agostinilisabeth · 1 day
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sunshyni · 16 hours
| Cobertor – Lee Haechan
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notas: bom, como vocês devem saber, ultimamente eu estou completamente obcecada pelo Hyuck, olhei minha ask, vi esse pedido desse homem em específico e não consegui me conter KKKKKK
contém: viagem à Tailândia, muitas palavras no diminutivo, Haechan meiguinho, tá sugestivo e lá para o final tem a descrição de um toquezinho mais caliente.
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“Tô aqui fora. Abre a porta pra mim”
A tela do seu celular se iluminou com a mensagem acompanhada por dois emojis de olhinhos pidões que combinavam com o remetente, você terminou de colocar a tarracha no brinco, se olhou uma última vez no espelho do banheiro da suíte, largando o celular na mesinha de cabeceira e praticamente correndo até a porta do quarto do hotel.
— Entra logo — Você apressou Haechan que mexia no celular extremamente relaxado, sem dar a mínima para os seus amigos hospedados no mesmo hotel que poderiam surgir inesperadamente e pegar vocês dois no flagra — Você tá maluco? Minha amiga tá hospedada nesse andar, 'cê sabe, né?
— Aham — Ele esboçou um sorrisinho de canto, se livrando do capuz do moletom preto e revelando a cabeleira do mesmo tom. Gentilmente Haechan capturou sua mão, te trazendo para perto, fixando os olhos na sua boca e roçando o narizinho perfeito na sua bochecha — Tá com medo que todo mundo descubra que a gente tá de chameguinho desde o começo dessa viagem, é?
— Vou acabar com a minha reputação por sua causa — Você riu, sentindo cócegas onde Haechan te beijava um zilhão de vezes na nuca, se encolhendo toda e gostando muito das mãos masculinas repousadas na sua cintura — Você não devia já tá arrumado? A gente vai naquela balada que o Ten comentou, não?
Lee Donghyuck finalmente te encarou e fez uma careta como se dissesse “eu realmente marquei presença nesse evento?”.
— A gente precisa ir mesmo? — Ele perguntou e você abriu o zíper do moletom, ajudando-o a tirá-lo de forma casual — Prefiro ficar vegetando aqui. Com você. No ar-condicionado enquanto a gente termina o que estávamos fazendo noite passada debaixo do cobertor.
— Haechan, a gente tá literalmente na Tailândia — Ele ignorou completamente seu protesto e te conduziu até a beira da cama, se ajoelhando no seu colchão enquanto você permanecia diante dele, acariciando o dorso da mão dele com o polegar em movimentos circulares sem sequer perceber — Eu me arrumei pra isso, e o pessoal já deve tá se reunindo no saguão.
Haechan fez uma varredura pelo seu visual, correndo os olhos para a sua mini saia jeans, a blusinha colada no corpo e os cabelos no seu natural, ele tocou sua bochecha com a mão desocupada e beijou seus lábios de levinho, provando o gloss labial de cereja que era uma de suas recentes aquisições.
— Você tá gostosa, mas será que você pode ser gostosa só pra mim hoje? Quero te curtir um pouquinho, só nós dois — Ele disse, te convencendo aos poucos, te acariciando e te beijando com o intuito claro de te amolecer, e fazer com que você mudasse de ideia — Fica aqui, vai. Só hoje, a gente inventa uma desculpa, envia no grupo e você não precisa dizer que caiu no meu papinho sem querer.
— Eu não cai no seu papinho — Você afirmou com toda a convicção que conseguiu fazer com que seu corpo passasse, Haechan segurou sua nuca com firmeza, roubando a frase que já estava pronta na ponta da sua língua, e fazendo com que você demorasse mais segundos do que os necessários para montar o que iria dizer novamente, odiando o fato de que Haechan tinha os olhos semicerrados de forma sedutora e ficava te provocando, insinuando um beijo que nunca vinha, mesmo você tentando capturá-lo e obtendo no seu lugar um sorrisinho de quem sabia aprontar como ninguém — Eu só... Me fiz de difícil.
— Prefiro quando você vem facinho pra mim — Você sorriu e ele te beijou devagar, tirando proveito de todo fôlego dos seus pulmões, deitando o seu corpo no colchão e ficando por cima, as coxas lado a lado do seu quadril, tomando cuidado para não jogar o peso em você enquanto te beijava feito um profissional, te deixando toda molinha e calorosa.
Era final de ano, desde o ensino médio seus amigos guardavam essa ideia de viajar juntos para algum lugar inusitado do mundo, vocês disseram que fariam isso assim que encontrassem seus primeiros empregos e ganhassem seus primeiros salários, no entanto o plano se concretizou apenas cinco anos depois, e agora todos vocês estavam desbravando a Tailândia, ao mesmo tempo que você e Haechan desbravavam um ao outro. Hyuck sempre morreu de tesão por você, mas desde o ensino médio você o achava imaturo, um bocado infantil; Até duas semanas atrás, que foi quando você o vislumbrou como um homem crescido, vestindo roupas formais, a camisa social branca dobrada até os cotovelos e os óculos de armação levemente grossa realçando seu visual executivo enquanto ele folheava as folhas da apresentação da própria palestra.
Se você pudesse apontar aproximadamente quando essa loucura entre vocês dois teve início, certamente diria que esse foi o ponto chave para fazer com que vocês trocassem olhares confidentes durante todos os passeios em grupos pela Tailândia, sorrindo um para o outro quando ninguém estava de olho e unindo as mãos sempre que se distanciavam dos demais. O clímax de toda essa história aconteceu enquanto vocês estavam conhecendo uma feirinha de comidas de rua típicas, quando Haechan te puxou para um beco de iluminação amarela e te beijou, incapaz de ficar mais que dois minutos encarando seus lábios e não podendo te tocar. E como aparentemente fazer as coisas no escondido era mais gostoso, alí estavam vocês dois trocando beijos e carícias enquanto ambos os celulares bombam de mensagens vibrando sem parar na mesinha ao lado da cama queen size.
Você até tenta alcançar seu celular, mas Haechan te impede, recolhendo a sua mão estendida, entrelaçando seus dedos nos dele e repousando suas mãos dadas acima da sua cabeça.
