thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[It's time to say goodbye to the World Tour. And so, the nightmarchers are going to watch it come to an end. At a safe, respectable distance.
I put that poll up about whether you guys thought whether using the nightmarchers as a tabletop monster was cultural appropriation or not. I did weigh all of your opinions, but the one that got weighed the heaviest was @abominationimperatrix, a good friend who I have made through this blog, and one of the people I know who knows more about monsters than I do.
She pointed out that the nightmarchers entry was written by someone with Hawaiian heritage as an homage to the stories their grandfather taught them. And the prohibition against looking them in the face is about respect to royalty and tradition. Some historical/folkloric entities there are legitimate prohibitions about representing in visual media (see Muhammed the Prophet). But there's plenty of art of the nightmarchers made by native Hawaiians. So, I decided to go ahead. This entry sticks pretty closely mechanically to the 2e version, and I made sure that my flavor text emphasizes respect and coexistence. ]
Nightmarchers CR 14 LN Undead (troop) This spectral precession contains dozens of men and women, standing proud and carrying regalia. Although they are transparent and clearly unearthly, the weapons, armor and torches they carry seem all too effective.
The nightmarchers are ancestral spirits. They patrol the royal highways on tropical islands, ensuring that the boundaries between nobility and the common folk are enforced, and that the hierarchy of societies is strictly enforced. Seeing the nightmarchers at a distance is seen as a weird omen by some, and a comforting one by others. But getting too close, regardless, can be dangerous.
It is said that to gaze directly upon the procession of nightmarchers, to scan their faces in the hopes of seeing the royal treasures they guard, literally or figuratively, is to invite disaster. One who supplicates themselves in apology, or who the nightmarchers recognize as kin and has not done them harm, is safe, although will often get a verbal warning. Those that try to fight or to gawk are admonished with fire, shot from a dozen torches and a hundred eyes. Anyone who survives this, but tries to strike back, is beaten down with phantom clubs and spears, showered with semi-real stones.
Because the power of royalty can be lethal or nourishing, nightmarchers can be dealt with in a constructive way—they know much of the Old Ways, and might tell those genuflecting of important secrets as they pass by. Even though the nightmarchers can walk on air and cross barriers with ease, they primarily stick to the royal roads. If they go off path, they are sure to avoid passing above certain sacred plants, those that they associate with their royal patrons. In order to ensure that the nightmarchers remain at a safe distance, many villages have these sacred plants growing around them as a territorial marker of mutual respect and boundary keeping.
Nightmarchers     CR 14 XP 38,400 LN Medium undead (incorporeal) Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., kinsense, Perception +25 Aura frightful presence (90 ft., Will DC 26) Defense AC 27, touch 20, flat-footed 22(+5 Dex, + 5 deflection, +7 shield) hp 189 (18d8+108) Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +18 Immune incorporeal traits, undead traits Defensive Abilities troop traits; Weakness limited incorporeality Offense Speed 30 ft., air walk Melee troop (5d6+5) Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks blazing admonition, volley Statistics Str -, Dex 20, Con -, Int 21, Wis20, Cha 21 Base Atk +13; CMB -; CMD 28 Feats Ability Focus (frightful presence), Alertness,Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will,Skill Focus (Knowledge [history]),Toughness Skills Acrobatics +19, Diplomacy +19, Intimidate +22,Knowledge (geography, local) +18, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion) +21, Perception +25, Perform (song) +19, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +21 Languages Common plus 5 others (often old or extinct) SQ phantom armament Ecology Environment warm islands Organization solitary or procession (2-4) Treasure standard Special Abilities Blazing Admonition (Su) As a standard action, a nightmarcher troop can shoot a 60 foot cone of fire. All creatures in the area take 15d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 24 half). Creatures that are prone, or who are kin to the nightmarchers, are immune to this damage, as long as they have not taken hostile action against this troop. A nightmarcher troop must wait 1d4 rounds between uses of this ability. The save DC is Charisma based. Limited Incorporeality (Ex) A nightmarcher troop is spectral, but does have some solidity. They cannot fly or pass through objects as other incorporeal creatures. However, they can move as if under the constant effects of an air walk spell. When passing over hazardous terrain (like lava), a nightmarcher troop takes no damage. Phantom Armament (Su) A nightmarcher troop deals an extra die of damage with its troop and volley attacks compared to other troops of its HD. A nightmarcher troop gains a +7 shield bonus to AC. If it has been tasked with bearing a physical item, the troop can carry it as if it had a Strength score equal to its Charisma score. Volley (Ex) As a standard action, a nightmarcher troop can hurl a volley of spears and stones. This effects a 10 foot radius burst within 20 feet. All creatures in that area take 4d8+5 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (Ref DC 24 halves). The save DC is Dexterity based.
