#Nestor approves
moon--meeks · 1 year
If eef rebranded an we are no longer cranky crew may I suggest we are the Ethan Nestor nestlings?
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juicesgf · 4 months
Hails Masterlist!
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i do not approve of my work being re-uploaded on any other site (including tumblr) I don’t approve of any copying or translating either.
Here you will find all the links to the masterlists for the people i write for !
Enjoy and take a break from your struggles, you deserve it <3
Ewan Mitchell
Harry Collett
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kiastirling-fanfic · 26 days
Tranquil Week Day 3: Dissent
A tranquil who works in the Wonders of Thedas engages in some minor workplace rebellion. (Nestor is not a canonical tranquil character)
Read it on Ao3 Here or find the full text below the cut
Rating: G Wordcount: 703 C/w: retail
The Wonders of Thedas was loud.
Not in volume. Its patrons generally kept to quietly appreciative commentary or salacious whispers for some of the more specialized merchandise, and its proprietors were likewise unlikely to raise their voices.
Though the Wonders of Thedas run largely by the Tranquil who enchanted its artifacts, it was not they who decided its decor and public image, nor was it determined by the Chantry. Some decades past, when Orlais ruled over Ferelden, its nobles took offense to the drab nature of the Tranquil and the shop they ran, and while the shop continued its functions the overseer of Denerim commissioned artisans to update and formalize its appearance.
The Wonders of Thedas was one of few buildings in Denerim to still display Orlesian architectural influence after the successful rebellion that saw King Maric set upon the throne, and though the Orlesian nobles who had overseen it were long since ousted, those who took up the duty in their absence continued the trend.
Nestor had been Tranquil for 3 years now, and he had no feelings as all Tranquil did, but that did not mean he lacked opinions. And he was of the opinion that the Wonders of Thedas’ design was loud.
When he voiced this, his fellows did not understand, though he did not expect them to. He had been particular as a mage, too.
The graceful swooping and brilliant colors of Orlesian design had never suited his tastes when he had feelings, and it was his now objective opinion that he had always been correct. The contrasting colors made it difficult for his eyes to focus on certain parts of the store, something that was undesirable when their goal was to showcase and sell the work of the enchanting Tranquil and fund the Circle.
Nevermind the dust that collected in each ill-advised nook and cranny. The amount of time spent dusting each crevice was excessive, time that could be better spent on any other task. By Nestor’s estimation, they could have one more Tranquil working on enchanting for at least four hours a day if there were less extraneous cleaning to be done.
He brought his observations to the mage and templar who oversaw the Wonders, including his sketches of how to remodel the building to suit Fereldan architecture, built to withstand the weather and without the proclivity to collect dust and dirt in all manner of places, but Nestor was dismissed quickly and told to continue servicing the customers. This was not his job.
Nestor disagreed. Optimizing the Wonders was precisely his job, and interacting with the clientele was apt to dissuade them from making a purchase given how the average Fereldan viewed mages and the Tranquil especially. But he knew that his words held no sway.
So Nestor no longer used words in his effort to fix the Wonders.
It started small. One night, when he was left alone to finish closing the shop, Nestor found a knife, and he used it. He started by carving the many nooks and making them less sharp and easier to clean. When no one commented for days afterward, he decided to take it to mean that his corrections were unnoticed or else were tacitly approved.
So he acquired better tools from the workshop and he smoothed all the filigree and flattened each surface that collected dust in their grooves, and still no one commented on it. As if he were the only one who ever noticed those bits of decor at all.
Nestor thought that boldness was considered among the things a Tranquil could not have; not an emotion per se but something under the purview of Valor perhaps.
And yet he grew bolder all the same.
He grew more skilled in his renovations by the day, and never was he taken off the closing shift of the night. It was only when he acquired paint and covered the colors that had hurt his eyes so that anyone seemed to take notice at all.
The mage proprietor blamed the templar. The templar blamed the mage. Both stewed, but never took their arguments above a whisper.
Nestor found the new Wonders of Thedas was not so loud at all now.