— Vai mesmo me deixar aqui sozinho precisando de você? — Ele questionou todo dengozinho e utilizando daquele drama que você já estava acostumada. Você tinha certeza que agora os amigos de vocês tentavam em vão entrar em contato através de uma ligação, considerando que os dois celulares começaram a tocar ao mesmo tempo, no entanto você não conseguia pensar com plena sanidade com Haechan sobre você, praticamente implorando para que você não fosse embora, ele pegou ambos os smartphones, silenciou o seu e enviou o áudio mais cara de pau impossível para o grupo em que todos estavam reunidos.
— Tô malzão, galera. Hoje não vai rolar, não — Ele disse fingindo uma tosse como o bom ator que ele costumava ser, você sorriu, invadindo a camiseta dele com as mãos e arranhando suavemente suas costas ao mesmo tempo que ele se aproximava de novo para beijar sua boca — Que foi? Eu tô malzão mesmo, precisando de você e você querendo ir pra farra sem o seu amor?
— Você é ridículo — Você falou baixinho já que o rosto dele estava a uns cinco centímetros do seu — Me diz, como eu posso te ajudar, amor?
Você questionou com um sorriso inocente no rosto que não condizia com as coisas promíscuas que você queria fazer com ele, Haechan praticamente derreteu em cima de você ao escutar o apelido carinhoso, para ele parecia até que estava vivendo um sonho, aquele tipo de sonho que nos deixa com um sorriso de orelha a orelha pelo resto do dia.
— Você sabe o que eu quero — Você segurou a barra da camisa dele, elevando-a e ajudando-a a descarta-la no chão do quarto, imediatamente Donghyuck procurou pelos seus lábios novamente, sentindo falta da textura e do seu gostinho de cereja, seus cabelos escuros estavam ligeiramente bagunçados, suas bochechas vermelhas e a boquinha inchada de tanto beijar e essa era uma visão que você não fazia ideia que esperava ver há muito tempo — Não quero só te beijar hoje. Posso te implorar se você quiser.
— Acho que eu gostaria de te ver de joelhos, Donghyuck — Você o arranhou de novo, porque gostava de vê-lo fechar os olhinhos com uma fina camada de desejo, tão transparente quanto a luz do sol, gostava de sentir seu batimento cardíaco aumentar com cada frase que deixava os seus lábios. Definitivamente, Haechan te queria, tanto que não conseguia pensar racionalmente sobre isso, o que o atormentava, ele queria desesperadamente ser seu e não se importava se tivesse que se humilhar para tanto.
Um sorriso cresceu no rosto de Haechan e você o beijou suavemente no maxilar, sua blusa em pouco tempo tendo o mesmo destino que a roupa do Lee que beijou sua clavícula, te adorando como o completo louco que ele era quando o assunto em questão envolvia você.
— Fala sério, você jogou algum feitiço em mim, né? — Se agradeceu mentalmente por ter escolhido o sutiã com feixe frontal, no qual Haechan não teve dificuldades alguma de tirá-lo devagar, te provocando no jeitinho característico dele, ele beijou o espaço entre os seus seios, murmurando inebriado o quanto você era cheirosa, contornando seu umbigo com beijinhos carinhosos que fazia todo seu corpo se arrepiar e entrar em combustão.
— Na verdade, não precisei de nenhum feitiço pra te deixar assim.
— Não fala desse jeitinho... Assim eu gamo mais, se isso é humanamente possível — Ele disse num sussurro beijando a sua barriga e retornando novamente com o olhar na linha do seu, a mão dele subiu pela lateral do seu corpo, passou pelo seu ventre e finalmente o dedão encontrou o mamilo de um dos seus seios, estimulando o local em movimentos circulares, você segurou o fôlego depois sua respiração se acelerou com o movimento constante e cuidadoso.
— Tá arrependida de não ter saído com o pessoal? — Ele questionou e você balançou a cabeça em negação.
— Você tinha razão — Haechan sorriu, segurou seu rosto e te beijou docemente — Não tem problema ficarmos essa noite no hotel.
Donghyuck sorriu diante de toda a sua inocência.
— Acha mesmo que uma noite vai ser suficiente?
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tansytoni · 3 days
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I really liked the the Sweater Taeil was wearing in a photoshoot so I did a illustration of it
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ihaechans · 11 months
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Back for More ☆ J.JH
fwb!Jaehyun x fem!reader
profanity, manhandling, unprotected sex, oral (f), dirty talk/degrading, Jae hits it from the back, cum eating, overstim, Jae is a freak basically
For the second time this week, you've found yourself in his room again.
"God that's it, princess," Jaehyun groans from behind you, one hand in your hair and the other keeping a tight grip on your hip as he guides you back onto his dick. "Keep fucking yourself on my cock, just like that."
You're not supposed to be here, but for now, you could care less about where you were and weren't supposed to be.
Jaehyun's cock felt like it was nearly going to split you in half, and there was nothing you could do but writhe on the mattress below as he pistons into your sopping wet cunt. "Fuck- I'm gonna cum," you wail, swallowing thickly as you feel the pressure building up in your stomach.
Dark laughter fills the room, joining in with the sound of his hips slamming into you. "Already?" the growl in his voice making you clench around him, "Gonna cum all over my dick like a fucking slut?"
You can only nod frantically at his words, hands gripping hard onto the bedsheets beside you as his thrusts pick up pace. "So good..." you murmur, thighs shaking as you feel your orgasm creeping up on you.
His hand sneaks between your legs, finding place on your sensitive clit as he rubs it urgently.
With a raspy moan, you release on his cock, pussy clenching impossibly tight as you do so. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you continue to clench around him, and with a groan, Jaehyun finishes inside of you, white seed painting your tight walls.
"Oh my god Jae," you whimper, legs on the verge of giving out as he removes his dick from your messy pussy. "So fucking good." is all you can manage, completely drained.
In one quick motion, your body is being manhandled by Jaehyun, back against the mattress as his eyes rake over your body hungrily. “You thought I was done with you so soon?”
The shocked expression on your face answers his question, a low moan leaving your lips as he drags you toward the edge of the bed and drops to his knees. “Gonna make a mess of this pussy.”
