#Negan's network
jeffreydmfan · 2 months
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Damn, this man is fire❤️
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maritamorgado · 1 year
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Hilarie Burton attend the AMC Networks' 2023 Upfront at Jazz at Lincoln Center on April 18, 2023 in New York City (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)
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danaredbeard · 12 days
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The Ones Who Live - Season Two
synopsis (in my head)
8935% Speculation
Rick doesn’t want to see anybody.
He is cocooning with his family trying to get to know the children and reaquanted with Michonne. He has become a house husband cooking and walking his children to school.
The Brave Man is now the “I don't want to be bothered man”. All he wants to do with his second chance is to love on his wife who is pregnant and care for his children. Let someone else be the HERO.
The community may have fond feelings for him but what he remembers from his last days is that Carol abandoned him on the bridge project and Daryl and Maggie colluded behind his back to kill Negan...setting him on a course of being impaled by rebar.
Rick and Michonne welcome twin girls Sasha and Rosita true female warriors. He joins a “Daddy daycare” group with Eugene.
Morgan arrives (harbinger of change) and tells him about Texas. Still Rick doesn’t want to know.
Meanwhile, in the background we see that factions of the CRM are reforming. Rick and Michonne are starting to put the pieces together of how the CRM has been entwined in their lives since the Sanctuary.
Inciting Incident
They are attacked , my guess they are at the Commonwealth. Someone close to them dies... Ezkiel, Eugene, Morgan...
Aaron finally come cleans because the CRM has been dismanteled, that he Rick was right from the start. The big revelation is that Alexandria was a CRM outpost. When he found them in the barn he was looking for people to trade to the CRM for protection and supplies. That truck Rick and Daryl found was meant to exchange for the A’s Rick, Michonne and Daryl. The ones that Deanna wasn’t going to give jobs. They literally stamped an A on Rick’s hand.
However, I think that Aaron talked Deanna out of it because he saw and heard how they worked together to save themselves, and how they saved his boyfriend. Instead, Deanna decided to have Rick and Co teach them how to survive.
Over in CRM ville, Thorn didn't die she is now helping to achieve order... but she is over her head and calls Rick to help. Sumptin sumtin happens and she is really killed this time leaving Rick in charge of the CRM.
Michonne sends her people out to find the Caravan people with Elle. She offers them an opportunity to settle with them in Cascadia and Portland. Just in the nick of time because the megaherd has changed course and was headed directly towards them.
Flashback: Nat teaching the others how to make incindiaries
Rick reaches out to old aquaintences like Carol but warns her that there are spies amongst them and sends her on a quest to find Daryl and tell him about the worldwide network that still exists with the leftovers of the CRM. That he needs to shut it down in Europe. This is why Carol was so matter of fact on the phone with Daryl.
Flashbacks: The photo that Jadis took of Rick when she was holding him in his underwear in the container marked with an A is seen in the hands of Okafor. Okafor knew who Rick was before he arrived and that is why he picked him out from day one. I think Okafor had a profile of Rick starting with the Terminus people who also were going to trade Rick to the CRM. They had put him in the railroad carriage marked with an A and they had marked Father Gabriel church with an A. Three times Rick was marked with an A: Terminus, Alexandria and Jadis. Okafor has been seeing Rick's name come up for years so was shocked that he finally landed in his hands... and this is why Jadis was rapidly promoted.
The season is filled with these revelations and the biggest towards the end is that Negan was also part of the CRM. Rmember when he put an A on Daryl and that his whole set up was eeirly simialr to that of the CRM. He hid his base of operations. They had fuel outposts. Delineation between that As and Bs and one Commander. He was trying to get all of his "wives" pregnant. I was rewatching and Negan said he took it from some "military guy". The big giveaway is if Okafor had Deanna’s video of Rick… last seen in Negan’s hands.
I think the real reason Negan killed Simon was because he had killed all the CRM in Jadis's camp. The reason Jadis hamburgered them was because she was taking a stand against the CRM otherwise she could have easly called them to collect "fresh specimens".
This season is going to take on a whole new tone. There will not be one big baddie but several smaller fires that need to be put out. Perhaps Beale's son could be seen as the Big Baddie but that is so "expected" that I think it will not happen. What I think will happen is a several groups acting independently which increases the stakes substantially, because it is no longer about getting rid of one person, cutting the head off of the snake.
They also have to deal with the mega hoards that the CRM created.
Rick has to come clean. He did something that he say he could never tell Michonne.
The first season already hinted how it is connected to TWD Daryl Dixon and TWD Dead City. The boat yard that Michonne was looking for I think is somehow connected to the Atlantic crossings to Europe and connected to Okafor “supposedly” finding Thorne in the ocean something about her story doesn’t add up. The midnight raid that Rick and Thorne did when they found the little girl I think is somehow related to Dead City. Dead City produces its own fuel and we saw the fuel trucks.
I was going to write several posts about the breadcrumbs Gimple has leaft over the years but decided to just do one speculative post on how they would be introduced. The interesting thing is I was writing this 8 years ago but I deleted my old tumblr account.
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Words: 2,491 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: S10/S11, The Reapers Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, injury, blood and gore, language A/N: This is part of a series! You can find the rest on my Master List, the pinned post on my blog.
Summary: Reunited but in rough shape, the group moves forward with a plan to get out of Meridian safely and with the needed supplies.
Previous Chapter
Your name: submit What is this?
Daryl adjusted his jacket over your shoulder. Despite a valiant fight against sleep, you’d finally succumbed to the utter exhaustion from your running and fighting. Your bruised body had stiffened and ached as you sat beside him. Daryl watched in near anguish as you’d occasionally press the pad of a hesitant finger to a tender spot on your neck. He’d done what he could to try and make you more comfortable. He’d managed to at least find a thin wool blanket for you to lie on when you could no longer hold your eyes open.
