#National Identity Quiz
rotzaprachim · 2 months
the extent to which some college encampments have managed to independently recreate borders, guards, checkpoints, and identity tests/quizzes (and arguably passports/identification) is a phd in itself and a really mediocre 21st century lord of the flies knockoff
you need a wristband to enter? That’s a passport. Encampment for a specific political orientation? That’s an internally ideologically defined identity test. You need to keep people at the entrance and exists to make sure everyone who enters and exists is an ally or good person or outright not trying to infiltrate the camp? Congrats. That’s a checkpoint. Asking questions to make sure they have values that align with yours? Checkpoint. You quiz people on their identities or relations to political ideology? That can even become an ethnically defined internal identity.
I don’t mean all of these things are inherently bad, but it is worth noting and reflecting how quickly they were set up by people whose stated ideology is to oppose ALL of them. Provides a lot of insight into how important praxis actually is, and the uncomfortable fact a lot of liberatory and rebellious nationalisms or ideologies have gotten damn invested in borders checkpoints and guards in the transition to actually holding structural political power
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
A controversial Seattle teacher allegedly told students that identifying as “straight” is offensive. He even scolded some of his male students for being a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care.” It resulted in a parent filing a complaint with Chief Sealth High School. In defending the teacher, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) offered what appears to be a verifiably false statement to the media.
Tenth-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher and self-identified communist Ian Golash asked students to complete a “Social Identity Wheel” worksheet, according to the parent, who asked for anonymity. It asks students to explain their various identities, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. The worksheet is intended to tell students that their identities determine whether they receive unearned privilege or oppression.
The parent’s 15-year-old son labeled himself “straight.” Golash took issue with that word “because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation.”
‘Straight’ is offensive to Ian Golash
The student’s mother shared an email thread with The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. In it, she complains about the comment to Golash and the school’s principal, Ray Garcia-Morales.
“When filling out a Social Identity Wheel, he (her son) was told that if he identifies as straight that he needed to pick a term that was less offensive. It is completely inappropriate to dictate what terms a student can and cannot use to identify themselves with,” the mom wrote in the September 24, 2023 email.
Golash said he did not target her son with his comment. He did, however, admit to saying something similar to the entire classroom.
In the email response to the mother, Golash allegedly told the parent that he “stated explicitly that I was not going to tell them how they should identify except to explain the difference between race, ethnicity and nationality.” But he did cast aspersions on identifying as “straight.”
“Because I think language has power and that it shapes the culture that we live in, I did say to the class, in response to a student, that I do not use the term ‘straight’ because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation,” Golash wrote. “But, again stated that I am not interested in telling them how they should identify and that the wheel they are completing is for their own reflection, not for me to assess.”
A very contrived position
Golash taking offense to the term “straight” in this way may be the only such example in the country. It’s a common and accepted term.
Chief Sealth High School has a Gay-Straight Alliance Club. Even GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) uses “straight” as an alternative descriptor for heterosexuals. The term “straight-ally” is still used by LGBT groups.
The contrived issue came up in a 2015 Washington Post column about etiquette. The readers (not Golash) asked if the term “straight” is offensive. Steven Petrow (the author of “Steven Petrow’s Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners”) responded by saying he’s never been asked that before. He concluded it was neither offensive nor a slur.
“I’ve never heard of a gay person saying they were offended by the use of straight. Do some straight folks find it problematic? I think you are saying that you are and, if so, I’d like to know why,” he wrote.
‘Product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care’
The parent also claimed in the email that Golash shamed her son during a conversation about Florida banning left-wing classes with critical race theory indoctrination. Her son had missed the day the class watched a video about the topic, and told Golash he didn’t know why the state legislature forwarded the ban, according to the mom.
“I’m told that rather than converse about the topic and provide him with information and an actual answer, he was told that he was a ‘product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care,'” the mom wrote in the email. “You missed an opportunity here to teach your student about current events and instead shamed him for being a male. To assume that he’s being raised in a patriarchal household is a very mistaken one.”
Again, Golash disputes some specifics but admits to bringing up the issue.
“My response about patriarchy was not directed at one student, it was connected to discussions of systems of power that we had been having in the previous few days and the behavior of several boys in the class,” he wrote, according to the email. He did not dispute saying the quote the mother provided.
The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH asked Golash if the emails properly depict what he sent to the parent and if he wanted to offer additional context. He did not respond.
It’s part of a political agenda
Golash focuses a portion of his curriculum on issues around gender identity. The same parent previously complained that Golash failed her son on a quiz for correctly saying men cannot get pregnant and that women do not have penises. The mom eventually pulled her son from his class.
“Mr. Golash has introduced many controversial topics into the classroom and instead of inviting open, constructive and truthful conversations, he provides biased resources that only aid in pushing his own ideological agendas,” the mom told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “In this particular instance, he tried to persuade the language the students used in an attempt to censor them. Mr. Golash instructs his students what to think and not how to think. This in no way provides identity-safe classrooms that allow students to feel visible and valued.”
She says her son started to “self-censor … due to Mr. Golash’s intolerant teaching tactics.” Only after this incident, she said Golash accused her son of being disruptive and disengaged. She called it “retaliatory in nature.”
In the email thread, Golash did accuse her son and other classmates of unruly behavior. He said his frustration with their alleged behavior, “resulted in words I said that day that I might not phrase in the same way today.”
Seattle Public Schools is mostly silent
According to a screenshot of an email shared with The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH, the district is investigating the two separate complaints against Ian Golash.
First, the school is reviewing the quiz that the student failed for taking objectively true positions: Men can’t get pregnant and women do not have penises. Second, according to an email, Chief Sealth principal Garcia-Morales told parents there was an investigation into a separate incident where antisemitic curriculum was taught to students.
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) won’t say much about Golash, including how far the investigation has progressed. They also would not comment for this story, neither confirming nor denying Golash’s purported communication with the parent. Even if they did comment, they’ve previously misled the media with a statement.
More from Jason Rantz: Democrats reject child marriage, but accept their gender reassignment
Misleading the media and public
When The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH exclusively reported the “men can get pregnant” quiz, the story ignited a firestorm of criticism and ridicule towards Golash and the district. SPS appeared to give out the same statement to multiple outlets, but added an extra detail to Fox News.
In the original report, the mother complained that Golash and another teacher engaged in name-calling. One teacher allegedly called her son “f****d and racist,” and Golash allegedly made the comment about being a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care about anything.” SPS denied the claims when asked by Fox News.
