#Naruto reactions
sweet1delusi0ns · 9 days
Naruto boys random headcanons──☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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Hes lazy at home. Not because he’s tired he just wants you to take care of him, but when you call him a baby for all these requests he gets mad “I AM NOT A BABY! I AM A GROWN MAN! NOW SPOON FEED ME!”
He tries to prank you but fails, your too smart to fall for it. He always tries to trip you in public while walking and every time he is the one on the floor and your the one laughing some how-
He likes the idea of drawing and being an artist he just can’t draw. He can only draw stick people with different hair, one time he tried to draw you, gave up and instead gave you a picture of a stick person with your hair. It’s now on the fridge LOL
He tries to act cool around his friend with you but just makes a fool of himself. “Yeah this my bae so what?” “Yeah I’m his bae and he’s my baby, my big, soft, smiley baby!” His soul is now crushed and his friends all laughing
He sleeps like a ANIMAL. he full on can’t sleep normally, You both go to bed the same time, one of you is always gunna wake up on the floor, mostly you. Then he wakes up like “why you on the floor?”
He may seem cool but he gets very flustered. He doesn’t cover his face though he just closes his eyes so he doesn’t get more flustered and so he can ignore the fact that he is red
He CANT Dance, don’t EVER take him dancing. It’s not because he’s bad at dancing he just never learn. If there is music he will bop his head to the beat though, if you try to get him to dance he will freak out and freeze. He just doesn’t like it ok!
His waist is weirdly sensitive, you could barely touch his waist and he will start giggling. He isn’t ticklish anywhere else but if you take a feather to his waist he will start LAUGHING
He will kick your feet when he wants attention. If you guys are out to dinner with friends he will kick you under the table to get your attention, he thinks it’s funny until you fight back and stomp on his foot. He made you kiss his pain away at home, atleast he got attention LOL
He forgets the silliest things one time he forgot how to tie a knot so anything he needs to tie like his clothes or shoes you had to do for him. You don’t know if he actually forgot or if he just wanted to be babied-
He can’t handle heatwaves. If it’s over 90 degrees he’s gone for. One time you woke up on a heat wave morning waiting for him to wake up and walk out but he never did, you went to find him and he was in bed, sprawled out, shirt and covers off soaked in sweat. You had to rub ice on him to get him conscious -
Unlike naruto, he likes drawing and can ACTUALLY DRAW, although he can only draw plants but he doesn’t mind he likes plants! He will draw you flowers instead of buying you some which is like equally as cute~
He has very sensitive eyes. Like how he can’t handle heat he cant handle the sun either. If it isn’t cloudy he will have to squint to keep his eyes from hurting. When you told him to wear sun glasses he said “I still want to see you clearly though love…”
He’s not a big fan of skin care but he likes those face roller things. He bought one just so you could use it on him, he likes that it’s cold but also massaging!
He sneezes like a girl- he has the cutest, most petite sneeze you’ve ever heard out of a man which is cute and very funny. He doesn’t even realize it either “a-choo!” “That was crazy out of character” “huh?”
He’s allergic to cats, he likes cats sure but he never hangs around them because he’s allergic. You didn’t know that and one day you brought a stray inside and he instantly turned puffy (poor thing)
Once he gets home and discards the mask he puts lip tint on. He has pink lips for that reason. When he first puts it on he will find you and kiss you just to leave a mark before waiting 10 minutes then whipping it off
He needs reading glasses but never uses them, then complains to you when he gets a headache as if you didn’t tell him to put them on
He takes a lot of baths. If he showers it bound to end up a bath. And he doesn’t care if your using the bathroom if he wants a bath he’s gunna make a god Danm bath. One time You were just washing your face and he busted in the door and ran to the bathtub, You washed your face as fast as you could-
He is EXTREMELY tired when he first wakes up, he doesn’t move for like 20 minutes so if he needs to get up and do stuff your gunna have to make him, like actually you’ll have the carry him out of bed.
He bites his nails from stress so you have made it a habit to smack his hand away when he does. It worked since all you have to do is tap him softly and he will stop. He’s so glad you help him get over bad habits
He decorated akamarus ears when he’s bored, one time you walk in on him giggling like a little girl and akamarus ears were pulled together in a little ponytail! You joined in on the fun🤞
He comes back from a casual walk along a complete mess, you have no idea how but one day he came back with half a bush stuck on his leg. He always cleans up though!
He sometimes transforms akamaru into himself to prank his friends or you, mostly you. One time akamaru came up to you as Kiba and started licking your face “EW OH MY GOD?!” “AUUFF AUF!” “KIBA YOUR NOT FUNNY”
He always has tan cheeks and nose. Compared to the rest of his face, his cheeks are cute and golden!
He lets you win at intelligents based games to make you feel better. Except one time he actually tried and lost. He’s convinced you cheated
His hair is straight but gets very frizzy if not cared for. (You care for it since he’s lazyy)
He draws on himself when bored, mostly just trippy designs like swirls and stuff. Will also let you draw on him, only if your good tho he doesn’t want “bad drawing” on him😔
He has a box FULL of hair ties and will notice if you take one. “This one you literally stole from me?” “Don’t care put it back!!!”
He gets Freezingly cold at night, like really really cold. When he snuggles up to you to warm up you could feel how cold he really is and you don’t understand how since you are both under covers-
He keeps bugs in the house so they can watch over anything, they are basically his security cameras-
His hair is so cute and wavy! Also gets very frizzy because of the texture like Shika. He also makes you take care of it, he just really likes you touching his hair
He gives you bugs as gifts, not like freaky beetles but cute little bugs like lady bugs or fuzzy green caterpillars. You find it cute that he gives you things that mean so much to him
He shockingly has a sensitive neck, only to you though. Bugs can crawl all over it and he doesn’t move but if you try to kiss it he gets chills. Also shockingly he has really soft skin idk maybe he sheds skin (IM JOKING)
When he gets home and can finally undress he lets you take his glasses off since you love his eyes and he loves that you love them. He gets insecure about it sometimes!
