#Nikk Relation
exilethegame · 1 year
i read an old post about fashion in the different countries and it’s explained that aesthetic isn’t really prioritized by those who live in vrithka. so do nikke and jost’s tattoos have meanings or cultural significance? (apart from the snake ones since you already mentioned that they’re a count of people they’ve killed)? and if it’s not a spoiler, would they get matching tats with the commander once they’re far enough in a romantic relationship? i hope things are well on your end!
Their arm tattoos are the ones related to the Taipan, a gang that's taken over the majority of Vrithka that they're both a part of. Those are the ones where each scale represents someone they've killed, yes.
Otherwise, the tattoos on their necks are also cultural-- they're something unique to the clan they're both part of. As one grows up, they begin to get geometric tattoos along their neck that represent parts of their life-- gender identity, life accomplishments, their role within the clan, marital status, etc, etc. The tattoos are continuously added on to throughout life, and you usually get your first one around 16, when one is considered an adult within the tribe in the sense that they're expected to help contribute to the clan.
I don't know if Nikke + Jost would get matching tattoos, though... it would depend on what it is. Tattoos have significant cultural importance to them both, so I don't think they would just get something for fun, even if it was for the Commander. Then again, within the clan, tattoos are also used to identify family units, so... if MC joined the family so-to-speak... it might be optional for MC to adopt that part of the culture, in which case they'd sort of have matching tattoos?
Otherwise, tattoos for pure aesthetic aren't really a thing in Navara-- the only exception to that is in Belleont, where pirates regularly get them just for the sake of getting them!
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gacha-incels · 6 months
Hi, sorry for sending this, I'm trying to gather information on Shift UP's ideological verification of its employees, and the CEO's stance on feminism. would you happen to have sources and articles on the subject?
Thank you in advance.
sorry this is a bit late, I’ve been ill recently so I’ve had to spend my free time sleeping lol 😭
article regarding SHIFT-UP removing an artist’s work from their gacha game “Destiny Child” after she said there shouldn’t be a problem being a feminist and voiced support for the VA, Kim Jayeon, that Nexon fired for taking a photo of herself wearing a shirt that said “Girls Do Not Need A Prince”. The shirt was part of a fundraiser to help victims of domestic violence (see the npr article linked below) , the rates of which are especially high for women living in South Korea. You can note here that literally anything vaguely feminist is met with “are you megal?” (referring to the defunct website megalia) and it doesn’t even matter how she responds. This woman made some simple statements and is smeared as some feminist terrorist. tbh sometimes it’s an uphill battle trying to explain to anyone, especially on the western internet, that these women aren’t making some evil dogwhistle to the feminist illuminati when they make basic feminist statements. I’ve gotten called “terf/terf sympathizer” (???) for trying to explain that the artist Vellmori was being smeared on the western web with the term “terf” as a targeted campaign by Korean incels who know that term puts a target on your back and nothing else about it. I am of course not saying megalia was a totally unproblematic site with no ideological problems but none of these women being smeared are saying anything like “yeah the homophobia was great” they’re literally advocating for basic women’s rights. I’m also not saying “basic” in a condescending way, on the contrary I think these women are brave for speaking out and have created complex feminist ideologies and movements. “Basic” and “simple” are meant to show the absurdity in the reaction (extreme male anger, firing, censorship, etc) in relation to the original statement (molka is bad, it’s fine to be a feminist, etc).
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this is an article in English regarding the VA who wore the shirt:
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SHIFT-UP’s gacha game “Nikke” recently engaging in 🤏 male freakouts
article in Korean regarding this, I’ll add it but idk how “peripheral” you want to get since i don’t think it’s directly SHIFT-UP (?)
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as far as more opinion pieces go, there’s this article written by an artist who was a victim of feminist ideological verification that talks about SHIFT-UP’s gacha “Nikke”
Edit- the actual post seems to have been deleted, I screenshotted and pasted the entire thing on the linked post above but idk how using this would come across since the original post is gone.