Jaehyun grips your thighs, the flesh feeling soft in his hands as he brings his face closer to your cunt, tongue darting out to lick a fat stripe up to your clit.
The overstimulation hits you quite fast, chest heaving heavily as he buries his head between your thighs, tongue slurping up the cum he had decorated your pussy with a few minutes prior.
The pain felt too good, your hands moving from the bedsheets to tangle in his blonde locks, a throaty groan leaving Jaehyun as you push his face deeper into your pussy.
it’s embarrassing to admit you were already about to climax again, hips arching off the bed in need as he continued his ministrations. “Gonna cum again princess?” You nod. “Go ahead. Cum in my mouth like a good girl.”
With a final suck to your clit, you release, hips stuttering and thighs trembling as you utter nonsense at how good it felt.
Jaehyun doesn’t stop licking your cunt until you forcefully push his head away, body on fire as you come down from your high.
He sits back, admiring his work as he stares at your messy folds with dark eyes. “Fuck I could do this all day.”
and with that, he dives back in.
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kiachiako · 7 months
september nct recs
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my library of favorites from SEPTEMBER <3 all creds to authors
[ sorted by word count ]
[m] HAECHAN | settle down pt. 1 | pt. 2 | @hyuckmov — rockstar!hyuck, genre: angst, smut (18+ minors dni), fluff
[m] MARK | sweet cream, cold brew | @lucyandthepen 26.4k — something about mark lee keeps you up at night, and you’re pretty sure that it isn’t the lingering smell of espresso on his shirt.
[m] MARK | my little doll | @haechansdoll 20k — Humans have hormones, you understand that much. But does that explain why you can't stop the filthy daydreams that fill your head whenever you see a specific redhead? Does it excuse you for getting turned on by him simply breathing in your direction? And to make matters worse, he is off-limits, if your father found out you were messing with his prized boxer? You would be chained to a tower and your red-haired crush would be used as mincemeat.
HAECHAN | one, two, three | @cherryeoniis 19k — In which you devise three different ways to get your best friend to fall in love with you, but things never really go quite as planned.
[m] JENO | summer hair = forever young | @setsugekka 18.1k — Only three weeks after being broken up with by your long time partner, you’re dragged along for your friends summer vacation plans despite your best attempts at staying home to do little more than feel sorry for yourself. Day one? Dinner and a movie. Day two? The bar down the street that smells like old socks. Day three? Well, that’s the waterpark, and the cute, blonde lifeguard that seems to make the lazy river his mainstay is a bit of a sight for sore eyes.
JAEMIN | written in ink | @cherryeoniis 15.3k — professor!jaemin, historical au (early 19th century), fluff, angst, strangers to lovers
[m] MARK | watch me | @sluttyten 14.6k — you pick up the voyeuristic habit of watching your neighbor that never closes his curtains and whose face you never see. on an unrelated note, you start dating the cute barista from down the street that also happens to live in the building across from yours. what could happen?
TAEIL | in earnest | @neonun-au 12k — a letter written in haste when you were fifteen and in love with your best friend gets sent out in the dawn of your engagement. when a reply is sent, revealing feelings you had long thought forgotten, you are left with a choice to make amidst a rather awkward visit. 
[m] JENO | fight club | @tyonfs 11.9k — after park jisung introduces you to his shady after-school activity, you realize it’s far too dangerous to be involved with the underground fight club in any way. their members are rough around the edges—except for lee jeno, who keeps you coming back for more.
MARK | a series of white lies | @tyonfs 10.5k — in which it takes you six years to accept that you’re in love with mark lee. (it takes him one.)
HAECHAN | wicked games | @cherryeoniis 10.1k — angst, fluff, suggestive, university! au, friends with benefits, fuckboy! haechan
MARK | baseball (& other disasters) | @tqmies 10k — Everyone admired Mark Lee, starting pitcher of your school’s baseball team and famed ladies man. You, on the other hand, only know him as the boy who broke your dorm lobbies microwave the first time you met.
[m] JAEHYUN | dive | @yougotthatbilly 9.2k — frat boy!Jaehyun: Jaehyun calls shotgun.
[m] RENJUN | high-waisted shorts | @tyonfs 7.8k — huang renjun might be the least committed to all this “bitch hunting” bullshit, and he doesn’t want to stoop to the level of stupidity his friends are at. that’s why he’s pissed when you’re strutting around in those high waisted shorts wherever you go, making renjun lose all sense of reason.
[m] JAEMIN | blur | @jaeminvore 7.5k — Waking up to the sunlight blazing onto your face and hungover was one thing. Waking up to the sunlight blazing onto your face, hungover and in a bed that wasn’t your own in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that were obviously not yours, was another and a punishment specifically made for you—your own personal hell.
[m] JAEHYUN | racer | @smileysuh 6.7k — street racer!Jaehyun, star-crossed lovers, secret relationship, step-brother!Johnny
[m] HAECHAN | tattoos together | @cherryeoniis 5.4k — rockstar!haechan x reader
[m] DOYOUNG | hungry for you | @sluttyten 4.9k — doyoung is your best friend’s older brother, and you hate each other until one evening you’re alone together and the tension finally breaks
HAECHAN | dance to this | @cherryeoniis 3.8k — dancer! haechan x dancer! reader, university au, slight enemies to lovers
. . .
drowning in college rn :((
xoxo <3
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nj5nk · 3 months
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peak sleepy boyfriendism
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noyuta · 2 months
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YUTA in every NCT music video ↳ 2 baddies.
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fool4nct · 9 months
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ddmmyuta · 8 months
Can I request a Yuta Nakamoto best friend smut? With female reader...