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lilacsupernova · 3 months
Argentina, the southernmost country in the world, currently has more than 50% of its population living in poverty and labour insecurity, an inflation rate of about 100% in 2022, high levels of political corruption, and institutional weakness. However, Argentina is a global leader in queer politics. All of Latin America shares this privileged leadership, despite being the most unequal, violent, and dangerous region on the planet for women and girls. How can this situation be explained? Precisely, the political queer capture of Latin America is explained by the vulnerability, corruption, and cultural underdevelopment of these countries.
Latin America imported queer ideology and transgender politics from the global north during the early 2000s under the populist wave led by Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Lula da Silva in Brazil, and Nestor and Cristina Kirchner in Argentina. They promoted a sort of new soft left progressive narrative of anti-imperialism and inclusiveness. The queer agenda settled in Latin America, alongside a populist and decolonial rhetoric, encouragement from the UN and the bible of the Yogyakarta Principles (YP). Examples included Ecuador, the first country in the world to introduce the recognition of 'gender identity' in the new 2008 constitution, followed by Bolivia in its 2009 constitution. For its part, Argentina was the first country to approve a legislative model based on self-identification in 2012, followed by Brazil in 2013. Remember that, despite having recognition of 'gender identity' very early, none of these counties has legal abortion yet, except Argentina, which got it at the end of 2020 for 'pregnant people'.
– María J Binetti (2023) 'Gender Equality for All: Decertifying sex in Argentina' in Women's Rights, Gender Wrongs: The global impact of gender-identity ideology, pp. 66-7.
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unhingedlesbear · 11 months
Fucking dying I found this OLD thing in my notes app from when I was looking through the files in Du’met’s lil control centre
Studying TDIM characters like lab rats:
🔥Birth dates: 
Jamie - August 7 1996 (Leo)
Kate - March 15 1992 (Pisces)
Erin - 28 April 1998 (Taurus)
Mark - June 29 1992 (Cancer)
Charlie - 26 September 1973 (Libra)
🔥Thoughts on above:
Jamie - She gets that summer gally birdhat. Good for her! And from what little I know of star signs, yeah, she is such a Leo.
Kate - Hashtag March bitch!Hashtag pisses. Good for her!
Erin - I can not see this bitch being whatever a “Taurus” is. Makes me think of a big bull not a tiny meow meow like Erin.
Mark - Has cancer 😢 get well soon king
Charlie - Ugh, I should have known. That man is such a Libro.
🔥Age order:
🔥Thoughts on above: 
Yeah makes sense. Erin is just a little meow meow tiny baby uwu nya nya 🥰🥰 
Jamie - 165cm
Kate - 164cm
Erin - 163cm
Mark - 178cm 
Charlie - 178cm
🔥Thoughts on above:
Once again, Erin is tiny baby nya uwu 🥰 
Jamie - 128lbs
Kate - 119lbs
Erin - 115lbs
Mark - 220lbs
Charlie - 204lbs
🔥Thoughts on above:
Erin is literally sooooo tiny and cute Omg I could pick her up frfr. Mark is a hashtag big Boi I need a big Boi or however the song went
🔥 Blood types
Jamie - A positive
Kate - O Negative
Erin - B positive
Mark - O positive
Charlie - A positive
🔥Thoughts on above:
Erin rlly said “be positive🥰!” And Kate was like “oh😞Negative😢😢”
🔥 Known family:
Jamie - Wilson Tiergan (father)
Kate - Veronica Wilder (mother)
Erin - Anya Keenan (mother)
Mark - Brenda Nestor (mother)
Charlie - Pam Lonnit (Mother)
🔥Thoughts on above: 
Pam Lonnit is literally the goofiest name I’ve ever heard in my life. 
