dailyadventureprompts · 10 months
do you have anything on the Neogi?
Coincidentally this ask came in around the same time as I'd watched the above video and had a lot of disagreements with it (in addition to being annoyed out of my brain by the editing style).
In my opinion: the Neogi are actually a great villain monster because in their role as merchants/slavers of the cosmos they embody the most monstrous aspects of capitalism IE the willingness to reduce other living things into commodities for the sake of self enrichment.
Several lore entries on the Neogi refer to their mindset as "utterly alien" because they see all life as property. This makes me laugh because all you have to do is spend any time around Anarcho-capitalists and you'll hear people who are so far up their own profit-driven-asses that they'll not only defend the property rights of slave holders, but the "rights" of impoverished people to sell themselves and their families into slavery.
We live in a world today where people who need medicine that costs pennies to make have to go into life-ruining debt in order to afford living another month, year, etc. None of us are truly free when all of us need water, food, shelter, and yet all of these things cost money, forcing us to work to continue our existence. In this way, you can see the funhouse mirror logic of Neogi thinking it's reasonable to use magical compulsion to force others to do their bidding. What's the difference between the Spider-merchants using their mindbeams to force someone into indenture, and a grain merchant who jacks up their prices during a famine? It's just good business, and at least the Neogi are honest about it.
Conversely, their position as merchants puts them in an interesting place in the monstrous rogue's gallery. Unlike most other enemies the party is going to fight, the Neogi are willing to cut a deal. You could probably pay them to stop their villainous plan, or even outright help the heroes... it's all just a matter of whether or not the party is capable of meeting their price ( materially or ethically). Failing that, they can just show up as sketchy merchants provided you avoid any and all comparisons to Watto
They also have great utility in causing other adventures to happen, whether it be in transporting strange creatures that will inevitably escape, or kidnapping the party to sell off on a hostile world.
While I'm at it, check out my take on umberhulks, the default Neogi henchman.
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beminexo · 10 months
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maffinstuff97 · 6 days
Okay but can we talk about how well Leng acted that panic attack??
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omgwhatchloe · 4 months
wheey look at this fat fucking bastard i caught the fam is getting fed tonight fits looking proper leng inall
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chrlvctius · 1 year
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b3llabo0 · 3 months
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ignore my hair going a bit nuts, my fan is on its fucking boiling
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Also im really unphotogenic and iphone camera makes me look like doggie doo doo anyways please notice me i crave attention 😚✌️
also btw i am a CHILD, im 16 so watch ur dirty talk
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stargirlstudio · 2 years
Citrine and Sapphire [Part 1]
☆ Aemond Targaryen x Princess of Leng!Reader
☆ Physical attributes canon to Lengii people (golden eyes, black hair, skin tone is implied to be darker than pale - but non specified)
☆ 1st/3rd POV, she/her pronoun usage, no y/n
☆ WC: 3k
☆ Summary: A princess from the Isle of Leng sets off on a journey to Westeros in search of adventure and knowledge, but other players are out for their own agenda. Aemond Targaryen, the shy boy who eventually becomes her friend and greatest ally, is more similar to her than she thinks.
☆ Guide:
[ ] - Lengii language
{ } - YiTish language
Part 2 ⇨
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If the princess had known the journey to Westeros would be this long and arduous, she would have planted myself in the sands of the docks and never left. Traversing through the rich provinces of YiTi was fun, familiar even.
The sea journey provided a temporary solace from the bustle of the people on land but soon gave me the worst temperament. She woke up and went to sleep with a pit in her stomach — She was not a mariner. There can only be so much gruel and dried shrimp she can eat. A servant in the back of the ship expelled what seemed to be this morning’s meal — rice porridge and salted egg. Rice porridge, while a commoner’s dish, used to be her favorite meal to wake up to. Leng’s thousand suns, as they say, sweltering outside while they get to eat the soft meal with leaves fanning their back. Roasted and dried YiTish salmon and fermented vegetables on the side. She despised the smell bile produces, mixed with the saltiness of the dark sea. The water would mist into her mouth, and sometimes if she closed my eyes, she could taste the salty radish.
