#Nars Canada
rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Dawson Creek, BC (No. 3)
Upon entering the war, the United States decided to build a transportation corridor to connect the US mainland to Alaska. In 1942, thousands of US Army personnel, engineers, and contractors poured into the city – the terminal of rail transport – to construct the Alaska Highway. The highway was completed in less than a year; even after the workers involved in its construction departed, population and economic growth continued. In February 1943, a major fire and explosion in a livery barn, packed with road-building supplies including dynamite, caused serious damage to the center of town; five people were killed and 150 injured. Dawson Creek became a RCAF station during WWII, in September 1944. The station disbanded in March 1946.
By 1951, Dawson Creek had more than 3,500 residents. In 1952, the John Hart Highway linked the town to the rest of the British Columbia Interior and Lower Mainland through the Rocky Mountains; a new southbound route, known locally as Tupper Highway, made the town a crossroads with neighbouring Alberta. The next year, western Canada's largest propane gas plant was built and federal government offices were established in town. In 1958, the extension of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway to the Peace from Prince George was completed, and the village was re-incorporated as a city. Between 1951 and 1961, the population of Dawson Creek more than tripled. The RCAF center reemerged on October 1, 1956 and was declared functional in 1958. It was disbanded a final time in March 1964.
Growth slowed in the 1960s, with the population reaching its all-time high in 1966, but area population increased. In the 1970s, the provincial government moved its regional offices from Pouce Coupe to the city, Northern Lights College opened a Dawson Creek campus, and the Dawson Creek Mall was constructed. Several modern grain elevators were built, and the town's five wooden grain elevators, nicknamed "Elevator Row", were taken out of service. Only one of the historic elevators remains, converted to an art gallery. Since the 1970s, with the nearby town of Fort St. John attracting much of the area's industrial development and Grande Prairie becoming a commercial hub, the town's population and economy have not significantly increased.
Since 1992, the city has undergone several boundary expansions. One expansion incorporated undeveloped land in the southeast for an industrial park and a Louisiana-Pacific Canada veneer factory. The city extended sewer and water lines to the location; however, the area was not developed and with the factory only half-built, L-P Canada abandoned its plans. A business making manufactured homes bought the factory and completed its development in 2005. Another expansion incorporated the existing oriented strand board factory in the northwest corner of the city, while further incorporations have included undeveloped land to the south and north.
Source: Wikipedia
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mogkiompmovieguide · 2 years
Métal Hurlant (1981)
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Réalisé par Gerald Potterton, Canada, 90 min
Métal Hurlant est une parodie de science-fiction robotique, déjantée et Rock n' Roll.
Une orbe verte luisante, incarne le mal ultime et terrorise une jeune fille avec une anthologie d’histoires bizarres et fantastiques de dark fantasy, d’érotisme et d’horreur.
L''un des premiers films d'animation pour adultes à être distribué dans les circuits du Cinéma de masse, la violence graphique, une nudité et une sexualité explicites, dans une ambiance de Space Opéra Métal et Punk, en ont fait un objet culte et intemporel malgré la spécificité de ses références. Il a ouvert la voie à d'autres films d'animation, on pense notamment à "Akira" sorti quelques années plus tard en 88.
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Métal Hurlant était un célèbre magazine de science-fiction, prémices du style Cyber et steampunk et autres délires post nucléaires. Le film éponyme est une adaptation plus ou moins libre de la bande dessinée française originale, créée en 1974. où l'on pouvait trouver les styles de dessin de certains des plus grands artistes de bandes dessinées de l'époque, tels que Moebius, Philippe Druillet et Enki Bilal. Le film a également incorporé de la musique rock et métal de groupes tels que Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult et Devo, ce qui a contribué à établir le genre de la bande dessinée métal. . Quatre ans plus tard, le réalisateur Gerald Potterton et les écrivains Daniel Goldberg et Len Blum s’associent pour en faire une adaptation cinématographique.
Ce film canadien met en vedette les talents d’une distribution au combien canadienne, d'éminents acteurs, dont le producteur Ivan Reitman et les interprètes John Candy, Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy et Hard Ramus. A l’âge d’or des films d’anthologie comique, quatre ans après Kentucky Fried Movie et quelques années avant Amazon Women on the Moon.
Le film compte neuf segments, sans compter son épilogue. Ils sont marqués par une animation grossière, même aux normes de 1981, et une nudité surprenante. Il y avait aussi beaucoup de musique, bien que tout ne corresponde pas nécessairement dans le genre musical titulaire; en plus de la chanson-titre de Sammy Hagar, le film présente des styles musicaux de Blue Oyster Cult, Journey, Don Felder, Nazareth, et Cheap Trick.
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La ligne dans tout cela est Loc-Nar, une petite sphère extraterrestre qui refait surface sous différentes formes tout au long du film, et sur des siècles d’histoire humaine, un peu comme les monolithes en 2001 : A Space Odyssey.
Le film « Harry Canyon », un hommage à Taxi Driver et à la tradition du film noir, met en vedette un chauffeur de taxi et une femme fatale improbable. Un autre était le segment « Den », mettant en vedette le personnage créé par le célèbre dessinateur de bandes dessinées Richard Corben.
« Captain Sternn » (exprimé par Eugene Levy), qui joue dans un drame de salle d’audience. Accusé d’une litanie de crimes, y compris « 12 chefs de meurtre au premier degré, 14 chefs de vol à main armée de biens de la Fédération, 22 chefs de piraterie dans l’espace, 18 chefs de fraude, 37 chefs de viol — et une infraction en mouvement ». Il plaide non coupable, ayant soudoyé un témoin, bien que le témoin soit dépassé par une version humaine musclée de Loc-Nar.