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I like your hands…
yuta x afab reader
warnings (wtf are you doing on smut tumblr as a minor?): smut, friends turned situationship, more smut, hand kink…
it was finally the weekend after a week that felt like a month! you needed to chill, take a breath, get some needed sleep, meditate… but that wasn’t going to happen, for you were going to a concert that evening. not that you minded… you were going to watch your best friend Yuta perform live, something you have always wanted to witness. but before that you had to do grown-up stuff… like shower and make yourself food and go get groceries… ugh!
just as you were about to exit your apartment to go get some groceries, your phone rings in your bag. it’s Yuta (your bestie) asking if you wanted to go for a quick brunch (that sounded so millennial I’m sorry). you agreed after being hesitant… you wondered where he got the time since he was literally performing that evening to thousands of people. you quickly pack the rest of your bag and sprint to the cafe he said to meet up at.
the cafe was fancy to say the least. you walked through the cafe doors and saw Yuta sitting in the middle of the room, already drinking a coffee. he doesn’t notice you until you’re right next to him. he quickly stands and gives you a hug ‘hi y/n, how have you been?’ he asks, pulling your seat out for you to sit. ‘I’ve been good… busy but good.’ you reply, settling your bag to the side. ‘shouldn’t you be preparing for a crowd of thousands at the moment’ you ask, looking into his eyes. damn, his eyes are really pretty now that you’re actually noticing and his hair compliments his skin tone a little too much to your liking. ‘We have a few hours before the concert and I knew you were coming to watch… thought we could chat a bit since we’ve both been busy and out of touch’ he says, grabbing your hand that was on the table and holding it. His hands are… fucking beautiful to say the least. it’s like Aphrodite sculpted every vein and crease on his hands, wrists… wow. ‘Would you like to order something?’ Yuta asks as the waiter is standing next to you… you must’ve gotten lost in a trance while looking at Yuta’s hands… you were weak!
after your meeting, Yuta walked with you back to your car, a awkward silence filled the air. ‘y/n, is there anything you’re insecure about?’ he asks, not in a offensive way, he was genuinely curious. ‘I don’t know, I think I’m insecure about everything and nothing at the same time. some days I feel pretty and other days I feel like dog shit’ you answer, Yuta looking at you confused. ‘Is there anything you’re insecure about?’ you ask in return. he takes a while to get to something that makes him feel insecure… ‘I don’t like my hands that much.’ you are shocked to say the least… ‘why, your hands are so pretty?’ you ask, a reprimanding tone in your voice. ‘I don’t know, I just wouldn’t list it as something that makes me attractive.’ he replies, you still shocked by his statement. you finally reach your car as Yuta greets you. ‘I should go get ready for tonight’s concert…’ you say, Yuta turning away and walking. ‘oh… and I like your hands…’ you say to him across the parking lot. you didn’t see it but he smiled and blushed so hard he could barely keep a straight face.
you arrive at the stadium for the concert, lines waiting for their tickets to get scanned. it was packed and you knew it was going to be a suffocating environment, however that didn’t matter for you were supporting your BEST FRIEND (which you told yourself constantly after your encounter at the cafe that morning). the show starts, people screaming and shouting, lights flashing… it was incredibly entertaining and somewhat nostalgic. the other members were amazing but your eyes were focused on Yuta… a little too much honestly. you started wondering mid concert if you were falling hard for the dude who lies like it’s a language and calls you bro as if it’s your first name. to be honest you tuned out so hard that before you knew it, the concert ended. people were leaving and the seats next to you were empty as you were just standing there lifelessly in a state of thought. you snapped back to reality shortly, got your things and went to go greet the guys backstage.
as you entered the backstage area you saw the other members either cooling off, eating or chatting with one another or other fans with a backstage pass, but you couldn’t see Yuta. you figured he was tired and probably wanted to be alone, so you greeted some of the guys but eventually left soon after. as you were heading for the exit of the backstage area, Yuta runs after you. ‘y/n where are you going?’ he asks slightly out of breath from running and performing for like… 2-ish hours. ‘I didn’t see you backstage so I thought you were tired or getting dressed…’ in that moment as you looked at him you realized he was shirtless. ‘I’m sorry, I wanted to change quickly before I saw you, I look all sweaty…’ he says shyly, and you won’t lie you would lick that sweat anytime! ‘I was wondering if you’d like a drink? Tea?’ he asked, gesturing to go to his dressing room. You couldn’t say no cause he looked all sexy with sweat dripping down his neck and he still smelled like an angel and his hair was all messy and his tattoos look all pretty and his belly button piercing was shining and his… you were WEAK!
as you entered his dressing room, you realized you were the only ones in there. he closed the door behind you and showed you to the couch in the room, which was conveniently facing the mirror. ‘so what do you want to drink?’ Yuta asks, walking across the room to the small fridge in the corner. ‘I have beer, whiskey, vodka, wine…’ he says, rummaging through the little fridge. ‘tea or a glass of water would be nice…’ you reply, Yuta laughing at your response. ‘you’re really boring.’ he says, pouring himself some whiskey and putting the kettle on for your tea. ‘I have to drive home…’ you reminded him. he sits down next to you on the couch, handing you your tea. ‘thanks for supporting me tonight, I really appreciate it.’ he thanks you, turning himself slightly to face you. ‘not as much as the fans appreciated it though…’ you say, gesturing to his still naked torso. ‘oh sorry… am I making you uncomfortable?’ he asks sarcastically, placing his hands on his chest to cover himself up. you once again notice his hands and how attractive every vein running down his arms are. he notices you staring, the air becomes thick and you completely zone out. subconsciously you both move closer to one another, both of you trying to keep focus but you just end up saying weird shit to one another and without even thinking you’re on his lap.
your lips are centimeters apart, foreheads touching and your heavy, nervous breathing seals the deal. his lips meet yours as his hand travels up your neck to your hair and grips tightly, your hands cupping the sides of his face and his other hand making it’s way under your underwear. ‘we should stop…’ you say breathlessly in an attempt to potentially save your friendship. ‘no we don’t…’ Yuta replies kissing you harder than before, his tongue intertwining with yours (and your friendship leaving the door). he flips you over so that he is hovering over you on the couch, his hands lifting your shirt up and throwing it on the ground. your bare torso feels the cold sensation of his rings as his hands roam your body, snaking down to your pants. he quickly removes your pants and throws them to the side, his hands moving towards your core. you look up to see yourself naked in the reflection of the mirror, seeing only Yuta’s back and head. he moves down to your heat, his head between your thighs and all you can see is the filthy reflection of you two in the mirror. he starts eating you out, making it impossible to keep quiet. ‘let them hear you…’ he says, moving his fingers toward your entrance and entering two fingers. his tongue licking your clit and his fingers moving in and out of you got you in a trance. ‘Yuta, I’m close…’ you say heavily, earning a grin from him. ‘cum around these pretty fingers you like so much…’ he says, pushing in and out of you faster until your cumming and squirting all over his hands and face. ‘such a good girl…’ he says, wiping his face with his dry hand.
