thecreaturecodex · 9 months
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"Monster Concept" © devinatArt user CobraVenom, accessed at her gallery here
[Sponsored by @tar-baphon. The name "Lloigor" is related to multiple traditions in the Cthulhu Mythos and Mythos-adjacent works. It initially appears as a proper noun, one of "Lloigor and Zhar", in August Derleth's elaborate family tree of Great Old Ones. It's used as a synonym for "Great Old One" in the Illuminatus! Trilogy, and from there has trickled into the works of Alan Moore. And, in Colin Wilson's "The Return of the Lloigor", it appears as a species of incorporeal psychic dragons. This is an interpretation of that third version.
"The Return of the Lloigor" can be thought of something as a remake of "The Call of Cthulhu", in that the story takes the form of a journal chronicling the narrator's conversion from skepticism to paranoia about a world-spanning cult serving horrors from human prehistory. Only the main action is in Wales, rather than Louisiana and the South Pacific, and the lloigor have a rather more direct hand than Cthulhu. The CR was by the request of the sponsor, which is in keeping with Call of Cthulhu making lloigor top-tier threats, but in the story proper their power is usually limited to causing malaise and pushing old people down the stairs. They can cause explosions, but this seems to be deeply draining for them. In CoC, their ability to drain the mental energy of victims is an area of effect, but I made it a touch attack. Both in order to have a lloigor actually be something a party can encounter and fight, and because I think it's much creepier to catch a glimpse of a tendril-tail actually dipping into your room as your bunk-mate thrashes in their sleep]
Lloigor CR 18 CE Dragon This thing resembles a malformed embryonic dragon with oily, pallid skin. It has two long limbs, each of which terminates in a hooked claw, and a long thin tail that lashes and drips behind it. Its face is something like that of a deep sea fish, all staring eyes and long thin teeth.
The lloigor are the creations of the Great Old One Ghanathoa, created in a fit of pique over the physical perfection of dragons. When the world was young, lloigors ruled openly as masters of humanoid creatures, but as humanoid civilizations grew stronger, they went into decline. Lloigors are the ultimate pessimists—they are literally incapable of feeling joy or hope, and feed by draining these emotions from the minds of others and leaving despair in their stead.
A lloigor is intangible, more a pattern of energy than a physical being, and they move effortlessly through soil and stone. Lloigors slip through the ground into people’s homes while they sleep, draining their joy with a touch of their ribbon-like tails. Doing so grants them access to more psychic power, and if a lloigor is expecting a fight, or intends to punish someone, it typically goes on a feeding frenzy to charge its psychic energy. They prefer to fight in incorporeal form for its defensive benefits, but if enemies are capable of injuring it, or if it runs out of psychic magic, it can temporarily assume corporeality and fight with claw and fang.
A lloigor radiates malaise in a wide area, and many benighted towns and areas with unusually high crime rates are under the lloigor’s influence. Those that succumb to a lloigor’s touch too often may have their personalities warped and become evil, and lloigors use their telepathy and ability to shape dreams to encourage people to rob and murder one another. As such, a lloigor’s influence can be subtle and felt throughout an adventurer’s career, long before they are powerful enough to confront a lloigor themselves, or even know what they are. Lloigors keep themselves secret, and have a habit of killing people who speak openly about them.
