#Nitin Pai
darbyoakana · 12 hours
An Overlord's Tail - Chapter 7
An Overlords Tail Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Summary: Alastor X reader, F/M. Alastor struggles with his feels, The Party ensues
Warnings: This story is 18+, minors can fuck right off.
Other Notes: Daisy's Song -2012 rescoring of The Lodger by compositor Nitin Sawhney Performed by the London Symphony Orchestra
Darby Link Tree
Chapter 6: The Party
You hadn’t seen Alastor. He was purposely avoiding you and it was pissing you off, mostly because you were feeling hurt. You didn’t care about what happened. You expected there to be some sort of learning curve, next time maybe things should be taken slower. If there was going to be a next time. You wanted to be understanding and give him the space he needed to emotionally process things. You knew emotional communication wasn’t a skill he had, but he could at least try instead of running away. The dark thought that maybe this was another game of his and you played right into it crossed your mind. Was it a long con, to get you to drop your guard? All part of the manipulation? But that made you tear up and you chose to shove that out of your consciousness, you wouldn’t be able to deal with that as a reality.
The whole hotel knew something was up but didn’t dare say anything.. You and Alastor were never in the same room when previously he stalked you constantly. When he was around, his mood was fowler than usual. He was short-tempered and snappy. You on the other hand just looked gloomy. You sat at your desk, it was too quiet. You had gotten used to Alastor constantly bothering you. The silence felt wrong and out of place. The days sludged by. Angel tried to cheer you up, but the distraction was nice. But sitting alone in your room felt like torment. You were hoping maybe he’d show up when movie night rolled around, but you were left waiting. It was kind of devastating for you. You felt pathetic holding his tail while you cried. 
Alastor was also miserable, tormenting himself. In the time he’s spent avoiding you, the void created by your absence had eaten at him. He didn’t expect how dull his life would become without you. It was the same mundane day over and over again. He couldn’t keep running from you, he felt like he was suffocating. He had never felt like this before and it was overwhelming, panic made a home in his chest with no intention of vacating.
“Look at you, I’ve never seen you so disheveled,”  Rosie greeted Alastor. “Come come, let’s have a chat,” Rosie brought out some tea and snacks to the small table in her room. “Okay sweetheart, I know this is a tough area for you. You’ve nevah let anyone get this close before and that’s overwhelming and new.”
 Alastor slouched in his chair.
“Do you want her to be with someone else?”
“Ugh…” he grumbled. Picturing how Lucifer smiles at you. His ears bent back and eyes narrowed at the thought. “...No…”
“If something happened to her right now, would you hunt whoever did it down and make them pay?” 
“I’d eviscerate them.” 
“Well then sounds like it's a little too late to worry about her being a so-called weakness,” she took a sip of her tea. “Get outta your head and be with the girl, she’s good for you.” 
“I don’t know if I have the self-restraint necessary.” 
“So you got a little aggressive in the bedroom, who hasn’t dismembered a lover once or twice? It happens! The point is, she loves you for who you are,” she said, setting down her cup and giving Alastor a stern look. “And I’m not trying to be rude here, but that’s a BIG ask my friend.”
“I can’t comprehend how we got here in the first place,” he laid his head in his arms on the table. “And I haven’t the faintest idea on how to navigate this situation moving forward.” 
“So work on it. Together. Swallow your pride and ask for help. I’m sure she’d be willing to go as slow as you needed. But you gotta com-un-i-caaaaaaate, sweetheart!” she softened her face and put her hand on top of his. “I get it, it's scary caring for someone. But you have to stop fighting it or you're gonna hurt her worse than a few bite marks. I can’t imagine she feels great right now with you ignoring her.”
“She is strong-willed, she will manage.”
“Maybe so, but you two shared a hot n’ heavy moment just for you to disappear. She probably thinks you regret being intimate with her.”
“That… was not my intention,” he sighed. “But I see your point.”
“You can’t keep living like this. Either give her up or dive in. It’s not fair to string her along if you aren’t going to follow through,” she sighed. “So what’s it gonna be mister? You want her or not?”
“...Yes…” he mumbled.
"What was that?" she flicked his ear and he sat up. 
“Attaboy! Now, get your head out of your ass and go apologize!” 
“You have my appreciation, as always.” 
“Yeah yea, go on, shoo!”
Tonight was the party, the whole hotel was bustling with energy. Hair and makeup being done, suits being pressed. Everyone looked dashing in their formal attire. Your slinky red backless dress illuminated your features and curves. Your stitches already came out, everything was healing fine. Only small purple scars were left. You covered them with a little bit of makeup.
 Asmodeus gave everyone a big welcome. The club looked amazing, all the planning paid off and you felt quite proud of yourself. Several performers were lined up for the evening's entertainment. All of the Sins were in attendance. Lucifer gave a heartwarming speech on how proud he was of Charlie and all that she had accomplished. News crews were stationed outside covering the event. Dinner was amazing, Asmodeus went out of his way to host. The main core staff of the hotel danced together on the floor after several rounds of drinks. But someone was missing. You searched the room for Alastor, but he was nowhere to be found. After the third time glancing, scanning the crowd, you didn’t see him but you caught a glimpse of his shadow sneaking around. You knew he was watching, somewhere. So you decided to be a little petty.
You asked Lucifer to dance. He was surprisingly a wonderful dance partner. He also seemed to be having genuine fun. Oftentimes he seemed pained. Whether it be social situations, loneliness, insecurity, or general worry about Heaven. But tonight he was living it up like everyone else and it was great to see. 
“The party turned out great, thank you for all your hard work!” he said, twirling you.
“Everyone deserved some time off, it's the least I could do. Plus Asmodeus did most of the heavy lifting.” 
“You are being modest, you’ve been at the hotel a short time and have gotten so much done. We really needed more structure and you provided that. So don’t sell yourself short,” he smiled. Lucifer did have a heartwarming smile when he was genuine. “We all appreciate you.” 
“Thank you, Your Majesty. I’m glad to be of service.” 
“And thank you for the dance. But I believe you have a sulking deer to attend to.” 