I posted some images and MTL on this post
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this is a paper that goes over just some of the basics of megalia’s mirroring tactics and how it got started
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If anyone has anything else specific lmk and I’ll update this post too, I hope what I’ve posted so far can be helpful
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Random, but I just saw that Anis post....I now want to form a triple chubby girl cuddle pile with her and Elegg. (Very related, I literally woke up like 15 min prior to seeing that post and am still eepy.)
You wouldn't want both Anis and Elegg on top of you...Nikkes are cyborgs machine bodies with human brains plopped inside so they are insanely heavy like as heavy as a forklift.
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yulikitten · 2 months
This is going to be a really hot take... But I feel like I should say something... We need to seriously reconsider, not ban, the sexualization of characters, regardless of sex under the age of 21. What I'm trying to say is, we sexualize the beauty of young people so much that it is a genuine problem. Case and point:
Nikke: Goddess of Victory is a game that has characters that have no fucking business being that sexualized, especially with as young looking as they are. It borders on the edge of being fucking creepy. I'm not saying that if all the girls in the game turn out to be 18 or older, we should still consider maybe regulating or banning such depictions, but what does that convey?
Like, just for a minute, really actually think about the dumb shit you did when you were 18, and if you would date or have sex with your 18 year old self. Most people would say no. I wouldn't, I was too dumb, naive, stupid, and didn't know anything about how the world works.
The overall point that I'm trying to make is maybe we should stop sexualizing youth and maybe consider sexualizing older characters that are 21+. You know... Characters with more experience, who've had more time to figure themselves out, etc etc. On a related note, I'm starting to agree with arguments that suggest we should raise the age of content to 21 or even 20. It feels more morally justified to make sure people have a bit of time to figure themselves out first before we allow them to do the hanky panky.
Please note that this argument only applies to sexualization, not voting, civic duties, etc. It's just something to consider and think about.
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While Nikke generally has a strong story, I don't always like their execution. Some things seem hurried or the pacing is kinda off, but they somehow make it memorable through music and aesthetics when that happens.
Zwei's story event was a short one and I pretty much speedran it cause I wanted the rewards and it wasn't a story I was particularly interested in paying attention to, but by the end of it, when it got to the final battle and Zwei shared why she acts the way she acts it stuck to me and the song of her story suddenly became more endearing to me. I wasn't paying attention at it at first, but now it's in my playlist. This story really gives you one of the most used tropes in Japanese school jdramas (the game is Korean I know) but I dunno. I'm generally not easily getting attached to characters and I now like her. I didn't pull for her but I like her character. And I think she's also very relatable, perhaps because I too like to build others up but never myself. I can't really tell what it was that gave it the biggest strength, but the fact that I speedran it and still felt things without paying much attention tells me they did sth right. I also wanted the colorless title from the shop but, I didn't manage my time well to get it.
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dsknsktest · 1 year
There are many funny things in the entire creation history of Limbus, but one of the things that has to be said is related to the delay we had.
Now, the delay had its reasons, of course, due to certain elements needing more time to be implemented and the port needing to be finalized. And so, the original release date of December 23, 2022 got bumped up to February 27, 2023. (Christmas is a bad release date support-wise anyways)
But you know what makes this funny?
At November 3 (or 4), fellow gacha Goddess of Victory: NIKKE was released after having been in the works for quite some time. Its release was an utter disaster. Bugs were so bad that it rendered certain units unplayable, and ranged from friendly fire to a ban on emulator users even though NIKKE has a partnership with one. From what I know, to this date, some character bugs are still in the game.
The delay announcement of Limbus was made on November 18. Assuming I was right remembering NIKKE's exact release date, that was about two weeks after NIKKE had its bugfest of a release. About two weeks.
So here's what I think happened: Project Moon had a premonition they weren't going to make it that date, but then they saw the buggy NIKKE release, which was the nail in the coffin, so they then did a hard nope out of there, delaying the game so that its release wouldn't go and be buggy like that. (Sure, we did have some bugs on release, but it's nothing compared to what went down at NIKKE.) Also, the reasons they gave officially are still true of course.
