#Nalu Ikaika
8r14r-r0s3 · 1 year
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Oops my hand slipped
It’s been a bit since a posted and I came back swinging! This took like 9 hours, but here’s the control art of the second OC I want to show you guys, Nalu Ikaika. Pretty prince acrobat water lady :).
Have a good day and don’t be like me, get 8 hours of sleep.
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incarnatesofmortis · 1 year
Hiya! Welcome to Mortis!
My name is Briar, I use She/They but any/all is also chill, and I run this blog and made its characters. When/if I officially produce anything know that I am not the only person working on this project, I’m just the creative lead and the only one with a social media account.
What is Incarnates of Mortis?
IoM is a story focusing on a group of magical girl esque figures who protect the land of the dead from souls that have been corrupted. These figures are dubbed Incarnates by the public and believed to have been born from Mortis itself. Our protagonist, an Angel girl known as Merry Tolli, leads a faction of the incarnates who believe it is better to reason with corrupted souls and heal their suffering. She is rivaled by an Incarnate who has dubbed herself The Crypt Keeper of the River Styx, who leads a faction of Incarnates who believe the simpler solution is to fight the sinners in order to destroy the source of their suffering through force.
Who are the main characters?
Merry Tolli- An Angel with a heart of gold who is unwavering in her compassion. She earned her status as an incarnate by saving the life of a drowning boy as a child. She goes by the alias Odette the Swan when fighting as an Incarnate
Nalu Ikaika- A loyal and fun-loving Nymph who is childhood friends with Merry. She earned her incarnate status by saving a girl from a fire that burnt down her family cafe. She goes by the alias Lily Loch while interacting with other Incarnates.
Felix Chatmao- A chill and down to earth cat therianthrope who is friends with Merry. He earned his status as an Incarnate by saving the life of a lost child in the forest. He goes by the alias Acteon of Felis while an incarnate.
Styx- Styx, or Crypt Keeper of the River Styx by her full title, is the leader of a rival group of incarnates. She is cold and analytical. Her true identity is unknown. She seems to be blind, but seems to be able to predict attacks.
Plague Mascarade- A gunslinging and mouthy incarnate who seems to be a siren. He insists his reasoning for allying with Styx is just so he can shoot stuff, but it’s unclear if he’s telling the truth. He often leaves battles before their finished in a rush without explaining.
There are more, but I don’t want to spoil the fun ;))
Rules in case literally anyone cares about these characters and wants to draw them or something
1) Please credit me and link to my blog
2) Please no NSFW. Slightly suggestive is fine, but please no nudity.
3) Please don’t whitewash my characters. Please don’t make my bigger characters skinny.
4) U don’t have to but it’d be really super cool if you told me about it and where I can find you so I can gaze at your beautiful artwork and share it with the team.
For more specific information like some preemptive world building and more character details, there should be pages dedicated to those.
Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy your stay in the land of the dead!
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petri808 · 7 years
Hawaiian Souvenir
NaLu Love Fest days- 10/15, 20, 24/17 Multi-Prompts within- Role Play, Stockings/Lingerie, Hickeys, Dreams, Lust  @nalulovelovefest
This is a new rendering of an older version of this AU story that was a PG-13 and only about 3800 words, this one has 14K+, over 8K are totally sexual content.  Aside from the prompts, it contains Stripteasing, Foot Fetish, Bindings, Oral & Regular Sex of different positions…  Translations at the end or for more follow the link to my AO3 page.
Lucy tosses and turns in her sleep.   Blurry images of a dark-skinned young woman in a reddish colored dress dances in front of her speaking words she cannot identify.  The melody is deep and strangely, resonates through her soul.  ‘What is that woman singing?’        
‘He wahine ikaikaʻo ia Mai kahi'āina'ē Me ke ahonui a me ka pono He kanaka ikaikaʻo ia Mai kahi'āina'ē Me ke ahi a me ka ikaika i loko o konaʻuhane Akā naʻe, ua kāhea kēia'āina iā lākou
ʻO kā lāua kaikamahine keʻano o nā meaʻelua Akā, e lilo kā lākou keiki i ka mana o kona makua kāne A e mālama i kēia'āina me ka hanohano’
The woman’s movements so fluid and yet powerful and beautiful all at the same time.  ‘She keeps repeating the same words, I think…’  The woman points at Lucy and smiles, rocking some imaginary thing in her arms, like an infant.  Fire erupts all around them, encircling them but it doesn’t scare Lucy.  ‘What is going on…’  More confused than anything else, she doesn’t understand what the woman is trying to tell her as the stranger now places her hands over her own stomach.  But as suddenly as the scene exploded into flames, it quickly shifts into a bedroom but not her own.  
Gone is the woman in red and instead Lucy finds herself in an erotic exchange with her husband.  The heat in the room feels almost as stifling as the last scene and yet neither seem to notice, too focused on their bonded exchange.  The blonde can feel everything going on around her.  ‘Am I still dreaming?’  She wonders for a second before realizing she didn’t care either way.  
Her husband plunges over and over deep into her center as she writhes in time with his motions.  She groans and sighs, gripping to the bedding, his arms, his hair, or digging her nails into the skin of his back; he growls from the pain but it seems to only push his drive further and harder.  ‘Natsu…’ breathing out through the intoxicating haze of her mind.  
Natsu slows his pace to delay the inevitable…  Instead cajoling his wife’s senses with other corporeal touches.  His lips upon her neck tease with succulent sweet kisses and how she loves when his canines graze the skin ever so gently.  The warmth of his breath wafting over her body making her shudder under his shifting frame…  Love bites full of immortal yearnings yet as the slow, meticulous rocking of his hips keep the pressure inside her from growing.  
‘My Princess…’ he moans
‘My dragon…’ she purrs, ‘Take me all the way…’ bucking her hips
He coos to her, “Not yet my love…”
“But the woman…” he kisses her lips.  “…Natsu…”
“One day…  Luce…  If that is what you desire…”
Moaning in her sleep, “Yes….  I do…”
Natsu lifts one of her legs up over his shoulders and pushes slow but deep into the tight confines of her balmy cavern, flesh hitting flesh as far as he can go only to repeat the process again and again, and again.  Lucy’s back arches from the repeated immersion, waves of lust escalating in her nether region; he’s soon to take her beyond the stars…  ‘Lucy…  I’m almost…’
“Lucy?” her husband shakes her gently, curious about what she is dreaming about.
‘Natsu…  Take me there…’  
“Na…tsu…” still moaning, Lucy’s body contorts on the bed as if she is close to a real orgasm.  “Take me…”
“Lucy!”  he shakes a little harder
Lucy’s body stops moving as she stretches her arms, “Hmmm?” and opens her eyes to the darkness of their bedroom and her husband sitting up beside her.  “Baby, why’d you wake me up?”
“Are you having sex with me in your dream?  Because that’s not fair!”
She laughs, “I…” blinking, Lucy quiets back down, “Huh, I don’t remember.”
Natsu lies down next to his wife and cuddles her close again, “Well sure sounded like it, the way you were moaning and groaning…” a grin pops onto his face, “I must be pretty damn good that you need to have me in your dreams too…”
“Or I’m not getting enough in real life that I need to get action in my dreams…” she teases.
“Hey!” he rolls on top of her and presses his crotch against hers, “Seriously?!”
Lucy giggles and grabs his butt, “Just joking babe…”
A couple of months later, Natsu calls Levy over the phone while Lucy’s at work.
‘Levy, would you watch Nashi & Happy for us?’
‘Sure, Natsu.  What’s the occasion?’
‘Since we never got to do it, and our anniversary is coming up… I was thinking of taking Lucy on a real honeymoon.’
‘Really!  That’s a great idea Natsu, of course I’ll watch them for you.’
‘Thanks Levy…’
Natsu observes from the door with a smile as his wife tucks their sleeping daughter into bed.  “She’s so adorable…”  He whispers as he wraps his arms around his wife and kisses her cheek.  “I’m such a lucky guy to have two beautiful women in my life.”  Their daughter was the spitting image of her mother but with his salmon colored hair and emerald green eyes.
“Alright, what do you want Natsu?”  Lucy teases
Feigning shock, “I already got what I wanted when you said, ‘I do’…” he leads her out to the living room and sits her on the couch.  “But what about you?  Are you happy with how things turned out Luce?”
“Of course, I am, babe, why wouldn’t I be?”
He puts his arm around her shoulder, “We had Nashi so young, and the wedding was kinda just thrown together…  I just worried that there were other things you maybe thought you were missing out on…”
“Well…” she leans against him.  “Having Nashi at eighteen wasn’t easy and rushing the wedding before she was born…  sigh, but I don’t have any regrets.  Natsu I loved you and that’s all that mattered to me.”
“But still, I wish I could have, I don’t know,” he runs his hand acting nervous, “given you more.”  
