#Ninja cookie
brittle-doughie · 1 year
It appears that Y/N Cookie just can't catch a break from these folks.
It'd be honestly interesting to see how some cookies would react to Y/N finally snapping back or getting enraged from all the stress.
- 🐼 Anon.
(p.s: Remember that your mental health is important too! Please take a break if you need one!)
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Halt! The Restriction Mayhem Update!
This and a reply on that post about restraining orders gave me this idea heheha
Greetings, Cookie Runners. I’m Brittle, a writer for the CR x Reader tag.
Today, I’ll be introducing this totally not made up new event starring Y/N Cookie, a cookie that that can never seem to catch a break from the shower of attention their fellow cookies give them.
After many major incidents involving a feud between cookies, Y/N Cookie is at their wits end for some peace and quiet, and so has decided to have some time apart..with restraining orders! Will Y/N Cookie finally get their tranquility with this method? You’ll find out by playing the new event mode!
In this event, you’ll play various stages themed around certain clingy cookies, collect the evidence jellies you need to file the restraining order against the Cookie.
You can attempt the harder difficulties after completing Normal Mode with Hard and Intense Mode, which will up the challenge in stages and evidence!
For costumes, Scorpion and Cocoa will be receiving Epic costumes while a Super Epic is ready for Y/N Cookie, it’s Y/N Cookie’s Super Epic Costume, Absolute Heartstopper! There’s a new sheriff in town and your heart is their bounty!
That’s all that will be shared for today, hopefully Y/N Cookie survives the wait for the update and try not to get dogpiled on by upset cookies. Take care bye byeeee
Coupon Code: RUN Y/N COOKIE RUN (To clarify, this isn’t an actual code, but you probably already knew that)
Normal Mode:
Kumiho Cookie
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“W-what? But darling, you can’t be serious!”
Cocoa Cookie
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(Cocoa just stands there, confused and heartbroken)
Ninja Cookie
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“…..Why would you do that? Did I come off too strong?”
Hard Mode:
Okchun Cookie
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“I just wanted to make you feel welcome in our village. Why leave when your home is here…”
Lilac Cookie
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“A piece of paper won’t stop me from you..”
Timekeeper Cookie
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“Understood.” (Tears restraining order out from the fabric of reality. Thank Tree you had copies)
Intense Mode:
Sea Fairy Cookie
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“I am very passionate about you, Y/N Cookie. Is there anything wrong with that?”
Fire Spirit Cookie
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Lotus Dragon Cookie
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“That’s a difficult wish to fulfill, Y/N Cookie. A dragon’s desire for a companion is strong, regardless of any restrictions like this one, a dragon WILL get what they desire eventually…”
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zoethehead · 4 months
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So, I made a cookie run comic based on one of the funniest moments of an unmuted microphone in a game of among us, specifically when bigjigglypanda forgot that he wasn't muted and accidentally outed himself as the impostor.
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howfishismade · 1 year
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cookie run stylization bust practice
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last-flight-of-fancy · 2 months
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finally completed the common rarity cookie set!
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bangoccat · 9 months
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sumkld · 2 months
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berabare · 3 months
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Maybe I'm a little bit weird.