Lloigor    CR 18 XP 153,600 CE Huge dragon (incorporeal) Init +12; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +31, thoughtsense 120 ft. Aura malaise (1 mile)
Defense AC 28, touch 28, flat-footed 15(-2 size, +1 dodge, +12 Dex, +7 deflection) hp 324 (24d10+168) Fort +20, Ref +26, Will +21 Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, fear, paralysis, sleep SR 29 Defensive Abilities incorporeal traits, negative energy affinity; Weakness hopeless
Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), burrow 40 ft. (earth glide) Melee touch +22 (drain hope) Space 15 ft.; Reach 20 ft. Psychic Magic CL 18th, concentration +25 (+29 casting defensively) 15 PE—crushing despair (4 PE, DC 21), dream (4 PE), fear (4 PE, DC 21), greater invisibility (4 PE), invisibility (2 PE), nightmare (5 PE, DC 22), telekinesis (5 PE, DC 22), telekinetic storm (9 PE, DC 26), utter contempt (6 PE, DC 23)
Statistics Str -, Dex 35, Con 23, Int 25, Wis24, Cha 24 Base Atk +24; CMB -; CMD 56 (cannot be tripped) Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes,Dodge, Flyby Attack, Mobility, Multiattack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Spring Attack, Toughness, Whirlwind Attack Skills Acrobatics +29, Bluff +27, Diplomacy +27, Fly +25, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +31, Perception +31, Sense Motive +31, Spellcraft +27, Stealth +30; Racial Modifiers +4 Knowledge (all) Languages Aklo, Draconic, Terran, Undercommon, telepathy 120 ft. SQ assume flesh, compression
Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary Treasure none Special Abilities Assume Flesh (Su) A lloigor can, as a move action, become corporeal. It loses its deflection bonus to AC and incorporeal traits, but gains a natural armor bonus equal to its Dexterity modifier, a Strength score equal to its Dexterity score, and natural attacks. It has a bite, two claws and a tail slap, gains powerful blows with the tail slap and rend with the claws. While corporeal, its statistics are as follows: AC 33, touch (-2 size, +1 dodge, +12 Dex, +12 natural); Melee bite +34 (2d6+12), 2 claws +34 (1d8+12), tail slap +32 (2d8+18 plus drain hope); Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with tail slap); Special Attacks powerful blows (tail slap),rend (2 claws, 1d8+18). A lloigor can resume its incorporeal form as a move action. A lloigor can remain corporeal for a number of rounds/day equal to its Hit Dice (24 rounds for an ordinary specimen). Aura of Malaise (Su) All creatures within 1 mile of a lloigor suffer a -2 penalty on all saves against emotion, fear and madness effects. This does not function in a consecrated or hallowed area. Drain Hope (Su) The touch of a lloigor’s tail deals 1d6 points of Wisdom damage. A creature that takes this damage must succeed a DC 29 Will save or be affected by the pessimism spell for the next 24 hours. This is an emotion effect and the save DC is Charisma based. A creature that succeeds this save cannot be affected by the pessimism effect for the next 24 hours, and takes minimum damage from that lloigor’s drain hope attack during that duration. If the creature fails this save, the lloigor gains 3 PE. A lloigor can gain PE above its maximum in this way, capping at twice its normal value. A creature that has its Wisdom reduced to 3 or fewer with this ability must succeed a DC 23 Will save or be afflicted with the moral insanity madness. This is a madness effect with a flat DC. Hopeless (Ex) A lloigor can never gain morale bonuses, and suffers an additional -1 penalty whenever it would suffer from a morale penalty.
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tenebris-metallum · 4 months
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@mightymessenger lloigor :)
I was struggling with them because all my brain was giving me was "dragon made out of trauma" and that wasn't helping until I decided to make it Emmett's lloigor
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”There you two are! Now, where did you two run off to? What adventures did you get in when you two disappeared? Ah, by the way, has Hastie talked you about being nicer to your brother yet?”
// HEHEHEHE I GET TO BE THE FIRST ASK…. from @ask-idv-the-fool
The twins looked at Azathoth, all of their eyes were on the Blind Idiot God, who could tell that he was here? The Obscenity, Zhar, may not have a mouth, but he did not need one to speak, after all, is all just looks.
"I recently took Lloigor out of a mess, we ended here because he noticed a new pattern in the stars and decided to walk to this directions"
After hearing the answer, the Star Treader, Lloigor, decided to put his voice in this.
Unlike Zhar, Lloigor has a mouth, which he used to respond his brother's words
"We didn't ran off, i was just doing my usual thing, Zhar decided to follow me, guess spending a twin-to-twin time is nice and all, about the adventures... well... could had been better, but now THIS is interesting, so big, and many to discover..."
"About the last bit...we haven't seen Hastur yet...we still have to check out everything, and i have to keep a lots and lots of eyes on Lloigor..."
It was actually a surprise to see no other than Azathoth himself, or well, the vessel, but still was a surprise, could be called pleasent, seeing a familiar face is nice...
