#Nimbus Print shop
gonilesh121us · 5 years
Business Cards Printing in Calgary
Print Shop Calgary
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sathendar23 · 5 years
Nimbus Print shop
Postcards can be used to generate leads, close sales, make announcements or stay in touch with previous clients.
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jamesdren321-blog · 5 years
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Envelopes Printing Service in Calgary
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corolune · 3 years
Breathing Underwater / Chapter One — Zephyr
AO3 / Tumblr Alex had always known he wasn’t like other children. They didn't hear the song of the ocean in their ears, or feel the thrumming rhythm of the waves in their hearts like he did. Then he finds a silvery coat made of seal fur, glistening and calling him to slip it on — and everything he thought he knew about himself washes away like foam on the sea. Alex Rider is a selkie, and this is the story of how a seal becomes a spy. Prologue 〰 Chapter 1: Zephyr 〰 Chapter 2: Nimbus
zeph·yr — a light wind from the west.
Alex Rider was seven years old when he learned that none of the other children heard the ocean’s song in their ears. A half-formed rhythm that beat in time with his breath, the way the Thames rushed in tune with the hustle and bustle of London.
Mrs. Smith held her finger to her lips, quieting the loud chatter of the class, and beckoned Katie to continue her show and tell.
“And this one,” Katie held up a large, spiralling shell in her hands, “is called a conch shell. When you hold it up to your ear, it sounds like you’re at the beach! It has ocean sounds in it and it’s really really cool. Miss, can I pass it around, for everyone to hear?”
“Yes, you may, but we’ll have to be quiet so we can hear the ocean waves, right class?”
As the shell made its way around the circle of children, Alex leaned into Tom and whispered, “Why would you need a shell to hear the ocean? I can hear it just fine wherever I am!”
Tom shot him a curious look from under his curly, dark fringe. “Yeah, you can imagine how it sounds, but with the shell you can really hear it!”
Alex furrowed his brow, shaking his head, but decided to wait and see what exactly this ocean sound was. The others oohed and ahhed excitedly, holding the conch up to their ears, and soon enough it was his turn.
Tom bounced in place, eyes going wide as he handed the shell over to him with a grin. Cupping it gently to his ear, he listened and waited, but there was nothing other than the sound of air rushing through the twists and turns in the spirally shell. Squeezing his eyes shut and clapping his hand over his other ear, he strained his hearing, but it still sounded nothing like the ocean.
When he blinked his eyes open, it was to Tom’s concerned look, and his neighbour poking his arm.
“Come on Alex, it’s my turn!” James whined, as Alex continued to stare at the shell in his hands. He passed it over to him, leaning over to Tom.
“That didn’t sound anything like the ocean.”
“What are you talking about, mate? That totally sounded like waves on a beach!”
“Waves? But the ocean sounds like a song Tom, and there’s just air in that shell!”
Mrs. Smith cleared her throat, and Alex realized that his whisper was perhaps not much of a whisper after all. “Would you boys like to share what’s going on?”
“Sorry Miss,” Alex mumbled, as Tom continued to glare righteously at him.
“Tom? Is something the matter?” Mrs. Smith raised her eyebrow pointedly.
“Sorry Miss, it’s just that Alex said the shell doesn’t sound like the ocean at all!” At this, the rest of his classmates' voices rose into a rumble and Alex’s cheeks grew pinker by the second.
“It sounds like waves, I suppose, but not like the ocean,” he tried to explain.
“But waves are the ocean!” James exclaimed, while Crystal gasped at him. “If it sounds like waves, it sounds like the ocean,” she said.
Alex sunk deeper into his seat and vowed to never bring up this topic again. Never ever. Especially the bit about the ocean song, which Tom teased him about for weeks afterward.
Alex spent his days doing schoolwork, playing football, and sneaking onto the tube with Tom to go to the shops downtown. He learned to avoid other topics, too, like how Ian left him alone at home, or in a hotel when they were on holiday. Or how sometimes, Ian would come home from work trips covered in bruises and scrapes. He made friends easily enough, and then Ian hired Jack to keep him company. It helped him forget that feeling of loneliness that hovered over him like a rain cloud, as if there was something he was missing, like the melody of a song he couldn’t quite remember.
