#Nic muller
i know im the only one who watch this stupid show but Sascha Fontane and Nic Müller from Extra auf Deutsch are kismesis please? 🥺
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Nic Müller and Sascha Fontane from Extra auf Deutsch are kismeses!
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grakleopatra · 2 months
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Kto jest faworytem do zdobycia tytułu króla strzelców mundialu 2024?
W 2024 roku odbędzie się kolejny Mundial, czyli mistrzostwa świata w piłce nożnej. Wśród wielu zespołów i gwiazd futbolu znajduje się ulubieniec do zdobycia tytułu króla strzelców tego turnieju. Wybór najskuteczniejszego strzelca to zawsze ważne wydarzenie podczas tak prestiżowego turnieju.
Bycie królem strzelców na Mundialu to marzenie każdego napastnika. Prestiżowa nagroda przyznawana jest temu zawodnikowi, który strzeli najwięcej goli podczas turnieju. To nie tylko dowód na indywidualną skuteczność, ale także ważny wkład w sukces drużyny.
W historii Mundiali wielu wybitnych piłkarzy zapisali się w historii jako królowie strzelców. Takie legendy jak Ronaldo, Gerd Muller czy Lineker zdobywali po kilkanaście bramek w jednym turnieju, dostając się do kronik futbolu na zawsze.
Kto będzie ulubieńcem do zdobycia tytułu króla strzelców Mundialu 2024? Spekulacje są różne, a faworytów wielu. Kluczową rolę będą odgrywały nie tylko umiejętności i forma zawodników, ale także taktyka i determinacja całych drużyn. Jedno jest pewne - walka o tytuł króla strzelców zapowiada się niezwykle emocjonująco.
Nie pozostaje więc nic innego, jak wyczekiwać rozgrywek Mundialu 2024 i śledzić z zapartym tchem, kto ostatecznie zdobędzie tytuł króla strzelców tego niezwykłego turnieju.
Według wielu ekspertów piłkarskich oraz fanów futbolu, jednym z potencjalnych liderów strzeleckich na mundialu 2024 może być młody i utalentowany napastnik, który zdobył serca kibiców swoimi umiejętnościami i skutecznością na boisku. Jego doskonała technika, szybkość oraz instynkt strzelecki sprawiają, że jest uważany za jednego z najbardziej obiecujących zawodników w swoim zespole oraz potencjalnie w całym turnieju.
Młody gracz zdobył uznanie dzięki swoim fantastycznym występom w najważniejszych meczach i turniejach przed mistrzostwami świata. Jego wysoka skuteczność przy strzałach na bramkę sprawia, że jest groźnym przeciwnikiem dla każdej obrony. Oprócz umiejętności strzeleckich, potencjalny lider strzelecki mundialu 2024 cechuje się także doskonałą grą głową oraz umiejętnością znajdowania się w odpowiednim miejscu w odpowiednim czasie.
Jego wszechstronne umiejętności i determinacja sprawiają, że jest nie tylko zagrożeniem dla bramki przeciwnika, ale także ważnym członkiem zespołu, inspirującym innych do większego zaangażowania i walki na boisku. Dla kibiców jest on nie tylko ulubieńcem, ale także nadzieją na sukces i osiągnięcie wysokich celów podczas zbliżającego się mundialu.
Warto więc śledzić rozwój kariery tego młodego lidera strzeleckiego, który ma szansę stać się jedną z gwiazd i głównych postaci turnieju oraz zaimponować światu swoim talentem i determinacją na boisku.
W trakcie każdego mundialu piłkarskiego jednym z najgorętszych tematów dyskusji jest zawsze walka o miano najlepszego strzelca turnieju. Nie inaczej będzie podczas nadchodzącego mundialu 2024. Główna konkurencja o to prestiżowe miano zapowiada się niezwykle zacięta, a kilku zawodników staje na czele tego prestiżowego wyścigu.
Jednym z faworytów do zdobycia tytułu najlepszego strzelca mundialu 2024 jest z pewnością Cristiano Ronaldo. Portugalczyk od lat imponuje skutecznością i znajduje się w znakomitej formie przed turniejem. Jego doświadczenie i umiejętności strzeleckie mogą okazać się kluczowe w walce o miano króla strzelców.
Jednakże, na drodze Ronaldo stanie niezwykle obiecujący Kylian Mbappé. Francuz od lat zachwyca fanów piłki nożnej swoim talentem i szybkością. Jego umiejętność zdobywania bramek sprawia, że również jest wymieniany jako jeden z głównych kandydatów do tytułu najlepszego strzelca mundialu 2024.