Lucifer pointed with his eyes, Alastor was leaning in the doorway. His ears were tilted back in annoyance. He had observed you dancing with Lucifer and made him feel insecure and possessive. As the song ended you went to the bar for more champagne, not to Alastor. He could work for it if he wanted it. You stood on the edge of the dance floor watching your coworkers- no, your friends, enjoy their well-earned reward as you sipped from the glass, pretending you didn’t see him. But you could feel Alastor’s eyes following you.  
“You look divine this evening,” Alastor whispered to you, now behind you. “Though the dress leaves little to the imagination, dear.” 
“Sounds like you have a dull imagination then,” you sassed. “And a poor sense of timeliness. You’re late.” 
“My apologies, I had to… get my head out of my ass… as Rosie so eloquently put it.” 
“My condolences, that sounds like a difficult task,” you sarked back. You downed the champagne and put the glass on the tray of a passing waiter. “So you’re done avoiding me I take it?” 
“My behavior has been inconsiderate, for that I am sorry,” he mused. “Did you enjoy your dance with His Majesty?”
“Why? Envious?” 
“Envy wouldn’t be the correct word. Jealously would be more accurate.”
“How so?” 
“Envy is when someone has something you want,” he leaned, and you could feel his breath on your neck. “Jealousy is when someone is taking something you have.”
“You are very confident for someone who ignored me for weeks. What makes you think I’m yours?”
“This..” he ran a claw down your bare back. You shivered. “I’ve been selfish and would like to make it up to you if you permit me,” he held his hand out. “Dance with me, my dear.” 
You wanted to be mad at him for ignoring you for so long. But you were very much aware this was relatively new to him and he was likely to be doing the best he could with what limited emotional tools he had. You glanced at his hand, sighed, and put yours in his. To your surprise, he led you outside to the patio, not the dance floor. He walked you to the corner, you could no longer see the party inside. Lanterns lit the stone walkway and flower beds. His microphone appeared in his hand, he stabbed it into the soil of one of the planters. Standing upwards, music trickled from it. He placed one hand on your waist and pulled you into him. You looked up at him with an amorous stare as you began to dance.
“This song…” you looked puzzled. “Where did you get this?” 
“Lovely isn’t it?” he looked deeply into your eyes, transfixed.
“It’s from the 2012 rescoring of The Lodger..”
“It is, yes.” 
“But that's not the version we watched. Alastor..did you… did you use a computer?” 
“Just because I don’t like technology, it does not mean I am incapable of using it.”
“Well aren’t you full of surprises,” you said softly.
“I promise to always keep you on your toes, my love.” 
The hand you had placed on his shoulder moved to the back of his neck as you laid your head on his chest. Swaying, letting him lead. His hand at the small of your back tenderly caressed your bare skin. He had done something very thoughtful as an apology and you couldn’t help but let it melt you. Maybe he couldn’t express it in words, but his actions were vocal enough.
“It will take more than a dance to make it up to me,” you ran your nails along the back of his neck. “But you are off to a good start.” 
“I’ll spend the rest of our eternal damnation if that's what it takes.” 
He leaned you back and kissed you. This kiss was different than the last, it was soft and slow. You closed your eyes, savoring the delicate motions of your lips meeting his. It made you forget why you were upset with him in the first place. You could feel yourself blushing at the sensual nature of how gently his tongue fondled yours. This was new, Alastor was clearly trying; trying for you. How many can say that The Radio Demon had gone out of his way for them? It made you feel exceptionally special and cared for. 
Vox on the other hand was digging his claws into his control board, watching from his drone. Electric sparks flew from the gashes. His screen glitched. It hurt to see the two of you finding happiness without him. Together. Old wounds from Alastor bled open, deepened by the fresh wounds your absence created. His emotions mixed together so violently he couldn’t tell which one of you he was truly mad at, bitterness overcame him. All he knew was that T̴̛̟̼͓͖̫̈̃̾̈́͗̊̒͂̓̐͠h̸͎͈̮̀̿̐̀̀͑̊͊̍̅̄̀ͅi̶̛̺͙̝͙̥̜͙̹̩͇̾̌̓̓̀̔͝s̴̡͎͓̗͙̓̿͊͒ ̵̛̦́͒̎̔̈́́̈́͋̓͘̕͝ĕ̶̩̬̲̦̜n̴̢͈̠̻͚͂̃̒d̵̖̥̹͙͈̈́̀̀ș̷̤̣̅̅̅̒̉̀̋̈́͊͌̚̚ ̶̨̢̢̭͈͈̮̞̳̭̣̖́̐͆̊̀̃̾̈́̏͌͑̊̚͜͜͠n̵̳͚̪͕̜̗̰̈́̓̅͊̑͊͗̌͌̕̚͝ͅo̴̤̯͝͝w̴̢̱͔̟̲̫̫͉̤̻͎͈̔. 
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stvrlyte · 2 years
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A hired gun, Jordi never shies away from a paying job. Regardless of what it is, so long as there's cash involved, he's on it. He isn't typically a people person and in fact usually tries to avoid any extended contact with people, but befriending him would give you an almost loyal friend who will always be sure to call you first when he needs help with a job he doesn't want to do.
Full Name: Jordin Chen
Faceclaim: Donnie Yen
Age: 43
Sex: male
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Hong Kong, China
Birthday: March 29
Currently living in: Detroit, MI
Ethnicity: Chinese
Occupation: hitman / hired gun
Sexual Orientation: demisexual
Social Status: upper
Relationship Status: single
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A socialite with an insatiable thirst, no amount of power is enough for him and he will do whatever it takes to always get more. Never above blackmail and physical threats, he considers himself a force to be reckoned with. That cocky attitude could get him in trouble should he cross the wrong person. But, for now he uses his security systems to spy on people, sell their data, and blackmail people of power.
Full Name: Dušan Marković
Faceclaim: Nitin Chauhan
Age: 25
Sex: male
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Yugoslavia
Birthday: Aug 17
Currently living in: San Francisco, CA
Ethnicity: Yugoslavian
Occupation: security tech CTO
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Social Status: upper
Relationship Status: single
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With a passion for education and history, he seeks out to teach young people about the mistakes of the past in hopes they wouldn't be repeated. He is a pacifist at heart, with a very short fuse. Josh would never raise his hand to another, but that wouldn't stop him for speaking his mind. He is kind at heart, seeking peace for the world at any cost.