He speak really highly and intelligently but he’s honestly a little dumb sometimes, or maybe he’s just dumb with you to be silly we don’t know
The only jewelry he really wears is an ankle bracelet you got him
He loves hair charms, he likes decorating his hair! He likes putting clips and braids in it, sometimes even put color streaks in it if he wants to be festive
He really likes pottery and making things out of clay, he’s very creative and he finds clay the perfect outlet. He even makes pots for you!
He has a flower garden that NO ONE is allowed in. He treats them like they’re his baby’s, because they are! He’s favorite plant he has is his cactuses.
He’s extremely energetic and powerful yet he has asthma, he denies it. But if it’s really hot outside he runs out of breath REALLY fast which makes you worry
He’s scared of spiders you kill the spiders for him or he runs! If you trap a spider and chase him with it he will almost start crying (he will start crying) he’s ashamed to admit spiders are his weakness
He wears mascara, he gotta make them lashes voluminous yk. He stole his mascara from tenten too. You made him give it back to her and bought him his own
It’s pretty obvious but he is FLEXIBLE! Backbend, splits anything he can do. You thought he broke his spine onces-
He’s not much of a plant guy but he has the TINIEST succulent in your room that he cares for, every other plant he has had died but not that one~
He loves finger painting and is actually really good at it, you’d think it was made by a professional and an actual paint brush but no it was Choji and his finger paint😭
His hair is so thick most hair ties he uses break. He has to use hair needles instead because it’s the only thing that holds if he wants his hair up for a while
He thinks pillow fights are actually entertaining he could have a pillow fight with you all day and never get bored. He goes crazy if he’s over at someone’s house and they suggest pillow fights!
He loves bath bombs!!! He basically died when you run him a bath and put bath bombs in it, his favorite scent it lavender. Even if you didn’t add a bath bomb he loves when you make him baths he thinks its adorable
He paints your cheeks like his in your sleep, that’s his idea of a prank even though it’s basically him just being a cutie “look now your like me y/n!!”
He turns the black rings around his eyes to cat eyes sometimes. He looks ADORABLE with cat eyes. He sometimes even uses eye shadow too, if he can’t change it he thought might as well make it look cutee
He’s scared of mosquitos, he just doesn’t like bugs that can fly and go after human blood it freaks him out
He wears one of those scent bracelets and puts your signature scent in it so he always smells like you~
He gifts you plants all the time
He collect the silliest things, there are these cute little cat charms at a near by store and he’s working on collecting them all!
Shockingly he really likes reading. He likes fiction books the most, he asks you for suggestions
He asks you what new make up design he should try, sometimes he just gives you the brush and lets you go wild. But you always make him look cute~
He fidgets with the ears on his hat when he’s bored. It rubbed off on you so now if he’s around you with his hat on you start messing with them-
He steals your clothes and hides them so you have no choice but to ask to use his for the day. After the day is over he comes up to you smiling and hands you your missing clothes “found em!” “By found em do you mean took them out of the hiding spot?” “Yeah-”
He paints his nails either black, pink or purple. He also lets you paint them, it honestly just ends up a mess. He would totally whip nail polishes on your nose~
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h8ani · 11 months
Naruto Reaction to you flinching during a fight
A/N - hello everyone! Sorry if these seemed a bit repetitive, I started having a hard time thinking of 10 different scenarios for this one. Buuuut also it may trigger those slightly if you have ptsd from abusive relationships but nothing explicit! Just the reader flinching and arguing/yelling in this.
Includes - konoha 12 + Sai & Gaara
Naruto: The fighting seemed endless, you were tired and so was he, you could see it all over his face. Naruto’s bags under his eyes were dark, he was tired after a mission and just wanted to sleep. You on the other hand were nagging him like a mother scolding her son which made him even more irritated. He raised his voice which led to you raising yours in defense and the arguing only continued from there. After what felt like hours of yelling at each other, you had enough and walked away from him as he was speaking. 
“Hey I’m talking to you!” Naruto raises his voice and grabs your wrist turning you back to him and one quick motion. He spun you around so fast. You flinched and ripped your hand away from him, stepping back a few steps with wide eyes. 
“Don’t…” you said warily. Naruto looks confused, his eyebrows furrow and he looks at you.
“Did you?” He pauses for a moment. “Did you think I was going to hurt you?” You say nothing and he sighs while taking a step towards you and gently grabbing your hand into his. “I’d never. Get that out of your head immediately okay?”
Sasuke: You know not to poke the bear too many times, you should’ve never poked him to begin with, but it’s not like you meant any harm. He wanted to be left alone and you just wanted to keep checking on him like a doting mother to her son who is cooped up in his room. You were just checking on him, that’s all. It was when he was reading when you spoke again.
“Sasuke did you need-” the sound of his book slamming shut and a raspy yell came shortly after.
“God dammit! What! What do you want?!” He looks at you and slams his book on the table, standing up about to leave. You visibly flinch. Taking a step back to get out of his way, all while tears blur your vision. “Sorry…” you whimper out, frozen where you stand.
Sasuke’s face softens when he sees what just happened before him. “Hey…” he waits for a response but he never gets one. “(Y/N), come here please.” You blink and tears fall down your cheeks, you make your way to him, and he takes your hands in his. “I shouldn’t have raised my voice or lost my temper like that. I’m sorry, please know you never need to be afraid around me, or of me.”
