixes the ship yadda yadda what I say in the original post) is a bit worrisome,, Sanji grows so fond of her too. He loves her! She reminds him a lot of his mom and finds so much comfort in her. Now, there's this layer of angst because, despite loving each other and having so so much fun together, the three of them can't stay like this forever because Sanji has to go. And Usopp, of course, says no because he's both scared and not ready to do this. But,, But also, he doesn't want to do this to Robin. She's been taking care of him for a long time! And she can't come with them! It'll be dangerous! And Usopp can't leave without her because she promised his dad she'll protect him, and he doesn't want her to get into any trouble. Usopp doesn't tell Sanji, though, he doesn't want to blame Robin for this and make her feel guilty. So he keeps that to himself and watches Sanji go, hoping to reunite someday.
I am guessing that once they meet Luffy, Robin joins them at the same time. If Usopp is going, she's going too. It doesn't matter how dangerous it is, if Usopp wants to fulfill his dream, she doesn't mind a bit of danger. They'll be alright. Then they meet Sanji and everything is pretty much the same except that Robin is there from the start? Her low appreciation for her life is still there, don't worry, Water 7 happens anyway. It's just angstier because Usopp wants to leave and Sanji doesn't want to lose him again, and Enies Lobby is even more dramatic because it's Usopp the one to burn down the flag for his dear Robin! Not to mention that it adds more significance to the Robin/Sanji Wano scene!!
And also, just think about Robin knowing these two teenagers have the biggest crush on each other. It's just so cute.
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aidensteddybear · 5 months
tomjake age regression where ( either tom or jake ) gets an owie
Regressor! Jake w/ Caregiver! Tom
“Jake, can you please just sit down.” Tom asked. He watched, completely unamused, as Jake continued to jump up and down on the bed. Tom had asked him multiple times to stop, but the male wasn’t listening.
“Come on, Jake.” Tom walked over to Jake. He gently grabbed both of his arms to catch his attention, which worked since Jake immediately stopped and looked at him, clearly confused.
“Sit down.” He said, putting his hands on his waist and helping Jake sit down. Jake sat on the bed and just stared, still having his look of confusion plastered on his face.
He didn’t understand why he couldn’t jump on the bed, it wasn’t hurting anyone. He was just having fun.
“I know it’s really fun jumping on the bed, but it’s also really dangerous.” Tom explained. “I don’t want you falling and getting hurt, baby. Now that wouldn’t be very fun, would it?” Jake shook his head.
“Exactly. So no more jumping on the bed, okay?” Tom spoke. “‘Kay!” Jake responded, making Tom smile. “Good boy.” Tom ruffled Jake’s hair a bit, causing the man to giggle.
“I need to go get mine and your pajamas picked out real quick. Can you sit here and wait for me?” Jake nodded. “Thank you, buddy. I’ll be quick.” Tom told him.
Tom went over to the dresser and as soon as he turned his back, Jake had stood right back up on the bed and began jumping up and down again.
When Tom heard the slight creaky of the bed and Jake’s giggling, he knew exactly what he was doing. He turned around and sighed.
“Jake-” Tom’s small scolding was cut short when Jake had accidentally slipped on one of the blankets on the bed.
He fell down, thankfully on the bed, though he did end up banging his head against the wall on the way down. Nothing too serious, but it of course didn’t feel good.
Jake immediately burst out into tears as Tom went rushing over to him. Tom picked the shorter male up, putting an arm underneath his bottom to support his weight, while using his free hand to hold the back of his head.
Tom couldn’t help but cringe a bit at how loud Jake was sobbing. He was practically screaming, and it was right in Tom’s ear.
The cause of Jake’s wailing was mostly from him getting hurt, obviously, but it was also the fact that he was scared that he was going to get in trouble and that Tom was mad at him.
Tom had explained and told him to not jump on the bed, but Jake just ignored him. He knew the consequences. He knew there was a possibility of him getting hurt and he knew he had told Tom he wouldn’t do it again.
Jake really regretted his decision to not listen to Tom. He should’ve just listened, if he did, none of this would’ve happened.
Tom sat on the bed with Jake, gently massaging the back of his head. Jake only continued to cry though.
“Jake? Do you think you can tell me how bad your head hurts on a scale of one to ten?” Tom questioned. “A h-hun’wed!” Jake sobbed out.
Tom realized it was kind of a dumb question to ask. Jake had the mindset of a two year old, he was obviously going to exaggerate. Still, Tom played along.
“A hundred? Oh, baby, that sounds awful.” Tom spoke. “Maybe we should go get an ice pack, hm? Do you want an ice pack for your head?” Jake nodded, his crying slowly reducing to just whines and whimpers.
Tom stood up from the bed and carried Jake out into the kitchen. When they got there, Tom placed Jake on the counter, then went to the freezer to get the ice pack.
“Dada..” Jake whined, reaching out for Tom. “Hold on, Jake. I’ll pick you back up in a moment.” Tom told him as he searched through the freezer. Jake whined again in response and started rubbing the tears out of his eyes.
Tom finally found the ice pack and brought it over to Jake. He held the item on the back of Jake’s head for him.
“Dada?” Jake asked in a quiet tone. “Hm?” Tom hummed. “You..mad at me?” Jake murmured, looking down at his lap.
“No, baby, I’m not mad at you. I’m just a bit upset that you didn’t listen to me when I asked you to not jump on the bed.” Tom responded. “‘M sowwy.” Jake mumbled as he sniffled a bit.
“It’s alright, Jake. You just need to listen to me next time, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt again.” Jake gave a tiny nod, before looking up at Tom.
