#New BFA forms
hotmentransformed · 7 months
No One Acts Like Gaston
When Alex first received the call from Disney offering him a position as a character actor at one of their parks, he was over the moon with excitement. After graduating with a BFA in Acting several years earlier, he had hardly been offered any work, so he was over the moon to work at the happiest place on earth. Eager to embark on this new adventure, he accepted without hesitation, not even bothering to ask which character he would be portraying.
Entering the park, Alex was greeted by a symphony of sights and sounds that filled him with wonder and amazement. Children laughed and squealed with delight, the air was alive with the promise of magic, and families posed for photos with beloved characters, an honor he would soon hold.
The anticipation bubbled within Alex as he approached the grand spires of Cinderella's Castle, shooting upwards like a beacon of dreams. His heart raced with excitement, each step bringing him closer to the realization of his lifelong ambition.
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As he marveled at the sights around him, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over him. This was it – the beginning of a new chapter in his life, a chapter filled with adventure, excitement, and the boundless possibilities of Disney magic. But before he could dwell on the moment for too long, a friendly voice interrupted his reverie: "Hey there, new guy! You ready to make some magic?"
Turning to see the source of the voice, Alex found himself face to face with a Disney cast member, their eyes twinkling with mischief and merriment. With a nod and a grin, Alex followed the cast member through the bustling crowds, and towards the double doors that read Cast Members Only.
As Alex stepped into the backstage area, the air crackled with excitement and anticipation. He could hardly contain his enthusiasm as he followed the seasoned Disney cast member through the bustling corridors. The cast member regaled Alex with stories of the magic that awaited him within the park's hallowed walls. Alex listened intently, his heart soaring with every word as he imagined the countless adventures that lay ahead.
As they approached a nondescript door labeled Character Costumes, the cast member turned to Alex with a knowing smile and pushed open the door to reveal a sight that took Alex's breath away: Row upon row of costumes stretched out before him, each one a vibrant tapestry of color and imagination. From the sparkling gowns of princesses to the swashbuckling attire of pirates, the room was a treasure trove of Disney magic, unlike anything Alex had ever seen. But as his eyes scanned the array of costumes, they came to rest on one in particular: a regal ensemble that seemed to pulse with an energy all its own. It was Gaston's attire from "Beauty and the Beast.” Confusion washed over Alex as he stared at the costume, his mind racing to catch up with the sudden realization of what was happening. "But… Gaston?" he stammered, turning to the cast member in disbelief. He was a small guy, maybe 5’ 8” on a good day and 120 soaking wet.
The cast member nodded with a reassuring smile. "Trust me, kid, you're gonna knock 'em dead," he said, clapping Alex on the back before ushering him into the locker room to get into costume and closing the door behind him.
Left alone with the costume amongst the lockers, Alex decided to give it a shot. He slipped into the too-large ensemble. Was he ready for this? Could he truly embody the larger-than-life persona of Gaston, the arrogant and boisterous villain of a beloved fairy tale?
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As Alex stepped into the Gaston costume, the fabric seemed to cling to him with an almost magnetic force, molding itself to his form in a way that felt simultaneously exhilarating and unsettling. At first, there was a faint prickling sensation, like pins and needles dancing across his skin. Then, a surge of energy pulsed through his veins, surprising him and causing him to lose his footing and stumble back onto the bench.
His limbs trembled as muscles he didn't know he possessed began to swell and ripple beneath the fabric. What was once a slender frame now burgeoned with newfound strength, his arms thickening with sinew and his chest expanding with each breath. The costume strained at the seams as if struggling to contain the sheer power that coursed through him. Stretching taller and taller, Alex felt his massive muscles elongate and shift, leaving him a gigantic 6'4". But it wasn't just his physique that changed. As Alex glanced down in disbelief at his massive legs and feet which now seemed miles away, he watched in awe as coarse tufts of hair sprouted from his skin, spreading like wildfire across his legs, and etching its way up his torso and onto his arms. The sensation was strange and unfamiliar, yet somehow right, as if this was the form he was always meant to inhabit. As he scratched the forest of hair on his massive chest, he felt... manly.
His face began shifting, his features sharpening and his jawline becoming more pronounced. A shadow of stubble emerged along his jaw, framing lips that curled into an arrogant smirk. Even his eyes seemed to change, gleaming with a newfound intensity that mirrored the character he now embodied. With each passing moment, Alex felt himself slipping further and further into the role of Gaston. His movements became more fluid, more confident, as if guided by some unseen force. His Adams apple, swelled, leaving his moans deeper and more resonant, booming and echoing with authority, his voice dripping with the same bravado that defined the character he now portrayed.
A surge of energy pulsed through him, and a strange sensation washed over his entire being. The world around him spun in a dizzying whirl, and Alex lost his footing and reached for support, only to stumble toward the doors to the main park and fall through. The sights and sounds of Disney World blended into a chaotic blur. Faces rushed past him, their voices a cacophony of excitement and laughter, but to Alex, they were nothing more than fleeting shadows in a swirling storm.
His head swam with confusion as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. "Where… where am I?" he muttered, his deep voice lost amidst the din of the crowd. He reached out, grasping for something – anything – to anchor him to reality, but found only the empty expanse of the park stretching out before him. In his disoriented state, Alex stumbled forward, his movements clumsy and uncertain. But then, as if guided by some unseen force, he felt a surge of power coursing through him, filling him with a newfound sense of purpose.
With a deep breath, Alex straightened his posture and squared his shoulders, channeling the boundless confidence of the character he now embodied. His steps grew more assured, his gestures more deliberate, until finally, Gaston arrived at his designated spot in the park.
Gaston stood before the eager parkgoers, flexing his muscles and flashing a cocky grin. Embracing his new role with all the bravado and charm of the legendary hero, he was ready to leave his mark on the magical kingdom of Disney in a way he never could have imagined.
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mybeingthere · 11 days
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Cannupa Hanska Luger (b 1979) is a New Mexico-based, multi-disciplinary artist of Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, Lakota, Austrian, and Norwegian descent.
Using social collaboration and in response to timely and site-specific issues, Luger produces multi-pronged projects that take many forms. Through monumental installations that incorporate ceramics, video, sound, fiber, steel, and repurposed materials, Luger interweaves performance and political action to communicate stories about 21st century Indigeneity.
Transcending colonial structures, the work oftentimes presents a call to protect land from capitalist exploits. Luger holds a BFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts and was the 2018 Museum of Arts and Design Burke Prize recipient.
