#Naomi Shimada
goldencarrot · 2 years
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vinnystarmimi · 1 year
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uunromanticized · 10 months
shangri-la | corpse party masterlist
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gyaru corpse party headcanons
yuuya kizami masterlist
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asanjou · 9 months
top five weirdos
1. jeramie spiders. of course
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3. naomi from den o
4. shimada ryuki
5. I can't answer the weirdos question without mentioning Thee keyboard weirdo Enter B Enter
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jess-moloney · 11 months
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Jess Moloney claims to be in celebrity management, that it's her full-time occupation but the evidence to support that claim is severely lacking. If you were to look at her website you would note the failure to have any professional quality anything compared to more legitimate websites. For example, you can look at the website of Donna Management where she worked prior to having her own company. If you were to compare these two websites side by side you would see that Jess has little to no idea how to present a management website of her own, which is odd, considering she was the director of a successful management company for a little over a year before leaving.
The majority of the clients Jess lists on her current management website were clients that she worked with directly when she was with Donna Management. It is unclear if she went on to continue representing them after she left and established her own company or if she's attributing work she did at Donna Management to her own company to appear more successful. For example: When she mentions representing Machine Gun Kelly, she actually did that when she was working at Donna Management. There is no evidence to support that she ever managed him after she left or currently has anything to do with managing him. The same can be said about Vivienne Westwood, Millie Mackintosh, Naomi Shimada, and Justine Skye (among others).
Whatever the case may be, public information shows that Jess has not updated her management website since 2019. Yet she still continues to file the company as a business in the UK and still continues to claim this job title when it's doubtful she has any clients at all if she's not even bothering to update her website. Legitimate management websites don't just list random names of celebrities, claiming to have managed them. They have profiles, photos, and other clients listed as well as examples of what they do as a management company and ways to hire them. Jess has none of these and very little evidence to support she's helped many of these people that she has claimed to manage (independently). It's safe to assume when she worked at Donna Management she worked with a team of people.
Since this is the case, it's also safe to assume that Jess believed when she left Donna Management to start her own company she was going to take all of these high-profile clients with her. Something known as poaching, which is extremely unethical for anyone in business to be doing. She even admitted herself that you do not need an education to do what she does:
"You don’t have to go to university to do what I do." -Jess Moloney on Celebrity Management and running her own business [Source].
This would show that she doesn't have a formal education in business, management, or accounting. She just started this business on a whim because she had the money and she had some reason to believe she would be successful. Perhaps, as stated, that her high-profile clients at Donna Management would all just follow her to her company and, somehow, completely by herself, she'd be able to handle all of them. It very obviously did not work out that way.
Considering her very shaky history with Ice Studios and what she actually does for them as an occupation, it's questionable how she got work at Donna Management in the first place, why she was promoted to director, and why she only spent a year in that position before deciding to start her own company only to stop doing anything for it in 2019 when she stopped updating her website.
Theoretically, the lack of updating her website would show she has no need to update it because she had no active clients. She did not start promoting anything for Ice Studios on her IG account until 2021 which is the first time I can find any usage of the hashtag for promotion (on a post that seemingly had nothing to do with the studios). This would indicate that she hasn't had any sort of clients, officially, for a number of years, and the "work" she is getting is fabricated or out of pity, handed to her by some people she already happens to know.
This is all the information currently known about Jess and her role in celebrity management. If anything else is found out it will be added to this post.
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snowboyclarkov · 2 years
Beyblade Burst -> Corpse Party
A random thought, if the Beyblade Burst peeps were in a Corpse Party style situation, who from that series would they most be like. This contains every blader/non-blader I can think of from Burst, and the Corpse Party variant of a couple of my OCs. It is based on MBTI and Enneagram. Each Corpse Party person is the one that each blader is the closest to (or the same typing as) in these aspects. 44-51 is just based on vibes or something. Some of each verse won't be included.