Oprócz wymienionych zawodników, warto także śledzić występy innych gwiazd, takich jak Erling Haaland, Robert Lewandowski czy Lionel Messi. Wszyscy oni dysponują wyjątkowymi umiejętnościami strzeleckimi i mogą stanowić poważne zagrożenie dla rywali.
Pojedynek o tytuł najlepszego strzelca mundialu 2024 zapowiada się niezwykle emocjonująco. Który z zawodników okaże się najlepszy i zdobędzie to prestiżowe wyróżnienie? Tego dowiemy się już niedługo, kiedy piłkarskie emocje ruszą pełną parą na boiskach mundialu.
Na każdym Mundialu futbolowym jednym z kluczowych tytułów, o który walczy się z determinacją, jest tytuł króla strzelców. Rok 2024 będzie upłynął pod znakiem podboju pola przez najbardziej efektywnego strzelca. Kandydatów na tę pozycję z pewnością będzie wielu, ale tylko najbardzi mogą liczyć na ten zaszczyt.
Pierwszym kandydatem, który występuje na czele rankingu, jest doświadczony napastnik z drużyny narodowej Brazylii. Jego umiejętności strzeleckie są niezaprzeczalne, a z olbrzymią determinacją zdeterminowany jest on, by zostać najlepszym strzelcem turnieju.
Drugim silnym kandydatem jest młody talent z Francji, który już teraz imponuje skutecznością i zręcznością na boisku. Jego szybkość i technika pozwalają mu łatwo omijać obrońców i zdobywać bramki w trudnych sytuacjach.
Trzecim zawodnikiem wartym uwagi jest hiszpański skrzydłowy, który swoją grą potrafi zaskoczyć najbardziej doświadczonych przeciwników. Jego instynkt strzelecki oraz umiejętność kreowania sytuacji bramkowych sprawiają, że jest on groźnym przeciwnikiem dla każdej obrony.
Ostatnim kandydatem wartym uwagi jest utalentowany napastnik z Polski, który swoimi występami na boisku potrafi zaskakiwać i zachwycać kibiców. Jego pewność siebie oraz skuteczność w wykańczaniu akcji sprawiają, że z pewnością będzie walczył o miano króla strzelców Mundialu 2024.
Nie pozostaje nic innego, jak tylko czekać z niecierpliwością na rozpoczęcie turnieju i zobaczyć, kto ostatecznie zgarnie tytuł najlepszego strzelca. Jeden z tych czterech utalentowanych graczy może okazać się decydującą postacią tego prestiżowego wydarzenia piłkarskiego.
W świecie piłki nożnej Mistrzostwa Świata są jednymi z najbardziej emocjonujących wydarzeń dla fanów tego sportu. Oprócz walki o tytuł najlepszej drużyny na świecie, istnieje wiele innych aspektów, które przyciągają uwagę kibiców - jeden z nich to klasyfikacja strzelecka. W artykule tym skupimy się na przewidywanym triumfatorze klasyfikacji strzelców na mundialu 2024.
Dotychczasowe edycje Mistrzostw Świata pokazały, że tytuł króla strzelców nie zawsze idzie w parze z sukcesem drużyny danego zawodnika. Niemniej jednak, zawsze budzi duże emocje i zainteresowanie kibiców. W 2024 roku wiele nazwisk będzie wymienianych jako potencjalni faworyci do zdobycia tego wyróżnienia.
Jednym z potencjalnych kandydatów do triumfu w klasyfikacji strzelców jest młody talent z Ameryki Południowej, który błyszczy na europejskich boiskach. Jego umiejętności strzeleckie oraz determinacja sprawiają, że jest uważany za jednego z najbardziej niebezpiecznych napastników na świecie.
Oprócz niego wielu doświadczonych graczy ma szansę na zdobycie tytułu najlepszego strzelca turnieju. Ich doświadczenie, technika i instynkt strzelecki sprawiają, że są groźnymi przeciwnikami dla każdej obrony.
Choć trudno jednoznacznie wskazać przewidywanego triumfatora klasyfikacji strzelców mundialu 2024, jedno jest pewne - rywalizacja będzie zacięta, emocjonująca i niezapomniana dla wszystkich miłośników piłki nożnej na całym świecie.
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sempsds · 3 years
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credit @selenabused
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saturngallery · 4 years
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ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜsᴇ! ★彡 ɪᴍᴀɢᴇs ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴅɪᴛs
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hellomuller · 6 years
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Here’s a sample of my publication design and graphics for VS #2 from Iván Brandon and Esad Ribic, with painted colours by Nic Klein and lettering by Aditya Bidikar — published by Image Comics and is in stores now.