“Claims that the student was called names have not been reported to SPS. We have confirmed with the school’s principal that this is the first reference to any name-calling,” a spokesperson told Fox News.
The statement appears to be false.
In a February 2, 2023 email, the mother’s husband emailed a teacher and principal Garcia Morales. In it, he complained of conduct against his son. He wrote that his son told him the teacher explained to the classroom, “If you’re white, that’s f****d up and racist.” The principal was also on the email over Golash’s comments about the patriarchy.
SPS would not say why they told Fox News that my report was the first reference to any name-calling.
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hadesoftheladies · 7 months
the greatest social contagion of our time (other than misogyny ofc) is capitalism. human “progress” is dictated and regulated by capital. “why are we going to war?” capital. “why are women’s rights regressing?” capital. “why are gay people suddenly in every tv show despite homophobia being rampant?” capital. “why is there a push for men to wear makeup and transpeople to get surgery?” it’s not progress, it’s capital. BBLs, “shave with this feminist razor,” boy clothes or girl clothes, for him/for her, “you deserve the perfect wedding,” girl dinner, “celebrate your melanin skin with this bronzer for $199,” “here’s a funny ad making fun of vegans from a meat factory, isn’t it funny?” “take our free quiz to find out your aesthetic/if you’re neurodivergent,” “10 signs you could have psycho personality disorder” . . . it’s been marketing from the start.
it doesn’t matter if it’s crazy, untrue or evil—it makes bank. human rights don’t matter if they don’t make capital. human lives don’t matter if they don’t have capital. you are not an agent in your life or country without capital. merchant class and consumer class is how the world is sliced. 99.9% of every piece of entertainment is marketing. it is marketing beliefs and ideas for the sake of capital with no regard to human quality of life. that’s why you can have an influx of movies and songs about, idk, black lives mattering, but if the exploitation of black people makes more bank than their liberation, the oligarchs and emperors will do whatever they need to do to get the extra buck. they’ll find a charity, and starve sweatshop workers. maybe even fund a dictator’s army to keep the nation destabilized.
like literally every facet of human life has become capitalistic. be it religion, academia, clothing, etc. it’s everywhere in everything. we used to be able to just like what we liked, but now every like of ours is a data point that is used to market and constrain our own natural, evolving self-expression into a strict niche. companies offer more products than services. like who would we be if we allowed ourselves to be contradicted? if we stopped reading tabloid experts? if we just IGNORED social media campaigns or trends? if we just stopped trying to keep up in a race that never finishes?
most people don’t even realize how much their identities are shaped by what they consume. how the doctrine of consumption has ruined their relationships. there is no loneliness bug or depression virus going around. we just talk and behave and see ourselves and each other as assets because we’re used to being treated as customers or products. that’s why we’re so sick and isolated! humanity is so so sick because of this thing like from the skin to the roots! none of it is sustainable!
it’s also not immutable. companies are effective in telling us what we want, but we have always been able to make demands. is this how you want the world to run? no? it’s time to switch up then. I’m talking unsubscribing, deleting apps, buying a house with friends instead of marrying, creating demand for services. consumers are literally the driving force of economy. being mindful of this matters.
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topekadsa · 27 days
What is DSA?
Democratic Socialists of America both national and local, have multiple campaigns going at any given time in pursuit of the goals of their platform. These include but are not limited to:
An end to deportations. Free movement of people, not capital
Ending discrimination based on race, sex, gender identity, sexuality, religion, disability or class
Tuition free public education at all levels
Healthcare as a human right
Complete reproductive freedom in all forms
Safe affordable housing for all
The end to military aggression
Equality in and democratization of the workplace and economy
Abolish of the police and prison industrial complex people and the environment over profit
How do I become a member?
You can apply for a card through the DSA website and get connected to your local chapter that way but it is not required. Your local chapter should be able to explain the specific needs they have for card carrying members, but you do not need a card to attend meetings.
Why should I pay attention to DSA?
DSA works as a central hub for leftist organizing. Even if your local chapter is not the right fit, you may find people or organizations in your local area that you did not know existed.
National DSA News and Resources
Class: Democratic Socialists of America (spotify)
Topeka DSA
We are a relatively new Kansas chapter of DSA, looking to reach potential members where our Facebook and Instagram are lacking.
If you are interested in attending meetings, or joining the discussion via our discord feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]
Kansas News and Resources
KS Legislature live (youtube)
Watch state legislature review bills
House Roster
Loud Light (tiktok) (youtube) (website)
Highlighting state legislation topics to pay attention to
Kansas Reflector (spotify) (website)
Kansas podcast covering a variety political topics and promoting current events
Topeka City Council (youtube)
Watch City council livestreamed
Topeka Jump (website)
A Topeka Justice Unity & ministry project
LGBTQKS (website)
Directory for Kansas queer resources
SeeClickFix (app)
An app for reporting negligent maintenance for apartments/potholes/etc
BuyNothing (app)
App Resource for low income kansans looking to barter
Kansas Landlord Tenant Rights (website)
A quick FAQ guide for tenants rights in kansas
Kansas Tenant's Rights Quiz
Uquiz to test your knowledge of your rights
Braided Haven (website)
A new LGBTQ+ shelter in Topeka
Whose land am I on?
Find out what indigenous communities your area in kansas is the traditional territory of.
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Shawnee County Democrats
Kansas Reflector
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jamiscrazy4krerdly · 1 year
Awesome swag new pfp = not being terrified of social media for a day yay. Everyday I suffer from the looming fear of not doing the Demigirl Catti with Ghoul Neos community justice when I am the only member of the Demigirl Catti with Ghoul Neos community </3. Can guarantee ghoul will play a humongous ginormous gargantuan part in both of my AUs that I’m working soooooo hard on!!! “I thought this was a Krerdly blog??” Sorry not sorry, get Catti namedrop jumpscared. BOO!! (Dw, the gamers still get to be the main characters or whatevsss.)
(Tysm @solasaich for the amazingest Kris ever!! I experience a little more gender envy towards them every passing day.)
Pogress (pog progress) report: shitting my pants. Favorite written down thought: “is this foreshadowing or foreshitting?” (I had a crisis about something inconsequential the day I’m writing this except I’m writing this at midnight so it was technically yesterday!!!) I will be very lucky if even one of my stuffs gets done before the end of the year. But Gamers… I am totally writing Demiromantic Kris so good it is insane; the Krerdly nation is LOSING for one of my AUs lets fucking gooo. (I’ll make dedicated posts about them EVENTUALLY!! Pinky promise. Cutting off my pinky.)