“Not in twouble?” Tom shook his head. “No, you’re not in trouble. I think you’ve had enough of a consequence over this.” He spoke. “Mhm..my head sowe.” Jake said.
“Yeah, I know, baby. Your head’s going to be sore for a bit.” Tom told him. “But the ice pack should help. Is it starting to feel a little better?” Jake nodded again.
“Good. If you hold the ice pack for me, I can carry you to the bed and help get your pajamas on. I think getting some rest would also be good for your head.” Tom said.
“Okay..” Jake mumbled tiredly, holding the ice pack. “Good job, baby.” Tom smiled a bit, before gently picking Jake back up and carrying him back to the bedroom so they could both get ready for bed.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Welcome To The Dollhouse, Losing Your Sponsor
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, aggressive sex, hair pulling, pain, angst, slapping/punching, manipulation, forced sex/noncon.
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“Ransom!” Angel moaned, already thrown over the edge of her own orgasm.  Her core fluttered wildly around his cock as her eyes rolled back into her head, “FUCK!  RIGHT THERE!  RIGHT THERE!  YES!” 
“Hey buddy!” Ransom smirked as he thrust into Angel’s core yet again.  His hips drove forward, splitting the young woman on the playboy’s cock.�� His pace was brutalizing and had been for the better part of ten minutes.  With one hand, he gripped the hair on the back of her head firmly, forcing her to look at just how much of his cock she could take.  With the other, he was gripping her thigh so hard it was impossible to not leave bruises in the morning, “FUCK!  This tight little cunt is perfect!  Know why you keep comin’ back to her, even after the missus told you not to!”
“Hey Angel…”
Her eyes snapped to the door. Ransom was standing there, smug as ever, his broad frame slunk against the open door.  She tried to ignore him while she finished the paper that she’d been writing for one of her classes, but the longer she ignored him the more he pouted.
“You know…it’s rude to ignore guests,” he pointed out before sighing, “but I guess you would know that, wouldn’t you?  I suppose Hansen’s taught you at least a lesson or two about having some sort of class.”
He smiled at how her name fell from his lips, “that’s right, sweetheart…that’s my name…don’t wear it out.  Or do…god I loved the way your voice screamed out my name last time I was here with you…it was invigorating.”
“What are you doing here?” she asked without concern as she closed her laptop and looked at him from her spot at her desk, “Is Lloyd with you?”
“Old dog had to pay some attention to the M.R.S before he came down to play with his little chew toy…” Ransom smirked, shrugging his shoulders, “he ditched me when we landed, so I figured I’d keep you some company in the meantime.”
“Mrs?” she asked softly, her own voice betraying her over the simple word, “L-Lloyd’s not married.  What on earth are you talking about?”
Ransom chuckled, “of course he is.  He’s been married for a while, princess.  A long while.  She’s an agent for the FBI and he keeps her off our track…you know, til the government wants something done beneath the table…”
Angel’s bottom lip warbled, and before she could stop it, she felt tears working their way up to her eyes.  Turning away from him she went to reach for a Kleenex, “oh…I just thought…”
“What?” Ransom scoffed, sauntering into the room.  He kicked the door closed behind himself as he crossed his arms over his chest once more, “you just thought that you were the only pussy Hansen’s been pounding?  Please…you’re not even the only one in this country!”
“Hansen’s been married for the better part of a decade, sweetheart,” Ransom scoffed as he neared her.  She whimpered, feeling his presence behind her, his aura intimidating and cold, while his cologne had the opposite effect.  Despite his callous nature and cold comments, she found herself wanting to bury her body against his to find some warmth, “you think he was gonna just leave his wife for a prime piece of pussy like you?  Granted, that tight little snatch would be worth the fight.  His wife hasn’t got a thing on you.  No…he’ll just keep you financially tied up and then come fuck you whenever he wants to.  You know…until you’ve aged too much beyond what’s acceptable.  Then he’ll just throw you away with all the other aging, loose whores that exist.”
She whipped around so fast that Ransom hadn’t been able to catch her in time.  Her own rage overflowing from the taunts of the man in front of her made her slap him hard across the face.  When she realized what she had done her throat went dry and she was gasping wordlessly at the playboy. 
Ransom’s face was stoic as he turned back to her.  With one hand he reached towards his own face and wiped at his jaw, “oh, you vicious little bitch…I was being nice in telling you what your little lover boy was doing…offering you my shoulder to cry on, and then my cock to impale yourself on so you could fuck your worries away…but to slap me?”
“No, Ransom…wai-“ But he’d already reached for her, and had slammed her face first against the wall.  She could already feel the bruise that was going to be on her cheek for hitting the wall so hard.  She went to move, but he pushed her against the wall again.  His body rushed to cover hers and she whimpered in pain from his weight crushing her, “Ransom-“
“Don’t fucking speak!” he spat, gripping at the base of her skull and pulling her back by her hair until her neck was straining, “look at me.  Look at me, you fucking bitch!”
Her eyes met his, the tears falling freely down her face as she looked at him the best that she could, “I was going to be nice…I was going to give you little presents and trinkets and call you a beautiful little slut while we waited for Hansen and you fucked me because you’re a sad little whore who’s upset about not being the only whore of his.  I took a real liking to you the last time we fucked, you know?  You’re probably my favorite little whore of his…but now…I’m going to fucking ruin you for him.”
Lloyd’s jaw cracked as he sat down on her bed. Lloyd didn’t bother looking at her as he removed his shoes, and pulled off the expensive, torn shirt that had been destroyed in his scuffle with Drysdale, “what did I tell you about fucking other guys, huh?  When I sponsored you, when I paid for your little sister to stay with you, what deal did we fucking make?  Huh, Angel?”