Like, it isn't officially stated anywhere, and even if what I'm saying isn't true, it's sure a hell of a funny coincidence.
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tiredstudents · 10 months
Kinda thinking of the rest of the Millers in the Nikke universe. I know Daniel's father and mother, William and Alyona, are running a company called Miller's Munitions, which creates weapons and ammunition, as well as other tech related stuff. With Alyona secretly being a Nikke
Sabrina, the oldest Miller child, is most likely being groomed to take over the company should something happen to her parents.
Matthew would go into Construction. With Sabrina primed to take over the family's company, the rest of the siblings have become free to pursue their own futures. Matt would sometimes work with the Nikkes from Mighty Tools as well.
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hiratelier · 10 months
Y'know I think if early 2023 me met late 2023 me…they would not believe the shit that I have accomplished:
develop new hobbies such as keyboard building; I've only built one so far, but I plan on building more in the future. I have a 75% keyboard that I modded a couple of months ago, and it's a joy to use
lose significant interest in using vocal synths such as UTAU over time (note: I still enjoy listening to such songs these days, it's just that I have more interesting things to work on). I still mess with singing robots but not as much, maybe the day will come when I'll actually enjoy this kind of thing LOL…maybe it's for the best
pick up animatics and motion graphics!! I am still relatively new to these, and it's been fun learning new skills to apply to my own work. I also have a couple of animatic projects currently in progress
improve my art significantly and taking art pratice more seriously (I ignored it for nearly 10+ years)…comparing my more recent art to the ones I made early this year reveals a drastic difference in my art style and the way I approach drawing. Also I should paint more background studies because they're fun to do
work on my OC projects with more effort, and I've made lots of progress with their respective stories and concepts…more details to come later on
quit FGO once and for all after 6+ years of playing it! I had 600+ SQ saved up for this one character I liked but then I lost interest over time. Still invested in the lore, but the game…not so much
get into Transformers (starting mid-September)!! I think with my interest in robot/cyborg-related media such as PGR/Nikke/Gundam, it did come full circle…I'd like to get more into the community since I've been enjoying TF media from the sidelines for the most part, but the community here on Tumblr has been very nice so far. god I love robots (and I've been getting realy comfy drawing mechs lately WOOO)
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prayersforthevoid · 2 years
different (but gacha related) note, I've been hooked on Memento Mori. The art is super pretty and since its an AFK game its not super involved... Not sure how long it'll last since NIKKE and Path to Nowhere released in the same timeframe (that both fit the whale demographic better), but for now I'm enjoying it a lot!
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enigmaproductions · 2 years
New Release From Goddess Fall: Goddess of Victory
Goddess Fall had this to say about the new release:
“Doing something a bit differently this month, by releasing both a cover and an original song in the same release! The cover is ‘The Collector’ from the GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE game soundtrack, while the original song is a melodeath number that's inspired by the aforementioned game. I figured releasing both of these songs together was only logical, since they're related to the same subject. That said, enjoy the songs!”
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wysteriaghosts · 2 years
I have returned
I left tumblr ages ago because frankly I wasn't enjoying it anymore. After several years away from it I've decided to give it another go to see what has changed over the last few years. I'm looking for blogs to follow as I'm currently not following many. If you post any other the following feel free to give this post a like and I'll check you out! Spooky related content Videogames (cozy,horror,rpg mmorpg) Lioden Wolvden Anime and manga Path To Nowhere (app game) Goddess of Victory Nikke (app game) Books LGBTQ IDV Twisted Wonderland
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ironsagaarchive · 3 months
Should you play Iron Saga?
This is a bit of a personal post and less formal than what you can expect here, but if you see the images from this blog and think Iron Saga is a game you want to try I'd advise against it.