Alsooo, I learned how I like to write Ralsei so I can’t wait to put him in the spotlight for one of my fics!! Aaand then pretend he doesn’t exist for the other, sorry. My ability to sideline characters is unparalleled!! (RIP Asriel LMAO)
ALSO also I’m making a Deltarune Personality quiz on UQuiz maybe. 7 Results, 10 (?) Really Dumb Questions (so far). I color coded the assigned points for individual answers to individual questions and it made me happy. (Susie is ourple)
Ok ok ok I need to write this somewhere so now is a good time as ever: I am so MAD at myself for not putting my silly little tags in my latest ao3 fic >:( idc if it was improper or whatever the hell I should’ve been able to put #successfully-injected-20-ounces-of-silliness-into-Kris WITHOUT FEELING BAD!! I even decided NOT to mention how I think Kris (and all non-binary people for that matter) should totally one-bajillion-percent be allowed to have boobs without being ridiculed for it. The many shapes of our little flesh vessels are obviously not inherently indicative of our gender identity at all and I had the perfect opportunity to state that fact in the notes section but I DIDNT because Kris wearing a binder is part of their character and story that I’ve crafted for them and I wanted to address it properly in another future fic but it’s such a MINOR THING and won’t be this super dramatic factor that’s the center point of an entire fic like I made it out to be like WHY was I so lame and didn’t take a stance on that when I had the chanceee?? UGH!!!
Speaking of fics!! So far I’ve posted one for Christmas and Valentines, right? Well besides my draft for New Years it recently dawned on me that I still need to make one for Halloween and I’ve never written horror before (besides some stupid spontaneous one-off paragraph comment for a yaoi on wattpad IDK what 12 year old me was thinking) so YEAH idk I guess I’ll try my best, I have a couple good ideas?? If push comes to shove I can always revert to “ice cream cake full of fluff with an acidic slice of plot on the cutting knife” or some bullcrap.
Ok enough thinking, I’ve already had to do soooo much that while trying to think of a new nickname for Kris every single fic. I’ve brainstormed some real bologna, but I AM proud of the one I came up for my Deltadungeon AU! Title pending…
THIS bullet point is is dumb but… does anyone play Roblox? Yes? Ok, follow-up question: do you know what Doodle World is? It’s like the bestest pocket monster game on the site. Basically I’m forming a Deltarune theme team consisting of Kris Berdly Susie Noelle Catti and Jockington and if I record some good battles with my trashy theme team I might post them somewhere somehow idk lol but it’d be funny. I cannot WAIT for nothing to come of this.
I saw someone say they HATE Kriselle (on pintrest of all places) and since I’m a multi-shipper AND a certified hater I’m dedicating this paragraph to be a meanie to that person specifically. They are THE childhood friends to lovers!! Noelle watches in abject horror as Kris puts every shape in the square hole. Kris shows off their blades and Noelle tells them blades are for skatin’ and calls them a dingus. Noelle chases after the knight and Kris screams “GIRLFRIEND, STOP, GET BACK IN THE CARRGRHG” while she goes “youuuu come back here” and tackles the knight to the ground, knocking the helmet off and revealing Berdly underneath. Just thought I’d let you all know!!
Ok but honestly I’ve been sooo obsessed with Catti and Ralsei interactions. I have a vivid image in my head of Kris setting ghoul up on a date with an alleged “Prince of the Dark” and then Catti sees this sweet fidgety guy in bright colors and flowy clothing and ghoul’s like “figures” and it PROBABLY doesn’t work out if we’re being realistic but I’m holding out hope!! Rise up, Catsei (Ralti?) shippers!!
Ok gamers as a treat for putting up with me this far I present to you with a scenario: Kris and Berdly on a cloud-watching picnic date with a basket and flowers laying on a blanket except NEITHER of them are actually cloud-watching get epicly pranked!! Berdly’s on his 3DS playing Mii Plaza while Kris is letting bugs crawl on them and thriving. That’s so cool I almost can’t believe that it’s real. Everybody look forward to my upcoming fic based entirely around this idea titled “Kicking Back (A Green Shell)!” /j
Anyway for Halloween Krerdly is Waluaisy while Suselle is Bowigi you’re all WELCOME!!
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r-ene · 11 months
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now i mentioned before for the national conference me and a friend will be joining the quiz bee, that didn't result as well as we wanted, we might have overstudied 😅 but !! we just opted to enjoy it and cheer on the other contestants (i also have friends from other uni that competed so we hugged them and congratulated them when they moved onto championships)
AND THEN our research was also picked by our program director + 3 of our groupmates to present it AND out of the 7 entries, our research was also picked to be 4 of the schools to present.
our very charismatic groupmate, who actually thought of the study title before we did several revisions but stuck to the main thing, was the one to present.
it was such an honor to represent our university and present our research baby in the national conference before we even had our final defense ans winning the first place 🥹 couldn't have asked for a better friend group / research team. it's unfortunate i won't be able to join them this internship for our clinical research, but i'll always cheer them on and i believe they will with me too.
thank you as well to everyone who cheered on, prayed for us and joined me in my preparation journey for the quiz bee and our research. only the final defense left and i'm free of any major academic responsibilities !!