Sometimes, when he was alone at night, he stared up at the stars from his little window and wondered what his parents were like. He barely remembered much of when he was little. Sometimes he thought of the light on the surface of the sea, reflecting into the water below where kelp waved in giant fronds. He remembered cold air on his face and the smell of salt. His parents must have loved the sea, to have taken him to the beach as a baby.
The months passed by, and he got a new bicycle, learned Jack was terrible at cooking, and finally watched the X-Men films Tom had been gushing about. Soon enough, his tenth birthday had come and gone, and summer was upon them.
When the high tides came, at his uncle’s lake cottage in the country, Alex’s blood thrummed hard in his ears. The dark night blanketed the small hamlet, an inky sky bleeding into the city lights that he could see far into the distance. A little lake, too big to be a pond, rippled in the balmy breeze as he lay propped up on his elbows in the grass nearby. If he closed his eyes he could hear the water’s shush-shush-shush in time with his heartbeat.
He was a city boy, but something about the vast, empty lake called to him. He supposed other ten year olds would feel a bit frightened, left alone in the wilderness for hours, where the nearest city was a half hour’s drive away. He never liked the country very much, not when he and Ian went into the woods or hiked up a mountain. But here, there was something that quelled the itchy feeling that had him feeling lost, like he was holding a puzzle piece that wouldn’t fit.
When he heard the car rumbling on the dusty path, he rolled onto his knees and peered over the cattails in the moor. Ian was back from his trip into the little town, and maybe now he would finally stop being so mysterious and tell him the real reason they were here.
“Alex! Come and help me with these,” Ian called, opening up the boot of the car.
Scrambling down the grassy knoll, Alex reached him to see old crates and crumbling piles of paper amongst the grocery bags.
“What’s all this? Where’d you get all this old stuff?”
Ian smiled crookedly. “Help me haul it inside and I’ll tell you!”
The crates were splintered and creaky, rocking with every step on the uneven cobblestone of the driveway. The papers were bundled into musty files, but between the two of them it was short work to gather everything into the foyer of the little cottage.
“So did you drive us up here to go to an estate sale or something without me? Bet I could have found something a lot cooler than some old paperwork.” Alex grinned as he put down the last box.
Ian chuckled, shaking his head. “I didn’t buy any of this. Lucky for me no one had come across it yet.”
He pried one of the crates open. Inside, there were soft cotton dresses, yellowed with age, in floral prints and geometric lines in vibrant colours.
“These things, they’re your mother’s.”
He blinked, looking up sharply.
“My mum’s? But...I thought there wasn’t...” Alex stumbled over his words, confused and hopeful all at once. “I thought there wasn’t anything left of hers,” he finished in a soft, timid voice, feeling something pull at his chest. He ran his fingers over the soft fabric, trying to remember his mum’s face. The smell of sea salt wafted up from where he shook out the folds. A large seashell, curved into a spiral, fell out as he lifted it away, clattering onto the wooden floor, and he reached after it. In his hands, the shell was smooth.
“I didn’t think so either,” Ian said. “But last time I came up here, remember I had to check on some things for our holiday?”
Alex nodded, the sound of his blood rushing in his ears like the thrum of the ocean.
“Helen—your mum—she had a safe in the little bank in town. Just by chance that the man there recognized the name Rider, good thing we weren’t playing disguises, eh?”
Alex had moved onto untying the twine from the bundles of files. The folders were dry, caked with dust, and brittle. The papers inside were less dusty but equally crisp with age. Inside they held an eclectic mix of newspaper clippings and postcards, photographs of people he didn’t recognize, and pressed flowers. Little mementos of a life lived, a life that Alex had had little chance to wonder about.
His parents had died in an accident. But in him now, seeing these objects that his—mum—had once lovingly saved, a spark flared into a hopeful warmth. He read and read his mother’s journal until his eyes slid shut, and he felt Ian lift him up and tuck him into bed. He dreamt of Venice and Prague, of coffee shops and delicate flowers blooming under gentle care. His dreams were full of strange people and stranger plots surrounding both his mum and his dad.
The next morning when he woke, he could feel the ocean’s rhythm in his ears, louder than it had ever been before. He stumbled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, to see Ian already awake and halfway through his toast.