Many times she prayed to the Old Ones when large waves drowned the deck. The YiTish sailor screamed what she assumed to be a word a princess should not repeat at his fellow sea folk. Leng servants rushed underground, wet with their fabrics clinging to their skin. Today is the day of her birth, but no one knew that except her handmaidens. If she were home, she would eat all the sweets she wanted. Roast pig and quail would be on the table. Though, not too fond of quail, but she would do anything to take a bite.
Her fathers would be playing with her, and her mother would be dancing. The princess’s brothers would be chasing her sister around. [“I want to go home!”] She cried. The older handmaidens wiped her tears and told her to sleep. A man with dark hair and a prominent brow ridge ran past the window. [“The window is going to break!”] She panicked and cried. Snot ran down her nose and chin. Her chest hurt from the wailing. She should be brave, but the young girl not stop herself. The screaming from below and above only made it worse. The maidens, wide-eyed and frightened, take a step back. The only one who does not is the oldest maiden - with her graying, straight hair. Deep wrinkles in the fat of her face and eye bags protruding further than her own eyes.
[“Whoever let the princess course on waters should be fed to the hogs,”] One of the newer handmaidens spoke.
The older handmaiden spoke softly, {“Would you like the sleep milk?”} The princess continued to sob, not paying attention to her question. She sighed and walked over to the chest. A blood-curdling scream came from outside, and she battled to drown out the others. The older handmaiden sat next to her and tapped on her lips. She opened her mouth before the cool white liquid droplets melted on her tongue.
Sleep milk was the only thing that could calm her down. After her fall…She used it to temper her dreams. The medicinal women have told her that when she fell off the cliff years ago, it must have caused terrible dreams. The milk helps her fall into a deep sleep when she panics. She doesn’t know how long she can be like this, but her mind sullies those thoughts as she falls asleep.
Three weeks later, flies buzzed beneath the deck - a rotten stench coming in waves as the latch opened and closed. I stare at the open latch, nothing to be seen but darkness. Two men carried a servant, her skin was gray, and her body was stiff. The whites of her eyes yellowed, and a green liquid fell from them, staining her face. A trail of the same color liquid trailed from her ears, sticking her hair to her face.
“Do not look at them, Princess,” Xhoha said as he turned my seat around. “You do not need to see that,” Xhoha was my advisor. My mother insisted I needed someone fluent in Westerosi and familiar with their culture. Xhoha was from the Free Cities but traveled around. He will not tell me what he did before he came to Leng.
[“Will we have Westerosi lessons again?”] I asked.
Xhoha sighed, “Remember, it is called Common Tongue. We will have more lessons than usual to prepare. Food poisoning swept through the ship. We are docking at Qarth. We were lucky to even make it this far from Leng,”
[“Did you say you were from Qarth?”] I asked. He chuckled, plastering a grin.
“If this is another attempt at you trying to get details of my life, I guess I’ll give you some satisfaction. No, I’m from Pentos. The closest Free City to Westeros,” He mused. [“Let us start speaking in Common Tongue,”]
I nodded. Common Tongue has made no sense to me. I struggle with every word; Xhoha remarked that I sound Dornish when I speak Common Tongue. He is highly insistent that I should try my best to adopt the dialect spoken in King’s Landing. He pulled out a Westeros map and tried his hardest to teach me about each city and its notable people, but every detail mixed with another. I have only held onto the reliance of Westerosi people from the texts given to me by monks.
The most extensive text is on Corlys Velaryon, who is still alive. I traced the indented lettering on the book, The Snake of the Seas, by Monk Hattenu. A young man with hair of alabaster set his feet upon the Leng sands. With a YiTish translator by his side, he negotiated agreements. For resources, he would offer a favor — of any kind so long as it was reasonable. In the personal texts saved by the monks, in my aunt’s diary, it seemed that she was…smitten with him.
The priestess aboard the boat had come to interrupt my lessons, “Pardon me, your majesty, it is time for you to pray,” She said. I nodded and hopped off my chair.