Full Name: Joshua Parker
Faceclaim: Parker Sawyers
Age: 33
Sex: male
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
Birthday: Nov 10
Currently living in: Detroit, MI
Ethnicity: African American
Occupation: university lecturer
Sexual Orientation: pansexual
Social Status: middle
Relationship Status: single
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Full Name: John Connor Doe
Faceclaim: Emmett J Scanlan
Age: 34
Sex: male
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
Birthday: Nov 15
Currently living in: Detroit, MI
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Occupation: Doe private security owner
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Social Status: upper middle
Relationship Status: single
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Full Name: Marius Luke Northall
Faceclaim: Ben Wiggins
Age: 26
Sex: male
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Nottingham, UK
Birthday: Jan 8
Currently living in: Detroit, MI
Ethnicity: British/Greek
Occupation: line cook at Starlight Lounge
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Social Status: upper middle
Relationship Status: single
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Full Name: Pandora Lily Johnson
Faceclaim: Jodelle Ferland
Age: 25
Sex: female
Gender: female
Place of Birth: Fresno, CA
Birthday: Oct 13
Currently living in: Los Angeles, CA
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Occupation: actor
Sexual Orientation: pansexual
Social Status: upper
Relationship Status: single
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Full Name: Calista Alessandra Ramone
Faceclaim: Kayla Itsines
Age: 35
Sex: female
Gender: female
Place of Birth: Pahrump, NV
Birthday: June 30
Currently living in: Detroit, MI
Ethnicity: Greek-american
Occupation: personal trainer
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Social Status: middle
Relationship Status: single
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Full Name: Simon Arthur Baker
Faceclaim: Bradley James
Age: 29
Sex: male
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
Birthday: Feb 16
Currently living in: Detroit, MI
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Occupation: baker / cake decorator
Sexual Orientation: pansexual
Social Status: lower middle
Relationship Status: single
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Full Name: Francesca "Frankie" Hughes
Faceclaim: Charlotte Ritchie 
Age: 36
Sex: female
Gender: female
Place of Birth: London, UK
Birthday:  May 13th
Currently living in: Los Angeles, CA
Ethnicity: Caucasian 
Occupation: Film Agent 
Sexual Orientation:  
Social Status: upper
Relationship Status: single
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exclusive to @intonightcity
Full Name: Tyler "Scrappy Ty" Cameron 
Faceclaim: Phil Brooks "CM Punk"
Age: 39
Sex: male
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Miami, FL
Birthday:  January 6th
Currently living in: Night City, MI
Ethnicity: Caucasian 
Occupation: Hype Man / Coach / Public Speaker / illegal fighter
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual 
Social Status: middle
Relationship Status: single
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Full Name: Luna Aeris Thomas
Faceclaim: Halle Bailey 
Age: 25
Sex: female
Gender: female
Place of Birth: Detroit, MI
Birthday:  Jan 30th
Currently living in: Detroit, MI
Ethnicity: African-American
Occupation: Podcast star / host / writer; Starlight Lounge hostess
Sexual Orientation: demi-romantic / bisexual
Social Status: lower middle
Relationship Status: single
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Best Business Model of EV Charging Station Company in India
Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations offer numerous advantages for India, including significant reductions in both global and local air pollution, as well as improved energy security through reduced oil imports. However, the country currently lacks domestic manufacturing units for EV chargers, resulting in reliance on imports from countries like China, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong. This reliance leads to higher prices for EV charging machines in India.
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To promote the establishment of EV charging stations, Ecoplug Energy India Limited presents several attractive business plans:
Business Plans Offered by Ecoplug Energy
Direct Purchase:
Users can buy an entire EV charging machine. For each unit connected to the electricity grid, the company will pay the user ₹6, along with ₹1 for the landowner.
Share Purchase Option:
The total price of the machine can be divided into 50 shares, allowing users to buy a single share at a lower investment cost.
Each share entitles the owner to 1/50 of the total profit generated by that machine.
Loan Facilitation:
Ecoplug provides an agreement that helps users secure loans easily, making the investment more accessible.
Land Lease Opportunity:
If you own land on highways or in prime locations, you can earn ₹1 per electricity unit by leasing it to the company.
Referral Plan:
Users can earn incentives by sharing information about potential locations for charging stations. Additionally, if you refer someone to the company’s business model, you will receive a referral bonus.
Vision for the Future:
As announced by the Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, India aims to eliminate petrol and diesel vehicles by 2034. This shift signifies that the future lies in electric vehicles, and EV charging stations in India, will serve as the petrol pumps of tomorrow.
Now is the time to invest in this emerging market and create a sustainable source of income for future generations. Join Ecoplug Energy and be part of this transformative journey towards a cleaner and greener India.
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sabka-dentist07 · 6 months
Dental Clinic in Panchpakhadi Thane
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Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic in Panchpakhadi Thane Think it is the dental treatments that are so heavy on your pocket? No, it’s neglect towards oral health that costs you more. To prevent this from happening, Sabka Dentist in Panchpakhadi is here to make you realise that oral health is as important as anything else in your life. It is not just about solving a few oral health issues here and there, but it is the maintenance, the care, the caution you take after experiencing a bad dental problems. For this, we at Sabka Dentist, try to guide you as to how to go about taking care of your oral health. Sabka Dentist tries to elaborate on the significance of having a dental regime. This involves brushing twice a day, flossing and basically visiting the dental clinic, not just when you have an oral health problem, but otherwise too. The dental experts at Sabka Dentist guarantee their patients a relaxing and stress-free dental ordeal, leaving everything in the dentists’ hands. Moreover, Sabka Dentist also looks out for its patients by taking into account each patient’s financial stability and hence, servers according to the needs of the customer, a very useful and efficient policy called Every Month Instalment (EMI). EMI helps a customer to pay the entire cost of the treatment, in parts, monthly. This policy is designed in such a manner that it is charged at zero percent interest rate. Dental treatment at the Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic: -Dental Check-up -Dental Implants -Dentures -Orthodontic Treatment (Braces) -Root Canal Treatment -Teeth Scaling and Polishing -Teeth Cleaning -Teeth Whitening and Bleaching -Overdentures -Oral Health Guide
Phone number - 8291849570
Address - Shop No-17, Building No-B2, Prestige Garden Almeida Road, Near Nitin Company, Panch Pakhdi, Thane- 400601
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collegelives · 8 months
Ishan Kishan To Be Axed From BCCI's Central Contracts? Board Official Says This
Ishan Kishan has constantly been in the news for the past one month since he took a break midway into India's Tour of South Africa. While the BCCI was supportive of his decision to take a break, what many reports have suggested is that Ishan Kishan's lack of game-time after the Tour ended may have raised a few eyebrows. Despite Indian cricket team coach Rahul Dravid saying that Ishan Kishan needs to play some form of cricket, to make a national team comeback, Ishan Kishan has been absent from the scene. Despite the ongoing Ranji Trophy campaign, Ishan has not been competing in the premier domestic competition and rather training on his own.