Before sleep had captured you, you sat close together and talked in more depth about all that had happened since the two of you were separated. As you exchanged details, he’d tended to you further as best he could. It seemed like everywhere he looked there was some bump or bruise or cut marring your skin. He worried as the clean bandage he’d applied to your side was already stained with deep crimson again when he checked it only a short time later. He pressed another layer of gauze over it and secured it. His eyes caught on the network of now purpling bruises on your stomach and sides and he was unable to stop himself from lightly lifting your shirt farther up to examine them. There was an angry graze on your hip.
Your fingers had landed on his hand and gently nudged the fabric of your shirt back down to cover the marks. “I’m okay,” you’d whispered, meeting his blue eyes. There was still a rasp in your throat and his eyes again drifted to the marks on your neck from that asshole’s hands. “I’m fine.” Daryl felt a sick, rolling nausea welling up inside him. It surged with rage and regret. This had happened to you because you’d come after him… and he somehow felt responsible for that. Sure, you’d all meant to come to Meridian together, but he knew that the reason you’d ventured inside the walls after the horror outside, was for him. Maybe he should have tried harder to sneak away, to get out and find you. But he knew he’d been watched closely the entirety of his time there, even if Pope and Leah hadn’t wanted him to know that. Still, he felt responsible for your hurt. He should have been able to protect you, and he sent a thank you into the universe that you were so capable of protecting yourself.
He ducked his gaze until you insisted that he meet your eyes again. He was conscious then of how much he wished the two of you were alone, so that he could kiss you softly, kiss all your bruises, and close the space between you and him to nothing. He wanted to tangle his fingers into your hair and trail them lightly down the graceful curve of your neck. He wanted you pressed against him so he could feel your breathing. He and you both were far too aware of Maggie pacing in front of a bound Carver at the other end of the room and of Elijah staring at him menacingly. Negan was asleep in the corner. Daryl dared only to press the backs of your fingers to his lips briefly and give you a soft look he hoped said everything he couldn’t do at that moment. You felt a calm settle over you briefly.
You questioned him further about his time in Meridian. When he had spoken about being with The Reapers, even though he talked only in vague allusions, you knew they’d tortured him and that fleeting calmness departed and you too were filled with a caustic anger deep in your gut. It had kept you awake for longer than you would have managed otherwise, so complete was your exhaustion. But eventually, you’d surrendered to the heaviness of your eyelids.
Now, it was still dark beyond the window, and although Daryl knew he wouldn’t be able to see anything, he couldn’t help glancing outside anxiously, watching for deeper shadows shifting, fearing figures closing in.
It was at one of those moments where he was squinting into the dimness, when you suddenly shifted and sat up laboriously with a wince. “Daryl?” you said softly, glancing around and rubbing your eyes.
“Here,” he drawled softly, stepping away from the dark window and back towards your light. “‘M righ’ here.” He sank down beside you again. “Go back to sleep. It’s still dark out. Ain’t time yet.”
You shook your head and gripped onto his jacket, which had slipped from your shoulders and now pooled on your lap. “No. I had a dream… about DJ,” you said, and Daryl saw there was tension in your face. “I won’t be able to sleep now.”
“What is it?” he asked, his stomach feeling suddenly hollow. His eyes narrowed and deepened with worry.
“I don’t know,” you said, shaking your head. “I think something’s going on back home.” You looked uneasy. It was just then that Daryl decided he needed to push forward with what he’d been putting off talking to you about.
“About Alexandria—” You met his eyes, a question heavy on your brow. “About the morning, this plan—”
“Daryl,” you began trying to head him off. You knew where this was going.
“Just let me get this out. Please.” His voice was so pleading that you yielded. “One of us has gotta make it back there, no matter how this all goes in the mornin’.” He held you gaze and the intensity in his eyes was staggering. “Ya ain’t in no shape to fight anymore, even though I know ya want to.” You gulped, a sinking, weighty sensation near your navel.
“You want me to hide,” you said, plainly knowing his intentions.
He shook his head. “I wouldn’t call it that. I’d call it—Plan B.”
“Well, what about Elijah,” you challenged him. “He can hardly walk and he’s going into whatever this is.” You tried to keep the anger from your tone, but you weren’t sure you were successful.
Daryl met your eyes again steadily and sighed. He lifted a hand and swept a finger lightly along your jaw, and the action was so tender that you were completely disarmed. “Elijah ain’t got a little boy waitin’ back there in Alexandria.”
Your jaw clenched and the muscle twitched.
“If we dun pull this off, Alexandria—it’s done, at least for now. Everybody is gonna have to leave, go find food, find somewhere else safe. One of us has to get back to the kids. And I want ya to look after Judith and RJ. Aaron and Carol—Rosita—everybody back there will help but I need ya to do that for me.”
You felt tears burning in your eyes as you looked at him. “Stop it,” you murmured.
“Ya gotta promise me ya will,” Daryl said, ducking his eyes.
“Stop. Stop talking as if you won’t be coming back with me,” you managed thickly. “Stop it, Daryl.”
“I need ya to say ya will,” he drawled softly. “And I need ya to be safe in the mornin’, safely back and away. There’s no way to know how this is really gonna go. Carver is our best shot at gettin’ out of here with what we came for but—” he shook his head, “it ain’t a guarantee.”
