#Natsu x Seilah
pyropsychiccollector · 8 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 8/14
We're dipping into the delightful second half here~.... (人◕ω◕) You can probably prepare for more references to other girls in the harem by now... You know most of them. (人◕ω◕)
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Today's member is... Seilah-chan. Goddess of the Chill Moon. Or Sayla. However you prefer to write it out. ... I'll probably slip into using Sayla, just as a head's up. :3
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When did they meet?
This question is... surprisingly tricky. (人◕ω◕) I haven't really talked about this aspect of Natsu's character up until now, but we were bound to get around to it eventually. "Spoiler" alert, but Natsu isn't exactly human... He's technically Etherious. Zeref's greatest creation, his beloved brother reborn... Although to be frank, his origins weren't all that great... As wrapped up in mystery as they are.
Since the series allows me some wiggle room... Let's run with this: For the first while after Natsu was brought back to life, he lived up until young adulthood, mastering his demonic powers. Zeref, of course, was fixated on dying, and Natsu being the bullheaded guy he is... Well, the demonic genes messed with his head. He went berserk like Zeref's other demons, but it was more controlled in Natsu... In END. All he could think about was destruction, especially destroying Zeref, as was ingrained into his very being.
END would go on to round up some of Zeref's most powerful demons. He figured that since he wasn't cutting it on his own in destroying Zeref, some allies would be much appreciated... But END was no fool. Demons don't appreciate being "subjugated", even if it's for the cause that they were all designed for. If they weren't pliable to forming alliances with one another, END asserted his dominance as the greatest among them. He brought Jackal to heel. Tempester. Kyouka. Ezel. Franmalth. Torafuzar. He convinced Keyes to join up... Proved his strength to the proud Mard Geer...
And of course, END won over the femme fatale, Sayla. (人◕ω◕) She had watched him dominate so many demons... Bringing them to form one unit... And Sayla, ah... Pardon the pun, but she was rather horny for END-sama. (人◕ω◕);;;
... Oh yes, they made love. Many, many times. END might have had a one-track mind with destruction, but Sayla certainly brought out a lust in him... Oh yes. (人◕ω◕);;;
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Alas, before END could get to the meat of why he established Tartaros, Zeref put his foot down. He saw the mindless destruction and suffering END and Tartaros was creating, and Zeref thought it was counterintuitive to his brother's goal... Not to mention, there was a part of the Black Wizard that was pained at seeing his brother so... evil. So twisted.
Hence, Zeref sealed away Natsu's memories and his demonic powers. Giving him a fresh start yet again, leaving the book that contained Natsu's memories and demonic powers in Mard Geer's care. Natsu still wouldn't listen to him, as a young child... After speaking at length with Igneel, Zeref left Natsu in the dragon's care, hoping that Dragon Slayer magic would bring about a more stable and focused "human being." It made Zeref feel better, watching his brother interact with the other Dragon Slayer children...
Of course, Zeref did nothing about Tartaros. Just let them be as a remnant of END's past... They were given no answers to END's disappearance, and none of them besides Mard Geer discerned why they existed in the first place. Perhaps because he became the keeper of END's book. For her part, Sayla was... devastated with the loss of her END-sama...
But time marched on. Flash forward a few hundred years, and Tartaros formed alliances with Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart. They were still pretty aimless, save for searching for their Master, END. Eventually they would come into conflict with Fairy Tail... And they would be fatefully reunited with END-sama.
... And they didn't even know it until the war was over.
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When did they get closer?
For this question, we'll skim past the Tartaros arc in general. (人◕ω◕) I wouldn't really change much. Tartaros still screwed themselves over, making enemies of Fairy Tail. Especially with the additional members in their midst that have been amassing over time... (人◕ω◕) I suppose you know about Kagura, Simon, and his friends... But more on this later.
The point is, Tartaros really screwed up. ... However... (人◕ω◕) Through a twist of fate, Mard Geer attempts opening END's book once he's defeated, and it gives Natsu some of his memories back. Just enough to know that Tartaros was his guild... And he's not letting Zeref kill Mard Geer or any of them. They're his. And nobody touches what belongs to END. (人◕ω◕) That said, Zeref re-seals Natsu's memories, but agrees to spare Mard Geer and any of the remaining Demon Gates. The Black Wizard just wants to get to that war between him, humanity, and Acnologia.