Ensuite, il y a le fameux segment « So Beautiful & So Dangerous », qui culmine avec un robot (exprimé par John Candy) ayant des relations sexuelles avec une femme humaine, bien qu’à l’écran jusqu’à ce qu’ils argumentent avec humour sur la question de savoir s’il est possible pour eux de se marier. Il se termine par la défaite finale de Loc-Nar, par (qui d’autre?) une jolie femme chevauchant une créature.
Le message du film, qui explore les thèmes de la violence, de la technologie, de la sexualité et de la nature humaine, est toujours pertinent aujourd'hui. Le film montre comment la technologie peut être utilisée à des fins destructrices et comment les êtres humains peuvent se perdre à travers la guerre, la cupidité et la violence.
En termes d'esthétique, le film est absolument fantastique de par la qualité de son ambiance steam-spatio-trash et surréaliste, qui combine les styles de dessin de plusieurs grands artistes de la bande dessinée. Bien que certains aspects de l'animation puissent sembler un peu dépassés, l'utilisation de la rotoscopie. Une technique bien connue des fans de la première du jeu Mortal Kombat, et/ou encore du film Tron, dans laquelle les animateurs dessinaient sur des images en mouvement réelles pour créer une animation plus fluide et plus réaliste. Cette technique a été utilisée avec succès dans le film, créant des séquences animées qui semblaient plus cinématiques et plus réalistes que celles des films d'animation traditionnels, lui donnant une identité visuelle en parfaite harmonie avec l'aspect décalé et psychédélique de l'œuvre.
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"Métal Hurlant" est toujours considéré comme LE film d'animation à avoir influencé et marqué les esprits à jamais dans le genre de la science-fiction fantaisiste. Bien que certains aspects de son esthétique puissent sembler retro, la qualité de l'animation n'a pas pris une ride, son message et son impact culturel ont résisté à l'épreuve du temps.
Bonne séance. Le film ICI \m/
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johnmckeeedmonton · 1 year
What is a Realtor? By John Mckee Edmonton
John Mckee Edmonton is a realtor based in Edmonton, Canada. With years of experience John has established himself as a trusted and reliable agent in the Edmonton area. According to John Mckee, REALTOR is a real estate agent with a license who belongs to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The word is capitalized because it is a registered trademark, and you'll frequently see a registered trademark emblem next to it. A fully licensed agent or broker who is not a member is undoubtedly feasible, but they are not referred to as Realtors.
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Visit the John Mckee Edmonton profile for more information about the realtor.
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zoologytopics · 2 years
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The infamous Narwhal tusk is a large tooth which spirals up in a counterclockwise pattern, which can grow up to 10 feet long. They have 10 million nerve endings inside this oversized forehead tooth.
The Narwhal’s skin colors change color constantly as they grow. They start off as a blue-gray, and by the time they are juveniles they are a blue-black, adults are a mottled gray and once they reach old-age they begin to turn white.
Narwhals reach 3.6-6.3 meters long with males averaging 4.7 long and females 4 m long. Their pectoral fins measure 30-40 cm, and their tail width is 1-1.2 m long. Males weigh 1.600 kg and females weigh 900 kg.About ⅓ of their weight is blubber.
The Narwhal lives in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. They are capable of diving down more than 1.800 meters, however they typically dive to 800 meters deep..
The Narwhal’s biggest problem is oil and gas development, due to increased development sending more shipping vessels out to their range, resulting in more collisions, and noise which can interfere with the Narwhal’s communication. ANother major threat is whaling and climate change. Inuit people in Canada and Greenland continously kill narwhals for blubber and tusks. And due to global warming, sea ice is melting and leaving the narwhals vulnerable to humans. They are classified as Near Threatened, with their population stand at 25,000-45,000 individuals.
Narwhals eat a variety of food: Greenland halibut, Gonatus squid, Arctic and polar cod, squid, mollusks and shrimp.
They are preyed on by humans, polar bears, orcas and sharks.
The name Narwhal contains the old Norse prefix “Nar” and the suffix “hval” which means “corpse whale”, referring to the coloring of their skin. Their scientific name is Monodon monoceros which means “one tooth, one horn.”
Narwhals breed seasonally through March and May, before giving birth approximately 15.3 months later in July through August. Females will nurse the calf for 20 months. The female typically only has a single calf, however they have been known to have twins on rare occassions. Calves are born tail first and measure 1.5-1.7 m long and weigh 80 kg, and with a 25 mm thick layer of blubber.
Narwhals live in groups of 10-20 individuals, outside of summer, where they all gather together in groups of hundreds or even thousands to migrate. During summer, about 90% of all Narwhals live in the Canadian Arctic, ranging from Northern Hudson Bay to Ellesmere Island, during this time they are feeding and raising their young. In winter, most of the world’s narwhals migrate to Baffin Bay-Davis Strait between Canada and Greenland, there they will spend 7 months completely under the ice.
They live over 50 years in the wild.
Sources: https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/unicorn-of-the-sea-narwhal-facts, https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/facts/narwhal.html, https://wwf.ca/species/narwhals/, https://www.marinebio.org/species/narwhals/monodon-monoceros/
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in-sightpublishing · 6 days
MRFF Demands Investigation of 3-Star Pentagon General's Disturbing Ties to New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: [email protected] Publication Date: September 13, 2024 Organization: Military Religious Freedom Foundation Organization Description: The Military Religious Freedom Foundation…
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solardick · 12 days
Hurry up and syart ww3 already. Instead of sissy slapping each other. Sanction this and sanction that. You think Iran goves a shit?
I want to watch a missile fly over canada and hit my apartment building.
We’re all peace and love bitch. But we’ll sanction youninto a suicidal depression if we font likebyou.
It’ll be just endless years going back and forwards as far as the eye can see. Nervous tension. In a system at the core and perimeter of existence.