As much as you hated it, as much as you wanted to rage at the mere idea of being separated from him again, especially for such a potentially perilous meeting, you knew he was right. Every movement took a great effort and sent shockwaves of pain through you. You couldn’t fight if it came to that and you’d be a liability. Daryl would do anything to protect you, and that made him more vulnerable too. You blinked at the glassiness in your eyes. “Fine. I won’t go to the front, but I’m not taking my eyes off you. And if I can get back to the armory—”
“No,” he said forcefully. “They could be there. No. Ya just gotta stay safely outta the way. Please.”
You felt sick, but you nodded. “Okay.” It came out as a whisper and Daryl seemed to have a great weight fall from his shoulders at your response.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
“You know I’ll take care of Judith and RJ as my own, but it’s not coming to that,” you said. “You’ll pull this off, Daryl Dixon. You always do. And we’re going back to see DJ, and little RJ, and Judith together and to feed our family.”
Daryl had to swallow and clear his throat to rid it of the constriction that had grown there. He nodded. “Yeah. Yeah…”
You glanced across the classroom at Maggie’s pacing and Negan’s slumped, sleeping form. “Kiss me right now. Please,” you said, reaching for his lapel.
He did, softly and gently, conscious of the bruise on your bottom lip and the crimson split even there. He ran a strand of your hair between two of his fingers, and his eyes were searching over your face when he pulled back. “C’mere,” he said, tilting his head. You fell against him and closed your eyes, waiting for the dawn together.
_ _ _ _ _ _
“What about Gabriel?” you asked Maggie.
She shook her head. “I don’t know. We’ve got to hope he’ll get to high ground and see us—”
“If he’s still alive,” murmured Negan. Maggie shot him a scathing look.
“Take these,” Maggie said, pressing a pair of binoculars into your hands. “And this.” She handed you a radio. “If you see anything off, let us know.” You nodded. She gave you a small smile and then pulled you into a tight hug, almost crushing. You bit back the grimace from the burn in your ribs and focused on the feeling of her in your arms, your found sister. She pulled back. “Remember what we talked about? Out there?” she drawled. You nodded. The same thing Daryl had made you promise the night before about Judith and RJ. Hershel would be safe and looked after.
“Yes. Of course.” She nodded back and squeezed your shoulder, giving you a fond look.
“We’ll see you after, when it’s all over.”
You could only gulp nervously and nod. You were surprised when Negan approached you next. He looked you up and down briefly and then sighed.
“You look like shit,” he said, a hint of a jesting sparkle in his eye. You rolled yours and he chuckled. “In all seriousness, there are worse people to be stuck in a falling apart house with. And—I’m glad you’re going to be out of the way for this. It is a little batshit crazy, and I don’t mind having you on back up. Even looking like you do, I bet you could still do some damage.”
You gave him a strange look, like you couldn’t figure him out (you couldn’t) and he only nodded again before joining Maggie and Elijah nearby.
Daryl was beside you next in an instant. Your stomach was swirling with nerves. He tried to give you a reassuring smile. “Ya know where you’re gonna be?” he drawled.
“Yeah. Not too far, but not too close.”
He nodded and chewed on his bottom lip anxiously. His hand settled on his knife in its sheath. “Alrigh’.” He glanced at the small group waiting with Carver, still bound and gagged, and gulped. His eyes met yours again. “I ain’t ever gonna love anybody like I love you,” he said suddenly.
Your heart jumped and your lips parted on their own. You were stunned for a moment by the visceral emotion this sparked in you, but then you smiled at him widely, with glassy eyes. “Me either,” you managed in a whisper. “You’re the beginning and the end, Daryl.” You pressed a hand to the center of his chest, right over the tattoo of your initials and his steady, strong heartbeat. “So, stay safe. And come back to me.”
Daryl nodded and he had to tear his eyes away from you at that very moment or he’d never be able to leave. “Alrigh’,” he said to the group. “Let’s do this.” He took hold of Carver by his bonds and lifted him harshly to his feet, prodding him in the back. You watched as they went right, and then you turned and went left. _ _ _ _ _ _
It was agony just waiting, tucked away with a clear view of the meeting spot, straining your eyes through the binoculars for any sign of movement, scanning the scene. You were nauseous and your body ached with tension that truly had nothing to do with your injuries.
Finally, with your hands shaking from nerves, when you thought you couldn’t take anymore waiting, the heavy metal door slid open and some men walked out. You squinted through the binoculars, adjusting the focus.
Daryl, with his knife at Carver’s neck, stepped out just slightly from around a concrete planter. He eyed the two men in front of him, glaring at them sharply. “Nah,” he murmured. “Where’s Leah?!” he demanded.
“She’s coming,” one of the men roared back.
Daryl shook his head. “I deal with her! If she ain’t here in one fuckin’ minute, any deal is off!” he roared. “I’ll kill this asshole righ’ now!”
You were watching from a distance, on edge. “No… No, something isn’t right. No.” You started to reach for your radio, ready to tell Maggie to grab Daryl and pull him back to cover. Your stomach twisted. This wasn’t right… Where the hell was she?
It was right then, as you lowered the binoculars from your eyes for a brief moment, hand hovering toward the radio, that there was a soft crunch behind you, as of gravel under boots.
You turned, feeling your face blanche and your eyes go wide with fear.
“Hello there.”
Two steely barrels of a shotgun were pointed your way. She stepped closer.
“Don’t move,” she says.
You gulp. The shake in your hands worsens with the new wave of adrenaline. You have to warn them. The radio. Could you warn them before—? But there was no time to even twitch your hand toward it. The butt of her gun bashed into the side of your jaw and you were knocked, sprawled, to the ground. Your vision went black, but you heard her boots advancing on you.
