rausule · 1 year
LENG, ABOMINABLE PLATEAU OF (KG): Astraliter in Media Asia sita. Roerich et Lovecraft tanquam secretorum suorum conscii.
LLOIGOR (HPL): turpitudo Ij cum Zhar. Cthulhu venit ab astris. Vivum defodisse dicitur sub Plateau Sung.
LOROO (CJM): vagator, velum, caligo obscuritatis. Naugerius Naugerius , Spatium inter Stellas , Perpetuumque locum medius.
LUMASHI (SAB): Sphaera Zodiaci seu stellarum fixarum.
LUVEH-KERAPHF: Bast sacerdos. Nomen Roberti Bloch pro Lovecraft qui feles adoravit.
MAGAN (Nec): Loco mortis. Occidens.
MARDUK KURIOS (SAB): Sphaera Iovis, Dominus magorum. Interfector Tiamet cum sagitta Enki. Sexta porta Zonei. Dominus quinquaginta nominum (in ordine);
Marduk Dominus Marukka-
Marutukku - Magister Artium Protectionis
Barashakushu - opifex miraculorum Luggaldimmerankia - magister Ordinis de Chaos
Nariluggaldimmerankia - Custos
Asaruludu - vibrans gladium flammeum
Namtillaku- scientia Mortuorum
Namru - Sapientia et scientia. Scientia metallorum Asaru - Scientia omnium herbarum et arborum
Asarualim - Secreta sapientiae et lux in tenebris loca Asarualimnunna- scientia et potestas pugnae
Tutu - Joy
Ziukkinna - scientia stellarum
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mecthology · 3 years
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Rabisu from Akkadian mythology.
The book The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria by Theophilus G. Pinches describes the Rabisu as being “the seizer” which is “regarded as a spirit which lay in wait to pounce upon his prey”. 
The New American Bible among others believes that “Demon lurking”, which in Hebrew means “the croucher”, is similar to the word Rabisu. Therefore, it is possible that this displays a continued tradition in the emerging culture of the Hebrews.
It is said that pure sea salt can ban them as the salt represents incorruptible life (salt preserves, and life was first born from the sea). In Hell, they live in the Desert of Anguish, attacking newly arrived souls as they travel down the Road of Bone to the City of the Dead.
Rabisu is listed in the rituals of Shurpu which have to do with burning, such as the symbolic burning of witches. The Shurpu ritual allows the banishment of Rabisu described as “a demon that springs unawares on its victims”.
In the book Simon Necronomicon, which contains a blend of myths including Sumerian, Rabisu are described as ancient demons. It talks about the god Marduk who battled Tiamat, Kingu, and Azag-Thoth. Among the Fifty Names of Marduk is the name Nariluggaldimmerankia, which is the sixth. Nariluggaldimmerankia is said to be the sub-commander of wind demons, described as the foe of Rabisu and all maskim who haunt humans. Marduk’s seventh name, Asaruludu, is said to have the power using his sacred word Banmaskim to banish all Maskim and Rabisu.
Follow @mecthology for more myths and lore. DM fornpic credit.
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