Mard Geer, Torafuzar, Jackal, Franmalth, and Sayla all survive that war with Fairy Tail. ... And it's not like they can just join up with the fairies, not after everything that happened. But because of what Mard Geer knows, they also agree to still help Natsu destroy Zeref... It's what they were built for. (人◕ω◕) And Sayla in particular, well... She might be stalk- *coughs* tagging along with Natsu during his training trip with the Strauss Siblings while the guild is disbanded. ... Without Natsu knowing, of course. ... It is not stalking. Sayla will eviscerate you if you insult her pride like that. (人◕ω◕);;; She was left in a better state after Erza beatdown Kyouka, so Mira never got to absorb Sayla. ... And, uh. Sayla might or might not be testy about Mira being around END-sama so much... (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;;
Regardless! \(人◕ω◕)/ Sayla reintroduces herself to END-sama while the Strauss Siblings aren't around. Sure, he doesn't remember her, doesn't even have the same powers, but that's all immaterial to Sayla. She can tell he's END-sama after being in his presence for prolonged periods, and that means everything to her. Sayla even grows fond of Natsu's... kinder personality. He's destructive still, always itching to fight, but he has so much heart. She can see flashes of END-sama in him... And she's glad that he's become this person. "This" Natsu shows her how to live, and not just to pursue a goal to death. He's not as fond of reading as END-sama... But sometimes, Sayla is lucky enough to rest his head in her lap and read to him. And Natsu rolls with that. (人◕ω◕)
... It does get interesting, though, when the Strauss Siblings inevitably discover her stalk- *coughs* tagging along with them. (人◕ω◕);;; Elfman still isn't happy about being used to make the guild blow up, and Lisanna and Mira don't much like Sayla being so... intimate with Natsu. But Natsu vouches for how she's changed, and she does let Elfman vent on her for a bit... Her actions in Tartaros might not be forgiven, but she's trying to be a better person... despite being a demon.
Mira, though... she's definitely the hardest to win over. (人◕ω◕);;; She repeatedly tries fighting Sayla to exhaustion so that she can absorb the "damned succubus", but Sayla ain't havin' any of that. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;; Yeah. Mira and Sayla-chan are very fiery rivals. Ahaha. (人◕ω◕);;;
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When did friendship turn to something more?
Unsurprisingly, Sayla-chan's feelings have been strong for two of Natsu's "lifetimes". She was devout to END-sama, and though this new Natsu took some getting used to... Put simply, Sayla-chan loves this Natsu even more. Yes, and that is love, not just plain lust. (人◕ω◕) In Alvarez arc, Natsu fights for Sayla's continued life as well... And with August's help, they rewrite her book along with Natsu's. That way, when Zeref is defeated... the only parts of them that "die" are the demonic parts. ... So in a way, Sayla and Natsu are reborn as humans. None of the other demons expressed a desire to keep on living... But Sayla helped spare them anyway, again enlisting August's expertise in rewriting their books. So Mard Geer, Jackal, Franmalth, and Torafuzar all have fresh beginnings. ... As humans. (人◕ω◕) Sayla learned this sense of mercy, compassion, and loyalty from her Natsu, and she wants to enjoy all this new human life has to offer... right by his side.
Natsu still doesn't get his old memories back. But... Sayla still becomes important to him. She really changed for the better, and he does still find her to be very beautiful, even without horns. ... To the annoyance of some people. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;
Sayla-chan did butt heads with Yukino and Sorano in the beginning cuz of their contracts with Celestial Spirits... But once reborn as a human, Sayla-chan became besties with Sorano-chan. ... (人◕ω◕) More on that friendship later. But, uh. Know that they like spoiling Natsu. ... Very, very much. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Mira-chan's pissed off she can't absorb Sayla anymore... But if you think this will stop her from trying to blow the former demon away, you're very sorely mistaken. Mira-chan grumbles a lot whenever Sayla's around or when she's a topic of discussion. ... Mostly cuz of Sayla continuously asserting herself as Natsu's true first, and all that fanatical devotion to Natsu........
Yes, Mira-chan has many... many... many... words. (人◕ω◕)
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madmanwonder · 2 years
(Ask) What are the top five Natsu three way pairings?