🔥 Names of medical clinics (I’m doing the most)
Jamie - Running waters medical centre
Kate - Viewpoint North Medical Centre (I accidentally wrote Mexican centre)
Erin - Valley Dale Medical Centre
Mark - Hunter’s bay medical centre
Charlie - South side medical centre
🔥Thoughts on above:
Ranking their medical clinic names based on aesthetic: (IM SO FUCKING BORED)
1. Jamie (Aesthetic name. Rather majestic.)
2. Kate (Viewpoints are quite nice. Approved.)
3. Mark (I would hunt on a bay tbh)
4. Erin (I just keep thinking of Chip n Dale or whatever those fucks are called)
5. Charlie (literally could not have picked a more boring ass name)
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theodysseyretold · 1 month
Chapter 1: The Horse and the Infant
(A brief T: While it is not explicitly written out or described in detail, this chapter features the death of a child)
A quick jab to her shoulder ripped Odyssa from her pleasant dreams, blinking slowly to allot her eyes time to adjust to the darkness of her surroundings. At first, all she could register were the silhouettes of her comrades, dancing against a blackened canvas as each soldier was woken up one by one. Next came the muffled sounds of singing crickets, a soothing lullaby to the city’s inhabitants that were peacefully sleeping, blissfully unaware of the impending danger. In the midst of the queen coming to her senses, a hand pressed firmly on her shoulder and a familiar deep voice whispered.
“Captain, nightfall is upon us.”
Her second in command’s words snapped her back into focus, turning her head to look at Eurylocha and nodding in acknowledgement. She brought a hand up to her face, rubbing it to clear any lingering tension and then stood up. The queen turned, finding herself facing dozens of pairs of eyes locked on her, eager for the next order, the one which they had spent hours waiting into the night to finally receive. Placing a hand onto the low wooden ceiling above her, she cleared her throat and then spoke.
“Alright my brothers, listen closely. For ten long years, the Trojans have choked us slowly. They’ve burned our villages, raided our supplies, slaughtered our families, but today, we finally bring judgment upon them and end their tyrannous reign. Think of your wives and children, your families who continue to grow old while you’re still here. Do what I say and you’ll see them again.”
The soldiers all gave a “Yes ma’am” in unison, receiving a smirk of approval from Odyssa, who nodded in satisfaction.
“One final time, Diomedes will lead the charge. Agamemnon will flank the guards that will flood in from the towers. Menelaus, head to the gates and let in the rest of our mates to take the city at large. Teucer will take his archers and shoot any ambush attack. Nestor, secure Helen and protect her, and Neo, find the brothers of Hector… they’re all yours.”
Each man gave a nod as their queen addressed them, on the edges of their seats, ready for when she commanded the doors to drop. Odyssa looked over her men before a faint glisten in the background caught her eye. A pair of glowing gold eyes watched her from the shadows, centered on the shape of a tall, lean woman decorated in golden armor, her signature spear in hand. A smirk of approval curved upon her lips. Odyssa gave a nod of greeting to the goddess of war and wisdom before refocusing on her men.
“Find that inner strength now, use that well of pride. Fight through every pain now, ask yourself inside. What do you live for? What do you try for? What do you wish for? What do you fight for?”
As she spoke, the men grew anxiously eager, cheering her speech on with each empowering line. All their hard work and sacrifice had led up to this moment, and it was finally about to pay off. With a final nod, Odyssa turned to face the door behind her, taking a deep breath. Her hand slid into her pocket, pulling out a letter addressed with the single letter “P”. She gently brushed her thumb over the elegant initial, smiling faintly.
She took one final inhale before tucking the letter away back into its pocket, refocusing herself. Eurylocha moved to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder and nodding. With a smirk, the queen kicked in the door and stepped out of the large wooden horse, her men following behind shortly after.
Sparks from metal scraping against metal erupted off the edge of Odyssa’s sword, blocking a vicious swing that would have taken her head clean off her shoulders. In retaliation, she grabbed the Trojan by the shoulder, pulling him into the blade of her sword and casting him to the side. All around her was blood and fire, the sounds of metal hitting metal and the screams of the fallen Trojan soldiers. It had been several hours now and her army had fought their way tirelessly through the streets of the city, inching closer to the capitol building. Victory was already in their sights, with only a couple more hours of strain before they took the prince’s head.
Odyssa charged toward a Trojan soldier with her blade held high, ready to strike. At the last moment, a large bolt of lightning struck down on the ground in front of her, frying the soldier and sending her back a few feet with a cry, using her arms to cover her face, shielding it from any debris. A flash of events played out in her head, visions of her family covered in blood and her city flooded in flames. When the flashes cleared, she lowered her arms and found herself faced with a large man, decorated in thick golden armor surrounded by an aura of electricity that sparked and crackled with each of his movements.
