#Narinder is Mary
shentheauthor · 9 months
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caramelldansenu · 5 days
dont become my favorite character and maybe this wont happen to you
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flippythegodzilla · 8 months
Wait we really can't make Lamb go in the love tent? But...but what about the Christmas pic with the Narilamb egg? That got me so excited!
Yeah so was I, I wanted to start getting ideas for my narilamb children
But noooooooo we are not allowed in the tent T-T
Massive Monster you are cowards blocking us! You could at least let Lamb be allowed in after the Bishops are dead!
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pebblyrock · 9 months
To the new Christmas art for the Cult of the Lamb's twitter account... I have one thing to say....
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crownsandbishops · 6 months
I would like to give each of the bishops a copy of OMORI and something to play it on
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( I see Narinder relating a lot to Omori, and Shamura likewise with Mari, no spoilers but if you know you know
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Leshy would really like both Kel and Basil! Kel for his rambunctious energy and Basil for his gardening.
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Aubrey is easily Heket's favourite, a no-nonsense girl who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and solve problems with violence? Instant winner.
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As for Kallamar, he'd be utterly hopeless at understanding the emotion-based battle system, but he'd watch one of his siblings play and end up super invested in Sweetheart's whole section!)
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theonewhobleats · 2 months
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Disciple Mari's biggest issue in the cult is their leader's shitty cat husband.
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writer-of-the-lamb · 9 months
I have a kind of a song-fic scenario for you. In one of their crusades together Narinder sees Lamb singing as they kill heretics. He also notices how their moves are like dance moves. (The song I had in mind is Bloody Mary from Lady Gaga)
THE FIRST REQUEST!! tysm anon!
[banger song choice too, massively fits a kinda scene like this!!]
Silken spiderwebs strung along the sword Narinder dragged behind him. The lamb had made a regrettable habit of dragging him along through crusades, allegedly to "boost morale", whatever that implied.
Narinder couldn't lie, he enjoyed it. To be in the element of battle once more almost soothed the wound of shame he carried after being dethroned.
The lamb seemed to weave through webs and stone, catching anyone in his way on the end of his axe.
Narinder watched under a splintered tree as the lamb seemed to splash through moonlight and across the debris he created. It was like a dance - a wonderfully crafted movement that carried such a rich power within it.
A deadly flourish of the divine.
Blood spattered across the ground, dust arising from the falling heretics. Narinder found himself becoming still as his eyes followed the lamb's every move, zoning in on how his hands gripped the axe with such a delicacy it was like he was scared to hurt it.
The strength of the lamb, too, was unfathomable. The ground shook beneath him with every strike of the weapon, and through the gothic veil of moonlight and blood, the lamb seemed to shine as he danced across bodies.
Narinder's thoughts were immediately interrupted by an off-key warble.
The lamb slaughtered another heretic, singing with such a glee you'd think he was good at it. The demon fell at his knees, keeling over in blood.
Narinder came to the sickening realisation that his artistic mental metaphors were not as glamourous in reality - the lamb was indeed dancing, but not with the grace he had previously seen.
After a half-impressive, half-embarrassing twirl, the lamb plunged the axe through a chest of a final heretic, puffing and looking up.
"Adds flair."
"What was the melody?"
"You wouldn't know it."
"Shh. Don't get too jealous. It's not just the crown, it's the practice."
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disteluria · 3 months
Asks open about eeeeevvveeerything about and around Cult of the lamb!
You can ask me about Headcanons about characters, bishops, ships, ideas, theories about the goat (I love them so much 😆)
Want me to draw/sketch something for COTL? I'm. Absolutely up for it!
Ask me about little stories or one shots about couples like Narilamb, Goatlamb, a polycule of all three, or lamb x any kind of follower, it's up to you!
You wanna know more about my universe of cotl?
Mari and Dietrich (lamb and goat)
Sure ask away!!
Wanna ask me about an opinion, sure go for it!!
Ooor you just want someone to talk to about cotl? I'm absolutely up for that too!
My asks and dms are open!!
