#Nezu Kichi
martyrwill · 6 years
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i wonder how their parents look like
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candycutter13 · 6 years
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Character Quote #202
*sees a friend’s sibling* “Don’t look! It’s your doppelganger!”
Source: Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedagure Character: Ohta siblings
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iconsofanimes · 6 years
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vtsvro · 7 years
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よし  💚
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Gakuen babysitters #6
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phanique · 6 years
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学園ベビーシッターズ 第15卷 第83話
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readerscove · 7 years
I can't wait to see if they animate my fav chapters from Gakuen Babysitter! I'm hoping for the beach trip, Cross-dressing Ryuichi #1, and the Kamitani bros big fight, oooh and the where Nezu's twin Lil bros come in!
You know, *cough*, just to name a couple....ehehe...
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javythere · 4 years
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same kichi same :(
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yurios-kin-help · 5 years
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Anon Asked: Can I get some #826e6e Nezu from BNHA icons?
Yep! Here they are! I hope this is the right color. I made sure to type it exact.
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· Mod Kichi ·
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thecrazyanimegirl · 7 years
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ellezizzi · 7 years
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cuties  (≧◡≦) ♡
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noel-noa · 4 years
Hi! So uh, I saw that you write for Gakuen Babysitters and I got a little excited. I was wondering if you were okay writing for Nezu Chuukichi. If not, feel free to ignore this but if you do, may I ask for a little fluff piece where g/n reader helps him take care of his many siblings? Thank you so much and have a lovely day!
a/n: yeay a gakuen baby sitter request!! ofc i write for nezu, he's lovely!
babysitting the nezus
it supposed to be the day when you and chuukichi went on a date, but things happened and of course both of you couldn't leave two of his little brother and his younger sister alone in his house. his brother supposed to be the one to babysit his younger siblings when you and chuukichi went on a date. but of course daiki being daiki, caused some repairments and now he had to go to pay it up while you and chuukichi left with the babysitting task.
"are you okay with it? you can left if you don't want to" said chuukichi for the nth time before opening the doorknob on his front door. "yes i am chuukichi, stop asking that i'm really okay!" you answered, chuukichi gave you a thin smile before finally opening the doorknob.
when the doorknob was opened you immediately greeted by his siblings running towards him. "CHUUKICHI NII CHAN" shouted kichi and suekichi while kyouko just peek behind the door and muttered a low "welcome back nii chan" before they could reach chuukichi, they noticed you and averted their curious gazes towards you. "hey i'm (name), i'm chuukichi's friend, nice to meet you!" you said cheerily, both of them instantly brighten up and introduce themselves back enthusiasticly "hello! i'm kichi!" "and i'm suekichi!" both of them were so adorable, you had to control yourself before ypu engulf them into a suffocating hug. "it's rude to keep our guest at the front door suekichi kichi" said chuukichi sternly "oh yeah, we are sorry to bother you! come with us, we will show you to our living room!"
at the living room, you were greeted by the sight of chuukichi's shy little sister. she just waved her hand unyil chuukichi told her to introduce herself. "hora kyouko, it's rude to not introduce yourself" "h-hi, my name is kyouko" muttered her, you reciprocated the introduction back and pat her head, she's so cuteee!
"i'm going to cook lunch, can you accompany (name) san?" asked chuukichi before departing to the kitchen, both of the boys shouted in unison "yeah we can, don't worry nii chan!" while kyouko just muttered a quiet "yes" and there chuukichi went off, leaving you with his three younger siblings.
the boys instantly bombarded you with question "ne ne ne, (name) san can we ask you a question?" asked suekichi "it's about chuukichi nii chan!" continued by kichi "yes, of course you can" you giggled at their enthusiastic attitude. "how is chuukichi nii chan in school? he's cool right?!" "(name) san are you in the same class as nii chan? are you friends with the pervert?" pervert? you tilted your head, a little bit confused with the nickname. oh, they probably meant yagi kun. when you were thinking about it, the twins got into a little argument about who's first between them asked you a question. "i'm first kichi, you can ask later" "it's not fair, i want to ask (name) san question to right now!" before the fight escalated you quickly calmed the both boys down. "it's okay i can answer both of your question at the same time, don't fight okay?" then they nodded at you, it was a bit of surprising that they didn't fight back and instantly calmed down when you said it. "your chuukichi nii chan is always cool and yes i'm friends with yagi kun" you answered them and the qna session continued.