She was on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!” he spat angrily, kicking at the air beside her.  She flinched, backing herself into the corner of the room.  He frowned when he noticed the bruises on her face and body, “GOD DAMN IT, ANGEL!  ANSWER ME!” 
“Y-you let him fuck me before,” she said quietly, not daring to look at him, “you-“
“I WAS THERE!  I WAS WITH YOU WHEN IT HAPPENED!” he growled, raising his voice at her.  His jaw twitched and he reached up, hitting it with his palm so that it would crack back into place, “I know what you fucking did with him, Angel…”
“I-I didn’t want to…”
“Yeah…” he scoffed, “that’s not what it looked like when I burst in.  You were moaning like a god damned porn star while he fucked the brain right out of you!”
She looked to the floor, where Ransom was passed out beside her, snoring softly.  Lloyd had knocked him out with a heavy lamp in their scuffle.
“He-he told me that you were married,” she said slowly, daring to look up at him.  The tears that were in her eyes told Lloyd that news affected her in more ways than  one, “is-is it true?”
“You’re married…”
“It’s not as simple as that,” he sighed, looking away from her.  The shame of his wife had slipped up and he felt guilty about everything that had happened, “Suzanne is-we’ve been separated for years…but every once in a while…”
“Don’t say it…” she begged, looking away from him as her own shame flooded her, “I-I don’t want to hear what you’re going to say next.  If it’s what I think-if what Ransom said was true-”
“I fucked her, okay!” he claimed, daring to look back at her, “but I had to, Angel…”
“Oh yeah?” she scoffed, “what is the excuse, huh?  You just fell and slipped into her gaping pussy?  Your cock was just magnetized to go into her?  It was an accident?”
“Tread lightly with your next words, Angel…”
“Or what?” she scoffed, shaking her head at him, “y-you told me I was the only one, but Drysdale told me that you’ve got girls everywhere.  You told me you loved me last time you were here.  You said-“
“I know what I said,” he growled at her as he shot up from his spot and rushed her.  His hands slammed against the wall on either side of her head, the distance between them almost nonexistent as he glared at her, “just like I know how I feel.  And you said you felt the same after Drysdale left last time…you said that despite him, you only wanted me!  You only wanted to be with me!  But here I am, crawling back to you like some lovesick teenager after all I just fucking went through, and you’re fucking Drysdale.”
“NO,” he spat, standing up.  He shuddered as he turned away from her and went to the opposite wall.  His hands slammed down on the wall once more and he turned to her, “I TOLD YOU I FUCKING LOVED YOU, JENNIFER!  I TOLD YOU THAT I WAS GOING TO BUY YOU OUT AND FINALLY TAKE YOU HOME…AND I WAS!  I WAS GOING TO BRING YOU HOME TODAY!  THAT’S WHAT YOU DON’T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND!”
“It was the only way she’d sign the divorce papers!”
Angel froze.
“It was the only way she’d sign the god damned divorce papers Jennifer,” he repeated, this time much sadder as he fell back onto the bed. He shuddered once more, “she said she wanted to fuck me one last time.  If I did it, she’d leave you alone.  She’d leave us alone.  That she’d just sign the fucking papers and let me disappear with you.  But I didn’t think you’d go behind my back and fuck Ransom, Jennifer.”
“Don’t call me that.”
He scoffed, “what?  Don’t call you by your name?  You didn’t seem to have a fucking problem with it the last time we made love and I promised to pull you out of this shit hole!”
“That’s not my name.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” he scoffed once again, “you gave up your name when you came here to protect you and your sister.  You became Angel…fucking ironic now.  All you are is a washed up whore with nothing else to her name other than a couple of fucking gifts I’ve given you and an almost finished degree.  You should have called yourself Martyr…or the god damned whore of Babylon.”
“Get out.”
“What?” he asked, his brow raising at her demand.
“Get out,” she repeated, tears filling her eyes once more, “get out and don’t ever come back, Lloyd…I-I don’t want you in my life…not if you’re going to condemn me like that for a mistake…especially one that I didn’t even want!  He fucking forced himself on me, Lloyd!  But you’re acting like I wanted to have sex with him again.  I DIDN’T!”  
Lloyd stared at her in disbelief, “you don’t mean that Angel…y-you don’t want me to leave?”
“Yeah, I do,” she sniffled, standing up and walking out of her corner “and I don’t want you to come back…ever!  We’re done.  You’re not my sponsor anymore.”
“What the hell are you going to do without me?” Lloyd asked, still in shock from the woman he loved telling him to get out, “What are you-“
“I’ll find a way,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, “I’m the god damn whore of Babylon according to you…remember?  Don’t fucking worry about the aging whore, anymore, Lloyd.  Because I don’t need you.”
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monsieuremjaydee · 2 years
The Squatty Potty
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I’ve been living with Staceyann and her husband Rick in New Jersey ever since I left my dorm at Columbia back in January. They don’t charge me rent as long as I chip in on the groceries and electrical bill, so it’s good deal. I met them at an AA meeting some years back.
Typical north Jersey trash. Staceyann’s in her mid-40s. Purple-black hair, tattoos on her arms, on her legs, on her chest, on her neck, smokes Newport 100s, molested by her junkie father’s buddies as a child. Rick about the same age, a little on the heavy side, long hair, likes to gamble, not too quick in the head because he spent more than half his life smoking PCP mixed with crack. Loves Bob Dylan.