Sai: Sai has never been one to raise his voice at you. Sure, you two have had arguments in the past, but he’s never outright screamed at you. You heard him grumbling to himself in the kitchen when you decided to see what he was doing in there. ”Hey babe, what’s-”
“Fuck!” he screamed, throwing something off of the kitchen table and turning around to be face-to-face with you, he looked angry. He had a scowl on his face, and you felt entirely too close to him. You backed up, tripping on your own feet and fell onto your butt. Sai’s face softened seeing you and went to help you back up but you flinched back scooting away. Sai just looked at you confused. ”I’m going to help you up.” he says matter-of-factly before slowly reaching down to help you back on your feet. He lets out a small breath and rubs his face in frustration. “I wasn’t screaming at you ya know? I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He places a hand under your chin to look at him. “I’d never do anything like that to you.”
Shikamaru: You and Shikamaru were basically the perfect couple. You two never fought, never disagreed with each other. Never so much as stepped on the others toes in the wrong way.  that’s why what you two were going through seemed much more amplified than it should have been. This was probably your first fight with him and you could only hope it was your last. You both were exasperated with each other, and couldn’t believe what the other was saying. He couldn’t believe what was coming out of your mouth and you couldn’t believe how he was acting. 
“What did you just say?” he raised his eyebrow crossing his arms. You copied his action of crossing your own arms and biting your tongue. He rolls his eyes at you and your attitude, walking away before anything escalates is probably for the best so that’s what he does. “That’s what I thought.” He grumbles to himself.
“Asshole.” You mumble, while Shikamaru was still within the distance. He whips around and starts making his way to you. Immediately you retreat taking a step back from him with every step he takes towards you. He keeps moving until you find yourself backed up against the wall with a panicked look in your eyes. ”Sorry, I-I’m sorry.” You squeak out quickly.
“What?” Shikamaru asks. “What did you think I was going to do?” You didn’t answer him instead, you just look down. Moments pass and you can hear him quietly sigh and repeat what he said earlier to you. “That’s what I thought…” he doesn’t waste a moment and pulls you to his chest, holding you tight to him. “Never, I’d never do that, you got that?”
Choji: All he heard was your nagging, your bickering, all he heard was you. You, you, you. He was tired of it. He was tired of everything and just wanted you to stop. He just needed everything to stop. “Enough!” He yelled. His hand slammed on the table while he stood up. You were close to him and the slam of his hand caused you to flinch back. Choji stood there as your body stayed frozen and you stared ahead trembling. He didn’t know what to do. You were trembling in place not daring to look at him, his silence only making your anxiety worse. 
“What do I do? I don’t know how to make this better, you need to tell me.” Choji says frightened but all you do is shut down and stare ahead.
Kiba: All he wanted to do was shower and go to bed, but you kept asking for help around the house. He was happy to help, but after the in detail explanation of how you wanted the dishes washed, he couldn’t help but groan out. 
“Babe.” he groans and rubs his face frustrated, his hand coming by your head and making you flinch and apologize quickly.
“I’m sorry.” You say quickly taking a step away from him. “I shouldn’t be bothering you.” You say. Kiba looks over at you shocked at hearing you apologize until he saw you standing there frozen.
“What just happened? Did I do something? Babe talk to me.” He pleads not liking to see you with this demeanor but you just apologize again and again.
Shino: “I can’t fucking win with you.” Shino grumbles rubbing his temples as a headache soon begins to form. “I don’t know what you want from me if you don’t tell me.”
“See!” You raise your voice walking past him. “I shouldn’t have to tell you!”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Do I look like I am?” You stopped to look at him you were serious, oh so serious and Shino knew it. He knew it and he couldn’t believe how frustrating you were being right now. He threw his arms up fed up with you. You flinched back and Shino paused.
“Did you just? Do you really think that I’d do that to you?” He asked. He’s more unphased than anything and looks you in your eyes. “(Y/N).” He says.
“I-I just thought-”
“You thought I’d do what exactly? Hit you? Have I ever hit you before?” He questions and raises an eyebrow at you. You shake your head answering his question without speaking. “Do you think I’d ever lay a hand on you?” Once again, you shake your head. Shino grabs your hand, his thumb caressing the back of it in a way to calm you down. “I’ll try not to react like that about but please don’t have worries like that in your head. I love you, I’d never hurt you.”
Neji: I was a simple motion, something that you’ve seen him do plenty times before but his hand coming too close to your face caused you to shoot back and stop following him around.
You two were bickering all afternoon and he was tired of it. He’s not one to argue or even deal with it, so he just waved you off not looking to see how close you were to him. Neji felt you jolt back, he didn’t see you flinch although he didn’t have to once he turned and saw your widened eyes. He stopped, forgetting what he was saying, and instantly going into a worrisome mode.
“I’m sorry, did I just hit you? You know I wouldn’t do that on purpose I swear I didn’t see you.” he checks you from head to toe all while you’re looking at him confused because he never once made contact with you. 
Rock Lee: Contrary to popular belief, Lee is actually really scary when he’s mad, he paces like he’s doing right now and is silent. His frustrations and anger only bubbling up until he snaps, and there’s nothing you can do but watch and wait. 
“Lee…” you speak out, he’s pacing back-and-forth while you’re watching him on the couch. He was in a mood once he got home and all you can assume is something happened when he was out. You sigh and lean back waiting until he finally decides to speak when you suddenly hear footsteps fastly approaching you, you shoot up to move to the other side of the couch your instincts moving you away from your boyfriend until you realize he stopped in his tracks seeing you flee from him. You both stared at each other, shocked and unknowing what to say to the other about what just happened.