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surrealhaunts · 4 months
Night Marchers--Ghostly Legends of Hawaii
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astonishinglegends · 4 months
Ep 284: Nightmarchers of Hawaii
"My family and I might be safe from the Night Marchers because our ancestor was the Kauai ali’i and Kamehameha’s adviser, Chief Kai’iana. Ka’iana died at the Battle of Nu’uanu and may walk with the procession."  -- Tonight's guest, Kamuela Kaneshiro
Those who have visited Hawaii have experienced its natural beauty, soothing lifestyle, and the charm and friendliness of the inhabitants. However, only a select few may have encountered what the locals know and revere – the supernatural entities and legends that are still active and enduring. Some, like seeing "Madame Pele," can invigorate awe and wonder, while others can be terrifying. One of the latter and seemingly more prevalent is encountering the Night Marchers. They usually appear as a column of warriors floating above the ground along a predetermined path, weapons or torches in hand. Many report only hearing their presence in the form of unexplainable beating drums or the ghostly blowing of a conch shell. And just seeing them, it's said, ensures a disappearance or violent death to the witness if the proper respect isn't paid in their presence. But what is their origin story, and what do they want? Are they soldiers defeated by King Kamehameha I advancing towards a counterattack or seeking revenge? Or are they keepers and enforcers of ancient Hawaiian cultural laws and mores? To help us explore these questions and relay some of his personal experiences, tonight's guest is Kamuela "Kamu" Kaneshiro. As a native Hawaiian, content creator, and podcaster for 20 years, Kamu has extensive knowledge of the lore and heritage of his homeland. His royal lineage might even protect him from these fearsome spectral guardians. Join us for a fascinating discussion as we warily watch for the Night Marchers of Hawaii.
Reference Links:
Kamuela Kaneshiro’s website, legendsfromthepacific.com
Kamuela’s episode, “Episode 12 – Hawaii’s Deadly Royal Procession - The Night Marchers”
Kamuela’s “Episode 11 – Hawaii’s Ultimate Warrior - King Kamehameha the Great”
Kamuela’s “Episode 1 – Pele - Hawaii’s Goddess of Fire”
A free bonus episode gift from Kamuela – “Hawaii’s Faceless Ghost – Mujina”
Kamuela’s newsletter sign-up and free gift
Kamu’s old neighborhood
The “Chicken Skin” show’s episode on the Nightmarchers, from Noʻeau Woo-O'Brien’s YouTube channel
Wikipedia entry on Hawaii
Nightmarchers on Wikipedia
“ Mana” – the supernatural force in Oceanian cultures
“Pō Kāne: When Spirits Haunt the Night” from the Ho‘okahua Hawaiian Cultural Vibrancy Group
Kamehameha I
Battle of Nuʻuanu
“Nu‘uanu Pali Road – 1897: Crossing the Ko‘olau Range” from the Historic Hawai’i Foundation
Kapu in Hawaiian culture
Hawaiian religion
Aliʻi – ancient Hawaiian hereditary nobility
List of Hawaiian monarchs
“When Hawaii’s Monarchy Was Overthrown, With Rogue US Support” on History.com
Simon Metcalfe
American sailing vessel, the Fair American
“Madame Pele”
Nāmaka, older sister of Pele
The Wild Hunt
Harry Dresden
Mujina – The Faceless Woman from AmericanGhostStories.com
Glen Grant, Hawaiian historian
The Ti plant – Cordyline fruticosa
“ Maui Plant of the Month: Monkeypod” – from MauiWebCameras.com
Oʻahu, Hawaii, site of the Battle of Nuʻuanu, where King Kamehameha I’s army forced over 700 opposing warriors off a cliff.