“Zeus… what was-...?”
“A vision. Of what is to come that cannot be outrun. It can only be dealt with right here and now.”
“Of course… just tell me how and it shall be done.”
“I don’t think you’re ready.”
A flash of lightning illuminated the area around them, the god’s intense gaze locked on Odyssa, making her throat dry and heart rate pick up speed. Her jaw clenched slightly, doing her best to hide her feelings of intimidation, clearing her throat.
“Whatever it may be…”
“A mission to face someone’s son, a foe who won’t run, unlike anyone you have faced before.”
“Say no more. Whatever challenge you may present, I know that I’m ready.”
“Within the palace, protected by the prince himself, there is a room just beyond the throne. Your foe lies there. I hope you are ready.”
Odyssa raised her arms to shield herself from another blast of lightning that struck the god. When the dust settled, he was gone. She glanced around to ensure he was gone before taking a deep breath and focusing on the palace, thrusting her sword into the air with a cry to rally her men.
The doors to the throne room were kicked in and Odyssa stepped inside, Eurylocha following in after her along with the small group of warriors they had brought in with them. Sitting upon the throne was a man dressed in armor that bore the city of Troy’s insignia, along with that of the royal family. Hector’s green eyes opened and locked on Odyssa, slowly rising from his chair.
“Odyssa, Queen of Ithaca. You’re quite far from home~”
“I’m not in a chatting mood.”
The queen waved in dismissal before tightening her grip on her sword, approaching the prince.
“So be it.”
When Odyssa got close enough he threw a jab at her side with his sword. With a downward swing, she knocked the blade off its trajectory path and then kicked it out of his hands. Without hesitation, she firmly pressed her blade to his neck and then jerked it to the side, cutting open his throat, blood gushing out from the wound and soiling his armor and her weapon. She watched his body drop to the ground, shaking her head in disappointment, expecting better from the prince.
“She’s so cool…”
One of the soldiers whispered, drawing a soft snort from Eurylocha, who shook her head and smirked a little.
“Eurylocha, take the men and assist with the rest of the city.”
Odyssa spoke with her gaze on the door at the back of the throne room. Her second nodded and led the men out of the palace, leaving her alone in the throne room. A part of her was growing anxious, unsure of what to expect from the next room, what kind of foe she should expect to face off against. She silently hoped that they would pose more of a challenge than the prince had. After giving herself a moment to ready her mind, she approached the door, opening it and stepping into the room.
Inside was exactly what Odyssa might expect of a royal bedroom. A polished bed frame made of the finest wood Troy had to offer, with a dresser, nightstand, and desk to match. It would have been impressive if the queen of Ithaca cared for such things. The only item in the room that stood out was a cradle. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she approached, looking down and blinking when she spotted an infant that laid in it, sleeping peacefully. She glanced around for the foe that Zeus had mentioned, but upon seeing the room vacant, it became clear to her who her target was, looking back to the child.
“It’s… an infant?”
Odyssa jumped and quickly turned to face the voice that had spoken to her from behind, tensing when she spotted the goddess that had been within the wooden horse, listening in on her speech. The same one that had guided her on this path all these years, the guardian angel ensuring each and every victory she had won with not a single cost of life of her men.
“This is the son of none other than Troy’s very own Prince Hector. Know that he will grow from a boy to an avenger, one fueled with rage. When you are consumed by age, he will lead a siege on your city… if you do not end him now, the flames of his hatred will burn all of Ithaca… including your son and wife.”
Odyssa frowned at the grim news presented by the goddess, looking back to the child with hesitation in her gaze.
“I-... I could raise him as my own..”
“He will burn down your house and your throne.”
“Or-... what if I sent him far away?”
“There is not a corner of this world you could send him where he will not find you.”
“I can make sure his past is never known to him, I-...”
“Odyssa, enough.”
The goddess walked up to Odyssa, placing a gentle hand upon her arm, drawing her attention away from the child and to herself. She smiled warmly at the queen, thumb brushing lightly over her forearm.