“We will continue after you are done,” He said. I followed her to the back of the boat, weaving my way around the men carrying bodies. The stench was foul. The priestess and I sat on our knees, facing eastward to home. I followed her movements as I picked up the reserved sand creating an arch around me.
“Princess, who shall we pray to today?” The Priestess asked. “I suggest Ah’Vannika for the health of those on board. Or Ah’Jan for safe travels,” She suggested. The Old Ones are the gods I pray to in Leng. It is believed they live beneath us. There is no gender assignment to the gods we revere, as they come in many forms. Ah’Vannika - the god of health, may come to someone as a hummingbird. A woman cloaked in white or an old man with a gray eye. In a coastal Lengii city, the people wear white and silver to honor Ah’Vannika. I have my doubts about the Old Ones. Some have claimed to see the form of a god, but who’s to say their form isn’t just some regular person? Or maybe someone is lying?
“I think Ah’Jan has heard enough prayers for our safe travels,” I said meekly. “Let us pray to Ah’Kasaya, for good weather?” The Priestess nodded. “And Ah’Vannika for good health,”
That night, I tossed and turned in my bed. I was watching the sea mist rain against the window. I closed my eyes, covering my ears to drown out the crashing waves. My mind blanks, and suddenly, I’m falling to my death, the cold and dark waters engulfing me. A hand grabs my ankle and pulls me deeper until I wake up screaming again.
Aemond’s POV
Aemond stood with his family on the day of the Princess’s arrival. The young prince felt nervous, he knew of the delays but now that the guest us finally here he did not know what to do.
“More than half of her servants, unfortunately, passed away from this illness,” Viserys continued. “The Maesters suspect that perhaps they are not used to the known world, succumbing easily to such illnesses,” The room had fallen silent. Aemond’s mother, Alicent, silently moved the food around. “Horrible really, the letter spoke of yellowed eyes and fluids coming out of every orifice. Awful…,”
“The princess may not come at all if she also falls ill,” Aegon jokes.
“The God-Empress of the Isle of Leng has been kind enough to extend her hand. The isolationist Leng has made a pact with House Velaryon for Corlys Velaryon’s kindness during his Nine Voyages,” The stout man says. A cheer erupts amongst the crowd - much to the man’s annoyance. He continues, “God-Empress Citra welcomes you to a ceremonial performance and for you all to welcome her daughter, second to the throne, the princess,”
Performers with white face paint and bold makeup came fluttering in. Their flowing gowns and tilting hands excited the guests. The music, a solemn fanfare, transitioned to string-dominated and hopeful melodies. Gasps came from all sides of the room. Aemond glanced at his older brother, his smile curving upwards. One of the performers supplanted themselves before the family. A cloth held up by their fingers blocked their faces. The performer, with their red dipped fingertips, danced the fabric in front of them before dropping and making a funny face. They watched as the performers circled the other people, interacting with them and causing them to laugh until they disappeared into the entrance.
Numerous performers, YiTish and Lengii, came back into the hall and out. Some animals that had survived the journey were also shown off to King Viserys. A striped stallion and a baby spotted back ape, like the ones in the books the Maester had him read, were also shown. The ape had started causing some trouble, but it was quickly forgotten amongst the existing performances. Halaena, who usually had her head turned away, was entranced by the spider performer, which seemed to be two women holding a rattan-crafted spider body. She giggled at their slow movements and their jolts.
The dancers all began to leave in two lines which tall guards quickly replaced. They formed into two lines blocking the guests - creating a direct pathway to the family. The music slowed, and the musicians bowed their heads slightly. Aemond squinted to see four girls walk in. He focused on the one in the front, who could not be older than him. The three other girls mimicked the same head bow as the musicians and the guards, while the youngest girl held her head high—her crown, with peaks no longer than her face, accompanied by weaved flowers in her dark hair. Her golden eyes match the crown on her head. Deep red fabric draped around her.
“I’m surprised. I think we all thought she would be old,” He paused, lowering his head closer to Aemond’s ear. “The seafarers get younger and younger,” Aemond ignored his brother, watching the princess and the rest of her subjects follow suit with gifts in hand. He heard his mother gasp. Some performers held silks; others held more jewels and what seemed to be spices. Items to be most prized.