(but i will and am offering transcription/reviewer making services to any student in need or want of help, to make my break to continue to be productive + save up for a lot of expenses for internship, in case anyone's looking hehe)
i don't have an appropriate photo to post for the occassion as it would most likely reveal my group's identitis, so here's one of me working on my part and proof reading :)
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glitchgaymer · 2 years
AJ Tennyson
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Althea Jacqueline Agbayani Tennyson
7 [start of OV]
9 [end of OV]
17 [Present]
Birthday: March 17, 2005
Status: Alive
Species: Human [Genetically]
Nationality: Filipino-American
Gender Identity: Girl [Cis-gender]
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself
Sexuality: Bisexual Demisexual
Homeworld: Earth
Residence: Salvador-Tennyson Household
Future: Gotham City University
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Elementary School [Currently]
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Middle School [Formally]
Madison High School [Currently]
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Gotham City University
Grade 3 Student
Grade 11 Student
Real Estate Agent
Skills & Abilities:
Freestyle Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Sign Language
Morse Code
Mathematical Reasoning
Artistic ability
Carl Tennyson [Dad]
Sandra Tennyson [Mom]
Ben Tennyson [Older Brother]
CJ Tennyson [Older Sister]
BJ Tennyson [Older Brother]
Max Tennyson [Paternal Grandpa]
Verdona [Paternal Grandma]
Vera Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt]
Gordon Tennyson [Paternal Great Uncle]
Betty Jean Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt-In-Law]
Mr. Salvador [Maternal Grandpa]
Mrs. Salvador [Maternal Grandma & Deceased]
Unknown 20 Maternal Great Aunts [10-in-laws]
Unknown 20 Maternal Great Unlces[10-in-laws]
Frank Tennyson [Paternal Uncle]
Natalie Tennyson [Paternal Aunt-In-Law]
8 unknown Aunts from Sandra's side [5 are In-Laws]
10 unknown Uncles from Sandra's side [5 are In-Laws]
Ken Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Gwen Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Sunny Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Clyde Fife [Paternal Cousin]
Lucy Mann [Paternal Cousin-In-Law]
Unknown cousins from Sandra's side
14 Necrofriggians [Nieces or Nephews]
AJ Prime
Miss Jacqueline Tennyson
Tita/Aunt AJ/Jackie
Ben's 2nd sister
Making miniature houses[OV and Present]
Playing house with her siblings [before OV]
Doing Arts & Craft
Playing with Calico Critters, Strawberry Shortcake, Ever After High, Little Pet Shop, and Hello Kitty Dolls or figurines
Making up stories about her Calico Critters dolls
Customizing her dolls or figurines
Making a doll or figurines
Time & Dimensions Traveling with her Ate CJ & Kuya BJ
Playing Hello Kitty & Strawberry Shortcake games
Playing Chess
Making miniature stuff for her house
Watching T.V.
Hanging out with her siblings
Designs of her customized dolls
Calico Critters babies
Hello Kitty Dolls
Ever After High Dolls
Pokemon Figurines
Strawberry Shortcake Dolls [2009]
Fun Toys
Miniature houses
Her favorite shows & characters
Calico Critter babies
Mac & Cheese
Strawberry Milkshake
Red Velvet Cupcake
That student that will remind the teacher about the quiz or homework
Rip off toys
Grandpa Max's cooking
Sour & Spicy Food
Too much Homework
Studying too much
Will Harangue
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michel-tanguy · 7 months
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/12-mail-order-brides-sites-comparability-find-mail-order-wives/
12 Mail Order Brides Sites Comparability: Find Mail Order Wives
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librarybunny13 · 11 months
Exit Bag and Inert Gas Basics
Copy and pasted from another website. Super long post. If they would just let us who want to die, die, then this would not be necessary
 Exit Bag and Inert Gas Basics —A very, very long post, I know, but I feel like I've fielded a lot of questions about this, so I figured I'd spell out everything I know. Others on the forum should please add to this thread whatever reliable technical information they feel is appropriate for someone attempting this method to have.
The idea behind using an exit bag with inert gas is to create an atmosphere around your head that is both free of life-sustaining O2 and can carry away the exhaled CO2 that would activate your hypercapnic alarm. The Gas: You will need to keep the inert gas flowing at 15 liters per minute (Lpm) for 40 minutes to be confident of ending your life —in other words, you’ll need a minimum of 600 liters of inert gas. In the past this would have been helium (He), but due to the uncertain availability of genuinely pure He, the best current options are nitrogen (N2) and argon (Ar). Both are reliably available in pure form (no air contamination) from stores that supply welders. N2 is also available from some brewery supply houses, but the purity of the gas should be confirmed to your satisfaction. Both N2 and Ar should work to ctb and are similar enough in their properties to be treated identically for use with an exit bag. Pressurized gas cylinder sizes are not standardized across the industry, nor internationally, and it can be difficult, if not impossible, to tell how much gas they contain from a photograph on a website. In the US, a 20 cubic foot (cf) cylinder is the smallest you should use for ctb; a 40cf will allow some margin for flinching, practicing, etc. “A 20cf” and “a 40cf”, or “a 20” and “a 40” is nomenclature US welding supply houses will recognize, so asking for either should get you the desired product. A 20cf cylinder is quite small for industrial use; I’ve had clerks tell me, “well, we have a 40, but we’ll need to special order a 20.” It’s up to you what you do in that situation. Personally, I have a 40cf cylinder. It has allowed me to flinch and abort my attempt three times now, and I don’t need to worry about refilling it. I bought my N2 at AirGas, a national company here in the US. They do not demand any sort of professional certification for purchasing inert gas, and no more than the usual forms of ID depending on payment method. I know nothing of gas cylinders outside the US, so if you are using other than US-typical cylinders, you’ll need to call and ask to make sure whatever tank you’re contemplating holds 600L of compressed gas. Hopefully knowledgeable forum members will add cylinder sizing information to this knowledge base. Cover story: N2 and Ar are both used for welding. N2 is used in beer brewing. In my day job, I use both N2 and Ar to flood partial cans of expensive paint, to displace the O2 in the cans and prevent the paint from skinning over and going bad. It’s a cost saving measure. The clerks I’ve bought gas from have never heard of that trick, which has meant they don’t know enough to interrogate me on my motives or to try and quiz me on my welding knowledge. They have merely said, “huh! That’s a new one!” The store clerk may ask how you’re carrying the pressurized cylinder “back to your shop,” since pressurized cylinders can be very hazardous to transport (the valve is vulnerable to damage in an accident). I haven’t had any trouble when I have told the clerk, “in the back footwell of my car, and very carefully padded!” What they really want to know is that you are aware that a pressurized cylinder is a missile waiting to explode if anything damages it, and that you know enough to not let that happen.