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bread-elf · 1 year
This is a post that's primarily directed at people who have known my character Jiroki for a long time and know of her family.
Recently I've been undergoing through some negative life events (I won't talk about it here but my dms are open if anyone would like to know, but ultimately I am ok), and it's made me heavily reconsider my priorities in life. I still intend on rping on my free time as a hobby, but I am undergoing some changes with my character for the sake of my mental well being.
So for those that would like to know what changes, details are below.
First and foremost, my character is no later mated, and she is no longer engaged either or in any relationship. I am having her previous mate dead, he doesn't rp on my server nor am I rping on his anymore, and it's better this way. Her mate, who is a demon hunter named Aztook, is going to be considered dead. The player has not been active since bfa, and their separation will leave an opening for the chance to him to possibly be alive if he were to return, but as it stands that is unlikely.
Jiroki was engaged to Jason Helsong, but because of what I'm going through irl that is not something I can go through with. The player is incredibly supportive and one of the most amazing person's I know, and he is understanding.
We agreed for them to go back to casually dating and we may revisit their romantic story in the future, but at this time I don't want Jiroki to be in any form of relationship. The occasional fling may be fine as a change of pace for me, but my game time has already been reduced drastically since I been focusing on my life, and I'd rather not hold anyone back from rping freely.
Jiroki has four children that she's given birth to, and quite honestly I had considered retconning them entirely, but I don't think I can do it. So I've decided to make them older older they are (as of right now in Dragonflight the oldest who are twins would be 9), and they'll all be sent off for apprenticeships. The Kirin Tor, the druids in Val'sharah, the Tian Monestary, the Explorer's League, etc. Perhaps in the future I may rp them as adults, but at this time it has become more burdensome then it's worth to keep them involved in the story.
Jiroki may even move from her home in Pandaria to elsewhere. I haven't decided where yet, she does own a cabin in Grizzly Hills, so that may be what happens.
I had considered writing short stories for all these changes, but frankly I just couldn't make the energy for it. A lot is going on for me and there's too many memories as is associated with Jiroki and the events I'm going through, so I may even dabble in new character concepts or just focus on other games.
But I'll still be around and doing rp events that I'm already involved in, and still plan on sparkling with all the lovely Tarts. If you took the time to read all this I am genuinely happy at your investment, and will reassure once again that I am safe and ok. Maybe not mentally, but physically yes. Thank you for your time.
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ithel-lovik · 9 months
lazy writeblr intro
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about myself
ithel (pseudonym)
they/them, neutral terms only
autistic, ADHD, cPTSD
somewhat crippled/ill
fantasy/horror writer
artist (@sardonicdoll)
white, TME, gentile
not new to tumblr or writing whatsoever, just new to writeblr. i'm a BFA student studying digital arts, but having writing as a career would be amazing because most forms of employment are pretty inaccessible to me as a disabled trauma survivor. that's why i have a patreon. unfortunately, my disability situation also causes me to struggle with being committed and consistent, but there's only so much i can do about that.
other than writing i also like photography and video-games.
about my work
what i like to write: fantasy and horror, dysfunctional romance subplots, death and resurrection/transformation of the self, monsters, themes about trauma and recovery, usually long-form stories but i have some short story ideas as well, dunno if my stuff counts as YA or NA
goals: to actually finish/publish something, whether it's one of my book/short story ideas or my webfiction project
current project
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title: Red Sodom
genre: webfiction, post-apocalyptic horror w/ cosmic and biological horror elements, zombie-adjacent (but not really)
warnings: gore, body horror, violence, themes of trauma and its effects, centers around disease/a world-ending pandemic (i feel like i should say this story is not at all inspired by or connected to COVID-19)
stuff people might like: they/them nb+disabled+anti-hero lead, other queer characters, goes against typical post-apocalyptic tropes (e.g. everyone being selfish and trying to stab each other in the back instead of humanity coming together), "came back wrong," trauma is a central theme to the story (particularly childhood/developmental), also heavy themes involving redemption
Sira wakes up to the ruins of civilization with no memory or knowledge of what happened, other than the name they’re called by a disembodied voice just before they regain consciousness. A red mist blankets much of the earth, carrying with it an unstoppable pathogen that transforms those that inhale it into grotesque, reality-defying monstrosities dubbed “phantoms.” Strangely, Sira demonstrates a never-before-seen immunity to this pathogen, and they are taken in by the CPC – one of the paramilitary organizations working to combat the mist and its monsters – for protection and for the purposes of researching a vaccine or cure. Haunted by nightmares of a crimson-colored world, it becomes clear that Sira’s immunity to the disease is no mere coincidence, and their awakening sets in motion a downward spiral of events that proves the apocalypse is far from over.
where to find it:
currently what i had done previously is being re-written and i'm going to finish drafting the 1st arc in its entirety before posting publicly again, but you can still read the old writing at these places+it's where the new writing will be uploaded eventually
RoyalRoad: IthelLovik
Wattpad: IthelLovik
other projects
Exalted - fantasy/adventure with original worldbuilding about a mage who is driven from his homeland, discovers he has the same capacity for power as a god does, and gets pulled into a plot by a member of the nobility to destroy the planet
Safe Harbor - short supernatural romance story about a nineteen year-old who wants to escape the world and a thing that comes from the sea
all of my ideas other than Red Sodom have been put on hold to try and get it off the ground, but i'm hoping to continue work on them eventually
what i'll post
updates to my work, writing references, and any stuff that i make pertaining to it that i share with the public (like what i share to IG)
other places to find me
IG - ithel.lovik
twt: ithel_lovik
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 8 months
Thr inconsistency in warcraft lore shoulf br studied. I tip my hat to all the fanfiction writers for putting up with all the work-breaking jumbo. With that said what's your biggest pet peeve in retconed lore or similar?
Retcons that exist solely because one writer decides they didn't like a previous writer's work or don't want to read through it to make sure what they're writing works with it — not because there's anything about the work that hinders new plans going forward, or because it's dated and tasteless, but simply because they didn't respect it.
(Secondary to this: the fact that the different writing teams all appear to be working without any form of communication, also resulting in strange inconsistencies and instantly-retconned lore.)
Retcons aren't necessarily the devil, but the big problem I think is that they're used as a cheap 'fix' instead of actually getting into the nitty-gritty of what the problem is and how to resolve it through the medium of storytelling, because of course it's a lot cheaper and faster to just retcon the problem than to create an entire questline or commission a story to resolve the issue that's between them and the actual story they want to tell.