Nervous system. Get it?
Stupid fucken pills dont even work.
Wow that demon that leapt in with my mother sure did fuck that family up. That added to the….. i hate my fathers family. They’re just i dont know off. Don’t know much at all about family. Not at all. Indont know any of them. My little brother some. There was some good bonding there. Litle sis too. But she only comes accompanied by a parent. The story goes
Like this. The cast away from the mother and the tragic death of a brother. Both narative drive together and merge into the offspring. Its collective karma. The chosen one, will bare all the weight of all their bs. Two naratives that flow togwther tangle together and create together something from them. This is not to be primarly thought of as genes. Or dna or whatever all that crap is. Its more of being beyond the physical. Maybe meta maybe no. No where near all that.
And the story goes quite literaaly as the cast away whi dies tragically. The fool from the father the arroganve from the mother.
And has nothing to do with me. I want it to go away. But. Sadly. Trajjixally as it is. Brushed off the shoulder cuz ya too much a pussy to own it.
Welcome to life mother fucker.
No one cares. No one knows you. And neither are you spart of the decisions for your life. Thats fantastic. The entire reality from birth on. What am i suposed to do with all of it. I can see all the “building” from media. How ot all flows together to mind control. Or more as in a means of a path from given asdociates that later play into life experiences. And then one has fate” wispering in your ear.
Four sibblings. Middle child. The dot in the center of five. The dot in the center is chaos. A dark reverberating orb. And is a phase. The cutting of. That which is past and future. Finally a girl!
Tarot card five is the pope. Two and two? One white priestess one black priestess. Or perhaps better termed the Hall. To russian its the tower.
Dont beleive ehat i say, o got that lying disease thing. Got a do it.
The chances of finding someone to share life with has gone down to about 5%.
🎶Im gonna be dead, im not surviving. Im gonna be dead. Im not…🎶
At least im not shitting mucous anymore. Still. My sanity is draining. Focus and attention. Gone. This keeps up. Im gonna need assisted living.
Lets see if i survive to my next birthday. Not even depression season yet.
Intellectual motivation gone. Esoteric motivation gone. External acheivemtnet motivarion gone. I wanted someone to do it with me. A fair delicate touch. The voice of command to subtlety. Becaus eif i do it. If i try to do it. Its not going to pan out. 30 years have taught me that. Locked out of life. Then i tried. And i got raped. So. I dont know if i want to try anymore.
Scorpio is nothing but criminal and bs. Iam a lesser person anyway. How ive always been treated. The quip sense of elation to superiority. Scorpio. Or simply hilding a power of someones soul. Gives a sense of grandeur. So ive seen.
Ive seen that expression often enough that theres an extended sense for it.
I dont know people. There zero life there. So much “energy” rippling through the consciousness. Not something i know. A functional relationship. Never had one really. Here and there perhaps. Ow everyone knows me for who there are. All holding inside information. Nothing is direct. Its too dangerous. You go for direct and they shot you down. They may attack you. Put themselves over me. Domination. Someone always has some heavy leaning of power when it comes to my person. Always. This is no different just a grandeur scale of what always was. They think the hold that power and they trip on it. But they don’t. Just pons.
Pons are maniacs. They kill or they sacrifice. Or they cockblock the king.
I used to go
Buy a dvd once teice a week and the guy in the store started stalking me. Shadowing me trying to seize an opportunity to exort his will over mine.
Some gay guy also started bashing me in. Because i didnt want him to blow me.
Wearing an hawieen shirt, i dont know how to spell it, and some fag basher started giving me a hard time by exerting his influence.
I can go on at length.
Playing hide and seek as a kid. Brother found me. But he prettended he didn’t. And he kept walking by. Did that a few times.
Ok ill stop……
Ive soemt everyday for most of my life fearing for my life. Now theyr trying to rob the rest of my life with more perversion. Ill mever know whatbits loke to be a person.
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Well as weary as i am about the bible’s goal of passifying and subordinating mankind.
And it seems the only life i get to have is one of secrecy. Have to prevtend like i dont exist. Kept the evil at bay. And do nothing or ill be attacked for no reason. 40 years on the reveiving end of people eill to
Dominate. So i cant be a man. Because thats part and parcel of being one. Apparently. I dont know. Ive never been human. A reason why i have cock written on my forehead. Cuz thats all that matters. Thats all people
See of me. Eat the rooster. Call the sunrise. Bring a new day into the world. Apparently not. My day. They just seem to be sucking the brains out of my head. Makes me more malleable. Im not even allowed to learn how humans are like. Its just solitude and watrangement. Caus they all evil. And the good is juat absent.
But, i question somethign else. How does it work? Its like inhad the system. Whatever that is. Speaking through me to me. Prophetic intimate knowledge. As i walk through the valley and am touched by providence.
Providence is a word ive really ever used. Though it should have over the last several years. I can see how someone would say “its your higher self” whatever that means. But what about the providence. You cannot understand the pressence of an entity. Presence fits better. And then past that there a whole world pretending yo be it. And your like….. nothing.
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businessindustry · 14 days
Highlighting Powder Market Size, CAGR, Share | Reports and Insights | 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Highlighting Powder Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Highlighting Powder Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Highlighting Powder?
The global highlighting powder market size reached US$ 741.4 million in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 1,532.2 million in 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4% during 2024-2032.
What are Highlighting Powder Market?
Highlighting powder is a cosmetic product used to emphasize and illuminate certain areas of the face or body, creating a glowing and radiant effect. Formulated with light-reflecting particles, it is typically applied to high points like the cheekbones, brow bones, and nose bridge to impart a luminous, dewy finish. Available in various textures, from finely milled powders to cream formulations, highlighting powder enhances other makeup products by adding dimension and accentuating the natural contours of the face.