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agentgrange · 2 years
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I keep thinking about this section from the new The Conspiracy release. Naturally they leave the door open to be used on whatever way the Handler wishes, but they otherwise really leave the Lloigor untouched to the point of implying they are on the decline or falling dormant. Then they immediately in the next section directly state that the Mi-Go are for all purposes the major antagonist for The Conspiracy. They picked a faction they really wanted to flesh out, dedicate the bulk of the text to them, but leave a lot of room for you to figure out the rest.
Which just gets me thinking about the amount of freedom I actually have in rewriting and recontextualizing everything about the Lloigor if I wanted to use them as the major antagonists in an 80s guide. I've always maintained that an 80s setting should be all about immiseration, alienation, and decay-- and honestly the Lloigor are kind of the perfect entities to serve as the major antagonists for those themes.
Hell, maybe *something about the events of the 80s* in Delta Green's forgotten cowboy era history is responsible for the Lloigors relative decline.
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rausule · 1 year
LENG, ABOMINABLE PLATEAU OF (KG): Astraliter in Media Asia sita. Roerich et Lovecraft tanquam secretorum suorum conscii.
LLOIGOR (HPL): turpitudo Ij cum Zhar. Cthulhu venit ab astris. Vivum defodisse dicitur sub Plateau Sung.
LOROO (CJM): vagator, velum, caligo obscuritatis. Naugerius Naugerius , Spatium inter Stellas , Perpetuumque locum medius.
LUMASHI (SAB): Sphaera Zodiaci seu stellarum fixarum.
LUVEH-KERAPHF: Bast sacerdos. Nomen Roberti Bloch pro Lovecraft qui feles adoravit.
MAGAN (Nec): Loco mortis. Occidens.
MARDUK KURIOS (SAB): Sphaera Iovis, Dominus magorum. Interfector Tiamet cum sagitta Enki. Sexta porta Zonei. Dominus quinquaginta nominum (in ordine);
Marduk Dominus Marukka-
Marutukku - Magister Artium Protectionis
Barashakushu - opifex miraculorum Luggaldimmerankia - magister Ordinis de Chaos
Nariluggaldimmerankia - Custos
Asaruludu - vibrans gladium flammeum
Namtillaku- scientia Mortuorum
Namru - Sapientia et scientia. Scientia metallorum Asaru - Scientia omnium herbarum et arborum
Asarualim - Secreta sapientiae et lux in tenebris loca Asarualimnunna- scientia et potestas pugnae
Tutu - Joy
Ziukkinna - scientia stellarum
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neruomancer · 2 years
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“The earth has favoured the evolution of its ungainly, optimistic children, and weakened the Lloigor. Nevertheless, these ancient powers remain. They have retreated under the earth and sea, in order to concentrate their power in stones and rocks, whose normal metabolism they can reverse. This has enabled them to cling to the earth for many thousands of years. Occasionally, they accumulate enough energy to erupt once again into human life, and the results are whole cities destroyed.”
- Colin Wilson, “The Return of the Lloigor”
"To a many-angled one, we impoverished entities who are stranded in three-plus-one dimensions are fairly harmless; nevertheless, even the inhabitants of flatland can inflict a nasty paper cut upon the unwary on occasion."
- Charles Stross, Overtime
The Lloigor exist not as physical things but as immaterial energy that is store in the ancient rocks of earths past when they dropped down from the stars so long ago. They have tainted the soil like pollution and burn into the skies like oils or gases.
They infect the body and the soul, they rot the core like radiation and rip through flesh like wind or hail.
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"Ohoho, this star never dissapoints me, a break from that manor was what i needed, and look at you, aren't you a curious little land walker?" "..." "Oh you are indeed a verys curious one, now i grow more curious, i guess this place is your 'manor', so, how is the life over here? is it peaceful or another nightmare experiment gone wrong?" "...?!" Seems that only one is speaking for having a mouth, perhaps the other one would require a mind to do that, this two clearly are not human...those eyes are staring...
// woops! here comes the creeps! https://www.tumblr.com/ask-idv-obscenity-star
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CW // horrors beyond comprehension, breaking point (literally)
84 did not respond. There's two of similar silhouette but one bares a a white, lop-sided half circle stretched under a small teal crescent light looking down upon them. There is barely any discernable colors, a nothingness to both of them as if light could not penetrate either of their forms. Both tower over 84 with ease, bent in a way as if trying to meet their height. It smelt of burning metal and that familiar smell of the sea. It mixed in with that sickly sweet smell that filled the room wherever the searchlights lurked. 84 does not feel fear, but for once, 84 did not feel the safety they always had felt.