Leah had found you. So much for safely out of the way…
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hutchersonsgurl · 3 months
Devil Wears Prada Negan Smith part 2
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Paring Wife Reader and Negan Smith
Warnings 18+ MDNI Negan graphic violence smut graphic language
Word count:
Synopsis you are the wife of Negan Smith the two of you split before the month before the end of the world and now you and your son run into him again
It's been two hours since your ex-husband walked back into your life. It's as awkward as it can be for you as you are in your house with Carl and Negan and your son Mason waiting for Rick, your boyfriend, to come back from his supply run. You are keeping an eye on your ex-husband as he comes down the stairs with his freshly shaven face. You can feel the tension in the room. Nobody knows what to do. Carl follows behind, keeping his nerve. Meanwhile, you are completely freaking out inside because you figured that he was dead. He seems so different now, like he's tapped into whole he really is. He's nothing like the man you remember. It took you awhile that he's wearing the same leather jacket he spent all that money on before the two of you split. You reach down into your boot, making sure that the knife that you always have on you is still there. You sit down with Mason at the island in the kitchen as Negan and Carl cook spaghetti.
"You know, it feels like the word never went to shit right now sitting here with my wife and two kids," Negan says with a smile.
"Ex-wife," you respond.
Negan looks at you with a smirk.
"Now, Darlin, we never actually divorced; the world ended before we could finish," he says.
"Well, as far as I'm concerned, we are divorced," you say, leaning back and crossing your arms.
"Well sh*t, I didn't know I wasn't your husband anymore," he sneered.
Simon walks into the kitchen and stands in the corner. "Does he know about your other wives?" he asks.
You look over at Simon and then at Negan and roll your eyes. "It does not surprise me," you respond.
Negan finishes cooking, and then the four of you eat in awkward silence.
Negan finishes and walks outside to play pool when Spencer walks over to him.
"You want to play?" Negan asks
"Sure," Spencer says.
Everyone gathers around to watch what's going on. You have Carl and Mason behind you.
"I get what you're trying to do here; what are you trying to build? I'm not saying I agree with your methods, but I get it. You're building a network and making people contribute for the greater good. It makes sense, but you should know Rick Grimes has a history of not working well with others. Spencer says that Negan is playing pool.
"Is that so? Negan asks
Spencer walks over to Negan. Rick wasn't the only leader my mom was; she was doing a really good job at it. She died not long after Rick showed up. Same with my brother and same with my dad," he says.
"Everything was peachy here for what years? and then Rick shows up and suddenly your an orphen," Negan asks as he is about to drink some whiskey.
"That is the saddest story I have ever heard," he continued.
"Good thing for you, he ain't in charge anymore," he says.
You, along with everyone else, are watching, hoping this doesn't go bad.
Spencer lines up his shot and looks up at Negan. "It doesn't matter if his ego is out of control; he'll find a way to screw it up to try to do things his way to take over," he says.
"That's what he did with my mom," he says as he hits the ball as Negan is drinking and watching.
"What are you exactly proposing to be done about that?" negan asks
I am my mother's son; I can be the leader she was. That's what this place needs, and that's what you need," he says.
"We're supposed to put you in charge; that's what you're saying." Negan responds
"It would be much better off," Spencer says with a smirk.
"You know I'm thinking, Spencer. I'm thinking about how Rick threatened to kill me and how clearly he hates my guts while he is out there right now gathering shit for me to make sure I don't hurt any of the fine people that live here," he says.
"He is swolling his hate and getting shit done; it takes guts," Negan says as he lines up a shot once again and takes a shot.
"And then there's you," he continues.
"The guy who waits for Rick to leave so he can talk to me to get me to do his dirty work so he can take Rick's place Negan says he is walking up to Spencer.
"So I gotta ask, if you want to take over, why not just kill Rick yourself? and just take over," he says.
"No, no, I didn't," Spencer tries to say as Negan cuts him off.
"You know what I'm thinking because I have a guess." Negan says he is getting closer to him.
"It's because you have no guts," he whispers, and then he stabs Spencer in the guts.
You let out a scream and keep trying to push the boys back; everyone else is in shock.
as Spencer falls down and over
"How embarrassing they are," Negan says with his signature smirk.
"They were inside you the whole damn time; you did have guts," he shouts.
"I've never been so wrong in my whole life," he shouts.
You stare down at Spencer as he takes his last breaths as Negan walks back down to the pool table, reaches for your back pocket, pulls out your gun, and aims it at Negan.
He turns back around and stares at you. "Wow, easy there, Darlin, not in front of the kids," he says.
You pull the trigger, and it misses him.
"Wow, see there, that's just not right. he says
part 3 is coming soon
sorry this took so long
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that-left-turn · 23 days
I can't even remember how long AMC has offered "a downturn in linear ratings and a challenging ad market" as an explanation for their losses. Yes, traditional broadcast and cable are in decline, but they need higher quality shows.
The TWD franchise, which is the bulk of AMC's portfolio, is old. The shows within the 'universe' need to differentiate from each other—every premise can't be about a family member getting kidnapped, but most of all, they need to find renewed appeal to the audience. I assumed the fast variant and les brûlants were an attempt at a new hook, but getting bogged down in quasi-science won't attract much other than heckling.
AMC has committed to the horror space and they can diversify their TWDU offerings with different elements of the genre. The audience will never have that visceral reaction to walkers again that the first few seasons offered. The mutated walker in season 1 of Dead City was mainly interesting from an FX standpoint and a disinterested "that's gross"—there were no stakes because our heroes have plot armor and everyone else is a red shirt.
Horror should induce some kind of feeling of disquiet. There should be a sense of foreboding.