you hear his belt unbuckle, his pants falling slowly to the floor. you feel embarrassed all naked like this, especially in front of your (former) best friend. ‘fuck, you’re beautiful…’ he says, finally removing his underwear to reveal his dick. even his dick was pretty, you don’t know how someone can be this attractive. just looking at his bare body, hooded eyes, tattoos and piercings could feed your fantasies and make you cum. ‘you look so cute naked… we might have to do this more often so I could see how cute you can get’ he says, teasing your entrance with his dick. ‘stop teasing me, please…’ you manage to whimper. ‘what do you want me to do then?’ he asks devilishly, removing himself from your entrance. ‘I want you to fuck me…’ and before you could end the sentence, he was fucking you hard. the sounds echoing in the room as his dick slams in and out of you, you’re heavy panting adding to the atmosphere. his left hand moving to your neck, slightly choking you. the sensation arousing you even further, it made you smile even. his right holds your one thigh, pushing it against your body as he moves even faster than before… you were going insane. your toes were curling from the pleasure, you knew you weren’t gonna last any longer and neither was he. ‘I’m gonna cum…’ you moan softly, his eyes meeting yours for a brief second after he was looking at your body the entire time. ‘cum for me…’ he pants in your ear, his abdominal muscles contracting with every thrust. ‘fuck you feel so good…’ Yuta says, earning a grin from you. before you could even think of anything else to say, you reached your high again. cum pouring out of you, your body shaking from what just happened. Yuta slowly pulls out and watches the cum drip down onto the couch, the sight making him want more.
before you could gather your senses he flipped you over once again so that you were straddling him. he looked into your eyes as you were hovering over him, his lips meeting yours again. he moves his lips to your neck, then to your chest as he leaves marks all over your body. ‘turn around’ he says, signaling for you to turn around so that you were facing the mirror on top of him. you quickly face the other way, now looking at yourself in the mirror and Yuta’s hands crawling along the sides of your body, one moving to your neck, the other moving to your clit. he starts circling your clit while kissing your neck from the back, him looking at your sensual reflection as well. the moans coming from you filled the room (and the hallway) as his hand moved faster around your clit. you were close to climaxing but before you could Yuta removes his hand and places it on your thigh. he lifts you slightly over his dick and he starts thrusting into you from below, your body automatically syncing up with his thrusts. the sight of you bouncing on his dick made him feel a certain way, and him knowing you’re seeing yourself all ruined like this made him even more turned on. ‘look at how pretty you are, fucked raw…’ he whispers into your ear, your core clenching at his words. ‘I want you to see how cute you look when my cum leaks out of you…’ he says thrusting even harder as if it was even possible. the hand that was on your neck moved to your breast, teasing your nipple as you were so close to cumming for the third time that evening. ‘Yuta I can’t…’ you say breathlessly, you can’t hold it in anymore. you were reaching your high for the third time but Yuta didn’t stop thrusting in and out of you until you were a cumming, squirting mess. his dick hitting you so deep it felt like you were gonna break. when he finally pulls out of you, he takes your jaw in his hand and he forces you to look at your reflection in the mirror. he forced you to look at your fucked out face, shaking body, heaving chest and the cum running down your thighs. he gently lifts you up and places you down on the (not cum smeared part) couch. ‘see this is what happens when you compliment me!’ he says, giving you a kiss to the forehead. he went to the bathroom to go clean up and you were understandably confused and shocked. you gather your clothes that were on the floor and you quickly put them on. you look at the cup of tea on the table and you feel sorry for everything it just witnessed.
‘I should get going.’ you say as Yuta comes out of the bathroom. ‘Hey, wait…’ Yuta says, trying to stop you from leaving. ‘What?’ you ask, kinda confused and rattled by everything that just happened. you were expecting Yuta to end the friendship. you thought he wanted to cut all ties with you now that things were awkward as fuck. Yuta looked into your eyes and he asks you… ‘I was wondering… there is a new Sanrio store that opened and I was wondering if you’d like to go check it out with me?’
thanks for reading… I absolutely loved this request, we need more people like anon who asks and requests what society needs! this is inspired by my love for Yuta’s hands cause when I see them hands I started barking like a damn dog!
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leeyammie · 1 month
Slippery Encounter
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Warning: Minors DNI / NSFW
Pairing: Top!Johnny x Bottom!Male reader - Requested
Genre: smut
Word Count: 1,657 words
It was your first day at your new internship. Having majored in art management and administration you felt over the moon upon receiving an email confirming your acceptance into your dream internship company.
As soon as you stepped into your department's floor everyone greeted you with warm smiles and head nods. Your manager directed you to your desk, giving you a list of upcoming projects and tasks assigned to the company's art management department.
"Here's a list of the current ongoing events. Given that it's still your first day, you can restrict yourself to participating in the tasks found at the bottom of the list. As you gain more and more experience, you'll be able to take part in higher comeback promotions."
As you went through the list, a certain category entitled "Sticker MV Photoshoot", caught your eye. It was about the promotion of the company's most successful group by far. Acknowledging that you could take part in it, you rejoiced off your chair thanking your manager and went directly to the elevator heading to the floor where the photoshoot was taking place.
Once you reached the spot, you went in admiring the decoration setting, from which you could tell that it was cowboy theme coded. You were greeted by the security who requested to see your intern card before directing you to the director. Luckily enough, you showed up during their lunch break which allowed you to discuss your participation in the project with the photoshoot director. Although you may have sounded as if you were trading your life for the spot, that only showed how dedicated you were towards your work.
"I'd be grateful and honored if you would allow me to take part in this promotion, and given that it is my first day, it would excite me even more if I could be of help in a project that would be released this soon!"
You were basically boasting and bragging about your capabilities just for you to win over the director's approval. The director amused by your eagerness and enthusiasm replied with approval.
"If you insist this much, you could help in preparing Mr. Johnny for his next shoot. Lucky for you that one of our make-up artists called in sick today, maybe you could fill in their place for now."
"Thank you so much sir! I'll make sure not to disappoint your expectations."