Her big brown eyes dance for a moment, wondering where this was leading, “Like what?”
“For starters, I couldn’t even take you on a honeymoon.”
She laughs, “That wouldn’t have been much fun being 8 months pregnant.”
“I know, but now that Nashi is seven and we’re more stable financially…” he pulls out the two tickets he had hidden behind a pillow…  “…I thought for our anniversary this year…” … holding them up in front of her…  “I could make that up to you.”  
Her eyes widen, “Are you serious!!” she grabs the tickets from his hand.  “Hawaii!!”
“I’ve already arranged with Levy to babysit Nashi and Happy, spoke to your job and mine, booked flights, rooms, and car,” grinning that cheeky smile, “all you need to do is pack, oh and you can pick what we do there.”
Lucy squeals and throws herself against her husband almost tipping over the loveseat they were in, “God I love you Natsu!”
“I love you too babe.”  He grins and pulls her tight to him.  “Ya know…  I can’t wait to see you in your bikini…”
She slaps him in the arm, “Goof!”
“You married this goof!  What does that make you?”
Giggling, “Touche.”
“So… Mrs. Dragneel…” he grins wide and trails his fingers on her thigh, “…Nashi’s asleep…”
With a straight face, Lucy taunts her husband, “And?”
“What do you mean And?  It’s been a little while babe…”
She giggles and plants herself further in his lap.  “Is my friend lonely?” Lucy rubs her hand over his crotch area and feels a twitch.  
“Mmhmm.” Natsu rumbles and pouts for more effect.
“Does he wanna have a play date?” she purrs
“Yeah…” his cheeky grin taking over his face.
Giggling again she pushes herself off him, “Then tag, your it!” and runs for the sanctity of their bedroom.
“Ooh!  I’m gonna get you!” he rushes after his wife.  Catching her just as she makes it to the bed, she squeals when he tackles her onto it.  “He He!  Got ya!”  
“Mmmm…”  Lucy pulls his face down smashing her lips against him grinning the whole time.  “Make me purr…” she whispers in his ear, then drags her body closer to the headboard.  He pulls his shirt off and crawls over her positioning between her legs before lowering his crotch against her core and pushing.  She moans lightly from the pressure change… if only there wasn’t their pesky fabric between them!  Lucy bucks her hips as his kisses trail from her mouth down her jawbone and along her neck, twining her fingers through his mess of hair.  “Mmm…” she hums from the pleasure of his touch.  “Na…”
A high pitch scream, cry, followed by, “Daddy!”  breaks the couple right out of their mood.  “Daddy!”
Sigh, “Natsu you better go, Nashi probably had a bad dream or something.”
He hangs his head and nods, “Yeah…”  “Nashi, I’ll be right there.”  Sigh, “I really can’t wait for this vacation…”  Giving his wife one last peck on the lips he crawls off her and grabs his shirt on his way out the door, his erection already retreating.  “Nashi baby, Dad’s coming.”
Turning on the lights as he walks in, Natsu sees his daughter sitting with her legs up and arms wrapped around her stuffed dragon doll.  “Baby, what’s the matter?” he asks the frightened child as he sits beside her on the bed and cuddles her to his chest.  “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Yeah…” the little girl sniffles into the plush doll.  
“Tell me about your dream, baby.”
“A-at first it was a cool dream.  You and mommy had magic powers.”
“What kind of powers,” he coaxes Nashi to focus on the happy parts.
“Oh daddy, you could breathe fire!  And Mommy had these magic keys and had all these neat friends that came out of the keys!”
“Really?” he chuckles, “that does sound pretty cool.”
Her eyes sparkle, “Yeah it is, that would be so cool if you could do that daddy!”
“I agree baby, it would make barbecuing really easy.”
The little girl giggles, “Even Happy was in the dream but he could fly and talk!”
Now Natsu really laughs, as he pictures their blue fur ball with wings.  “That would be a sight to see.”  As if on cue, the cat jumps onto the bed nuzzling to Nashi’s hand wanting to be pet.  “I think he thought you called him.”
“But daddy…” Nashi begins to stroke along the cat’s head and ears, “Mommy was kidnapped by a group of bad people and you were trying to save her but they caught you too…  After you broke free you found mommy but she was stuck in a time machine or something and to get her out you were fighting the leader of the bad guys.  Daddy he was so weird looking, with black hair and I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or girl but I think it was a boy…”    
“Nashi, you know the dreams can’t hurt you right?”
“I know…” she pouts, “But it was scary…”
“I know baby, but it’s okay.” He kisses her forehead.  “Think about the cool stuff and maybe you’ll only dream about that instead.”
“You mean like how you can breathe fire!”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “like that or mommy’s key friends.”  Their cat, has by this time snuggled along Nashi’s side and fallen asleep.  “And Happy here will protect you.”
“Daddy, he’s just a cat.”
“I know baby, but you can pretend he has magic powers too like in the dream.”
Natsu prompts his daughter to lay back down and pulls the covers around her again.  “Close your eyes baby girl.”
“Don’t leave until I fall asleep.”
“I’ll stay right here.” He kisses her forehead.  As Happy purrs contently next to Nashi, Natsu listens as her breathing evens out into another peaceful slumber.  “Good night baby,” he whispers before turning off her light and closing the door.
Trudging back to his bedroom, he makes a pitstop at the bathroom to relieve his bladder before going to his wife.  As he opens and closes the bedroom door behind him he hears a throat clearing followed by a very, sexy voice.  “Hello… Mr. Dragneel…”
His eyes fall over his wife in one of his favorites; her black and white, French maid costume.  “Wow…” he mutters, drinking in the image of Lucy lying on her side, head propped up with one arm… one leg bent slightly at the knee, and the thigh high white stockings…  He gulps.
“I’ve been such a naughty maid…  I deserve to be punished…”  Lucy bends her leg further so that it’s about a foot off the bed at the knee and runs her feather duster along it towards her middle junction.  
“I see…” Natsu grins, “Do you want your master to punish you?”  
She leans forward from the waist making sure to stick her chest out in the process.  With her palm, flat against the surface of the bed she grips the comforter in her fingers and nods, biting the corner of her lip.  
Making his way towards her, he crawls over the bed closer, “but what if the master doesn’t want to punish you?” she pouts.  Natsu runs his hands up her leg, “He’d much rather see you…” and when he reaches her pussy runs his fingers over them, “pleasure yourself…”
“But…” she quibbles…
An eyebrow raises, “Are you arguing with your master?”
“No.” she shakes her head as he caresses her cheek.
“Then the master wants you to put on a show for him.”  And with that Natsu props himself against the headboard with his legs outstretched and waits.
Lucy gets off the bed and moves around to the side and slowly undresses in a striptease performance.  Turning her back to him, she reaches around and nimbly pulls at the bow securing the apron, it’s the first to fall to her feet.  With both hands now at her hips, the thumb and pointer fingers hook into the sides of the skirt, drawing it down inch by inch in measured drifts, bending over the lower it goes, she sticks out her ass as the fabric makes its away over the humps.  Once past the point of resistance she allows the skirt to leisurely slide down her toned and lithe legs.  Lucy’s hands follow as it travels down, caressing thighs, calf, and then back up again, grazing her nails against the limbs in an unhurried pace.  Relishing the tingling feelings generated, all the while side-eying her husband, she kicks the skirt away when it hits her ankles and smirks.  No underwear.  Now she turns to face him again and un buttons the white collared shirt, one button, two buttons…  until all the closures are freed.  She lets the shirt hang open, still covering her bountiful bosoms but allowing the curve of them to peek through.  Biting the corner of her bottom lip, she squeezes her boobs together, groaning in a provocative and derisive manner, teasing Natsu with the fact that she was fondling her body, not him.  He makes a kissing action and beckons her closer with his finger but she resists.  Lucy knows her husband wants to touch but she doesn’t let her breasts show just yet, no.  Continuing in her routine, her eyes flutter as soft moans escape her lips, pinching and kneading her large supple bosoms through the fabric.  Gradually she runs her hands along their sides upwards towards her neck, caressing, then over the sides of her face until they reach her hair.  Lucy then reaches up and pulls the frilled headpiece off and tosses it at her husband who by this time had removed his shirt and added it to the litter of clothes building on the floor.  He grins when he catches it, like a garter at a wedding.  
Crawling back onto the bed, Lucy sits facing her husband with her legs bent in front of her and close enough for her feet to rub against his thigh if she wanted to.  She slides the shirt back over her shoulders finally revealing his favorite body part, her supple breasts, and tosses it behind her.  All that remains is the stockings.  She runs a hand over her leg, “On or off master?”
