#National Service Day
sharingstories · 8 months
Martin Luther King Jr. and National Service Day: A Legacy of Unity and Empowerment
Martin Luther King Jr., a towering figure in the American civil rights movement, left an indelible mark on history through his advocacy for justice, equality, and unity. In honor of his enduring legacy, National Service Day was established to commemorate his contributions and inspire individuals to engage in acts of service. In this blog, we will explore the life and impact of Martin Luther King Jr., delve into the significance of National Service Day, and highlight the ways in which collective service continues to echo his message of empowerment and unity.
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Martin Luther King Jr.: Champion of Equality and Justice
Martin Luther King Jr., born on January 15, 1929, emerged as a prominent leader in the struggle for civil rights in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s. Driven by a vision of a nation free from racial discrimination, he advocated for nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. His most famous speech, "I Have a Dream," delivered during the March on Washington in 1963, articulated a powerful vision of racial harmony and equality.
Key Aspects of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Legacy:
1. Nonviolent Resistance: King's commitment to nonviolent protest became a cornerstone of the civil rights movement, emphasizing the transformative power of love and peaceful resistance in the face of adversity.
2. Advocacy for Equality: King tirelessly campaigned against racial segregation and discrimination, advocating for the rights of African Americans to be fully integrated into all aspects of American society.
3. Legacy of Empowerment: Beyond racial equality, King's message extended to economic justice, advocating for the empowerment of marginalized communities through education, employment, and political participation. Don’t miss the Martin Luther King Jr. Day- Significance and Facts
National Service Day: Commemorating a Visionary Leader
In recognition of Martin Luther King Jr.'s commitment to service, National Service Day was established as a day of reflection, volunteerism, and community engagement. Observed annually on the third Monday of January, near King's birthday, National Service Day encourages individuals across the United States to dedicate their time to service projects that address community needs.
The Significance of National Service Day:
1. Honoring Dr. King's Vision: National Service Day serves as a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a united and just society. By engaging in acts of service, individuals actively contribute to the realization of his dream.
2. Community Empowerment: The day encourages people to come together, transcending racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic barriers, to work towards the betterment of their communities. It fosters a sense of shared responsibility for collective well-being.
3. Educational Initiatives: National Service Day often includes educational programs that highlight King's teachings and the broader history of the civil rights movement. It provides an opportunity for reflection on the progress made and the challenges that persist.
The Impact of Collective Service: Echoes of Dr. King's Message
Engaging in acts of service on National Service Day extends the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. by fostering a spirit of unity, empowerment, and social responsibility. The impact of collective service resonates across various spheres:
1. Building Bridges of Understanding:
   - Service projects bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering understanding and collaboration. By working side by side on common goals, people break down stereotypes and build bridges of empathy.
2. Addressing Community Needs:
   - Whether through clean-up initiatives, food drives, or educational programs, service projects directly address the needs of local communities. This hands-on approach contributes to tangible improvements in the quality of life for many.
3. Inspiring Future Generations:
   - National Service Day provides an opportunity to instill the values of empathy and social responsibility in the younger generation. Educational programs and service activities cultivate a sense of duty towards creating a more just and equitable society.
4. Fostering Long-Term Change:
   - Collective service is not limited to a single day; it sparks a commitment to ongoing community engagement. Many individuals who participate in National Service Day projects continue to contribute their time and skills to address social challenges throughout the year.
Conclusion: A Continuing Call to Action
Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of a harmonious and just society remains a beacon that guides individuals toward the path of service and unity. National Service Day stands as a poignant reminder of the power of collective action to effect positive change. As we honor the legacy of Dr. King, let us embrace the call to service, recognizing that each act of kindness and empowerment contributes to the ongoing journey towards a more equitable and compassionate world.
In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., National Service Day invites us to be architects of change, to bridge divides, and to build a society where justice and equality prevail. As we engage in acts of service, we echo the timeless message that collective efforts, no matter how small, have the power to transform hearts, communities, and the world.