Kristina Kuroda -> Azusa Takai
Rashad Goodman -> Kuon Niwa
Hidetaro Shinoda -> Yui Shishido
Naru Akabane -> Naomi Nakashima
Kana Akabane -> Yoshie Shinozaki
Ken Midori -> Sachiko Shinozaki
Ichika Kindo -> Mayu Suzumoto
Toko Aoi -> Yuki Kanno
Shasa Guten -> Tokiko Tsuji
Valt Aoi -> Sayaka Ooue
Dante Koryu -> Seiko Shinohara
Laban Vanot -> Satsuki Mizuhara
Bashara Suiro -> Souichiro Shimoda
Shu Kurenai -> Naho Saenoki
Gwyn Reynolds -> Clarkov Furutani (Main OC)
Hanna Suiro -> Shougo Taguchi
Aiger Akabane -> Miku Shirayume
Kyle Hakim -> Kai Shimada
Hoji Konda -> Tohko Kirisaki
Yugo Nansui -> Masato Fukuroi
Lain Valhalla -> Magari Mizuki
Lui Shirosagi -> Nari Amatoya
Boa Alcazaba -> Yoshiki Kishinuma
Taiga Akabane -> Mitsuki Yamamoto
Ange Lopez -> Kensuke Kurosaki
Gabe Brunai -> Nana Ogasawara
Ukyo Ibuki -> Chihaya Yamase
Ben Azuki -> Yoshikazu Yanagihori
Hae-Jin Oh -> Yuka Mochida
Ghasem Madal -> Ryou Yoshizawa
Gumita -> Tsukasa Mikuni
Nika Aoi -> Ran Kobayashi
Akira Yamatoga -> Emi Urabe
Arthur Peregrine -> Misuto Kiriya
Daigo Kurogami -> Ayumi Shinozaki
Phelix Payne -> Hinoe Shinozaki
Naoki Minamo -> Sakutaro Morishige
Phi -> Aiko Niwa
Free de la Hoya -> Kou Kibiki
Delta Zakuro -> Yuuya Kizami
Tango Koryu -> Satoshi Mochida
Quon Limon -> Ryoka Iwami
Fubuki Sumiye -> Mikio Tsubota
Cuza Ackermann -> Tomohiro Ohkawa
Alexander Shakadera -> Yuu Shinohara
Evel Oxford -> Galatea Furutani (Main OC's mum/mentor)
Joshua Burns -> Haruyuki Inumaru
Hyde -> Sachi Shinozaki
Arman Kusaba -> Hajime Yamazaki
Kurt Baratier -> Takamine Yanagihori
Zachary Kaneguro -> Ryosuke Katayama
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
Some weird Corpse Party AU starring my OC's
I literally got bored and did all of this with wheeldecide.com, with varying results of either 'this is fitting' or 'oh no this is fitting'.
Every character is in Read More, enjoy this image if you just want the main 5's results!
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(L-R): Jessica (Ayumi Shinozaki), Tameron Ryne (Yoshiki Kishinuma), Maxwell Ink (Satoshi Mochida), Fiona/Fuchsia Robot (Yuka Mochida), Blue Belle (Naomi Nakashimi) Changes: ~Jessica is gothic and is the one that suggests the ritual, easily convincing Tameron to help her with it (because he's a simp). ~Tameron is a bit flirty towards Jessica, and overall nice and calm. He's known as the detective prince in their school! ~Maxwell has a father-daughter relationship with Fiona. Which yes, implies he made Fuchsia Robot in this AU. ~Also because Fiona's a robot, she gets possessed more easily than the others. ~Blue Belle is the redesigned Prim Rose. Being prim and proper, and nervous (especially after Sally dies!). And also like.. the only other animal aside from the Sonic OC's.
Kisaragi High School: Seiko Shinhara - Sally Snaps (aka Sugarsnap Cookie, but humanized) Mayu Suzumoto - Poppy (also humanized, she's that fan-made Toppin Monster that I made) Sakutarou Morishige - Bow (also humanized, he's like.. from the early point of this blog, apart of the opposite felt) Yui Shishido - Quinn the Kumiho (the only one not randomized, because i wanted to introduce quinn through this way)
Byakudan High School: Yuuya Kizami - Enkah Clipse (aka Eclipse Cookie) (he's a freshmen instead, and is also super into robots.. and also may or may not have been possessed by the real Kizami.) Kensuke Kurosaki - Lost (de-AU'd, so he's a goat that gets killed.) Tohko Kirisaki - Flake Woman (Yes, this is Ice Woman, but redesigned. And also now a DWN!) Emi Urabe - Golden the Hedgehog Mitsuki Yamamoto - Cyprien (also a freshmen, and an android in this AU. she gently put down enkah's crush, but he didn't take that well.. especially after getting pulled into the haunted school.) Masato Fukuroi - Baritone (de-AU'd, basically a wolf who takes his student council president role seriously. way too seriously at times, which gets him 'bullied' by Flake Woman and Golden.) Kai Shimada - Copy (yeah remember that Copy Robot design for Fully Charged? that's him.) Tomohiro Ohkawa - Milo Ryousuke Katayama - Veradae
Musashigawa Girl's Junior High School: Nana Ogasawara - Twisty Teacup Chihaya Yamase - Meddi (yes, it's MHS based) Nari Amatoya - Gianna Peppaire (aka Ghost Pepper Cookie, with no parasite attached to her hair. good thing too!)
Kibiki's Group: Naho Saenoki - Cocoa (who''s also humanized) Kou Kibiki - Archer (humanized) Shougo Taguchi - Pory-Guy (Doesn't talk much, and only points out the basement before... killing himself before he succumbs to the darkening.)
Ghosts: Yoshie Shinozaki - Brione (that old Sonic OC that looks like a Brionne) Sachiko Shinozaki - Sine the Deer
Others: Kokuhaku Akaboji - Ferrum Fruitbat (not a Sonic OC, but intead a major antagonist in Aria's Fruit Farm) Hinoe Shinozaki - Maize (She.. only gets mentioned. In her life, she was Mary, who was Jessica's younger sister before her life was tragically cut short.)