“There is no other way to ensure the safety of your kingdom and family… this must be ended here and now. It is the will of the gods. Do not forget the lessons I taught you.”
Before Odyssa had the opportunity to reply, the goddess vanished into thin air. She blinked a few times with a small frown before her attention shifted back to the child. Overcoming a moment of hesitation, she reached down and lifted the child out of the cradle, looking him over.
“You’re barely a year old, perhaps not even..”
She spoke softly, glancing off to the side and spotting opened doors that led out to a balcony. Making her way to the railing, Odyssa looked down upon the city, observing the buildings lit up with red and orange. Her gaze trailed over the bodies of dead Trojans that littered the streets, sighing and looking back to the child.
“Let me tell you a story… A long time ago, there lived a queen that ruled over a great kingdom. Since her childhood, she had been trained in the art of strategy and warfare by the majestic goddess Athena, hoping to one day grow into one of the greatest rulers in all of history. And a great ruler she became, beloved by all her people, none more so than her beautiful wife. One day, word reached the queen that another kingdom had been raiding villages and taking whatever they pleased. Refusing to stand for such injustice, she readied her men for war… During this time, she and her wife had a son… you’re about as old as he was by the time the queen left for war…”
She chuckled softly at the fond memory, a smile leaking its way into her expression.
“The day she left, she made a promise to her wife and son… that she would always keep them safe, no matter the cost. That no matter what foe or obstacle fell in her path, she would clear it and return home to them…”
Tucking her hands under the infant’s arms, she stretched her arms out over her head, holding the child up high and then out in front of her, jaw clenching slightly. A deep sense of hesitation shot through her, filling her gaze with guilt and visions of her own son, as if he was the one she held over the edge of the balcony.
“And-...” She paused when her voice trembled slightly, clearing her throat, “And no matter the cost… no matter how much the things she has done may haunt her dreams… she intends to uphold that promise… to make it home to her family.”
Slowly, Odyssa closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in an effort to calm herself down and quell the guilt tugging at her heart. She exhaled slowly, feeling as though the world around her had suddenly froze. As if the entire battle, while intended to end the war, had truly been leading up to this moment and this moment alone. Fate, some may call it. As Odyssa could feel her hands loosening their hold on the child, she managed a soft yet shaky whisper.
“Forgive me…”
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
The presidents I am talking about are from Argentina, but there is an error. They were not the vice president of the other's mandate, but they did work for their party. Nestor Kirchner was president of Argentina from 2003 to 2007. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was president from 2007 to 2015.
Colorful fact: Cristina was the one who promoted the approval of equal marriage, she even sent a representative to China who was going to vote against equal marriage so that she would be absent during the debate and the law would be approved. Equal marriage has been legal in Argentina since 2010
Love this! Thanks for the info! I’ll read into this a little bit more 💙💙
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laevanders · 1 year
My headcanonny backstory for José 'Zé' Carioca, as a Brazilian that has in fact NOT read the comics so this is just bullshit I came up with based purely in vibes
For me the maternal side of his family is from Bahia, his Grandma migrated to RJ when his mom was young. (Though he never went to Bahia before meeting Donald)
His father is from Rio, from all way back, and is the one with the surname Carioca
He has a older sister, but she's like way older, probably +10 years difference
His granny(mom's side) is actually a ""witch"", or something like that. But just basic nature stuff. (If José knows any magic is debatable since he only shows in the first movie)
His mother died when young, and his dad is not the best
Not like abusive, but he really shouldn't have a child he is just kinda negligent? Like not caring too much to where Zé goes and stuff
His sister moves out of the house young too, like they probably didn't live together for long
He used to go to his granny house on weekends and was actually very attached to her. She dies, obviously
And he kindof grows up in the streets, making friends with Nestor, Pedrão and cia, having meals in their houses etc going back to a probably empty house etc etc (i think I'm making this too angsty, and I don't really like it that way, but c'mon he's poor, life isn't easy)
If his dad taught anything was to get out of work and kinda to scam people, he didn't taught how to be good at it tho.