DC should capitalize on Maggie and Negan's antagonism, but the conceit isn't moving anywhere. There are a lot of hard stares which quickly feel irrelevant and some fans have turned it into a ship because the relationship has stagnated. The audience should have a palpable fear that they will eventually harm each other as the tension escalates. They are both trying to move on: him from being his worst self and her from the worst thing that happened to her. The emotional arc needs to center on that potential loss of their humanity. They are the protagonist in their own arc and the antagonist in in the other's—that framing would be different from what we've already seen on TWD.
I don't even know where to start with Caryl... Trying to find a boat that sails across the Atlantic isn't horror and neither is the debate on whether or not Laurent is a Messiah. (If it's to be religious horror, we need some sort of spiritual evil and the characters in season 1 are simply self-serving.) S1 of Daryl Dixon felt like it didn't have any interest in being a horror show beyond a half-hearted attempt at the bare minimum: the required walkers are thrown into the mix like an almost-afterthought.
Caryl are at the opposite end of the spectrum from Maggie and Negan. They work exceptionally well together and that's part of the draw for the audience, but add an element of the Uncanny, like in FROM:
In a nightmarish town in Middle America that traps those who enter, unwilling residents strive to stay alive and search for a way out, plagued by terrifying nocturnal creatures from the surrounding forest and secrets hidden in the town.
It would present Caryl with a new challenge. Something different. The GA would have a mystery to ponder and Caryl fans could enjoy watching Caryl work on a new sort of problem together. Something they haven't faced before and something that has them stumped. It would lend itself to an emotional arc where they can come to terms with their mutual feelings of inadequacy, because they can see how well they function together when everything else is a challenge.
The key to growing the audience for either of these shows is to transform the concept into something that's attractive in today's market, not a 15-year old formula. AMC needs to set the franchise apart from TLoU too because they suffer from the comparison.
We as an audience are desensitized to body horror—blood and guts have become gratuitous gimmicks that try to cover up that there isn't much of a story. Good horror relies on ambiance, much like S2 of TWD. Fear of the unknown. A creeping sense of dread. That's why viewers (and Norman!) loved the farm arc of the flagship show.
AMC is cash poor because they don't invest in the writing. Their business model (basic cable) is dying, but they're staring too hard at "new technologies." If the studio told good stories, people would subscribe to their streaming service. Distilling the audience into niches of TWD's viewership by focusing the spinoffs on a couple of characters requires AMC to find fresh angles so new viewers will discover these shows. The studio spends too much money on theatrics and not enough on the nuts and bolts of what makes a TV show good: its writing.
David Zabel has no experience writing horror and it's evident from viewing S1 that he clearly has no interest in it. His original characters are dollar store versions of the Roy family in Succession: manipulative and self-absorbed. For horror to be effective, the audience has to care and we don't. (We're mainly waiting for them to die, because that's the TWD brand: raze and burn with no one left alive in the wake of our heroes.) Zabel's an old school network writer who hasn't worked consistently in the last decade, which I assume means AMC got him at a bargain bin price.
I want to feel excitement at TBOC, but I mostly feel dread. That's the real horror show.
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my-mt-heart · 4 days
First of all, thank you for being always so insightful and open to discussion with anyone! You're one of the few I genuinely rely on when I need to talk and share ideas/doubts. I was thinking about the whole marketing discourse. Let's be clear, amc sucks at that, it did with all the spin-offs (which I only recently found out are more than 20???) and surprisingly with the three main ones as well because everything they did wasn't certainly enough compared to other networks. Amc has always done the bare minimum and every info about the richonne/negan&maggie spinoffs that reached me was mostly because of their fans. Yes they got promos and interviews (I think Dead City/Lauren&JDM even did more interviews than Andrew & Danai) but from my point of view their fandoms did most of the job. I don't even follow any of them but I used to have my twitter timeline full of their posts every single day, at any time. I remember they used to bomb any inch of their spaces with videos, speculations, headcanons, fanarts, endless convos and all that, which I think contributed to attract a lot of curiosity out of their fandom and it worked!!! I kept seeing so many tweets full of replies and theories and hype that I had to go on a mute spree because I couldn't take it anymore. Now my point is... why don't we do the same thing?? We as a fandom can do a lot to create hype and the target people (those who have stopped watching the show after negan showed up or so) would follow us because enthusiasm is what attracts the old fans who gave up. That's the real deal! We are!! TWD main accs would ultimately follow the flow, but we really... REALLY need to start it. Dead City next seasons (that'll air in 2025) is already being promoted and the fans are already talking about it, richonne fans are still being loud and lit like if their show were still on.... why can't we do the same? We constantly complain about Amc not being there for us but the first ones that should are... US. We need to be present and make noise and above all enthusiast!
You don't need to convince me that rallying works. Melissa wouldn't have had the option to come back if it weren't for all the noise her fans made. No one she worked with was offering her the support she deserved, so we had to do it.
With TBOC's promotion, it's a catch 22. Caryl definitely sells. Their fans can definitely build hype, and AMC can definitely save their money, but it's still their responsibility to release content that'll kick the target audience into high gear so that they stay motivated to post, speculate, make posters, and all the things, which would then reel in the Carylers who left at one point or another, which would then get the attention of the GA, and so on and so forth.