the boys were having a blast with your stories about their nii chan. you were just telling them a funny story about chuukichi, and they couldn't believe it. the three of you were chattily conversing then the corner of your eyes caught kyouko playing alone with her doll. damn, you forgot about her because she's so quiet! so while the boys still busy with the story, you approached kyouko and talked to her. "that's a cute doll kyouko" you said, she was startled and her cheeks turned pink. "r-really?" "hm, can i play with you?" you asked, her eyes immediately lighten up, you swore you could see sparkle on those eyes. "yeah, of course (name) san! wait here i will bring you another doll!" she said before running to her own room then returned to play dolls with you.
that was how the rest of your afternoon went by, before chuukichi called you all up to the dining room because he was finished cooking the lunch. "itadakimasu!" said the five of you together before digging into lunch. "do you cause any trouble for (name) san?" asked chuukichi, the three of them shook their heads. "is it true (name) san?" chuukichi asked again for confirmation earning grunts and protests from suekichi and kichi. "yeah it's true, all of them are good kids!" you replied while smiling. after you all finished eating, the boys and kyouko went to their room to play leaving you and chuukichi behind. "i'm sorry for troubling you today" said chuukichi whike washing the dishes with you "i already said for the nth time, it's alright chuukichi. besides it's nice to get to know your cute little siblings" you answered "thank you really, i will make it up to you next time" "it's fine, a date like this in your own house is cool too chuukichi!" but instead of a sentence, you got a peck on your temple as a response. "no, it's not okay. i want an alone time with you too, so next time we will go on a date outside okay?" he said staring at your blushing mad face from the sudden action. you could only nod shyly, covering your faces while he replied back with "good" and pat your head with a big smile plastered on his face.
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kumapillow · 3 years
I saw your tags, and i always know that nezu-kun and yagi are close friends because they are on a first name basis without honorifics i recognize that as a close sign of friendship from another anime, yeah i hope the plate is for yagi but i wonder but has it been stated were is nezu's dad?
Hello 🙂
Chuukichi’s dad is still around, he’s been mentioned in some chapters (ch.28/ep.6a comes to mind; the anime even gave his name as Nezu Kuji, but I’m just basing this on their house nameplate 😅). He has yet to appear in the present though, afair he just appeared in ch.94 in a flashback.
I did think of him when I was counting the plates 😄 that would be the dad, the mom, Daikichi, Chuukichi, Shoukichi, Kichi, Suekichi and Kyouko, so there’s one extra plate 😄
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iconsofanimes · 6 years
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haru-desune · 7 years
Hi! Could you do a fic where Taka is looking for a "new" big brother because he feels like Hayato doesn't like him, (he's also kind of jealous of Kotaro and Ryuu's relationship)
Oh boy I’ve been wanting to look into thisrelationship for a while now! This took a little longer than expected but Ihope it’s good! (AO3) (FF.Net)
Taka was certain his brother hated him. He wasalways hitting him and calling him stupid and annoying, and he never hugged himclose or played with him. Why couldn’t he have a brother like Ryu-ni? He wasalways nice to Kotaro, and was always willing to join in their games at the daycare. What Taka needed was a new brother. Ryu-ni already has Kotaro, andNezu-ni has so many brothers that he probably didn’t want another. Even thatweird ni-chan who turns red whenever he talks to Ryu-ni already has a littlesister. That left Yagi-ni. He didn’t think Yagi-ni has any younger siblings,and he was always really nice to the kids in the day care, even if it was kindascary when blood started coming out of his nose. Maybe he wouldn’t mind havingTaka as a little brother.
“Hey Yagi-ni!” Taka yelled, runningtowards the older boy with a drawing clutched in his tiny hands “I madeyou a picture!”