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These have led to speculation about Ishan Kishan's future in Indian cricket.
Asked if Kishan Kishan would find himself out of BCCI retainership (he has a grade C annual contract of Rs 1 crore), a senior BCCI official told PTI on conditions of anonymity: "No discussions have taken place as of now regarding central contracts."
With the ICC T20 World Cup in the Americas, starting from June 1 and India playing their opening game on June 5 in New York, the workload of India's core group of players during the IPL, which is going to be tentatively scheduled between March 22 to May 26, will be very important.
However, it is understood that no Indian players are supposed to be given any instructions about workload management during IPL as it is also not fair to the franchises, who are paying top dollar to star Indian players.
"They are being paid highly and they can't pick and choose games for franchises. But yes, for all those centrally contracted and targetted players (next lot), the franchise's support staff will have to regularly provide fitness update to the NCA Sports Science head Nitin Patel," an official told PTI.
It is understood that BCCI might send the players, whose teams don't qualify for the IPL play-offs, earlier to New York, while those who play the knock-out stages join them after the tournament gets over.
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theborderupdates · 8 months
New Canadian Immigration Rules Hit Marriages in Punjab
Last week, Pallavi Sharma, a sprightly young woman in her early 20s, found her dreams of studying abroad shattered. Pallavi, who successfully cleared her IELTS with a score of 6.5 bands in September last year, had been eagerly planning to pursue an undergraduate program in a Canadian university.
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Her engagement last month added another layer to her journey, as her fiancé was set to sponsor her student visa. However, a recent announcement by Canada’s immigration minister, Marc Miller, has thrown a wrench into her well-laid plans.
Speaking to The Indian Express, Pallavi expressed her disappointment, saying, “After completing class 12, I pursued a diploma in computer applications and cleared IELTS with 6.5 bands. Due to financial constraints, my family explored the option of a spouse visa, where the boy wanted to go abroad. Everything was arranged, and I even got engaged. But the new regulations state that spouses of students in undergraduate programs cannot obtain an open work permit. Without financial support from my fiancé’s family, there is no way I can pursue my dreams. My family doesn’t have the means to pay my fees.”
Pallavi’s story echoes the concerns of others in the state facing similar challenges. Gurpreet Singh Plaha, a resident of Dholewal area in Ludhiana, had plans to send his spouse to Canada in the May intake. However, in the absence of an open work permit, his aspirations have now been dashed. Plaha, who is single, says he was in the process of tying the knot with an ‘IELTS-pass’ girl.
Of late, such ‘IELTS weddings’ had become a new route to Canada in Punjab. A study titled “A study on overseas migration from Rural Punjab: Trends, Causes, and Consequences,” by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) from 1990 to 2022 revealed that 9.51% of Punjabis migrated abroad on a spouse visa. Notably, over 50% of these migrants were males. The gender-wise distribution showed that males (53.16%) outnumbered females (46.89%). This shift was attributed to a new trend of ‘contract marriage’ initiated by men with women obtaining high IELTS bands for study visas who would later sponsor their husbands on spousal open work visas.
It is commonplace for families to place matrimonial advertisements seeking IELTS-passed girls, with the groom’s family covering the wedding expenses, sending the girl to Canada, and bearing the financial burden—often exceeding 25 lakhs. Jagseer Singh Jhumba from Jhumba village in Bathinda highlighted this trend, stating, “It was a gateway to enter Canada.”
Amrit Saini, who lives near the bus stand in Ludhiana, shared, “My parents were in talks with a family whose daughter had cleared IELTS for a diploma course starting in May intake. The new rules from Canada have put a spanner in my plans now.”
The new regulations specify that spouses of students enrolled in undergraduate programs will not be eligible for an open work permit. This permit will only be applicable to spouses in master’s, doctoral, law, or medicine courses.
The ramifications are far-reaching, for immigration agencies as well. Nitin Chawla from Kapri Education and Immigration Services Inc. in Ludhiana noted, “This will significantly impact not only local immigration consultants but also students whose dreams hinge on flying to Canada. Many immigration consultants’ offices had a substantial portion, around 80%, of files related to spouse visas. Now, with the end of open work permits for spouses of undergraduate students, survival will be challenging for numerous immigration and IELTS institutes.”
The practice of using immigration consultants as informal marriage bureaus is not uncommon, with consultants facilitating alliances between boys and IELTS-passed girls. However, a consultant from Moga revealed, “In many cases, girls used to ditch the groom, and in numerous instances, couples would divorce after obtaining permanent residency in Canada.”
Nitin Chawla from Kapri Education and Immigration Services Inc. commented on the current scenario, stating, “For the past two months, consultants have seen a significant downturn in business. The federal government’s allocation of students to provinces, followed by provinces assigning quotas to universities and colleges, means no files can be processed until March 31, 2024, leading to automatic rejections.”
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Vinay Hari, a prominent immigration and career consultant in Punjab, asserted that the new rules would put an end to the practice of sending boys to Canada based on IELTS-passed girls. He mentioned, “Spouses can only obtain an open work permit if the partner is enrolled in master’s or doctoral courses. This move by the Trudeau government is aimed at winning the confidence of local voters, especially with elections approaching.”
Hari urged students to reconsider their motives for going to Canada, emphasizing the importance of contributing to Punjab’s economy. He noted, “The market for master’s or professional courses is relatively small in Punjab. This correction was necessary, and many planning marriages with IELTS-passed girls will now pause their plans.”