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What are the growth prospects and trends in the Highlighting Powder Market industry?
The highlighting powder market growth is driven by various trends and factors. The highlighting powder market is expanding as the demand for products that enhance and illuminate the complexion continues to rise. Consumers are increasingly drawn to highlighting powders for their ability to create a radiant and dewy look, driven by trends in beauty and the influence of social media and beauty influencers. This growth is supported by ongoing innovations in product formulations and packaging, as well as a diverse range of options tailored to various skin tones and preferences. As a result, highlighting powders are becoming a popular choice in the cosmetics industry. Hence, all these factors contribute to highlighting powder market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Product Type:
Pearl Color
Metallic Color
By End-Use:
Personal Use
Professional Use (Makeup Artists)
By Distribution Channel:
Specialty Stores
Online Retailers
Department Stores
Market Segmentation By Region:
North America
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
MAC Cosmetics
Benefit Cosmetics
Becca Cosmetics
Fenty Beauty
Anastasia Beverly Hills
Too Faced Cosmetics
Huda Beauty
NYX Professional Makeup
Urban Decay
Cover FX
Laura Mercier
ColourPop Cosmetics
Maybelline New York
Milani Cosmetics
Discover more: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/highlighting-powder-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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Luxury Cosmetics Market Opportunities and Innovations Overview 2024-2032
🌐 [No. of pages: 89 ] Luxury Cosmetics Market Outlook 2024-2032: Unlocking Growth with Cutting-Edge Analytics: 🌐
Luxury Cosmetics Market Research Report 2024 - [89 Pages Report] Request Free Sample PDF
The Luxury Cosmetics market is seeing significant growth due to the widespread adoption of advanced applications. Technological advancements are enabling businesses to enhance their operations and achieve greater efficiency. The demand for Luxury Cosmetics solutions is driven by the need for innovation and improved performance across various sectors. Companies are investing in new technologies to maintain a competitive edge and address evolving market needs. This ongoing evolution promises continued growth and development in the Luxury Cosmetics market. The integration of advanced applications is set to transform industry practices and drive future opportunities.
Who is the largest manufacturers of Luxury Cosmetics Market worldwide?
Lancome (France)
Dior Beauty (France)
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Short Description About Luxury Cosmetics Market:
The Global Luxury Cosmetics market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2024 and 2032. In 2023, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.
North America, especially The United States, will still play an important role which cannot be ignored. Any changes from United States might affect the development trend of Co-Living. The market in North America is expected to grow considerably during the forecast period. The high adoption of advanced technology and the presence of large players in this region are likely to create ample growth opportunities for the market.
Europe also play important roles in global market, with a magnificent growth in CAGR During the Forecast period 2024-2032.
Co-Living Market size is projected to reach Multimillion USD by 2032, In comparison to 2024, at unexpected CAGR during 2024-2032.
Despite the presence of intense competition, due to the global recovery trend is clear, investors are still optimistic about this area, and it will still be more new investments entering the field in the future.
This report focuses on the Co-Living in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
The report focuses on the Co-Living market size, segment size (mainly covering product type, application, and geography), competitor landscape, recent status, and development trends. Furthermore, the report provides detailed cost analysis, supply chain.
Technological innovation and advancement will further optimize the performance of the product, making it more widely used in downstream applications. Moreover, Consumer behavior analysis and market dynamics (drivers, restraints, opportunities) provides crucial information for knowing the Co-Living market.
What are the types of Luxury Cosmetics available in the Market?
Based on Product Types the Market is categorized into Below types that held the largest Luxury Cosmetics market share In 2024.
Skin Care Products
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Which regions are leading the Luxury Cosmetics Market?
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey etc.)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
This Luxury Cosmetics Market Research/Analysis Report Contains Answers to your following Questions
What are the global trends in the Luxury Cosmetics market? Would the market witness an increase or decline in the demand in the coming years?
What is the estimated demand for different types of products in Luxury Cosmetics? What are the upcoming industry applications and trends for Luxury Cosmetics market?
What Are Projections of Global Luxury Cosmetics Industry Considering Capacity, Production and Production Value? What Will Be the Estimation of Cost and Profit? What Will Be Market Share, Supply and Consumption? What about Import and Export?
Where will the strategic developments take the industry in the mid to long-term?
What are the factors contributing to the final price of Luxury Cosmetics? What are the raw materials used for Luxury Cosmetics manufacturing?
How big is the opportunity for the Luxury Cosmetics market? How will the increasing adoption of Luxury Cosmetics for mining impact the growth rate of the overall market?
How much is the global Luxury Cosmetics market worth? What was the value of the market In 2023?
Who are the major players operating in the Luxury Cosmetics market? Which companies are the front runners?
Which are the recent industry trends that can be implemented to generate additional revenue streams?
What Should Be Entry Strategies, Countermeasures to Economic Impact, and Marketing Channels for Luxury Cosmetics Industry?
Request Free Sample PDF @ - https://www.globalmarketstatistics.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/11005
About Us:
Global Market Statistics is a unique organization that offers expert analysis and accurate data-based market intelligence, aiding companies of all shapes and sizes to make well-informed decisions. We tailor inventive solutions for our clients, helping them tackle any challenges that are likely to emerge from time to time and affect their businesses.
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columbiafawn2 · 21 days
I still don’t understand why no one is talking about how Nars discontinued their highlighters. My albatross one, the compact is broken so it doesn’t click shut anymore. It doesn’t actually affect anything too much because I don’t have problems with it flipping open, but it is sort of annoying that the compact doesn’t feel self-contained.
I feel like I forget how much I love highlighter cos I’m always focused on expanding my makeup repertoire and I rarely go back to the basics. But maybe all I’ve ever needed is a bit of shine on my cheeks and I’m good to go.
