5 Reasons To Donate To TFT's IndieGoGo
Look fans, we know we hound you sometimes to to donate to our production, but you're the reason our small nonprofit theatre company has the support (financially & enthusiastically) to put on productions such as Slaughterhouse-Five at the NYC Fringe Festival this summer.  So in asking for your support were posting the 5 Reasons you should contribute to Slaughterhouse-Five's IndieGoGo campaign.  
Our Production is Part of The New York International Fringe Festival- This celebrated international festival is the big leagues for off & off-off broadway productions.  We are honored to be a part of it, so we want to represent True False Theatre as best we can as our team puts together Slaughterhouse-Five. 
Our Show Raises Awareness About Soldier, War, and PTSD- Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five isn't a goofy sci-fi tale, but a serious study our WWII soldiers returning home after the devastation across Europe.  We're sharing Billy Pilgrim's story to give audiences a deeper understanding of the pain, fear, and detachment American soldiers with PTSD felt and still feel after returning home from WWII and the current wars we still fight.  
Donations Are Tax Deductible- Any donation $50 or over is tax deductible, so help out our non-profit theatre company and get a little break.
Donors Get Perks in Exchange For Their Donations- A special thanks on our website, physical copy of the script signed by the cast, a digital edition of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five.  These are perks you get for donating the bare-bones amounts to our campaign.  To see the good stuff, refer to our IndieGoGo campaign by clicking here.
Know You Contributed To An Amazing Show & That You Helped To Create It- You guys are awesome!  Did we mention that?  Your donation could lead to a key prop, or an epic costume, or a sweet poster posted throughout NYC.  When you donate you know your money went straight to the production of Slaughterhouse-Five, and we couldn't have done it without you.  
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Billy Pilgrim’s story gives audiences a deeper understanding of American soldiers who have survived trauma
Our upcoming production of Slaughterhouse-Five is most likely one of the most formidable and intense productions True False Theatre has ever put together.  Not only do we need your help in helping us make this production a success, but we want our family, friends, and fans to be a part of Slaughterhouse-Five and earn cool perks for the support.  That's why we've started an Indiegogo Campaign to raise money for the production.  
Our goal in producing Slaughterhouse-Five is to reveal the struggles of soldiers coping with Post-Traumatic Stree Disorder both overseas and at home.  By sharing Billy Pilgrim's story, we hope to give audiences a deeper understanding of the pain, fear, and detachment experienced by American soldiers who have survived trauma.  
Your donation, no matter what the size ($1 to Your Family's Long Lost Fortune) will help create a successful run at FringeNYC.  More information and the perks breakdown is available by clicking the link above.  We'd just like to take a moment to thank everyone for their support past, present, and future.  
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