The Gameplay
The gameplay consists of building a team and deploying them to a partially-scrolling battlefield where they fight off enemies until one side is destroyed or time expires. You have minimal input, only able to direct one unit's movements every ten-seconds (with the ability to store up to three movements) and to activate their special ability once it is recharged assuming the necessary conditions are met. Not only does this make gameplay uninvolved, it also is unnecessarily hard as your units will not act optimally and may bunch up or move in ways that get them destroyed. There is a gamemode with direct controls but it has no narrative relevance, still requires for you to engage with the rest of the gameplay to build a suitable unit, and the controls themselves are sluggish.
It should also be noted the game is quite poorly translated. Not unreadable, but definitely a very rough experience. I'm not usually one to harp on that kind of thing, learning a second language is hard and as an English speaker I certainly don't need to be catered to, but between what this game is and how much that poor translation impede accessibility it's noteworthy, at least.
The Gacha
Iron Saga is a gacha game, so even if it was amazing in every other respect I'd still be cautious to recommend it. To buy enough premium currency for a single pull you need to spend at least 3 USD even when buying the largest bundle possible. There are all sorts of bundles and monthly passes and daily discounts but this is not meant to be a cheap game or have an understandable monetary system.
It should also be noted that in usual gacha fashion you require lots of duplicates to max out your units' potentials, something that is necessary as explained in the gameplay section. This is made even more frustrating than most gacha games as you inventory is very limited and can only be expanded with premium currency. This, combined with the usual stamina limitations and limited banners, means if you're not prepared to spend a lot of money you're going to feel and be very limited.
The Story and Characters
I think one of the biggest reasons not to play this game is the narrative. I struggle to think of a game that is quite as gross as this, and I played Nikke for a moment. The protagonist, Becas, is an uninteresting nonce, remarking on every woman, girl, or effeminate character regardless of age and is fully supported by the narration that clumsily tries to describe their appearances. When he's not leering over the various women who cross his path he's stumbling between major world events with complete apathy, only stopping to care when it's meant to subvert our expectations or show how great he is. Basically, if you've seen any anime that has an aloof protagonist who doesn't flaunt his power level (but is still nearly undefeatable) and has a harem you know exactly what Becas is like and can guess what he'll do at any given time. The other characters are also painfully played-out archetypes and from the moment they're introduced you know exactly what their deal is and how they'll be treated by the narrative.
There's a lot I could say about the attitudes this game has about women and people from the southern hemisphere but smarter people than me have said the exact same stuff about other similar media, so I'll leave it unsaid here.
So why make this blog?
As you can tell I don't like this game. At all. But a lot of artists worked hard on the art featured in it and it'd be a shame if when the servers eventually go down it'd be lost. Archival, even of bad stuff, is a good thing because it lets us learn from the past and improve on what comes next. I can't understate how much I wanted to love this game. The amount of mecha-related games I've played and tried to find the good in is too high to count, and this is one in particular that started me down the path of making one myself. So I'd like to see other people get inspired and be driven, but also given them the opportunity to do so without wasting their time on that game.
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royalfortunesmate · 6 months
I'm at work and if anyone wants to send asks so I can answer when I get off I would love that :D!!
can be related to anything (azur lane, hoyo games, nikke, umamusu, gundam, my life, etc)
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fmpnalogirlypop · 7 months
Researching part 5
Chapter 5 Wonderland:
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Frozen World A to B:
After following Shifty's directions, the Counters have finally reached the bunker. Unfortunately, all communications are down so they can't contact the operator from this point forward. Rapi wants everyone to head inside so they can wait out the storm with Anis volunteering to check it for safety reasons. Neon figures that based on the size of the entrance, there is a low possibility of Raptures being able to get in. Anis reminds her that they aren't the only threats that they can encounter up here.
Before Anis could begin her search, she immediately spots some Raptures up ahead. Though they were able to remain undetected thanks to the blizzard, the Counters knew they had to be eliminated.
In a dream-like state, the protagonist remembers a conversation he had with a young girl in a hospital. Though she finds his name rather unusual. As for why he's there, he's there to be treated for being ill, something she can relate to. Though she doesn't share why she's also at the hospital she compares it to being "insane in the membrane". Having just remembered that she herself never told him her name, she begins to share it before he starts to regain consciousness.