But it really stings to see good older lore left on the wayside because whoever was given the reins doesn't care for it one way or another, especially when what it's replaced with lacks charm or character.
As a massive IP Warcraft does have a truly colossal catalogue of old lore and I feel that part of the problem may be writers not being properly on-boarded with it, or else being assigned to writing quests and storylines for areas of the lore they're less familiar with as a way to gain 'experience' — whoever wrote the Kaldorei heritage questline seems to have only the most superficial grasp on night elf lore, for example.
But I think my biggest bugbear is when the novelization and the in-game information on events/characters are completely different, or when the Horde and the Alliance version of the same questline presents completely different stories.
Battle for Azeroth is rife with this, particularly the War of the Thorns where you have three separate versions of the story: the Alliance questline, the Horde questline, and the novelization (Elegy/A Good War) that all establish different, sometimes conflicting events and different motivations for the consistent events.
If you only played Horde in BfA, you're probably a bit confused as to why the night elf players are accusing the Horde of massacring every night elf civilian in Ashenvale and exterminating entire towns during the War of the Thorns.
For a more recent example, I think War of the Scaleborn is fascinating insofar that it appears to be operating in an entirely separate continuity from the rest of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, which I think is in large part due to the novel most likely being written in 2022 on what was likely a draft of Dragonflight's plot (its original release date was slated to be November 2022, but it was delayed by just shy of a year.)
By the time the novel released, all of the foundation it had been built on was almost entirely eroded not only as the game progressed without regards to the unreleased novel, but as gears shifted towards preparing for the Worldsoul Saga and the retooling of characters and plotlines to fit those plans.
Which massively sucks for Alameda, because I doubt the delay on the novel's release was her fault.
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silriven · 2 years
The Vow Eternal
This is an edit of my compiled thoughts and favorite quotes originally posted in a readthrough on Twitter about The Vow Eternal, the new short story that features Wrathion.
*sighs, rolls up sleeves, cracks knuckles*
Alright.  Let's see what we've got.
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First off, I love the cover art.  After 2+ years of low key dreading that when Wrathion made his post-BfA return, it would be as a villain or antagonist, it's been pretty nice to see him depicted heroically, even enveloped in a golden glow.  We've really been spoiled with good art for him this expansion, which hasn't even come out yet.
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No. I must not look up. But no sooner did he think it than he began to twist and shriek. Metal plating spread over him, containing him as he contorted into a form less of solid flesh than of liquid fire.  When the horrifying transformation was complete, the monster he had become, fueled by hatred and rage, opened its massive iron jaws. “There is no Wrathion!” the thing of metal and magma cried. The voice was dreadful, heart-stopping, and . . . familiar.  “There is only I, Deathwing—now and always,” Wrathion found himself hissing. But it was not his mouth. He watched, helpless, as the Aspects swooped to attack him, as the black dragons doubled back to blast him, their old enemy made anew . . .  All they saw was Deathwing.
...ok, to start, I am pleasantly surprised that we're kicking off with the implications that Wrathion regularly has Deathwing body horror nightmares, a type of Wrathion angst that is very near and dear to my heart.  Good, strong start.  
Short story: 1
Silriven's dignity: 0
Wrathion composing himself after shouting out in his sleep is a nice touch.   It's also interesting to note that Wrathion drinks a lot of wine...or at least has been recently.  Also, he's spending time at the Horde inn at the Shrine of Two Moons, rather than the Alliance inn.  Maybe he’s also giving The Tavern in the Mists a wide birth because he hasn’t reconciled with Tong, though I’d like to think that the Black Prince, not unlike the Lannisters, always repays his debts...eventually.
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Wrathion scoffed. The pleasure of your company. Ha! This wedding was a monumental event in Azeroth’s history—the joining of two powerful leaders—and yet he knew he had been invited only as a courtesy. No one in Azeroth really wanted a black dragon—especially him—at any sort of grand occasion. It was good political theater to trot out someone so instrumental in defeating the old god N’Zoth and saving the world, but neither the couple nor their high-profile guests would deem being in his company a pleasure.
So far I think I'm on board with Wrathion being self conscious about attending a social event like this, it makes sense.  Credit where credit's due, I have to say it's also nice seeing attention drawn to his role in N'zoth's defeat instead of dwelling on War Crimes/WoD.
Wrathion crumpled the scroll with unnecessary vigor and flung it into a corner. Weddings were notoriously sappy affairs, and this one was likely to be especially so. According to the reports of his Black Talon operatives, it was a true love match, one that had blazed to a flame during a poetry competition, of all things. There would be other giggling, happy pairs; families with their giddy children; old friends reuniting.
Positively stomach-churning.
This is how I also feel about Lor'themar & Thalyssra's great big heterosexual wedding getting center stage so no complaints here.
There was High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof, who, Wrathion observed with a sly grin, came with Mayla Highmountain.
Jesus, and people make fun of shippers for pairing two people who have just stood next to each other.  Sorry, I really would be enjoying this a little more if it was like, Shaw and Flynn's wedding or something.  Joking aside, I like the implication that Wrathion keeps up with Horde gossip, or maybe this comes from Ebyssian passing on Highmountain gossip to his brother.
In the past, Wrathion had sought to protect Azeroth by pitting Horde and Alliance against one another, in order to determine which side was the mightier. Now he understood that the fate of the world hung not on conquest but on collaboration.
Character growth, we love to see it.  I think this is one thing that most WoW players don’t understand is that the betrayal is a feature of Wrathion x Anduin, not a bug.
Anduin, the king of Stormwind who had been absent from that role over the past few years, had always believed permanent peace was possible between the two factions. He had worked toward that goal with a quiet tenacity that Wrathion had admired. After the Fourth War, Anduin’s hope had become a cautious reality.
There's something kind of poignant about the Horde and the Alliance finally gathering together in peace and Anduin, someone who's fought hard for this, being absent and unable to experience it.
At this point, overall, I'm surprised by how much I don't hate this.  Roguish Wrathion deciding to utilize the party to listen for "tidbits" of interesting conversation is good, Taelia being awed to meet him is good, Kalec being happy to see him is also good.  Fairshaw cameo is...better than nothing I suppose.
Taelia’s eyes widened, and she took a step toward him. “I am honored to meet you. I hear the world owes you great thanks.”
Seriously, Taelia x Wrathion shippers come get your JUICE 😍
Wrathion spread out his arms as he strode toward them. “Magni!” he cried, genuinely glad to have spotted him, for the two had worked together to defeat N’Zoth.