I live in a little annexed room where the hot water heater is down in their basement. I’ve got a twin size bed with a mattress so worn out that every time I shift in my sleep the springs poke through and wake me up. I’m confined to the downstairs bathroom because one of their kids is—
I should also mention that Staceyann and Rick have three kids. All boys, somewhere between the ages of ten and sixteen. I find it impossible to accurately guess a child’s age and never once found myself anywhere near sufficiently interested when listening to people yap about their kids to even attempt to commit such useless information to memory. I never understood why people make such a fuss about their children. They inadvertently end up making you hate them by acting like they’re the best kids to ever walk the earth. Right. And when they grow up to be dimwitted imbeciles, out come the excuses. ADHD, Asperger’s, anxiety, depression, a chronically itchy sphincter. How about bad parenting? Ever try that one? You wheel your strollers around acting like you’ve got the queen of England in there, demanding that everyone get out of your way, growling at anyone who doesn’t move or make a big deal about your boring child — excuse me, don’t you see I have a baby here? Yes, I can see your mediocre baby and I’m deeply unimpressed. Now please, stop acting like you’ve achieved something extraordinary by plopping out a fetus. Congratulations. A standing ovation for doing exactly what human beings have consistently done since long before they knew how to start a fire. We only apologize for not applauding each time you remember to breathe. What I’m really trying to say here is that one of Staceyann and Rick’s kids isn’t fully there. I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with him but let’s just say that if this was happening in ancient Sparta, he’d go flying off a cliff.
And so, as you can imagine things can get a bit messy in the bathroom and that’s why I use the one downstairs. No worries there, it lacks nothing. I mean, it did at one point lack a squatty potty and that’s the whole point of this story, but otherwise no complaints. Now, as a broke recent college grad who studied the most useless major on the planet, I wasn’t exactly in the position to buy myself one due to my obvious financial constraints.  
Until one morning right around my birthday when Rick barged into the basement. “Wake up!” he started shaking me. What the hell? “Wake up, wake up, wake up,” he wouldn’t quit. “You wanna make two bills?” he says once my eyes open.
But I was in such an immensely deep sleep, the kind that makes your eyelids feel like a million pounds. The kind that if you manage to somehow open your eyes, your vision refuses to focus, you’re disoriented, your mind refuses to align—where am I? is all you can think—your entire body just refuses.
“No thanks,” I mumbled, then turned around and instantly began dreaming about a brown horse who’s lying in bed on his back under the covers reading the February edition of Seventeen Magazine. Hot chocolate steaming on the nightstand.
It’s not that I didn’t NEED the money… It’s that it was 7am on Sunday. Who the hell gets out of bed at 7am on Sunday!
“Five,” I heard Rick’s voice echoing inside the horse’s small but trendy bedroom. “You don’t wanna make five hundred dollars? It’ll take you thirty minutes for god’s sake.”
That calculates to one thousand dollars an hour, which in turn calculates to over two million dollars a year if working forty hours per week. The horse looked at me from under his spectacles, waiting.
“Yea,” I sat up.
“Here.” Rick handed me a flat black box about the size of a frozen dinner. “Take this and drive down to Dunkin’ Donuts in Clifton.”
“There’s like five Dunkin’ Donuts in Clifton,” I yawned.
“The one on Clifton Avenue.”
“The one across from the police station?”
“Exactly,” Rick confirmed. “A guy’ll meet you there. Black Range Rover. Just hop in, hand him the box, he’ll give you cash. Eighteen grand. Count it.”
“Now?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“He’ll be there in ten minutes. I can’t go myself, otherwise I would.”
I peaked in the box. “Okay.” I got up, got dressed, got in Rick’s beat up ’98 champagne Maxima, drove to Clifton, forgot to brush my teeth.
Everything went smooth. Back in 28 minutes.
“Here,” I handed Rick the cash. He peeled off five bills. “Pleasure doing business with you,” I said while putting the Washingtons in my pocket. Then went downstairs and back to sleep.
The next day I bought myself a squatty potty as a birthday gift. The thing is great. Nothing gets left behind if you know wat I mean. Nothing.
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justanotherfanfolks · 11 months
Twisted Wonderland Main Story Scattered Thoughts (Prologue Chapter 17-20)
Okay, so I lied yesterday. You know, like a liar. I really did want to do it first thing in the morning, but you know L I F E had other plans. Did a cool thing today, so that was fun! Now back to the TWST! Is Grim acting as bait? Monster is ready to commit a violence. No, Yuu you can’t be scared! You have a little thing I like to call “Main Character Shield” in which you are not allowed to die. Monster: Be gone, THO- Okay I’ll stop. OMG THE OG DUO MAGIC! Grim and Ace being a power duo, love to see it! Cauldron? Cauldron time? I love cauldron time, Deuce please! YES CAULDRON TIME! Deuce and Cauldron, the best duo ever, move over Ace! Grim, no, no starting up beef! Run run run run runrunrun… IT’S SO PRETTY! That stone is so pretty oh my gosh I want! Something heavier? Yeah, like, TWO cauldrons! YES YES YES HE ACTUALLY DID! CAULDRON SPAM! ALL THE CAULDRONS! Beautiful Deuce, beautiful. DON’T BE MEAN ACE! You could never appreciate the majesty of the cauldron! 