I love them anyway
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blogofadventures · 3 months
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official artwork celebrating 10 days until CR:ToA's release
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lvingxd · 1 year
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meowizard · 1 year
Do you think you could rate how Tiger lily chops Wood I mean she's lived in a forest all her life I'm assuming that she'd be at least OK at it
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she's swinging behind her head, and doesn't quite have the transfer of weight down, but her arms? delight me. they're one degree shy of perfect: her right hand is higher than the left and slides down as she swings. the only thing i would change is her stance, its a bit wide. oh, and and she's swinging a little high, but still a solid 8/10
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very very good! his feet are firmly in the right place, his hips are facing sideways and the transfer of weight is clear and very strong. i'd reccommend he try swinging more from his torso if he wants more strength behind it, but i get the idea thats not what he's going for because of the small swing. this also excuses him from the low hand position, cause it's not going to fly out of his grip and the arc is very nice :) 9/10
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hate it. he's managing to... reverse... the transfer of weight by pulling away as he swings forward. coward behaviour. his right arm is flapping around weirdly, and it makes it look like his shoulders are on a total swivel, which is a dangerous sign, and he's not going to get anything chopped - at least, not quickly. his confidence gets him his points though. 2/10
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why does he look like that what are his legs doing why is he bendy why is he chachachaing real smooth i dont like it. i do like the implication he's an extension of the blade in theory, but in practise this is an incredibly unsafe way to wield an axe. it's weak form, it's too high of an arc and wayyy too close to his face - look, he's even squinting to avoid the splinters! 1/10
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his grip? flimsy. his arc? messy. his legs? unstable. his hands? too low on the handle. he's definitely swinging from his back, though! the turn is clear.... i'm almost willing to say he's displaying a good transfer of weight? whatever the case, the lackadaisical leg-kick totally negates that as i am worried he's going to fall over. also someone warn him his pack is slipping bc why does he have a bulge. 5/10
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wipe that silly boy smirk off your face this is one of the worst ways to hold an axe. its akin to frost queen's, and that's not a compliment. i can't even judge this because he's not DOING ANYTHING. he looks like he's praying for someone to take pity on him and take over so he can go read. 0/10
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terrible! see above. even if you're left handed, you should be standing on the other side of the wood to chop down a tree. all his strength is coming from his hips, somehow? he's doing a strange thrusting thing without moving his knees or shoulders - kudos for squatting while chopping, but if you have normal muscles you're soooo likely to hurt yourself king 1/10
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her body is facing more forwards than anyone, which restricts her movement a lot. she's only using one hand - although to be fair, her strength doesn't come directly from her shoulder as she does a little *tense* before swinging that probably decreases the chance of pulling a muscle. i know kougin amann has disproportionate strength so this is an illusion, but no one is above proper form, and this is not proper form. 2/10
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wonderfull-star · 3 months
Now a question for you, cookie run fans, who do you think are the most underrated characters in the game?(in crk).Maybe there will be a vote later.
Characters that have already mentioned:
1.Alchemist Cookie
2.Knight Cookie
3.Carrot Cookie
4.Avocado Cookie
6.Ninja Cookie
7.Strawberry Cookie
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
First i wanted to say that your writing is amazing, it shows how much effort you put in every piece.
Second, if requests are open, could i humbly resquest for a rivalry between Hero cookie and Ninja cookie? Like, Y/N cookie is Hero's best friend but they always chasing after Ninja cookie (who they don't know that their feelings are reciprocate) but the latter keeps running away for some reason.
But if requests aren't open then you can just forget this ask, hope you're doing wonderfull
Have a good day/night
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The Heroic or The Meditated (Hero Cookie v. Ninja Cookie
And then Ninja Cookie threw out his shurikens with precise aim at those targets, it was such a cool sight to see!
“T-that’s nice to hear, Y/N Cookie, but can we focus on our study session please?”
You apologized to your best friend, you just..really admired Ninja Cookie from afar, you hoped that one day, you’ll be able to keep him around long enough to..express these brewing emotions of yours hehe.
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Your friend was normal on the outside, but on the inside? He was SCREAMING. You?! Having potential feelings for Ninja Cookie?!
“What am I going to do?!” Hero Cookie thought!
He buried himself in countless books, trying to come up with a solution on how exactly to win over your attention!
He couldn’t find one until it presented itself in the form of a jelly monster attack…where he managed to save you from the monster’s grasp, not as himself, but as the well known superhero…
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Hero Cookie
Ever since then, you’ve been gushing about Hero Cookie every study session you had with your best friend!
“There’s a hero that helps cookies! Cool, huh?”