Tomoya turned from his conversation with Nezu andknelt down to talk to the toddler.
“That’s great Taka-kun! What did youdraw?” he asked, squinting at the scribbles of colour on the paper.
“It’s me and you fighting a giant!”
“Oh so it is! Thank you!”
Yagi slipped the paper into his pocket and smiledat Taka, who beamed in response before running away.
“What was that about?” asked Nezu,handing his friend a tissue to stem the inevitable nosebleed.
“Beats me, but it was really cute, wasn’t itChuukichi?”
Usaida watched in confusion as Taka pulled abemused Yagi towards the patch of interesting flowers he’d spotted on theirwalk. Lately the toddler had been clinging to the teen in a way that was bothadorable and mildly concerning. He watched as Yagi listened to whatever Takawas excitedly babbling about. The teen nodded along with a small smile, beforepatting the younger boy on his head and sending him back to his friends.
With a casual survey of the area,Usaida noticed Nezu standing a short distance away. The quiet teen hadn’thad to drag his friend away from the children as often recently. It seemed thatYagi’s increased exposure to their collective adorableness had reduced histendency to nosebleed. Further away Kamitani was helping Ryu manage the otherchildren, ignoring the antics of his brother. Ignoring them a little too wellactually. He didn’t even turn to acknowledge him, seemingly putting all hisenergy into pulling the twins off an already overwhelmed Ryu. Taka for his partwas equally indifferent towards his brother, not once pestering him in any way.
Oh. So that was how it was. Usaida smiledto himself. This would be interesting.
The kids had just finished having an afternoonsnack, and Kashima, Hayato, and Usaida were cleaning up their mess. Yagi chosethat moment to poke his head into the day care room.
“Hi everyone!” he called.
“Yagi-ni, play ranger 5 with us!” Takashouted, waving his sword in excitement.
Yagi laughed. “Okay! I’m the monster,right!” He curved his hands into claws and growled, to the delight of allthe children.
Hayato clenched his fist, causing the contentsof the half-empty juice box he was holding to spew all over hishands. Kashima patted his shoulder sympathetically. His friend had figured outwhat was going on pretty quickly, but nothing he said could convince Hayato totalk to his brother. Both the boys had a stubborn streak a mile long.
“If he wants that pervert as a brother let himhave it.” Hayato growled, wiping his hands on his apron.
“In all fairness to Yagi, he’s really toneddown the creepiness.” said Usaida, tossing the boy a towel so he couldwipe the juice off the floor. Hayato glared at him, and the man laughed andheld his hands up in surrender.
“You could just talk to him, Kamitani.”said Kashima reasonably.
“I’d rather die.”
“You could get a role in Kamatsuka-sensei’snext play” said Usaida, rolling his eyes at the boy’s dramatics.
Kashima stifled a snort in his sleeve, and Hayatochucked the now empty juice box at him, not noticing that a small pair of eyesflick towards him from the direction of the children’s play before quicklydarting away.
Ryu was tidying up the room at the end of the daywhen he heard wailing. Taka was clinging to Yagi’s leg and screaming at the topof his lungs at an exasperated Kamitani.
“Tough, we’re going home now. The old lady iswaiting.”
Kamitani reached down and detached the screamingtoddler from Yagi’s trouser leg and hefted him over his shoulder.
“See you, Kashima.”
Kamitani gave Yagi a curt nod and walked out of theroom with a blubbering Taka beating his fists against his back. Ryu shook hishead with a sigh.
“They really need to sort themselvesout.” Yagi said thoughtfully.
Ryu stared at him, and he laughed.
“I figured out what was going on a while back.It’s been a lot of fun being Taka’s big brother, but I think he misses Kamitani,don’t you?”
“I think Kamitani misses him too.”
The babysitters club learned fairly quickly thatwhen the weather was good, the best way to deal with the kids was to take themoutside and let them run wild. Especially on a day like today when the Nezusiblings joined the rambunctious toddlers. The little group had found aclearing edged by broad-branched trees that had plenty of space to run aroundand was a safe distance from any of the sports fields for the children to play.