He does to school tho, and there he learned he loves 2 things Music 🎶 and women Rosinha
I believe she is for real his first crush and starts with him young, so isn't about her money o something (idk if they have an actual first meeting in the comics tho)
They start dating as teens, her dad doesn't approve and they go on to have a not really stable relationship because he's kinda of a jerk and she is jealous
Now considering the movies Saludos Amigos & The Three Caballeros "canon" and that Zé story is set in the 40s. Here is how I think it goes
It's the middle/start of the war and some boats of the U.S Navy shows up in the coast of Rio, that's how he meets Donald!
He shows him the city, probably try to scam some money or whatever, but become actually really close after a night of drinks, and really good friends after some days . But Donald has to leave.
(also when I say scam some money I mean, getting him to pay for thing probably expensive and give it to José or something, maybe that's how they end up drinking)
Later, when Brazil is actually starting to entering the war he flees, somehow, maybe Rosinha pays for him idk (Rocha Vaz would definitely want him gone, but I think the war would be preferable oh well)
Seeing he really doesn't want to see the snake smoke, he ends up in Mexico and meets Panchito!
Their meeting is not as nice though, they compete after a girls love, threaten each other of death and stuff (canon comic) but they part away not really hating each other
After a while he is the US of A working (oh no) as a entertainer (hm ok) when he re-meets Donald and Panchito!! (They both met each other in battle of something, and got along nicely, Donald is dispatch by the navy at this point). Panchito and José make amends and thus the Three Caballeros is born! They absolutely become besties (or something more👀)
That last point is absolutely based on a comic by @polisena-art though. Great art by the way, be-au-ti-ful
Then the *movie* 3 caballeros happens, on Donald's Birthday, they travel to their respective countries. And finally Bahia!
They part ways and become pen pals
A lot after that though (and after others apparitions in animated stuff, if from other eras)
So, Zé's sister is pregnant by some guy, it's twins! Our favorite parrot now is tio. But they aren't actually together a lot, Zico and Zeca live with their mom and probably dad, only seeing Zé occasionally.
But something happens and he becomes their legal guardian. In my mind their mom was sick, so they start spending more time with him as her disease worsened until she die (why did this become angst again?)
He takes a while to find his footing, but all thing including he ends up a good parental figure to them.
He also reconnect (actually just connect I guess) with some distant family. Mostly his primos, who coincidentally also have Ze in the name
Now just some throwaway headcanons
In my vision the name os his sister is Ana, His parentes are Joca and Tereza, and his Grandma is Zelaide and his paternal Grandpa is Josué
Also in Saludos Amigos his greeting card reads "José C. Carioca" and I'ma gonna assume that's with Costa or Do Carmo. Which would be his mom surname I guess. Even if both of them ends up sounding like locations in pair with Carioca
He start smoking kinda young, and continued for a long time (mostly stress smoking) until he got guard on the kids, than he stopped
He absolutely has a soft spot for kids btw
His relationship w/ Rosinha don't go anywhere, a really on and off thing, that doesn't end up working. But they still love each other (platonically (mostly)) and are good friends
He considers Nestor basically an younger brother. And all of his friends as his family
He is very emotional about this bunt refuses to show it
Honestly he gets along great with Gladstone. I just think it's worth mentioning because they're really similar for the stress of Donald
He also does a lot of Drag, and that's canon I just think it's neat
For my lgbtq+ HCs. He's a "Caiu na vila o peixe fuzila" (Pan and Polyam), but depending on the decade and his age he might be closeted. Also GNC
He plays a lot of instruments, including: guitar, tambourine, concertina, umbrella, flute, accordion and trumpet
He's also really good imitating voices and noises (parrot, duh) and whistling
He can cook decently, but hates it. Unfortunately he's a guardian of two and can't go always eat dinner at Pedrão .
But he cooks with pleasure to the caballeros when they come. Or in especial occasions for everyone.