On the inside, he was giddy and excited. He couldn’t wait until he revealed himself to be the hero you’ve been excited about all this time!
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As soon as Ninja discovered you haven’t been popping up around him recently, he got suspicious…
It wasn’t like it for you to just stop in pursuit of him so suddenly. Truth be told, he too shared the feelings you had for him. It was just his ninja training and tendencies that had out of reach many times
He REALLY didn’t appreciate the circumstances when he realized you’re now fawning over this Hero Cookie…
There wasn’t any way he’ll allow this superhero to upstage him and take you away.
Hero and Ninja would start butting heads when another monster attack occurred, Ninja suddenly appearing before you to take away from the danger zone, leaving Hero Cookie scrambling to locate you!
From there on, it’s nothing but a duel on who can overcome the other to win your affection.
Hero Cookie worked so hard to get you to like him the way he liked you, so Ninja deciding to be forward with his feelings now of all times really aggravated him.
Ninja Cookie in return didn’t like this Hero Cookie, taking away the cookie of his affections really affected his discipline, he might even act out of this struggle goes on for too long!
The tug-o-war between the two continues on, with neither side ready to let go anytime soon…
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greenfreakbones · 11 months
More of these bc they're funny to make
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cookienote · 29 days
Drawing Cookie Run Characters In Swapnote - Day 15
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“Quiet as the forest.”
Just as making perfect dough demands diligent kneading, tireless training is of equal importance on the path of the ninja. The flavor and ingredients of the mysterious Ninja Cookie remain unknown. He is the only Cookie who can Jump that many times. Some say he steps on the air itself, others claim he is using some sort of a shadow clone technique... And with training, he can jump even higher! Sky's the limit, literally.
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makerofmadness · 10 months
aight uh. I kinda just decided to pack the rest of the kingdom characters whose names I have translated myself into one post but sadly this is the end of The Cooler Art (unless I just choose random sprites to make up for it dndndnjdnddn):
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NOTE: minor correction, snapdragon is گل میمون and not گل میمونی except the Persian Wikipedia page spelled it like that so. I don't know.
Uh if you've been keeping up with my posts you'll know how this goes:
Prune Juice Cookie = آب آلو کوکی (ab aloo cookie)
Kouign-Amann Cookie = کوئین آمان کوکی (kouign-amann cookie)
Capsaicin Cookie = کپسایسین کوکی (capsaicin cookie)
Carrot Cookie = هویج کوکی (havij cookie)
Onion Cookie = پیاز کوکی (piaaz cookie)
Fettuccine Cookie = فتوچینی کوکی (fettuccine cookie)
Beet Cookie = لبو کوکی (laboo cookie)
Oyster Cookie = صدف چروک کوکی (sadaf cherook cookie
Madeleine Cookie = کیک مادلن کوکی (cake maadelan cookie)
Affogato Cookie = آفوگاتو کوکی (affogato cookie)
Rye Cookie = چاودار کوکی (chaavdaar cookie)
Werewolf Cookie = گرگینه کوکی (gorgineh cookie)
Snapdragon Cookie = گل میمون کوکی (gol meymoon cookie)
Clotted Cream Cookie سر شیر کوکی (sar shir cookie)
Ninja Cookie = نینجا کوکی (ninja cookie)
Fun fact:
گل میمون (snapdragon) is literally "monkey flower" in farsi. Guess who lost their dragon privileges in Iran.
also: YUP! Madeleines are cakes! Wonder what the St. Pastry Order would have to say about that...
EDIT: I got a tag that kinda upset me so I need to clarify here before I see anything else like this: this is Farsi, not Arabic. It's literally a racist stereotype that Persians are Arabs/that we speak Arabic and that all middle easterners are Arabs. English and Spanish and French and German and Italian all share the same alphabet but no one thinks they're the same language or that being able to read one means they can read all of them, so why are you assuming that for us?
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sophiaalvarado-5-a · 11 months
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