Battle! It pushed off all those cauldrons?! Wow, the dedication. I wonder why it wants the stone so bad? “Then it’s kill or be killed!” Dang Yuu! You know, it occurs to me Grim has been spamming magic left and right and hasn’t gotten a magestone yet… You good buddy? Your blot levels doing okay? Ah, the unlimited turn battle! Those, uh, scared me when I first saw them in an event. Oh, and being able to see the card details mid-battle. OH, I went through half of Phantom Bride not knowing that, it was such a surprise. Wait. Wait. WAIT HANG ON! You can see the enemies spells’ owners?! THIS WHOLE TIME?! I’m gonna cry, that’s a thing?! The strategies I could’ve had in room battles… I had no idea you could see who each spell belonged to. 1000 HP. A’ight, bet. Done. THEY LIVE! Good job sirs, it’s only gonna get worse from here! Aw, they’re so CUTE! Yuu: This smells like friendship. Ok, what is the deal with NRC being so afraid of the F word (friend)? Only Kalim and Silver seem to not be afraid of using the word towards anyone. Ooooo! Okay, so I just found out when you go back in the log for the main story you can hear the dialogue too! That’s nice! Ace considers friendship cliche, um Endless Halloween would like to know your location. Ace: Lessons were learned, et cetera. Heh. Oh my gosh, Grim have you eaten at all today? Black stone… IT WAS AN OVERBLOT MONSTER! I thought it was but the dudes never made that connection so I didn’t think so. I THINK SO AGAIN NOW! I wonder if that was the reason behind the magestone addiction. Someone, put a stone in front of the overblotters’ blot monsters. Oh wait. Oh no, Grim. No. Don’t do it. It smells good? Candy? CANDY? Don’t you dare compare candy to whatever that is. HE ATE IT NOOOOO! And thus starts his addiction to eating random black stones from off the ground. “Spit it out! Out! Bad cat!” I love Yuu, already such a cat owner! So Grim likes the taste of flowers? He should go out with Ruggie sometime so they can eat edible weeds together. Most humans. Emphasis on the most, I can think of at least one human at this school who would in fact eat random stuff they find on the floor. You know, I’m still curious if Riddle and Trey know what Ace and Deuce are doing. 
CROWLEY, WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! Did they actually do it, bruh it was your idea! It’s giving Trey, it’s giving Trey. He was so ready for expulsion time. “And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents” he sounds disappointed. Wow, again, what a headmage. Ace, you worked together. Suck it up, teamwork makes the dreamwork, accept it. Deuce, you too! …why’s he crying? Oh he’s really crying! “At his age” why would that age be. He’s still got ??? in his bio there. Wait, is he crying because he thinks they’re lying? HE’S CRYING BECAUSE OF TEAMWORK! OH MY GOSH! That’s hilarious, they’re teamwork moved him to tears, I love that. Join hands, boys, you have unlocked friendship! Ace asking the real questions, spill the age, headmage! Hang on, does the “beast” in Beastmaster Yuu also cover the NRC boys? Priceless. Great pride and big egos, ah lack of cooperation skills. Wait, do Kalim and Silver get included in this? I know Kalim’s admission was paid for, but Silver? I’m confused by them being at this school. OOOOOOHHHH, LET’S GO YUUUUUUU! Student time, student time! Shush Yuu, don’t remind him about the magic thing! Grim proved himself! Aww, good for him! Let���s go, Ramshackle Duo! Together they make a whole chaotic mess- I mean student. Aw, Grim’s so happy! The Janitor Era was so short lived. It was like, oh my gosh all of this happened in one day. YES PLEASE CROWLEY! Grim looks so wrong without the magestone, put it on him! “Too kind” impossible. Actually impossible. His little song! Yuu entering the Prefect Era. What… is a Prefect anyway? I read books with prefects, still don’t get the whole idea. Yuu’s Prefect now to them. My spellcheck doesn’t like the word prefect. Crowley, that was sus. Stop it with the child labor. Stop it, get some help. Like, adult help. THE GHOST CAMERA! No but “camera?” Yuu, you’re getting hung up on the wrong thing here. Okay, judging by the fact Crowley said “I would hardly consider them “super old””, implying he takes offense at the comment, the camera is from his era. That’s like when people call flip phones old in front of millennials. Hm, so like 100-150 years old then? Soul? Yes Deuce, that does sound sketchy, I agree. Memories with a capital M. Living pictures! “Soulbond” good question Yuu. Wicked…keen? I’m curious, why does Yuu need to take the pictures? What’s the reason? 
Oooooo, last Chapter! Oh wait wait wait! Okay, so at the end of every book the next dorm gets teased, right? Are they gonna tease Heartslabyul? Grim’s so happy! “Sentient pile of lint” Ace! That got a laugh out of me actually. Wait, do Ace and Deuce know that they share a room? “Those two seem like they’re made for each other” the most iconic TWST duo. Oh, I guess they’re not teasing it. Hm? OOOOOOO! AHHHHHH THE OPENING OP! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THAT OPENING SO MUCH! I was so shocked to see it, I’m grinning like an idiot YES! That thing single-handedly put TWST on my radar, it means a lot to me!
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And the Prologue is done! Yay! Now I get to start Book 1! Heartslabyul, here I come!
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watery-melon-baller · 2 years
ive gotten TWO (and a half) asks can you tell. i have a favorite
What I like about them
hes such a bitch (affectionate) and also a NERD hes sweet and likes to learn and is just a little awkward hes trying his best.