“Morning sleepyhead,” Ian said around a mouthful of crunchy bread.
Plopping into a chair, Alex stole some from the pile for himself, spreading a very generous amount of jam onto his piece.
“Hmmm,” he hummed. The jam was really very good. Actually, now that he thought about it, he felt very good too, light and happy for the first time in, well, a long time. If he concentrated hard enough, he could even make out words in the usually jumbled melody in his ears.
He chewed over this development as he finished breakfast, glancing at the crates and papers still piled up in the foyer from the night before. There was just one box he hadn’t gotten to before falling asleep — it was sealed shut so tightly that he hadn’t been able to pry it open by himself.
Ian noticed his gaze. “We can bring those with us for you to keep, when we drive back home.”
“Yes, I’d like that,” Alex nodded. “But I didn’t get a chance to look inside that one, can you help me get it open?”
Without noticing it, he found himself in front of the small box and running his fingers over the little notches in the wood, as if he’d been pulled towards it. A dull rhythm echoed in his ears like a siren song.
Armed with a sharp knife, his uncle pried open the lid. Whatever was inside was wrapped in packing paper and plastic, and an unassuming beige envelope rested on top. “For Alex R.,” it read in curly script, and the back of it was sealed shut with a sticker in the shape of a round, pink heart.
Ian leaned over his shoulder, humming with interest at this new mystery. “I’d reckon your mum left you this, Alex. Strange that I never came across any of this when you were younger.”
“You mean this is all a lucky accident? If we hadn’t come here...if you hadn’t gone to that bank, I wouldn’t have ever gotten any of this?” It wasn’t the first time Alex had had this thought since Ian first told him what he’d brought, and it seemed a little too much like coincidence.
“Perhaps, but then again, maybe she’d assumed you’d go looking for her things one day or another. Either way, it doesn’t matter — go on, open that envelope, I’m dying to see what’s inside just as much as you are!” Ian grinned, and Alex could feel the excitement rolling off of his uncle, who was always thrilled to play detective. Truth be told, he was excited too — it wasn’t everyday that he discovered an old family treasure.
The sticker peeled open easily, its stickiness long since disappeared. Inside, there was thick, creamy stationery paper, folded into thirds, and something shifted inside with a dull clinking sound. A golden chain slid out, flowing into his palm like liquid metal. Tiny shells dotted the chain and a small seashell hung from the middle.
“I remember that necklace,” Ian said thoughtfully. “I only met your mother a few times, but I can remember her wearing it — the seashell opens like a locket, I think, though I can’t recall what was inside it.”
Alex was more interested in the letter than a piece of glittering, girly jewelry, and he was happy to hand it off to Ian to inspect. Unfolding the elegant paper, he shouldn’t have been surprised to see his name on it, but he still couldn’t hold back a small gasp. The curly letters were undoubtedly his mother’s.
Dearest Alex,
In this box is something that has been yours since the day you were born. I’ve kept it safe and hidden, and hopefully you will find it one day when you need it. I wish that I was able to share this with you, face to face.
You must know by now, that you are different from other children; I am sure you never had to be taught to swim, and that the waves call to you in a way unlike anything else. You make friends easily, and others are charmed by you when you smile. You get those traits from me.
There is something else you get from me, too. Like me, you are a selkie, and your life is equally in the sea as it is on land. The sealskin in this box — this is yours. Wear the coat and you will swim as a seal, slip it off and you will walk once more.
Make sure to never lose your skin, always keep it safe and hidden, always keep it a secret. If you lose your skin, you must find it before someone else takes it and holds power over you.
My mother gave me this necklace, and now I’m giving it to you—a rare shell that will be a compass to your coat should you ever lose it. I hope that one day, you will find someone you trust with your life, someone you can share your secret with.
I love you with all my heart, my darling son.
Your Mum,
Helen R.
With slightly watery eyes, he looked up to see Ian nonchalantly trying to read the letter from where he sat next to him. Nothing in the letter made any sense to him—he’d heard of selkies of course, but the idea that his long lost mother was a seal was so weird that it passed right over his head. Distantly he noticed Ian taking the letter from him to read properly, but Alex was too much in the midst of an identity crisis to notice.