Lord Corlys had acquired his great wealth during his Nine Voyages. One of the places he had sailed was to the Isle of Leng. At a meeting with the small council, he announced the letter from the Empress of Leng.
“To Lord Corlys Velaryon, The Revered Mariner, Friend of the Crown,” He repeated once at a dinner. “When you came to visit our lands, you made a promise to my mother, the late God-Empress Kanitara of Leng, that you would extend a favor and your support in exchange for our resources,” He paused. “My daughter, a fourth born, second in line, wishes to explore beyond Leng. She heard many stories of your adventures and wished to visit Driftmark and the rest of Westeros. There is no crown for her here, as she is not my eldest daughter. I fear that she may find more success beyond these gates. I wish to send her to you, where she will be in your care and teaching. If you accept, I will be sure to give you our treasured valuables,”
The princess bowed, taking two hands to touch her forehead and bringing them toward the family—a greeting reserved for other royals. A translator came right beside her. “Princess of the Isle of Leng, second daughter to God-Empress Citra and Lengii Emperor Consort Kiet, commander of the armies,” Aemond noticed some guests wincing at the idea of an emperor consort. “Offers her extended gratitude for inviting her to your kingdom. She offers great gifts and valuables to House Targaryen and House Velaryon,”
The translator droned on, but Aemond looked at the young princess. Her hands scratched at her thighs with her head bowed.
The celebration of the Princess’ arrival at King’s Landing was filled with more festivities. It was a week-long celebration. Performers, both Lengii and YiTish, put on their theatrical shows. Dancers in face paint and shadow theater performers entertained the nobility of Westeros. Aemond stood by, watching the Ladies secretly ogle at the Leng men. Their arms were bare and muscular, their hands hovering over their eyes to shield themselves from the sun. Aemond and his siblings sat next to their mother, while the princess and her advisor sat next to his father.
“The Princess wanted to apologize for her delay. It was a dangerous journey to Westeros,” The advisor said. He was not from Leng, at least by appearance. The man had pale skin, with freckles marking almost every inch of his skin, with shoulder-length brown hair. His long mustache wiggled with every movement of his mouth. He sounded like the traders from Pentos.
King Viserys laughed, “You need not worry. You have brought our family gifts, and most importantly you are intact,” He gestured to his family. “We welcome you,” The Princess smiled.
“Thank you, your grace,” She spoke in Common Tongue. “You have such beautiful children,” She said, lingering her gaze on Aemond, who looked away abruptly, shying his eyepatch.
“Thank you, dear Princess,” Alicent said. She gestured for the princess to come over, reaching out to hold her hand. “I did not get to see your face earlier. Such a beautiful girl,” His mother admired, the jingling of her bracelets filling the silence from the children. Aemond finally turned his head, having avoided eye contact with the princess. She stood still, a smile plastered on her face. Soft pink fabrics draped around her body, creating a loose fitting silhouette. The extra fabric draped over her shoulders, lined with small beaded floral embroidery. Local flowers had been weft into her hair along with gold pins. The princess had a strong, pleasant scent. All of the people of Leng do. The perfumes and oils saturated their skin, adding a glow.
“And you are a beautiful Queen,” She said back; Alicent had squeezed her hand. The King had announced the tourney would be taking place soon, with the family being dismissed first. Alicent held Helaena and the Princess's hand as Aegon and Aemond trailed behind. The Princess turned her head to look at Aemond, who looked away again. She turned her head forward and moved her fingers anxiously.
For the next few days, Aemond sat near the Princess. First, watching her wince at the tourney, sitting next to her at feasts, walking near her around the grounds with Helaena. The Princess does not have a name.
“The Princess has a name, but in her culture, it is forbidden to use the name with strangers,” Her advisor explained. “A shortened name is often used with their people,”
“Then how shall we address her?” A Lady asked Xhoha.
Another Lady interjected, “Lady Leng seems proper!”