The Regulator: A regulator screws on to the cylinder and does two things: 1) it reduces the pressure in the cylinder to a useable level, otherwise the 2000psi tank pressure would just blow the exit bag off your head as soon as you opened the valve, and 2) it controls the rate of gas flow into the exit bag —specifically, it should release it at 15Lpm, which is the minimum adequate to carry away exhaled CO2 and fool your lungs into believing there’s enough air. The good news is that while gas cylinder sizes are not globally standardized, the cylinder valve threads are —and both N2 and Ar cylinders have the same threads (other gasses have different threads), so a regulator that fits on one cylinder will fit equally well on another. You don’t need to worry about being sure to choose a regulator that will reduce the pressure: they all do that. The flowmeter is the critical element of the regulator for our purposes. Some regulators come with a “click adjust” flowmeter that is very simple, allowing you to dial in 15Lpm without needing to think about it. To the best of my knowledge, these are medical grade regulators; generally very good quality, but often a bit more expensive. Others here may know more about them, and where to acquire them, than I do. A typical welding regulator will have two gauges: the tank pressure gauge (unimportant to us) and the flowmeter gauge. A welding regulator’s flowmeter gauge will be marked in either cubic feet per hour (Cfh), Lpm, or both. Some welding systems require a fairly low flow of inert gas, much lower than our necessary 15Lpm, and this low flow is most easily measured in Cfh. If you see a gauge marked only in Cfh, it probably will not work for our purpose. Look at the highest Cfh setting on the flowmeter and do the math, to be certain. If the gauge reads in Lpm, a glance should tell you whether the regulator provides the necessary 15Lpm flow. Harbor Freight Tools offers a cheap CO2/Ar regulator (it also works for N2) with a flowmeter that shows flow in both Cfh and Lpm and goes high enough for our purposes. This is what I have. The Hose: The hose needs to be long enough to reach from the gas cylinder beside you, up into the exit bag on your head. I have found it easiest to lead the hose up my back and into the bag at the very back of my neck. It seems to disrupt the fit of the bag less right there. Some regulators come with a hose that threads directly into the regulator body. Some regulators come with a hose-barb, onto which a length of soft tubing can be pressed. Some regulators come with neither. For the first situation, just thread the hose into the regulator, tighten it with a wrench, and it’s ready. (Regardless of what type of threaded fitting is used, you do need to wrench-tighten this fitting: a lot of gas can leak out at this connection. If it is a brass fitting, you should not need teflon tape on the threads; the soft metal deforms enough when tightened to provide an adequately gas-tight connection.) For the second situation, take the hose-barb to a hardware / home improvement store and purchase tubing that fits onto the barb. Once home from the hardware store, thread the barb into the regulator body, tighten with a wrench, and press the tube onto the barb. It should be a snug fit; if you’re worried it’s too loose, use a small hose clamp / jubilee clip to secure it in place. If it’s a little too tight to get the hose into place, soak the end of the tube in very hot water to soften it and press it onto the barb. I used clear vinyl tubing. Aquarium tubing should work. Surgical tubing may not; I don’t know for sure. For the third situation, you’ll need a hose-barb fitting (typically brass) that threads into the regulator body. Take the entire regulator to the hardware store and ask someone to help you fit it with a hose barb. Then proceed as for the second situation. Cover story: as with purchasing the gas cylinder, you’re using N2 for brewing, or Ar for filling partial paint cans. Why Ar? because it’s heavier than air and settles down onto the paint surface inside the can. For extra confidence that they won’t ask inconvenient questions, you’re doing it for your father, or your brother, and you don’t know why they want it for their paint locker, they just said to get a hose barb and six feet of tubing… The Exit Bag: There are several videos on YouTube detailing construction of exit bags. I strongly recommend watching them. That’s how I learned. The short version of what you want is a turkey roasting bag —available in the supermarket, in with the zip-locks and cling wrap— with an elastic drawcord worked into a turned hem, and a cord-lock to adjust the drawcord’s tension. I used 3/8” elastic cord. I purchased both it and the cord lock at a sewing and crafts store (JoAnn’s). To construct the turned hem you’ll need micropore (surgical) tape, available at a pharmacy in the first aid section. It’s the right tape to use because it will reliably stick to the material of the bag itself. Sometimes it isn’t labeled as “micropore.” Ask a clerk if you can’t find it. Cover story: you were asked to re-stock the family first aid kit with micropore tape and you don’t recognize any of the brands available. Using an elastic drawcord is important: it needs to fit snugly around your neck, but not seal tightly. It must still be flexible enough for the flow of inert gas, lightly pressurizing the exit bag, to push past the elastic and flush away the CO2 you’re exhaling. Don’t use a non-elastic drawcord or do something like duct tape the bag to your neck; you don’t want to create a seal, just a restriction.
To Use: If I found all this on the internet, I’m sure you can, but maybe these will address a few of the questions I’ve encountered here. Start by sitting upright in a chair. My understanding is that you should not be lying down, and that you want to be confident you won’t fall over when you black out, as any final twitching with your head rumpling the bag against whatever you are lying on might displace the bag enough to allow the inert gas to escape. I have heard fears of convulsions with this method, but I have also heard —more plausibly— that accounts of convulsions are more accurately associated with sedated-suffocation (a predecessor to this inert gas technique) rather than to inert gas asphyxiation. However, a few final twitches are possible as the electrical activity in the brain fades, and it would be tragic to have the attempt ruined by not taking the simple precaution of being sitting up and stable. To feel confident that any post-mortem twitching will not knock the cylinder over and jerk the tube out of the exit bag, secure the cylinder to the leg of your chair. I use a piece of webbing; duct tape or a length of cord would work. If you wear glasses, as I do, remove them. They will be a hindrance when you need to pull the gas-filled bag down over your face, and will allow space for air to remain in the bag. To pre-fit the drawcord, pull the bag down over your head and face. Tighten the elastic drawcord around your neck so that it’s snug, but not cinched tight. You should be able to fit your fingers under it. Lift the bag up off your face so that the drawcord is now around your temples and just above your eyebrows, below your ears and around the back of your neck, like a shower cap. After adjusting the drawcord to your neck, it will feel tight around your head; this is good. Scrunch ALL the air out of the bag. The more air you can remove, the faster the inert gas will take effect. If you ignore this step, your attempt will likely fail. At this point the end of the hose should be inside the bag. I have long hair, so I secure the end of the hose at the back of my head with a hair elastic. Others have taped the end of the hose securely to the inside of the bag with more micropore tape. If you have long hair, like I do, make sure it is bundled up inside the exit bag, not sticking out under the drawcord. With the regulator closed, open the valve of the cylinder. There will be a sharp hiss as the regulator fills. Open the regulator and adjust the flow of gas to 15Lpm. The gas flowing through the tube was surprisingly loud to me, and a bit distracting. Someone here kindly recommended earplugs, which I may do on my next attempt. Or I may listen to music; I doubt earbud wires will displace the drawcord. The bag will gradually inflate above your head. It will take a minute or two to reach full inflation. As the bag is inflating, take deep breaths, exhaling fully, to purge as much CO2 as possible from the depths of your lungs. When the bag is inflated and you’re ready, exhale as completely as possible and hold your lungs empty. Slide the bag down over your face and settle the elastic comfortably around your neck. Finally, inhale as deeply as possible; breathe slowly and deeply.