What they're doing instead is splintering what should be a reliable viewership. Norman's buzz words, reposts of fanart, and photos of Melissa/Carol just existing are hyping some of us while others are scratching their heads at why Carol is reduced to a subtitle, why the teasers are shipbaiting Daryl with a nun, and why two. fucking. years later we're still hearing about showrunners getting fired and Melissa being left out of S1 because she wasn't important enough. I would love to be enthusiastic enough to do the heavy-lifting, but if that's what's being asked of me, why do I need to get punched in the face first? How do I go about promoting a Daryl and Carol show if I can't even tell if that's what I'm really getting? Why aren't they leaning into what all Carylers love about their relationship? Why aren't they capitalizing on Caryl's/McReedus' chemistry? And if all of that is what half of Carylers who have stayed this long are feeling as well, the chances of getting lost Carylers to come back are slim, the GA/new viewers won't see the buzz, and supplementing with viewers who hate Cary/Carol won't work either because they aren't going to be in it for the long haul.
So again, if AMC wants my help, then I want them to motivate me. Tribeca will be...interesting? Because on one hand, the McReedus panel could be very reassuring, but 201 spoilers that will inevitably leak could be polarizing again depending on what Zabel and Nicotero did with it, and if that happens, well, I wish AMC luck trying to promote the rest of the season.
Thanks for reaching out. Sorry this probably isn't the answer you were looking for.
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vilentia · 9 months
Would you be able to write hcs of Twd men if their girlfriend decided she wanted all the power and turned evil?!?!
How The Walking Dead men would react....
... if their girlfriend decided she wanted all the power and turned evil.
Thank you for your request! That was something completely different for me to write and somehow quite amusing to put myself in a completely different position.
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Daryl Dixon Daryl would find out about your transformation when he stumbles upon a hidden stash of supplies you've been hoarding for your evil plans. It would be in the middle of a tense moment in the group, as resources were scarce and trust was fragile. When he confronts you about it, he notices the cold, calculating look in your eyes, a stark contrast to the warmth he used to see. His rugged exterior would crack, revealing the vulnerability he rarely shows. Daryl would quietly plead with you to reconsider, his voice trembling with emotion. He'd recount the moments you've shared, the memories you've built together, hoping to reach the part of you that was still good.
Rick Grimes Rick would uncover your change when he overhears a conversation between you and one of your new allies discussing your sinister intentions. It would be late at night, and he'd be keeping watch over the campfire, his senses always on high alert. As he listens to your voice, tainted with a newfound ruthlessness, his reaction would be a combination of shock and deep disappointment. Rick would approach you cautiously, his hand on his holstered weapon, ready for any potential threat. He'd try to reason with you, reminding you of the values and principles you once shared, desperately hoping that the person he loves is still buried somewhere beneath the newfound darkness.
Negan Smith Negan would likely be the first to discover your descent into evil, given his knack for staying informed and his network of informants. He'd react with a wicked grin and an amused chuckle when he pieces together your plan. He might even appear impressed by your audacity and cunning. Negan would approach you with a proposition, offering to join forces with you, appreciating the potential of your partnership. However, deep down, he'd be wary and secretly plotting his own strategy, not fully trusting anyone, not even you. He'd admire your ambition but always keep a watchful eye.
Glenn Rhee Glenn would stumble upon evidence of your malevolent turn during a mission for supplies. It would be a heartbreaking moment, as he uncovers your hidden agenda while desperately searching for resources to support the group. His reaction would be a mix of shock, sadness, and a touch of anger. Glenn would confront you in private, away from the group's prying eyes, his voice trembling with a mix of emotions. He'd try to reason with you, emphasizing the importance of staying true to the goodness within your heart. Glenn would be torn between his love for you and his duty to protect the group, hoping that the person he fell in love with could still be redeemed. He'd offer you a chance for redemption, praying that you'd choose the path of light over darkness.
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bookqueenrules · 8 months
How Gimple and Company have missed the mark on Daryl Dixson Season 1 and the ratings are showing it.
Let’s talk ratings first:
Disclaimer: Yes, streaming matters, but by comparing a show’s performance to other shows on the network, we can get an idea how the show is doing.
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Dead City performed better in the demos and overall.  Now, of course, the season isn’t over, but DD is down week to week from episode 1 to episode 2 by 18% in the key demo!
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Yes, DD is competing against Sunday night football, but Dead City aired during the summer slump when people tend to watch less T.V. DD is also airing at a time when little new programming is coming, and has been advertised extensively. DD should be doing better.
I believe the problem is obvious.  I did a post I submitted to twdmysterymusicbox linked here about why I thought it would be revealed, at least to audience, that Beth is alive in episode 3 of the spin-off. 
Everything I said stands except the fact that I gave too much credit to TPTB! 
It’s what they should have done!
Here is part of that post:
“Dead City was considered a success by most, but why did it do well?
Some wanted to see NYC zombies. Some wanted to see Maggie and Hershel. I would argue MOST wanted to see the development of the Negan/Maggie dynamic. How many would have watched just Maggie trying to get Herschel back?  Some, but it would not have had the same viewership, and the TWD fans actually care about Hershel as Maggie and Glenn’s son. 
So, why will people watch DD?
Some are looking forward to variant zombies, some want to see Daryl, but for how long will the average American TWD viewer tune in to see Daryl hanging out with new French characters with accents and subtitles to boot?  
Personally, I would enjoy it regardless, but I know many people that hate subtitles and won’t be particularly interested in how things went in France.  Sure, the scenery is beautiful, but it won’t hold the interest past a couple of episodes. The “cure” premise was JUST seen in The Last of Us.   TPTB should also have learned that the decline of the flagship was largely due to killing off “family” characters we cared about and bringing on lots of new characters that never became as important to the audience as the original characters of the first few seasons. Hopefully, TPTB learned this lesson. 