"Well then head to the idol's cabin already and keep in mind that Johnny dislikes delays or wasting time." The director patted your back wishing you good luck before heading back to work.
You headed directly to the male's cabin, knocking first on the door first so as not to intrude his privacy.
"Come on in."
You opened the door greeted with a tall cowboy figure with their back turned to you. They turned around revealing to you their exposed god-matched up-front body.
"Ah. You must be the new makeup artist or intern I was just informed of. Although I usually dislike working with newbies, if you can get the job done then it's fine by me."
He then proceeded to get off his shirt revealing his marvelous figure. You couldn't help but notice how his biceps and triceps contracted, how his back muscles crushed upon one another, and how his shoulders enlarged as he was taking off his upper garment.
"Make sure to give me that nice sun glow." He said with smirk, handing over the oil bottle.
A little flustered by his requested you shyly nodded and sprayed out some of oil over your hands, rubbing them well together.
"And you are?"
He asked looking down at your small yet well rounded figure. Your name barely left your mouth as you were mesmerized by the closeup look at the idol's body. His muscles were no joke at all. You could tell just by looking at them that he has spent almost all of his days hitting the gym. And the fact that you were asked to handle every single aesthetic detail of his body has left you flabbergasted.
You first started massaging his chest and laid out the first batch of oil over his pumped pectorals which revealed them with a shiny glow. Your hands then trailed downwards over his magnificently sculpted abdominals which hit against your hand like a rock. Finally, Johnny autonomously turned around, letting you oil up his back which had an undulated figure, with each ripple showing off a muscle.
And when you were about to place your final touch over his boulder shoulders, you seemed to hear a moan coming out the other male which has taken you aback. Seeing that you have stopped, he titled his head towards you.
"Is there anything wrong y/n?"
"N-no sir! Not at all! I-I' m almost done!"
As you finished, allowing Johnny to turn around, you noticed a small tent that has taken rise in the male's pants. Pretending not to have noticed you lifted your gaze to look at him, only to be greeted with a smirk on his face. This confirmed your doubts - Johnny has indeed moaned while you were handling him.
He put his shirt back on, placing a small note on the desk near you before heading out. You picked it up, turning it around. It was the address a renowned spa resort not very far from the company. Beneath the address was left a small note: "See you there at midnight ;) ♡"
Your shift was finally over. As a first day at your internship, it actually went better than expected. You headed out to your car and tried to get out your keys when you remembered Johnny's note. You glanced at your watch, it was already 10:30 PM.
And before you knew it, you were inside the spa resort being directed by one of the receptionists who greeted you warmly.
"Lucky for you, this duo sauna has been reserved for the whole day. You may go in and relax. Do not hesitate to ring the bell if you require anything."
You got inside and found your body greeted by warm and hot water steams. You gently discarded your clothes and submerged your body in the hot water springs. It didn't take you long before feeling all of your body muscles getting loose which sent you dozing off.
You were awoken up by a hand gently caressing your face. As you struggled to open your eyes and make up the silhouette in front of you, it was enough to recognize the person by their voice. "Have I known you'd be here earlier than expected I would have sent you here right after your shift."
And there he was, standing right in front of you completely naked, showcasing a sweat dripping god-sculpture that left you unconsciously drooling over. As you glanced over his body, it didn't take you long to notice his shaft - this sight has left you speechless. Not only were you witnessing a well-built body, but it was also equipped with gigantic thick weapon.
Johnny having noticed your gazes grew a smirk on his face before sitting on the bench. "You know your hands back then were phenomenal, you really know how to relax someone with a couple of hand massages. Or even better, bring them to the edge." He added that last comment with a wink before going on.
"This is why I asked you to come over here. Nothing better than being massaged between hot water steams don't you think?" He handed over to you the oil bottle which you've taken hesitantly.
"But don't you think that this sort of meeting could endanger both of our careers?" You replied hesitantly.
"I've already taken care of that baby boy. As long as you pleasure me, everything would be fine."
Realizing that you don't really hold a choice, and knowing that you'd be lying if you declined his offer, you smeared oil over his while body this time and let your hands do the work. His body was glistering beneath your touch. All those squeezable muscles splashing some of the oil right your hands again.
"Oh yess~ Just like that baby~ Why don't you give your hands a break and use something else instead~"
He suggested while throwing his head back and rolling his eyes. You could already tell how enjoyed he was by your work from his bulge twitching and hitting your chest.
Deciding to act a little cocky, you grabbed his shaft and smeared it with extra oil. You then started to pump it up gently with your hand which turned Johnny into an unstoppable moaning machine.
"Let me give you a hand shall I?"
He then proceeded to bring your face closer and took the lead over your hands motions as he started to buck his hips up and down, thrusting with forced in between your hands.
Feeling his size this close to your face, you unconsciously licked the tip which had a mixed taste of oil, sweat and precum. Meanwhile Johnny took the chance to shove his member further down your mouth, making you gag over it.
A couple more thrusts and you got adjusted to Johnny's force. You two ended up moaning in sync, more precisely your moan kept on sending pulsating vibrations through the other male's shaft, turning him on even more.
"You like having your mouth served a juicy thick meat meal don't you? Then make sure to savor it some more!"
He became uncountable, further burying his shaft and reaching your throat, your face was buried within his thighs forcing you to take up all of his manly musk and sweat which left you intoxicated.
It only took him a few more thrusts before you felt his dick pulsating inside your throat and spurting within all of the juicy cum that he had in reserve for you.
"Here comes your desert baby boy!~"
It tasted so sweet and thick, nothing like anything you've tasted before. You could also tell from the loads amount and thickness that Johnny enjoyed it too.
This is how you and Johnny developed a daily midnight routine allowing you to "relax" after a loaded day at work.
note: I am still experimenting with my writing style and layout. If you have any sorts or feedbacks please let me know! And feel free to send your requests (my upload times are mentioned on my profile) and I'll try to accommodate them as much as possible. Hope you enjoyed the read! (I apologize in advance for any typos!)
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megumismo · 1 year
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R U Mine?