“Och! Wrathion! Come here, laddie, an’ let me introduce ye to my family. Me brothers, Muradin and Brann, and me dear daughter, Moira.”
“I of course know all your names,” Wrathion said with a dashing wink. It was true. “And what a pleasure to finally meet you,” he added, taking in the lively bunch.
“Oh, we know about you too!” Moira said. “Me da here willna shut up!”
Wrathion was caught off guard. Such a warm welcome almost undid him. The feeling was . . . contagious.
So this section right here, where Magni and his family give Wrathion a warm welcome like this and Wrathion is taken back by it?  This is the moment where my stone cold heart defrosted.  I still think Wrathion’s familial connection to Blackrock Mountain and the Dark Iron dwarves would be a great thing for World of Warcraft to explore.
Wrathion understood not having many friends—or any friends. He’d never truly been a child; he had grown so swiftly and been driven by so dark a purpose that there had been no time for play. Of course, a childhood disrupted by wars and conflicts didn’t help. Meeting Anduin in Pandaria had been both a gift and a curse. A gift, because Wrathion had learned that someone, anyone, might deem him worth caring for. A curse, because Wrathion had chosen to exploit Anduin’s trust in an ill-conceived attempt to protect Azeroth. They had met again years later, and that encounter had been . . . Well, suffice it to say Anduin had a much better right cross than Wrathion had given him credit for. He hoped they could reconcile once Anduin returned from . . . wherever he was.
Wrathion drained his glass, and the strange ache in his chest returned.
This is the really interesting bit, the part where Wrathion addresses Anduin directly.  I think hell has frozen over or I'm reading something incorrectly because this reads like confirmation that Anduin cared for Wrathion and that Wrathion feels heartache when he thinks about that.  It’s unexpected and...honestly, pleasant.
Kurog kept going, scrutinizing him. “How were you made, Wrathion? Cobbled together out of pieces of corpses? You and your depraved kin . . . You are the very symbol of all that has gone wrong in this world.” While most onlookers murmured in shock at Kurog’s words, Wrathion heard a voice from deep in the crowd cheering the tauren on.
A chill ran through Wrathion, but not from the voice of dissent in the crowd. Rather, from the peculiarity that a shaman would know this bit of awfully specific information. He wondered if he was the reason the tauren had decided to show up . . .
This part was also interesting, too, I wonder how the shaman found out this information or if it will come up again.  I kind of respected and liked how blunt this was, if they were going to keep Wrathion’s strange origins as is, it was a good way to utilize that information during this tense scene.  I think it also made for a good lead-in to the part where Wrathion looses his temper.  Something like this, so personal and said in public, in front of high ranking members of both the Horde and the Alliance, would make him loose his temper.
“You’re very kind, but I should have realized that my presence here would be . . . provocative . . . to some. I hope this did not tarnish your memories of this most joyful occasion. I must depart, and I wish you both nothing but happiness for all your days.”
They did not protest.
“I owe you my thanks,” Baine chimed in. “Kurog is a powerful shaman. He—”
Wrathion held up a hand, flashing a charming smile. “No need for thanks.” The black dragon bowed, straightened his shoulders, and strode off without another word.
Ouch 💔
“Kalecgos! What do you wish of me?”
The blue dragon lifted a bottle of arcwine and two glasses. “Some help in drinking this fine vintage.”
Kalec comforting Wrathion is sweet, so is Wrathion returning the favor.  I don’t ship the two but I cheer it on enthusiastically from the sidelines.  At least you don’t get the jokes about Anduin being a domestic abuser over there.
So at this point I started getting worknight tired and was a little distracted by figuring out that the mechanics/metaphor of the heartache that Wrathion has been feeling throughout the story are a literal affliction, the pull of the Dragon Isles on all of dragonkind to come home.  I didn’t really appreciate the weight of the next part until I read the short story a second time the following day.  I thought that Wrathion’s pain was going to be explained as him not recognizing what perfectly ordinary heartache is, but then Kalecgos is revealed to have the same feeling in addition to other dragons who have congregated at Wyrmrest.
Alexstrasza stepped forward and, as if there was not and never had been mistrust or resentment between them, gently placed a hand on his face. To his own surprise, he allowed it, comprehending that the significance of this moment transcended any quarrels.
“Young one,” the Dragon Queen said, exchanging a sage look with Nozdormu, “you have heard the call . . . and you have answered.”
Wrathion did not understand. “The call?”
“Yes, the call,” she said, speaking to all of those standing closely around her. “One long awaited. All of us—here, below, anywhere in the world—we have all been called, and we have heard it with our hearts. The Dragon Isles are awaiting our return.”
“But . . .” Wrathion shook his head, still not comprehending.
“Wrathion,” she said softly, “you are homesick.”
The ache. The desperate longing for something he had never had.
The Dragon Isles had never been denied to him. They were only waiting. For him, and for every other dragon in Azeroth. His people. Wrathion had not been excluded.
He was being welcomed.
He belonged.
This?  This bit is nice.  Wrathion being accepted and welcomed by the dragons, especially their queen, truly, for lack of a better phrase, sparks joy.  The one-two punch of Wrathion realizing that he is homesick for a home he never had and then feeling welcomed by other dragons as a part of the family does land emotionally, at least for me.  My one quibble is I wish Ebyssian was included in this moment, being the first dragon that Wrathion sees as family.  Ebyssian is curiously absent in this short story, though it juggles so many characters as it is.
I think this also reframes the later questline in Dragonflight proper where Sabellian is questioning Wrathion's right to seek the title of Aspect, knowing that Alexstrasza and other dragons of Azeroth, like Kalecgos, do accept him as he is and as one of their own.  It softens how harsh this interaction is, when you take into consideration that Wrathion’s mother was forced to breed by the Red Dragonflight and her whelps, including Wrathion, were experimented on with the end goal of curing the Black Dragonflight of the Old Gods’ corruption.  This is the one obscure lore fact that I keep hammering on, sorry, I know it gets old but
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[ “Everything not saved will be lost. - Quit screen message, Nintendo ]
I don't think we were going to get a satisfying resolution to the old conflicts between the Red and the Black Dragonflights, one that addressed the experiments done to Nyxondra's children for example, so in my opinion this isn't a bad way to start fresh.  I kind of don’t want this game to touch the subject of forced dragon breeding again.  The way this MMORPG approaches its story doesn’t lend the kind of nuance and gravitas you need to tackle a story like that in good taste.  Let's have a new narrative.