While I DO expect to see a Carol flashback in season 1, the show will need to bring something to the French story that will excite and surprise viewers. If MMB would have decided to be in season 1, it may have been a different story. The Daryl/Carol dynamic would have been there, and I would be predicting your typical “cliffhanger” style reveal towards the end of the first season.
That is why I think there will need to be SOME reconnection between Beth/Daryl in season 1 for the audience to care enough to tune in to Carol/Daryl finding her in season 2. 
So, I was wrong about what they were going to do, but I was right in WHY they should have done it!
Let me add here that bringing Carol alone will not improve ratings much. There STILL has to be connection to the TWDU and character development. We have seen the Carol and Daryl show the last few seasons of TWD and viewership declined. MOVE THE STORY.
Viewers want to see character development. They were watching to see what would happen between Maggie and Negan.
This “stand alone” DD show is not what viewers want.  There has to be connection to and movement in the original narrative viewers loved.
The stakes in this spin-off are almost ZERO. Judith and Carol are happy in the Commonwealth. Zeke is taking care of them both. 🙂There is no crisis only Daryl can solve back home. He is not in France searching for his long lost love Beth…..
There are no stakes in the French storyline either. Laurent has Isabelle and his new found parent to look after him. It’s not even imperative that Laurent make it to the “Nest” at a certain time.  We are not going to discover how the outbreak started, or why/if they are making varient zombies
Most importantly, Daryl’s happy ending is nowhere on the horizon. Why should people tune in? Dragging out this storyline and trying to milk the franchise even more is a disaster.  They can print as many articles saying people love the spin-off as they want, and I think those actually tuning in are enjoying it.  However, the numbers don’t lie.  The "must watch" interest is not there. 
Not enough people care enough to tune in.  I predict episodes 3 and 4 will have even lower ratings.
The SHIP baiting and dragging out of Daryl’s romantic storyline is not working. It’s been 12 years already! We have seen Beth set up and taken away, Leah as one episode non-romance, flirting with Connie, but NO actual romance for Daryl. Now, it’s obvious that Daryl/Isabelle is another bait.  The time for that is long past. Give the viewers a true romantic partner for Daryl.  In the apocalyptic world of TWD the environment and the trauma the characters face are enough of an obstacle.  Who will Daryl fall in love with?  The question must be answered for viewers to care.  This is the only way to develop his character any further. 
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maritamorgado · 1 year
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Danai Gurira, Norman Reedus, Lauren Cohan and Andrew Lincoln attend the AMC Networks' 2023 Upfront at Jazz at Lincoln Center on April 18, 2023 in New York City (2) (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)  
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retiredkat · 2 years
From Deadline: New AMC CEO Christina Spade, Replaces Interim CEO Matt Blank
AMC Networks Ups Christina Spade To CEO Post; Patrick O’Connell To Take On CFO Role
AMC Networks has appointed COO and CFO Christina Spade as its new CEO, succeeding Matt Blank, who has held the role in an interim capacity since last September.
Patrick O’Connell, previously a senior executive at CBS Corp and Goldman Sachs, has in turn been named Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, reporting to Spade.
Blank will remain with AMC Networks until the end of the year in a consultancy role, a spokeswoman confirmed.
AMC Networks operates cable channels such as AMC, plus streaming services AMC+, Sundance Now and Acorn TV. Spade will lead them all from September 9 when she steps into the new role.
Today’s development, which comes as the business reports its second quarter results, marks a fast rise for Spade at AMC Networks. She has been with the New York-headquartered operations since January 2021, where she joined as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and took on a dual role as CFO and COO in November last year.
During that time, she has worked under Blank, who was named interim CEO last September as previous Chief Exec and President Josh Sapan moved to an Executive Vice Chairman position. While the network is known for launching influential cable hits such as Better Call Saul, The Walking Dead and Mad Men, Showtime veteran Blank has focused heavily on building out the streaming business, which currently has an aggregate of 10.8 million subscribers and is expecting to hit 20-25 million in 2025.
The hire comes at a time of change for AMC Networks. The Walking Dead franchise is moving into a new era, with the original series set to end after its next tranche of episodes and several spin-off series launching. Anthology series Tales of the Walking Dead is due to land on August 14, while series featuring fan favorites Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira), Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Maggie Green (Lauren Cohan), and Daryl (Norman Reedus) are forthcoming. Newer series include Moonhaven, Dark Winds and This is Going to Hurt and upcoming titles include Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire.
Blank said: “It’s been a pleasure to lead AMC Networks in this interim role, in particular working alongside Chris and the talented team to help develop the company’s direct-to-consumer businesses and strong pipeline of high-quality content. Chris is a strong, versatile leader whom I’ve known and worked closely with for more than 20 years, and I know she’ll bring her strong business and leadership skills, and passion for this company, to her new role.”
AMC Networks Chairman James Dolan said: “I want to thank Matt for his leadership over the past year and for the changes he’s brought about in the company and best positioning us for our further pivot into streaming. I’m delighted that Chris is taking over as our new CEO. She is a proven leader with a long track record driving transformative change in media and entertainment and I am confident she has the expertise and vision to guide AMC Networks to greater success.”
Spade said: “I am honored to assume the role of CEO. I’m a fan of this company in every respect, its content, brands, and most importantly, its people and dynamic and inclusive culture. I’m grateful for the support of Jim, our Board of Directors and Matt, and I look forward to working with the strong team here to unlock the rich opportunities that lie ahead.”
Before AMC Networks, Spade was Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of ViacomCBS and before that held the same role CBS Corp. She also performed similar duties for Showtime Networks, spending a total of 21 years in the business overall.
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horrorpatch · 9 days
Behind-the-Scenes Look at Season Two Of THE WALKING DEAD: DEAD CITY!
