#NONE of these streamers look like real accounts at first glance but idk someone was mouthcamming smash so i guess they are
aggressionbread · 1 year
tumblr live looks kinda fun 😔
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Have I Ever Told You I Love You? | Urushihara Hanzo x Streamer!Reader (Part 1)
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Warnings: Swearing, fluff, and idk if you can call this angst
Word: 1270
    During his short stint in the small apartment with two other guys, Lucifer managed to find his own little world in his laptop. While it wasn't capable of running the games he wanted he was able to enjoy them vicariously through various streamers.
        His favorite streamer was a pink-haired girl from California. He came across her stream late day when he was scrolling through Stitch (Twitch). He knew a little English from the research he'd done for Maou and Ashiya, it was rough, but through some Foogle Translate, he managed.
        The first time he made her laugh through a badly translated off-handed comment, he knew he was done for. He would do literally do anything to hear her laugh like that again. 
        She wasn't a super popular streamer but had a loyal following that made a tight-knit community. It wasn't hard for him to start a conversation with her, and so a friendship began.
        A handful of months later, the short interactions turned into late night text sessions, and he went to as many streams of her's as he could.
        "What in the world are you watching?" Ashiya asked him one day.
        "None of your business!" He growled.
        "I think it's that girl he likes," Maou said through a mouthful of noodles.
        "What are you talking about?!" He yelled, "Why would I like some human? She's just good at gaming!"
        Oh, but he liked her. He liked her a lot. 
        One night he got a notification that she was live, which was odd cause it was almost 3 am where she lived.
        The title of the stream was "I'm drunk and wanna play games!" He chuckled to himself and opened her stream.
        She was sat at her normal streaming setup, but her face was flushed and hair messy.
        She had 'Golf With Your Friends' up, one of the few games his crappy laptop could play. He then got a text from her that said 'Join us' with the room password and a little purple heart.
        He quickly pulled the stream up on his phone and loaded the game, wasting no time getting into the room.
        With his phone propped up next to him, he saw her face break into a big grin.
        "Angel boy!" She smiled, his username was FallenAngelxxx, but she thought it was cute when he got flustered when she called him 'Angel Boy'. "I'll send you the link to the Biscord server voice call." 
        He never even thought to make a Biscord account, so he quickly set it up, claiming the name Angel_Boyxxx.
        "Angel boy, you there?" She asked when he joined the call. They hadn't voice called before and she was almost anxious to finally hear his voice. 
        "Yeah, I'm here." He said thankful Maou and Ashiya were out for the night. After he started watching her, he used what little magic power he had left to help him learn the monstrosity that is English.
        "Hey," She breathed before someone else in the call made a vomiting noise. "Shut it, Pat!"
        "You guys ready to start?" Wade laughed.
        As the night went on, she kept a constant state of drunk causing giggles and stupid comments. 
        "Hey, Angel," She said an hour or so into their play session, as the others were AFK for a few minutes, "Have I ever told you I love you?"
        He froze mid-practice shot, causing him to miss what he was aiming at completely.
        "I love you so much," She giggled.
        "What's with him?" A voice said behind him as a door shut. "Urushihara? Why's your face so red?"
        She gasped excitedly, "Who's that, Angel?"
        "He's not sick is he?" Another voice said, "Jeeze we can't afford a hospital visit right now."
        "I-I-" He covered his mouth with his hand, his face bright red. "Why now?"
        He moved awkwardly and his headphones came unplugged.
        "Angel? You okay?" Her voice sounded almost concerned through the haze of alcohol. "Angel?"
        "Who's that?" Maou asked, looking at the screen quizzically.
        "Are you playing those damned video games aga-" Ashiya started.
        "It's no one!" Lucifer rushed, slamming the laptop shut, cutting off another 'Angel'.
        He grabbed his handheld game and sat in the corner, trying to hide his blush behind his hair.
        The other two men shrugged and started talking about the next day's plans.
        About five minutes later, Lucifer's phone began to ring. He managed to snatch it before Ashiya grabbed it.
        "Were you about to answer my phone?!" He nearly screeched, "Can a guy get any privacy around here?!"
        "As your superior, I need to know you're not talking to any undesirables," Ashiya argued.
        "You mean like you old farts?" He hissed, before stepping into the hallway, slamming the door behind him. 
        The phone had stopped ringing when he went to finally answered and he slouched against the wall, head hung low.
        He was so embarrassed that it took him two weeks to go back to another stream or even answer any of her texts. He barely even went near his precious computer and Maou and Ashiya were even slightly concerned. 
        She was busy in-game and missed his meek little 'hi' in chat, he sighed and cradled his head on his arms on the desk, eyes staring at the screen.
        When she paused to read chat, someone told her he was there, even going as far as to ping him.
        Her eyes lit up as she asked, "You still here Angel Boy?"
        He put a purple heart emoji in the chat and she smiled.
        "Where you been? I- we've missed you," She said as she went back to the game.
        FallenAngelxxx: Who missed me?
        He couldn't help but tease her about her little slip-up.
        She scoffed and rolled her eyes at his chat, "Shut up."