The soft, crinkling sounds of paper roused him from his circling thoughts. He turned to see Ian crumpling up the packing paper and tearing open the thin plastic that covered the contents of the box, tipping it over.
Soft, white fur with patches of grey unfurled onto the floor, somehow familiar, beckoning Alex. Something in his chest unfurled along with it, and for the first time that feeling of something missing, that yearning for something more, dissolved like foam on the sea. He ran his hands through the short, white fur, and knew that this was what he’d lost, and now found.
“This is yours,” Ian said.
That night, as Ian sat at the dock and Alex, clad in the silvery fur, dove into the cold lake water shimmering with moonlight, everything he thought he knew about himself washed away.
← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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furiarossa · 4 years
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This angry, majestic beast is Nimbus! Commission for DarkEros, done with black ballpoint pen and colored in digital.
+$2 patrons can download HERE the .zip pack with WIP steps and full resolution files.
This work is available to purchase as print, posters, stickers and other cool stuff HERE on Redbubble!
★ |Patreon|Facebook|FurAffinity|Deviantart|RedBubble shop|Tapastic★
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ryngtail · 6 years
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NIMBUS!!!! I'm so glad you drew nimbus i missed him ;u;. Will these prints be available for sale after the con :0? I don't have the time to attend, but I'd LOVE a print of nimbus if i could get one
weeps tysm im so happy ur happy to see my star child
i uuhhh dunno!! I keep saying i’ll open an online shop but i still havent!! WHO KNOWS;;;; 
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anderalebake · 3 years
Shop Cheap Clothing
Hardly surprising given the hysteria that has gripped the sneakerhead world since the shoe’s release. ‘Maybe this is a very good size for us he says. The two chose to work on the brand’s Cage and Overpass silhouettes, which are accompanied by a reversible sport mesh tank and a coordinating print tee. Constructed with tumbled leather, a grey ish, of f white hue saturates the entire upper, while white accents on the mid and add some subtle fl to the silhouette. new balance 400 Seemingly out of thin , last week legendary footwear
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brand it unveiled the next generation of their Star silhouette. Available in two color ways an all black and an of f white combination the silhouette is lined with of t leather with additional laces, of fering a smart addition to the wardrobe.
Be sure to check it out if you’re in the area
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. Original mesh and of t fleece are of fered in a swathe of color options, while the shoe’s toe box and upper can be decked out with flashy patterns such as snakeskin and camo. derby valentino As if the hype wasn’t reaching fever pitch already, we can now bring you a detailed look at Supreme’s forthcoming nimbus 17 asics collaboration. Furnished with a and premium leather upper, a mixed bag of hues decorate the shoe. Eager to find out what exactly the famed brand updated, we laced up a and explored the capital. Check out a few of our own creations above and go make your own over at the iD site.
Not quite as boisterous as its previous release, silhouette returns in a wholly tonal make up using reet Platinum’ shade. broken homme dickies dickies construct By now you guys have all seen the first images of the much anticipated adidas symbol in Desert Camo, black and white color ways. The cheap what the lebron 11 for sale eturns this season in two color ways, bold galaxy inspired all over prints. Roshe MAG new balance 574 roshe The largest congregation of occurred this past weekend at Sneaker Con New York. It’s clear from the images above that New York’s were out in full force; showcasing everything from rare Tier Zeros through to the men asics and ‘s Louis Vuitton collaboration. Rumors surrounding asics gel trainers
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2016 catalog have already indicated ‘Marvin the Martian’ and ‘Hare’ edition mockups.
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dippedanddripped · 4 years
Farfetch has launched a new global brand campaign to coincide with the official unveiling of its new branding.
Called “Open Doors to a World of Fashion,” the campaign will run in Out of Home (OOH), print, social, online, and for the first time for the company, addressable TV. The new campaign is also the first time the company will unveil its new brand identity and design system which includes the introduction of its ‘Fuse’ monogram.
The campaign brings Farfetch’s unique business model to life through a vivid multimedia journey. Open-mindedness and optimism are the driving forces behind the new campaign.