Look at this, and tell me you don’t want to own that
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Honestly considering ordering it from Canada and just getting it shipped here. Except I know that’s not a good idea. Esp since I sort of find the Nars highlight formula a bit too light for my liking. I want a highlight with glitter and serious definition. Sometimes I think the Nars one is a bit too gentle.
I have been thinking of going back to the Elf one I had in yr12 — the one I hit pan on before it shattered and I failed to repress it 😔. Except I already have quite a few highlighters that I’m thinking I should work through before adding a new one to the mix. But if I’m going to order one from Canada, maybe I should just get the elf. After all, it was my og highlighter and I still think about it…
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inayaxx55 · 26 days
Global Face Bronzer Market 2024 Key Players, Analysis, Share, Trends And Forecast To 2034
The Face Bronzer market report offered by Reports Intellect is meant to serve as a helpful means to evaluate the market together with an exhaustive scrutiny and crystal-clear statistics linked to this market. The report consists of the drivers and restraints of the Face Bronzer Market accompanied by their impact on the demand over the forecast period. Additionally, the report includes the study of prospects available in the market on a global level.
With tables and figures helping evaluate the Global Face Bronzer market, this research offers key statistics on the state of the industry and is a beneficial source of guidance and direction for companies and entities interested in the market. This report comes along with an additional Excel data-sheet suite taking quantitative data from all numeric forecasts offered in the study.
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Key players offered in the market: Chanel NARS Cosmetics P&G Amore Pacific Tom Ford Unilever MAC Cosmetics LVMH Bourjois (Coty) Bobbi Brown YSL
Additionally, it takes account of the prominent players of the Face Bronzer market with insights including market share, product specifications, key strategies, contact details, and company profiles. Similarly, the report involves the market computed CAGR of the market created on previous records regarding the market and existing market trends accompanied by future developments. It also divulges the future impact of enforcing regulations and policies on the expansion of the Face Bronzer Market.
Scope and Segmentation of the Face Bronzer Market
The estimates for all segments including type and application/end-user have been provided on a regional basis for the forecast period from 2024 to 2034. We have applied a mix of bottom-up and top-down methods for market estimation, analyzing the crucial regional markets, dynamics, and trends for numerous applications. Moreover, the fastest & slowest growing market segments are pointed out in the study to give out significant insights into each core element of the market.
Face Bronzer Market Type Coverage: - Powder Cream Stick
Face Bronzer Market Application Coverage: - Online Offline
Regional Analysis:
North America Country (United States, Canada) South America Asia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea) Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy) Other Countries (Middle East, Africa, GCC)
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ireedacademy · 1 month
Do You Need a Degree to Become a Professional Realtor!
Becoming a professional realtor is a dream for many who are passionate about real estate and eager to help others find their perfect homes. Whether or not a degree is necessary to become a professional realtor is a topic of ongoing debate. This blog explores the necessity and value of a degree in real estate.
The Role of a Professional Realtor
A professional realtor, a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), follows a strict code of ethics and standards. Key responsibilities include market analysis, negotiation, transaction processing, and advising clients on property transactions. While a degree in business, finance, or marketing can be advantageous, it is not always required. Some countries are increasingly making formal education in real estate a norm for those looking to become a professional realtor.
Education and Licensing Requirements in the US and Canada
In the United States and Canada, becoming a professional realtorS generally requires obtaining a license, which depends on the specific state or province. The typical process includes:
Age and Residence: Applicants must be at least 18 or 19 years old and legal residents of their state or province.
Pre-Licensing Education: Prospective realtors must complete a pre-licensing course, ranging from 60 to 120 hours depending on jurisdiction.
Passing the Licensing Exam: Both state/provincial and national real estate license exams must be passed.
Background Check: Some states and provinces require background checks and fingerprinting.
Continuing Education: Realtors must complete ongoing education to renew their licenses and stay updated on industry changes.
Do You Need a Degree in Real Estate?
In the US and Canada, a degree in real estate or a related field is not always required to become a professional realtor, but it can significantly enhance career prospects. A degree provides a deeper understanding of market trends, legal issues, and financial principles, making candidates more competitive. Additionally, some brokerages may prefer or even require formal education for those looking to become a professional realtor.
Examples from Other Countries
Requirements vary widely in other countries:
Australia: A Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice is required to practice as a professional realtor.
United Kingdom: While a degree is not mandatory, passing exams from organizations like the National Federation of Property Professionals (NFoPP) is beneficial.
Singapore: A degree is preferred for career advancement, and passing the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) exam is required.
How a Degree Can Enhance a Real Estate Career
Gaining Practical Experience: While pursuing a degree, internships with real estate professionals offer valuable hands-on experience. This practical exposure complements theoretical knowledge and provides insight into real estate deals and client interactions.
Pursuing Advanced Certifications: A degree can facilitate obtaining higher certifications and designations, such as the Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR) or Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) from the NAR. These certifications demonstrate expertise and can be advantageous in a competitive market.
Utilizing Online Courses and Training: Lifelong learning through online courses and training programs is crucial, regardless of having a degree. These resources cover advanced topics in real estate principles, marketing, and legal issues, offering flexibility to fit a professional’s schedule.
