#Need realtor
jeffament · 1 year
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at an open house rn n these r the door pulls on the closet….. buying this house just to acquire them
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candlewinds · 2 years
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We’re all in the same office as apprentices. Let us be friends.
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six-of-ravens · 30 days
woke up from a post-work rage-nap and immediately mom called and told me they're moving (or rather, attempting to. jury's out on whether they can or not due to The Current Housing Crisis) and like. mom i appreciate that it's easier to move than to do all the stressful renovations that your current house requires to make it accessible but
a) wtf you had literally never spoken of this before and clearly the two of you have been planning this for a while, why didn't you clue me in??
and b) i know it's not your fault but my brain literally could not process this information rn so sorry I just said "that's....good" and "oh wow" about 40 times.
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charonte-simi · 4 months
The buyers for that last house backed out!!! It's mine if I want it!! I need to wait till the inspection goes through to make sure there's no structural concerns but if it all comes back okay then it's fucking MINE!
There was one red flag that stood out during the tour and I'm so so so worried that they'll come back and say that it needs repaired asap and it's gonna cost thousands. I'm desperately hoping thats not the case cause if so I'm gonna have to let this house go. Praying that I can use up my good karma reserves to have that not happen, I want this so fucking bad you have no idea
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lunarlegend · 4 months
i need to know if my offer was accepted so my suffering can END 🙃🥲🙃🥲🙃🥲🙃🥲🙃🥲
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zombiepedia · 5 months
9am. I already need to blow up the world
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etcnnante · 7 months
i love thinking about joseph’s time back in the states after the events of BT, because a year after he comes back, the US draft is sent out to recruit as many men as possible for ww2- but joseph was able to avoid it by claiming disability. and due to the dwindling workforce, he would end up picking up a bunch of oddball jobs that needed to be filled. such as a furnace man on trains, a stevedore, a deckhand, a motorman, a puddler, a tinsmith. he very much had a zombie resume with how quickly he would come and go with all these jobs. due in part because these jobs are trades, and he certainly is not a tradesman’s. so he’d either: get fired from his job or quit because he hated it. and truthfully speaking- i don’t think he got his job as a real estate agent by himself. nepotism played a heavy part, since erina saw him struggling to maintain a workman’s job, so, she instead reached out to a friend who would offer her grandson a job to help him out. and truthfully speaking ! i think he loves his job, because it allows him to meet new people and talk for as long as as he may like. his buyers either love him or hate him because of it. but for about a decade give or take- he’d really struggle with maintaining a real workman’s job because he’s been more or less pampered for a lot of his life.
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I hate moving
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huggybug · 1 year
besties so sorry but to whoever is sending in the moyle requests rn i’m not writing for him rn i’m too fragile💔
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leofrith · 1 year
girl......... NOT the realtor who worked for the couple who bought my apartment and jacked up the rent so much i couldn't afford to stay there adding me to his fucking email list without my permission
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999-roses · 1 year
ghfhsjajjs ugh
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emeraldcreeper · 1 year
WE GOT A FUCKIN HOUUUUUUSE (the seller accepted the offer my mom and I put in, so after inspection and closing we get a house, but the seller took our offer!)
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Our Life, The Soap Opera
Our Life, the Soap Opera
Guardianship of Our Daughter May 4, 2023 Guardianship of our daughter. Did you know that parents of special needs children/adults have to apply for guardianship once their own flesh and blood child turns 18? Why? Well, if you have a child with medical issues, one who cannot make legal and life decisions without you, one you’ve raised their entire life, housed, fed and cared for, once they turn…
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justtogetthrough · 2 years
Holy shit you guys my house is officially conditionally sold! With a short closing period!
Please beg the universe nothing terrible happens during inspection and appraisal (it's been vacant all winter, checked on periodically) and that the sale goes through.
This has been an absolute and literal nightmare and I want this house out of my life 😭
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Between 8 pm last night and currently today, I made more kebabs, then baked probably the tastiest brownies I’ve made to date???, then baked tandoori chicken, then went to my first 6 am barre class, then grocery shopped, then came home and woke up the kids and made them breakfast and prepped them lunch and sent them on their way, then showered including the full shampoo conditioner leave in moisturizer PLUS exfoliating and shaving. I’m finally sleepy but I need to call the front desk to ask for an eta on maintenance visit and then the realtor about house shopping and loan stuff 😖😩 currently laying in bed waiting for my hair to air dry and considering if these are things I can put off for Monday??
Also, I was considering taking a break from barre because I haven’t been feeling it much these past few weeks buuuut I peeped a little subtle leg definition coming through so maybe 🫥 I’ll just stick with it 😌 and I’ve been seeing it pop through on the triceps too which is what I’m really after rn so like 🤤
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lemememeringue · 2 years
housing expensive and scary
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