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secondsonaym · 2 years
Not sure if anyone else has asked yet, but I'm assuming that trying to get Star to wear the other crowns alongside the Red Crown will end badly.
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intersexalastor · 9 months
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delirisse-au · 10 months
Really stupid idea:
Narinder and Mary go on dates for the sole purpose of constantly trying to kill each other
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That would go about as well as you think it would
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duplicitousfate · 4 months
Soooo you got it right, congrats
what does this mean for the au?
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We're using the name Billie for the goat :D
(Text ID: Two screenshots of a conversation on discord between Toast (GATOMA) and Glow (TheGlowBun). Transcript is under the read more
GATOMA: Ok but also: imagine if this is a parale universe kinda thing. The goat having a purple crown that has the shape of the red crown makes it seem like it was still narinders, just that his color was purple. Now, think about what else could be slightly different in the other universe. Maybe Narinder is a fluffy, white, she cat. Shamura could be a Daddy long legs instead of a spider. Heket could be a multi colored, toxic Toad. Kallamar could be a yellyfish instead of a squid. Leshy could have the colors of fall all over his body. The possibilities are endless TheGlowBun: YEAH (intense thinking emoji) what if that's the lamb's dad in the parallel universe. The universe where the twins were killed while he was gone getting supplies/food To twist some angst in there "The old bishops took my wife and kids, gonna take their lives" To sprinkle in that angst GATOMA: OH HELL TO THE YEAH Imagine that his coat was pristine white before his campaign against the bishops, but he dyes it with coal in mourning for his family TheGlowBun: P L S it works out perfectly, Bari's resting bitch face but Bert's fighting style of (gun emote) GATOMA: Hey, Massive Monster? We gendered your goat. Yeah, they're a he now and he's got dead kids and trauma. Sorry not sorry
The following image transcript is as follows:
GATOMA I do like the Angst of a young broken man who lost his entire family, his wife and his two small little children. A broken man who needs to be convinced by AU Narinder (who in my head is still a fluffy white she cat) that he shall not let his family die in vain. That he can not yet join them beyond the vail, for he is still needed. TheGlowBun perfect (clap emote) pls, he's the kind that does funerals instead of ressurections let them rest GATOMA He is the one that made black the color of mourning A goat, eternally blackened by the coals that were left from the blaze of his past. The ambers that swallowed his family's bodys under the old faiths command. TheGlowBun (sobbing emote) the mutual shock and tears when fate lets them meet again GATOMA What if she/Narinder and the goat will also get together. Bert inherited their fathers taste in mainacs. TheGlowBun YES only their relationship is closer to bari and shamura's it's soft, and it's sherinder helping him move on Marinder? Mari? Sheri also sounds nice
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epicaandk0 · 3 months
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Featuring @kagamineriri beautiful Narinder and Lamb (aka Mary) designs!
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
if i had the tools or the knowledge to make a Cult of the Lamb animatic, I would make one to "We Become We" from Journey to Bethlehem, but instead of being Narilamb it would be through the ages with Lamb and their follower spouses. The followers would be Joseph's voice, and the Lamb would be Mary's.
The song would go through at least four spouses, and each new spouse the wedding ceremony steadily grows grander as it signifies the passing of time, the expansion of the cult and the lamb's influence, as well as how many bishops have been defeated until by the fourth spouse, Narinder is already apart of the cult. As well as Lamb steadily growing more demure and reserved with each new spouse, until eventually the love is completely one-sided.
The first spouse would be before Leshy was even defeated, where the lamb is still getting the cult started and still trying to defeat the mini bosses. The ceremony is humble and they're both essentially wearing slightly nicer versions of their clothes. The only lights they have are the stars, the fireflies, and a fire. We would stay with this couple until the lines; "hopefully not ending in estrangement"
By the next line; "it's a step of faith" it would change to the next spouse. There's a bigger audience, the cult is bigger, their clothes nicer. The lamb has defeated two bishops by now, they look a little less in love. More demure. The ages has weighed down on them like water erodes a canyon.