“Off…” he growls huskily and reaches over to grab her ankle but she retracts her legs out of his reach.  Starting at the thigh of her left leg, Lucy slides the white fabric along her skin, leaning her upper body until her chest is almost touching her knees.  Her sluggish motions coupled with his arousal prompts him to respond.  “I wanted to take them off!” he pouts when she finally slips the first one off her foot.
“As you wish master…” Lucy scoots a little more forward and with the toes of her right foot rubs against his thigh.  
Natsu quickly takes hold of her leg and yanks the stocking right off but doesn’t let go for her bare skin is what he was really after; running his hands over the taut silkiness of her calf while Lucy braces herself in a leaned back position to allow her master to do as he wishes.  He lifts her foot up while leaning down and starts to plant brisk little pecks over her toes, around her foot and ankle with the occasional abrupt nibble and scrape from his teeth.  Lucy shudders, it’s a secret pleasure of hers when her husband pays attention to this area of her body, something she’s never actually told him because some may think a foot fetish may seem weird but who was she to stop him from doing what he was obviously having fun with as well.  She giggles when he scrapes the bottom of her foot with his finger nails, maybe it’s a secret pleasure of his as well…                      
With her husband satisfying some need of his own, Lucy adjusts her hips and lays on her back.  Natsu looks over to see what his wife is up to now as she licks two of her fingers, rolling them around her tongue in a leisurely fashion.  He stifles a groan as her teasing evokes images of her wet muscle upon his own narrow appendage.  It’s time to continue the show.  She licks her lips and trails her hands down her body, running them over her neck and chest, pinching her nipples and moaning at her own debauchery.  Lower, the hand moves tracing a path over her abdomen until it reaches her pussy.  By this time Natsu loses focus on his fetish and leans back in awe at his wife’s self-gratification.  
Her right-hand concentrates on her clit while her left fondles her mountain peaks.  Tickling and flicking the button, eyes fluttering as her back arches from the stimulation.  She slides a digit in to the hole, then two, rubbing and pumping them in and out, over and over, Lucy continues to moan in her blissful stupor.  The sensuality she’s bringing to herself numbs her mind and she almost forgets she was doing this for her husband’s voyeuristic request; so much so she doesn’t realize he’s stripped the rest of his clothing off.  His dick is so hard right now if he doesn’t give it release soon…  Her head tilts back harder into the bedding the deeper the pressure builds and tightens in her core.  Knowing exactly where to touch to bring about the most satisfying stimulation, her orgasm comes quickly and forcefully.  “Fu..ck…” her body tenses as the first waves hit her; she pulls her fingers out and grips to the bedding knowing that to slow it’s pace she cannot add to the stimulus.  
But her husband has other plans.  
As soon as her head hits the bed, Natsu moves in swiftly and pulls her hips against his own, driving his cock deep inside her.  “Na..!” her voice catches in her throat at the full impact.  
“Shh!  You’ll wake Nashi.” He scolds as he continues to drive into her.  But this is harder said than done for the blonde since she’s in the midst of a relapsing orgasm.  
“Damn it!” Lucy bites down on her hand trying to stifle the screams.  
Pausing for a second to readjust, he maneuvers her legs over his shoulders, partially lifting his wife’s back until only her head and shoulders remain touching the bed.  The change in position causes his dick to rub her lower entry point where there are more nerve endings, setting off a new chain of hedonistic delight.  Her walls constrict around his shaft and his own pulsing warns Lucy of the impending eruption about to take place.
“Lu…ce…” his strangled voice can barely utter as sticky fluids empty out into her moist cavern.  Natsu continues to rock his hips for a few more seconds as the swimmers burst forth in undulating waves until finally and completely spent, he gently releases his wife onto the bed and flops beside her, panting heavily.  “Babe…  You are such… a fucking… turn on…”
She rolls over and puts her head on his chest.  “It’s nice to know, after 10 years you still find me desirable.”
“That’ll never change Luce, I promise…” he kisses her cheek.  “And you know when I make a promise…”
“You always keep it.”  She kisses him back, “I love you Natsu.”
“Love you too Luce.”
Still rubbing his chest in a soothing manner, “By the way, what was Nashi dreaming about?”
“Oh, that girls got a lot of imagination,” he chuckles, “kinda like her mother.  You should ask her tomorrow about the good parts, it might inspire a story idea for you…”        
The morning they are set to leave Lucy darts about their house making sure everything’s secure.  It’s not the first time they’ve gone on a vacation but all the others had been for a weekend, not far away, or to visit either of their parents; nothing as long as two weeks, and definitely nowhere you needed to catch a plane to get to.  Her best friend Levy will be taking Happy and Nashi to stay at her house for the two weeks, it’s a good thing Happy gets along with their cat Lily.  But the hardest part was having to leave her daughter behind.  “Nashi, I think your mom’s going crazy.”  Levy whispers as she and the little girl watch from the dining table.
“I heard that…”  Lucy responds from the bedroom.  Walking back out she goes over to her daughter.  “Baby, are you sure you’ll be okay with aunty Levy?  I can stay home if you need me to.”
“No mommy, you and daddy go have fun cause Aunty Levy said we’re gonna do all kinds of fun things too!”
“Oh yeah…” she raises an eyebrow at her best friend, “…what kind of fun things?”
“She said Uncle Gajeel is going to drive us all to the beach this weekend, I’ll get to play with my cousins.  Ooh and grandpa Igneel told me he’s going to visit and bring me ice cream…”
“When did Grandpa talk to you?”
“He called last night and daddy let me talk to him.”
“Lucy will you stop worrying, Levy’s got it all covered.”  Natsu walks up behind her and rubs her shoulders.  “We need to get going or we’ll miss out flight.”
Sigh, “All right Nashi…” she bends down, hugging and kissing her daughter’s forehead, “be a good girl for Aunty now.  I love you.”
“I love you too mommy.”
“Love you baby girl,” kissing Nashi’s cheek, “don’t beat up your cousins too badly,” Natsu ruffles his daughter hair making her giggle, “unless they deserve it.” He whispers so his wife doesn’t hear him.  Nashi giggles again.
“Okay daddy, love you and don’t forget to bring me back presents!”
Lucy slips her sandals on, “Levy, I’ll call you every so often to check in.”
“Yeah, yeah, will you just go enjoy your trip!” Levy pushes her friend out the door.
“Hawaiian Airlines flight 332 to Hilo International Airport will be landing shortly at gate number 5, baggage claim 2.  Please fasten your seatbelts and bring your seat backs and trays to their upright and locked positions.  The local time is 10:16am and the weather today is a balmy 78 degrees, mostly sunny with a few scattered showers later in the evening.  On behalf of the crew, we’d like to say Aloha and Mahalo for choosing Hawaiian Airlines.”
“Natsu…” Lucy pushes on his shoulder.  “Natsu, wake up, were going to land soon.”
“Ughh…” he groans and holds his stomach as he presses his face into her shoulder.  “I can’t wait to get on solid ground…”  Lucy chuckles at her husband but smiles; she knows that his motion sickness makes travelling difficult for him.  Medication helps for short stretches like driving to and from work or around their hometown, but being in a plane is far out of his comfort zone.  So, the fact that he is willing to suffer so much to make her happy just reminds her how much he still loves her.  
She reads through their itinerary again while gently stroking his hand.  For the first week, they’ll be staying on the east side of the island at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel and the second week they’ll be on the west side at the Hilton Waikoloa.  Originally, they were going to vacation on Oahu but after doing some research on the Aloha state, she decided the Big Island seemed much more relaxing and ultimately that’s what she wanted.  Of course, with Hawaii being such a tourist friendly state, it was easy enough to find, book, and plan-out things for them to do during their vacation.  “Lucy?”
“Yes, Natsu?” she looks up from her papers to see him pointing out the window.  “You’re missing the view.”
Turning her head to see what he’s pointing at, Lucy’s eyes expand as she struggles to grab her phone from her purse.  “Wow…”  Snapping pictures as the plane slowly passes the largest mountain on the island, “…Look Natsu, it’s Mauna Kea, it’s more beautiful than the pictures!  You can see the observatories!” squealing, “Wait is that snow?!”
“Snow?  In Hawaii?” he mumbles.  “I picked this place cause it’s supposed to be warm year-round.”
“I read that during the winter months they sometimes get snow on their mountain.”  She squeals, “and we’re lucky we get to see that!”  
Natsu rolls his eyes, “I’m more interested in the beach.”
“I know,” she pokes him, “You don’t like the cold…  Oooh!”
“A waterfall!!” pointing again.  “Look, look!”
He leans over her to see for himself.  “That’s cool.”
“The landscape is really beautiful…  Sigh, I’m so glad you brought me here.”
“Only the best for my wife.” He squeezes her hand.
“Are you feeling better?” Lucy sits next to her husband and runs her fingers through his hair.  After arriving at the hotel, Lucy unpacked while Natsu dealt with the lingering effects of his motion sickness.