Demons (only listing the species so people can run with it): Original Seiko - Succubus (Do I need to state what this is inspired by? Honestly offended that she was turned into a Succubus.) Original Mayu + Morishige - Futakuchi-Onna (Morishige is the main spirit, whilst Mayu is the mouth on the back of his head. He cannot hear where she is coming from, and he also will never believe she's lying to him. Poor guy thinks Mayu isn't affected by the school's influence..) Original Yui - (She's a Teaching based one, with the wings of an barn owl. She is actively trying to help these characters break free from the cycle.) Original Kizami - Oni (He looks hot, not gonna lie. But man, now he's gonna kill more people now that he was made immortal.) Original Naho - Kuko (She's also malevolent, and was the one that trapped everyone in the cycle. But like.. was she really the maker of the cycle?)
???: Arianna the Lonely Roller - (The young maker of the universe. She's trying to stop the cycle, but someone took the book from her. Now she's fighting to get it back, and is trying her best to hurry.)
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starsaver94 · 2 months
Ok, So!
First is Shimada Naomi, the eldest of the three at a ripe 23 years old. She comes from an everyday, but overbearing and strict family. Her Quirk is Adrenalin Rush, which enhances all physical capabilites, but only when she's in some sort of discomfort or pain, be it physical or mental. Say, when she's got a broken bone, heavily dehydrated, under immense pressure, or even just something like being sick or exhausted. Of course, the strength she gets from her quirk corralates to the ammount of pain she's in at any given moment. Because of this, she's always been a thrill seeker and even a bit of a masochist since she was very young, much to her parents' disaproval. And, like any kid with a stong quirk, she wanted to be a hero. Her parents, however, would never allow her to be one with her quirk and reckless personality, citing it would simply be too dangerous. One day, while secretly training, she hurt herself pretty badly, leading to her parents figuring out what was happening, and it sparked a massive argument between them. The pain from her injury, along with the emotional stress of the argument, led to her underestimating her own strength when wanting to stand up for herself, and what was supposed to be a simple push dealt massive damage to her mother, sending her to the hosptial and herself to juvie for a few months, leaving a stain on her record big enough so no actually ruputable Hero School would accept her.
She soon went no contact with her parents, getting a well paying job, living in an apartment complex, and living a life far too boring for her. However, one day, she sees a woman being assaulted in an alleyway. Obviously, she can't let this slide, and she tries dealing with the situation herself, however, right before things can get violent between her and the mugger, a certain young vigilante appears out of no where and basically immediately knocks him out, letting the woman escape. Before Aku can leave too, though, Shimada realizes just how young he is (13 at this point) and stops him, asking what the hell a tiny kid like him is doing breaking the law? After a very pathetic attempt at convincing her he's not a child, Shimada agrees to not turn him in to the authorities... as long as he lets her in on whatever cool Vigilante opperation he's got going on, and let's her help him out.
And thus, The Brawler and only source of actual income for Akugaki's team was born! Also I don't know if I mentioned this but I changed it so Akugaki is 15 at the time of canon for paralels with the UA students because why not?
Also also god this was so long I'm not introducing Takata until I can figure out how to be less wordy so I don't burn you out with too much info-
Interesting. Her quirk reminds me of Re-Destro’s Stress quirk and it seems like it would definitely be handy in a pinch, and for some reason I’m also getting slight Kendo Rappa vibes as well (getting a thrill out of general excitement and fighting respectively).
And you don’t have to worry about making the descriptions long, I don’t mind.
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emmysrossum · 1 year
if your plus size resource suggestions are open for models, here are some i LOVE!!! Anita Marshall, Sabina Karlsson, Scarlet Robinson, Diana Veras, Iskra Lawrence, Emma Breschi, Naomi Shimada, Gabriela Gonzalez, Phoenix Calderon, Tabria Majors. thank you for all you do! <3
Hi 'non! I don't usually gif plus size models but i'll keep this ask saved for future reference if I need a plus size fc to gif! I try to always have one project reserved for plus size faces so this will be a good reference. Thank you :)
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thinfatfit · 4 years
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modelsof-color · 4 years
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Naomi Shimada by Yumna Al-Arashi for Vogue Magazine - March 2020
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sprqpointintern · 2 years
i'm gonna be VERY interested to see what naomi and zing have to say about villanelle's death on the next obsessed with killing eve episode
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333socks · 3 years
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Naomi Shimada
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goldencarrot · 3 years
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fc-nabi · 4 years
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╔─┈┄ ╱╱ Naomi Shimada. ၢ ࿐ ၢ
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ╰੧ `` -- y/o  ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ model  ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤjapanese
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ────────────
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mybluewindow · 5 years
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Emma Breschi, Vanessa Powell, Naomi Shimada & Alva Claire by Carlota Guerrero
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