Overall I really liked this short story.  I think this is better characterization than the snippets I’ve seen from the so far from the Obsidian Citadel questline in the alpha/beta, or at least complements it better.  I’m also a little self conscious because, to be honest, after Shadowlands, my expectations for Dragonflight have been practically on the floor.  World of Warcraft can be hard to talk about, too, because content comes out at such a slow drip feed, there's a lot of excitement when things drop.  I've been looking forward to the possibility of a Wrathion short story for a while so I'm also trying not to get too swept away in the hype.  Still, Wrathion enduring both a wedding and its guests is a fun ride.
tldr; Wrathion needs more gentle touches to his face, I can get behind this short story.
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This saturday 1-3pm gmt +1 Anna Christine sands - more info here https://fubar.space/2023/dada-to-data/
Applying an art history and theory-based lens to the glitch art communities we participate in, this discussion will explore how the world arrived at glitch art, and how we can be sure it will stick around. From Dada to data, artists have long rebelled against oppressive systems and the underlying societal fears we all face. Using glitch art as a basis for this discussion, we might imagine corruptive art in the future.
Anna Christine Sands Born in the American Midwest in 1993. The daughter of an early pioneer in the world of personal computing, she eventually adopted and grew into her father’s interest in digital imaging. Like most children born in the early 1990s, Sands grew up alongside the Internet itself, forming a sort of symbiotic relationship with the World Wide Web. This connection to cyberspace eventually deepened and developed into a studio practice examining art in the post-digital, post-Internet world.
She attended the Art Academy of Cincinnati and was awarded a BFA in Photography in 2016. She graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a Masters of Fine Arts focusing in Art and Technology Studies in 2021. Her work has been a part of festivals such as Ars Electronica, The Wrong Biennial and the Miami New Media Festival. She has also exhibited four times in the world’s longest-running annual glitch art exhibition, /’fu:bar
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Character Bio: Sunday Evening Offdensen
AKA: Sunday Mourning (stage name), Suns, the Cursed Seer/the Siren (depending on which side of the prophecy you ask)
Birthday: November 1, 19XX (same age as Nathan & Skwisgaar)
Zodiac Sun: Scorpio Moon: Virgo Venus: Libra Ascendant: Libra
Meaning of the Name: The day of the sun, after the sun’s set! Her mother was delirious through large portions of labor and delivery. When the nurse asked for a name, Nathalie thought she’d asked the time and said, “It’s Sunday Evening,” with such force and confidence that the nurse wrote it down. Guthrie, absent at the birth, left it after the fact as a reminder to his wife to be strong.
Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana
Gender: Cis woman
Speaking Voice: Emma Stone
Singing Voice: Floor Jansen
Height: 5’4” flat, anywhere from 5’7” to 5’9” in heels.
Eyes: Hazel green, skewing golden. Eye shape is round/protruding, with plenty of real estate for her usual heavy goth makeup looks. Post-DSR, gold.
Lips: Full, with pronounced cupid’s bow on the upper lip.
Hair: Straight with very slight wave (2A). Sunday usually wears her hair long and layered with side swept bangs. She dyes her hair frequently. 
At first appearance (shortly after S2E10 “Dethgov”) her hair is bleached blonde, but quickly dyed cherry red thereafter. After she starts dating Nathan Explosion (S2E14 “Dethsources”), she dyes it black, leaving her bangs red (picture “slut strands”). In Season 3, she’s spotted with a shoulder length lob, dyed back to her natural medium brown. In Season 4, she has extensions to her waist and her hair colored in a black-to-burgundy ombré. In her Smugly Dismissed days, her hair is box-dyed black.
Body type: Hourglass, with wide shoulders and hips and a small waist. She tends to carry weight in her thighs and butt. She has a large bust thanks to breast implants.
Piercings: Has a habit of getting a new tattoo and/or piercing everywhere she travels. Nose ring, left nostril. Multiple lobe piercings, helix, and anti-helix holes on both ears. Industrial, left ear. Orbital, right ear. Belly button pierced.
Tattoos:  “Owl” on right bicep that looks suspiciously like a falcon. Baphomet kitten on right shoulder. Moon cycles on right wrist. Wolf howling at moon on left wrist. Left arm sleeve of the High Priestess with detailed background. Lower sternum/underboob tattoo of a bat hanging upside down with wings spread. Down right hip and thigh, a zombie mermaid. On left hip, an alligator, raised on its hind legs, surrounded by music notes and sparkles. Mark of Hecate behind left knee.
Extra details: Dimples, the left stronger than the right; large Roman nose (frequently commented on by Skwisgaar). Prominent cheekbones. A strong, square jawline not unlike her brother’s.
Preferences / Background
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual/Pansexual (would likely self-identify as bi, given the time mtl is set in, but her attraction to individuals isn’t dependent on gender)
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Favorite Meal: Eggs Sardou OR fresh beignets and black coffee.
Favorite Drink: Alcoholic, a Boulevardier. Non-alcoholic, a dirty chai latte.
Favorite Snack: Hummus and anything she can dip in it.
Language Fluencies: English, French, Creole, Swedish (slightly rusty), Swiss German (very rusty)
Education: Master of Music (Juilliard), Master of Business Administration (Columbia), Bachelor of Fine Arts (Loyola). Privately educated as a child, she achieved her BFA as a young teen. After Loyola, Sunday spent a brief time in a Swiss boarding school before running away to form Smugly Dismissed. When she ditched the band, she spent some time “hiding in plain sight” by simultaneously attending Juilliard and Columbia.
Occupations: Metal vocalist, Smugly Dismissed; Freelance songwriter/lyricist (post-Smugly Dismissed to present); session artist, strings (post-Smugly Dismissed - Season 4); Fetish model (post-SD - Season 1); Television/Media personality (shortly before Season 1 - Season 4); President, Metal Alliance (Season 3-4); interim Dethklok manager (briefly, post Season 2- pre Season 3); Solo recording artist, Crystal Mountain Records (Season 3 to present).
Music Credits: Three albums with Smugly Dismissed as vocalist, lyricist, songwriting, and some bass guitar; songwriting credits on two Ava Sunbeam albums (listed only as SEO); at least two albums as a solo artist. One album playing violin in the Juilliard String Quartet.