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graphicpolicy · 7 years
Superstar artist Esad Ribić will make his creator-owned debut, teaming up with acclaimed writer Ivan Brandon for the darkly satirical sci-fi series VS this February from Image Comics. Painted colors from Nic Klein and design by Tom Muller round out the powerhouse creative team.
War has become a spectator sport.
Privately funded armies of superstar soldiers march into battle for fame, profit, and the glory of their sponsor nations. When a new generation of soldiers arrive, top gladiator Satta Flynn is about to discover how fleeting the limelight can be—and how punishing.
VS #1, Cover A (Diamond code: DEC170585) by Esad Ribić and Cover B (Diamond code: DEC170586) by Esad Ribić and Tom Muller, hits comic book stores Wednesday, February 7th. The final order cutoff deadline for comics retailers is Monday, January 15th.
Brutal sci-fi series VS arrives this February #comics Superstar artist Esad Ribić will make his creator-owned debut, teaming up with acclaimed writer Ivan Brandon…
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A list of every book I have reviewed in the order I have read them
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Suddenly spying By Gin Mackey
The dead boyfriend By R.L. Stine*
Give me a k-I-L-L By R.L. Stine*
According to a source By Abby Stern
Quinsey wolfe's glass vault By Candace Robinson
By the Fates freed By Patricia D Eddy
The bride of glass By Candace Robinson
Murder at the inn By Penelope Sotheby
Murder in Bermuda  By Penelope Sotheby
Hearts are like balloons By Candace Robinson
The twelve mile straight By Eleanor Henderson
Deadly Shades H.D. Thomson
Sweet justice By Lindsay E. Smart
Deadman's tome final contact By Candace Robinson and various other authors
Titled justice book 2 By Adele M. Cooper
The secret of chestnut hall book 1 By Olivia Swift
Dinning with the dead By Carrie Marsh
Family by love a birth mothers wish By Kaycee Parker
The scary stories volume one the shadow man By Dark Mistress Aurora*
Ten By Gretchen McNeil*
Nine parts bluster and other stories By Az Anthony
The road to Sampson's quarry book 1 By Sophie Tucker
The secret of the jewel shop  book 2 By Olivia Swift
The beginning of forever By Seven Steps
Meat By Bones Monroe
Escape to Sampson's Quarry (Sampson's Quarry Mystery, #2) By Sophie Tucker
Almost picture perfect Blooms, Bones and stones cozy mystery book 3 By Olivia Swift
#murdertrending By Gretchen McNeil
Murder at woodruff mansion Sea  oak's mystery book 3 By Adele M. Cooper
The secret of the quilt  book 4 By Olivia swift
The silent Santa  The sea oak's mystery book 4 By Adele M. Cooper
Second Chance in Sampson's Quarry (Sampson's Quarry Mystery #3)  By Sophie Tucker
My new crush gave to me By Shani Petroff*
Bacon pie By Candace Robinson
The reading Buddy By Bryce Gibson
The baby on the back porch By Lucia N. Davis
Bum Steer By Bones Monroe
The lies they tell By Gillian French
Murder in the mountains By Miles Lancaster
Backeries and bones By Nic Roberts
Murder at the manor By Ct Mitchell
Parrots and Payback By Ruby Loren
The favorite sister By Jessica Knoll
The secret of the pendant book 5 By Olivia Swift
Lady Grace By  Margaret Manners
you may know kill the bride By R.L. Stine*
the secret of the stones (Blooms, Bones & Stones #6)  By Olivia Swift
Secrets of a small town book 1 By Adele M. Cooper
An Unexpected Christmas in Sampson's Quarry (A Sampson's Quarry Mystery - Book Four)  By Sophie Tucker
Christmas magic café book 1 By Olivia Swift
 The comfy canine murder case A Paige Moore Mystery  book 2 By Adele M. Cooper
Spirit Magic: A Chocolate Magic Cozy Mystery book 2 By Olivia Swift
Tethered county line horror #4 By Bryce Gibson
Troublemaker By Heather Beck
The great jewel robbery a front page mystery By Elizabeth McKenna
Verdict realty #1 judge . jury . torturer By sea Caummisar
Blind date By Nick Clausen
They Came at night By Nick Clausen
Human flesh By Nick Clausen
Law and disorder By Olivia Arnold
Chasing Chelsey don't look back By Desiree L. Scott
Verdict realty 2 unhinged By Sea Caummisar
A predator and a psychopath By Jay Kerk
Celtic spirits a chocolate magic cozy mystery By Olivia Swift
#murderfunding By Gretchen McNeil*
A homecoming to forget By Emily Camp
My dog sees ghosts By Dakota Duncan
Clouded by envy By Candace Robinson
The poison of war By Jennifer Leeper
sleep, tiny dreamer By Shanita Allen
K-9 cop case #1 - the dreck report By Erna Muller
Intricate deception (intricate #1) By Jennifer Rayes
Intricate intensions (intricate #2) By Jennifer Rayes