Gaara: You flinched from him, he didn’t even know what he did to cause you to react this way, but clearly he had to have done something, because tears were falling down your cheeks and you were trembling as if you were a Chihuahua. He doesn’t move, nor does he say anything he can only watch as you squeeze your eyes shut and hold back a sob from slipping passed your lips. This has never happened with you two before and Gaara was at a loss for words, he wanted to hold you and apologize for whatever he did, but didn’t want to make anything worse so he did nothing. He took a step back and waited until you opened your eyes to look at him. 
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riddlexmattheo · 1 year
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Imagine waking up to hearing the baby crying but you told him to sleep since he just returned from a mission
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mrs-hatake · 4 years
Hello, would like to send in a request for Kakashi, Neji, Shikamaru and their reactions to their S/O who is a shinobi who went on a mission but when her team returns without her they are informed that their S/O are missing/lost
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Kakashi was out the door before your teammate could finish his report on your mission. Just hearing the word ‘missing’ when asked about your whereabouts had Kakashi tense, his body becoming stuff and his breathing becoming shallow as anxiety took its hold on him.
He searched for you for two days and finally found you in a ditch, barely surviving. Starving and dehydrated. Luckily, the area was void of any enemies or any dangerous animals so he easily managed to rescue you and return you to the village, 
Kakashi was by your side during the healing and recovery process. He never once left your side and barely slept at night in fear that you might not make it. Call it a miracle or divine intervention but you somehow managed to survive. 
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Neji would’ve reacted the same way as Kakashi had it not been for Hiashi to forbidden him from leaving his post and going to search after. Instead, the clan head had one of his subordinates look for you. 
Despite Hiashi preventing him from taking action, Neji didn’t listen to the clan head and, come night fall, he sneaked out of the Hyuuga clan compound to search for you. The Hyuuga clan were powerful and strong, yes, but Neji knew that they wouldn’t do a thorough job looking for you considering the fact that you weren’t part of the clan. And, the possibility of you being dead didn’t sit well with Neji. He picked up speed and found your unconscious body under a pile of boulders. 
Thankfully, the only injury you had was a broken leg and a few bruises littering your body. It was a strange miracle that you were alive though Neji was extremely thankful and didn’t complain. Not even when Hiashi punished him for going against his words. You being alive was all that mattered. 
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Shikamaru would have a calm approach to the situation. Of course he worried and feared over your life but he couldn’t afford to act irrationally with your life on the stake. First, he would scan the area with his shadow where your team last knew of your whereabouts incase of any lingering enemies or for any hidden traps.
Once he had secured the area, he would leap from one tree to another until he managed to find you hiding inside a cave. Apparently, your team was attacked by a group of rouge but powerful Shinobi that managed to separate you from your team and had been trying to track you down for three days. 
Immense relief washed over Shikamaru over the fact that you were alive and unhurt.
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sweet1delusi0ns · 20 days
Playing with naruto boys hair ──☆*:・゚
Slightly suggestive (kankuro ofc)
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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He loves attention so honesty he is down for anything. Weither your petting his head or braiding it he will always rub into your hand like a little puppy😭 he doesn’t beg for you to play with his hair but he never refuses the offer~
You were braiding his hair while he slowly fell asleep, thinking he was already asleep you started to talk to yourself “ ugh your so cute with your fluffy hair” you whisper “tsk, and you think it makes you look like a hedgehog, a cute hedgehog if anything~” then you can hear him giggle and turn a soft pink “oh my god your awake?!” “Hehehehe…yeahhh” “thanks y/n~”
He thinks he’s so tough and mostly it is but when he gets all soft with you late at night all he wants is to cuddle and for you to play with his hair. He just lays on your chest and when you don’t start playing with his hair he will clear his throat in a very dramatic way!
“AEhemHHHH” “…yes?” “Well? Arent you going to…?” “Huh?” “Play with my hair y/n!!!” “Ohhhhh! I knew that I just wanted to hear you say it~” “Y/N!” You giggle at his neediness 
Straight forward, to the point, just “play with my hair.” And that’s it. He can be very timid but most of the time he’s not ashamed to ask for things!
“Y/n? My darling?” “Yes?” He sits down infront of you “can you play with my hair?” You reach down and kiss his hair softly “of course!” And you drag your fingers through his soft hair you ask “anything else baby?” He whimpers softly at the head massage “I love you y/n…” you giggle “I love you too!”
Every time you see his hair down it’s just an urge to go up to him a play with it, it looks so soft honestly! You never have before but one day after he takes a nice shower and walk out with his hair down and freshly dried you just had to ask!
“Why are You staring at me y/n? You think I’m that handsome?~” he teases “well you are handsome but I’m just looking at your hair” “ah why?” “It looks so soft!” “Oh!…want to touch it?” He walks over to you bowing his head in front of you while giving you cute puppy eyes. You reach for a strand of his hair and just as you thought it was soft as silk! “Oh my god what conditioner do you use babe?” He giggles while sitting down next to you, not moving his head away from your loving hand. You sat there playing with his hair for hours!
He always sees how excited akamaru gets when you pet him so he kinda wondered what if felt like, but he didn’t want to be weird so he didn’t know how to ask. So he didn’t ask!