He stretches his arms and props them behind his head, “Much, at least the world stopped spinning.”
She chuckles, “So what shall we do first?”
“Eat.” He states matter-of-factly
“Figures.”  She laughs aloud. “Of course, you would think of that first.”
“I didn’t want to eat before or during the flights or I’d just throw it back up so duh, I’m starving!”
“Let’s just try the hotel’s restaurant tonight, give your stomach till tomorrow to fully settle before we do more driving.  And you’re in luck, tonight they have a buffet.”
“Mmm…  Good idea.” He licks his lips, “All you can eat!”
That evening after a scrumptious and very filling dinner, the couple retire back to their room.  A 6-hour flight with a 2-hour layover, was enough to tire out many people, especially those that aren’t fond of flying to begin with and now after stuffing himself silly on the Hawaiian delicacies, Natsu is ready to crash.  But his wife on the other hand is not yet ready to sleep.  As her husband nods off on the bed, Lucy lounges on the balcony that overlooks Hilo Bay.  Sighing, it’s a beautiful night with a slight balmy breeze; there may be rain later tonight but right now the air is just perfect.  The lights of the town of Hilo shimmer over the tranquil waters fronting the hotel giving this picturesque little town a sense of old beauty.  
She looks over to Coconut Island, seeming to float just off shore if it weren’t connected by the footpath bridge.  At night, the island was dark and a bit eerie but nothing too foreboding.  She could see a few people still near the island, maybe fishing, who knew, but then she spots something white, floating along the shore.  Looking closer, Lucy realizes it’s a woman in a flowy white dress.  How odd she thinks to herself, the woman seemed a bit out of place but then again what would she know of the local customs and attire.  
‘The air temperature here is so perfect…’ she yawns.  ‘Not too hot, not too cold,’ Lucy leaves the screen door open when she crawls into bed beside her husband, the mix of salty floral fragrances lulling her to sleep…
It’s the sounds of birds warbling that rouses the young woman out of her slumber.  The sun is starting to rise and through the wispy curtains she can see the beginnings of a graying sky.  “Great, first day and it’s gonna rain…” she mumbles in a low whisper.
“Might not be a bad thing…” Cozy, strong arms tighten around her body.  Natsu’s voice is raspy from a good night’s sleep.  
Lucy snuggles her body more firmly against her husband’s temperate body, allowing for barely any space between them.  “Oh, and why would rain be a good thing?”  
“Perfect cuddle weather…” as if to accentuate his point he noses his face into her hair.
“But we’re here to have fun in Hawaii…”
“This is a lot of fun...” he retorts, “I know I’m enjoying it.”
“I can tell…” she purrs, “Unless I’m just imagining…” and pushes her ass backwards against a hard, narrow object, “…things…”    
“Oh, you’re not imagining…” growling those words into her ear, “you’re now my Hawaiian Princess…”  
Lucy almost starts laughing aloud, ‘Hawaiian Princess?!’  giggling in her head, “So am I supposed to throw on a grass skirt and a coconut shell bra?” She tries to hide the amusement in her voice but it still shows a little.
“Ha, ha!” he tickles her sides, “You can if you want to, I wouldn’t mind seeing that.”
“Maybe…” teasing, “I can add it to my costumes for later, we can play King and Queen of the luau back home.  In the meantime, what are we gonna do about my friend here?” she reaches around and grabs hold of his erection.  “Shall we relieve some… pressure?”
Natsu’s already tugging down her panties.  “Well it would be rude for me to turn a lady down.”  And Lucy assists by lifting her hips allowing him to slide them down as far as he can.  While she finishes slipping them all the way off, he makes short work of removing his boxers.  
They have all the time to take it slow and getting her back for her little coconut taunt sounds amusing in his head.  Natsu may be the feisty one at any given time and her the demure one, but in bed, his wife’s libido is often insatiable and foreplay can drive her utterly wild.  She can only endure the prologue for so long before her demands will kick in.  
Still in the spooning position, he pulls her leg over his thigh to gain better access to her entry port but instead of sliding his dick in like she expected him to, his fingers decide, playing with her clit would be more fun.  “Baby…” Lucy whines, obviously disappointed in her husband’s choice of actions.  Don’t get her wrong, she enjoys his ministrations well and good but she wanted him to plug her hole…  Now.  She tries to take matters into her own hands and maneuver his dick to her wet spot but he stops her free hand and pulls it behind her.  
“Not yet Luce…” he holds her by the wrist with his trapped hand.  “Wanna get you nice and moist for that part.”
“Natsu…” she whimpers again when he returns to his craft; as much as she hates to admit it, he knows her body well.  Always scrutinizing her reactions, he’s gotten too damn good at reading the cues and figuring out what works best on her.  Maybe it was all the martial arts training, it’s in your best interests to know your opponent better than even they know themselves, right?  
Spirited fingers entertain her love button with gentle pinches and flowing riffles like the fluidity of a mountain stream interlaced with the occasional, more forceful flicks to make her squeal.  And with the handicap of only one free hand, that’s currently having its own pleasure, Natsu’s mouth turns to her head for oral satisfaction.  Kissing along the flesh, he leaves a trail of tingling sensations starting at her shoulders heading in the direction of her neck.  But he soon realizes he can’t reach it in his current angle, so to gain access, he pushes gently from her back, arching it slightly until even her head tilts in a way leaving her neck exposed.  All the wisps and sighs, soft moans, and deeper rumbles coaxes his movements, guide his explorations.
While his canines graze the delicate crook of her neck, his tongue lingers and pulses over the taut, milky skin.  Slightly abrasive in texture, the collision of smooth to rough sends shivers down her spine, electrifying her nerve endings.  He bites down with a bit of pressure to leave love kisses near her collar bone without breaking the surface.  She’s gonna kill him later for leaving the marks but he’ll just blame it on the heat of the moment.  Speaking of heat, Lucy’s body is flushed and feverish and starting to writhe against him.  Her moans intensifying in volume and duration; he can tell she’s getting too close to her peak and he needs to back off if his goal was to torment her for a longer spell.  
He moves his hands away from her pussy and over her hips and stomach on their way to her busty pleasure pillows.  His calloused hands vexing and yet surprisingly stimulating against the softer areas of her body.  But as he gets close to Gods perfect creation, he always turns away and shifts in a different direction.  If her lamenting sighs are any indication, it’s just another cue to tuck into his arsenal of sexual torture.  And when his hands graze just under her breasts, that’s pushing her over the edge.  “Natsu…  Damn you, you’re being cruel…”  
“I like watching you squirm a little…” Pinching her nipples to make her squeal, “It’s a fucking turn on babe.”
“At least… let my hand go…” whining, “my wrist is getting sore.”  Not wanting to physically hurt her, he relents.  “Thank you.  Now…” she’s about to weave her fingers into his salmon locks when he squeezes one of her breasts, kneading and massaging it like a clay ball he needs to bring to life.  Her fingers constrict and instead pull hard threatening to yank the very strands from his head.   “Fuck, Natsu…” Lucy’s back contorts and her chest presses deeper into his grasp.  She scrapes her nails against his scalp when he tweaks her nipples again.  He alternates between the two squeeze toys for a while, wishing his other hand was free too so he could play with both at the same time.  They really were Gods perfect creation, the natural sex toy for any man.  
Finally, after over an hour of driving his wife mad with lust, her pleas of physical infiltration come true.
Easing his way over her entirety, Natsu pulls his wife into his arms and smothers velvety kisses over her face and neck.  Soft and gentle, his grazing canines send a rush of electricity along her nervous system followed by his tongue massages against her bare skin.  Half on her back and half on their sides, their heated bodies entwine against one another in an epic slow dance.  While lying between her legs, his erection throbs against her crevasse.  Lucy winds a leg over his hip and thigh gently increases the pressure of their skin contact.  He pulls back momentarily to smoothly guide his search party through her valley walls and into the very depths of the moist cavern below.  A wispy sigh escapes her lips at his delicate entry choice.  She smiles and twists her body to further tighten the seal.
She’s a little surprised at her husband’s restraint as he soothes the pressure of her swollen sex, rocking his hips gingerly instead of his normally fervent thrusts.  “You’re amazing, my love…” her purrs vibrating throughout his very soul.  Nibbling her ear when she said it, Lucy can feel the smile on his lips.  “Natsu…” she breathes letting the warm air from her breath waft over his back and triggering a rippling shiver along his back muscles.  
“I love…” he nibbles “…when you say my name…” nipping the lobes of her ear “…during sex…”  
Lucy whispers again, “Natsu…” and moans from the sensual movements of his hips.  He leans in with controlled planking motions, slow and pushing as deep as he can into his wife before sliding back again to start the process over.  “Faster…” her whiny groans beg for more…  “Faster baby…”
Natsu raises his torso a tad to look her in the eye, “Are you sure…”  He can’t help but smile at her dreamy expression.