While a degree is not mandatory to become a professional realtor, it offers valuable knowledge, recognition, and job opportunities. In the US, Canada, and many other countries, there are various paths to a successful real estate career, whether through formal education or gaining experience and certifications. Ultimately, success in real estate requires a combination of knowledge, skills, and adaptability. Whether you pursue a degree or an alternative path, dedication and ongoing learning will lead to success for those aiming to become a professional realtor.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Dawson Creek, BC (No. 2)
Dawson Creek is named after the watercourse of the same name, itself named after George Mercer Dawson who led a surveying team through the area in August 1879; a member of the team labelled the creek with Dawson's name. The community that formed by the creek was one of many farming communities established by European-Canadian settlers moving west through the Peace River Country. When the Canadian government began issuing homestead grants to settlers under the Dominion Lands Act in 1912, the pace of migration increased. With the opening of a few stores and hotels in 1919 and the incorporation of the Dawson Creek Co-operative Union on May 28, 1921, Dawson Creek became a dominant business centre in the area. After much speculation by land owners and investors, the Northern Alberta Railways built its western terminus 3 km (2 mi) from Dawson Creek. The golden spike was driven on December 29, 1930, and the first passenger train arrived on January 15, 1931. The arrival of the railway and the construction of grain elevators attracted more settlers and business to the settlement. The need to provide services for the rapidly growing community led Dawson Creek to incorporate as a village in May 1936. A small wave of refugees from the Sudetenland settled in the area in 1939 as World War II was beginning. The community exceeded 500 people in 1941.
Source: Wikipedia
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millennialskin · 3 months
The Most Popular Makeup Brands Best Claim to Fame
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In the ever-evolving world of beauty, the most popular makeup brands set trends, define our beauty standards, and often come with hefty price tags. While these high-end brands promise exceptional quality and results, they are not without their controversies and criticisms. From questionable ingredients to ethical concerns, understanding the full picture is crucial for informed choices. Furthermore, the rise of affordable dupes challenges the dominance of these most popular makeup brands, offering comparable results without breaking the bank.
Becoming One of the Most Popular Makeup Brands
The makeup industry is highly competitive, with new brands constantly emerging. However, not all brands manage to survive and thrive. Several factors contribute to the success or failure of a makeup brand.
Reasons Some Makeup Brands Flop
Lack of Innovation: Brands that fail to innovate often struggle to maintain consumer interest. The beauty industry is driven by trends and technological advancements. Brands that don’t keep up with these changes can quickly become outdated.
Poor Quality: Makeup brands that compromise on product quality for cost savings often face backlash from consumers. Products that cause skin irritation, don’t perform as advertised, or have short shelf lives can lead to negative reviews and declining sales.
Ineffective Marketing: Inadequate marketing strategies can lead to a brand’s downfall. In today’s digital age, effective use of social media and influencer partnerships is crucial. Brands that fail to engage with their audience on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube may not reach their target market.
Limited Shade Range: Inclusivity is becoming increasingly important in the beauty industry. Brands that don’t offer a diverse range of shades and products catering to different skin tones and types can face criticism and lose potential customers.
Negative Publicity: Scandals, such as unethical business practices or controversial statements by brand representatives, can severely damage a brand’s reputation. Consumers today are highly aware and often hold brands accountable for their actions.
Why Some Makeup Brands Stand the Test of Time
Consistent Quality: Long-standing brands often maintain high product quality. For example, MAC Cosmetics is known for its high-performance products, which has helped it build a loyal customer base.
Innovation and Adaptability: Brands that innovate and adapt to changing trends and technologies tend to last longer. For instance, Estée Lauder has consistently introduced new products and adapted to market trends since its founding in 1946.
Strong Brand Identity: Brands with a clear and compelling brand identity resonate more with consumers. For example, NARS is known for its bold, edgy aesthetic and high-quality products, which has helped it maintain a strong market presence.
Effective Marketing: Successful brands often have robust marketing strategies. They effectively utilize social media, collaborate with influencers, and engage in compelling advertising campaigns. Fenty Beauty, for example, uses these strategies to great effect, gaining a large following and significant market share quickly.
Inclusivity: Brands that prioritize inclusivity and offer a wide range of products for diverse skin tones and types tend to perform well. Fenty Beauty, launched by Rihanna, set a new standard in the industry by offering 40 shades of foundation at its launch.
The success or failure of a makeup brand hinges on factors such as product quality, innovation, marketing effectiveness, inclusivity, and brand identity. Brands that consistently deliver high-quality products, stay ahead of trends, and connect with their audience are more likely to thrive in the competitive beauty industry.
MAC Cosmetics: Most Popular Makeup Brands #1
History and Impact. Founded in Toronto, Canada in 1984, MAC Cosmetics started as a brand created by and for professional makeup artists. It quickly gained a reputation for its rich pigments and inclusivity, with products suitable for all skin tones.
Why It Stands Out. MAC is renowned for its vast color range and high-quality formulations. Its foundations and lipsticks, in particular, have reached iconic status. MAC is also known for its collaborations with leading talents in fashion, art, and pop culture, which keeps it fresh and relevant in the fast-paced beauty market.
Bestseller. MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Ruby Woo: This universally flattering red lipstick is known for its intense color payoff and matte finish that somehow never feels drying. 
Affordable Alternative. NYX Professional Makeup Matte Lipstick in Perfect Red: NYX offers a strikingly similar shade with a comfortable matte finish at a fraction of the price. The formulation is richly pigmented and long-lasting, making it a great budget-friendly option for red lipstick lovers.
Controversy. MAC, once celebrated for its cruelty-free policies, faced backlash when it entered the Chinese market where animal testing was mandated by law. This move disappointed many loyal customers who valued the brand’s original stance against animal testing.
Resolution Efforts. MAC has stated that they are committed to ending animal testing globally and are partners with the “IIVS” (Institute for In Vitro Sciences) to expand the use and regulatory acceptance of non-animal testing methods.
L’Oréal Paris: Most Popular Makeup Brands #2
History and Impact. With its roots dating back to 1909 in France, L’Oréal Paris has grown to become the world’s largest cosmetics company. It’s a brand synonymous with affordability and accessibility, yet does not compromise on quality.