“What’s up kibaa?” “Hey y/n!!” He lays down on your lap which he does often but this time he did something different “can I have your hand y/n?” “Of course puppy!” He grabs your hand and immediately places it on his head waiting for you to get the hint. “Uh? Heh what are you doing…OHHHHH you want me to play with your hairrr how cutee!!” “Shut up y/n!!! Gosh cant a guy get some pets without being teased.” You laugh at his response. But you gladly gave him all the pets he wanted! (Akamaru was jealous)
Similar to kakashi, you rarely see his hair down so once you saw him relaxing in bed with his hair down you couldn’t resist
You crawl in bed with him which Suprisingly he didn’t realize, but once you started playing with the ends of his hair he opened his eyes to look at you “uh, what are you doing dear?” “Playing with your hair” “w-why?” “Because I Love You?” “Hm, Ok……can you brush it out while your at it? It’ll get frizzy and I’m to lazy to deal with it” “of course! But only if you don’t whine about it” “be gentle and I won’t whine!” He closes his eyes waiting to feel the brush softly dragging through his hair (for now on he always asks you to brush his hair)
He doesn’t mind what you do to him as long as your happy! I feel like his hair gets frizzy in humidity and your happy to take care of it, kind of like shika. Except he asks you to help not because of the frizz he just secretly likes your hands on his hair
He walks up to you after a fresh shower and hands you a comb, detangle stray and a normal brush. You look up at him a little lost just to see his hair poofy and slightly curled “…do you want me to do your hair?” “Yes I don’t know how” (he does he just wants you to do it) “hm Finee, cmon sit in front of me” you took very nice care of his hair which he appreciated so much. Now most of the time when you play with his hair it just turns into you playing salon with him (LOL)
I’ve said it before he loves it when you play with his hair but he will never ask. Normally he just sits next to you and play with his own hair until you do it for him. He thinks he’s so sneaky when he does it but in reality it’s so obvious he wants your attention
He’s currently braiding the ends of his hair which he never does so you knew what he wanted already “neji what are you doing sweetheart?” “Just braiding my hair” He looks up at you with a small smirk hoping you caught on “oh ok!…may I help?” “YES” “…” “uhm I mean…sure!” He’s not smooth at all but let’s just pretend he is- he just lays on his stomach and let’s you do whatever you want to his long hair. You can put it up in a bun or maybe a ponytail, whatever you pick he just likes the attention!
He also LOVESSSS attention, love and care no matter what! He would just jump onto you and beg for you to pet him! Which you always do, especially after a long day he lovesss ittt
“Y/n-Chan! Please! I would do anything just for you to play with my hair!” You look at him for a while just to soak in his pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, but you took to long to respond so he took it as a no apparently. “PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLE-” “YES LEE OK!!” “YAY!” He tucks his head into your hand so you could hold onto his face while playing with his hair, also so he can stare at your beautiful face with love in his eyes
Now this boy has a lot of hair, it’s a like a blanket! So sometimes you just cling to his back and bury your head into his fluffy hair. Other than cuddling into his hair you also love playing with it. One time you put them into two pig tails and he looks ADORABLE! He didn’t take them out the whole day
“Your sooooo CUTEEE AHHH” He is currently twirling his hair which you put into a cute ponytail “ya think so y/n?” “Mhm!! But let’s try something elsee” you take the band holding his hair up out gently as to not put any hair out, then you dragged both hands from his scalp all the way down his hair which made him shiver. You grabbed two pieces of his hair from the front of his head to put them into two buns. After that you took a look at his cute face. “Oh my gosh you look like a cute little bear!” “Ha little?” “Yeah your just a silly little guy!” Which made him blush. He loves moments like this
He is very timid with any new form of physical affection so when you suggested playing with his hair he was a little shy but also confused, why does she want to touch my hair? Is it because it’s red? He didn’t understand but was willing
“I’m ok with you touching my hair I’m just wondering why?” You smile at his curiosity “it’ll feel good sweetheart, I’ll give you a nice head massage~” he likes massages so that comforted him a little. Once you made contact with his hair he felt a little less anxious. “Feel good?” His eyes softened while he turned drowsy “yes…thank you” he fell asleep not to far into the massage, but now you know any time he has trouble sleeping you could put him to sleep by playing with his hair
I’ve said before he LOVES his hair, you rarely get to touch is. But he will let you touch it if you pull it play with it which he does like but never admits it
“Why would I let your touch my glorious hair!” “You let me pull it last night?” “SHUP UP?!” Teasing him is always fun so you get a laugh out of it, but you do really want to play with his hair “no serious let me play with it! I promise you’ll love ittt~” “Ughhhh fineeeee” he mumbled while he sits on his knees infront of you. Once you actually started playing with it He visibly relaxed “told you you’d love ittt” “I don’t love it! I just…yeah fine you win I love it”
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h8ani · 11 months
Naruto Reaction to you wanting to break up
A/N - hellooooo! I hope you enjoyed my first Naruto reaction I created! Please let me know what you think so far! :)
- includes Konoha 12 + Sai & Gaara
Naruto: He stared blankly at you, showing no emotion even after those words left your mouth.
“Are you serious? Because of a fight?” He stared at you. You blinked tears away as you stared back trying to stand your ground.
“I do.”
Naruto stares and just shakes his head. He’s frustrated, he’s angry, he’s irritated, but most of all he’s upset you even tried it. You two have been through hell and back and a random fight in the week is what’s going to break you? Absolutely not.
“What were we fighting about? Do you even remember because I don’t. That’s because it was stupid, the fight was so stupid and insignificant but that’s what’s going to break us up? No I won’t accept that.”
There’s no way in hell he’s going to let you go.
Sasuke: He fell back into the couch looking at you, his legs not being able to carry his weight as the words ‘I want to breakup’ came out of your mouth. He didn’t expect it to say the least, he thought you guys were fine, no he thought you guys were more than fine, he couldn’t believe this.
“No.” He stated simply. He looks at you, your arms are crossed and a confused expression falls upon your face.
“No? You can’t-”
“I said no. This isn’t something I’m willing to throw away. So no, hell no. We are going to work through this, we are going to get over this and then we are going to be fine. So that’s your answer.”