How to do things your phone won't : common sense guide to real life. By David Lastinger
Deadly seduction By Cora Clark
Intricate obsessions (intricate #3) By Jennifer Rrayes
Veiled by desire By Candace Robinson
Dead meat : day 1 By Nick Clausen
Color wheel art : Halloween art projects By Susan Srikant
Lucid sacred dreams By Conrad Guardipee
The descending darkness By Michael Chulsky
Lullaby of flames By Candace Robinson
The cleaning lady By Kay Oliver
Blood sucker comic By Katja Vartiainen
Ghosted By Jayne E Rowney
the career killer By Ali Gunn
Dead meat day 2 by Nick clause
Dead meat day 3 By Nick Clausen
Lonesome Spirits: A Chocolate Magic Cozy Mystery book 4 By  Olivia Swift
The loop By Nick Holloway
Christmas Spirits: A Chocolate Magic Cozy Mystery book 5 By Olivia Swift
I have not posted these  reviews yet
Murder at Macbeth By Sam Goodwin
The august havens chronicles wanted By Shelby Haisley
My snake smells mummies By Dakota Duncan
My cat hears vampires  By Dakota Duncan
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 5 February 2018
Quick Bits:
Armstrong & The Vault of Spirits is a fun one-shot that uses Aram’s collection of wine to weave together the “true story” of Noah, the emergence of a previously unknown arch-nemesis, the secrets societies that continue to plague Archer & Armstrong, and the often hidden emotional connection that Armstrong has with his family. It’s really nice to see Fred Van Lente back chronicling these characters, even if just for one special right now.
| Published by Valiant
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Avengers #679 tags in Kim Jacinto for art duties, appearing to be up to the challenge laid out by Pepe Larraz in quality of work on this book. We get the stakes of the match here between the Grandmaster and the Challenger, of whom we also get a history, and it manages to make all of the destruction and battles seem like mere whims of these members of the Elders of the universe. I suspect when discovered, this isn’t going to sit well with the Avengers. As only part five, this also makes me wonder what else Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub have up their sleeves.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Bolt #10 has a brief crossover segment with Inhumans: Judgment Day, illustrated by guest-artist Stephanie Hans. It’s beautiful, and an interesting way to work in the events of the broader Inhumans saga into the current arc in this series. I like how Saladin Ahmed handles Lash’s plan to advance all of the interwoven spinning plates.
| Published by Marvel
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Coyotes #4 closes out the first arc along the theme of upheaval. There are some interesting parallels put forward in the Duchess and Red’s situations, as well as the comeuppance against the coyotes who have been hunting women. As usual, Caitlin Yarsky’s art elevates everything. I highly recommend picking up these issues or pre-ordering the collection for April; Sean Lewis and Yarsky did something great here.
| Published by Image
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Extremity #11 is the penultimate issue of the series as the final battle is enjoined. Daniel Warren Johnson mainly focuses here on the action and as usual the artwork is gorgeous. I’m going to really miss this series when it’s done.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Giant Days #35 somewhat skirts the issue of the fallout of Ed’s admission of love to Esther last issue for now, instead following on a visiting Sarah and Lottie Grote. It’s funny seeing Daisy and Susan trying to look after a kid, plus the interesting development that Daisy may finally be cluing in that Ingrid is absolutely horrible.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Boom! Box 
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Incognegro: Renaissance #1 kicks off a new mystery with the death of a black author at a literary shindig, with the police appearing completely disinterested in the case completely. Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece deliver an interesting start.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Infinity Countdown: Adam Warlock #1 acts as a bridge between Guardians of the Galaxy #150 and, as well as a primer for, Infinity Countdown: Prime. Adam Warlock has been reborn and this issue gives us a summary of Warlock’s history and teases what’s to come at the end of time, as he enters into an uneasy alliance with Kang the Conqueror. A lot of this issue has Gerry Duggan recapping events and foreshadowing what’s to come, but it is highly elevated by the art of Mike and Laura Allred. 