AMC Networks has released a behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming Season Two of THE WALKING DEAD: DEAD CITY! The hit series in the Walking Dead Universe stars Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan as the fan-favorite characters Negan and Maggie. Get more details on the other side. From The Press Release NEW YORK – May 23, 2024 – AMC Networks released a behind-the-scenes look at production on…
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crispyblonde · 2 months
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@unclenegan asked: this is do or die. from the you're the only person i can turn to prompts !!
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❝ isn't all of it? ❞ jessica hasn't talked to a winchester since dean had let her know that sam had overpowered lucifer and was locked in the cage with the two archangels and their half brother. now, she was hunting mostly solo... but had a seemingly growing collection of others to lean on. being intertwined into the hunting community, negan smith and the saviors were an unavoidable subject of discussion. infamy for brutality was quite the feat within a group of people that lived to murder monsters. she had tried to steer clear of them for self preservation.
however, when she stumbled upon a network of monsters within new orleans trafficking teenagers for profit and torturous things she couldn't stomach to think about she felt she only had one place to turn. while she had a network behind her, it would take all of them and then some to take down an operation so large and there would undoubtedly be a death toll on their side. she couldn't bear bringing any of them in on something that's so likely to bring upon their deaths. the saviors though? their tough reputation might lead to a better outcome with minimal civilian casualty.
color her surprised when her name when she approached one of their outposts got her a meeting with the big boss and he turned out to be none other than sam's uncle. it's strange, looking into his eyes. carbon copies of the ones in the picture of john she had spent hours staring at and speculating about what was in sam's past that kept him from being open about it at all -- how he could believe that his own father wouldn't be proud of all of his accomplishments. while they were genetically the same, the darkness within them was undeniable... a stark contrast against the picture of his twin brother back when he was happy and unperturbed by the notion of monsters himself.
curt attitude aside, it is undeniable that the blonde is intimidated by present company. she can almost feel her heartbeat in her throat, but in the year and change that she's been alive again -- she's mastered choking that all down and putting on a mask of false bravado. fake it until you make it -- the jury's still out on if that mantra works on this side of things or gets you killed. ❝ i know the stakes. that's why i brought this to your attention. the saviors might be the only way to get this shut down... but you wouldn't know about it without me and i need to see it through. ❞
maybe it was her moment of hubris or still not finding any direction in losing sam for the second time since she'd been brought back -- or a combination of the two -- but she's not about to back down.
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spoilertv · 3 months
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my-mt-heart · 10 months
Hi MT. Now that Dead City is over, I'm asking myself, why another season? It made perfectly clear what quite a lot people thought before the first episode even aired. Maggie is useless as a character. The same storyline over and over again. Nothing new, nothing surprising, it's giving nothing. Negan is an intriguing character but even he can't carry the whole show especially with the same storyline warmed up again while another one (his wife and child got practically kicked out) was chosen to be more or less ignored. Lauren said the original plan was different, that might have worked with an assemble cast (continuing the OG show). But even with the millions they spend, that spin off will be forgotten.
Whatever let them believe DD as a solo would even be working, why didn't they just throw Negan in the Caryl mix? The dynamic Carol/Negan, Negan/Daryl, Carol/Daryl/Negan is just explosive. We all saw how good this could've worked at Paleyfest. Melissa and JDM were on fire while Norman channeled for whatever reason his inner Daryl. The storyline, the subtext, the dialogues would've been pure gold and entertainment as its best.
They wouldn't have needed New York or France, just the backland of GA and some good writers. I just don't understand how they could let such opportunities slip through their fingers and robbed us fans of such an iconic spin off. (Yeah I know we don't know why someone got chosen over someone else and why there is France and not here filming whatever). But it would've been the best business and entertainment decision.
Would you have liked to watch it? Do you think it would've potential? I could write many fanfics just with the three because there is so much to explore between them. Could've been amazing.
Just never want to see JDM close to Melissa again. Too much has happened, the network and actors failed on every decent human behavior and professionalism.
I’m not watching any TWDU shows right now, so I can only go off of what I read. I gather the real issue with DC isn’t that Maggie’s “useless.” The men in charge just don’t care about her. Hershel’s basically a stand-in for tptb, telling the audience they should resent her. If I was a diehard Maggie fan, I’d be devastated by that. S1 sounds like a setup for the real story they want to tell which is basically Negan: King of New York. How anyone’s projecting S2 will improve the atrocious ratings, I don’t know.
There was potential for a Negan and Carol arc in S11 when Carol was feeling like an outcast, but they chose not to give her any arc at all. And because of that, I’m far more concerned about the lost potential between Daryl and Carol than any other dynamics. I want *their* spinoff to explore the rest of *their* story without distractions. Negan’s quite a big one. And, to be transparent, I’m not a fan of JDM right now. He can stick to his own show.
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proxylynn · 3 months
What!? The walking dead and supernatural are really good shows, I know the walking dead is on Netflix and I think supernatural is on HBO or some other network but if you don't have either you can use this site. https://movie-web.app/ it's a hundred percent safe and check out r/piracy on Reddit if you wanna check out other sites to pirate shows and movies!
[ I'm not a scam or a ad prompter I just like sharing ways to save money and pirating, I've tried that website and it is a little slow but still very good! Please check out the reddit if you think it's a scam, it's one of the recommend webs since it doesn't have any ads or pop ups!]
[Nah, I'm good. The shows never caught my attention and I don't think that has changed over the years. They're probably good shows, but if tasting a dish doesn't make me want to eat it when fresh, it's not going to be a meal I want later on if ya get my meaning.]
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