“This campaign brings a sense of optimism and ‘togetherness,’” said Holli Rogers, chief brand officer of Farfetch. “In a world where perhaps, we can’t physically be together right now, where we can’t travel to our favourite boutiques or shopping destinations we wanted to express how we can bring the world of fashion to people everywhere now and in the future. Farfetch lives at the intersection of two worlds – fashion and technology. These worlds were already merging before the global pandemic, but the move to online is accelerating. Through this campaign, we bring our own highly distinctive global community together, opening doors to a network of like-minded souls: breaking boundaries, bypassing borders – opening doors to fashion and fashion lovers everywhere.”
Ronojoy Dam, brand and culture director of Farfetch added: “Our campaign is enriching and uplifting, beautiful and forward-looking. Our vision is heartfelt – we wanted it to feel inclusive, elegant, and idiosyncratic in equal parts. Fashion is about dreaming, storytelling, and expression – designed now more than ever to be empowered and empowering. We are proud to have worked with visionary international talent to bring this campaign to life.”
The cast of creatives and talent which the company enlisted include acclaimed Broadway playwright and actor Jeremy O. Harris and fashion muse Veronika Kunz, innovative world music artist Kindness and London poet Sonny Hall, iconic Chinese actress Angelababy and environmentalist Wilson Oryema, Vogue cover girl Kesewa Aboah and new faces to watch from China, Nigeria, and India.
The online retail platform is also unveiling its new streamlined and modern brand identity alongside the launch of the campaign.
The Farfetch brand team partnered with Munich-based design studio Bureau Borsche to generate an entirely new cohesive visual system that would build on its global reputation and resonate with its growing audience.
The new brand identity features a more curated approach, introducing more white space along with a new typographic palette which includes a bespoke typeface ‘Farfetch Basis’ (designed in partnership with Colophon Foundry’) alongside the more graphic font family, Nimbus and the bespoke monogram – the ‘Farfetch Fuse.’
The ‘Fuse’ monogram connects the traditional fashion world with the needs of a dynamic digital company. In this case, ‘The Fuse’ is a fusion between a capital ‘F’ and lower case ‘f’ and represents the inherent duality of the brand – it’s a platform where there is a continuous dichotomy between the classic and the modern, the established and the experimental, the romantic and the revolutionary. The monogram acts as an integral communication tool for the new identity that connects the traditional fashion world with the needs of a dynamic digital company.
“With our new brand identity, we wanted to introduce a forward-looking vision for the brand while honouring the Farfetch identity as a single and singular destination, powered by innovative technology, through which to access the greatest designers – established and emergent – fashion curators and most discerning boutique owners across the globe,” said Rogers. “Farfetch is now in its second chapter as a company, partnering with the world’s best designers and stores and we need an identity that reflects that. It marks a new era of expression, ambition, and evolution. This is the perfect moment to build on our growth and our journey so far.”
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sathendar23 · 5 years
Pull up banners printing in Calgary
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jamesdren321-blog · 5 years
Printing company Calgary
0.125" total bleed all around (0.0625" for each side) is required.
File must be cmyk.
Images should be 300dpi.
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dawnjeman · 6 years
New-Construction Family Home Design
  Recently designed by Amy Storm of Designstorms, LLC, this new-construction home is fun from start to finish! The clients found out they were pregnant right as construction was starting so it was a race to the finish line. They were so busy with work, kids and  the one on the way that they made quick decisions and were open to trying new things. The had only one requirement : a white kitchen with a big island. Done. Designstorms, LLC detailed all the cabinetry and millwork for this home as well as selecting plumbing, tile, lighting, paint, counters, furniture, drapery and accessories (among other things). The best part of the project was getting to work with this lovely, kind and fun family and then seeing them move into a home they love and one that fits all of them.
Take notes on the sources shared by the designer and get ready to fall in love with this bright and beautiful newly-built family home.
  New-Construction Family Home Design
This entire home feels fresh and inviting. The millwork is classic but the decor brings a youthful vibe to the home.
Kitchen Faucet: Kohler
This white kitchen features a long island with grey quartz countertop and wood counterstools.
Kitchen Island Dimensions: 9 feet
Counterstools: Arteriors.
Pendants over Island: Millenium Lighting, Antique Silver.
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Kitchen Pot Filler
Do you like pot fillers? Most of my clients ask for them and they all love how practical they are.
Pot Filler: Kohler
Cabinet Paint Color
Kitchen paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-57 White Heron.
Cabinetry: Beaded Inset, painted, custom made.
