bloodgulchblog · 6 months
Kelly was given an official unsuited weight of 250 lbs and that's even with Halo being mostly written by dudes and having just invented Spartan Vale (who looks Like That and has an unsuited weight of 224) at the time.
(That stat is from what Waypoint was doing around Halo 5 times, those dossier numbers are concurrent.)
Weight is a stupid number in fiction that nobody gets right because weight is a stupid number irl that nobody gets right due to the huge variation in appearance/density/structure between individual human beings, but still. I feel like that has to count for something???
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infestedguest · 1 year
I am legitimately devastated to learn that “women are my favorite guy” isn’t yet another phrase spawned by tumblr meme culture like I assumed it was, and that it actually originates from a song created by some cishet white guy named Kyle who has built an entire tiktok career off of making fun of neurodivergent people.
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nebulacritter · 3 months
this is the silliest way i've seen anyone draw raymond
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rotting-ink · 3 months
sorry for nyucking off in your ask box like dat nyuck
it made me fuckin shnort in call and tell everyone about the ask i got. my god
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alovelyburn · 2 years
Today’s completely useless Berserk fandom moment...
I was googling Tao for meta reasons and ran across one of those Berserk yin-yang symbols where Guts is the dark side, and Griffith is the light side.
So this particular one had the dark side/guts on top facing down and the light/griffith side on the bottom facing up.
And like someone replied to that saying that the artist should rotate it so that Guts is looking up and Griffith is looking down, saying it was more appropriate for their characters. And I...
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bonnieventure · 1 year
Came for the art, stayed for you
one might say u saw the flowering apples of spring in the orchard, but now know it is the tree of summer that truly fruits sweet..... ???(mentally screaming mid-typing that, as though this post were a car and i were wrecklessly driving it into dashboard traffic) now here's something you'll really like
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theformerbastard · 2 years
Can we see pics of your slutty piercings??
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mammaryjamboree · 1 month
Oh no girl I’m trying to draw a muscular man again
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ellerie-lee · 1 month
Rule #1: Do NOT go into the torment nexus
Forgot the rule this evening, sorry lads. Tomorrow we will try again to not go into the torment nexus. Will keep posted on results.
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cipheramnesia · 2 months
Controversial take, me and the last frenchfries on your plate. Yoink. Woo woo woop, nyuck nyuck.
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barbeloth · 1 month
Yoink. Woo woo woop, nyuck nyuck.
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In a stooge mood!
I used to watch The Three Stooges all the time with my dad and brother growing up and that’s one of the best memories I have of my childhood. We would all laugh hysterically and we would often do curlys whoop whoops and nyuck nyucks. Now, at 19, I have a new appreciation for them and what they did for the world of comedy and how they’ve inspired, and will keep inspiring, many future generations.
(Reference for the Draw The Squad):
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fujisakistan · 2 years
S/O saves Chihiro from being killed in chapter 2 (part 2)
The sound of the morning announcement chimed you awake, stretching your arms out as you realize you're still in the arms of your boyfriend. The events of last night weren't a dream and you had saved him from a fatal incident.
"O-oh! Morning S/O." Chihiro rubbed as eyes, smiling up at you. You place a gentle kiss to his forehead, enjoying the peaceful morning bliss with him, before remembering your current issue.
"Morning, Chihiro, are you okay after what happened?" You noticed his eyes were puffy from the crying, you could guess yours didn't look much different.
"Oh... I'm still a bit s-shaken up from that, but.. I-I want to keep you safe, so I'll try my very best to be strong enough to protect you!" It warmed your heart to see Chihiro so confident.
"Thank you, my love, I feel safer with you." You thought back on the attacker, realizing he hadn't come after you again last night. You wondered if he had calmed down by now.
"Are you ready to get up, Chi?" You asked your boyfriend, still under the covers.
"Y-yeah, I don't think he'll attack us with everyone there, but if he does, I'll protect you!" The boy knew he'd do what he could to be strong, but he knew he was still scared. Could he still be this confident around the others?