What I dislike about them
he needs to stop running off into the wood whenever he is having a panick attack and start relying on others. get better coping machinaisms
Favourite moment
oughh hm. love like every flapjack and hunter moment (rip)
Least favourite moment
any sport in a storm had a few minutes where the second hand embarassment was so bad i could not handle it. im like stupid sensitive to that kind of stuff and sometimes i have to leave a room when its TOO much. my guy please. i do like the episode i dont hate it at all i just was like. incapable of watching it lmao
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
augh like. everyday coven life stuff (this also goes for lilith too). id love to see like a day in the life kind of thing espeically like before lilith left the coven. what chaos goes on in the castle,,,
An interesting AU for this character
I HAVE LIKE A BILLION AUS FOR HUNTER. uh. i have my reverse au. i have the 55k fic i wrote where he accidentally kills belos and has to secretly run the goverbment (go read weekend at belos's its funny i promise). i hae an antimatic im working about him. i also had one for a while where pre-canon he ran away from belos and fled to the human realm and just. worked at the 7/11 down the street while living in the portal shack and luz befriended him. i wrote a few ficlets for it but never posted anything but its a fun au i had. it was Luz getting her first friend + hunter realizing that belos kind of sucked actually and camila trying to adopt this rabdom teenager her daughter found (she genuinly thinks luz is lying about him or is talking about one of her book characters and then after she meets hunter shes like oh ok. adoption) its fun
A crossover
i dont really have any crossovers hmmm,,,
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
augh im like. all my favs i hit with an aroace beam so. not really lol
Other ships?
i kind of bounce bwteen bi hunter and aroace hunter but like. he should go through the struggle of "damn they're pretty" and also appprecuating your frieends beauty.
him and luz!! again. worte an entire fic of their shenaningans. they are obnoxious and love each other. i also think something with hunter and the collector would be interesting but i dont know if they would like. get along and be best buds or anything. also him and gus!! adultified buddies but like. they're adultified in oppostite ways so they can combine to be One Whole Guy. thats how hunter and luz work btw but with being neurodivergent
againt jusy like. no weird age gaps and incest yada yada.
An assortment of headcanons! 
have the headcanon that belos like. shoved him into a caretaker role (which we see a Bit of in canon but i take it to an extreme). loves to play it up as "sick weak frail old man who needs his nephews help" so parentification yay. hes good at like cooking and cleaning and knows how to make a bunch of BI ersion of 16th century dishes. if something happens thenhunter feels guilty because its His respoinisbibly to take care of belos beacuse belos doesnt have anyone else!!! (false belos is juts a needuy bastard who wants to be taken sre of by his older brother and likes to play house wiht his grimwalkers. i have so many feelings about that btw)
he is just. such an isolated kid. no one noticed/cared what was going on and i get a little infuriated every time i think about it. i have so many emotions about his little sprig plushie and whenever he has to leave it behind in a fic i get emotional. he goes back to the wreckage of the castle post canon and finds his room in the rubble and sure some things are destrpyed but a few books and knickkacks are salvegable. he finds sprig a little torn up but sews him up and its ok.
he likes learning about Everything. like theres so many intersting things all the time he wants to read!! in the human realm he just devours books about everything. wikipedia rabbit hole. kinda guy who knows a random fact for almost any occasion. multitracker hunter but tbh he wouldnt really do much at hexside besides like. hes doing it for his friends. i think he would help dell out with the palistrom trees and also specialize in potions (since you dont need magic for that). he has private tutors in the coven im sure so hes probably educated very well.
hes got all kinds of fun grimwalker traits. hes mostly immune to boiling water. his eyes glow in the dark. sometimes when willow is using plant magic he can feel it under his fingnails and his hair. his hands have weird scarring and peeling and listen. listen. evryone was so dissapoited that hunter didnt have scars under his gloves but i was on the hype train for day One since HUnting Palismen bitch. i give him gloves all the time bc sensory issues + hide fucked up hands + mepahor for hiding yourself.
also is neurodivergent and trans. personanly perfer ftm but every variation is good. mtf hunter would be named bailey. his medications are like. wird mix of plant and witch medicine because grimwalker. has a terrible time in the human realm bc hes super unmedicated for a while but they find a human equivalent and hes fine now. kind of.
ok thats enough of that
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nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 44
Chapter 44: Alone in the Dark
Wherever I am I hope I’m not dead. A short while ago, I was crash landing into a planet. I could still feel the impact, and boy does it hurt. How do people travel in those? I try opening my eyes, only to see that’s partly out of the ship. How long was I out?
As I was coming to, I start to realize that, I’m slowly falling out of the ship. Soon enough, with whatever energy I have, I fly out and up. I finally take notice of my surroundings, and I’m surrounded by miles of stone spears. I fly up to get a better view, to come find out, I crash landed in a canyon. Before I knew it, I spotted creatures jumping on the surface, coming my direction. That’s when my energy finally gave out, and I fell, head first, back into the canyon.
“Where’s my father?!” I can’t believe this! Why do I feel like I’ve been lied to my whole life? Clearly my father knew something, this whole time and didn’t tell me. He clearly hid things from me. And if what Vegeta said is true, could it be possible I’ve met Goku before. “Move out my way Mrs. Ying! Or tell me where my dad is!” I was in no mood to deal with anyone today.
“Miss. Chichi. Your father is in an important meeting. I’m sure, he would gladly see you after. If you properly create an appointment.” I’m so close to snapping. For starters, how dare she address me like that! Second, my father in a meeting was a lie!
I grab her by the collar and pull her closer to me. “I asked you nicely, and you belittle me. Now, get out my way.” I simply moved her to the said, and ask Gohan to lead me to dad. I have no time for this. I must get to the bottom of this at once.
Mom must be really angry, if she’s talking back to Mrs. Ying. What I still don’t get is why. After speaking with Mr. Vegeta, I have more questions than answers. And mom is sure acting funny. Almost to where I don’t get why she looks ready to explode. When we finally reach grandpa, does mom look like she calm down. “Gohan, wait for mommy here.” With that she walks inside, and closes the door. Oh look, it’s Mr. Li.
