#Nadia Comăneci
fuchsmaedchens · 1 month
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anothermessagetoyou · 1 month
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womeninfictionandirl · 8 months
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Nadia Comăneci by Allison Adams
Nadia Comăneci (born 1961) is a Romanian gymnast who, at 14 years old, became the first woman to score a perfect 10 in an Olympic gymnastics event. She is credited with popularizing the sport around the globe and was a huge inspiration to young girls in the 1970 and 80s.
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manojnaironline · 6 months
Olympic Games
The words Olympic Games evoke fond memories from the past. As a kid, I remember waiting eagerly for the daily highlights to start on television. Decades have passed, but not the excitement of watching the games. The first Olympics games I remember watching were the 1976 Montreal Games. That was when Nadia Comăneci spun a ‘perfect 10’ spell. Over the years, I watched Carl Lewis grab his golden…
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Well, this just happened... My friend Tom L. Nix was just asked to play Nadia's Dream at an event this evening... for Bart Conner and Nadia Comăneci ...ha
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Barry De Vorzon & Perry Botkin Jr. - Cotton`s Dream (Nadia`s Theme)
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barnbridges · 1 year
canonical romanian literature names of tsh characters, unexplained:
henry winter - henri iernescu camilla & charles macaulay - camila și carol mărculescu francis abernathy - franz albu bunny corcoran - iepurache corcodel richard papen - ricardo cărtărescu cloke rayburn - colea rizea judy poovey - iudita popescu marion barnbridge - marionela podeanu
additionally, julian would ofc be iulian but his last name would either be a minulescu (time pun) or osuleanu (bone joke)
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Asymmetric Bars
Spent much of last night - and I could not really afford to do so: oh, well - watching the event unfold from the comfort of my couch.
Very pleased with all of the enthusiastic live reactions. They are better than any of our keyboard comments, simply because nothing can replace direct experience and personal perception.
I once told a (French) writer friend she couldn't properly start a novel about Russia without going there, irrespective of anything else. She was horribly pissed off and the new-ish friendship went down the drain - but I was honest and (it is my deep belief) also right. All things considered, same applies here: you were not in Sydney, well - all you can do is second-hand comment on what others saw.
I never pretended to be neutral, so I picked my trusted source and went with it, in my reblogs. So, there is no need for me to translate what @samheughanswife saw and shared: these are her things and this is her well-deserved privilege. But to me, it is the vicarious reactions that tell perhaps the most interesting tale and this short comment is about them, solely.
Hormones were obviously off the roof, disguised as they could, from gratuitous bitching to infantile drooling. That bracelet, FFS, it's a fan gift! What did you want him to do? Not wear it and they would have screeched he is dismissive and entitled. Wear it and they screeched it was tacky and 'classless' (according to one of the worst, shameless mythomaniacs in this fandom).
Funny how some (the same people, actually) see fan service where it is obviously not and conveniently forget about it exactly where it is absolutely obvious.
He looked tired. He looked hungover. His outfit sucked: who was the person expecting to see, I wonder, Houdini? JAMMF? POTUS? Michael Jackson? Benny Hill, so popular in their gif repertoire? His outfit was the one he always wears at cons, lately. There is nothing to write home about, but when you are a BBB (slainte and make it a triple), adding boredom to the mix, anything goes to feel alive and important.
It's always been about S, the most peculiar thing, really. Their OTT reactions to a happy go lucky, festive event justify why I don't give a damn about whatever they could ever say about anything else. Being vocal about something is directly proportional, in that group, to having no knowledge or exposure to that something. It is absolutely clear, now.
You wonder perhaps what happened next to my French writer ex-acquaintance. Well, she never wrote that novel. Instead, she went ahead and published a decent one about Nadia Comăneci, something she had a direct experience of.
I still have that email, somewhere.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
So the torch relay is ending with Nadal (Spain), Carl Lewis and Serena Williams (US), and Nadia Comăneci (Romania).
What is this.
Look, I’m all for international camaraderie and togetherness at the Olympics but this is weird. Serena, Carl, and Michael Phelps (he was on in the medal portion of the ceremony a few hours ago) will have their moment in LA. Let this be for French athletes.
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grecoromanyaoi · 2 months
i dont know anything abt sports or the olympics but im of romanian descent so i do know one thing. nadia comăneci was the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect 10.0 score in the 1976 olympics at the age of 14-
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fridagentileschi · 2 months
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Nadia Comăneci ginnasta rumena, l'enfant prodige a Montreal nel 1976.
Ha vinto tre medaglie d'oro: individuale, barre irregolari e trave.
È stata la prima ginnasta a raggiungere l'eccellenza, ad avere un 10 ai Giochi Olimpici.