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sunshyni · 28 days
(olha eu aqui na madrugada kkkkk é que eu estabeleci uma meta de que iria postar isso ainda hoje, então preciso cumprir 🙏)
Lee Donghyuck
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2. I'll be your honey in the honeymoon
Era um sábado à noite comum como qualquer outro, você estava relaxando vestindo seu pijama favorito depois de um longo banho com direito a sais e muita música, um notebook descansava no seu colo, você tinha uma apresentação de um produto novo na segunda-feira à tarde, mas não se importava de adiantar um pouquinho as coisas no sossego da sua casa, ou essa era apenas uma desculpa convincente para não te fazer refletir sobre o quanto você era solitária. Não é como se você não tivesse amigos, você até tinha, no entanto eles possuíam seus próprios cronogramas e afazeres, e você jamais atrapalharia o momento de lazer de alguém. Você trocou de janela para o gerenciador de e-mails da empresa quando o notebook fez um barulho notificando uma nova mensagem.
“Eu não sei o que rolou com aquele casal representante da empresa no mega evento de hoje, mas eles amarelaram. Esteja pronta em 30. Não precisa me dizer seu endereço, já tô ligado, e não se preocupa com o que vestir, você tá sempre impecável”
Esse era Lee Donghyuck, enviando um e-mail extremamente informal e suspeito sem dar a mínima para a ética – ou a falta dela – da empresa, vai saber se o presidente tinha alguém contratado apenas para checar os e-mails e mensagens trocadas entre os funcionários da NeoCosmetics.
Você se levantou rapidamente do sofá, quase perdendo o equilíbrio quando praticamente saltitou até o seu quarto, resolvendo responder ao e-mail do Lee pelo celular mesmo enquanto mordia o lábio inferior, indecisa sobre o que vestir, vejamos: se tratava de um evento beneficente organizado todos os anos por um cliente em potencial da empresa, sempre acontecia num prédio luxuoso da região e em boa parte do tempo reunia pessoas influentes e com certa grana no bolso. O vestido laranja de cetim, longo e com uma fenda lateral elegante teria que servir para a ocasião.
“O que que a gente vai fazer? Fingir sermos um casal?”
“Tem alguma ideia melhor?”
Vocês poderiam facilmente tentar uma outra abordagem com o cliente que tinha como princípio a família, mas aquele era o momento perfeito para agir e você estava começando a ficar entediada mesmo com a tela do computador, então não seria tão ruim assim ajudar dois colegas de trabalho e impedir que eles levassem um sermão do gerente.
Donghyuck apareceu na portaria do seu apartamento exatos trinta minutos depois que as mensagens entre vocês cessaram, apesar de vocês mal se esbarrarem na empresa por causa da agenda maluca do Lee que envolvia dele resolver pepinos nos lugares mais remotos possíveis, todo mundo sabia da sua exímia pontualidade. Você tratou de deixar os lábios bem unidos, com medo de babar quando o viu num smoking completo, ele não costumava ser atraente assim, tá bom, ele era bastante, mas você nunca vira de perto, sempre admirou de longe quando ele enrolava as mangas da camiseta para poder organizar a mesa e erguer uma quantidade obscena de contratos. É óbvio que sempre que ele te olhava de volta na sua sala, você desviava o olhar e fingia concentração no monitor, embora tudo que você estivesse fazendo com o mouse era abrir abas do navegador loucamente.
— Uau, 'cê tá um espetáculo — Ele disse, passando pelos seus cabelos molhados pelo banho recente e descendo até as sandálias de salto mediano que abraçavam seus pés — Agora me dá sua mão esquerda.
Donghyuck segurou sua mão com delicadeza e com a mão livre retirou do bolso da calça uma caixinha de jóia, ele retirou de lá uma aliança e a colocou no seu dedo anelar sem hesitar, suspirando de alívio quando percebeu que o acessório coube perfeitamente no seu dedo.
— São de namoro, mas acho que servem pra fingir um casamento — Ele mostrou a própria mão e você sorriu desacreditada, boquiaberta com todo o empenho que Donghyuck estava colocando sobre toda aquela farsa, ainda que o simples encostar de peles tenha feito seu coração disparar um bocado dentro do peito.
— Você pensou em tudo mesmo, né?
— Eu não brinco em serviço, princesa — Ele piscou ao passo que abria a porta do carro esportivo para você entrar, e você revirou os olhos para evitar fazer o sorriso crescer no seu rosto.
Felizmente, o prédio em que o evento se sucederia não ficava estupidamente longe da sua casa, então o Lee segurou sua mão novamente apenas vinte minutos depois, era evidente que vocês dois estavam envergonhados, fingindo intimidade um com o outro quando mal se falavam no escritório, mas Haechan sentia-se fissurado pelo seu perfume de rosas frescas e você não podia negar gostar da mão maior envolvendo a sua pequena. E mesmo no elevador, programado para o terraço onde aconteceria a festa, vocês não conseguiam evitar sorrir um para o outro.
— Tá. Jogo rápido. Onde a gente se conheceu? — Você questionou, tentando fazer Donghyuck se recordar de todo o roteiro que vocês inventaram no caminho até alí, ele fingiu refletir enquanto capturava duas champanhes das bandejas que não cessavam de passar entre vocês. Seu olhar recaiu para o pomo de Adão dele de forma involuntária quando Haechan fez questão de afrouxar a gravata, essa que no momento você sentia uma vontade insana de desatar.
— No escritório. A gente demorou pra ficar junto porque você é uma enrolona — Ele esboçou um sorrisinho de canto que era pura canalhice. Você correspondeu com um tapinha fraco no seu peitoral — Tá, a gente demorou pra ficar junto porque não achávamos apropriado nos envolvermos romanticamente trabalhando no mesmo setor. Mas, com a minha persuasão e persistência, eu consegui te convencer.
— A gente é casado há um ano e eu quero uma menininha — Aquilo com certeza não estava nos planos do roteiro de vocês, mas mesmo assim você se aproximou do corpo do Lee com um sorriso estampado no rosto quase isento de maquiagem dado o tempo mínimo que você teve para se aprontar. Haechan tombou docemente a cabeça para o lado ao complementar — E você quer um menininho. O que significa que ou a gente se esforça pra valer pra conceber gêmeos ou a gente se contenta com o resultado e encomendamos outro logo em seguida.