        For the next three weeks, they texted every day, he was so distracted he even stopped ordering stuff. Until one day she never texted him her usual 'Good Morning Angel.' In fact, she never texted him at all that day and he was beyond worried. Sure she'd missed a couple of texts before, but nothing like this. He scrolled through their last conversation, wondering if he'd said something to make her mad.
        Ashiya watched him get more and more worried, "That girl you like not talking to you?"
        "No, she's not," Lucifer muttered from his place in the corner, just loud enough for Ashiya to hear. He was anxiously playing his handheld to take his mind off it.
        "Well, you probably did something in your own brand of stupid to upset her-" His roommate was cut off by a discord call on his computer.
        Lucifer scrambled to his computer, leaving his game unpaused on the floor.
        He glanced at the time as he answered the call, it was past 2 am for her.
        "His Majesty will be back soon, must you take a call instead of-"
        "I'll get to it later!"
        She chuckled as he tried to get his roommate off his back.
        "Hey Angel," She smiled, and his heart stuttered in his chest.
        "H-hey, where've you been all day? I... I was almost worried." He lied.
        "I-heh... Just a super busy day, I guess." 
        "You sound tired," He commented, "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
        "Don't wanna," She whined sleepily, "Help me stay up?"
        "Okay, you wanna play a game or something?" He scrolled through his Solar library for something to play.
        "Uh-uh, too tired," She yawned and he nearly 'aww'd, "Let's just talk for a while."
        "Y-yeah, okay." The other line went real quiet, "You still with me?"
        "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm here," Her small sleepy voice was doing things to his heart.
        "So," She yawned, "How was your day?"
        "Boring," He scoffed.
        "Tell me all about it," She said, "I wanna know every detail."
        "Every detail?"
        "Yep. What did you do? What did you eat? What stupid thing did your roommate yell at you for? Did you play anything fun? I want to know all of it."
        "Heh, I uh..." He had no idea what to say, he definitely wasn't telling her he spent the whole day freaking out, "You know, I just played some stupid game on my handheld and slept. Ashiya was out most of the day, so he really only got on my case a few minutes ago."
        "That's it?" She almost sounded disappointed.
        "Yeah, just another boring day." He shrugged. There was a knock on her side and he could hear her adjust.
        "Ah, that'd be room service," She groaned as she got up, "Be back in a mo."
        "What? Roomservice?! Where in the Hell are you?"
        "What's up with you?" Maou asked right next to him, causing him to jump and let to a small yell.
        "What the Hell, man?! I didn't even hear you come in!" He shouted, "You can't just scare people like that!"
        "Who can't scare what now?" SHe asked through a mouthful of food.
        "No not you- It's just- It's nothing Maou just scared me is all." He stammered.
        "Oh. HI ANGEL'S ROOMMATE!" she yelled loud enough that Maou could hear it through the headphones, making Urushihara yank them off his head.
        "Uh... Hi, Urushihara's girlfriend?" Maou answered unsurely.
        "Wha- She! Sh-sh-She isn't my girlfriend!" Lucifer argued, putting his headphones back on to hear her bubbly laughter.
        "I'm not?" She giggled, "Well maybe I should be since everyone already thinks it."
        His face flushed bright red as he stared at the screen. "W-w... Really?"
        "Yeah, the guys make fun of me for it all the time. They even said that I told you I loved you on stream once, ridiculous, right?"
        "A-actually..." He trailed off. "You kind of... did. I was there."
        It was quiet again.
        "N-no one clipped it?" She said in disbelief. Someone had actually clipped it, and he had it on his phone. Every once and a while, he would play it and his heart would do somersaults.
        "Well, no taking it back now," She chuckled. "Guess the cat's outa the bag."
        His jaw dropped.
        "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," Ashiya teased and Lucifer threw a magazine at him. "That was uncalled for!"
        Lucifer grabbed his laptop and stormed out to the hallway. 
        With the door closed, he set his computer on the washer.
        "You love me?" He asked, trying not to sound completely desperate, unaware of Maou and Ashiya's ears pressed against the door.
        "Of course I do Angel."
        "Wow..." He felt like crying he was so happy. "Me too- I mean! No, I- shit... You don't even know what I look like."
        "Well... What are you doing in two days?"
        "What? Uh, my roommates are dragging me to some stupid work thing, why?" 
        "Can you get out of it?" She asked hopefully.
        "Unlikely," He frowned, "Ashiya is dead set on getting me out of the house and won't let me out of his sight."
        "Oh... Ok." Great, now she was sleepy and sad.
        "What was your idea? Maybe we can reschedule?" He suggested.
        "I'm only in Japan for the next three days, so I don't think it'll work."
        "YOU'RE IN JAPAN?!" He yelled, "Like, right now?!"
        "Good Hanzo, do you mind keeping it down?" Suzino asked from her doorway, "Some of us are trying to enjoy a quiet evening."
        He waved her off and went back to questioning the girl. 
        "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
        "Didn't know till a couple days ago myself. I thought I'd surprise you." She told him shyly. "The guys had an extra spot on their panel at some convention and invited me."
        "Scrw what Ashiya wants, where's the con?"
        "It's at the-" There was a loud bang outside the building, the lights went out and he lost internet connection.
        "No... No! NO!" he gripped the side of his computer and begged her to tell him.
Taglist: @unicornwithachainsaw83​ @steviestyle​
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