Suggested Listening:
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Episode 284: Nightmarchers of Hawaii. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2024 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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joandelahaye · 2 years
Deadly Nightmarchers and Scary Tales
Deadly Nightmarchers and Scary Tales
Hello, my Freaky Darlings!I’m not going to go into the shitfest that is Twitter or the continuing crap going on worldwide. We get bombarded with doomsday scenarios around us every day, so I’m just going to try and distract you and myself with weird shit that fascinates me. This week’s video is about the deadly ghosts of Hawaiian warriors going on a walkabout. https://youtu.be/ToQOmu2bXus This…
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the-august-axolotl · 8 months
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Welcome to the third annual Nightmarch!
This is an UNOFFICIAL event, I do not own Nightmare or Dreamtale. Anyone is free to participate, and all ships and AU’s/variations are welcome as long as Nightmare is part of the focus! Art and writing are welcome, as well as any other mediums.
Feel free to tag any entrees #Nightmarch2024
You ARE ALLOWED to repost this prompt list to other websites if you wish, however please credit me. You may not repost any of my other work.
Again this is unofficial, Nightmare and Dreamtale belong to Jokublog
Previously asked questions under the cut
Do you have to do the prompts in order? - You can do any of the prompts in any order you want! No rules y’all.
Is NSFW content allowed? - Yes. Feel free to make whatever you want and use the Nightmarch tag freely. Everything is welcome. I do ask however to please not @ my blog in anything explicitly NSFW.
Do you reblog entrees? - I will try to reblog as much as I can! I love seeing everyone’s work. I do warn you however that I am quite forgetful, so apologies if I miss anything.
How/why was Nightmarch created? - For more info on the events creation look at this post: https://www.tumblr.com/the-anxious-axolotl/677367715212771328/introducing-nightmarch-a-whole-month-for-the
Should we be concerned over your apparent Nightmare obsession? - Yes. It is growing exponentially.
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glitchthedemon · 6 months
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Nightmarch Day 9: Octopus
silly prompt!! ignore the fact the chair are actually photos, i can't draw chairs and I'm barely out of artblock rn ;-;
If u can't read my handwriting, check alt text ^_^
Nightmare belongs to jokublog
Nightmarch by @/the-anxious-axolotl
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squidiottt · 7 months
yaaay,, another one of these finished :V
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im sorry noot
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mcnotok · 2 years
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Posting these days together
Day 9 and day 12, flavor and Eldritch!
The flavor one is POV: You befriend Night and give him a pie, AKA, living my dreams
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amyupup47art · 7 months
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Day 1 for Nightmarch is here, so please accept this Candy Apple Nightmare design :]
Nightmarch is hosted by the lovely @the-anxious-axolotl
Nightmare belongs to jokublog
Must admit, I didn't quite finish rendering this drawing, but I’m not beating myself over it. It was fun to work on! Especially since I was particularly stumped by this prompt.
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lemurcat · 7 months
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Watch out when walking by the shore
Nightmarch prompt "tides" (for tomorrow but I wanted to do this one)
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
On Nightmarchers and Pathfinder
So, in the Pathfinder Bestiary 3, there are statistics for the Hawaiian spirit phenomenon known as the nightmarchers. Based on where I am in both the World Tour (Oceania) and the Bestiary 3 conversions (moving onto the letter N), the nightmarchers could easily be written up for this blog this month. But there are taboos around the nightmarchers--they are not to be looked on by anyone, and anyone who disobeys will be killed unless they have an ancestor in the procession. And they're linked to the deposed Hawaiian royal family and its sacredness. Considering that we've had conversations about cultural appropriation, I am a little concerned that making statistics for the nightmarchers as a monster that can be fought and killed might be disrespectful. Not as disrespectful as, say, Zak Bagans making an episode of Ghost Hunter about them, but still kind of sus. So, I ask you:
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surrealhaunts · 4 months
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Night Marchers rising from the sea.
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inksansonmymind · 6 months
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night march: first impression
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analexthatexists · 7 months
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the-august-axolotl · 7 months
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Nightmarch Day 1: Candy Apple
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glitchthedemon · 7 months
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Nightmarch Day 2: Sundown
I know its only the second prompt but i think this is my fave for this event. Inspired by My Spark of Happiness by tr95line on Ao3 ^_^
Dreamatle by jokublog
Nightmarch by @/the-anxious-axolotl
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