Devpriya Tyagi, MD of Rightway Airlink Immigration Consultants, clarified that the new rule doesn’t affect students already in Canada on study visas, but it will impact those enrolling from September 1, 2024. Tyagi mentioned, “The IELTS institutes and immigration consultants are adopting a wait-and-watch strategy. The announcements aim to filter the type of students reaching Canada.”
The trend of groom’s families paying for the IELTS exam of the girl, often from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, is widely known. Unfortunately, incidents of suicides and police complaints have been reported when girls refused to call grooms after reaching Canada or when couples divorced after obtaining permanent residency.
While students in masters or doctoral courses can still call their spouses with open work permits, the numbers are expected to be minimal from Punjab. Devpriya added, “Students must study in public colleges or universities to secure work permits. Those in public-private campuses will no longer be eligible for work permits.”
Nitin Chawla concluded, “The Trudeau government’s previous relaxations are being rolled back, reflecting on their collapsing system. In response to the announcements, an immigration consultant in Ludhiana has promptly put one branch of his IELTS institution up for sale, signaling the immediate impact on businesses.”
Chawla emphasized a shift in the trend, urging boys to take charge of their education, pass IELTS, and pursue bachelor’s courses independently. “The era of significant demand for IELTS-passed girls is over, at least in the near future,” he declared.
Source: The Indian Express
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metamoonshots · 11 months
No business, and no enterprise, is a fan of financial uncertainty, and plenty of monetary specialists think about the present world market to be precarious. Whereas each enterprise has to have a look at methods to shore up operations and reduce prices in a down financial system, the trouble will be notably difficult for Web3 corporations, that are comparatively younger, could have fewer prepared sources than their extra established Web2 counterparts, and function inside an business many outsiders don’t perceive and don’t grasp the worth of. Ought to the macro-economy take the flip some are predicting, solely these corporations — irrespective of their business — which have taken steps to organize for the storm will climate it nicely (or in any respect). Beneath, 14 members of Cointelegraph Innovation Circle share their recommendation to assist Web3 corporations take proactive steps to prepared themselves and their communities for what could possibly be a troublesome highway forward. Outline your objective In an unsure market, Web3 corporations will need to have an outlined objective. Curious contributors trying to develop their monetary, social or cultural horizons by means of a novel service should first be satisfied of its utility. Discussions of worth apart, true innovation reshapes how customers spend equally treasured commodities: time and vitality. To stay aggressive, executing nicely is simply half the battle. – Oleksandr Lutskevych, CEX.IO Resolve an actual, high-value downside Engineer worth inside your product, platform or protocol and resolve an actual, high-value downside. Prospects pay for painkiller merchandise — people who resolve fast issues — not for nutritional vitamins — “good to have” merchandise. Web3 corporations should gravitate towards contemplating the magnitude of a given downside and the worth they'll add, not simply be “me too” gamers residing on hype. – Nitin Kumar, zblocks Construct a model with a transparent story and worth proposition What do Apple, Microsoft, Instagram and Slack have in frequent? All are world, household-name manufacturers that began throughout occasions of financial recession. The lesson right here is: Don’t simply construct an organization or a product; construct a model with a transparent story and worth proposition that can justify your existence even when occasions are powerful. That’s what's going to carry you thru. – German Ramirez, THE RELEVANCE HOUSE AG Prioritize rising each day energetic customers Web3 corporations ought to prioritize rising their each day energetic customers as a metric of real engagement. Concurrently, they need to lengthen their monetary runway to make sure sustainability over the following six months, even in a risky financial system. Attracting a broad buyer base might be key, however retaining them with belief and worth might be paramount. – Erki Koldits, OÜ Popspot Goal much less important areas for price reducing Cut back prices with out decreasing your upside. When adapting to troublesome market circumstances, Web3 companies ought to ask themselves which bills are most important to the corporate’s core worth proposition. Then, goal much less important areas for price reducing whereas preserving the weather which might be important on your product high quality and sustainable progress. – Wolfgang Rückerl, ENT Technologies AG Discover a manner so as to add worth to Web2 companies Goal a fundamental buyer have to de-risk your organization. I don’t consider Web3 know-how needs to be segregated from the remainder of the financial system; there’s no purpose to rebuild your complete market financial system for Web3. Discover a manner so as to add worth to Web2 companies, and plan now to scale up when it is sensible. I believe we’re by means of the occasions of straightforward cash and flash-in-the-pan successes. Play the lengthy recreation. – Stephanie So, Geeq Deal with interoperability Web3 corporations ought to deal with interoperability. Because
the financial panorama shifts, the power to seamlessly combine with varied blockchains and conventional monetary methods could possibly be a lifeline. It not solely diversifies danger, but additionally opens up new avenues for person acquisition and income. Being too insular in your tech stack could be a hidden vulnerability when the market tightens. – Tiago Serôdio, Partisia Blockchain Construct your product and your neighborhood of core supporters Now is an efficient time for a Web3 firm to reevaluate and deal with constructing its product and its neighborhood of core supporters. Because the market quiets down, lots of the high-profile, low-substance corporations will go into hibernation. Conversely, those in it for the lengthy haul have a chance to develop their person bases and have lists away from the cacophony that has come to characterize bull markets. – Jason Fernandes, AdLunam Inc. Prioritize sturdy safety and danger administration Prioritize sturdy safety measures and hefty danger administration methods to guard digital belongings and person knowledge in opposition to potential vulnerabilities and uncertainties. Within the risky Web3 house, knowledge leaks will be devastating. Implementing decentralized storage, superior encryption and steady safety audits is paramount to safeguarding each person belief and your organization’s popularity. – Anthony Georgiades, Pastel Network Keep away from spending on social influencers Web3 corporations ought to chorus from spending on social influencers. After 2022, many influencers on YouTube, TikTok, and comparable platforms fell from glory as a consequence of their paid endorsements of Luna and FTX previous to their unprecedented crashes. These social influencers misplaced respect within the business, and there's nonetheless distrust among the many public. It’s positively not well worth the potential popularity hit. – Ayelet Noff, SlicedBrand Search for extra environment friendly advertising and marketing strategies, and keep in contact with regulators There might be financial uncertainties perpetually. To cope with unseen and precarious monetary occasions, Web3 corporations ought to deal with extra environment friendly methods of promoting, like changing adverts with web optimization. Additional, they need to keep in fixed contact with regulators to hunt their help wherever attainable. This additionally helps to deal with a number of the misunderstandings that regulators have about crypto. – Abhishek Singh, Acknoledger Allocate sources to in-demand improvements, and stress high quality over amount Crucial step when sources are constricted is to establish areas which might be most in demand and allocate sources to these technological improvements. Second, provide high quality over amount to your neighborhood, and distinguish your model by constructing with objective — the Web3 house incessantly “builds in public,” which is useful and will be leveraged to bolster each of those factors. – Megan Nyvold, BingX Showcase the ability of Web3 governance fashions Occasions of financial uncertainty present a chance to showcase the ability of Web3 governance fashions. It’s time for Web3 corporations, notably DAOs, to get their ships so as and mitigate their monetary dangers in a fast-evolving financial panorama. Accountability and transparency will enable them to prioritize resilient income streams and collectively guarantee long-term viability. – Sheraz Ahmed, STORM Partners Preserve your builders and neighborhood excited As low world liquidity ranges decrease crypto token costs, conserving each your builders and your neighborhood excited will change into a problem on this bear market. Keep forward of the pack by way of know-how; don’t relaxation on earlier bull market victories. If you have to airdrop some NFTs or tokens to builders and energetic neighborhood members, go forward. – Zain Jaffer, Zain Ventures This text was revealed by means of Cointelegraph Innovation Circle, a vetted group
of senior executives and specialists within the blockchain know-how business who're constructing the longer term by means of the ability of connections, collaboration and thought management. Opinions expressed don't essentially mirror these of Cointelegraph.