He's a really good artist with watercolor, pencils and at photography, but he doesn't do any of that often
And for the surprise of all he kinda likes studying, especially art, languages and music. No would guess by how he was at school
Not actually for him, bit I want to believe Zé Paulista name is José Paulo, and he's related to José dad's family side, along with Pampeiro and Queijinho
Where Baiano and Jandaia are related to his mother's (yes, this based purely by the location of the states)
And not really a headcanons but I just love the Three Cabs as a throuple it's just so cute
Also between the three of them he has the braincell™ but neither does he use it or have some common sense to pair with it (that one stays with Donald)
Also Don calls him Joe, while Panchito calls him Jose (hispanic accent™)
And Panchito it's the only one who he doesn't actually mind doing it, even if he doesn't correct the others
Also his eyes are a reddish brown (I hate the blue from the comics with a passion) also in a human AU he would be black, thank you very much
And that's kinda of it. I love this cartoon parrot so much it doesn't even make sense
I could've go on with some aus where instead of WWII is DuckTales/Lottc, but I have to think about them first
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On November 14th, the @criterioncollection is releasing a 4K uhd upgrade of Terrence Malick’s Days of Heaven:
New 4K digital restoration, supervised and approved by director Terrence Malick, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack
One 4K UHD disc of the film presented in Dolby Vision HDR and one Blu-ray with the film and special features
Audio commentary featuring editor Billy Weber, art director Jack Fisk, costume designer Patricia Norris, and casting director Dianne Crittenden
Audio interview with actor Richard Gere
Interviews with camera operator John Bailey, cinematographer Haskell Wexler, and actor Sam Shepard
English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
PLUS: An essay by critic Adrian Martin and a chapter from director of photography Nestor Almendros’s autobiography
Cover by Lucien S. Y. Yang
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spoilertv · 2 months
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percontaion-points · 8 months
VOEN chapter 16
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Chapter 16
How was it that after all these years, it still felt like second nature to turn into him and slip her arms around him, to bury her face in his chest?
I’ve been thinking this, but I’m finally going to say it: “Vampires of El Norte” is simply “Funny You Should Ask”, set in historic Mexico, on a backdrop of wanna-be gothic horror. 
Except I will say that the relationship between Nestor and Nena is somehow worse, because they were literal children when Nestor disappeared. 
She had failed to save the nameless men whose blood this was. Out on the battlefield, she was next to useless. What help could she have possibly been, with her eyes stinging with smoke and gunpowder and body after body being dragged toward her and the other healers? What could she have done, in the face of such slaughter?
This book promises vampires, and can’t deliver on it.
I don’t know why I’m so disappointed that it promised us a war, and also failed to deliver. 
 Because she had been so certain that by curing those who defended México on a glorious battlefield, she would win Papá’s approval. 
She could single-handedly save all of China Mexico, and I think that her father would continue to treat her like chattel to be sold off to the highest bidder. 
This knowledge would have to fortify her, no matter what lay ahead. “To Los Ojuelos.”
Chapter 16 summary: Nena and Nestor ride away from the battle until the horses are exhausted. The two of them embrace, only doing so because of that “we survive” high. 
Nena wonders what that thing they saw was, and Nestor verifies that she actually saw it. He then asks if she remembers the last night that they were together, and then says that something similar attacked her. 
Nena then realises that this is the thing that’s been making people “sick” back home. And for some reason, she decides that the best place for her would be back home. I don’t follow any of that logic, but sure. 
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seedsknees · 4 years
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wrong trolley, Mark.
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night-zaveri · 5 years
I've recently found @crankgameplays channel, and have been watching a lot of his videos, so I opted to do an acrylic painting of him
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compan-heiro-blog · 6 years
honestly I’m willing to bet Fethry can have lavish beautiful gardens when he’s obsessing and hyper-fixating on plants and gardening, but otherwise it’s probably easy for him to start getting distracted by other things and neglecting the maintenance of the plants, which probably starts making him feel really bad a guilty. plants are dying because he’s forgetting to maintain them... so no garden...
Pls. Nestor would love this so much. He’s never had any gardening experience, but he will frickin learn. It would be A Struggle but he’ll get it eventually. Fethry will share what he already knows about plants which would help a lot.
And eventually their garden is so lush and expansive, and the yard so pretty... and Maude never has to buy any of the herbs or plants she needs for her spells ever again, they’re all being grown by her family
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manebioniclegali · 7 years
Oh, yeah!