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seeklovenet · 1 year
Online Courting Web Site And Courting Apps
Online Courting Web Site And Courting Apps
If you’re excited about dating a Russian or Ukrainian girl however don’t live in both nation, CharmDate lets you connect. Or you ought to use CharmDate’s name services to hear your match’s voice. And wherever you are, obtain the app and meet individuals in your location. It couldn’t be simpler, and it’s been designed with the older era in thoughts. All of our best worldwide courting sites require fee, either by way of purchasing credits or a month-to-month subscription.
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enaspirro · 2 years
Fall In Love With Dating
The great world of dating apps and web sites has been designed to match two individuals collectively. Whether you two will meet over espresso in Seattle, Washington, or somewhere epic like the Grand Canyon in Arizona, it's time so that you can take this "yes or no" quiz now! Whether you are feeling such as you appeal to a certain type or for those who just can't work out the males that specific interest in you, you'll know for certain by the time you end this sure or no quiz! Apart from that you may also add a function for women to make the first transfer, i.e., if a consumer matches with one other, females get an extra 24 hours to start the dialog in the event that they really feel snug empowering women’s security. I spoke with Morgan, and she made me really feel comfortable about assembly with the corporate in individual. What are the signs of a toxic relationship? I try to determine datelike indicators e.g. they touch my arm a lot. I'd try to search out reasons to be in the identical area as them. I try to wait, then blurt it out at an inopportune moment. And if you are looking for some knowledge, then the previous presidents at Mount Rushmore might provide you and your new boo with some glorious recommendation.
Despite how old you might be, it feels great to find somebody you may share your happiness and life usually with. Because in the event you imagine in magic, then maybe you will meet the love of your life at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. I mean to, however then I disguise in my wrap or something like that. I like them more than I like funerals. Finding out who's dating Noah Schnapp is comparatively straightforward, however conserving track of his flings, hookups, and breakups is tougher. נערות ליווי בראשון לציון Finding out who is dating Jeremy Lin is comparatively easy, but protecting track of his flings, hookups, and breakups is tougher. No more questioning if they're going to present up at your favorite grocery whereas you're still in your pajamas, or worrying about bumping into them while you're on a sweaty hike. From time to time. While these kind of orders additionally exist in Switzerland, the prosecutors have an obligation to notify the target of surveillance, and the goal has a possibility to attraction in court. I don't think I have a soul mate, but typically it seems like they exist for other individuals.
Facebook’s matchmaking service, known as Facebook Dating, launched Thursday within the United States after debuting in 19 other nations earlier this year, and it is explicitly making an attempt to inject a number of the more human aspects again into online dating through options that mimic the methods in which people used to fulfill-cute before the Tinder age. That was the "standard" dating historical past for many people again then, but these days, all of us have the help of dating apps and web sites. Our results on these greatest herpes dating sites show that they're great websites to use! I am going on a visit with all my finest pals yearly, generally a couple of times a yr. I like having a couple of shut buddies over for dinner and video games. We’ll also go over Oliver’s biography, info, and net value, among different things. I go over and inform them they're advantageous. I inform them it's a date. Please tell us if you discover any details about Jack White that's out of date. A easy "sure" or "no" is a much more direct method to get to know you and allows us to see you from a man's perspective a bit bit better than lengthy answers would.
Woah, that is just a little too soon. While this method is undoubtedly fun for some individuals, others don't want to go through all this trouble to satisfy their future soulmate. Wouldn't or not it's great to know the place you will meet your new soulmate? In order to seek out out which sort of man you attract, we'll need to get to know all about you. With regards to the type of man you entice, the energy you put off tends to attract a sure type. You is likely to be satisfied you entice the sweet, sensitive sort, however are you positive you're not likely putting out feelers for a manly man? He spent the thirties building delicate Geiger counters to measure weak natural and synthetic radioactivity. Yes, but it takes a while for me to get to that time. I ignore it. These core points are what makes one distinctive whereas placing them into one of many elemental groups. Tables 1-4) taken from the wall plaster of Enclosure D offers a date of 9984 ± 42 14C-BP (9745-9314 calBC on the 95.4% confidence degree), thus inserting the circle in the PPNA. It's most likely better to be modest on that first date by way of what you order, even if you're the one paying.