| Published by Marvel
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Koshchei the Deathless #2 continues to be a fun and exciting fable of Koshchei telling Hellboy his story. Mike Mignola does a great job of including some subtle humour into the telling, along with the absurdity of some of the Russian folktales (or the like), and Ben Stenbeck (with Dave Stewart’s colours) is again phenomenal.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Mech Cadet Yu #6 has the kids face off against baby Sharg and it’s all kinds of awesome.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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No. 1 With a Bullet #4 finds new and inventive ways to ruin Nash’s life further, with weirdness continuing and lies emerging to cast her as a willing participant in her sex tape.
| Published by Image
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Noble #9 is a kind of coda to the first two arcs, allowing David and Astrid a bit of quiet time and reflection before tackling the next stage in their lives. It’s interesting in their dealings with Foresight and Lorena Payan here that even when they manage to get somewhat free, Payan has to remind them that even their personal lives are still under observation.
| Published by Lion Forge / Catalyst Prime
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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #4 amps up the action in this penultimate issue of the series. Christopher Mitten (with colours by Dave Stewart) is on fire this issue.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Rogue & Gambit #2 reminds me again that I don’t like Rogue and Gambit as a couple, something about them together just seems like nails on a chalkboard at this point, but I do like Kelly Thompson writing about them. There’s a nice mix of humour, action, and history that keeps this flowing nicely. It also helps that the art from Pere Pérez with colours by Frank D’Armata is amazing.
| Published by Marvel
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Rose #8 gives a bit of history on Drucilla, with Felix giving excuses for why she’s grown into a selfish, evil monstrosity. It’s interesting to see the lengths we’ll go to in order to explain away bad behaviour of family members. Ig Guara, with colours by Triona Farrell, also deserves more attention.  Their art on this series since day one has been impeccable. 
| Published by Image
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Scarlett’s Strike Force #2 advances many of the story threads in an interesting fashion, particularly Skywarp’s disillusionment with the Joe’s in fixing his teleportation and the burgeoning mystical aspect to Cobra. There’s also a humorous exchange between Raptor and Croc Master.
| Published by IDW
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Spirits of Vengeance #5 concludes what was an unexpected, but excellent, mini-series from Victor Gischler, David Baldeón, and Andres Mossa. It was a nice mix of humour, action, and gorgeous art playing with some of Marvel’s lately underutilized supernatural characters. I know that they’ll likely reappear during the upcoming Damnation event, but I’d definitely like to see more from this creative team.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars #43 brings the “Ashes of Jedha” arc to a close with a surprising twist. Also, some great art again by Salvador Larroca and Guru-eFX.
| Published by Marvel
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TMNT Universe #19 begins a new arc “Service Animals” by Ian Flynn, Dave Wachter, and Ronda Pattison, as a well as a prelude for the upcoming Kingdom of Rats storyline in the main book, by Bobby Curnow and Pablo Tunica. It’s always great to see Wachter’s art, especially with how expressive his turns at Alopex are here.
| Published by IDW
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Transformers: Lost Light #14 is mostly a Scavengers story, but unlike most of them, this one is no light-hearted romp. Like the recent Getaway arc, this gets pretty serious and pretty dark.
| Published by IDW
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Transformers vs. Visionaries #2 gets into more of the internecine warfare and skirmishes between the factions of the Visionaries themselves as the Darkling Lords and the Spectral Knights battle for the soul and honour of their people. I like what Magdalene Visaggio is setting up here and Fico Ossio’s artwork, with colours by David Garcia Cruz, is beautiful.
| Published by IDW
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Twisted Romance #1 is off to a good start. This issue has a trio of tales that largely mix horror/supernatural with love/sex/romance. The highlight for me is Sarah Horrocks’ piece that reminds me of the existential eroticism of Clive Barker’s work, but all three are worth the price of admission. Alex de Campi and Katie Skelly’s story is a bit of revenge on a cheating partner’s lover with a confrontation between an incubus and a succubus, while Magen Cubed delivers a sweet prose story of a monster hunter and the vampire who loves him.
| Published by Image
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Venom #161 has some truly excellent artwork from Javier Garrón (with colours by Dono Sánchez-Almara and Erick Arciniega) as Mike Costa pens a done-in-one story advancing some of the series’ sub-plots while giving a fitting confrontation between Venom and Spider-Woman. With this issue sandwiched between two crossovers (the just finished Venom Inc. on one side and Poison-X on the other) it’s nice to see how the team make this wholly satisfying on its own.
| Published by Marvel
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Vs. #1 debuts with gorgeous artwork by Esad Ribić and Nic Klein, perfectly capturing turning war into a commercialized sport. Along with the lettering from Aditya Bidikar and graphics by Tom Muller, it manages to have a nice European, particularly Humanoids, feel to it, despite not being particularly over the top.