Some mom held her kid up like Simba and the team had the most hilarious reactions (pictures aren't mine, they're from chromeufo on Twitter):
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I especially loved Mark's reaction so much! He got so excited and it was so cute! I honestly didn't pay attention to what expressions everyone else had at that time cuz I was too focused on Mark's because it was the best 😂
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almanacrat · 3 years
Friend of a Friend (part 3)
“Yeah, of course I’ll do it! What’s the video?” Y/n’s voice echoed from over the phone.
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out when you get there.” Mark replied.
The two said their goodbyes and ended the call. Y/n had agreed to do the video, but had no clue that Ethan would be there. Mark decided to let it be a surprise, knowing that she would talk his ear off if he told her.
Mark shut the door as he exited his room and returned to a nervous Ethan who sat completely still, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“She said no. Sorry, man.” Markiplier lied straight to Ethan’s face.
“Oh... it’s all good.” Ethan replied, trying to seem like he was unaffected, but his eyes told a different story. His face dropped at the response.
“So we still need to find someone for the video?” Tyler cleared his thought, trying to move the conversation forward. 
“I actually think I have someone who can do it.” Mark said.
“Who?” Tyler asked.
“I’m gonna leave it as a surprise. I think we’re all good here. Do you guys want to play Phasmagoria?”
The three played Phasmagoria for about an hour, then decided to watch a movie. Though the movie was intriguing at first, Ethan couldn't keep his focus. His heart sunk every time he thought about how he wasn't going to meet Y/n. He had really gotten his hopes up and he really wanted her to be in the video, but he also understood that she lived her own life and probably had to work. Ethan pulled out his phone and scrolled through twitter. He clicked on Mark’s profile, then searched the name Y/n in Mark’s following list. Sure enough, a profile picture with Y/n’s face popped up within seconds. Ethan clicked on her profile and found that she already followed him, so he hit the follow button without thinking. His stomach began to churn and he felt lightheaded as his mind raced. 
His phone buzzed. It was a DM from Y/n, which Ethan opened without hesitation.
                                                    Y/n Fishbach
THE Ethan Nestor followed me??
The boy from comic con?
                                                                                               The one and only!! 
how unexpected
does mark know about this
                                                            no!! he will have my head if he finds out 
brb telling on you right now :)
                                                           no please!!! I will do whatever you want
                                                                                                         I wish to live
I guess I can make an exception 
because you're cool
                                                                                               You think I’m cool?
Only sometimes
                                                                                            Good enough for me
                                                                                      So what are you doing :)
oh just the usual
killing god ❤️
Ethan giggled at the message she sent, smiling to himself.
“Whatcha laughing at, Ethan?” Mark asked from the loveseat where he sat with Amy. 
“Uh- m- meme!” He stuttered, not wanting Mark to figure it out.
Mark gave a hum in response, snapping his attention back to the movie. Ethan looked back at his phone.
                                                   Y/n Fishbach
jk im just doing laundry
you there? 
                                                            Yeah! Im here but I almost got caught     
                                                                                                           by Mark😧
are u hanging out with him rn? 
                                                                                   Yeah im over at his house
How’d you almost get caught 
                                                                                          you made me giggle
you're not allowed to laugh 
                                                                                             ok giggle police🙄
did you just sass me?
ETHAN can be sassy
Eef*, sorry
                                                                                                         Get it right
                                                             I know three S words and they all apply
                                                                                                                  to me
and what would those three words
happen to be?
                                                                                  sassy, smart, and sexy😎
what about skillet?
                                                                                            ...you’ve seen that?
I watch all of Mark’s videos
                                                                 that was one of my lowest moments
I’ll take your word for it
I’m gonna go to bed now because
I'm tired, but have a goodnight :)
OH and beat Mark at some video 
games for me
                                                                                                    I already did :)
proud of you!! yay!!
Ethan smiled as he set his phone down, feeling giddy tat he had gotten to talk to Y/n. He knew Mark wouldn't approve of it under any circumstances, but he hoped that one day they would meet in person and Mark would relax about them knowing each other.
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