Tutto questo quando mancavano 4 mesi al compimento dei 15 anni.
A Mosca nel 1980 vincerà altre due medaglie d'oro olimpiche.
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moonstone-vibe · 1 month
The Romanian Gymnastics Federation has taken note of the international accusations and wishes to clarify certain extremely important aspects through this press release.
The initiative to award bronze medals to all three athletes, Jordan Chiles, Ana-Maria Bărbosu, and Sabrina Maneca-Voinea, was proposed by the lawyers of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation, with the prior approval of the Federation.
The leadership of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation (FRG), through its representatives, took all necessary steps to reach this consensus. We emphasize that certain requests were made by the American side to achieve this goal, and our side consistently complied with these requests, a fact that was appreciated by the American representative.
Throughout this period, FRG was supported by Nadia Comăneci to reach a fair consensus for all athletes, considering the technical difficulties encountered by the International Gymnastics Federation.
FRG, together with its partners, has always sought to resolve this dispute in a manner that shows respect and appreciation for the athletes involved.
We hereby appeal to the entire gymnastics community, both within the country and abroad, to put an STOP to the attacks against gymnasts Jordan Chiles, Ana-Maria Bărbosu, and Sabrina Maneca-Voinea, and especially against Nadia Comăneci, whose support has always been in favour of all three athletes /three medals.
FRG never agreed on taking away a medal.
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mudwerks · 7 months
(via Theme from “The Young and the Restless" (“Lost") — Long Version)
"Nadia's Theme", originally titled "Cotton's Dream", is a piece of music composed by Barry De Vorzon and Perry Botkin Jr. in 1971. It was originally used as incidental music for the 1971 film Bless the Beasts and Children, and is better known as the theme music to the television soap opera The Young and the Restless since the series premiered in 1973. "Cotton's Dream" was renamed "Nadia's Theme" after it became associated with Olympic gymnast Nadia Comăneci during and after the 1976 Summer Olympics.
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estbela · 5 months
Don't get me wrong, I love canon Romania he's my favourite character ever but like. I love the idea of nyo Romania very much and tbf she should have been canon Ro.
And like. I think there are a lot of cool historical personalities that are girls in Romania's history too, for example Ecaterina Teodoroiu, princess Ileana, Smaranda Braescu, Marina Stirbey, Virginia Andreescu Haret, Ella Negruzzi, of course I cannot forget Nadia Comăneci, and the list can go on. Also technically she was not romanian but she was the queen of Romania, queen Marie of Romania (I wanna make a post about her but like. Read her wikipedia page its pretty interesting. She was even popular in other countries like America, even did a sort of tour/visit to America at one point! And like met the president of America at the time, Calvin Coolidge abd his wife Grace).
And also, her being a girl while a lot of characters that surround her are guys could kinda represent how she was often...different in a way, her being the only romance country in eastern europe*. Idk i'm just throwing ideas around
And like. Idk I think she'd be really pretty and I like girls okay. Also I think she'd have a cool personality idk I just think she'd be great.
*there are other eastern romance people, yes, such as the aromanians and megleno-romanians and others I think, but, sadly, they are in way smaller numbers than the romanians and do not have their own countries.
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jartita-me-teneis · 1 month
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La gimnasta Elena Mukhina nació en junio de 1960 en Moscú y desde temprana edad, se interesó por la gimnasia artística. A partir de 1978, comenzó a llamar la atención de las autoridades soviéticas. Ese año, en el Campeonato Mundial de Gimnasia, conquistó el título en el all around y lideró al seleccionado soviético que consiguió la medalla dorada en la prueba por equipos. En ese torneo, fue también oro en suelo y platas en barras y en viga.
Es importante entender que, en ese tiempo, la rumana Nadia Comăneci era una figura icónica en el mundo de la gimnasia. Ella saltó a la fama en los JJOO de Montreal 1976, donde se convirtió en la primera gimnasta en obtener una puntuación perfecta de 10.0.
Para 1980, Yelena se estaba preparando para competir en los JJOO de Moscú. Las autoridades soviéticas estaban decididas a superar a Rumania y, en su afán por lograrlo, forzaron al máximo a sus atletas, incluyendo a Yelena, para asegurarse de vencer a Nadia Comăneci y al equipo rumano.
Uno de los elementos que el coach introdujo en suelo fue "el salto Thomas", un ejercicio de tanta dificultad que solo realizaban los hombres, porque si no se ejecutaba con suficiente altura y velocidad, se corría el riesgo de sufrir una lesión seria. Y exigía también una sincronización perfecta para aterrizar con el tiempo suficiente para realizar el último roll hacia adelante y no golpearse la pera o la cabeza.