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hungamagames · 1 year
Nushrratt Bharuccha lands safely in Mumbai after being stuck in Israel during the ongoing conflict with Palestine during a Hamas attack
The actress was in Israel for the premiere of her film Akelli, which had been officially selected for the 39th Haifa International Film Festival. Nushrratt Bharuccha, a Bollywood actress who was stranded in Israel during the recent conflict between Israel and Palestine, has returned to India safely. The actress was in Israel for the premiere of her film Akelli, which had been officially selected for the 39th Haifa International Film Festival. People sought refuge in a variety of locations once Israel declared war. While Nushrratt's team stated on Saturday that they hadn't been able to contact her since the afternoon, they were able to contact her on Sunday morning. The Embassy has securely returned her to India.
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Nushrratt Bharuccha was spotted at Mumbai's airport on Sunday afternoon. Her arrival videos and images went popular on social media. Nushrratt has finally boarded the flight for India and is on her way back home," Nushrratt Bharuccha's publicist stated earlier. She will arrive in Mumbai around 2:00 p.m." According to many sources, the Palestinian militant group Hamas fired more than 5,000 rockets towards Israel from the Gaza Strip on Saturday, October 7, killing at least 250 people and injuring many more. This triggered sirens across the country. In a video speech on Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the country was "at war." "This is a war, not an operation." Hamas has launched a horrific surprise attack on Israel and its citizens. I first directed that the terrorists who had infiltrated the communities be cleansed, followed by a large-scale mobilization of reserves. "The enemy will pay a price they will never know," he predicted. Meanwhile, Nushrratt Bharuccha was last spotted at work in Akelli. Nitin Vaidya, Ninad Vaidya, and Aparna Padgaonkar produced it, along with Vicky Sidana and Shashant Shah. Dashami Studioz was established in 2016.
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comparosin · 1 year
Apple iPhone 15’s Enhanced Roadside Assistance: Satellite-Powered SOS
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Apple, the tech behemoth, has upped the ante with its latest smartphone series, the iPhone 15. This innovation brings a game-changing feature to the table: satellite-powered Roadside Assistance, in collaboration with AAA.
Extended Coverage to iPhone 14 Series
Notably, this feature isn’t exclusive to the iPhone 15 alone. It’s also available as an update to the iPhone 14 series. This move broadens the reach of this life-saving feature.
Also Read: Apple iPhone 15 Series | What’s the new Upgrade?
Complimentary Emergency SOS and Roadside Assistance
For those who purchase and activate these devices, there’s a compelling offer. Buyers will receive two years of access to Emergency SOS and Roadside Assistance services at no additional cost. This initiative aims to enhance safety on the road.
AAA Membership Integration
The services offered through this feature align with AAA membership terms. For non-AAA members, these services can be availed on a pay-per-use basis.
US-Centric Service
It’s essential to note that the new Roadside Assistance service is currently available in the United States. This limitation reflects its initial rollout phase.
Expanding on Emergency SOS via Satellite
This groundbreaking service builds upon the Emergency SOS via satellite feature introduced with the iPhone 14 series. These capabilities come into play when a driver faces emergency situations in areas with no cellular network or Wi-Fi coverage.
Seamless SOS Activation
In times of need, the feature facilitates sending out emergency SOS messages. These messages are transmitted to AAA for assistance, covering scenarios such as lockouts, fuel depletion, dead car batteries, or flat tires.
Guided Satellite Connectivity
Users will also benefit from guidance on establishing and maintaining a satellite connection. This ensures uninterrupted communication with AAA agents and provides essential updates on the progress of their assistance requests.
Efficient Emergency Response
Upon connecting with AAA for emergency SOS, users will be prompted to answer specific questions to convey the situation accurately. Once these queries are addressed, the system transmits the necessary information via satellite to AAA. Subsequently, AAA can dispatch assistance to the user’s precise location.
Limitations to Consider
While this feature is undeniably valuable, it’s essential to acknowledge its limitations. A clear line of sight to the sky is crucial for successful satellite connectivity. This means it may not function in heavily wooded areas or remote locations with challenging satellite reception.
Roadside Location Requirement
Furthermore, it’s important to note that the service requires the user’s vehicle to be located near a road. Off-road vehicle recovery is not within the scope of AAA’s offerings through this feature.