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sen-ya · 3 months
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me: I know there’s a very simple reason why oda did not show him I know it’s nothing crazy
also me: what if it’s cuz Blackbeard mostly took his powers and he was only ever holding back the amber lead disease he didn’t cure it
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humming-fly · 3 months
This 4th of July I’m stealing the patriotism euphoria that’s usually associated with assholes idolizing the worst attributes of this country because fuck ‘em I live here too and remembering the things this country actually got Right is an important exercise when trying to rally anyone to want to defend it in November SO putting my money where my mouth is I’ll start easy and say I really like National Parks!! It’s rad how many of them there are and how they’re actual set up to preserve some of the most beautiful wild areas in our country while still letting people visit to enjoy and experience nature!! (Less important but I love how they put national parks on the quarters I think that’s real fun)
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Feel free to add on if something speaks to ya!
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johannesbellerophon · 8 months
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continued under cut ↓
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wandering-jana · 2 months
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Grand Canyon during some rain. I always loved photographing the canyon whenever there was inclement weather. The views are even more dramatic.
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
Oct. 2018
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Something, something, do your National Service, wrap ourselves in Union Jacks… patriots my a**
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daisdu · 13 days
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Everyone say “Thank you Mr. Tims”
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The 2023 National Service Of Remembrance At The Cenotaph
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King Charles III, Prince William, Queen Camilla, Catherine, Princess of Wales, Princess Anne, and Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, during the National Service of Remembrance at The Cenotaph on 12 November 2023 in London, England.
Every year, members of the British Royal family join politicians, veterans and members of the public to remember those who have died in combat.
📸: Tim Rooke / Pool / Samir Hussein / WireImage
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arthistoryanimalia · 1 year
For #WorldReefDay:
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Charley Harper (American, 1922-2007), The Coral Reef, 1979. Virgin Islands, Biscayne & Dry Tortugas National Parks & Buck Island Reef & Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monuments. One of a series of posters made for the National Park Service:
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torchiiko · 1 month
wtf do you MEAN tornado warning????????
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ravenzer · 7 months
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National Park Service valentines from instagram
Description in alt text
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
going to the doctor for "general malaise" isn't a thing is it
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Published: Mar 12, 2024
The decision comes after an independent review of services for children under 18 and a sharp rise in referrals to the Gender Identity Development Service run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which is closing at the end of March.
Children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, NHS England has confirmed.
Puberty blockers, which pause the physical changes of puberty such as breast development or facial hair, will now only be available to children as part of clinical research trials.
The government said it welcomed the "landmark decision", adding it would help ensure care is based on evidence and is in the "best interests of the child".
It follows a public consultation on the issue and an interim policy, and comes after NHS England commissioned an independent review of gender identity services for children under 18 in 2020.
The review followed a sharp rise in referrals to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) - a specialised service for young people who experience difficulties in the development of their gender identity - run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which is closing at the end of March following repeated scrutiny.
In 2021/22, there were more than 5,000 referrals to GIDS, compared to just under 250 a decade earlier.
Dr Hilary Cass, who led the review, published an interim report in February 2022 saying there was a need to move away from one unit and recommended regional options be available to better support children.
She also said there was a lack of long-term evidence on what happens to young people prescribed blockers - adding that GIDS had not gathered routine and consistent data, meaning it was "not possible to accurately track the outcomes and pathways that children and young people take through the service".
After Tavistock closes, two new NHS services will open in early April, situated in Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, and Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool.
The NHS said children attending these clinics will be supported by experts in neurodiversity, paediatrics and mental health, "resulting in a holistic approach to care".
Around 5,000 children and young people are currently on the waiting list for referral into the new clinics, with 250 patients expected to be transferred to them when they are open.
Currently there are fewer than 100 children on puberty blockers, who will continue their treatment at Leeds and University College London Hospital.
Puberty blockers can be used to delay the development of physical characteristics which can make someone look male or female, allowing transgender young people to explore their gender identity and weigh up medically transitioning.
Taking them early in puberty may mean less treatment or surgery in the future. However, critics have raised concerns over issues including consent, mental health risks and bone density development.