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glitchgaymer · 2 years
CJ Tennyson
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Carmenlita Jennifer Agbayani Tennyson
12[Start of OV]
14[End of OV]
22 [Present]
Birthday: July 22, 2000
Status: Alive
Human [Genectically]
Anodite [Spark]
Nationality: Filipino-American
Gender Identity: Girl [Cis-gender]
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself
Sexuality: Lesbian
Homeworld: Earth
OV: Bellwood
Present: Friedkin University
Ben's Team
Team Tennyson [Disbanded]
Alien Force [Disbanded]
Tennyson Family
Agbayani-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Elementary School [Formally]
Madison Middle School
Shim [Crush]
Ben's Team [Disbanded]
Tennyson Family
Salvador-Tennyson Siblings
Madison Elementary School [Formally]
Madison Middle School [Formally]
Madison High School [Formally]
Friedkin University [Currently]
Shim [Lover]
Grade 7 student of Madison Middle School[Currently]
Soccer Player
Baseball Player
Basketball Player
College Senior of Friedkin University
Student of Madison High School [Formally]
Soccer Player
Baseball Player
Basketball Player
Plumbers Academy Student
College Senior of Friedkin University [Formally]
Soccer Player
Baseball Player
Basketball Player
Skills & Abilities:
Freestyle Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Sign language
Morse Code
Self Defense
Artistic ability
Mana Manipulation
Mana Absorption
Mana Detection
Mana Telekinesis
Mana Flight
Mana Constructs
Mana Construct Tampering
Mana Projectiles
Mana Field Communication
Innate Magical Abilities
Limited Reality Warping
Space Survivability
Object Creation
Object Reparation
Object Dissipation
Object Duplication
Object Animation
Dimensional Travel
Astral Projection
Body Creation
Human Disguise
Size Alteration
Prehensile Hair
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Dexterity
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Jumping
Enhanced Speed (with enough mana)
Anodite Form Only:
Size Alteration
Magic Vision
Portal Creation
Light Generation
Equipment: Bow & Arrows
Carl Tennyson [Dad]
Sandra Tennyson [Mom]
Ben Tennyson [Older Brother]
BJ Tennyson [Twin Brother]
AJ Tennyson [Younger Sister]
Max Tennyson [Paternal Grandpa]
Verdona [Paternal Grandma]
Vera Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt]
Gordon Tennyson [Paternal Great Uncle]
Betty Jean Tennyson [Paternal Great Aunt-In-Law]
Mr. Agbayani [Maternal Grandpa]
Mrs. Agbayani [Maternal Grandma & Deceased]
Unknown Maternal Great Aunts
Unknown Maternal Great Unlces
Frank Tennyson [Paternal Uncle]
Natalie Tennyson [Paternal Aunt-In-Law]
unknown Aunts from Sandra's side
Uncles from Sandra's side
Ken Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Gwen Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Sunny Tennyson [Paternal Cousin]
Clyde Fife [Paternal Cousin]
Lucy Mann [Paternal Cousin-In-Law]
Unknown cousins from Sandra's side
14 Necrofriggians [Nieces or Nephews]
CJ Prime
Miss Carmenlita Tennyson
Ate CJ/Carmenlita
Tita/Aunt CJ/Carmenlita
Ben's 1st sister
Playing and Training for Soccer, Basketball, and Swimming[OV & Present]
Reading her comics, graphic novels, and books[OV & Present]
Bicycling[OV & Present]
Hanging out with her siblings, or her friends[OV & Present]
Archery[OV & Present]
Playing house with AJ[before OV]
Dimensions & Time Travel
Hot Sauce smoothies
Spicy Food
Hanging out with her siblings, or her friends[OV & Present]
Her comics & graphic novels
Sour food
That student that will remind the teacher about the quiz or homework
Studying too much
Will Harangue
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10minutestrivia · 2 years
USA Historical quiz : Test your history knowledge
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Here are the USA Historical monuments. If you can't identify them by their photos, scroll down and see a list of them.
Watch USA Historical Quiz Video on YouTube
The United States of America is a country with a rich history, and there are many historical monuments and sites that reflect that history. we will take a look at some of these monuments and sites, and identify them by their photos.
From the Statue of Liberty to Mount Rushmore, there are many iconic landmarks in the United States. These landmarks are not only important to the history of the country, but also to the people who live there. They are a part of the national identity, and are a source of pride for many Americans.
So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of these historical landmarks and see if you can identify them by their photos!
Find the historical monuments of the USA by their photos. Explore the monuments in detail, and find out how to get there.
This is a quiz to see if you can identify the USA Historical monuments by their photos.
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lonelypond · 2 years
Idol Protection Program, Ch. 28
NicoMaki, Love Live, 1.7K, 28/?
Summary: Dia's grumpy and worrying her moms.
Dia In Distress
Kurosawa Dia was fatigued, her head ached, and two of her three suitemates were in a gigglefest. She wanted to throw so many razor sharp, jet speed pillows at them. Tomorrow, she had two test, one quiz, and an internship interview. Right now, she desperately need sleep. So her phone went crazy. Three simultaneous texts.
Ruby: Mom's so happy. She's all over the internet. And you're coming home tomorrow. She's been baking all day.
Mari: LOL. Your mom is an influencer. A toddler influencer.
You: Hey, Slugger! Your mom still giving me a ride? Camp's over and they're letting me out.
Dia suspected the Japanese National Diving Team Training Camp had actually let You out yesterday. She also suspected You would be first in line for cookies as Nico always made extra for the athlete.
Dia: Don't call me Slugger. Yes. we will return you to Numazu.
You: You make me sound like a misdelivered package.
Dia: (ò╭╮Ó,)
You: o7
Dia flipped open her laptop to TWIG search Nico Ni. Her mom had come up to Tokyo early and hit Harajuka in a quilted jacket, the cutest pink polka dot pajama pants, a rabbit eared hoodie, and pink bunny rabbit slippers. Her hair was done up in twintails again, with matching pink ribbons. Nico had been caught in snaps with all the current style influencers. Her own selfie had the caption, "Nico Nico Ni's The Newest.
Phone. Not a text. Mom.
Nico's voice chirped good mood, "Hey, Bun. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'll be on campus around six."
Dia grumped. Her head hurt. "Why aren't you going to stop by earlier and see if you can get mistaken for a co-ed?"
"Wasn't Nico's outfit the cutest?" Nico was used to tsunderes. You ignored the first strike.
"For Christmas morning." Dia snapped.
"Your Mama would love that."
"Mari thinks you're a kid."
Nico was silent.
"How is Mari?"
"Partying through Milan." Dia could feel the headache increasing. Mari would have started the gigglefest.
"Are you all right, Dia?"
Dia inhaled, "Yeah. Sorry, Mom. My roommates are making a lot of noise. And I have tests tomorrow. And they don't have any classes in cute."
"Nico knows you like your excessive study time but you've got this, Dia. You take after your Mama."
Dia almost facedesked. She could hear the worry in Nico's voice, but there were so many frustrations building inside, she just couldn't control her criticism. Dia took after Dia; she'd worked so hard to claim her own identity.
"I better get some rest."
Nico sounded disappointed. "Drink some water. Get some sleep. I love you, Dia."
Dia watched the clock. Five minutes later, her phone buzzed again. They always talked to each other about anything concerning her or Ruby, as soon as possible, even when they were in separate cities. And then pretended they didn't.
Maki: How are you?
Dia: Tired.
Maki: There's a flu going around. Be careful.
Dia: You can't catch germs from books, Mama. I've been studying.
Maki: (^‿^)d Okay, bun. Get some sleep. I wrote a new piece for us to play.
Maki handled missing people by composing music, sometimes in the classic style for koto and shakuhachi for the two of them.
Dia: (^‿^) I've missed playing.
Maki: Yeah, no time for music is tough.
Mama got it. Dia was glad for her next step, the challenges of college and adulthood. But music had brought Dia friends and comrades, the joy of shared experience she had with Aqours. That camaraderie was a warm comfort Dia missed, especially on tough days. Dia knew her Mama meant that, even if all she said "no time for music is tough."
Dia: I love you, Mama.
Maki: Love you too, Dia. Get some sleep. Things'll be better tomorrow.