Also Read: Union Minister Nitin Gadkari Clarifies: No Proposal for Extra GST on Diesel Vehicles
To check more gadgets news you can visit Comparos
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blogynews · 1 year
Unveiling Nitin Gadkari's Groundbreaking G20 Role: Joining Forces with PM and World Leaders for Unprecedented Collaboration
New Delhi: Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has shared a captivating video on social media, showing Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading a group of G20 leaders, including United States President Joe Biden, the Prime Ministers of Japan and the United Kingdom, and the United Nations Secretary General, in paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at the Rajghat complex on a rainy Sunday morning. This visit comes…
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blogynewz · 1 year
Unveiling Nitin Gadkari's Groundbreaking G20 Role: Joining Forces with PM and World Leaders for Unprecedented Collaboration
New Delhi: Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has shared a captivating video on social media, showing Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading a group of G20 leaders, including United States President Joe Biden, the Prime Ministers of Japan and the United Kingdom, and the United Nations Secretary General, in paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at the Rajghat complex on a rainy Sunday morning. This visit comes…
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sabka-dentist07 · 6 months
Dental Clinic in Panchpakhadi Thane
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Sabka Dentist in Panchpakhadi, Thane Think it is the dental treatments that are so heavy on your pocket? No, it’s the neglect of oral health that costs you more. To prevent this from happening, Sabka Dentist in Panchpakhadi is here to make you realize that oral health is as important as anything else in your life. It is not just about solving a few oral health issues here and there, but it is the maintenance, the care, and the caution you take after experiencing bad dental problems. For this, we at Sabka Dentist try to guide you on how to take care of your oral health. Sabka Dentist tries to elaborate on the significance of having a dental regime. This involves brushing twice a day, flossing, and visiting the dental clinic, not just when you have an oral health problem, but otherwise too. The dental experts at Sabka Dentist guarantee their patients a relaxing and stress-free dental ordeal, leaving everything in the dentists’ hands. Moreover, Sabka Dentist also looks out for its patients by taking into account each patient’s financial stability and hence, servers according to the needs of the customer, a very useful and efficient policy called Every Month Instalment (EMI). EMI helps a customer pay the entire treatment cost, in parts, monthly. This policy is designed in such a manner that it is charged at a zero percent interest rate. Dental treatment at the Sabka Dentist Dental Clinic: -General Dentistry -Orthodontic Treatment -Pedodontic Treatment -Periodontics -Tooth Extraction -Dental crowns -Cosmetic Dentistry
Phone number - 8291849570
Address - Shop No-17, Building No-B2, Prestige Garden Almeida Road, Near Nitin Company, Panchpakhadi, Thane, Maharashtra 400601
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blogynewsz · 1 year
Unveiling Nitin Gadkari's Groundbreaking G20 Role: Joining Forces with PM and World Leaders for Unprecedented Collaboration
New Delhi: Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has shared a captivating video on social media, showing Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading a group of G20 leaders, including United States President Joe Biden, the Prime Ministers of Japan and the United Kingdom, and the United Nations Secretary General, in paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at the Rajghat complex on a rainy Sunday morning. This visit comes…
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] Nitin Desai's company, ND's Art World Pvt Ltd, had borrowed Rs 185 crore through two loansMumbai: Noted art director Nitin Chandrakant Desai, who was found dead at his studio in Maharashtra's Raigad, had trouble paying back a Rs 252-crore loan, and a bankruptcy court had admitted an insolvency petition against his company last week.Nitin Desai's company, ND's Art World Pvt Ltd, had reportedly borrowed Rs 185 crore through two loans from ECL Finance in 2016 and 2018. His financial troubles began in January 2020.Nitin Desai's body was found at the ND Studio premises this morning. The police suspect he died by suicide.The noted art director, known for projects like Lagaan and Devdas, had opened the sprawling studio in the Khalapur taluka on the outskirts of Mumbai, where films like Jodha Akbar were shot.His company ND's Art World is also in the business of organising, maintaining, and operating replicas of historical monuments and providing facilities and services related to hotels, theme restaurants, shopping malls and recreation centres.On July 25, the Mumbai bench of the National Company Law Tribunal had admitted a petition filed by Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company to initiate a corporate insolvency resolution process.The tribunal's Member (judicial) HV Subba Rao and member (technical) Anu Jagmohan Singh, after hearing both the sides, had appointed Jitender Kothari as the interim resolution professional.The management of ND's Art World would be with Kothari during the process, the order had said.Typically, the insolvency professional has to ensure that all the creditors get their dues by selling securities, and has to take care of day-to-day business operations.The order said that the account was classified as a non-performing asset (NPA) by the creditors on March 31, 2021, and the total default amount was Rs 252.48 crore as of June 30, 2022.In its reply before the order, Nitin Desai's company had said there was a fire at the studio on May 7, 2021, which resulted in loss of property, and blamed the creditors for sending a recovery notice on the same day.Reports suggested the financial creditor had approached district authorities in Raigad to take possession of ND Studio a few months ago. Featured Video Of The DayNDTV Ground Report: Mob Drove Bus Into Nuh Police Station, Set Cars On Fire [ad_2]
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mylavenu99 · 1 year
Sarathi Sewa, Mparivahan- All-in-One Solution for VehicleManagement.
1. Sarathi Sewa
The Sarathi Seva Parivahan A brand-new website called Sarathi Sewa was created by the Ministry of Roads, Transport, and Highways. Candidates obtaining a driving license in India are required to first get a learner's permit.
On this website, you may find information about every vehicle owned by Parivahan Sewa. States like Sarathi Parivahan Haryana, Delhi, Maharashtra, Bihar, Gujarat, and the United States of America can choose from a variety of possibilities. Jharkhand's Sarathi Parivahan From Odisha, Sarathi Parivahan, and others.
Introduced By
Shri. Nitin Gadkari
Central Government Scheme
launched in
2017 January
Designed By
NIC, the National Informatics Centre
Process for Applying
2. Sarathi Sewa Services
The National Information Centre (NIC) has produced software for all Indian states. The VAHAN portal for vehicle registration and Sarathi for online DL applications have helped to relieve congestion at the transportation department and have made accountability and openness possible.
Sarathi Parivahan of the Ministry assigned the NIC the task of standardizing and implementing the software VAHAN for vehicle registration and SARATHI for driving licenses, as well as the compilation of data regarding vehicle registration and driving licenses of all the states in the State Register and National Register.