“MmmHmm…”  But to her dismay, Natsu pulls all the way out and sits back on his haunches.  “Why?...”
Without a vocal response, Natsu flips his wife over onto her stomach and pulls her up by the mid-section until she’s on her hands and knees.  She crawls the foot or so forward and positions herself against the headboard for erected stability and Natsu follows until he’s pressed up to her rear.  Growling as he enters her once more, he escalates the velocity of thrusts to a seamless flow of medium interchange.  Lucy’s nails dig into the wood as her back arches in response to the carnality of the position they are now in.  Natsu leans over his wife, kissing her between the shoulder blades before maneuvering his right-hand lower so he can play some more with her clit.  
The unison raid to her senses drives Lucy’s wild.  She can’t help but shudder as each flick and each friction laden plunge rubbing over her g-spot pulls the blonde closer and closer to the orgasmic detonation threatening at the battle front of her mind and body.  The nearer it gets, the further the arch in her back increases and the tighter the grip she holds over the headboard.  The walls of her channel respond by constricting around his shaft.  Her moans deepen in tone while Natsu’s increases in pitch; they are both close to the edge…
Natsu slows down the onslaught on her pussy but Lucy is not letting him get away with it.  She demands her orgasm and she wants him to cum for her.  Rocking on her own volition, “Lu…” his strangled and garbled cries fall on deaf ears as Lucy forces the continued and escalating propulsion of the thrusts.  His grip on her waist tightens, digging his nails into her flesh at the same moment her own apex hits.  “I’m cumming!”
Her only response a tensing of her body and inhuman sounds leaching from her throat.  So powerful are the spasms she stops moving all together and Natsu is forced to finish.  Slamming his dick into her through each throb as he empties the contents of his organ within the heated chamber.  After a couple minute’s the pulsing slows and he gives her a few more sluggish jabs like a CD slowing its spin.
Still panting, Lucy leans her forehead on her arms that now rest on the top of the headboard and with his flaccid cock still partially inside her, Natsu slumps over his wife, nuzzling his nose into her neck.  Sweat covers their bodies but they are too tired at the moment to care.  “That, was a good one baby,” she murmurs through the labored breathing, then giggles as her stomach starts to grumble.
He chuckles, “I guess we worked up an appetite, but, I don’t wanna move.”  He sits up and helps her to do the same, scooting them both back he flops down first on his back and she joins him, cuddling to his side.  “Does this place have room service?”                        
“So, the front desk clerk told me we might be able to see lava in the crater, I guess the volcano’s been more active than usual.”
“Oh yeah…” Natsu turns to see his wife flipping through brochures in the passenger seat before staring back at the road.  “What else you wanna do at the park?”  
“Hmm… I’d like to check out the museum next to the crater, maybe even try out a short trail, like the one to see the lava tube.”
“Sounds fine, though I’m surprised you want to go walking.” Lucy slaps him.  “What!” he grins at her.
“Are you insinuating that I need to lose weight or something?”
“No!  Your body is just as smoking hot as the day I met you!  But exercising wouldn’t hurt ya know, it’s healthier, plus it sets a good example for Nashi.”
“So, you’re saying I’m not being a good mother for Nashi?”
“What!  Hey, I didn’t say that!  You’re the best mother I’d ever want for my child.”
“Keep digging Natsu, you’re still in the hole.”
He reaches over and grabs her hand from her lap.  “I loooove you baby…” he coos to her
“It’s not working…”
He pouts and gives her the best puppy dog expression he can muster.  “Come on Luce…”
Sigh, “Damn it, I can’t win against that smile of yours!”
Laughing, “I know…”  She rolls her eyes but smiles back.  Yup, that stupid, shit eating grin is what melted her the first time they met and it still works even all these years later.
Once inside the museum, the pair separate and wander around to the different exhibits.  No surprise that Natsu becomes fascinated with anything showing fire and stands gawking at a running video showing actual footage of recent lava flow activity.  There was a time, all be it brief, that he had considered going to school for volcanology, but when Lucy became pregnant their senior year of high school he knew that was a dream that would never become reality…      
Lucy is immediately drawn to the paintings of the Fire goddess Pele.  She knows that the depictions of this woman are just fanciful but it’s the essence of the woman that pulls at her.  In one particular painting, it shows Pele from the neck up, her body becomes the land and her hair is a river of lava.  ‘Pelehonuamea…’ she reads the sign next to it, ‘…Pele, goddess of volcanoes…  Ancient traditions about her reveal an impetuous, lusty nature… at times gentle and loving, but always jealous and unpredictable, capable of fury, and great violence. -Herbert K. Kane’  
Looking over to his wife staring so entranced at Pele’s painting, he walks over and puts his arms around her waist.  While leaning on her shoulder, “Locals say she is sometimes seen around the island when the volcano is erupting as a sign or warning, either in the guise of an old woman in white or a young woman in red, sometimes as a white dog…”
“Yeah, I don’t know if I believe all the stories, but it’s kinda cool.  Her lava builds new land, or destroys it,” he motions to the painting.  “Did you know that volcanic soil is very fertile?”  Lucy shakes her head.  “So even after she destroys the land with lava, once that lava turns to dirt, it gives back again by nurturing the plant growth.”
“So, she’s almost like mother nature?”
He chuckles, “I guess that’s one way of looking at it.  In the Hawaiian culture, there is another goddess with such a title but I don’t remember the name, I was only interested in Pele because of the whole fire thing.”  Unwrapping himself he grabs her hand and pulls her towards the doors.  “Let’s go see the crater, suns starting to set so we’ll be able to see the lava better.”
Lucy takes one last look at the picture… ‘The expression the artist used…’ she shivers, ‘Like she’s staring into your soul…’
“You can feel the heat even from way up here.”  Lucy holds out her hands towards the crater.  “It’s amazing that the scientists go down there sometimes.”
“Well they use special heat resistant suits, but they also don’t go in if it’s too dangerous.”  He sighs.  “It’s fascinating how much they’ve been able to learn from studying this volcano.  Kilauea has the longest continuous running eruption in history, over 30 years now.”
She hears the sorrow in her husband’s voice and it tugs at her.  “Natsu…” Lucy hugs her husband, “I’m sorry, if I hadn’t gotten pregnant you could have followed your dreams to study…”  
“Lucy don’t…” he cuts her off.  “That wasn’t your fault, I had a hand in that too ya know.  But I don’t regret a damn thing.”  Grabbing her cheeks gently.  “You gave me something even greater than that dream...” Tears pool in her eyes.  “…a family that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.”
“Natsu I…” her eyes widen with a sudden tonal change to her voice.  “Natsu… there’s a lady down there…”
“What are you talking about?” he turns to see what she’s looking at.
“She’s…  She was right there!” she points at the floor of the crater.  “I swear I saw someone down there!”
“I don’t see anyone Luce, and it would be impossible right now even with the suits.  Maybe it was just heat distortion.”
“M-maybe…  Yeah, you’re right, it must have been a mirage or something….”  
It’s the last day before the couple plans to head over to the west side of the island so they spend the morning doing some last-minute shopping.  After dropping off some treats they found at Big Island Candies, and other places at their hotel, they head back out for lunch.  Unbeknownst to Lucy, Natsu has a surprise planned for his wife.  
The car pulls into the Imiloa Astronomy Center, “What are we doing here?”  Lucy asks, “I thought this place was closed because of system issues.”
“It was, but I called this morning and they said it’s all working now.” Her face is brightening as he pulls into a stall and parks.  “The planetarium show starts in about an hour so we can eat lunch at the restaurant before it starts.”
“You’re such an awesome husband!” She shrieks as she gets out of the car and hurries over to him.  With barely a chance to close his own door, Lucy jumps into his arms kissing him.
He grins, “This smile…” he lifts her chin, “…makes this all worth it.”  
The lights dim in the large circular auditorium and Lucy squeezes Natsu’s hand, excited for the show to begin.  She’d found a short video on YouTube of one of the star shows and it was, in her opinion the most spectacular thing she’s ever seen and now she’s was going to see it in person!  Lucy grins again at Natsu who squeezes her hand back.  He wishes he could see her eyes which are probably sparkling right now, but they are stuck behind the 3D stereoscopic goggles; he grins anyway.    
Billions of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies flash in front of their eyes mesmerizing Lucy.  “Oh, Natsu…” she whispers.  “It’s all so beautiful…”
“I see my favorite star.” He whispers back.
“Right next to me.”  Even in the darkened room he knows there’s a blush on her cheeks…
Hilton Waikoloa Village…  A beautiful resort along the Kohala coast was designed as both a luxury getaway or a family adventure with beautiful beaches, pools and waterslides, spas, trails and walking paths, even a dolphin experience.  So expansive is the property, a tram or boat can be taken to get from one end of the resort to the other.  