Taka had taken the low hanging branches as achallenge and was trying to climb one of the great trees that offered themshade. Kichi and Suekicchi, keeping in mind Ryu’s frantic warnings to becareful, were teaching the other little boys how to play soccer. Kirin,Kyouko, and baby Midori were having a ‘picnic’ under the tree that wasn’toccupied by the younger Kamitani. This left the students and Usaida relativelyfree to keep a general eye on things. Yagi was quickly pulled into the picnicwith the girls, and Ryu ended up helping with soccer practice because hecouldn’t resist Kotaro’s hopeful eyes. Hayato was about to join him, when someinstinct made him look up, just in time to see Taka overbalance on the branchhe was trying to climb and topple backwards.
Hayato couldn’t see anything except for the way hisbaby brother seemed to be falling in slow motion. He didn’t think, just rushedforward and slid across the grass, managing to catch Taka before he hit theground. He could make out panicked shouting (Ryu) and general commotion(everyone else) from behind him, but he only had eyes for Taka, who’s own eyeswere slowly filling with tears. Hayato pulled him close, and Taka buried hisface in his chest.
“You idiot.” he scolded, and if his voicebroke a little, well, anyone who heard would keep their mouths shut. For theirown good. “You could have gotten hurt. Don’t do that again.”
“I missed you Aniki! I sowwy!” Takablubbered into his chest, and Hayato just tightened his arms around him.
Ryu watched the scene in front of him and almostfainted in relief. And not just because Taka was unharmed.
“I think we should just leave them be.”Nezu said from behind him.
“I agree.” said Ryu, grabbing Usaida’sarm to keep him from reaching for the camera. He had a feeling Nezu was doingthe same for Yagi, and offered the other boy a tissue without looking back. Hesmiled at Yagi’s stuffy thanks and coerced the others into resuming theirgames. Things would be back to normal soon.
A/N- So I realize that I could have made this oneHayaRyuu as well, but honestly the Kamitani brothers’ relationship is the onethat most closely resembles my relationship with my younger brother and I kindof wanted to honour that. Hayato’s probably going to see Taka as a three yearold even when the kid enters high school, no matter how much he acts like hecouldn’t care less about him.
As always, I’m open to prompts, though it may takesome time for me to get to them, since my inbox is slowly filling up! I won’twrite anything that’s ships an adult with a minor (I don’t care what the age ofconsent is in Japan) or a similar age gap (i.e. teen with child), and I’m veryuncomfortable writing smut, but anything else is good to go.
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wicked-space-witch · 7 years
Give me a Series & if I know it, I'll tell you... : gakuen babysitters
I’m gonna split this between the teenagers/adults and the babies/kids because I can :3
❤ Favorite Male:   Ryuuichi Kashima❤ Favorite Female: Maria Inomata ❤ Favorite Pairing: Maria, Yuki, Hayato, and Ryuuichi (OT4) ✖ Least Favorite Character: Tomoya Yagi, attractive but the nosebleeds, sorry but I can’t stand nosebleeds and he gets them over the babies... I know he isn’t a pervert but like...that is a perverted thing to get✔ who’s most like me: Yuki Ushimaru ❤ most attractive: Chuukichi  Nezu ❤ three more characters that I like: Yayoi Kumatsuka, Usaida Yoshihito, and Shizuka Kamitani
❤ Favorite Male:  Takuma and Kazuma Mamizuka ( You can’t have one Mamizuka without the other, it’s the law)❤ Favorite Female:  Kirin Kumatsuka ❤ Favorite Pairing: Nah they babies, I don’t like shipping really little kids ✖ Least Favorite Character: Nah I love all the babies, I mean Taka Kamitani is a pain, but like he is still really little and he is learning so✔ who’s most like me:  Kazuma Mamizuka ❤ most attractive:  Midori Sawatari ❤ three more characters that I like: Suekichi and Kichi Nezu, and  Kyouko Nezu (I like the Nezu family a lot)
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