The Sarathi Parivahan Sewa program's main objective is to provide the transportation department and the general public with improved service for chores linked to car registration and driver's licenses. Adoption of this plan will permit the sporadic quick execution of government initiatives.
3. Services Available on Sarathi Parivahan Sewa
Learning driving License
Driving License
Conductor's License
Driving School Licence
Appointment for Uploading DL-Related Documents
Paying DL Fee
Search for an application status driving license
Add a vehicle class.
discontinue your service.
4. The Sarathi Parivahan Portal's advantages
Using this service, citizens of the country can submit an online driving license application from the convenience of their homes.
An expired driver's license can be renewed through the Sarathi Parivahan portal.
A kind of identification is also a driver's license.
With the help of the Sarathi Portal, a driving school license (DSL) can be obtained.
After submitting an online application, you can use this portal to track the status of your driving license.
Duplicate driver's licenses can also be created using this service.
5. Application fee for a license to drive
The table below shows how much each type of vehicle costs on average. Utilize the downloaded rows and columns to learn more.
Learning Driver's Licence Fee
Rs. 200
Renewal of Learner's DL
Rs. 200
New Driver's Licence Fee
Rs. 200
Driving Licence Test Cost
Rs. 300
Renewing a driver's license costs
Rs. 200
Renewal of a Driving School Licence
Rs. 10,000
Duplicate Driving School Licence Issuance Fee
Rs. 200
Renewal Driving Licence Issuance Fee
Rs. 200
Any Appeal Against RTO
Rs. 500
Required Documents
List of Identity Proof
Aadhaar card
Election ID card
Bank statement
PAN Card
Address Verification
Aadhaar card
a driving permit
Election ID card(Voter Card)
6. Mparivahan App
Things are evolving and expanding quickly in the digital age. As our nation develops and becomes more digital, it is referred to as "Digital India." The Ministry of Roads and Highways has introduced the Mparivahan application or
Mparivahan app to give citizens improved access to services via mobile applications from the government.
Residents can now easily access online services or resources associated with the highway transport offices, as well as all active RC/DL numbers, from any location and at any time thanks to the Mparivahan application status.
More than 1300 RTO offices have been mechanized via the Mparivahan App. People now have simpler access to first-rate facilities as a result of the road transportation industry's digitalization.
7. Mparivahan App's importance
Nowadays, everyone uses a smartphone, and using one has become the standard for all of us. With this in mind, the government released the Mparivahan App.
The Mparivahan App has been made available by the Ministry of Road Transport and National Highways. The Internet is the perfect platform for the government's endeavor to develop a relationship with people through online services.
The Mparivahan App can be used to register the vehicle number or to find out all the essential information about the vehicle. You can even make a virtual RC, pay for tolls, and get a license in case your car needs to be towed.
8. Main Goal of the Mparivahan App
The government's main objective in launching this app is to encourage digital communication among all citizens and to make things better.
The government's main objective in launching this app is to encourage digital communication among all citizens and to make things better.
The Mparivahan App, which enables you to obtain any type of vehicle-related information, is the most important tool for all of us.
You can use this app to report any wrongdoing occurring in your neighborhood or nearby area. For instance, you may simply take a photo of someone and report it to the Mparivahan app if you spot them disobeying traffic laws or without wearing a helmet.
The following information about your automobile may be viewed by simply entering the vehicle number into the Mparivahan app after it has been loaded.
insurance compliance
valid vehicle fitness
Certificate of Pollution Under Control (PUC).
9. Benefits of the mParivahan App
The main advantage of using a Mparivahan App is that it makes work easy and hassle-free.
We may access information about any vehicle with the aid of this app by just inputting the registration number.
We may quickly get information about driving permits and practice tests for driving permits with the use of this App.
The Parivahan App also provides information about used or pre-owned vehicles.
Page URL: https://www.bigproperty.in/blog/sarathi-sewa-mparivahan-all-in-one-solution-for-vehicle-management/
Title:Sarathi Sewa, Mparivahan- All-in-One Solution for VehicleManagement
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newspilot · 1 year
"Trying To Create...": Sachin Tendulkar On Son Arjun's Cricket Career
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Indian batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar on Friday vowed to create the same environment for his son, Arjun, that was created for him during his childhood days and advised him to focus on his game. Sachin's elder brother Ajit Tendulkar played a massive role in his early cricketing years. "I got the support from my family. Ajit Tendulkar (brother) was instrumental in finding a solution. Nitin Tendulkar (brother) made the painting for me on my birthday. My mother was working in LIC, while my father was a professor. They gave me freedom. I urge parents to give freedom to their children as well," Tendulkar said.He shed light on the importance of the supportive environment during a book launch event of 'Scintillating Sachin.'Talking about his son Arjun Tendulkar who recently made his IPL debut, Sachin said that he tells Arjun to pay attention to his game."I am trying to create the same environment which was created for me. When you appreciate yourself, people will appreciate you. Pay attention to your game as what my father used to say, and now I am telling Arjun," he added.Sachin added, "The media felicitated me when I retired from the game. At that time, I had requested the media to give the required space to Arjun and let him fall in love with Cricket. The journalists gave him the freedom, so I thank them for this".Arjun Tendulkar, a fast bowling all-rounder made his IPL debut for Mumbai Indians. This made 'Tendulkars the only father-son duo to play in IPL history.Just like his pre-retirement times, when Sachin Tendulkar stepped up on stage, the crowd started chanting "Sachin, Sachin!"Emphasising the instrumental role of his parents and family, the Master Blaster urged people to give freedom to the children.Tendulkar also got emotional while talking about his mother and her hard work during his childhood. He also divulged his wife's key role in stopping him from undergoing surgery, adding, "During the Australia tour, I was having so many injuries that I decided to undergo surgery of both the legs. But, Anjali came all the way to Australia and cancelled that surgery. I was so frustrated due to injuries but Anjali took care of me," Tendulkar further said.During the event, singer Shaan sang Sachin's favourite song. A special painting was also handed over to the cricketing icon. The programme concluded with a national anthem.(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)Topics mentioned in this article Source link Read the full article
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