"Alright then, let's go!" Taking your sleepy boyfriend by the hand, you dragged him out of bed. He gave you a lazy smile in response.
Upon entering your usual meeting area, Kiyotaka greeted you by scolding your tardiness.
"S/O! Chihiro! You're both very late! What have you been doing?" He gave you both a stern look.
"I-I'm sorry, Taka, we just both slept in, that's a-all." Chihiro gripped your hand tight, still seemingly nervous.
"Nevermind that, have either of you seen Bro or Toko? They are the only ones still missing, and Mondo wouldn't answer his door." You shared a quick glance with Chihiro, debating if you should tell the moral compass.
"Sorry, we haven't seen either of them today. Maybe they're just sleeping in." You sheepishly explained, Taka seeming unamused but didn't press any further, leading you both to sit at the table. The Affluent progeny shot you a knowing look, but said nothing.
"Hey, S/O... d-do you think he's still a-after us?" Your programming partner whispered to you, holding your hand tight.
"I'm sure he's calmed down by now." You reassured him, gently rubbing his hand with your thumb.
Your calm morning was quickly interrupted by an unwanted guest.
"Nyuck nyuck nyuck... what a beautiful morning for killing, am I right, guys?" Monokuma made his entrance standing on the table.
"What could you possibly want from us this time?" Byakuya groaned in annoyance, to Monokuma's enjoyment.
"Like I said, perfect morning for killing, perhaps someone already did it." The monochrome bear grinned at the rich boy.
"No, you're wrong! None of us would do that, not after what already happened!" Makoto shouted at the robot, making him laugh.
"I wouldn't be so sure, hope boy, you should probably check on the missing folks." With an uproarious laughter, Monokuma disappeared once again.
"Perhaps it really has happened again." Sakura crossed her arms in contemplation.
"But over an embarrassing secret?" Aoi asked her friend, hoping it wasn't true.
You noticed Byakuya pulling Makoto aside, heading toward the halls. Maybe he knew what happened?
"Hey, Chihiro, let's go follow them." You pointed toward the leaving pair.
"H-huh? What for?" The programmer looked at the duo, wondering what they could be doing.
"They, or at least Byakuya, might know what happened. Let's hurry." You took your boyfriend's hand and quickly but stealthily followed the two, heading toward the locker rooms. You watched them turn the corner to where both locker room doors were and heard a scream from Makoto.
"W-what h-happened over t-there?" Chihiro jumped at the sudden scream, too nervous to look at what happened. You gripped his hand tightly, reassuring him you'll be there beside him.
You both turn the corner to see what happened for yourself, and a wave of regret washed over you. It was the nightmarish feeling of dread.
In front of the two boys, was the dead body of Toko Fukawa, your fellow classmate.
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Take every opportunity to feed the hooligans cause 10 min of their shenanigans makes me happier than all the drugs. Roxy Music's Siren is behind Flatt & Scruggs. (ahem. wink.) Almost hit the border and zero moose to report. Bald eagle snatching roadkill though! Skunk City, too. The antique, vintage and junk stores didn't offer much in the way of religious business but I snagged a cute font. (filling it w/ Tito's now) Got my heart broken feeding a starved dog but listened to great music and soaked in the swans. All great trips have a little bit of everything. Weather uncooperative for much photo wise but maybe one or two came out. If I had better gear (talent, money, smarter, better looking, thinner, happier) maybe more.
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The car's nice but think I'm just a truck person. 20 yrs ago me & this thing would've been wrapped around a telephone pole so it's good I never had much in the way of shit. Now I'd rather be several stories up in a YOU'RE GD RIGHT jacked up F250 (F350 F650!) knowing that I could crush everyone but feeling safe and comfortable. (have your anxieties call mine) Super happy to be home. Way too introverted to enjoy too much time away from the slice of heaven I've created inside these (sugar) walls. nyuck nyuck. Sheena Easton baby, deal with it.
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rotting-ink · 3 months
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