Within an hour after checking into the hotel, the pair are down at the beach relaxing.  Natsu tries to coax Lucy into paddle boarding but all she wants to do is lay out and soak up the sun.  That’s fine with him, so once he’s sure she’s settled he heads out into the water.  She watches him for a short time, laughing when he falls off a couple times, but eventually closes her eyes to relax.
“Hey baby…” a male voice stirs her from her respite.
“Not interested.” She retorts without opening her eyes
“Aww.  Don’t be like that Lulu…”
‘Lulu?!’  Her eyes pop open.  “Dan?  What the hell do you want?”  He’s standing above her.
“Is that anyway to talk to your old flame?”  
“You’re not an old flame, now please go away before my husband sees you.”  She closes her eyes again trying to ignore the man.
“Who, Natsu?  Don’t tell me you’re still with that loser.”
“Loser!” she pops up shouting.  “Don’t fucking call him…”
“Is there a problem here?”
“Natsu,” Lucy hides behind her husband as he glares at Dan.
Still staring the man down with his fists clenched, “I asked you a question Dan, why the hell are you bothering my wife?!”  
“I’m not, just came to say hi to my old girlfriend.”
“I was never!”  Lucy starts to scream back when Natsu stops her.
“I know you weren’t babe, he’s always been delusional.” Putting his arm around her.  “Had enough of this jerk?”
“Hell yes!”
“Then let’s go.”  Natsu grabs her belongings, “Stay the fuck away from her Dan or I’ll call security.”
“Pussy!  The old Natsu would have swung by now.”
“This Natsu grew up… Unlike you.  Go find another piece of tail to harass, but this woman, is off limits.”  He guides Lucy towards the ferry without a second glance.
“Ugh, I can’t believe, all the way in Hawaii and we run in to that asshole.”
“He didn’t try to touch you or anything did he?”
“No, I would have hit him myself if he tried.”
Natsu chuckles, “I believe that, your kicks are pretty painful.  How about we try the spa…”
That night after a romantic dinner at Roy’s Waikoloa Bar & Grill, they return to their room to unwind from the day.  Stripping down to something more comfortable, Natsu’s in his boxers waiting for Lucy to get out of the shower.  When she comes out in just a towel he pulls her onto the bed before she can get dressed.  “You know I gotta say, babe, you looked stunning in that bikini earlier.”    
“Liked that huh, Mr. Dragneel…” she purrs.  
He nods, “You shoulda seen all the guys just staring at you…” Grinning, “But I knew I was the one you’d be coming home with.”  
“Does that turn you on…” she shifts her body allowing the towel to loosen, “Other guys looking at me?”
“Hell, yeah it does, and makes me proud that I’m the one you picked.”  A slight growl in his voice as he runs his hand under her towel.  “course, this smokin’ hot body of yours keeps me wrapped around your finger.”
Sigh, “You only love me for my body…” she turns her head as a tease
Trailing his hand lightly along her thigh, “I don’t hear you complaining either…” and over to her pleasure zone.  “…when I worship your body.”  Lucy lets out a wispy exhale as he slides his fingers over a sensitive button.  Leaning over her, whispering in her ear, “Someone… already wet…” his voice husky in tone.
“And…” she nibbles his ear, “…what are you gonna do…” her response is reduced to a groan when he slips a finger inside her moisture laden cave.
He grins, “Baby, I hope you’re ready for a long… night ahead…” as his fingers move to their own slow rhythm inside her, his lips and tongue caress Lucy’s soft mounds and hardened nipples.    
“Na…tsu…” her breathy moans only spur on his advancements… hitching when his teeth scrape against her skin, stopping when his digits slip farther south.  She tangles her fingers into his hair, grazing his scalp with her nails and arching her back as the stimulation rises.  “You know me…  So, well…  My love…” purring out like silk; her voice a sweet melody for his listening pleasure.
Moving his kisses lower along her body, he follows the curves of her stomach and waist, tantalizing her most topically sensitive spots.  She giggles when the tickling reaches her sides and tries to stop him but instead of giving in he stops his finger ministrations to hold her wrists down.  “Tsk, tsk..” he taunts her, “Shall I ties you down?”
“No…” she pouts, “I wanna touch too…”
“Then behave for me baby…” letting her wrists go he changes direction and heads straight for her center again.  Shifting her hips and pulling her legs wider apart, he dives in, flicking her clit with his wet muscle.
Her back spasms upon contact, arching and twisting… “Natsu… Wholly fuck!”  The more he teases, the louder her groans, and when his tongue drags lower to tickle the entrance itself her legs clamp against his head involuntarily.  “You’re too… Uhhh…” her voice strangles in her throat when he pushes the tip of his textured appendage inside her.  “…fucking good at that!”  
When she peeks at her man, there’s a grin plastered on Natsu’s face.  “Love… eating… you… Taste so… yummy…” uttering between the tongue treatments, warm air wafting over her thighs like the breeze on a hot, summer day.  He ignores the throbbing of his own organ in favor of satisfying his wife needs.    
“Mmmm… Ugh…”  Lucy fidgets as her body steps closer to the jumping point. “Stop…” she whines, “Not yet Natsu…”  “Wanna come… same time… as you…”
He pauses for a second and looks up at her, “Who said you’re only having one tonight,” smirking, “We’ll set a new record…” he nips her inner thigh before returning to his craft.  With a new determination, he increases the rate of pleasurable affliction upon her sex, adding both fingers and tongue into the mix.
“Natsuuu…” her body writhes, hands grasping at the sheets around her; she’s almost to the edge and he knows it.  
“Call my name baby…”
With a few more flicks, that’s all it takes to send her over.  “Oh God!  Oh God!  Natsu….” She screams as the spasms take full control of her body, tensing and releasing as the ride runs its course.  Lapping up the overflow of her juices, Natsu’s in his own heaven, regaling on his first tic mark for the night.  Now how long can he keep her orgasm going?  Without stopping for a second his fingers continue to slide in and out of her, careful to rub the most sensitive area while his tongue fondles her button.  Lucy’s body contorts and locks up in an arched position.  With her mind blanking out one of her hands tears into his hair, tugging and pulling each time the wave of pressure spikes.  “FUCK!!” she’s screaming.  A couple minutes pass by and this ride shows no signs of slowing.  “Stop!” begging at this point as the pleasure becomes overwhelming.  “Please, Natsu!”  Finally, she pulls so hard on his hair he’s forced to stop.  
Moving back up to lay next to her side, “Luce…” his hands ghost over her thighs as he props his head, but when that slight touch causes her to body to twitch again she slaps his hand.
“Don’t touch me…” panting, “…yet…”
“Too much baby?” he grins, un-phased by her reaction.  “We haven’t even gotten to the main event…”
“Oooh you!” Lucy tries to push him off the bed.
But Natsu manages to grab hold of her waist.  “Go ahead and I’ll take you with me!” he laughs.
Raising an eyebrow, ‘He doesn’t think I’d do it…’  Lucy tempts it and pushes as hard as she can.
On instinct, Natsu’s arms lock around whatever it’s holding onto as his body starts to slide off the edge of the bed, his eyes showing the panic as he braces for the impact.  “Omph!”  Double whammy when his back hits the ground followed by his smirking wife landing flat on top of him.  “You!”  The look of absolute shock and surprise that she pushed him off the bed sets Lucy into a laughing fit.  “I can’t believe…”
Smirking, “Didn’t think I’d do it huh…” Sitting up and straddling his chest, she traces her fingers along his jawline and over his lips, he kisses them as the slip by.  “It’s my turn to have some fun…”  Lucy grips Natsu around the neck with her legs sliding backward until her hips line up with his.  As she rocks her hips, kneading his hardened shaft through the fabric of his boxers, her mouth latches onto his jugular, licking and biting, creating a strong enough suction to a leave a lasting reminder of the evening, hell this week.  But of course, she doesn’t stop there, travelling around his neck and ears to spread the love.
“Lucy…” Natsu’s groans are low and deep, rumbling in his chest when she nibbles, growling when she bites harder.  He bucks her gently, burying his length into her valley.
“Not yet…” She pushes back and grins, “Don’t make me tie you up…” levying his own threat against him.  
“Tch!” He bucks her again, “As if I’d let you…”
Lowering her body back down, Lucy nuzzles against his neck, “Oh…” purring as she unravels his scarf from his neck…  “You would, cause you know you want me too…” She lets him up and pushes him onto the bed where she proceeds to tie his wrist to the headboard.  
Sigh…  “You know me too well babe…” She grins and makes a kissing motion towards him.