My head hurts, and I feel an easy sense of rage, that isn’t my own. “Chichi.” That’s when I shot up, and could feel panic rush through me. I then look around, and notice that I’m covered in bandages and in a bed. What in the world? Then I look next to me, and there’s this weird creature. It’s pink in color, and has weird skin, plus, they too look shock. I try to wave a hello, only for them to get up and leave the room.
I then try to figure out, why do I sense that Chichi is enraged. What’s going on? I try to reach out to her, only to feel blocked by a raging headache. No good. My poor Chichi needs me, and I can’t reach out to her. Please, I just hope Gohan is with her, and helping her. As much as I love seeing my wife angry, it still upsets me when she’s unreasonably angry and I can’t help her. My poor wife.
“Dad, tell me the truth! Stop looking away from me! What the hell you so ashamed about? Tell me!”
“Sweetie, you don’t understand. It’s not that easy to talk about.”
“Try me! How about you just give me answers! Tell me, did I ever meet Goku before the fire?” He’s looking away, but he does say yes. “When?”
“A year after your mother died. It so happened that Gohan had found Goku just a few months. He complained the child he found was uncontrollable. I thought he only needed a friend, and I also wanted to show you off to my best friend.”
“Can you tell me what happened that day. Please, dad.” He agreed. I could feel the pain in his voice, as he told me the memory.
… … …
It’s been a year since my wife has died. I truly miss her, but I’ll promise to make sure Chichi grows up happy. And I’ll tell her many stories of her mother, and give her all her clothing. She’ll be so happy. Uh? A letter from my old training buddy, Gohan. Oh, he found a child along his walk. So unusual. The child seems strange, and misbehave. Oh, it’s probably just Gohan’s imagination. His old age is showing. Oh, I got an idea. I’ll bring my princess, and they could be great friends. Maybe I can convince Gohan to come live in the village with us.
Once I made it to his home, he’s waiting for us outside. He said that the boy is sleeping, and funny enough, my Chichi is too. Me and Gohan were talking, when we heard a noise coming from inside his hut. This noise had woken up my Chichi. Soon, Gohan had brought out a small child. He was strange indeed, especially with that tail. We then set the children down next to each other.
Gohan looked worried, while I was very excited. The boy, Goku, look at Chichi curiously, and Chichi did the same. Then his tail moved, and poked Chichi’s face. She started giggling, poked the furry thing, he laughed too. Chichi then had Goku face in between her hands, as she continued giggling. It was so cute. Goku looked confuse, and tried to take the hands away. “I don’t see why you’re so worried, Gohan.”
That’s when things got worst. Goku’s mood suddenly changed. He went from happies confused, to biting Chichi’s hand. My baby! How dare he! That’s when Chichi started to cry, and I tried to get my baby away from him. But when I tried to get my Chichi, Goku bit me. He was also holding onto Chichi, tightly with his tail, and growling at me. I backed away, stud for the moment. How was I supposed to get my crying Chichi away from this boy? Not only that, the boy was hugging Chichi, and licking her face. What in the world is going on? I then snapped out of it, and was readying to strike him, when Gohan finally was able to pull him away. I tried to calm Chichi down, while Gohan tried to keep Goku at bay.
I was in the process of get my capsule car, when Chichi left my side. Oh no! Where she go? When I finally caught her, she was making her way to Gohan. I picked her up and walked to the car. Before I left my friend, I heard Chichi say bye-bye. “No Chichi.” I then looked to Gohan. “Hopefully you’ll learn to teach that child some manners! I don’t him want anywhere near my Chichi, unless he does.” With that, that was the last I ever saw and heard of Gohan. Till I received a troubling letter, stating he hopes to make amends for he’s not sure if he’ll live long.
… … …
“That last letter came to me 6 years after.” I was more shock that Vegeta was right about the possibility of meeting Goku very young, than rage at my father for keeping this a secret from me. “I didn’t say again because I had long forgot. Well, till Goku showed up, and confirmed that my old friend had passed.” I couldn’t even look at my father. I just got up, and walked away. I got Gohan, and we made our way home. I need time to process this new information.
When we got home, I felt I was just going through the motions. Even Gohan tried to pull me out of my thoughts, but it didn’t seem to work. Maybe I could work on a project or something. I tried to gather my tools, only to absentmindedly look at my hands. “What am I thinking? Not like something was going to be there.” I went back to gathering my tools, and sat on the couch.
“Mom, are you ok? You seem more quiet than usual. Did grandpa say something weird?” I just smiled and shock my head. “Mom, why can’t I hear your thoughts anymore?” That’s a good question, I don’t even know.
“I don’t know. I been so deep in thought, I didn’t realize. Maybe it has to do with focusing on myself.”
“Oh, I see. But I wonder what does Mr. Vegeta met by it’s rare for a sayian to chose a life mate after he’s grown.”
“I don’t know. Maybe I could ask him.” Then my hand started hurting out of nowhere. It usual does that sometimes, especially if I’m overly worried about something. I always thought it was just a delay pain from something I did earlier. Did I punch a wall earlier? I punched Vegeta yesterday, and my hand hurt right away. Maybe it’s nothing, then again, I thought back to what dad said. I do remember, when I was 7, I suddenly started crying for no reason. I cried the whole day, and I couldn’t explain the weird sense of pain. Then the next day I was perfectly fine, and I thought maybe something happened and I was just reacting late.
“I also want to ask Mr. Vegeta more questions, but I don’t think he’ll answer them now.” I just smiled at my little boy, and patted the seat next to me. We enjoyed the rest of day in peaceful silence, deep in our own thoughts.