For once, that comfort had been ripped away from the gem. There is discomfort within their inclusions, those familiar sounds of cracking emitting with the quiet room. They could not pry their eyes away from the silhouette, slowly going to open their mouth. Nothing comes out from their lips. The cracks begin to expand, but 84 does not make a move to run or fight. Instead, they are there, simply frozen as if time had stopped.
There is a hissing emitting from the silhouette as if something were burning within them. There's a burbling mixing along with that hiss like how heat sounds when drowned out in the water. More cracks form, and still 84 could not pry their eyes off the silhouettes. Why... Why couldn't they see these two?
Their hand is the first to go, dropping to the floor as the cracks begin to cause their standing to shake. They begin to crumble, small bits of them glistening within the light as they drop onto the floor. What seems like ages, 84 speaks as more of their arms begin to drop onto the floor.
"Why can't I see you?"
The cracks reach to their knees, and they fall back. Sharp glass pierces through the fabric of the suit as their torso splits into mutliple shards. Pieces of their face falls onto the floor, separating from their head after the collapse.
( @ask-idv-obscenity-star )
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probablyfunrpgideas · 8 months
Modern Fantasy Spells
QR Code of Warding - if someone scans it without speaking the password aloud, their device and potentially their body is pulled into a digital space.
Helda’s Impersonating Wheel - a circular array of accounts, personas, and characters appears, orbiting the target’s head. Each one you can grab is now inaccessible to them and available to you.
Lightning Lift - reduces the travel time of objects you order or drivers you hire temporarily. Some drivers will ward their vehicle against this magic, claiming that the increased efficiency isn’t worth the static charge that lingers for an hour afterward.
Threefold Banishment of Colorado Technical University (copyright 1987) - violently exorcizes an area of any supernatural entities, and erases harmful recordings of such creatures. A photo of a werewolf is probably fine, but the DVD you filmed the Lloigor on is going to be melted.
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heroes-in-green · 1 month
3, 5, 7, & 28 :)
Whew, this took tooooo long to write. Here we go!!
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3: What Is the Lair Like? The Lair is below a quieter part of the city, built around rotting sewers from centuries ago. It has 2 Entry Ways and 3 Escape Exits, all leading horizontal from the surface, tucked behind an alleyway. Minimal natural lighting but very, very warm and damp (good for cold-blooded turtles!); candles & lanterns make good lighting when the electricity fuzzes out, but be cautious of flammables.
2 Bathrooms at different ends of the Lair. Sewage areas in the living space are covered up by boards and carpets.
1.5 Bedrooms. Sometimes the turtles will rearrange whose bed goes where & end up sleeping over in each other’s spaces; Dontallo claims a loft for extra work space, but Leo is free to stay. Raph and Leo always take the darkest corners of the bedroom. Mikey will literally sleep wherever, whenever, bedroom or not. Splinter has his own room but it’s honestly more like a closet with sheets on the floor (he claims he doesn’t need a lot of space).
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5: What Is the Origin of the Mutagen? Mutagen is essentially just real-world radioactive pollution gone viciously potent. It’s commonly in thick liquid form, glowing green and slow-moving, but can be found as gases and solids. After heavy periods of fuel harvest by The Foot, Mutagen is present in fog and/or rain. A large majority of scholars and theists alike in NYC (those who have access to much older texts, at least) believe there was some influence in the Mutagen by Utroms (see below).
7: Are There Aliens? TL;DR, not tangibly! By 5584, science, fiction, and religion has mixed beyond distinction. Scholars and theists alike have pieced together a sort of nature religion with cosmic entities. The most commonly known deities are the Utroms and Kra(a)ng.
The most universally accepted pantheon includes the Utrom-Krang, Triceratons/ Styracodons, Rock/Stone Soldiers, and the Inuwashi Gunjin. Some subscribers have attempted to connect the deities to the four elements and/or four temperaments despite several factors in every deity’s mythos overlapping in elements; they are not seperate from nature and instead are of nature, all possessing both positive and negative characteristics.