Sai: Seeing you crying like this is something he never wants to see again. Fighting is something he never liked doing with you and he tried to avoid it at all cost but this one just seemed unavoidable.
He looked at you while you were trying to make your peace with breaking up with him but he wasn’t listening to any of it, he couldn’t listen to it, he wouldn’t.
“I want to work things out with you…” he says in barely a whisper, he wasn’t even paying attention if you were still talking or not. “We’re good together so I don’t think that we should end things here.” He looks at you with worry etched on his face while you wipe the tears from your eyes just hoping that you would change your mind.
Shikamaru: “You want to break up?” He’s leaving back on the sofa looking at you as you stand across the living room adamant on breaking up with him. “You sure about that?”
“How sure?”
“The words came out of my mouth didn’t they?”
“Yes but you never gave me a reason, why do you want to break up? You’re unhappy?” His gaze on you is unwavering and you’re struggling to keep your eyes on him.
“We fight too-”
“All couples fight, but we argue every now and then so that hardly counts as a fight.” You roll your eyes and Shikamaru continues on. “I don’t think you want to break up.” You scoff and he stands up and makes his way towards you. “You wanted to get a rise out of me because you don’t think I care because I fail to show you I care, am I right?” He’s toe to toe with you and watches as your face contorts into a frown. “But you know that’s not the case, that’s just the case you’re trying to convince me and yourself.”
“Fuck off Shikamaru.” You take a step back and he just follows with a step forward. You’re looking anywhere but at him at this point. He isn’t wrong and you hate how quickly he was able to read you. “I hate you.” You cross your arms and he just smirks knowing he won yet again.
Choji: Last nights fight is replaying in his mind over and over again. Both of your voices being raised at each other, the words that came out of both his and your mouth, and finally seeing you slam his door in his face when you left in a rush no longer wanting to deal with it. He doesn’t know what this means, he doesn’t know what any of this means. You left without a second glance and all that Choji can think of is if you two were still together or not.
Kiba: You told Kiba you needed to talk to him which didn’t make anything easier. You just need to say it and everything will be over. A simple sentence, you can do that. Just say you aren’t happy and don’t feel the same as you did in the beginning. It should be easier than this get here you are pacing back and forth in his bedroom and all Kiba could do is watch you and sigh. Of course he knew what was coming, Kiba knew you like the back of his hand and right now proves he knows you better than you even know yourself.
“You want to breakup, don’t you.” He says it simply, he took the words right out of your mouth and you slowly stopped pacing and looked down at your feet ashamed he even had to say it. He sighs again and nods understanding that there was no changing your mind.
Shino: You could feel your blood boil. He stared at you emotionless, nothing in him changed as you said you wanted to break up. This just confirms why you wanted to break up with him, he never fucking cared.
“Say something!” You yell at him, anger spilling out as you stared at him. His expression never changing, nothing in Shino changed even when you started to grab your things and started to walk out of his front door and eventually out of his life.
Neji: You don’t know who’s louder at this point, the poor neighbors next door having a full experience of your fight with Neji. Tears were being spilled along with every hurtful word that could be thought of. Sooner than you would’ve thought the words came tumbling out of your mouth in a shrill scream. “I’m done! I’m done Neji! It’s over!” His glare that was set on you softened until he looked at you in disbelief. He was silent for a moment before that hard look reappeared. “No.” He said.
“Yes Neji, I’m over it, I’m over us.”
“No buts! I’m done!” You raise your voice again feeling another fight coming on. “We’re done.” You stand firm on your decision and even Neji can see there’s no going back.
“Okay.” He nods. “We’re done.”
Rock Lee: He’s staring across the table from you, listening to every word you’re saying, hating everything you’re telling him. You’re angry, he can see that. Hell, he’s seen it and hasn’t tried fixing anything or making anything right, but that’s his fault. You’ve shown signs that you’re unhappy but with every fight that you two had he never thought to fix that damage that’s clearly been done.
He listens to everything and finally speaks while looking you in the eyes.
“I think we can move past this but I can see that it might be too late for that.” He closes his eyes and sighs. “I don’t want to end things, I don’t want to lose you but if that’s what you want…then we’ll break up.”
Gaara: Your relationship with Gaara wasn’t bad, he was great, he was everything you’ve ever wanted and this is why it’s so much harder than you expected.
Tears started to fall which you quickly wiped away, there was no need to make it harder on him than needed to be. “I-I think that we…that we-” you sniff trying to catch your breath but more tears were falling and you were growing frustrated with yourself. “Dammit. Stop crying…” you mumble to yourself.
Gaara watches you as you have a battle within yourself. His heart breaks with every sob that comes out of your mouth, every tear that falls and with every word that stutters out. “It’s okay.” He says as he walks up to you, his hand tilting your chin up to look at him. Tears blurred your vision but that didn’t stop your heart from breaking. “I’m sorry.” You mutter out, breaking down in front of the boy who’s heart you had just ripped out.
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riddlexmattheo · 1 year
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Imagine Naruto getting ready for your first date
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loveamongthesailors · 10 years
*smacks my self in the head repeatedly* ARGH,,,OH MY GOD 
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sasusaku-fied · 10 years
naruto characters reactions to having anon hate on their inbox
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"I got anon hate...???!" hinata:
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"i hear no shit"
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"Thats some serious funny shit there" juugo:
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"could you at least be more creative" minato:
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sweet1delusi0ns · 22 days
Naruto boys calling you ma’am ──☆*:・゚
!Slightly suggestive!