As the commander comes to, he sees the silhouettes of two women, one with long blonde hair and dressed mostly in white, and another with white hair wearing a pink jumpsuit. The woman in pink asks if the person they found is sleeping and tries to wake him up. The woman in white was surprised that despite all he's been through, he's still alive. Wanting to save him, the two grab a different end of him and attempt to take him somewhere warmer, but not before the one in pink accidentally grabs his more... sensitive spot.
Reunited A to B:
Not long after leaving the bunker, Alice spots a person in the distance, or rather two of them. Ludmilla was curious if they were Servant's teammates, but they're too far away to tell. The three decide to move closer and as they do, the two in question happen to be Anis and Neon who have been searching for their commander after they were separated, with the latter occasionally firing her gun into the air. After getting a closer look, he can say for certain that these are not the Nikkes he's looking for these are his squadmates. Ludmilla feels her servant has some... interesting company. Alice warns her queen that the queen's minions are heading towards them, something that was bound to happen from the racket, so it is up to the two of them to wipe them out.
After the Raptures were destroyed, the protagonist finally reunites with his team. The two were relieved that he was unharmed, a sentiment he feels about them. They have spent their time trying to dig him out of the snow to no avail. He then became worried since Rapi wasn't with them so Anis revealed with a grim expression that Rapi... is dead and was caught in the avalanche. Immediately after, the Nikke in question shows up unamused by Anis's story. Rapi regrets not acting quickly enough, but since he made it out unharmed, he feels she shouldn't beat herself up about it. She appreciates his sentiments.
Neon was impressed by how her master survived an avalanche, but then the conversation shifted towards the two new faces that he brought with him. The two introduce themselves as the Unlimited squad for now, but promise to fill them in later as they have to keep moving. Though all the Raptures in the area have been cleared, more are sure to come due to all the noise. Neon was confused who caused such a ruckus and both Anis and Rapi indirectly blamed her for it. The banter between the three of them proved to be very amusing to Ludmilla.
Chapter 6: Pilgrim
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With the research facility data in hand, Counters sets off to track down codename "Snow White". The protagonist manages to find her, along with his ever-so-familiar adversary, and an ominous black armor.
Sleeping Princesses
In a secret lab in the base, the sleeping princesses are still sound asleep inside capsules scattered around the room. Alice wanted to introduce her new friends to them and started by showing them Princess Blue Hair. The Counters were shocked at what they were looking at; a Nikke with the top of her skull missing. Alice continues by greeting them with Princess Yellow Eye, who's lower body was severed from her top half and is also missing part of her skull. Alice shares that they will awaken these slumbering beauties some day and they will go to Elysium together. Though they don't do much now, Alice shares milk and cookies with them from time to time. Mentioning that causes Ludmilla to ask Alice to fetch her some. She eagerly goes to fetch some with a smile on her face.
Rapi realizes the truth, the sleeping princesses are the Nikkes Unlimited have "rescued" on the surface. Though they appear deceased, they are still alive, somewhat. From all her time aiding Nikkes, a common pattern Ludmilla comes across are Nikke's with their brains removed. If their brain stops functioning, a Nikke will permanently die. For the best chance of survival, they intentionally remove their own brains and store them in safe places, hoping for a miracle. That being for someone else to find it and return them to a body. Doing so is Unlimited's top priority. The brains of the sleeping Nikkes are kept safe and sound and it's thanks to them that dozens of Nikkes have been revived. There have been a few sad cases among the bunch. Though their brains can inhabit a new body, mental breakdowns and amnesia have occurred as well, but they all survived in the end, an outcome Ludmilla is happy with. Neon can tell how much she's been through, but the Queen doesn't regret a single second of it. She had no intentions of showing them any of this, but at least they have an idea about the worst-case scenario. She apologizes to the Counters for showing them such a horrific sight, but all it did was make them respect Unlimited more. 