Natsu X Lucy X Erza
Natsu X Mirajane X Lisanna
Natsu X Cana X Evergreen
Natsu X Wendy X Juvia
Natsu X Seilah X Kyôka
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fuutarous-blog · 5 years
Demon x Demon
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fairytailtwitter · 6 years
Select for me please
Okay this is for a really random thing I'm making for a post and I don't know who to pick for it
Any gay ship like
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Etc ( honestly couldn't think of anyone else )
And Any FT chick like
My waifu
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My second waifu
Etc etc any chick
I'll possible check from time to time to see what you guys, gals, non binary pals want in the possible next one If this is posted tomorrow but if not I'll make sure to give you guys something
So vote for me please and ill try to have it done quickly also have a goodnight rest or good day
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makishima-husbando · 6 years
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riverofmemoriesft · 7 years
In a world that knows nothing of magic, there's a hidden society of people with incredible abilities. After joining the Fairy Tail guild and partnering with a crazy pyromaniac by the name of Natsu Dragneel as well as his flying blue cat, Lucy Heartfilia begins to learn that everyone has secrets - some of which even lie within her own family - and that nothing is ever as it seems.
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richtits0fshipping · 7 years
But _____ is There Too!
Quite often this form of argumentation is used to detract from the emotional import these scenes try to convey with the assumption/interpretation/possibility of equality in the relationship depth and nature between those involved. With all due respect, it's laughable; honestly, what sort of overt material did you expect for a ship (Natza) that directly opposes both of the biggest fandoms in Fairy Tail (Nalu & Jerza)? Anyway, I'll give it a shot and remedy this. (Profanity Warning)
What happened:
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"Happy, I'm here to save Natsu. You know, at this strangely convenient time. I mean, think about it. Literally, Natsu's only weakness and the only time I could possibly save him is when he's on some form of transportation. For what ever reason, not only did the First Guild Master forget about this weakness but, you, Charle, and Lily didn't think to immediately get them off the ship. That's when I made sure to show up, instead of whatever I was originally supposed to do, right when that spriggan had Natsu at his mercy. If I didn't know better isn't this scenario similar to those situations nearly exclusive to people who are 'paired' together? It's even better because we're on a ship. Whatever we can subvert this * looks at Wendy and Gajeel* Anyway, If I play my cards right, during my fight and his own, Natsu will send me a 'message' inspiring my victory, and, finally, after exhausted from my own battle I'll go into free fall where Natsu will save me in my descent. It'll really bring things 'full-circle.' *Nods and smiles, clearly self-satisfied* That'll do...That'll do... Oh, I almost forgot, Happy, Lily, Charle, get them out of here."
What could've been:
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"On second thought, not you Gray. Fuck you. Good thing I saw everything and didn't arrive later into your fight where I wouldn't know the circumstances and who to side with... Dodged that bullet. Anyway, where do you get off trying to kill your best friend after he went out of his way to stop you from killing yourself 77777 times? Despite that, you go out of your way to kill Natsu for no other reason than to sate your misguided quest for revenge. And here we are with Natsu pulled into a fight to defend himself that he wanted no part in. So yeah...love you, Natsu; get fucked Gray." (Hahaha, not gonna lie, I had fun with this one).
Shoe on the other foot:
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"Relax Erza, this isn't a 'shipping moment,' Wendy's here too. She's only a few feet away from you, within the blast radius, and since she's a Dragon Slayer, Acnologia will definitely try to kill her as well. I'm here to save Wendy and you. Just because we have a history together of mutual attraction doesn't mean it's all about you. Last time I've checked it's been well over a year without any progress in our 'relationship. ' Honestly, since we almost kissed, things have kinda been winding down between us. Anyway, get off your high horse. I care about both of you, equally, because I saved both of you. If anything, I owe you both for granting me a chance at redemption, Wendy revived me and you helped me settle things with Milliana and Kagura. The least I can do is return the favor when both of your lives are in danger....*shakes head in disappointment* Don't get it twisted."
Ffs people, there's a reason why we look at the totality of context that encompasses these situations. If Mashima depicted anything overtly romantic, between Natsu & Erza, quite a “few people” in the NaLu & Jerza fandoms would castrate the poor guy, and yet these same people ask, "Well, why isn't there more overt material of their relationship?" It's sad he has to keep the interactions between the two as ambiguous as possible to avoid that. If there's one thing the Fairy Tail manga excels in it's the subtlety and hints Mashima uses in context to express the nature of these relationships. Remember Kyouka x Seilah? Pepperidge Farm remembers...