With Natsu’s hands firmly secured, Lucy takes her time, slinking back down the bed.  “What shall I do with you, hmm…” When she reaches his boxers, she gently maneuvers them down to release his rock-hard member.  Staring at him while she slowly lowers her mouth, his eyes widen in agonizing anticipation and his breathing slows almost to a stop.  Slowly… slowly, smiling as she does it cause she’s knows the wait is driving him wild, with a last minute lick of her lips for moisture, they finally reach his head.  He releases a deep exhale, sucking in the air his lungs were desperate for.
Lucy kisses the tip, her plump lips so gentle, caressing the sensitive organ with little love pecks down the shaft.  Natsu sighs again, as he sees her tongue enter the arena over his sack, and outright groans as soon as the wet muscle makes contact with the wrinkled skin.  “Lu…cy…” he fidgets a little, but she’s just getting started.  Sucking in one side, then the other then moving lower, beneath to a crossroad of sorts just above his chocolate starfish.  His back tenses as soon as the tip of her tongue pushes on the bundle of nerve endings.  “Fuck!” he groans with his head tilted.  Damn, how he wishes he wasn’t tied up!  Lucy continues to pulse her textured apparatus against this area while stroking his cock with her hand.  Moving back up her mouth makes contact once more with his head and shaft, lubricating them…
Ghosting her nails over his chest, abs and along his sides, her lips continue to travel, kissing his sensitive inner thighs, nibbling and letting her teeth graze the skin.  More moans leave the enraptured man when her hands travel to play more with his cock, his mind blanks outs; it’s too much stimulation at once.  Stroking the shaft in long, slow, movements while her mouth takes care of other areas around his crotch, Lucy has reduced her husband to a quivering mess.  “Fuck…” he groans through another squeeze. “…I love you…”
Figuring that was enough torture, Lucy goes in for the main course.  Licking up the shaft, her mouth opens wide as she sinks it over the whole length of his organ, clamping at the base before sucking upwards again.  A growl catches in Natsu’s throat unable to finish as his head pushes back against the pillow it lays on and his hands strain against their bindings as his back arches up a bit.  Repeating the same motion, but now allowing her tongue to rub against the fleshy part of the shaft just below the head, massaging the cluster of nerves.  He’s losing control, “Shiiiitttt…” bucking hard into her mouth, Lucy must clamp down to keep the head from hitting the back of her throat when she’s not ready for it.  
Using the weight of her body, she holds down his legs to try and keep him from doing that again, voluntary or involuntarily, then resumes the sexual therapy.  Up and down, in and out, timing her advancement and retreats with her breathing, she ups the ante when the tip of his cock hits the back of her throat.  “Damn!” he growls from the first impact, followed by more curse words after each strike.  Lucy increases the rate of flow and soon she feels a building tension in the solid stick.  Natsu can’t take it anymore, he digs at his binding and manages to free his hands just as the explosion overwhelms him but it’s for naught.  “Ughhh…..!!!” guttural grunts and moans are the only sounds her husband can manage as he grips to the bedding around him.  Warm, salty fluids assault Lucy’s taste buds, shooting down her throat, but without missing a step, her oral treatment continues placing pressure over his pulsing cock.  She massages with her bottom lip to coax out any lingering fluids.  
Finally, his body relaxes or more like slumps into the mattress, spent and Lucy releases her hold on him.  Licking around her lips to catch any fluids that got past, she smiles and fingers along the lines on his chest.  “That good huh?” tracing along his pec muscles, “Was it too much baby?” mimicking his jab from earlier.
“Yeah!” Natsu grabs Lucy and flips her onto her back.  “Now I gotta wait till he recharges!”
But she just giggles, “Then in the meantime, I’m taking another shower,” and leans up to kiss him before wiggling out from under him.  Blowing him another kiss, she sashay’s out of the room towards the bathroom, swinging her hips on purpose.
“I think you like torturing me!” he calls out to her.
“Maybe…” Lucy winks as she walks out of sight.
Natsu flops on his back with a huge smile plastered on his face.  So, his plans for the evening are on temporary hold but not a big deal.  If there’s one thing he can count on, it’s his 26-year-old libido.  Sigh, ‘This trip’s been so amazing…  Lucy’s happy…  and that makes me happy…’  Thinking back on their life so far, they had met at 15 and had become inseparable all through high school.  Some people thought that it wouldn’t last, I mean it’s not always common for high school sweethearts to, especially when she got pregnant their senior year.  But, except for a brief struggle after Nashi was born, the relationship they shared was solid.  ‘Yeah, that issue…’ he sighs.  Their daughter was about 6 months old and while she wasn’t a difficult baby, for the new parents just the vast change of having to take care of another life, waking up several times a night for feedings, changing diapers, and just dealing with the normal things associated with a baby… add to that having to work full time had started to stress him out a lot.  Then one night, after a taxing day at work, he had decided to go out with his coworkers to the bar.  Just a couple of drinks he had told himself, well several drinks later a girl he knew from high school started hitting on him.  Lisanna knew he was married, but she didn’t care and since he was semi-plastered decided to make good on the crush she had been harboring for years.  She started kissing on him and trying to touch him but when he pushed her away she became angry and forced him into a full lip lock before he could shove her away a final time and storm out of the place.  Unbeknownst to him, a friend of hers was snapping pictures of them and when she rejected him she sent the photos to Lucy.  How Lisanna had Lucy’s number he never found out but by the time he reached home she was livid.  Luckily for Natsu, Gray and Jellal had been there to witness what happened but it still took some time for her to trust him again.  No, the fact was even after all these years, 11 now, he was still madly in love with Lucy and he knew she felt the same about him.  
The sound of the shower being turned on from the other room brings a fluttering heat over Natsu… just thinking about his wife…  water cascading over her supple flesh…  how she arches her back when she lathers her hair, and her chest pushes forward in the process… The water dripping off those perky nipples…  ‘Ughhh…’ groaning, ‘Wake up!’ he takes hold of his semi-flaccid friend, massaging its wrinkled exterior, ‘Our first time…’ stroking its length as he reminisces...  She had come by his house one rainy evening while his father was working late.  Cuddling on his bed while they watched something he couldn’t remember, he started to doze off when something began tickling his neck and he could distinctly feel the button and zipper of his jeans being loosened.  It wouldn’t be the first time they had messed around, even trying out oral sex on each other, but something just felt different on that cold November evening.  When he had looked at his girlfriend, the lust that he saw in her eyes were just…  After that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.  
Fully erect now, he heads over to the bathroom where Lucy is humming to herself in the mirror and brushing out her hair.  He smiles at his goddess of light, the steam in the room temporarily hiding his presence also casts a glow around her as he slips in behind her toweled frame.  “Just as beautiful as the first time I laid eyes on you…” he whispers into her neck and weaves his arms around her body.  
“Will you say the same when I’m 80, all wrinkled and old?” she jests.
“No…” her eyebrows raise, “You could be a 102, shrunken, I don’t care.  You’ll always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me…” pulling the towel lose, it slips to the floor.  “All mine…” growling as he rubs his stiff cock against her ass.
“Someone’s happy to see me…” she pushes back, growling in a lighter feminine way.
Natsu grips her hips with both hands and pushes her against the edge of the counter.  Leaning over her bent shape, his low rumbling growl resonates throughout her body. “Very happy…” Heated air wafting over her skin growing a field of chicken skin as the vibrations from his throaty words make her shudder.  
The fingers of his right-hand reach around to amuse her clit while the other maneuvers his cock between her legs, rubbing the head through the folds of her valley.  Light sighs and breathy exhales wisp from her lips as the pressure begins to build inside her core.  Sticky juices collect at her entrance lubricating his shaft as it slides over her skin.  “Natsu…” she licks her parched lips.  “I want him…” her moans echoing the desires of her body as she rocks against him.  “She wants him now…”
“Does she…” he teases, poking his head through her door before pulling back out again.  
“Ughhh…” Lucy moans, “Damn it, yes!”
He pokes her again, “Like this?” he murmurs, she tries to buck her hips backward to force his actions but with him controlling her hips he pushes only half way in before pulling out.    
Lucy growls at him, “Damn you Natsu, just Fuck me!”
“Whoa, patience is a virtue baby…”
“So is desire, now fuck me!”  Natsu lines up with her entrance and once the tip breaches the hole he snaps his hips hard, burying the whole length of his cock deep into the recesses of his wife’s womanhood.  Lucy’s back arches and her head snaps backward from the force.  “Yes!” she screams out, loving the feeling of her husband’s dick inside her.  
Slowly, Natsu rocks, slipping in and out through the tight confines of her inner walls.  She sticks her ass out more to give him additional reaching capabilities.  “God Luce, you’re still so tight…” his eyes flutter when her muscles contract around the shaft.  “I fucking love it…”  But not one to cater only to his own needs, he continues to rub and fondle her pleasure button adding to her stimulation overload. In response, her muscles constrict even more.
“Harder Natsu!  Hit me harder baby!”