The Foot (or leading Ōshiro family, at least) are heavily invested in and lead by in the Utrom-Krang mythos. Closest thing I can relate them to is Zhar & Lloigor of the Cthulu Mythos. If Krang are a devastating storm, then Utroms are the agricultural growth in its aftermath.
28: Is There a Mona Lisa? Y’know what? Why not. She’s not a huge part of the overarching story but probably appears in a side mission or two. Mona Lisa is a (formerly-)human physicist working for the Filch, a powerful group of nomadic pirates who have mostly settled on the waters. Her seaside village was destroyed and Mona was tasked to develop Filch’s submarines while also working with the crew’s cartographers. Over 2+ years, she was affected by animal Mutagen and grew painful scales around her body. Mona Lisa appears more human than animal, however.
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homebrewsno1asked4 · 1 year
Another Call of Cthulhu monster!
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 Art by Christopher Burdett!
Your foe –unseen until now – warps space and bends light as a horrible form appears. At a glance, you could mistake it for a dragon. But it has too many eyes and limbs, and its mouth distends like its body is a sheath of reptilian skin. 
In its most common form, a lloigor is invisible to conventional senses. Lloigors must alter their geometry to manipulate physical objects; in our visual spectrum, this condensed form resembles a grotesque pastiche of a dragon. Besides a similar shape, comparable strength, and humanoid-enslaving tendencies, these interstellar horrors have nothing in common with dragons.
Upon outgrowing (read: dominating and desiccating) their distant home sphere, the lloigors’ creator-god (also named Lloigor) taught its children the secrets of space travel. Since leaving home, the lloigors spread violent atrocities, empires based on fear and sacrifice, and countless people reshaped as wretched works of flesh-based art. A few great mages – of races that far predate modern humanoids – managed to craft symbols that drive away the lloigor scourge, symbols transmuted and cheapened over time into common glyph-based spells.
However, the lloigors did not realize their folly until they enjoyed several millennia of colonizing other planets. A connection to their deity and homeland was the source of their terrifying psychic prowess; ever since spreading across the universe, the lloigors’ powers were weakening. Only by consuming intelligent minds can lloigors recapture a fraction of their terrible power. After numerous rebellions, the humiliated lloigors retreated to the shadows and caverns of various worlds.
Small (vortex form)/large (reptilian form) Aberration, Lawful Evil
Armor Class 16 (many-angled)
Hit Points 161 (17d10 + 68)
Speed 30 ft. (reptilian form only), hover 30 ft. (vortex form only)
Vortex Form: STR 1(-5) DEX 16(+3) CON 19(+4) INT 21(+5) WIS 18(+4) CHA 18(+4)
Reptilian Form: STR 23(+6) DEX 16(+3) CON 19(+4) INT 21(+5) WIS 18(+4) CHA 18(+4)
Saving Throws Cha +8, Con +8
Skills Deception +8, Intimidation +8, Perception +8
Damage Resistances fire, nonmagic (Reptilian form), psychic (Reptilian form)
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Damage Immunities cold, force (Vortex form), nonmagic (Vortex form), psychic (Vortex form)
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, frozen
Additional Immunities for Vortex Form blinded, deafened, grappled, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses Darkvision 150 ft., passive Perception 18, truesight 120 ft.
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, Infernal, Undercommon
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +4
Innate Spellcasting. The lloigor's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components. However, it does need to expend Leeched Mental Energy (LME, from here on). Assume any lloigor has 4d6 stored LME at the start of an encounter.
Free Spells: gust, mage hand (hand is invisible), mind sliver (3d6) 2-point Spells: catapult 3-point Spells: detect thoughts, dissonant whispers (level 2), gust of wind, mind spike, misty step 5-point Spells: fireball, sending, slow, wind wall 6-point Spells: confusion, dimension door, polymorph, Raulothim's psychic lance 7-point Spells: Bigby’s hand (hand is invisible), control winds, create spelljamming helm, telekinesis
Bound by the Signs. Certain timeless sigils can repel the lloigor and its depraved magicks.
If a lloigor damages any creature protected by warding bond, the lloigor takes the caster’s share of the damage.
The lloigor takes maximum damage from glyph of warding.
Death ward heals all effects (except damage) from the lloigor’s fleshwarping – even regenerating severed limbs.
A lloigor can’t even attempt to enter any area protected by guards and wards, even by teleportation.