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dragonshost · 8 years
random pairings by hair colors Lyon x Lisanna, Freed x Hisui, Jellal x Juvia, Natsu x Meredy, Sorano x Mira, Sayla x Ultear, Laxus x Dimaria, Invel x Yukino, Cobra x Erza, Eve x Lucy, Erigor x Rustyrose
Lyon x Lisanna: I ship this actually, and I've even made an edit for it.Freed x Hisui: I think I've seen an edit or two for this. I also ship it.Jellal x Juvia: I've written this one. It's hella cute.Natsu x Meredy: One of my favorite secret ships, to be honest.Sorano x Mira: The white-haired older sisters plus the angel x demon aesthetic? I dig it.Seilah x Ultear: This would be pretty.Laxus x Dimaria: Just getting these two into the same room would be entertaining.Invel x Yukino: That's a pretty couple. Though somehow I don't think Sorano would approve.Cobra x Erza: I love this ship actually. I fully intend to write it at some point.Eve x Lucy: Another ship I never talk about but ship very hard. They would be so damn pretty together.Erigor x Rustyrose: Well that's out of left field. Though I guess it's possible that they could have met, given that they're both from dark guilds (even if Erigor's guild was under Oracion Seis not Grimoire Heart).
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makishima-husbando · 6 years
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I took a screenshot when I watching fairy tail 😍😍
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makishima-husbando · 6 years
Angels could be bad 💙
I think this song is all about Mirajane. Best song and one of the best fairy tail characters ^^
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makishima-husbando · 6 years
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Actually this scene is so sad but I like because I felt so much their feels.
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Random Natsu Pairings: Natsu x Sayla #01 - Free Will
Sayla: ... Are you sure there is nothing you would have me do, Master?
Natsu: *grin* Nah! I told ya you're free to do whatever you want now. ... Well, as long as it doesn't hurt Fairy Tail. Or 'return to Zeref and kill him', but he's kinda dead, sooo... yeah...  
Sayla: *fidgets awkwardly* Yes, you have rewritten my Book as such... I am just at a loss as to what to do. You rewrote my whole existence... my purpose... And without any of the other Etherious here, I feel... lonely...
Natsu: ... Eh? *cocks his head at her curiously*
Sayla: *blushes* O-Oh! I do not mean any offense, Master... Of course you are Etherious as well. *clasps her hands together and looks down at the ground* I suppose I just miss my old Guild...
Natsu: I told ya, you don't hafta call me 'Master'... *sighs at her blank expression* Well, I guess I am END... sorta... But even with the Demon Seed integrated into me, I still don't have my memories or Curses. They're still locked up in that Book.
Sayla: *suddenly appearing eager* Would you like me to retrieve it?!
Natsu: N-No... I kinda don't want my friends to die, y'know? *sighs again as her expression dims* Sayla... I really just want ya to have freedom. I know it's gotta be weird for you, but there's gotta be activities and stuff you like to do, right?
Sayla: ...... I like to read. Mistress Kyouka declared me to be a very good story reader.
Natsu: Hnnn. That might be cute for another time... What about stuff with other people? I'll be your first friend if ya want, but I'd like to introduce you to the others, too. I bet you and Levy would get along great!  ^__^
Sayla: .......... I am still uncomfortable around humans. Though you took away my blatant and destructive hatred, I cannot help but feel uneasy after inflicting pain on your kind, and even going so far as to try and cause a genocide...
Natsu: C'mooon! I told ya that wasn't you, that was what Zeref forced you to be. What other activities do you like to do? *playfully nudges her, but he raises his eyebrow when her blush returns*
Sayla: .... *mumbles*
Natsu: o_____o Wh-What was that? I-I didn't quite catch that....
Sayla: *face is completely red and she squeaks out her response* I-I said I would l-like you to f-fuck my brains out.....
Natsu: O___O ..... I thought so. ^^; Look, I'm not saying we can't do.... that.... But that's kinda not the things friends do right off the bat....
Sayla: *pout* But we are not just friends. You are my Master, and I offer you my body. Am I not appealing to you...? *boob-fondling*
Natsu: *opens and closes mouth... repeatedly...* I-I-It's not that! I just..... *finds that he suddenly can't move*  >_< You're using that Curse thing of yours, aren't you?
Sayla: My Macro... yes. If you will not cooperate...
Natsu: O__O Are you... horny?
Sayla: I am a Demon, Master, what do you expect? Now will you cooperate or not...? *purposefully begins to shimmy out of her top, leaving even less of her cleavage to the imagination*
Natsu: *getting a nosebleed* O___O *sigh* If it will make you happy...