Health Minister Maria Caulfield said: "We have always been clear that children's safety and wellbeing is paramount, so we welcome this landmark decision by the NHS.
"Ending the routine prescription of puberty blockers will help ensure that care is based on evidence, expert clinical opinion and is in the best interests of the child."
The consultation on the future of such services received more than 4,000 responses. Around a quarter were from members of the public, while 22% were from patients, 21% from parents, 10% from trans adults and 5% from clinicians.
John Stewart, NHS England's national director of specialised commissioning, said the responses were "polarised" in line with the debate around puberty blockers.
Mr Stewart said: "Many people said the policy didn't go far enough in terms of still allowing potential access [to puberty blockers] through research, and others saying clearly they disagreed fundamentally and that these should be routinely available to everyone who believes they need it."
Transgender youth charity Mermaids described the announcement as "deeply disappointing" and accused the NHS of "failing trans youth".
A spokesperson added: "Those currently prescribed puberty blockers won't see any changes to their treatment, and this is a pause on prescribing - not a ban.
"It's also important to note that puberty blockers can be just one possible part of a young person's gender journey. However, this news still comes as a blow and will deeply affect our communities."
Former prime minister Liz Truss "welcomed" NHS England's decision ahead of her Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill, which is up for its second reading on Friday.
The bill includes a ban on the prescription of body-altering hormones to children questioning their sex, both privately and on the NHS.
The most commonly used puberty blockers suppress the production of hormones, including testosterone and oestrogen.
NHS England hopes to have a study into their use in place by December - with the eligibility criteria yet to be decided.
In January 2020, a Policy Working Group (PWG) was established by NHS England to undertake a review of the published evidence. As part of this process, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) was commissioned to review the published evidence on Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues (GnRHa). Nine observational studies were included in the evidence review (NICE 2020). Overall, there was no statistically significant difference in gender dysphoria, mental health, body image and psychosocial functioning in children and adolescents treated with GnRHa (2020). The quality of evidence for all these outcomes was assessed as very low certainty using modified GRADE. There remains limited short-term and long-term safety data for GnRHa.
The primary intervention focuses on psychosocial and psychological support; for some individuals, the use of PSH [puberty suppressing hormones] in adolescence to suppress puberty has previously been a treatment option though no NHS clinical commissioning policy has been in place; this may be followed later with gender-affirming hormones of the desired sex (NHS England, 2013). If individuals fulfil additional criteria, they may have various types of gender affirming surgery from the age of 18 years through adult Gender Dysphoria Clinics (NHS England, 2013).
What we have decided
NHS England has carefully considered the evidence review conducted by NICE (2020) and has identified and reviewed any further published evidence available to date. We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of PSH to make the treatment routinely available at this time.
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Gender thalidomide will no longer be doled out by the NHS.
Happy Detrans Awareness Day!
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idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
going from me making the only 2/3 posts in the ichilaw tag and going on crazed-sounding tangents about it in dms to OTHER PEOPLE now making art and fics about them 😭 i am so thankful every day that i get to watch this ship grow 🙏
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murderousink23 · 5 months
05/01/2024 is Beltane 🇮🇪, Law Day ⚖️🇺🇸, National Chocolate Parfait Day 🇺🇸, National Loyalty Day 🇺🇸, National Mother Goose Day 🇺🇸, National Silver Star Service Banner Day 🇺🇸, National Bike to School Day 🚲🏫🇺🇸
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gpstudios · 1 month
National Airborne Day: Honoring the Bravery and Sacrifice of America’s Paratroopers
Celebrate National Airborne Day on August 16th by honoring the bravery and sacrifice of America’s airborne forces. Learn about their legacy, attend commemorative events, and express your gratitude for their service. #NationalAirborneDay #MilitaryHistory
Every year on August 16th, the United States commemorates National Airborne Day, a day dedicated to honoring the courage, dedication, and sacrifice of America’s airborne forces. These elite paratroopers have played a crucial role in military operations since World War II, demonstrating unparalleled bravery as they parachute into enemy territory to carry out vital missions. National Airborne Day…
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