Deadly Pessimism. Lloigors’ minds are endless wells of hatred and pessimism – too much for even the most spiteful mortal mind-reader to bear. Any creature that tries to read a lloigor’s thoughts is subject to a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw.
Success: The mind-reader escapes the abyss of the lloigor’s thoughts with nothing but a searing headache. For 1 minute, the mind-reader rolls Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks with disadvantage since it hurts to concentrate.
Failure: The mind-reader is afflicted with short-term madness.
Failure by 10 or More: The mind-reader is afflicted with long-term madness.
Critical Failure: The mind-reader dies.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the lloigor fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Star-Treader. The lloigor doesn’t need to breathe, and it can shrug off extreme cold (included in stat block). 
Multiattack. In its reptilian form, the lloigor makes one Bite attack and two Claw attacks. The lloigor has no physical attack options in vortex form.
Bite (Reptilian Form only). Melee Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) piercing damage. 
Claw (Reptilian Form only). Melee Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage.
Fleshwarp (Recharge 5-6). In reptilian form, the lloigor must touch its target. A lloigor in vortex form can attempt to warp any target within 60 ft. Targets make a DC 16 Constitution save as their own bodies twist and rebel. On a failure, the target takes 8d10 necrotic damage, and one of their features are bent to the lloigor’s whims – a limb, torso, neck, head shape, or facial feature. On a success, the target takes half damage, and no transformation occurs. On a critical failure, the lloigor gains enough control over the flesh to exact one of their favorite punishments: shriveling limbs. The target loses the use of an arm or leg (DM’s choice).
Reversing the lloigor’s fleshwarping requires casting remove curse or greater restoration at level 6 – or, curiously, a regular 4th-level casting of death ward. 
Bonus Actions
Condense/Refract. The lloigor changes between Vortex and Reptilian form. If a lloigor changes into its reptilian form thirty feet or more off the ground, it is subject to fall damage.
Feed on Anguish. When a lloigor deals damage to another creature, the lloigor can use its reaction to regain 1d4 LME.
Legendary Actions
The lloigor can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The lloigor regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Attack. The lloigor makes one Bite or two Claw attacks.
Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). The lloigor casts one of its spells, using the normal amount of LME. 
Recalculate. The lloigor attempts to recharge its Fleshwarp ability.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the lloigor can take one of the following lair actions; the lloigor can't take the same lair action two rounds in a row:
Psychic Vampirism. The lloigor targets a random sleeping humanoid within 6 miles of its lair. The target loses 1d4 Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (lloigor’s choice), and the lloigor gains an equal amount of LME. The target suffers a level of exhaustion all the next day, but another long rest will cure both the exhaustion and the ability loss. The target only dies if the ability damage reduces that ability to 0.
Summon Prey. The lloigor chooses any living mortal creature in the universe. The target makes a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the target is summoned to a random point within 1 mile of the lloigor. On a failure, the prey is teleported within 100 feet of the lloigor. 
Warp Time. The lloigor must also spend the rest of its stored LME to use this lair action. Every creature in the lair must reroll initiative. The lloigor can choose not to reroll.
Regional Effects
The region surrounding a lloigor's lair is altered by the lloigor's magic, creating one or more of the following effects:
For 6 miles around the lloigor’s lair, people tend to act uncharacteristically dour and negative.
Long-term exposure to the lloigor’s presence stains water and stone a jade tint. This jade stain is only visible if the lloigor’s been around for over a year, and the unnatural color is more noticeable as you approach the lair. Although a gorgeous color, looking at these lloigor-changed features instills nausea, as if the earth itself is warning you to turn back.
The lloigor practices its fleshwarping on local wildlife. Many beasts within 6 miles of the lair bear grotesque mutations. 
If the lloigor dies, the mood-altering effect vanishes immediately. The other effects are, unfortunately, permanent. 
I know in RAW you can’t cast remove curse or greater restoration at higher levels – but why not? I don’t think you should be able to remove a high-level monster’s debilitating curse with a level 3 spell in every healer’s back pocket.
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darkersoul · 1 year
I'll also add some of my general thoughts and HCs about whichever beastie gets drawn as they apply to my version of the Mythos!