On television: Worked primarily with MBC as a judge/presenter for their reality singing competition American Voice Showdown, and made occasional guest appearances after her initial tenure. Recurring guest role on MBC’s Paw and Order during Season 1. Host of Swinging Steel Awards during Season 2. Guest appearance on the William Murderface and Dick Knubbler Christmas Special during Season 3. Host/presenter for MTV’s Sunday Mourning’s Anti-Valentine’s Ball during Season 3.
Hobbies: Witchcraft! While Sunday’s familiar with protective charms and spell work, her main focus is on divination. She owns four tarot decks, each with their own style and purpose, and performs readings for friends and family. She believes in osteomancy (throwing bones) and often uses it to address lingering questions. She’s determined to learn every stringed instrument. She’s competent with the violin, viola, cello, bass, guitar, and piano. She’s currently learning the harp. Sunday’s quick to remind people that she was “the worst guitar player in Smugly Dismissed”, which the author notes is a lot like being the last pick in the NFL draft. Occasionally, Sunday visits exclusive BDSM clubs (she’s a VIP at Club Hedonism, but doesn’t partake in the same munches that Murderface does). Barring that, she’ll indulge in her fetishes with trusted dominants. As an experienced rope bunny, she’s participated in bondage shoots and demonstrations for her clubs. Her ‘guilty pleasure’ is reading trashy romance novels, the more erotic the better. She’s embarrassed by the books, despite participating in BDSM acts that would make the protagonists blush, and conceals them inside volumes of French philosophy in her home.
What About That Curse? As a child, Sunday often visited her maternal family’s occult shop. On a visit at age five, Sunday ran inside while playing and tripped against a display table. A strange antique vial fell cracked open in sync with Sunday’s head on the floor, splattering her with the fluid inside. Two days of seizures and visions later, the child got a terrible feeling when someone was about to die. It took until adulthood for her to realize that she attracted the damaged like flies to honey. Even later than that, she realizes her singing charms people.
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abwwia · 6 months
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Be Still. . . is a tea set—the pear half and quarters are actually elaborate stands for the teapot, creamer, and sugar bowl. Like many of Kathleen Royster Lamb's pieces, leaves and thorns play a prominent role in the interpretation of the design. To Lamb, the leaves signify a protective layer while the thorns symbolize pain. Lamb considers the pear shape to be a feminine form where the leaves protect the fruit's fleshy, delicate core from the thorns of the creamer and sugar bowl. By exposing the core of the fruit, she wants to create a feeling of vulnerability and drama. Lamb intentionally emphasized the length of each pear's stem in an attempt to represent the balance, or lack thereof, that we find within ourselves. (Susan Peterson, Contemporary Ceramics, 2000)
#bornonthisday Kathleen Royster Lamb enrolled in Portland State University in 1978, but withdrew after her third year because she "wanted an adventure." She relocated to Alaska, where she worked as a commercial fisherman during the summer and traveled all over the world in the winter, visiting New Zealand, Australia, India, and Nepal. Around her thirtieth birthday, Lamb decided to return to college, and this time entered the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, where she received a BFA and MFA in ceramics. She initially majored in graphic design, but soon found herself drawn to clay due to its tactile nature and the technical challenges the material presents. She began teaching ceramics at the college level after graduation, which she continues to do to this day. Lamb has exhibited her works internationally, and her pieces are found in several collections, including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Arizona State Art Museum. ("Do you know: Kathleen Royster, assistant professor of art," This Week @Metro (June 15, 2005)
Kathleen Royster Lamb, Be Still. . ., 1998, stoneware, part A (half pear): 4 1⁄4 x 12 1⁄4 x 6 1⁄4 in. (10.7 x 31.1 x 15.8 cm) part B (quarter pear): 4 x 9 3⁄4 x 6 1⁄8 in. (10.1 x 24.8 x 15.5 cm) part C (quarter pear): 3 1⁄4 x 12 x 5 3⁄4 in. (8.3 x 30.5 x 14.5 cm) part D (sugar bowl): 3 3⁄4 x 6 3⁄4 x 4 in. (9.6 x 17.2 x 10.1 cm) part E (creamer): 3 3⁄4 x 6 7⁄8 x 4 5⁄8 in. (9.5 x 17.6 x 11.9 cm) part F (teapot): 7 1⁄2 x 7 3⁄8 x 4 5⁄8 in. (19.2 x 18.8 x 11.8 cm) part G (lid): 2 1⁄8 x 2 1⁄8 x 1 3⁄8 in. (5.3 x 5.3 x 3.5 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase through the Howard Kottler Endowment for Ceramic Art, 2000.3A-G
#KathleenRoysterLamb #tea #craft #teaset
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Hey Mel I have questions. You seem to know things.
First of all, do you know anyone who like...designs blogs? I want mine to look better but I hate that crap.
Secondly, your new layout and everything looks super rad. I'm not bugging you about it btw, you are a busy creator - I'm just curious if you can pass along info.
Next, what would you say is your favorite way for your readers or ... art viewers to show appreciation? Do you like reblogs most? Reblogs with comments? Or tags? Or mainly replies. Both, all?
I used to be a serial liker way back when (I know, I'm Satan) but once I realized how important rb'ing was (thank you, educational posts), I started doing it all the time, and I try to interact, which has turned out to be lovely and so much more fun! Anyway, what's your fave feedback method?
Omg hi babe!!!!
Thoughts below the cut:
You give me too much credit with "you seem to know things" hahaha. I TRY, but this hellsite is a challenge!
Firstly, thank you SO MUCH for the sweet compliment on my blog. I have gone through MANY different styles and different schemes before landing on this one. For me it was VERY trial and error and I definitely like this one a LOT.
Designing your blog is tough, and despite having my BFA in graphic design, I sucked at it until I started figure out what works best for me, the writer, and for my readers. The thing I discovered that works best for me personally is the simplicity, but I did have it set up much more complex (and I'm in the process of switching my masterlist to the simpler style STILL)
I don't know anyone who designs them, though I wonder if that's something that people would do? Do they charge money for it? If anyone reading this has any thoughts on that, let me know!
A couple of resources I recommend are:
Canva.com (for the actual design)
Colorpalettes.net (for coming up with color schemes you like)
Pinterest (for photos if needed)
For your second point, I'm ALWAYS happy help anyone with anything I can <3
For your next question, I've talked about this previously but I'm always happy to take the mic when someone hands it to me to discuss this further. Reblogs with comments will always be mine, and most, creator's preferred form of support/appreciation.