While she appreciates their kind words, she has something else to share with them. As of the past few years, finding lost Nikkes is becoming more and more difficult. Ludmilla doesn't know why that is, but she is aware the survival rate inside the Ark hasn't changed. Alice interrupts their conversation to warn her Queen that they are out of milk, only for her to notice some staining her lips. She knew she was caught red-handed.
The Pilgrim A to B:
Stopping in his tracks, Chatterbox concedes and offers to answer one of his questions and only one of them, but agrees to answer two after the commander's insistence. Having bought his squadmates some time, he has some questions that will keep Chatterbox distracted. His first was about his involvement with the research base and the map they found. He admits that he was the one who planted the map there, knowing what his plan was from the start. He boasts that luring them there was all too easy, even for him. The second question was if there is a mole in the Ark. His response is that there is indeed one. The protagonist wants to know more about his captor, but he's already reached his two question limit. He again threatens to blow himself up, but by this point, Chatterbox is certain he is bluffing. He's also certain that his Nikkes aren't coming for him because they can't track him. At this point, his life serves no purpose to him. To him, the only outcome of this war is for all human life to go extinct. Tired of Chatterbox's drivel, the protagonist prepares to kill himself, but while amused by his ploy, the monster has a hole blown into him.
After their second clash, Snow White has done some significant damage to Chatterbox. Severely wounded and reeling, the Rapture falls over in agony. Snow White wants to have a "quick chat" with her "friend" and with the monster at her mercy, she wants some answers out of him. He tries to beg for his life and she demands to know what malevolent force brought him into being. Though Snow White is disgusted by his begging, he's not afraid of what the Pilgrim intends to do to him, but rather his Queen.
The Heretic.
After Chatterbox's pleading, the skies split apart and a mechanical manifestation descended towards them. A Nikke encased in Rapture armor with intentions of pure malice towards the human race, has come to meet them and her presence causes the protagonist to tremble. This Nikke is disappointed in Chatterbox, but has come to save him nonetheless. After meeting the one who had injured her companion, Snow White knew who she was now up against. The Heretics are Nikkes who have given up their duty to protect humanity and have sided with the Raptures and their Queen. She doesn't care much for the Pilgrim's harsh truth and would prefer to be known as Modernia. Knowing that she has drawn out one of the Rapture Queen's lieutenants, Snow White is one step closer to their leader. Modernia wants to execute her where she stands, but refrains from doing so to save Chatterbox. She promises to not forget her face but Snow White wants to take her down as well. In an instant, large Raptures emerge from the ice below the ground at Modernia's command and attack the Pilgrim. Snow White blasts her way through them in order to take out the Heretic.
Chapter 7 Reunited:
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Persisting in his journey for the truth, the protagonist works with Snow White to corner Chatterbox and fight the Heretic Modernia. The result is an answer that only leaves him with more questions, uncertainty, and a familiar face that he never wanted to see like this...
The Pilgrim explains that at first, she was wandering as usual, scrapping Raptures in hopes of finding even a trace of the Queen's location. It bore little, if any fruit, as Raptures did not communicate using human languages, and any data inside them was slim pickings. Then she found Chatterbox, who was receiving a beam of light coming from the Ark. At that moment, Snow White came to an epiphany. A Rapture that could speak like a human. If she could capture Chatterbox, she could interrogate him on the Queen's whereabouts. Unfortunately, Chatterbox is slippery one who keeps bugging out on her every time. She'd hoped this would be the time he finally spills the beans, but then the Heretic appeared...
The protagonist then decides to ask just what is that Nikke that was ensconced in Rapture armor? In a sudden bout of vitriol, Snow White calls the Nikke "a traitor" and "scum" before refusing to elaborate further. All he needs to know is that Nikke is undoubtedly an enemy of mankind...
Modernia A to B:
Sick of the Heretic's babbling, Snow White fires, only for the bullet to explode off an invisible barrier, which she recognizes as a magnetic field. Modernia's counterattack sends Snow White sprawling into the snow as the Heretic draws ever closer. As a gesture of "respect" towards the Pilgrim's dedication to humanity...she will make her death as excruciating as possible...