Why It Stands Out. L’Oréal Paris offers a comprehensive range of makeup products that boast high quality at an accessible price point. Their inclusive approach to beauty can be seen in their expansive shade ranges and universal marketing campaigns that resonate with the motto, “Because you’re worth it.” The brand’s continual innovation in makeup formulations keeps it at the forefront of drugstore beauty.
Bestseller. L’Oréal Paris True Match Foundation: Renowned for its super blendable formula and extensive shade range, this foundation provides natural-looking coverage and a flawless finish.
Affordable Alternative. Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation: Maybelline’s Fit Me foundation not only matches the skin-like finish and coverage of True Match but also enhances texture by refining pores and controlling shine. It’s a great alternative for those seeking a similar look for less.
Controversy. L’Oréal has been involved in several controversies over alleged racial insensitivity and discrimination. The company has faced criticism and legal challenges from former employees who claimed discriminatory practices, including remarks about hair and skin color.
Resolution Efforts. L’Oréal has publicly committed to diversity and inclusion, highlighting efforts to create a more inclusive range of products and advertising campaigns that better reflect global diversity. They have also implemented training for their employees to foster an inclusive culture.
Sephora Collection: Most Popular Makeup Brands #3
History and Impact. Owned by luxury conglomerate LVMH, Sephora is not just a global retail giant but also a popular makeup brand in its own right. The Sephora Collection offers a plethora of products that cater to a diverse customer base.
Why It Stands Out. What makes the Sephora Collection unique is its balance of quality and affordability. With a focus on trendy and versatile products, such as their Cream Lip Stain and 10 HR Wear Perfection Foundation, the brand makes high-end beauty trends accessible to everyone. Sephora also leads in beauty technology, offering virtual try-on apps and in-store experiences that enhance consumer engagement.
Bestseller. Sephora Collection Cream Lip Stain Liquid Lipstick: Known for its silky, long-lasting formula that stays put through meals, this lip stain is a favorite for its vibrant color and comfortable wear.
Affordable Alternative. ColourPop Ultra Matte Lip: ColourPop’s Ultra Matte Lip offers a similar long-wearing, pigmented formula at a lower price point. With a wide range of colors to choose from, you’re likely to find a perfect match or perhaps even explore new shades.
Controversy. Sephora faced accusations of racial profiling after reports surfaced that only products targeted at black and Latino customers were tagged with extra security measures in some stores. This practice led to public outcry and accusations of discrimination.
Resolution Efforts. Sephora conducted a detailed review of its policies and practices and launched a new training program for its staff to address and prevent racial bias. The company has also committed to ensuring that security measures are applied uniformly across all products, regardless of the demographic they target.
Chanel: Most Popular Makeup Brands #4
History and Impact. Chanel is the epitome of luxury in the beauty industry. Since introducing its first perfume, Chanel No. 5, in 1921, the brand has expanded its legacy into makeup that epitomizes elegance and sophistication.
Why It Stands Out. Chanel is revered for its exquisite packaging, luxurious formulations, and timeless color palettes. Their products, especially the Rouge Coco lipsticks and Vitalumière foundation, are staples for those who seek the ultimate luxury experience in their makeup routine.
Bestseller. Chanel Vitalumière Aqua:This ultra-light skin-perfecting makeup instantly revitalizes the complexion with a subtle luminosity and a natural finish.
Affordable Alternative. L’Oréal Paris True Match Lumi Healthy Luminous Makeup: For a similar dewy glow and lightweight feel, L’Oréal’s True Match Lumi foundation is an excellent drugstore dupe. It also boasts vitamin C and E, improving skin over time.
Controversy. Chanel has come under fire for cultural appropriation, particularly for selling a high-priced version of boomerangs, a significant cultural symbol for indigenous Australian communities. The backlash highlighted concerns over luxury brands using cultural symbols without proper context or respect.
Resolution Efforts. While Chanel apologized and acknowledged the significance of the boomerang to Indigenous cultures, they have been more cautious in their approach to incorporating cultural elements into their products. They also engage more with cultural sensitivity advisors to avoid future missteps.
Anastasia Beverly Hills: Most Popular Makeup Brands #5
History and Impact. Founded in 1997 by Romanian-born beauty entrepreneur Anastasia Soare, Anastasia Beverly Hills began as a brow-centric brand. It has since revolutionized the way consumers and makeup artists shape, define, and fill eyebrows.
Why It Stands Out. Known for its Brow Wiz pencil and Dipbrow Pomade, Anastasia Beverly Hills has become synonymous with impeccable brows. The brand has also successfully expanded into other makeup categories, including eyeshadow palettes and contour kits, praised for their superior blendability and pigment quality.
Bestseller. Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade: This eyebrow enhancer is celebrated for its creamy texture, waterproof wear, and ability to sculpt perfect brows.
Affordable Alternative. e.l.f. Cosmetics Lock On Liner and Brow Cream: e.l.f. offers a similar performance with its creamy, long-wearing brow pomade that effectively defines and fills brows at a fraction of the cost.
Controversy. Anastasia Beverly Hills faced a significant digital security issue when their Instagram account was hacked, leading to the unauthorized release of personal information of their followers. This incident raised concerns over digital security and privacy.
Resolution Efforts. The company quickly took steps to regain control of their account and strengthen their cybersecurity measures. They also communicated openly with their customers about the steps taken to protect their personal information in the future.
Decline of Recent Most Popular Makeup Brands and Why
The makeup industry is saturated with numerous brands, but not all manage to gain traction or maintain popularity. Several factors contribute to the lack of success for some past most popular makeup brands.
Lack of Innovation and Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Stila Cosmetics: Once a trendy brand in the early 2000s, Stila has struggled to maintain its relevance. The brand’s lack of innovation and failure to introduce groundbreaking products has contributed to its decline. Consumers today seek brands that offer something unique, whether it’s cutting-edge technology, clean ingredients, or innovative packaging.