Donghyuck tinha um brilho na pele e no olhar que te fazia sentir um tanto quanto nauseada e extasiada, poderia olhá-lo por horas, dias, semanas, meses e anos e jamais se cansaria de conectar suas pintinhas como num jogo ponto a ponto, você até percebeu distraída com toda beleza que de dele emanava, que o desenho que as suas pintinhas formavam se parecia e muito com a constelação de Pégaso incompleta.
— É isso que a gente tá tentando agora?
— É claro. É por isso que a gente se atrasou. Porque não consigo tirar minhas mãos de você.
Você bebericou sua taça de champanhe, sem reação alguma diante a falta dele, no entanto internamente todo seu ser se agitava, até suas mãos suavam um bocado de nervosismo, mas você ficou com medo de secá-las no vestido novinho e acabar estragando o tecido, então se limitou a fingir plenitude diante do homem gostoso de smoking parado bem a sua frente.
— Ah, então são vocês os representantes da NeoCosmetics? — Provavelmente sua alma escapou do seu corpo quando a mão de Donghyuck pousou tranquilamente nas suas costas, nuas devido ao decote do vestido que você havia escolhido, o que te fez pensar que ele provavelmente sentiu sua pele arrepiar com a palma da mão, a lateral do seu corpo colidia com a dele e mesmo que você estivesse com todas as suas forças tentando prestar atenção no diálogo entre seu esposo apaixonado e o cliente tão esperado da empresa de vocês, você não fazia ideia de quais eram as palavras pronunciadas, focando nos lábios de Haechan não para leitura labial, e sim para afirmar consigo mesma sobre o quanto os benditos pareciam ser macios.
— Isso é com a minha talentosa esposa. Acho que vocês deveriam conversar sobre — Você voltou para si com a palavra esposa, se concentrando no questionamento do cliente e fazendo o possível para respondê-lo da forma mais agradável que encontrou, felizmente o homem na casa dos cinquenta anos era extremamente simpático e interessado tanto no seu trabalho quanto no trabalho de Haechan, que te roubava a sanidade vez ou outra que queria mostrar seu status de relacionamento com um beijinho inocente no seu ombro no meio da conversa ou um apertão súbito na sua cintura que ele achava que passaria imperceptível. Com certeza, sua linguagem do amor era do toque e você não reclamaria de maneira alguma disso.
Quando finalmente, com a união dos seus poderes, vocês conseguiriam adicionar o cliente na lista de investidores para uma linha especial que a empresa estava pensando em fundar, Haechan te arrastou até a pista de dança enquanto um cantor cantava uma versão de alguma música romântica famosa num violão, o ar frio da noite tocava os seus braços, mas não te deixava com frio e nem nada, considerando a pessoa que te abraçava com familiaridade, como se já tivessem balançado os corpos em sincronia daquele jeito muitas outras vezes.
Você sorria sem motivo aparente, podia ser pela bebida ingerida que começava a agir no seu interior só agora, ou podia ser também porque em muito tempo você não tinha uma noite como aquela, com alguém atraente e com conversa fácil que nem Haechan ao seu lado, talvez fosse a mistura de todas aquelas coisas, você não estava preocupada em desvendar esse mistério, só estava a fim de observar aquela pele dourada e a constelação que havia descoberto sem querer e que nomeara como “Haechan”.
— Por que você tá sorrindo assim, hien? Não quer me contar o que é tão engraçado assim? — Ele questionou baixinho, uma mecha de cabelo caindo suavemente no seu rosto esculpido por algum Deus grego, Apolo, talvez?
— Você é estupidamente atraente. A sua pele parece mel, e eu sei que existe todo um cálculo matemático de simetria pra definir um rosto perfeito, mas eu não preciso de nenhum desses parâmetros quando olho pra você — Donghyuck esbanjou um sorriso, achando adorável a forma que você encontrou para elogiá-lo e unindo um pouco mais seu corpo de encontro ao dele. Você queria arrancar os cabelos, porque ele não precisava fazer muita coisa para te deixar gamadinha, só o ato dele exibir aquele sorriso orgulhoso bastava.
— Você tá bêbada? Porque eu te proíbo de se arrepender de me dizer essas coisas quando ficar sóbria novamente — Haechan ergueu as sobrancelhas, testando o território em que vocês se encontravam. Você sabia que não estava bêbada, falara tudo aquilo com consciência porque não aguentava mais guardar todos aqueles fatos para si mesma — Ah, e eu achei que você não me achasse atraente, levando em conta aquela sua mensagem que foi parar acidentalmente no chat público.
Você gemeu baixinho, sussurrou um palavrão e tentou esconder o rosto de Donghyuck, mas isso foi em vão, então você só sorriu sem graça.
— Aquilo foi sem querer e eu não podia admitir pra uma colega de trabalho que te achava gostoso.
— Ah, é?
— Seria a maior fofoca, imagina o que diriam agora que tudo que consigo pensar é em desatar o nó dessa sua gravata e me auto declarar senhora Lee.
— Continua — Haechan pediu com cautela, envolvendo sua nuca com a mão e aproximando os lábios dos seus de propósito, só para te ver ansiando pela colisão um pouquinho.
— Você é coreano, né? Alguma coisa contra se casar com uma estrangeira? Porque eu quero muito me casar com você.
Donghyuck não suportou mais e uniu os lábios nos seus, te beijando lentamente e sem pressa, invadindo com a língua e fazendo todo seu corpo entrar em combustão num tempo recorde de alguns segundos. Realmente, às vezes, só falar uma torrente de pensamentos desconexos te levava a lugares que você jamais imaginou.
— Esse prédio é um hotel, né? — Você questionou e Haechan se afastou um bocado do seu corpo para olhar nos seus olhos que muito provavelmente brilhavam incandescentes. O Lee anuiu com a cabeça ao mesmo tempo que acariciava sua bochecha tal qual um marido encantador.
— Quer que eu reserve uma suíte pra gente, minha futura esposa?
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disbnad · 3 months
୧ ‧₊˚ jungwoo users ˚₊ ‧ ୨
snoopwus 98owo candiezen
zeuswoo obokuete snoopfest
sugarinos jungchilz bokkwoo
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vcrnons · 5 months
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YUTA Numero TOKYO (for @justsomekpopstuff <3)
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