#Neo-AngelRegion Ren/Dollzone Hybrid
dreamstormdragon · 5 years
Christmas 2018
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“Can I have some?”
“Avalon. Give me, the fruit cake. I actually like it.”
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“Pretty tree though.... and I’m still shorter than it.”
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“Welp, we made out like bandits. Good idea hitting the bakery before two.”
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“Look at all the presents Avery!”
“Oh, I wonder which one’s for me?”
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“What’s it sound like brother?”
“It’s... boxy.”
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“And I said that’s not a mimic, that’s my wife!”
“... Boo.”
“Avalon, love that was bad.”
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“I still can’t tell what’s in here.”
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“When’s my turn?”
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Merry Christmas!
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Lost Souls Shawl MSD v2
So, I wanted to make another one of these shawls for my MSD girls, since I wanted to see how it would look in black (and finish the border this time) so I wanted to take some comparison pics and show how different they look side by side.
I have to say the black is really my favorite.
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Yup, definitely prefer it in black! 
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Comparison in size to mine (as of last night. The thing is way bigger now)
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Pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/lost-souls-skull-shawl
Thanks for looking!
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Photostory: “You look Fine”
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“Hey Avalon, what do you think? Do you like it?”
“Yeah, yeah whatever you look fine. Check this out!”
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“What? I mean check this out!”
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“I can do magic again!!!”
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“You are such a big dork.”
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“*chu* I’m your dork. There’s a vast difference.”
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“Besides, to me your always radiant.”
“Oh stop...”
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“So can I have my shawl back?”
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dreamstormdragon · 7 years
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It’s Shark Week which means aquatic themed pictures, backgrounds and doll clothes.  And some shenanigans including being booped by a shark and my Obitsu dog terrorizing my planes figure... After he was already terrorized.
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