Modernia takes her time torturing Snow White, laughing manically as she does so. Defiant as ever, Snow White refuses to capitulate, even going so far as to ask Modernia to "scratch" an "itch" on her back, which the Heretic does with gusto...
The protagonist muses that he can't just sit idly while this is happening. He spies Snow White's rifle, laying abandoned on the ground. Nikke weapons are too powerful for humans to fire, but if it's just one shot, the consequences shouldn't be too dire. Hefting the rifle onto his exoskeleton, the protagonist sees that only one shot remains in the gun. One is all he needs, given the clear shot. The protagonist pulls the trigger, the recoil alone sending him tumbling into the snow. Going by the pain in his shoulder, he's definitely fractured something. But he did what he had to...
Modernia ponders on how odd this battle is. Even by specs alone, she and her armor should be more than a match for a 3-Nikke squad and a heavily-damaged Pilgrim. So why is it that she's struggling so much? As Counters quips back, a shot manages to land square into Modernia's head, chipping off her visor to reveal her face.
While the Heretic curses and wonders if she should've gotten Nihilister for backup, Counters and the protagonist are more shocked to see the face underneath. The latter remembers that face, as she told him not to worry. When she thanked him for bandaging her wounds. When she...thanked him one last time and pulled the trigger in his place. Dumbfounded, the protagonist calls out; "...Marian?"
Initially, Modernia is confused, clarifying her name and status as one of the Queen's agents. Then she goes silent for a moment, muttering the name "Marian" over and over and musing how it sounds so familiar...
As Modernia keeps muttering "Marian" repeatedly, the ground begins to quake, and the Heretic's body shines with black light. The rumbling and light become more intense as Modernia begins muttering phrases under her breath, until finally, something changes. With a teary look in her eyes, Modernia looks towards the protagonist...and seemingly recognizes him as her commander. At the same time, the black light explodes, throwing the protagonist back as his consciousness fades out...
Some time later, the protagonist comes to in an unfamiliar room. Counters reports that the explosion separated them all, and it took some time to reconvene before they took shelter in this bunker. Thankfully everyone is alive, even Snow White, who is silently standing off to the side. The protagonist asks for a status report, and the results...aren't very good.
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milkei-dgf · 7 months
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hello ! welcome to my dream girlfriend blog !
first- my main blog is @jellyserval, i post my art on there !
you can call me milkei, i am a member of the lgbtq community, (aroace, transmasc) i've been playing dream girlfriend for about 2 years on and off now, though i've known about it for about 4 years.
i like anime, videogames and a few bands! anime i like are; great pretender, high rise invasion, date a live, dagashi kashi, boku no hero academia.
games i enjoy are; blue archive, goddess of victory nikke, genshin impact, hyperdimension neptunia series, tower of fantasy, honkai impact 3rd and star rail, bandori.
bands/artists i listen to are; deftones, malice mizer, green day, linkin park, pierce the veil, tv girl, the smiths, incubus, duster, nirvana, eyedress, vacations, weezer, slipknot, arctic monkeys, boa, foo fighters, title fight, evanescence.
here, i'll post my setups and general dream girlfriend related things, and keep up with some friends !
if you want me to, my ask box is open to requests to daw your girlfriends/ocs !
this post will definitely be updated in the future...
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you know I've recently come to the realization that I enjoy light gun games (in classic fashion when a pal was playing one related content kept showing up in front of my face for the next several days which is another way of saying I need to play sin and punishment and PN03) and it makes me realize that I am interested in how nikke like Gachafied the genre
I am not going to play it because have you seen it
also I'm also playing two gacha (one with a Very low time footprint admittedly) and I don't need more
but I am interested in how they like Made Characters Distinct within that game genre
my guess is it's not a very good distinctification (damage mods is literally the only thing I can think of beyond hit zone changes) but who knows
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