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ladyeroway · 1 year
We had a season finale of Cthulhu last night and it was freaking wild. There were chases through Calcutta, ghee being used as improvised weapons, jumping rooftops. Good Pulpy fun.
Gideon went insane in the previous session after understanding how terrible a murder had been at the hands of our previous employer. He is now under a compulsion to not only kill his employer and the serpent people adversaries but also make them suffer. So he was a bit unhinged this session.
He summoned a Formless one to rip apart one of our adversaries. She summoned through a Lloigor in the middle of Calcutta and they started basically Kaiju fighting. We managed to get an artifact from our adversary but was then stolen by our previous employer who is also a Serpent Person.
It is our previous employer that Gideon has the main compulsion against so he took off to go and fight him. The rest followed but the Doctor who was insane decided to attack the Lloigor with a machine gun. He managed to do enough damage that the Formless one went inside it and caused it to explode in a fantastic fashion. The doctor doing an amazing dive to escape the Lloigors detonation.
We headed to the airfield, knowing our previous employer would be stuck cause we had already sabotaged his plane. Our previous employer started on about how we had betrayed him. That his faith would be rewarded when he got to Mu and the Holy mother would birth a new race of serpent people. Which Gideon thinks could be the dilettante character that willingly went with Yig....you know the one he was in love with.
Gideon cut him off telling to the shock of most of the party. He told him his faith was mired by his own prejudice. That his bloodline had fallen so far from the serpent people he didn't even realise that his god Yig didn't care. That Yig had spoken to Gideon to denigrate the actions of killing a chosen of his God and he was Human. Did his God speak to him? Cause Gideon as a human had heard his voice. All he was was tyrant and then Gideon shot him.
Typically, the dice decided to fail Gideon who got one shot of his flame pistol out and the second botched, turning it into essentially a live grenade. Then he failed his throw roll. Luckily a character had telekinesis and pushed it into side of the plane next to the bodyguard. Our previous employer managed to teleport away just in time as the plane blew up. Which would have been 80 points of damage on Gideon if it had exploded at his feet, which would have instantly killed him.
The bodyguard came out terminator style and we all unloaded onto him. There were crits, flame pistols, rifle rounds all at once and we dropped him into a pile of Ash. So yeah that was our big boss battle at the end of this chapter. Looks like we are heading to Mu!
Back to the finale of VTM for 5 weeks and then the finale of Cthulhu. I can't wait
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/// Zhar and Lloigor's bust! Too lazy to do a full body, but what matters is the head part after all, Zhar doesn't need a face unlike Lloigor.
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redacted-metallum · 2 years
OC ask game! Tell me 5 facts about the OC you are currently the most obsessed with and then pass the ask to 5 people so they can share about their OCs!! :3
I am thinking about Emmett currently. He's so fucked up. Examples:
He's devoted to Cthugha. He does not know Cthugha's name. His only exposure to the mythos before becoming a Cthugha worshiper was basically tripping over a Ghatanothoa artifact and getting attacked by Lloigor.
He is bisexual but doesn't know it. He made out with some guys in the trenches but has rationalized it to himself as "we thought we were gonna die so we kissed and then we lived so we kissed some more" and then his trench boyfriend died in a gas attack because he gave Emmett his mask.
When he gets back home after getting discharged from the military bc sneaking off and blowing up a ritual after having a nervous breakdown in front of your CO and being told to stay in the medical tent because he's got like five types of PTSD that even modern science haven't identified yet is a thing that gets you kicked out of the military he's got a few years before he gets arrested and confesses to just. so many arsons and is put in a hospital
I joke about him huffing gasoline but that might not be a joke.
He's definitely eaten candle wax
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agentgrange · 2 years
Field Notes: Lemuria, Lloigor, & Ghatanothoa
Caution, long post but bare with me.
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Trying to unify several different accounts of mythos prehistory and the lloigor even among Delta Green resources and trying to gauge people's over-under on the following all being the same entity:
Yaldabaoth, the first dragon, the blind creator god occasionally referenced in some mythos writing. Linked to the development of humanity's tie to material reality and Phillip K. Dick's Black Iron Cage. In many interpretations it is no longer one force but split into lesser "archons" that govern the Black Iron Cage. (Note: When I use the Demiurge in my work I don't mean to imply that gnosticism is canon or "real" but as an imagined Outer God that fits the archetype.)