Mama had lied. Everything wasn't better. Dia had dragged herself through the day, eyes blurry as she took her last test. She'd come home, collapsed on the couch, and groaned, rubbing her forehead 'til her skin was sore. Pain throbbed there, her throat felt dry, and she could barely stay awake. She felt terrible. Where was her mom?
A knock on the door. Dia opened it. No Nico. A grinning, bouncing You.
"Hey, Slugger. Nico gave me the keys to the Nicomobile." You leaned in the doorframe, dangling Nico's giant pink keychain. Then she glanced at Dia, "You look awful."
Dia swatted at air, frowning. "You're not my mom."
"No. I'm a little taller." You's pretty, light blue, pleated, tennis skirt bobbed with every movement.
"What did you do with her?" Dia stepped forward aggressively, then doubled over into a cough.
Dia suddenly felt You's arms supporting her, "Whoa, Dia, are you okay?"
"No. Where's my mom?" Dia didn't want to sound whiny. Now she was the toddler. Mari would have been rude.
You rested her hand on Dia's forehead. "You're feverish. Your mom's at her mom's. She had some more business stuff in Tokyo. She sent the cookies though." A pause, then defensive. "They're in the car. I didn't eat them all."
DIa rolled her eyes. You had eaten at least half. And more importantly, Yazawa Nico did not have "more business stuff in Tokyo." Yazawa Nico, after a few early year glitches, never let anything interfere with her time with her daughters. Yazawa Nico was ditching.
"C'mon, sit down, you look shaky." You guided Dia to the couch, "Did something happen?"
"I'm sick."
"Duh. But did something happen with your mom? There were more cookies than usual."
"Mari called her a toddler."
"To her face?!"
"No, I mean…" Dia groaned, "I was grumpy."
You said nothing. Grumpy Dia was not a mood anyone officially noticed.
""Ugh." Dia threw herself forward, head in hands.
You patted her on the back, carefully once. Dia's reply cough sounded suspiciously like a crying one. You pushed up the sleeves of her sweatshirt nervously.
"I can make you soup. Maybe we don't drive home tonight."
"I want my mom."
"Okay, I'll call Nico-san."
"No." Dia raised her head, glaring at You, "Take me home."
"To Numazu?" You was getting confused; Dia wasn't making sense.
"To my mom!"
"On it." You helped Dia, running on anger and adrenaline, to her feet. "I'll grab your bag. Lean on me."
DIa didn't say thanks, but her glare softened. You still had no useful defenses against Dia softness. Dia leaned into her and You didn't hurry them.
Dia, like all the Yazawas, had a key to the small home Nico had bought her mother when her dominance of the Idol scene translated into financial success. She opened the door, but it was too quiet. The Yazawa homestead was never this still.
"Mom? Mom!"
"Dia?" Nico came out of the media room, pulling down her headphones, green goop covering her face, dressed in red and white striped pajama pants and a red tank top.
"I'm sorry, so so sorry, Mom…didn't mean it…You're the cutest ever, the best style idol, biggest influencer, Mari's an idiot, I love you." Dia hit Nico with a tacklehug Rin Hoshizora would have rated top grade rib breaker.
Nico looked to You while stroking Dia's hair and making comforting noises.
"She has a fever."
Nico nodded, shifting so she could better guide Dia into one of the bedrooms. "C'mon, bun. Nico's going to make you the best soup in the universe, And you're going to sleep."
Dia let out a long breath, "You're not mad, right, Mom?"
"No, Dia. I just want you to get better. You need food and sleep. If you don't feel better in the morning, we'll call your mama."
You watched as Nico tucked in her oldest daughter, curious about the half grin on Nico's face, as Nico, having a memory of eight year old Dia sneaking off with her friends, leaned down to whisper in her daughter's ear, "No sneaking out now, Dia. Mom will take care of everything."
"Okay." Dia murmured sleepily, pulling in a plushie, "Love you, Mom."
"Love you most." Nico kissed Dia's forehead gently, as her tall, very nearly grown up, extremely serious firstborn cuddled with Nico's oldest, most beloved bunny plushie. Nico snuck a quick pic for Maki. This was priceless, Dia curled up, sweet and sleeping, stress left outside the comforting walls of home.
Nico had cooked soup, made sure Dia ate some, settled You in one of her sisters' rooms, and returned to the couch for some cozy time of her own, a nightly ritual, talking to her best girl. She sent the Dia snap to Maki.
N: Dia grumpy = Dia sick = look at this adorableness.
Maki's reply was instant.
M: We're coming to Tokyo tomorrow. Watanabe texted Ruby about Dia so our bags got packed.
N: Yeah, Dia's going to sleeping for most of the day. She was really out of it. She hugged me.
M: She'll be fine.
N: Nico made soup. Of course, she'll be fine.
M: Did you save some (ȍ_ȍ)
N: Are you sick?
M: (ȍ_ȍ)
N: 」(๑•̀ᗝ•́)」
M: I loved your pajama pants. You sparkle (つ✧.✧)つ-✧҉*
N: Nico knows. Nico is irresistible (๑ ‿ )ᕗ
M: Dia keeps interrupting our dates. I had other plans for tonight.
N: Another thing she'll never grow out of.
M: We did good, Nico-chan.
N: Yes, we did, Maki-chan.
M: Love you ( ღ'ᴗ')৴ Get some sleep (ᴗ˳ᴗ✽)
N: Date tomorrow?
M: Depends on our daughters ≺(-_^)≻
N: Nico is sneaky
M: (!゚ロ゚)!
M: ( '‿`)ノ⌒
N: Nico loves you. Get some sleep (ɔ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
M: (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
Whether it came via text, voice, or touch, that was what got Nico through everything. Being the person Maki-chan kissed goodnight.
A/N: Happy Birthday to the Number One Idol In the Universe, Yazawa Nico. Your love of family and refusal to give up on your dreams inspires me.
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the sunflowers.
"i'd like to paint in such a way that... everyone who has eyes could understand it." there was a series of these paintings of sunflowers. van gogh was heavily praised for them by those he knew. to him, they felt like they were his mark. like they were truly his own. you often feel the same need to stand out and be remembered for something. you're an individualist through and through, and you're determined to make your own mark. you have so much courage, so much passion, and so much determination. but let me tell you a secret: you don't have to fight to be important. you already are. 
some of your traits are: ambitious, one-minded, and passionate.
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