- Side note: Financial support is technically the best way to show support/appreciation for most artists but I don't ever want to charge money for fanfiction because that opens up a whole can of worms that I don't think most fanfic writers would really want, despite it sounding good in theory. - For example, most fanfic writers are writing out of passion, emotion, and just raw feelings. As soon as you start charging money, it starts being more of an obligation for the writer (less fun). I also like that you don't HAVE to have money to enjoy creative works like fanfiction, you can enjoy it for free. It's a community that thrives off of my providing the stories that my brain enjoys coming up with, to people who enjoy reading them. - Though I will say that if someone sends me a tip or something just to show support that's AMAZING. I just mean, I don't think putting fanfiction behind a paywall is something we want inherently.
That being said, the LEAST anyone can do, is reblog. I also used to be a serial liker, not knowing how important reblogs were. Let me paint the picture and tell a story lol:
Person 1 sees Artist making art and says "I like this." The Artist is happy and says "Thank you that's so sweet of you. I hope others like it too," but before they can even finish their sentence, Person 1 is gone. Person 1 never tells their friends about the amazing art they saw. Person 1 doesn't even tell the artist WHY they liked their work. (And in some cases, Person 1 says "I like this. Hey can you make me an extremely complicated commission for free so I can have it and also not tell my friends about that?") - Person 1 is a "serial liker" and an asshole entitled reader. We hate Person 1, they're an asshole.
Person 2 sees Artist making art and says "I like this." Now, they go to their friends and say, "I saw some art. I liked it," and they don't elaborate. So their friends, might go see it, but Person 2 hasn't really done anything to "sell" your work to their friends. So YES it's SO MUCH better than what Person 1 did, but Person 2 could still be better.
Person 3, our queen, our beloved, sees the Artist making art and says "I like this." Then Person 3 not only tells their friends about how amazing it is, but they also tell the artist why they liked it so much and the things about it that made them happy. Their friends can see how excited Person 3 is about the work, thus inspiring them to check it out and spread it to their friends by reblogging as well.
All of this to say, Person 3 is the ideal reader, they reblog, they engage with you, they're spreading the word, and sometimes that can be the difference between an artist continuing or ending their time on tumblr. I've seen it happen twice, and it's fucking heartbreaking.
Just something to think about for others who don't understand why we push for reblogs so much!
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harlowmiller · 9 months
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Character Name: Harlow Miller
Character Age:  32
Birthday: July 27th, 1991
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
Neighborhood: Orchid Park
Occupation: Owner of Bread & Butter
Harlow Miller was born in 1989 in Covington, Georgia to a single mother. Harlow's mother worked hard as a nurse to provide for Harlow, often working long night shifts at the local hospital. Her father was not present in her life growing up, which sometimes made her questions why he couldn't bring himself to be in her life. Despite that, she had a happy childhood, with a modest and loving upbringing. She had a huge family in Covington, and knew almost everyone around town. 
In high school, she really came out of her shell. Her kind and jovial nature not only made here likable, but popular. Harlow's athleticism led her to try out for the cheerleading squad in 10th grade. She made the team, becoming one of the star cheerleaders. Harlow brought infectious energy and enthusiasm to the squad, t. She balanced her cheering commitments with challenging courses, earning excellent grades. 
Life would have been perfect, until tragedy struck when she was 15. Her mother was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of leukemia. After a brave battle, Sarah passed away just before Harlow's 16th birthday. Losing her mother at such a young age was heartbreaking for the teen. Her mother's death forced her to grow up quickly, though it didn't dim her kindness. She moved in with her aunt and uncle nearby (who she always saw as her second set of parents) and finished high school living with them. 
After high school, Harlow set her sights on higher education at the prestigious Savannah College of Art and Design. The creative vibes at SCAD gave Harlow a place to express her grief through art. She put her amazing talents to work and graduated with top honors, earning a BFA in Painting. However, while she was job searching, she felt as if something was missing. 
It was her childhood friend Amy who first introduced Harlow to the wonders of baking. One particularly difficult week—after Harlow failed to land a job, again—Amy invited her over. There, she suggested they bake since Amy found baking relaxing. As they baked, she felt a familiar sense of comfort and creativity stir within her. Amy called her a natural and persuaded her to take baking seriously. With no job prospects in sight, Harlow signed up for a prestigious pastry program soon after. She immersed herself in mastering the techniques of breadmaking and decorating elaborate pastries.
After honing her skills, she took the courageous step of opening her own bakery at 27 years old—using the inheritance her mom left her to help finance the new business. She named it Bread & Butter. Harlow poured her heart and soul into creating a welcoming community space that shared her love of baking through high-quality breads and pastries. Owning her business was fulfilling but demanding work. At the very beginning, Harlow routinely worked 15 hour days. Her perseverance paid off as Bread & Butter gained a loyal following for its exceptional baked goods. 
A few years after starting her business, romance came knocking. He was charming and driven, and they formed an instant connection. After 1 year of dating, he proposed, and although she knew she wasn't ready—she accepted and they began planning their wedding. However, as the big day grew closer, she realized deep down that she couldn't go through with the wedding. She was glad to have followed her instincts because not too long after that; she found out he had gotten another woman pregnant. This experience left Harlow guarded when it came to romance. She has remained single in the years since, focusing her energy instead on the bakery, her friends and family.
Sunny Optimist: Despite the hardships life has thrown her way, Harlow maintains a cheerful, glass-half-full perspective. Her warm smile lights up any room she enters.
Old Soul: Wise and nurturing beyond her years, Harlow has a nostalgic old soul. She loves music from the 60 through to the 90s.
Empathetic Listener: She never shies away from lending a listening ear to someone in need. She offers compassion and thoughtful advice.
Cautious with romance: After almost marrying the wrong man, she has remained single, guarded when it comes to relationships.
Wanted Connections
Best friend: Samara Khanna, Ahalya Reddy
Tennis partner: She's not that great at tennis, but likes playing just to get active. That's how they met. They could be close or just have a passing friendship.
Friends: Harlow knows everyone, so this is pretty straightforward.
Enemies: Maybe another competitive baker, or her ex. I'm open to any ideas lol.
Love interest: He's a teacher who has visited the bakery in the mornings—for a year now—before school to grade papers and enjoy coffee and pastries. He's friendly and before long, Harlow starts to look forward to chatting with him during his visits. There’s an undeniable chemistry sparking between them, although she's hesitant to take it further. Little did she know, he was the best friend of her ex fiancé. Nolan Jackson
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mybeingthere · 2 months
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Born in Chicago, Ellen Lanyon (1926-2013) studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (BFA, 1948) and the University of Iowa, Iowa City (MFA, 1950). She completed her education at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London in 1950-1951 while on a Fulbright grant. Lanyon spent the early part of her career in her hometown and she was often identified with Chicago Imagism. In the 1970s she moved to New York, where she became a member of the Heresies magazine collective.