| Published by Image
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The Wicked + The Divine 1923 is quite possibly the greatest issue of this already magnificent series, and a must buy for the people who may have otherwise been missing out on the tangential one-shots. This one is meaty with story and purpose as Kieron Gillen and Aud Koch blend prose and comics, along with conventions of pulp mysteries, silent film, and more to create a ritual that helped shape the rest of the 20th century as a kind of prelude to the main WicDiv series. This is a thing of beauty.
| Published by Image
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Witchblade #3 goes deeper on both Alex’s history and the mystery of the supernatural stuff going on around her. I may sound like a broken record, but again I have to commend Caitlin Kittredge, Roberta Ingranata, and Bryan Valenza for this series, because it’s got a great story and beautiful artwork.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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X-Men Red #1 is off to a pretty good start. The artwork from Mahmud Asrar with colours by Ive Svorcina are a real draw, as is the return of Jean Grey to the X-Men, but the breakout star is still Tom Taylor’s characterizations. Particularly of Honey Badger.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: 30 Days of Night #3, Amazing Spider-Man #795, The Backstagers 2018 Valentine’s Intermission #1, Black Comix Returns, The Damned #8, Daredevil #598, Dejah Thoris #1, Get Naked, Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #3, The Gravediggers Union #4, Half Past Danger II: Dead to Reichs #5, Hawkeye #15, Iron Fist #77, Jazz Maynard #7, Legenderry: Red Sonja #1, Monstro Mechanica #3, Paper Girls #20, Rock Candy Mountain #8, Runaways #6, Scales & Scoundrels #6, She-Hulk #162, Spider-Man #237, Spider-Man vs. Deadpool #27, Tomb Raider: Survivor’s Crusade #3
Recommended Collections: Avengers & Champions: Worlds Collide, Backstagers - Volume 2, Clue, Incognegro, Inhumans: Once & Future Kings, Scales & Scoundrels - Volume 1: Into the Dragon’s Maw, Secret Weapons Deluxe Edition, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra - Volume 2: Doctor Aphra and the Enormous Profit, TMNT - Volume 18: Trial of Krang, Transformers/GI Joe: First Strike, Transformers/GI Joe: First Strike - Champions
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d. emerson eddy believes that you shouldn’t be the problem, be the solution.
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biggoonie · 7 years
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STORY: IVAN BRANDON ART/COVER A: ESAD RIBIĆ COVER B: ESAD RIBIĆ & TOM MULLER FEBRUARY 7 / 32 PAGES / FC / M / $3.99 War has become a spectator sport. Privately funded armies of superstar soldiers march into battle for fame, profit, and the glory of their sponsor nations. When a new generation of soldiers arrive, top gladiator Satta Flynn is about to discover how fleeting the limelight can be. From writer IVAN BRANDON (BLACK CLOUD, DRIFTER) and superstar artist ESAD RIBIĆ (Secret Wars, Uncanny X-Force) in his creator-owned Image debut, with painted color by NIC KLEIN (DRIFTER, VIKING) and graphic design by TOM MULLER, VS delivers spectacular action, darkly humorous satire, and explores our hunger for fame and our penchant for self-destruction.
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printedinblood · 7 years
The Thing:Artbook - Who all is in this thing??
So, who all is involved with “The Thing:Artbook” you ask? Well, I am here to give you an answer. Listed below is the list of all the artists who have a piece that is included in the book. Some of them have more than one, some produced more than one, but we had to make hard decisions about inclusion.
When we started out on this project, an idea conceived last year in May, and once we had secured the approval from Universal Studios to move ahead, we had hoped to make it a book with primarily comic industry folks because that’s who we knew. Once we started to reach out to folks with information about the project the response was so positive, we decided to branch out a little and include some illustrator friends and designer folks. Again, the response was so overwhelmingly positive we decided to invite whoever we thought we could get on board. Then, people started coming to us as word of the project began to spread. We were blown away and humbled by the caliber of talent who have agreed to be a part of this book.
We hope you will be pleasantly surprised and excited as you go through the list below and see the participants listed. You will probably have heard about many of them already, but hopefully there will be some surprises as well.
The “The Thing: Artbook” will go live for pre-sales Tuesday March 7th at  7pm est at the link below.
The book is expected to ship the first week of July 2017.