Groaning, “But, I’ll cum too fast…”
“Harder…” she begs and starts rocking along with him once she finds the right rhythm.  
Natsu tries to distract her by upping his molestation of her clit but that only has the opposite effect he had hoped for.  The mounting pressure forming at her entrance is driving her mind into over drive.  ‘I’m so close…’  Matching his motions, she escalates it by pushing back roughly every time his cock is sunk in deep, forcing it to reach as far in as humanly possible.  “Harder…” she moans.  “I’m sooo… close baby…”
“Uhhh…” moaning in response.  ‘Me too…’  he growls and readjusts his stance, as he pounds her even harder and faster until…
“Ahhh… Fuck!” Lucy’s entire body tenses and locks and she grips the edge of the counter the moment her orgasm strikes.  The walls of her vag seize around Natsu’s cock like a vice; it was the final straw for his own explosion.
“Lu….” His voice strangled and garbled as his seed shoots into her.  “..ce…” escalating in pitch.  She can feel the pulse against her walls each time another round fire’s off from his dick.
After the first high starts to come down for Natsu and he can focus again, he resumes tickling her clit while still gently running his cock within her.  The stimulation set’s her orgasm back on for a second time.  “Ahhh!” her head jolting back so forcefully it hits his shoulder hard, thank goodness, he’s taller.
“Damn babe, are you okay?”  his fingers stop cold as he pulls out to turn her to face him.
“I’m fine…” she rubs the back of her head.  “That was just, intense.”
“Maybe you should lie down…”
“Yeah…  Don’t you need to shower too?”
“I should, it’s so muggy here and of course…” he kisses her, “with all this activity I’m pretty sticky.”
Giggling, “Then go shower, I’m just gonna go lie down and wait for you.”  With one last squeeze of his ass she’s about to walk out when he grabs her.
“On second thought, why don’t you join me?  You need to clean up too.”
“As much as I’d love to I’ve had enough showers for tonight…” when he pouts she kisses his nose, “maybe… in the morning.” And glides out of the room.
By the time he walks out of the bathroom refreshed, Lucy is fast asleep on her side under the light covers.  After checking the AC and turning off the lights, he climbs in and bundles her to him.  He kisses her temple and closes his eyes…
The rest of the week is filled with evenings reserved for steamier Hawaiian trysts…  and days of sightseeing and shopping up and down the Kohala to Kailua Kona coast.  With lots of local confections from cookies to chocolates, coffee to wine for friends and family as well as several souvenirs for Nashi, their suitcases were so full they had to purchase a third to bring everything home.  
But on the final day, they had gone back to Kona for a few more trinkets and a to pick up a gold Hawaiian bracelet and a Koa one they had found for Nashi that was being engraved.  It was already late, about 9pm as Natsu drove them back to the hotel along Highway 19.  There were still a few vehicles on the road in both directions but other than that it was a quiet, still evening.
“Natsu slow down, that looks like a woman hitchhiking up ahead.”
“You wanna pick up a hitchhiker?”  he looks at her like she’s crazy.
“It’s a woman, Natsu, it’s more dangerous she’s out here alone.”
“Ugh, okay… Just hope she’s not a crazy person or something.”  Signaling he pulls over.  Lucy rolls down her window and waves at the woman.  
“Hi ma’am, would you like a ride?  We’re only going to the hotels but we could take you a little more further.”  The woman walks slowly up to the car, is she being hesitant in her movements, cautious, or just walking slow Lucy couldn’t tell, but as she got closer the couple could see that she was older, maybe 60’s or even 70’s with long white hair that was almost to her knees, a white flowy dress, and no shoes on her feet.  ‘How odd…’  
“Oh, bless you child, for stopping to help an old woman…” she thanks the couple as she gets into the back seat.
“Sorry it’s a little full back there with shopping bags…” Lucy apologizes, “It’s our last day in Hawaii and we went overboard with the souvenirs.
“No worries, my dear…”  The woman sits back to where Lucy cannot make out her facial features but a sense of déjà vu creeps over her like she’s seen the woman before.
Midway between Kona and Waikoloa Beach Drive, the strange woman who had been silent up till now starts to talk again and says something the couple will never forget…
“Congratulations, you’ll have that son you had been hoping one day for…”
“Excuse me?”  Lucy asks a little surprised.  “Did you say…”
“The child you carry will be a boy, and he’ll be a strong one, I can tell, feisty like his father.”
Lucy stammers, “But I’m not p-pregnant.”
“Keahi, name the boy Keahi...”
“Okay, lady I’m sorry but you’re starting to freak my wife out….”  No response so Natsu looks in the rearview mirror.  “Hey, I’m talk…”  He sees the woman disappear.  “What the hell!”  He stomps on the gas and races the few more miles to the hotel with Lucy panicking in the chair next to him.
“Did you see that, she just faded away!”  Lucy blurts out.
“Uh-Huh.” He keeps his eyes focused on the road to afraid to look back.  
Finally, they reach the hotel and pull straight up to the lobby, both jumping out as soon as the car is in park.  There is an older valet working who comes over to the panicked looking young couple.  “Are you two okay?”
“N-No!”  Lucy is freaking out.
“My wife made me pick up a hitchhiker and then she just disappeared on the way here.  What the hell was that?!”
“Older, long white hair?”
“That’s her!  Does she live around here or something?”
“You just met Pele.”  Natsu and Lucy’s jaws drop.        
“Not possible!” Lucy starts crying and Natsu holds her tight, “She’s not real…”
But the older valet stays calm, “It’s strange that she appeared to non-locals…  Did she say anything to you?”
“S-She said I was pregnant with a son and to name him Keahi.  What does that mean?”
“Keahi is the Hawaiian word for ‘fire’.  Miss, you shouldn’t be afraid, Madam Pele must have taken a liking to you for some reason and whether you wish to believe it or not, in the Hawaiian Culture it is tradition for a child to be given their name.  The fact that Pele herself gave you the name, means that boy will be special.”
“Really?”  Lucy sniffles
“Oh yes,” the man smiles at her.  “Here,” he grabs a porter cart, “Let me help you unload your car so you can get some rest,” and proceeds to offload their bags.
Natsu sniffs one of the bags as he pulls it from the back seat, “I smell something burnt,” and pulls out the jewelry inside.  On the Koa bracelet, there appears to be a brand.  “Hey, we didn’t ask for…”
“What is it?”  Lucy grabs the bracelet out of his hands, “It looks like…”  She faints but luckily the valet catches her before she hit the ground.  
“Lucy!” Natsu rushes to her side, cradling her as the valet takes the bracelet clutched in her hand.
“Wow, Pele must have really liked you two…”  Next to Nashi’s name is a what appears to be a volcanic cone and a liko lehua blossom, Pele’s favorite flower freshly branded onto the bracelet.
Five months later, Lucy returns home from her monthly doctor’s visit and finds Natsu playing with Nashi in the living room.  “Um, babe there’s something I need to tell you…”
He looks up to see his pale faced wife.  “Are you okay Luce?  Is there something wrong with the baby?” Natsu scrambles to his feet and guides her over to the couch.  “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
One month after returning from Hawaii, Lucy and Natsu found out that she was in fact pregnant, almost certainly having conceived during the vacation.  While they were thrilled at the prospect of expanding their family, and for what he had nicknamed their ultimate Hawaiian souvenir, it still played in the back of their minds, that old woman’s prediction…
“Natsu…  It’s a boy!”
Translations & Explanations:
I am from Hilo, Hawaii, born and raised.  Every place mentioned in the story is a real place on the Island of Hawaii, any plants, the goddesses/beliefs/myths, stores, etc do exist.  But we Don’t walk around in coconut shells and grass skirts.  The idea of using Pele was due to her link to fire (Natsu), and about her showing herself to the couple and even naming the unborn son, it’s a story I once heard from aunt on how my cousin was given his name.  Whether you chose to believe something so fanciful is up to you, cause I do, I think it’s kinda cool.
The following is in Hawaiian, it’s kind of a chant I made up: He wahine ikaikaʻo ia  (She is a strong woman) Mai kahi'āina'ē  (From a foreign land) Me ke ahonui a me ka pono  (With patience and virtue)
He kanaka ikaikaʻo ia  (He is a strong man) Mai kahi'āina'ē  (From a foreign land) Me ke ahi a me ka ikaika i loko o konaʻuhane  (With fire and energy in his soul) Akā naʻe, ua kāhea kēia'āina iā lākou  (Yet this land calls for them)
ʻO kā lāua kaikamahine keʻano o nā meaʻelua  (Their daughter carries traits of both) Akā, e lilo kā lākou keiki i ka mana o kona makua kāne  (But their son will inherit his father’s power) A e mālama i kēia'āina me ka hanohano  (And serve this land with honor)
More info on my AO3 page
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