#Napoleon in egypt
microcosme11 · 2 years
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Bonaparte sur une terrasse au Caire - Gustave Bourgain - WikiArt.org
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Napoleon In Egypt
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eunikia · 1 year
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Napoleon in Egypt. 1910s postcard
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illustratus · 7 months
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Bonaparte in Egypt, 1798 by Édouard Detaille
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lindahall · 1 month
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The Institute of Egypt – Scientist of the Day
When Napoleon invaded Egypt in July of 1798 with 54,000 soldiers and sailors, his immediate problem was gaining control of Cairo, which he effectively did with the Battle of the Pyramids on July 21. 
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empirearchives · 5 months
Napoleon as Apollo Belvedere, god of plagues, by Antoine-Jean Gros
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Napoleon (left), Apollo Belvedere (right)
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chimaerakitten · 10 months
[leaving the movie theater w/ my family after napoleon]
Me: you know how I’ve been reading those dragon books? Yeah I spent like half that movie thinking I’d like it more if there were dragons in it
My brother: [knows enough about the napoleonic wars to be really bothered when things are inaccurate] well dragons wouldn’t be any more fantastical than that already was
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lemeute · 7 months
if Napoleon has one hater it's me if Napoleon has no more haters assume I'm dead etc etc etc
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therealmackenson10 · 2 months
If you have the time please check out my latest single. Now streaming on Spotify.
Napoleon stated, “History is a lie agreed upon.”Once you do your own research, you will see that what we call history has been re-written to fit a narrative. Break free and free your mind.
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vermutandherring · 10 months
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I couldn't resist the urge to recreate Jean-Léon Gérôme's painting 'Naopoleon and his general staff in Egypt' (1867).
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I like how differently he portrays the characters. Wrapped and half-asleep generals suffering from heat and hot wind with sand. Their figures are bent and almost freely hanging from their saddles. While Bonaparte holds confidently, putting his hand on his knee and looking into the distance.
CC credits: Costumes by @acanthus-sims @empiredesimparte @simmerofthedawn | Royal Navy hat by @bruxel-reign on MTS Poses by @herecirmsims Camels by dkyrie on @omgts4ccfinds Lifeguard on Horse Deco Sims by @sunflowercontent
This is not my last Napoleonic post, I'm at this stage again 🙃
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Bonaparte Before the Sphinx by Jean-Leon Gerome, 1886.
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The International Museum of Surgical Science
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baebeylik · 3 months
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francebonapartiste · 6 months
En cette journée du 5 mai, intrinsèquement liée à Napoléon Ier, nous vous donnons rendez-vous au Café des Invalides à Paris pour rendre hommage à l’Empereur des Français.
Avant de nous retrouver autour du Tombeau de Napoléon, sous la coupole des Invalides en fin de journée, nous vous proposons une conférence animée par Maxime LARAVINE, Guide-Conférencier à Strasbourg, ayant comme thème :
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La Campagne d’Egypte de 1798-1801.
Causes, déroulé, conséquences, citations de protagonistes, batailles épiques, dilemmes, émotions des soldats
Maxime Laravine est un guide-conférencier diplômé proposant des visites guidées sur mesure, en Alsace, en France et à l’international. Afin de travailler avec des clients internationaux, il a obtenu sa certification du test « Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English-Grade C1 » en 2022.
Événement gratuit - réservation nécessaire par courriel : [email protected]
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illustratus · 6 months
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Bonaparte and the Sphinx by Amédée Vignola
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lindahall · 1 month
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Louis Reybaud – Scientist of the Day
Marie Roch Louis Reybaud, a French writer, and later politician, was born Aug. 15, 1799, just one week before Napoleon left his Egyptian army and savants in the lurch and secreted himself back to Paris to become First Consul.   read more...
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