Noting that Lanyon was once pejoratively dubbed a “Corn Belt Surrealist,” critic Lucy Lippard has analyzed the centrality of ecology and metaphors of transformation within the artist’s paintings, drawings, and prints, describing her as “naturalist and fantasist, Audubon and Pygmalion in female form.” Lanyon’s meticulously realized “dreamscapes” often combine animal, vegetal, and floral motifs into fantastical and semiautobiographical compositions that reflect her private mythology. Her frequent depiction of everyday objects with simultaneously domestic and sinister connotations—including scissors, sewing needles, and cutlery, objects that evoke Victorian Americana as well as Surrealist dream objects—has elicited comparisons between her work and Metaphysical Painting of the 1910s and 1920s. It has also situated her among a generation of feminist artists whose embrace of intimacy and sentiment offered a counterpoint to modernism’s supposed neutrality.
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crash-stop · 1 year
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This saturday 1-3pm gmt +1 Anna Christine Sands ( more info here https://fubar.space/2023/dada-to-data/)
Applying an art history and theory-based lens to the glitch art communities we participate in, this discussion will explore how the world arrived at glitch art, and how we can be sure it will stick around. From Dada to data, artists have long rebelled against oppressive systems and the underlying societal fears we all face. Using glitch art as a basis for this discussion, we might imagine corruptive art in the future.
Anna Christine Sands
Born in the American Midwest in 1993. The daughter of an early pioneer in the world of personal computing, she eventually adopted and grew into her father’s interest in digital imaging. Like most children born in the early 1990s, Sands grew up alongside the Internet itself, forming a sort of symbiotic relationship with the World Wide Web. This connection to cyberspace eventually deepened and developed into a studio practice examining art in the post-digital, post-Internet world.
She attended the Art Academy of Cincinnati and was awarded a BFA in Photography in 2016. She graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a Masters of Fine Arts focusing in Art and Technology Studies in 2021. Her work has been a part of festivals such as Ars Electronica, The Wrong Biennial and the Miami New Media Festival. She has also exhibited four times in the world’s longest-running annual glitch art exhibition, /’fu:bar/.
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longlistshort · 11 months
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Ermin Tabakovic has created an intriguing world with his geometric paintings for Transcending Space, on view at Morean Arts Center in St. Pete.
From the gallery’s website-
Ermin Tabakovic was born in 1980 in former Yugoslavia (now Bosnia). In 1993 he and his family moved to Berlin, Germany where they lived between 1993-1998. As a teenager in Berlin, Ermin was involved in the city’s vibrant graffiti art scene and completed numerous murals. In 1998 he and his family emigrated to the United States, settling in the Tampa Bay area. Upon arrival in the US, Ermin took on painting and studied at St. Petersburg College where he focused on art and architecture. He went on to study art at the University of Central Florida in Orlando where he completed his BFA in Art Studio with Minors in Graphic Design and Art History.
Ermin actively exhibited his work between 2000-2008, taking part in many shows throughout Florida. He stopped painting in 2008 due to health issues and picked it up again in 2020 with a new vigor and a new vision. His new works are mature, colorful and bold representations of his core vision and aesthetic steeped in geometric form and a structural sensibility. Currently Ermin resides in Tampa with his wife Lisa and their beloved cat Maximus.
“Modern geometric painting has had a very big influence on my work, especially the Constructivist artists such as Malevich and El Lissitzky and the various other modern Art movements of the 20th century such as Cubism, Neoplasticism, Minimalism, and Surrealism. In my current work I tend to fuse all these different influences and combine them with my own personal aesthetic to create a new visual language that transcends the past and points to something new and different. We live in a digital age, so there is that digital touch to my compositions as well by using the hard-edge approach.
“I want the works to be visually striking, thus my use of vibrant colors, contrast, pure and robust geometric forms, clean lines, etc. I also like to add a surreal touch to my works to give them a sense of mystery and visual drama. Furthermore, I seek to create visual paradoxes by intertwining 2D and 3D space to add tension and ambiguity. My aim is to challenge the viewer’s perception of space and test the boundaries of what is possible by juxtaposing the seemingly impossible.”
This exhibition closes 10/26/23.
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Megan Archer - Artist Research
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‘My painting practice is concerned with the intersection of digital processes and traditional art-making techniques, playfully connecting digital and analog methods of production.’
Graduated from the University of Canterbury's Ilam School of Fine Arts with a BFA majoring in painting, Megan is a painter and collage artist from New Zealand.
Her medium explores the symbiotic and harmonious connections between humans and technology. She is also known for her manner with analog and digital methods of production. Manipulating cut-outs, before rendering her results on oil on canvas, she depicts collages of human bodies into near-abstract forms - typically aimed to shift aesthetic observation.
Keeping old books and magazines from the 70s-80s, Archer was influenced to creating photomontages - typically of human bodies - manipulating them digitally, Archer forms abstract ideas by furnishing them into oil on canvas. Her work is humorous, uncanny and nostalgic and stirs cognitive dissonance as the manufactured images bring down the norms and expectations, establishing a sense of surreal realms that viewers would be drawn to question notions of taste.
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ronqueesha · 2 years
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The latest cinematic trailer for Dragonflight really added my excitement for potential development for Dairon as a character.
She was heavily traumatized by the Cataclysm. To the point she had to seek out a radical form of therapy by abandoning her family, friends, and her entire life to rebuild herself in the distant land of Pandaria. A land notably devoid of dragons.
Part of her trauma related to the Cataclysm was a new and crippling phobia of dragons. After Deathwing destroyed her home and his draconic minions spread death and destruction following his rampage, Dairon grew wary and deeply afraid of dragons. All dragons, no matter their intention or background.
If given the choice, Dairon would never willingly associate with dragons at all, as being in their presence is enough to trigger panic attacks and even worse consequences. In my headcanon for the character, she never did any of the storylines or quests related to dragons whatsoever. And even declined Wrathion’s urgent call for assistance in BFA because of his species (and also the fact he’s deathwing’s son)
Her monk training in Pandaria never once dealt with this, instead focusing on other aspects of much-needed healing and self improvement. All these years later, she has carried this semi-irrational fear deep in her heart.
So this is the perfect expansion for her to confront this and mend the last lingering wounds on her soul!
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