A fines de 1979, mientras se preparaba para el Mundial de Estados Unidos, Mukhina sufrió una fractura en una pierna y estuvo un mes y medio enyesada. Para acelerar los tiempos, se sometió a una cirugía en la pierna y así regresó al trabajo mucho antes de lo recomendado por los médicos.
Dos semanas antes de la inauguración de los JJOO, Mukhina estaba practicando cuando sufrió el accidente que le puso fin a su carrera. La pierna lesionada, que aún no estaba del todo recuperada, no la dejó tomar suficiente altura ni realizar la rotación completa, y la atleta aterrizó con el mentón en el suelo. El diagnóstico, fractura completa de las vértebras cervicales, lo que significaba parálisis completa del cuello para abajo.
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livewireatalanta · 7 months
task 001. muse dossier NADIA ATALANTA; "LIVE WIRE"
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Dragged by the wind / Taken by the stars / Carried with the madness and scars. -"Dark Matter", Les Friction **art credit: Vietnamese Holy Beasts by Xuân Lam
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. Huỳnn Loan Phượng The name on Nadia's birth certificate is her family name, Huỳnn, her middle name, Loan and her given name, Phượng. The luan is a deified bird across East Asian mythology, often representing an omen of peace to come and virtue. The phượng hoàng (pictured in the banner art of this post) is commonly referred to as the "Chinese phoenix," a composite creature made up several birds (which often change) and other animals. Its body represents celestial bodies and the 5 fundamental colors of its feathers represent the 5 virtues of Confucius. While it does not bear many similarities to the Western phoenix, there is an association with fire, as it is said to have been born of the sun and is commonly depicted with a fireball. It is a positive symbol, often an omen of peace, prosperity, and happiness, but also represents loyalty and honesty.
Nadia Atalanta Growing up in middle America in the late eighties/nineties meant that Nadia was encouraged to pick an "American" name that was "easier" for American teachers and friends to pronounce. Nadia was chosen from a list of names her first grade teacher had (a little dated, as she believes "Nadia" was there due to the popularity of Nadia Comăneci in the seventies). Atalanta was the call sign given to Nadia when she joined MTF Delta-5. In Greek mythology, Atalanta is associated with Jason and the Argonauts and was a disciple of Artemis. Prior to those adventures, she refused to marry unless her suitor could best her in a footrace.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. None. Some of the more childish members of MTF Xi-13 took to calling her "Nads." She provides her current surname, "Atalanta," when asked her preference. (She will be rolling her eyes at all of their new call signs and will probably be huffy about responding to "Live Wire.") If you call her Nadia, well...you had better be Dying Breed.
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒. A long-healed scar around the left side of her chin not quite reaching her bottom lip; a deep scar that looks like gouged claw marks at the center of her abdomen and trailing off toward her left hip; an uneven circle of puncture scars around her right shoulder that sure does look like something bit her...but what has a mouth that large? She's usually seen with her shoulder-length hair done in twin French braids, tight, down the back of her head. When not in tactical or field gear, she's likely to be wearing a sweatshirt or flannel that doesn't seem to fit right, too large and for a more masculine frame (these items belonged to her brother).
𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒 / 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. She has two piercings in both ear lobes but rarely wears anything in them. No tattoos, despite Levy Tran's extensive artwork. Nadia is still living by the regulations of MTF Delta-6 and undercover best practices.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 38 / January 25, 1985
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂. Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Taurus Rising. All Nadia knows is that she’s an Aquarius and that makes her an air sign. Anything beyond that is out of her range.
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍. A suburb of Rockford, Illinois. She usually just says "Chicago," because it's easier.
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘. Mother, deceased 2011 Father, resides in Boston Brother, deceased 2017 Nadia's father left when she was a child and she has had no contact with him since. Her mother died of complications from lung cancer in 2011. Her brother, Mark, was her twin. They were recruited into the Foundation together and shared an apartment (when Nadia was home). He was a researcher primarily focused on habitation of anamolies in containtment. His death was the result of a fatal containment breach and the official ruling is that Mark's lack of adherence to protocol caused said breach. As you may imagine, Nadia does not believe this and has tried to discover anything she can about the incident.
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. Cis woman; she/her/hers 
𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒. Single. Never married. Dare you to ask a second follow up.