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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He’s sassy so ofc he’s gunna piss you off by calling you “ma’am” making you feel old. Normally when you scold him over stupid things he refers to you as that-
“Did you think about how dangerous that is?!” “No ma’am!” “use your little head before doing something dumb!” “Yes ma’am!” “ok stop with the ma’am I feel like a teacher scolding a bad student” “what you gunna smack me with a ruler?” Rolls eyes “I will if you don’t keep quiet!” “Whatever you say! Ma’am~” “I’ll be back with the ruler.” “WHAT?!”
He uses it nonchalantly or when he’s being goofy. Like everytime he leaves home you always say “be safe baby” and he always responds with “yes ma’am.” In a serious tone. He knows you worry that one day he may not come back so he must reassure you!
“Be safe Sasuke. I expect you home by 10!” “Yes ma’am, i will I promise. I must go now! I’ll see you at dinner darling” you whisper “it’s cute when you call me that” right before he closes the door (he heard it anyways)
He is such a good boyfriend honestly. He’s the kind of guy to do little tasks for you when you ask. So normally when your to lazy all you gotta do is ask him to do it instead!
“Tachi, can you please get me some more water?” “Yes ma’am!!!” Very rare times you ask him to do something without him responding with a “yes ma’am~”
His mouth gets himself in trouble, sometimes he says things that could be viewed a different way without realizing it. For example he once said you remind him of a frog. I don’t know how it’s a compliment but he meant it as one…which obviously you didn’t know
“ARE YOU CALLING ME AN UGLY FROG KASHI?!” “N-no ma’am! That’s not what I mea-” “NO I KNOW WHAT YOU MEANNNN! YOU THINK IM SLIMEY TOAD” you start smiling once you realize how silly this really is “no I swear I meant it in a nice way!!!” “WELL-…did you call me ma’am?” “Uhm…depends do you not like it” you chuckle “no I don’t mind, it’s cute.” He lets out a sigh of relief “well I guess I’ll call you that more often?~”
Like kakashi his mouth gets him in trouble, exept Kiba does it on purpose to try and get a rise out of you he likes it when your rough ofc that means he just teases as much as possible, but then he tries acting all innocent
He’s on his knees directly infront of your legs waiting for you to look at him “I know what your doing Kiba. It’s not gunna work” he flashes the puppy eyes “well I’m not doing anything y/n🥺” “so your serious not trying to get a rise out of me?” “Noooo ma’am” you grab his face with your hand rather aggressively“is this want you want puppy?” A very quiet “Yes” could be heard from him
He only calls you ma’am when you nag him about doing chores or helping you cook, he knows he can’t say no but “maam” is his only way of back talk
“Hey Shika be a dear and take out the trash” “ahhh yes anything for you ma’am.” He responded in the most sarcastic voice he could make “watch that tone babe!” “Yeah yeah whatever, such a pain” “I’ll show you pain.” A water bottle was soon thrown directly at his head LOL
Call me weird but I feel like if he was going to call you something like that he would call you mistress instead but that’s for another time! When he does call you ma’am it’s mostly because he admires your leadership. You guys would be testing battle strategy and when you command him into a certain position you could here his cheerful “yes ma’am” while he runs into position
He only uses it to get out of trouble actually. When he does something he isn’t supposed to he tries lying abt what he did
“Neji. Were you in my drawers?” “What!!! No ma’am that is absurd I would never dig through your shirt drawer!” You look at him with a blank stare “I never said it was my shirt drawer. Time to fess up pretty.” He sighs loudly. “Fine yes. But only because I missed your scent!!!” “Awwwww…kinda creepy but cute!!”
Your like his own personal Inspirator. You give him pep talk like every single day and being the energy ball he is he is so hyped to hear about it
“Are you gunna train hard today?” “Yes ma’am!” “And you going to be proud of yourself no matter what?!” “Yes ma’am!!!!!” “Are you not gunna over work yourself for me?” “YES MA’AM!!!!”
Again he takes your authority very seriously! So ma’am is fitting when your taking charge of every day things. Even if your not trying to be all serious he will always respect your power but he also looks to you for guidance
“Hey handsome you said you needed me?” “Yes y/n-chan. I figured you could help me with this?” You sigh “the only way I’ll be of help is if you do what I tell you too, can you…do that?” “Yes ma’am! I’m a very good listener!” You giggle “cute now let’s get started”
He has mommy issues and your strong and independent ofc he’s gunna call you names like that and ask for you to take care of him?! You love babying him anyways but it’s always so cute when he’s had a rough day mentally wise and the first thing he does is go to you
“Y/n, may we please have some alone time…” he asked shyly “of course rose, bad mental day?” You open your arms to him “yes ma’am. It was hard today.” He comments before hopping in your arms waiting for you to make everything better
He calls you ma’am when your all mad at him for being bratty “but I was just checking out your new pants!” “You expect me to believe that you were just looking at my pants and not my ass?” “Yes ma’am” kinda like Kiba he wants you to be rough with him ok. He’s just trying to tease so you do something about it which you don’t because your strong, and it’s funner to just calling him a brat and watching him squirm at the insults
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penmaries · 10 years
SASUKE: Wait Naruto didn't YOU give him a normal eye
SASUKE: I'm done
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riddlexmattheo · 1 year
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Imagine Naruto when someone threatens you his wife and child
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sweetsummery · 11 years
Akatsuki Reaction to the Zombie Apocalypse
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#Pein logic
Deidara, Sasori and Kisame:
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Run Tobi! Run!
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ahhvernin · 11 years
Watching Neji Fight the Spider-ninja
Does he not understand the concept of substitution?  You're worried about your fucking blind spot, why not widen it?!  Or throw off his aim with more of you!!?
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animealley · 12 years
Naruto Reactions: Episodes 74 and 75
WARNING: The below reaction contain Naruto spoilers. If you have not seen the series, do not read further lest you want things to be spoiled.