Click here to purchase
Dave Acosta
Charles Adi
Emory Allen
Rafael Alvarez
Tim Anderson
Salvador Anguiano
Orlando Arocena
Vincent Aseo
Wayne Ashworth
Juan Astasio
Adam Augustyn
Dane Ault
Arden Avett
Noah Bailey
Boris Bashirov
Giuseppe Balestra
Andrew Barr
Bryan Baugh
Brett Bennett
Ian Bertram
Ben Bishop
Steven Russell Black
Barry Blankenship
Alejandro Blasi
Jon Bogdanove
Chris Bolton
Rich Bonk
Mark Borgions
Tim Bradstreet
Matt Brazier
Dan Brereton
Robert Bruno
Mark Buckingham
Kealan Patrick Burke
Rio Burton
Jim Calafiore
Dennis Calero
Chris Callahan
Josh Campbell
Daniel Campos
Tyrell Cannon
Jonatan Cantero
Don Cardenas
Simon Carpenter
Vincent Carrozza
Martin Carter
Simon Caruso
Justin  Castaneda
Victor Castro
Ryan Caskey
Dan Charnley
Richard P. Clark
Adam Cockerton
Alejandro Colucci
Joe Corroney
GMB   Chomichuk
Brian  Corcoran
John  Coulthart
Nic Cowan
Paul Cremin
Dave Crosland
Dennis Culver
Justin  Currie
Berkay Daglar
Steven Daily
James Daly III
Mark Dancey
Neil Davies
Rich Davies
Simon Delart
Joe Dellagatta
Trevor Denham
Shannon Eric Denton
Casey Desilets
Mike Diaz
Christian DiBari
Juan Doe
Krzysztof Domaradzki
Natalie Dombois
Guy Dorian
Dave Dorman
Sam Dunn
Zohn Dyer
Zoetica Ebb
Jimmy Edwards
Harlan Elam
Sarah Elkins
Robert Elrod
Rob Elrod
Matthew Emmons
Don England
Greg Espinoza
Jay Fabares
Nicole Falk
Tom Feister
James Fenner
Jared Fletcher
Tony Fleecs
Tom Fournier
Sam Fout
Kelly Forbes
Dan Fraga
Francesco Francavilla
Devin Francisco
Bryan Fyffe
Salvador Gaeta
Antony Galatis
Alfie Gallagher
Chris Garofalo
Enzo Garza
Paul Gates
Gary Gianni
Sam Gilbey
Michael Godwin
Hassan Godwin
John Gonzalez
Yaster Goodman
Mike Gorman
Joshua Green
Andre (dres13) Greppi
Mike Groves (Poopbird)
Nick Gucker
Adam Guzowski
Matt Haley
Justin  Harder
Abigail Harding
Matt Harding
Luke Harrington
Tony Harris
Paul Harrison-Davies
Jordan Hart
Trav Hart
Dean Haspiel
Mike Henderson
Trevor Henderson
Kim Herbst
John J Hill
Tom Hodges
Tony Hodgkinson
Scott Hopko
Josh Howard
Matt Howard
Rian Hughes
Chad Hunt
Erin Hunting
Frazer Irving
Natalia Jablonski
Ian Jepson
Mohammed  Jilani
Robert Jimenez
Drew Johnson
Peter Johnson
Kelley Jones
Nat Jones
Wayne Joseph
Adem Kaan
Sandra Kamenz
Nikita Kaun
Jim Keating
John Keaveney
Josh Kelly
Tom Kelly
David Kennedy
Kate Kennedy
Peter Kennedy
Pat Kinsella
Jackie Kloog          
Ken Knudtsen
Dustin Knotek
Leigh Kuilboer
Chuck Kunkle
Serhiy Krykun
Jonathan La Mantia
Kyle Lambert
David Lange
John Lara
David LaRocca
Doug  Larocca
Dan Leister
Jeff Lemire
Alice Meichi  Li
Aaron Lindeman
Emilio Lopez
Marco  Lorenzana
Chelsea Lowe
Harry Lowe III
Richard Luong
Jerry Ma
David Mack
Mike Mahle
Tomasz Majewski
Chris Malbon
Tom Mandrake
Sian Mandrake
Marko Manev
Matthew Manlove
Jonathan Marks-Barravecchia
Leandro Massai
Michael Mateyko
Christopher Maul
Richie May
Keith  McCafferty
Fiona McCall
Rob McCallum
Bill McConkey
John McCrea
Mike McGee
Steve McGinnis
Kevin McGivern
Mark McKenna
Kristopher McClanahan
Clay McCormack
Mike McKone
Garry McLaughlin
Axel Medellin
Denis Medri
Kelly Migliori
Ben Mikkelsen
Jason Miller
Ed Mironiuk
Christopher Mitten
Ivan Montoya
Jason Moore
Jared Moraitis
Chris  Moreno
David Moscati
Micah Mowbray
Tom Muller
Dan Mumford
Studio Murugiah
Daniel Nash
Sean Naylor
Matt Needle
The Ninjabot
Dustin Nguyen
Robert Paul Nixon
Dan K. Norris
Weston Notestine
Gary O'Donnell
David O'Flanagan
Ariel Olivetti
Angel Onofre
Mike Oppenheimer
Dean Ormsten
Augie Pagan
Jeremy Pailler
Dan Panosian
Jeremy Parker
Luke Parker
Tony Parker
David Pavol
John Pearson
Xurxo Penalta
Mark Penman
Francisco Perez
Keith  Perkins
Anthony Petrie
Shane Pierce
Andy  Pitts
Mike Ploog
Dope Pope
Paul Pope
Cecil Porter
Will Porter
Eric Powell
Anthony Pugh
Brendan Purchase
Luke Preece