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. Level-headed, just, resourceful
𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. Stubborn, defensive, sarcastic
𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒. Unnerving eye contact, going barefoot in private quarters, wearing her brother's clothes, a weakness for high-end body and hair care products, usually has a packet of some kind of candy on her person and will be pulling it out to snack on noisily during boring meetings, prefers Dr Pepper to coffee but makes an exception for Barb's vanilla caramel lattes, seems like a smoker but really only does it socially or when peer pressured in the field or when trying to annoy Dying Breed by stealing his cigarette, generally eats like a teenaged boy (in taste and quantity), as of late has been relying on misuse of prescription medication to sleep more
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒. Watching documentaries, doing puzzles (of all kinds), strength and combat training, running outdoors, reading historical books (nonfiction and fiction alike), visiting fine art or natural history museums
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄. Ranked Corporal as MTF Operative with MTF Chi-00
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍(𝐒).  Operative with Decommissioning Department (2023 - 2024) MTF Operative (Corporal); MTF Xi-13: Sequere Nos (2019 - 2023) MTF Operative (Sergeant); MTF Delta-5: Front Runners (2008 - 2019)
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓: Decommissioning Department Nadia has only been with the Decomissioning Department for a few months. Prior to this post, she was on 8 months of medical leave due to injuries sustained during the incident with SCP-192001-01 while with MTF XI-13.
𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒: Fluent/conversational in several languages (English, Vietnamese, Latin, Spanish, Greek; Cantonese, French, German, Italian), hand-to-hand combat, knife/blade combat, basic firearms, basic SERE skills, undercover work
𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘. Nadia was recruited into The Foundation directly out of upper-education, concurrent with her brother, Mark, in the greater Chicago metro area. Both Nadia and Mark excelled quickly, she in field work and infiltration and he in research and containment. Mark would eventually become respected within the Experimental Containment Research group and Nadia would be assigned to Mobile Task Force: Delta-5: “Front Runners.”
The majority of her career was spent with Delta-5. There, she proved intelligent, adept, and obedient. She expressed a deep satisfaction for the work within MTF Delta-5 and it has been reported from multiple supervisors throughout this time that Nadia was one of the brightest operatives they had seen in an age. The general consensus was that she would achieve MTF Commander at an exceptionally young age.
In 2017, Mark  entered into a routine encounter with an anomaly that would prove fatal. Officially, the Foundation maintains that failure to adhere to protocol led to Mark’s death. Nadia vehemently disagrees, as Mark was always meticulous. Directly following his death, inquiries were made and the initial decision was upheld. Nadia has refused to accept the Foundation’s explanation. Most information and files related to his death and the incident have been expunged and data-locked.
Following 3 months of leave, Nadia returned to active duty. Her discipline had collapsed and her behavior became erratic and dangerous. There were numerous disciplinary warnings and write-ups, culminating in the incident with a member of  GoI-004: “Church of the Broken God,” where Nadia deliberately sabotaged her cover to enter into an unprovoked physical altercation. She was reassigned to Mobile Task Force Xi-13: “Sequere Nos” as a consequence. There was a successful, largely uneventful year with MTF Xi-13 – and then the encounter with SCP-19-2001-1.
Nadia’s assignment has been in flux for the past year since the encounter with SCP-192001-01. Directly following the incident, she was remanded to 6 months of medical leave. An additional 3 months of mental health leave was recommended, but Nadia declined. Since returning from leave, she has been working in the Department of Decommissions.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. Paragon, Fallen Nadia used to be an exemplar within the Mobile Task Forces, particularly MTF Delta-5. She rose through ranks fast and easy, enjoying her work and eager to gain her own command. That's all in shambles, now, but it if your character has been through MTFs, they may have heard about Atalanta, or any of her triumphs from the earlier days. If not, there's still the chance that your character worked with MTF Xi-13 and could have encountered the current shade of Nadia. Personal Project Nadia is still desperate to find out exactly what happened to her brother. I can definitely see her picking the brains of anyone who might have information, whether about that specific incident or just containment and breaches in general. Hand-to-Hand When she's not avoiding everyone in her room, Nadia will likely be training in the gym facilities. While she prefers to train solo, she also loves to spar and practice combat. If your character is a fighter, or would like to be, they could potentially cross on the mat. Wilderness Scouts Nadia has not joined the Walking Club (Seriously?), but she is often wandering through the wooded area around the base. While she is absolutely looking for solitude on these treks (with the rare exception being made for Dying Breed), your character could encounter her and, if they're quiet, they may just be allowed to walk with her.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 / 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐒. Action Girl, Aloof Dark-Haired Girl, Angsty Surviving Twin, Braids of Action, Chosen Zero, Deadpan Snarking, Final Girl, Haunted Hero, Ice Queen/Defrosting the Ice Queen, The Paragon Always Rebels, Seeker, Showing Up Chauvinists, Tsundere, Twin Telepathy
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. Alanna of Trebond (Song of the Lioness Quartet), Veronica Mars (eponymous), Jessica Jones (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99), Megara (Hercules, 1997), Jyn Erso (Rogue One), Dana Scully (The X-Files), Rogue (The X-Men)
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lasaraconor · 2 months
Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams, Nadia Comăneci et Carl Lewis
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