Ghatanothoa, brought to earth by the Yuggoth from out of space and time as a weapon against the Elder Things. Becomes the god of the Lemurians, known for granting unnaturally long lifespans and teaching the Lemurians how to conjure hypergeometric constructs into the material world. Remained dormant several hundred million of years after the fall of the Lemurians until the alleged arrival of the Lloigor from Andromeda 2.5 million years ago. There's some conflicting information on if they were a major opponent against Lloigorian conquest or, in fact, the source from which all Lloigor split from.
Nug and Yeb, the twin blasphemies, also called. The Twin Dragons. Represented as a red and white dragon respectively. Worshipped by the Lemurian-decendant K'n-yan and said to have split from the Yuggothi god Cxaxukluth-- the creator-god counterpart and celestial pair to Azoth, the destroyer god.
Zhar and Lloigor, the twin obscenities. Also represented as dragon-like creatures. Bares very uncanny resemblances to Nug and Yeb, I'd go so far as to say they are cognates or aspects of the same gods worshipped by different cultures. Called "the star treaders" and often called the progenitors to the Lloigor "race".
Alright so heres the heady part I've been thinking of; how do we unify all this and reconcile it with all the alleged information that shows the Lloigor arrived from Andromeda 2.5 million years ago but Ghatanothoa was brought by the Yuggoth and led the Lemurians hundreds of millions of years before that? Here's my suggestion, in brief.
The Yuggoth detect the emerging sentience of the Elder Thing's humanoid servitors including what would become the Lemurians. (Reference my earlier Field Notes on The Cult of the Lam.) They arrive on earth completely ignorant of the Elder Things, resulting in a first-contact war. The Yuggoth attempt to win the war by creating a physical construct to hold a fragment (Ghatanothoa) of a larger creator entity. (Cxaxukluth to the Yuggoth, later mantled by the Gnostic concept of Yaldabaoth.)
Ghatanothoa cuts a path of destruction that destroys the Elder Things and Yuggoth on earth alike with the humanoid servitors fragmenting off as humanoids and Lemurians. Or maybe Lemurians are entirely different from us and just showed up from Agartha in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's impossible to tell. The Lemurians of Mu evolve faster through the worship of Ghatanothoa but are forced underground after the war with the Deep Ones. The Lemurians eventually become the K'n-yan, Vril-ya, and Nephilim of legend and remember the liberation war against the MiGo and Elder Things as the war against the Star People. The Yuggoth for their part promptly forget this forrey to Earth ever happened because of their horrible brain geometry and pisspoor understanding of causality while humanity sits on the back burner a few epochs until it's psychic awakening.
Things go silent for a while with Ghatanothoa still kicking around in some capacity in the ruins of Mu / Lemuria. Thing is, if it could be split from a larger chunk of the Yuggothi god then under the right conditions it can happen again, even spontaneously. The supernova in Andromeda, for reasons unknowable in our galaxy, bombards Mu with just the right type of "downhill" Boltzmann energy to spontaneously fragment the god into Zhar and Lloigor / Nug and Yeb who continuously consume eachother and fragment off into smaller and smaller archons-- inadvertantly birthing the Lloigorian race / Xin on earth like snakes bursting form the corpse of the Demiurge. The greater will of the Demiurge and Ghatanothoa still exist, but only as a cosmic echo in the material world desperately trying to rebuild itself by joining together scattered Lloigor plexus fields.
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flowflowflowflow · 3 months
Stefani, look at numeration:
Starts from QES, because of Joe Alwyn
Continues with Musk and Putin, Musk because of what happened in Autumn of 2024, as well, because usually Musk was associated with Wray, who were drinking together then telling to each other funny stories about Lloigors
Then, this subsequence ends at PE: DK
Then you see pass towards Bortnikov, and other people in Russia
Continuing at people as Shoigu and Patrushev
Eventually, I discovered that second Ariana Grande is not AP, but pretended to be AP, while cheating on me with Zuckerberg, at least as it seems.
Though I don't understand how this is consistent with all other events, but I see that she essentially confirmed this by not denying it for long enough.
And only ~numbers 36+ I started to take on USA, digging more in-depth, though there is Haines in the list, at earlier numbers
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