Reason: Without a strong USP, brands like Stila get overshadowed by newer, more dynamic brands that capture consumer interest.
Poor Marketing and Brand Presence
Hard Candy: Known for its edgy and bold products, Hard Candy once had a strong presence in the market. However, the brand’s marketing strategies have not kept pace with evolving consumer preferences and digital marketing trends.
Reason: Ineffective marketing campaigns and a lack of engagement on social media platforms have led to a decrease in brand visibility and consumer interest.
Limited Product Range and Shade Diversity
Physician’s Formula: While known for its hypoallergenic products, Physician’s Formula has been criticized for its limited shade range, particularly in foundation and concealer products.
Reason: In an era where inclusivity and diversity are paramount, brands that fail to offer a wide range of shades and products catering to different skin tones and types are often overlooked by consumers.
Negative Publicity and Controversies
Lime Crime: Despite having a cult following, Lime Crime has faced numerous controversies, including issues related to hacking scandals and problematic behavior from its founder.
Reason: Negative publicity can severely damage a brand’s reputation. Consumers today are more conscious and often choose to boycott brands with a history of unethical behavior or scandals.
Inconsistent Product Quality
Wet n Wild: Known for its affordable makeup products, Wet n Wild has received mixed reviews regarding the quality of its products. While some products are praised, others have been criticized for poor performance.
Reason: Inconsistent product quality can lead to a loss of consumer trust and loyalty. Brands that cannot consistently deliver high-quality products struggle to maintain a loyal customer base.
Failure to Adapt to Market Trends
Bonne Bell: Famous for its Lip Smacker lip balms, Bonne Bell was once a staple for teenagers. However, the brand failed to evolve with changing beauty trends and consumer preferences.
Reason: The beauty industry is fast-paced, and brands that do not adapt to new trends, such as the shift towards clean beauty or the demand for multifunctional products, can quickly fall out of favor.
Several factors can contribute to the decline in popularity of the most popular makeup brands. In a highly competitive and ever-evolving industry, it is crucial for brands to stay relevant, maintain high standards, and connect with consumers through effective marketing and diverse product offerings.
These top five most popular makeup brands have carved out niches that not only meet the diverse needs of beauty consumers worldwide but also continually innovate and redefine what it means to be a leader in the cosmetics industry. But embracing high-quality makeup doesn’t necessarily mean adhering strictly to luxury brands. Many affordable alternatives in the market provide similar results, allowing beauty enthusiasts to experiment with various looks without committing to a hefty price tag. Whether you opt for the prestige of brands like MAC or Chanel or go for more wallet-friendly options like NYX and ColourPop, the most important thing is finding products that make you feel beautiful and confident.
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liaromancewriter · 10 months
3 7 11 26 and 30
3. do you wear makeup? if so, favorite products?
I do! Foundation, concealer, light powder and blush if needed, and kiss-proof lip color Revlon's Colorstay in Premier Plum is my signature color. I love Make Up Forever's Water Blend foundation, but it's being discontinued in Canada so I'm on the hunt for an alternative. Trying Nars these days, but I'm on the fence about it.
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7. do you wish you could change your name?
No, I love my name. It's a part of my identity. It's recognizable but not common. But, I do wish I'd chosen a different nickname (Mia instead of Lia because it would make more sense given my actual first name).
11. what are 3 values that you appreciate the most?
These are based on a values exercise that I did during a leadership program. They inform how I make decisions and align to my personal and professional life goals. My top 3 in order are
26. is there a song/movie that always makes you cry?
Not really, but I was often left teary-eyed when watching the TV show "This is us"
30. do you have a crush or significant other?
Nope. Happily single and loving it!
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Best Beauty Brand Shop Near by Ottawa
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NARS is my ultimate favorite brand! I love their products because they are high quality with beautiful packaging that fits into any woman’s lifestyle. Their products are made from all natural ingredients which means they are not only good on your skin but also good for the environment. The store in Ottawa is located at 1702 St Laurent Blvd., which makes it easy to get to if you're downtown or live nearby. Their hours are Mondays through Fridays from 9am-6pm and Saturdays from 10am-5pm (closed Sundays).
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The Body Shop
Our story started in Brighton, England in 1976. It began with our founder, Dame Anita Roddick, and her belief in something revolutionary: that business could be a force for good. Following her vision, we’ve been rule breaking, never faking and change making for over 40 years.
When The Body Shop first opened its doors in 1976, it was a little green-painted shop in the streets of Brighton, England. Its approach to beauty was radically different to the big players in the beauty industry. It was simple – ethically sourced and naturally-based ingredients from around the world, in no-nonsense packaging you could easily refill. Products and beauty rituals made for every body, that made women feel good in their skin – never promising to make them look like someone else.
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MAC Cosmetics
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Lush Cosmetics
Since 1995, Lush has been a trailblazer in the cosmetics industry. From inventing bath bombs and creating new, innovative products to fighting animal testing and ethical campaigning, it’s come a long way since its humble beginnings.
Before there was Lush, there was Constantine & Weir and Cosmetics To Go.
Mark Constantine and Liz Weir first met in the early ‘70s while working at a beauty salon in Poole, England. Mark was a trichologist and Liz was a beauty therapist. Both were interested in natural beauty products, so decided to create a business of their own.
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michellenewyork01 · 1 year
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SHY LOUNGE X NAR PRESENTS is organizing CARIBBEAN TROPICS REUNION FETE event by SHY LOUNGE X NAR PRESENTS on 2023–09–09 02 PM in Canada, we are selling the tickets for CARIBBEAN TROPICS REUNION FETE. https://www.ticketgateway.com/event/view/caribbeantropics2023
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