I can’t control it. Every time I feel slightly angry, I just charge, and it’s hard to calm back down. These people have been nothing but supporting, yet I can tell I cause them some sort of trouble. On top of that, they agreed to help me fix my ship to head home. But the way I am now, I don’t know if I could even go home.
As I watch mom go about her daily routine, I noticed something is off. She would get angry at the slightest moment, and out of nowhere too. I even had to move things out her way, before she broke it. Mom says she doesn’t have the faintest clue why she so angry. Sometimes she mumbles things, like how bad her head hurts or saying something about her hands. Mom would even take long, steaming baths, saying she’s trying to relax. And she would comment how cold it gotten, when it’s clearly hasn’t. “Mom, are you feeling ok? Are you getting sick?” All she answers is that this isn’t a cold.
So strange. Maybe I should tell someone, but who? Bulma? She’s smart. What about Mr. Vegeta? Could it be part of that mate thing he said. The little he did tell me, is that somehow my parents are connected. Mom then breaks another plate, as she was cleaning. That’s it! I have to ask someone. I’ll ask Mr. Vegeta. Hopefully I could find him.
“Come on Mr. Vegeta. I’m worried about my mom. You just have to know.” He just looked at me indifferent. He asked me what’s wrong with mom, and for the moment I’m happy that he’ll help. “She says how it’s super cold, when the weather is perfectly fine. She would get angry out of nowhere, and or violently break things without reason. Heck, she even shows to not be in control about her own strength. To top it off, she complains about a headache and her hand hurting.”
“From what you tell me, the problem isn’t your mother, brat.” I looked at him confused. “It’s that damn Kakarot. Raditz did asked if he ever had a head injury?” I nodded. “Most likely his programing is running again. Your mother should be fine after a few days.” He then starts walking away. “If she’s lucky.” He then looks over his shoulder at me. “And tell the harpy to stop trying to reach Kakarot, if she wants the headaches to stop.” I just looked at him in shook, as he flew away. What in the world does he mean by that?
It take me a bit longer to fly home. I was just so lost in thought; I just don’t know what to do. What did he mean by program running again? What he mean did he mean she’ll be fine after a few days? And that comment about if she’s lucky? I’m so confused. It’s probably a grown-up thing. Maybe once I tell mom, she’ll explain it to me.
My control over this new form is starting to pay off. I’m able to switch on and off on command. But something still troubles me. Why can’t I reach Chichi? Every time I try, I have a huge headache. So, I gave up trying. Living with the Yardratians had helped me a lot. Like controlling my own ki better. If it wasn’t for their help, I would still be unstable. I hope Chichi and Gohan are doing ok. I really miss them.
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rejaytionships · 1 year
4, 9 and 10 for the meta selfship game!! For whoever you’re thinking about!! :D
Hope you’re doing well!! <33
hiii ezra! ty i'm doing great ^^ hoping all is well for you too
i'll answer about bill pokemon for these~
4. who was your first favorite character when you initially got into your f/o’s source content? was it your f/o from the very beginning?
OK SO i first started playing pokemon when i was like... 9? i had gotten a copy of pkmn platinum bc a family friend found a ds cartridge with a torn off label on the sidewalk randomly. and my first fave was technically barry! idk what it was but i was like hehe barry time :3 (although roark was a close second, which is ironic given he's my buddy now LOL) i technically knew bill in college when i finally had a chance to play more than just platinum (which i lost that cartridge ages ago. F) but i didn't know him until i watched my bf play let's go pikachu. whatever fucking juice they put in that cutscene was NUTS because both i and my boyfriend saw him and were like WHY IS HE HOT??? that was in like. feb 2022? bill's actually the f/o that convinced me to make a selfship sideblog so like wahoo! it's. really funny that bill sparked me really entering the selfship community despite me having selfshipped since i was like 6 in terms of the kanto games though... yeah he was probably my first kanto-appearing crush LOL (distinguishing that bc he's not kantonian he's from johto <3)
9. if your f/o has been represented in more than one way (i.e. in a book AND a movie, in a movie and then recasted for a reboot later, etc.), which version of them is your favorite?
ok so bill appears in like... the kanto games (rgb, frlg, lgpe), the johto games (gsc, hgss), the anime (like once in indigo league), and in the manga (pokespe + a few others) the one that made me fall in love with him was the lgpe version, BUT i will say i love that crystal and frlg gave us more lore ON bill. crystal gave us lore on his dad that he doesn't like (for being a deadbeat iirc) and frlg has the whole fact checker where i learn he is a fellow lactose intolerant sdfhskj he doesn't really do much in any of his media except pokespe to my knowledge, and from what bits and bobs i know i think he's pretty neat (i love the southern accent that is also present in the games a bit but goes HARDER in the manga) and also i love the idea of him actually having like. more plot appearance than just one time (also what he and daisy kind of have going on seems a little cute. i won't even lie to myself) fun fact did you know in one manga his wife literally turned into mew. more notably that he had a wife in the first place (and no it wasn't me. i know i'm shocked as well)
10. if you could change one thing about your f/o’s source content, would you? what would you change?
ok. i would probably make him more involved maybe i'm just thinking wishfully bc of the manga knowledge i have but in the johto games (or kanto) i wish he had more to do with trying to stop the resurrection of team rocket given he was the one in pokespe who pushed for stricter gym leader guidelines once several gym leaders were outed as part of team rocket. like idk he feels like he should have more relevance in the games and he just....DOESN'T. IDK please just give him more than two seconds of screen time nintendo i BEG of you
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