Episodes 74-75
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Okay, it's been a while since I blogged about Naruto because it's been a while since I watched it. But, my friend started pushing me to get back into it.
So, these two episodes jumped around a lot between the fights of Shino and Kankuro, the Third and Orochimaru, and Sasuke and Gaara. I mean, we barely focused on the Third and Orochimaru. Just Third taking Orochimaru's soul.
Shino, one of my favorite characters, made me happy. He was having some difficulties in the fight against Kankuro, but he pulled through using his bugs and his brains.
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Plus, Kankuro's puppet is creepy.
Anyway...The Sasuke and Gaara fight was intense. I already know that Gaara is a Tailed beast, but seeing his transformation was intensely creepy. I mean...damn, those teeth and that spit...
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But I was less annoyed by Sasuke these episodes. He wants revenge against Itachi, I know. And I feel bad because he had to watch his whole village being murdered. But, trying to stop Gaara might have been honorable, selfish, or a mixture of both. Whatever the case, Sasuke used the Chidori, knowing full well it could kill him, or activate his curse mark.
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Both boys had been through so much, both had been alone most of their lives, and they both had an intense feeling and desire and revenge.
I just...felt immense sorrow for both Sasuke and Gaara.
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sweet1delusi0ns · 24 days
Naruto boys cute habits ──☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋, choji🍥,gaara⏳, kankuro🪆
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He has a new habit every other hour he collects them like Pokémon tbh. He has basically every cute habit you could find of, he taps his feet when he’s waiting, he scrunched his nose when he’s upset, he sticks his tongue out when he’s focusing, I mean it he has basically any habit you could think of. But you still find it very cute to observe his little habits~
He sometimes worry’s he’s doing to much so he went a whole day trying to hold back any habits he gained and if he couldn’t he would apologize to you, ofc you smothered him with kisses calling him a cutie patootie for his silly habits
You may not think it but he is always focus, how you ask? He snaps his fingers quietly to keep himself focused! You never understood why he randomly snapped around you, maybe he was trying to tease or mess with you? No he’s just making sure he doesn’t get distracted. What’s even more adorable is that he doesn’t need to snap his fingers if his doing something with you. You keep him focused!
“Why do You Never do your cute little finger snap thingy while we are on dates?” “W-well I only do it to keep me focused, I guess…I find it easier to focus on you more than anything else.” (I’m crying)
He bites things, and by things I mean you. Just randomly he will just bite you, kiss the mark then just carry on😭 his love language is physical touch but this isn’t so much language as it is a habit- he doesn’t go a single day without biting your arm or shoulder. He does it in the morning and when you both get back from work. It’s routine for him and honestly he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it sometimes
“DANM BOY THAT WAS AN AGGRESSIVE ONE-” “what?” “That bite! God are you trying to eat me?!” “I bit you..?” “…yes?” “Oh-….sorry babe” kisses mark
We all know his little hand gesture he does when he is thinking and you thought that’s the only habit little shika has, until you started to pay close attention to him when he is winding down. You noticed that everytime he rests on the couch and close his eyes he slowly sways back and forth! He tried to calm himself by rocking slowly!
“You do that everytime dear, I could rock you yk!~” “what?” “You don’t notice it?” “No y/n… what?” “You rock yourself back and forth when your trying to relax~” “I WHAT?!” Turns out he didn’t even know he did that😭
He hums a lot, but he doesn’t hum songs he just hums a tune and hold it there. You thought it was the strangest thing until you realized who he was, it’s the bug guy! He’s not humming he’s buzzing-
“Do you seriously just buzz like a bee?” “Well if you must know flower, I find it calming” “of course you do” “mmmmmmmmmmmmmm” “it’s kinda cute when you buzz” “what-“
I dont know if you can call it a habit but he just reuses the same words over and over, it’s not because he can’t think of another word he just chooses to use the same word. For example he would call something “foolish” then use the word “foolish” to describe other things throughout the day even though he hasnt really used the word before
“Outrageous!!!” “32” “what? 32 what love?” “That’s the 32nd time you’ve used the word outrageous just today” “oh- do I really reuse words that much?” “Yeah but it’s fine pretty boy, it’s cutee” flustered Neji activated
He also reuses words like Neji but the other habit he gained is jumping. If he’s in a line too long or waiting for you to get ready he will just start hopping in place, probably a way to keep himself patient and in check so he doesn’t get upset over waiting so long!
Bounce…bounce…bounce “what’s that noise honey?” “Meeeee” “well what are you doing?” “I’m Bouncing y/n-Chan!!” “Why…?” “Becauseeeee!” You just left it there, let him bounce!
A little bite like Naruto he has many habits such as; he taps his knees when sitting patiently, he also makes popping noises with his mouth during awkward situations, and sometimes he even pinched his own cheeks (you taught him to love his cheeks so he really got that from you)
“Whatcha doinggg” “squishing my cheek…I never realized how soft they are” “and I never realized how handsome you are ~” he hides his face so fast
He likes fidgeting with his hands, sometimes he just starts counting on his fingers cuz he’s bored. The only thing he loves more is playing with your hands instead! He always found them so soft and delicate. He fiddles with your rings or just pulling on your fingers slightly
“Your so cute when you do that rose” he reaches down and kiss the back of your hand “thank you y/n. I find every part of you very interesting that is why I do this” awww
He’s the kinda guy who’s really likes his hair so obviously he’s gunna play with his own hair sometimes unless you do it for him he learned how to braid and everything! One time you walked in on him with two pigtails in and you started crying!
“AWWW LOOK AT YOUUU!!” “StOOOP” “Aw i cant look at your cute pony tails!” “I like my hair ok is that such a crime!!”
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