#NSFW. ( not safe for work )
skunkes 2 months
i love reading text that give insight on a persons's reality. saw someone refer to that laios figure as "an nsfw figure", the ''an'' confused me before realizing it means they read nsfw fully as en ess eff double u in their head. an n-s-f-w figure
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iasikaijutopia 2 years
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solivagantingrebel 4 months
I feel so miserable right now but you know what would fix me? Writing about Soap [REDACTED] [REDACTED] on Ghost's [REDACTED][REDACTED] while he [REDACTED] and they [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED][REDACTED].
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balaclava-marks 7 months
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just a lil mechanic drawing nothing to see here...
make him lose his shirt below the cut馃馃槼馃槱
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