Aitor Prieto
Dave Pryor
Gary Pullin
Ken Racho
Aldo Requena
Joey Rex
Rodolfo Reyes
Fernando Reza
Sara Richard
Aleksey Rico
Jesse Riggle
Matt    Riste
Rafal  Rola
Ben Roman
Stephen Romano
Brian  Rood
Mike Rooth
Eli Roth
Robert Sammelin
Matt Sandbrook
Scott Saslow
Maria  Suarez-Inclan
Blair Sayer
SCAR Studios
Cody Schibi
Martin Schlierkamp
Jon Schnepp
Chris Sears
Tim Seeley
Markee Shadows
Liam Shaw
Chris Shehan
Ed Shimmy
Liza Shumskaya
Bill Sienkiewicz
Cristiano Siqueira
Yuriy Skorohod
John Sloboda
Felipe Sobreiro
Matt Soffe
Dave Stafford
Cat Staggs
Guy Stauber
Peter Steigerwald
Eileen Steinbach
Ben Stenbeck
Blake Stevenson
Roy Stewart
Glen Stone
William Stout
Jason Strutz
Andrew Swainson
Nick Taylor
Ben Templesmith
Thomas Tenney
Kristin Tercek
The Dark Inker
Theoretical Part
Matthew Therrien
Jim Terry
Adele Thomas
Steve Thomas
Andrew Thompson
Kevin Tiernan
Bryan Timmins
Felix Tindall
Matt Ryan Tobin
Ben Turner
Glenn Urieta
Tina Valentino
Carlos Valenzuela
Van Orton Design
Salvador Velazquez
Ryan  Vogler
Tom Walker
Chad Michael Ward
Christian Ward
Andrew Waugh
Hannah Webb
Bryan West
Chris  Weston
Jeremy Wheeler
Kailey Whitman
Caspar Wijngaard
Kelly Williams
Erik Wilson
John D. Wiltshire
Darren Woodcock
Scott  Woolston
Damien Worm
Gerardo Zaffino
Omar  Zaldivar
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facesofcinema · 4 years
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Coherence (2013)
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comic-watch · 6 years
INFO MESSAGE: Superstar soldier Satta Flynn's condition has been declared "better now than at his peak" by his lead doctor. To see him in action, catch up on VS #1 today! #ComicWatch #IndieSpotlight
In a technologically advanced world where war has become a privatized spectator sport, just how long can one superstar soldier thrive? VS #1 Writer: Ivan Brandon Artist: Esad Ribic Color Art: Nic Klein Lettering: Aditya Bidikar GFX & Design: Tom Muller Publisher: Image Comics What You Need To Know: War has now become a spectator sport for feuding nations where privately funded armies of infamous…
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sempsds · 3 years
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credit @selenabused
like this post if you save
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saturngallery · 4 years
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ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜsᴇ! ★彡 ɪᴍᴀɢᴇs ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇᴅɪᴛs
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hellomuller · 7 years
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Excited I can finally reveal the cover design & logo for new Image Comics series VS #1! Back in the saddle with @IvanBrandon, @adityab & @NicKlein who is painting over the amazing #esadribic pencils. As with my work on Motor Crush, I’m doing a lot of design and in-world graphics for the series which I’ll share over the course of the next few months. VS #1 lands in stores in February 2018! 
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graphicpolicy · 6 years
VS, Vol. 1 Delivers a Vision of the Future of Warfare and Entertainment
VS, Vol. 1 Delivers a Vision of the Future of Warfare and Entertainment #comics
Powerhouse creative team—writer Iván Brandon, artist Esad Ribić, painter Nic Klein, and designer Tom Muller—will release VS, Vol. 1 this August.
In VS, war has become a spectator sport. Privately funded armies of superstar soldiers march into battle for fame, profit, and the glory of their sponsor nations. And when a new generation of soldiers arrives, top gladiator Satta Flynn discovers just how…
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