Layout: The upper cabinet (to the left of the fridge) connects to the freezer to create a beautiful passageway through the Butler Pantry and into the Dining room.
This little corner, awkward on plan, squeezed between a fridge and a window, became one of our clients favorite kitchen spots. With marble clad walls and solid walnut shelves, this corner now displays the homeowners personality and unique finds. Honestly, we didn’t really stage this, just did a little tweaking, because we loved what she did with her treasures. It’s kind of rewarding, to create the backdrop and then let the homeowner make it their own! – Amy Storm.
Kitchen backsplash: Virginia Tile, Venatino Gioia Honed Hex 4″ – similar here & here.
Kitchen Shelves & Brackets: Custom – Similar: Brackets & Shelves.
Roman Shades: Fabricut, Pattern Avicenna, Color: Pewter, Tape trim Samuel and Sons, pattern 977-44932, color white.
Containers: Large & Medium.
Mixer: KitchenAid.
Beautiful Mugs: Here (Perfect for Mother’s Day
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), Here, Here, Here & Here.
Kitchen Desk Area
A custom small desk with quartz countertop is tucked in the corner of this kitchen to make things easier and more practical.
Wall sconce by Desk: Hudson Valley.
Kitchen Counterstools: Arteriors.
Similar Artwork: Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
Countertops: Zodiac in London Sky
Similar Kitchen Sink: Here & Here.
Grey Walls
The wall paint color is Smoke Embers by Benjamin Moore. What a beautiful grey!
Cabinet Hardware: 12″cc Pulls, 15″ cc Pulls, Knobs, 4″ Pulls, Cup Pulls – All in Polished Nickel.
Built-in Buffet
“This breakfast area is filled will all kinds of good stuff. When we were designing the kitchen, the space under the window was just not big enough for full depth cabinetry, so we created this shallow buffet-like cabinet, with a custom walnut top and lots of bonus storage, so our clients can keep things like serving platters or kids craft supplies right where they need them.” – Amy Storm.
Wood Floor: Minwax, Dark Walnut on White Oak.
Kitchen Banquette
The grey banquette is custom-made, Stanford (Stanford Litchfield Banquette), upholstered in Robert Allen.
Kitchen Table: Bungalow Classics.
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Kitchen Rug: Storm Inspired Showroom – similar here & here.
Light over table: Savoy House in Silver Patina.
Dining Chairs: Dovetail, Gaston – similar here.
Wall Sign: Etsy.
This kitchen features beautiful millwork from floor-to-ceiling.
Family Room
Wall paint color is Nimbus by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting was from Hudson Valley.
Coffee table: Four Hands.
Sofa Sectional: Storm Inspired, upholstered in Duralee fabric with Robert Allen Accent pillows.
Window Treatment
Window Treatment fabric: Fabricut, Beauvoir, Gray.
Shelf Accessories: Storm Inspired Showroom, Home Goods, Flea Market & Owner provided artifacts.
The fireplace features leathered black granite surround.
Trim Paint Color
Trim Throughout: Benjamin Moore, White Heron Satin Finish
Sconces: Hudson Valley.
Family Room Rug
Rug: Surya 9 x 13 Rug (on sale!
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Chair (right): Bernhardt – similar here, here & here.
Pouf: Surya.
Rug: Jaipur. (here)
Lighting: Minka.
Paint Color
Smoke Embers by Benjamin Moore.
Ottoman: Storm Inspired, upholstered in Robert Allen, Herring Lane.
Chandelier is custom. Similar Chandelier: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
Pillows: Bungalow Rose.
Real Fig Tree and Basket: Storm Inspired Showroom – similar here (faux).
Sofa: Storm Inspired, upholstered in Romo fabric.
Powder Room
What a beautiful powder room! I’m loving the plaid wallpaper, the navy blue cabinet and the hardwood flooring.
Lighting: Ceiling Mount, Crystorama.
Wall Sconce: Visual Comfort.
Countertop: Quartz Countertop – Zodiaq in London Sky.
Cabinet Hardware: Look in the Attic and Co. 1-5/8” solid brass octagonal Cabinet knob (similar here), 3” mission style solid brass ring pull.
Bathroom Faucet: Newport Brass in Satin Bronze.