We move to the next couple at "can mine become yours?" the lamb is actively trying to defeat Shamura now. The cult is near it's completion. The wedding ceremony grounds are ceramic and decorated, with lights stringing from pole to pole. The Lamb looks radiant and nearly outshine their spouse. The spouse looks less in love and more in complete overwhelming devotion, they don't even notice that the Lamb is not as engaged as them -- oh they look pleased, content. But not in love, but it's not like anyone by then knows what it looks like when the Lamb is in love.
We meet the last spouse by the very end when the dance and song ends. "I could never choose to love another." / "Maybe one day I could learn to love you, too". The Lamb is disengaged, just going through the motions. Demure and modest, the picture perfect radiance of a god among mortals. Their crown is a veil. They're looking into their spouse's eyes, but not really seeing.
Anyways that's what I would do if i had the tools to make an animatic.
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lammydraws · 10 months
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The silliest crossover
Mary (from @delirisse ), Marigold and Marrylamb (from @kagamineriri )
I'm convinced they're talking about Narinder or something :)
Support me on Ko-Fi | Commission Info
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crownsandbishops · 3 months
Crowns and Bishops Behind the Scenes (part 1)
In today's extra long post, for the anniversary of Crowns and Bishops I will be giving you guys a peak behind the process of creating a comic for the Blog, in this case, Vine's Lore post! The Final one of the main set! For extra long asks like this I always start out by typing up a script, laying out exactly what I might want to say in response to the question at hand! Here's the full typed script for Vine's lore post [it ended up SUPER long, I think because I've had the most time to think about Vine's character and what I wanted for him haha!]
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From there I start on the first panel, and as anyone who has seen my wips or just knows how I drew things, every Jir character starts their life as a circle!
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I reuse some assets mostly for backgrounds to make the process go easier, such as these pillars and skulls in Narinder's realm!
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Because mspaint doesnt have layers, different coloured outlines are used to create what is essentially different layers so that adjustment to one section doesn't affect another!
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I kept this one mostly the same but adjusted the legs because it wasn't looking quite right!
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for details like the shawl stripes I overlap the lines like this and then paste over it with the red being transparent, so only the details on the red remain!
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When I'm happy with the main image I then add the text from the script!
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It usually takes 4-5 iterations before I'm happy with placement, clarity and spacing! I also often have to account for the colours i use to make them the most readable against the background of each panel!
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I look up reference images for this, like the standard way that a cloak like this one would be held together!
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And since the Lands of the Old Faith is a closed-off continent in the preindustrial era any background will be confined to one of the five Bishop's lands! For this one I've chosen a forest like the one in this trailer for the game, but with an adjusted colour pallet!
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I decided for the next panel, since Vine's mother's characterization was kind of a messed up allusion to the virgin Mary, that I should reference a biblical painting related to it and found this one
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Though the cosmology and relations are different, the Seller was the obvious stand in for the Angel Gabriel in the picture!
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Some panels start with the background, others with the character depending on what makes the most sense! Here I have a bit of both worked on but I'm focusing on drawing Vine!
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For the ritual sacrifice Vine and his mother created a fake traitor's razor as the ceremonial dagger, and a clasp reminiscent of Gaap's, Narinder's most favoured vessel up to this point, as well as utilizing ceremonial paint and other decorations and representations related to Narinder!
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When drawing imprisoned Narinder the hardest part tends to be fitting the veil properly above his opened third eye!
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For the next panel, I show the intersection between the three vessels, as though Vine would've been born while Nelly was Narinder's vessel, Acedia does come before him in the order, so I had to square away how that would work!
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When I initially decided on the order for Narinder's vessels I hadn't decided on the broad strokes of who they were and how they would've been chosen, so Acedia being before Vine but only for a single year between Nelly and Vine ends up quite silly!
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If there's no real room like here, I'll sometimes extend the canvas to add black bars to add the text in.
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I asked my chat for a follower form and was suggested Wolf, so the follower Vine is charming here was made a wolf!
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I use this wall asset for the cult grounds in the background!
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And I have various colour references for other things like Camellias and the outfits for non-cult affiliated denizens of the Lands!
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( apparently, I can only have so many pictures so >:3 Part 2 awaits!)
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