Sayla: *surprisingly squeals in delight* Thank you, Master! ^___^
Natsu: o__o' **Erza's gonna kill me... But I guess it's not so bad that she's expressing herself more...**
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Natsu and juvia
Juvia -                                                                       
sexuality headcanon: Straight.
ship(s): Navia - has absolutely no romantic basis in canon, none whatsoever; but damn can it be a fun ship~ In the case of Gruvia, I am not a fan, personally. Maybe if you tweak it from what canon portrays, but you gotta do a whole lot of tweaking to get it to be acceptable to me. Juvia’s overt affection is her choice, but it might be nice to see her reflect on her choices rather than chase after Gray blindly; and Gray, he has no obligation to return Juvia’s feelings, none whatsoever, but his regular treatment of giving Juvia the cold shoulder is... Eh, it’s understandable in the sense that he doesn’t have to return her affections, but he didn’t do a whole lot of reparations for just leaving her in that shack while he infiltrated Avatar for all those months - not even reparations as a friend. I can tell Gray at least sees her as a friend, but... romantic ship? Under canon circumstances? No thank you.
most heartbreaking moment: Probably the battle with Meredy on Tenrou. She really sympathized with Meredy, which was nice to see. Also great to see them bond seven years later. 
favourite things about this character: Despite the fangirl-iness for Gray, I just kinda like the overall enthusiasm and energy she brings. But she can also be calm and cool-headed in a pinch, and her Water Magic’s cool. She’s also kind and loyal... I guess her quirkiness is cute, too. Again, just that bubbling energy she can bring. XD
fic idea(s) currently in my head for this character: No new ideas as of late. Whenever drabbles come up, I write them. In terms of fanfiction stories, just the Phantom Phoenix AU, as well as the Team Crimson Flame AU. 
song that reminds me of them: Mm. I dunno, I think LISA - Oath Sign fits her. The first opening song used in Fate Zero. XD
Natsu -
sexuality headcanon: Straight.
ship(s): Natza, Natear, NaMi, NatSo, BraTsu, Navia, MeTsu, Natsu x Kagura, NaWen (older Wendy), Natsu x Cana, Natsu x Sayla/Seilah, Natsu x Yukino... I’m open to a lot. lol Nalu just bores the living snot out of me, and Lucy lives to be annoying. I will eternally vote “no” to Nalu; get that crap out of my house. XD
most heartbreaking moment: ......... I think that’s a tug-of-war between Natsu losing Igneel, and Erza’s dream where she sees Natsu refusing to believe she’s dead (and then begging her never to throw her life away again). Definitely between those two moments. 
favourite things about this character: I like his upbeat energy, enthusiasm, easygoing attitude, passion, fierce loyalty, his guts to not give up... I guess I like the raw emotions he exudes. When he’s sad, you feel bad; when he’s stoked, you’re elated at the sight... I like his ability to wield other Dragon Slayer Magics, as well his END backstory. I kinda wish the Dragon and Demon seeds fused instead of Natsu choosing to stay human. XD 
fic idea(s) currently in my head for this character: Phantom Phoenix and Team Crimson Flame are my main fanfic ideas for Natsu, but I’ve also got lots of drabbles up here on Tumblr for him as well. Not to mention the Fate AU’s with him as a Heroic Spirit (mainly Berserker Class); those are just so much fun. :D
song that reminds me of them: Similar to Juvia... I think “To the Beginning” - the second opening song from Fate Zero - fits him pretty well. Buuut... part of that might just be my Fate AU’s making me biased. 
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dragonshost · 8 years
Natsu x Dimaria, Gray x Invel, Sayla x Jackal, August x Porylusica, Irene x Gildarts
Natsu x Dimaria: I can't really see this working. Dimaria wouldn't put up with his antics for long, and I can't see Natsu liking not getting his way. That being said... I can see them as friends, if rocky ones. Can't ship it right now but a good fic could probably convince me otherwise.Gray x Invel: Lot of bad blood there, though I do like shipping Gray with ice wizards so... I could probably ship this.Seilah x Jackal: Oh these two couldn't abide in each others general proximity for long, I expect. I don't ship it.August x Porlyusica: This makes me giggle, and for the mental image alone I ship it. That would make for a hilarious turn of events.Irene x Gildarts: He'd definitely be into her, but she'd probably eat him alive.
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