Mirror: Rejuvenation
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinet Color: Benjamin Moore, Hale Navy, HC-154
Daughter’s Bathroom
Blush Pink Paint Color: Benjamin Moore 1184 Pensacola Pink in Eggshell Finish.
Wall Sconce: Restoration Hardware – similar here & here.
Similar Faucet: Here.
Bathroom Vanity
The vanity is custom and painted in BM White Heron.
Star Knobs: Schaub.
Tile: Pennyrounds in gray and white.
The shower features a classic combination of white and grey tiles. Notice the shower bench with quartz slab on the left.
Similar Tiles: Floor Tile, Subway Tile, Grey Accent Tile or here.
“It seems we have a lot of projects, especially on new builds, where the homeowner wants to merge an office space with a mudroom. In this home, the mudroom is adjacent to the kitchen and family room, so it needed to look pretty and be functional. We stained the cabinets a warm gray color so scuffs, scratches and even messy-kid finger prints will be hidden! This window lets in lots of natural light.” – Amy Storm.
Mudroom Cabinetry
The cabinets are maple and finished in a weathered grey stain.
Boots: Hunter
Paint Color
Paint color is Benjamin Moore 1465 Nimbus.
This view is what you see when you walk past – the storage is hidden on the left and the office printer, garbage and storage are all hidden in the cabinets.
Floor Tile: Virginia Tile: Rondine – Bristol Brick Tile 2″ x 10″ – Cream – similar here.
Cabinet Hardware
Cabinet Hardware: Amerock.
Countertop: MSI in Mirabella White
Window Treatment Fabric: Romo
Wall Sconce: Rejuvenation
Ceiling Light
Ceiling Pendant: Rejuvenation.
Vintage Runner: one-of-a-kind – similar here (vintage) & here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
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Interior Design: Designstorms LLC (Instagram – Facebook).
Photography: Picture Perfect House.
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stargazeruniversesl · 4 years
Are There Rainbows in Outer Space?
Are There Rainbows in Outer Space?
See it in motion    I believe there are, perhaps not in deep space, but on other planets with suns and water, there would have to be. And what about rainbow love? Yes, indeed, I am sure it exists out there as well.   Shopping List (Sponsors in Bold Print) BODY INFO: Skin: Stargazer Creations– Skin Set – Nimbus  Includes an Omega face applier, body applier, and BOM layers with cleavage…
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Homemade sherbet recipes for Iftar
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/homemade-sherbet-recipes-for-iftar/
Homemade sherbet recipes for Iftar
Unlike what many like to imagine, Roza observers do not break their fast with heaps of food. Iftar is a process that begins with a sip of water. Followed by a date and sherbet, which is important because “it gives relief to the tired body after long hours of fasting during the summer,” says expert on Hyderabadi cuisine, Mehboob Alam Khan.
Iftar is not all about kebabs, pulao, biryani, kheer, and other interesting treats. Sherbet — a cooling drink made of sweet, diluted fruit juices — is as important as the food. Every household has its signature sherbet. It can be made with any seasonal fruit or, if one prefers, using home-made fruit preserves or concentrate.
Following food discussion groups is a great way to find ideas. With the mango season on, mango juice seems to be on top of the list, followed by watermelon and mint cooler. There is a huge demand for milkshakes and almond rose milk as well.
Fatima Shah, a Dubai-based home baker, says that even though the favourite drink is the milkshake, traditionally what is served in their home is an Iranian shikanji made with sugarcane vinegar, sugar and mint. “If sugarcane vinegar is hard to get, one can use apple cider vinegar,” she informs.
Something as simple as lemon juice or nimbu paani also does wonders to the body. Hyderabad-based Arabic scholar and entrepreneur Izzath Uroosa says the logic behind sherbet has more to do with taste. “We break our fast with water and a date. After that if you get a glass of fresh juice, imagine how soul-stirring it would be? It doesn’t just instantly cool the body, it also refreshes our mind. I prefer the kairi ka juice without the masalas. The other popular sherbet is Rooh Afza with balanga (basil seeds). Balanga or sabja is known for its cooling properties, so it is a natural choice. Soaked balanga added to a glass of red rooh afza is Instagram-worthy as well.”