There had been times when the princess had tried to speak with Aemond.
“What are you holding?” “How are you?” What are you doing?” but she was met with a hmm or a few words. Eventually, she didn’t talk to him at all. Aemond didn’t mean to ignore her, but he felt…anxious around her. Perhaps it was because she was a stranger. Everyone was focused on her; the Princess’s arrival was important enough to garner a week-long celebration. He dug his fingers into his palm, watching her from a distance as she was invited to dance with a young lord.
“Lady Leng,” The cropped haired boy asked. “May I show you how to dance?” The Princess accepted his offer. She giggled, accidentally stepping on his toes. Aemond walked away, only hearing fragments of apologies.
☆ A/N: A long overdue part 1 for my Leng princess fic! If you want to see more and would liked to be tagged, please comment! Also I would love comments about what you enjoyed or any potential plot ideas!
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meganerin · 2 years
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Leng is definitely getting the Parent of the Year award 🏆
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
hi Sweetestpopcorn! i was wondering, do you have an idea of what country Leng is based on? (i am trying to find out so i can get some cool references for Rhaebae's beautiful tiara 😍)
Hi there Anon 😊 And sorry for this delay!
So, I loved this ask because as anyone who has ever been to my tumblr knows, I'm a sl_t for the Jade Tiara that Daemon gave Rhaenyra <3 like based on that alone, and with nothing else, I would ship them. There. But moving on, I loved this ask, but I was having serious trouble answering the ask because although I find Asian cultures super interesting I know close to nothing about it.
Gun to my head I would say China just from the aesthetics, but I might be totally wrong. Because I don't know, I decided to recruit someone who might know: our lovely @ammmyturtle who does know quite a bit about Chinese and Eastern culture and history to help me.
So, according to Ammmy, when she was doing some research on the topic, she got a feeling that George just mixed up Eastern cultures all up and created YiTi, but her impression is that both YiTi and Leng are a bit strange. For instance, it's mentioned that there are ruined cities in the jungles of Leng where old Leng nations used to live and that these were made of stone. Nonetheless, for people who live in humid areas it seems like wood is the main source of building material, due to the jungles and forests.
The colonising aspect of YiTi, and how Leng got their independence is also relevant though since according to Ammmy in the past Chinese empires had a hard time maintaining governance over the southern parts of the territory. Partly, because they were humid places filled with jungles. Then those people were not traditionally Han Chinese which is somewhat similar to Leng and YiTi’s relationship. Moreover, although Leng is now independent, it still has ties with YiTi, since the Empress takes two husbands and one is always from YiTi. But all in all, Ammmy said it was complicated.
I think it's fair to say that at the very least there is significant influence from the Chinese Empire in Leng and Yiti, so perhaps the jade tiara - who once belonged to an Empress *sigh* - should reflect that.
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Ammmy definitely went for that on her last rendition of the tiara (original post here):
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Anyway, I don't know how helpful this was XD
Btw for all of you who love parallels, like the Empresses of Leng, Rhaenyra too had two husbands - just not as the same time :3 (that friendly reminder that all I write only concerns the asoiaf canon in which Laenor was dead and well dead when she married Daemon).
All the best to you, Anon -3- loved the ask even if I really struggled for a proper answer XD
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maffinstuff97 · 13 days
“He’s just a co-worker” he says while they literally sleep together and he’s living in his house 😂
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snappingthewalls · 5 months
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jjsanguine · 2 years
Alan and Gaipa:
Leng: so are you two dating or what 👀
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froggless · 2 years
the onceler paved the way so scrooge could run
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scrumptiousstuffs · 2 years
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“Whose gold necklace is this?” Leng
“It’s Praew’s dowry.” Jim
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Moonlight Chicken, episode 3
😭 such a touching scene..Jim basically being the surrogate father to Leng
Wen you have chosen well! (Look at the secret smile! ☺️)
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grrl-beetle · 11 months
Rockwell & Scepticz - LENG
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sebeth · 1 year
Watch "The Forgotten Magical Creatures of A Song of Ice and Fire" on YouTube
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