Mehboob Alam Khan, however, prefers the raw mango juice prepared in a slightly different way, with the mango being burnt over a bed of red ambers. He says, “It is a slow process but the smokiness in the drink is worth the time and effort.” Or mix khus syrup in your lemonade for a more refreshing experience if you don’t want to slog, he suggests.
He also adds, “Badam (almond) milk is a hugely popular drink, but preparing it is laborious and expensive. I would not suggest it especially in times like these.”
As families look to stay healthy and move away from packaged drinks and concentrates, there is a steady search for recipes with natural ingredients. “There are many traditional Ramzan recipes that use herbs and jellies with cooling properties as part of the Iftar meal to break the fast,” says Rayhana Nainar, a home-maker. “Nannari (Indian Sarsaparilla) can be had either as a water-based sherbet or with cold milk. Since palmyra fruit are in season in much of South India these days, nannari sherbet can be served along with the pulp. Some people like to add a dash of lime juice to cut through the sweetness,” she suggests. Sounds tempting.
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They call the whole 'Better Days', a theme of the season based in the excitement of this winter, finally. The flow silhouette takes on these two colors to the Neon in the 'Neon' pack, the one who has a higher black and the other a royal nuance of purple. Just in case you start getting ideas above your station, they’ve chosen a white rubber and reinforced the toe and heel for a sporty finish. The Vulc will keep the color of traditional lock as well as the and come in a white leather with hits of Jimmy Choo Women Pumps Romy black in the brand image of the tab and the heel. A perfect pair for the warm season to come, this variation of the adidas collection shoes inherits a mesh upper vegan which ensures the breathability and comfort sufficient. The M1500 ‘Red Green Black’ is now available at UK based retailer COMMONN for approximately $199 USD. The shopping cart receives bold strokes of red that adorn its single unit and laces in rubber, while integrating a turee tonal formstripe emborsed. It comes at a time when silhouettes like the Running Support, Guidance and Racing have all been reissued to much acclaim, and the film directed by Will Robson Scott delves a little deeper into why these shoes have maintained such popularity around the world as it speaks to fans everywhere from Berlin to Tokyo. jimmy choo outlet The pack drops into retailers from August 15. has delved into its archive to re release another of its silhouettes. Hits of red appear also on the unit of lace and of the air, while the midsole solid white compensates for the look of the shoe to give him the traditional air jordan true flight look and feel. The sneaker and accompanying headwear are set to drop shortly via Kasina’s online store. Comprising essentially all of the colors in the color wheel, the upper part is given on the whole Multi-color printing. which does not seek to put the hand on these. A black and grey nubuck upper sits atop a white and gum sole, with the sneaker’s extra large tongue dressed in a healthy dose of dazzling 3M reflective material. reportedly at the price of approximately in the shades of gray white and black, stay tuned for more official information concerning the. Yet the real fans of Kanye will note that this achievement (or price) will probably jimmy choo high tops be the one who Kanye located rêmement staff and important. The design 'Camoyama' brings something of every culture, of the card to the word ‘Yama’, what. Hand stitched by one of Yuketen’s skilled craftsmen in the United States, the Yuketen Native Maine Guide ‘Loden Green’ is now available at Up There Store for approximately $ 62 USD. Look for these among some international retailers today and return with us soon for updated information on releases. lebron 11 Spanish footwear manufacturer Camper‘s collaborative ‘Together’ line has enlisted cult Russian designer Gosha Rubchinskiy for the creation of a set of limited edition footwear. For 2016, new balance m801 Classics honors the Sidestripe’s heritage with the largest range of Saucany color ways to date jimmy choo sale uk. The images above show that the shoes are dressed in a white top with blows of blue spotted in the brand image sous Armour. Kith remember back in the day when you and your crew used to obtain these shirts of the brush of the fact to your swap meet local. asics nimbus lite First sneakers from the newcollection have released over the weekend. The SUPRA Owen ‘Tundra Pack’ released this weekend exclusively via UK retailer size. If you’re looking to close out your summer with some additional style, the ‘Solar Summer’ pack will be available at beginning August 15. The asics shoes size chart Since it launched in early 2010 with the Uno model, the Gourmet women’s program has evolved a lot. www.discountjimmychoo.com/women-hotsale
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angelageme · 5 years
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