itsleah728 · 3 years
Use code XT-RyGuy in the Fortnite item shop
It’s my friends code and it would mean the world to him if you used it 💙
(Never thought I’d see the day where I shout out anything to do with Fortnite but here we are)
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itsleah728 · 3 years
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Friend me? I’m on the NA servers 💙
Also don’t worry I’ll be posting stories again soon enough 👀
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itsleah728 · 3 years
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Currently screaming 😅 I only did 15 pulls in total. This is the luckiest I’ve ever been. My last 2 five stars have been cat lady 👀🤦🏼‍♀️
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itsleah728 · 3 years
Thank you for the request: @Savannahhead4 (on Wattpad)
A/N: I kind of added more details then you exactly requested but I couldn't help myself 😂 I hope you enjoy non the less. Also just a note that this story jumps around a bit (not much though it's still easy to follow)
It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair how you died and he lived. How he had to watch you suffer before the former Count finally ended your life. He had to witness you being brutally tortured. He watched as you were stabbed over and over and over again. Your limbs were torn to shreds and your guts were spilled. He will never forget the petrified look in your eyes when you could no longer breathe air due to the un human amounts of blood rising in your throat. His own throat still feels sore from the screams he let out, just trying to get to you. He failed you. He failed at protecting you, you were dead because of him. Your disheveled body and your flowing blood is forever embedded into his mind. He can't help but cry whenever he remembers detail for detail what happened to your poor soul on that dreadful day.
READERS POV (2nd person)
All was well, you and Muriel were wandering my through the woods taking a break from it all. It was a nice day with a cool breeze. You're hands were connected which made you feel special considering Muriels hatred for human contact. You both idly chat for a while until you both hear rustling in the bushes. You, being curious as ever decide to check it out.
You sneak over to the bush and at first see nothing until a gold arm darts out of the bush and pulls you forwards. You stumble from the force of the pull but quickly gather your bearings. You let out a startled cry when you see Lucio standing in front of you with the most murderous gaze you have ever seen. Your cry must have alerted Muriel because he is suddenly by your side once more looking at Lucio with hatred and confusion. "What is the meaning on this Lucio?!" You can't help but ask the Count. Lucio starts pacing and rambling "it's nothing personal MC but I have plans, big plans and you my friend will simply get in the way. Therefore I have no choice but to get rid of you." "Excuse me" Muriel finally decides to speak up as he quickly stands taller. Lucio doesn't respond he only lunges towards Muriel and quickly stabs his clawed fingers into his leg. He lets out a small yelp and collapses to the ground.
You know Muriel will no longer be helpful in this fight so with all of your strength you summon up as much magic as you possibly can. Lucio tsks and states "this, this is exactly why you can't be around.... it's your horrible magic." "Enough with the chat Lucio let's get this over with." "Yes dear let's" is all Lucio states before a sword is through your stomach. Everything that happens afterwards is a blur. You feel pain in your stomach and you think you've been stabbed more than once. The pain is unimaginable, you feel the blood forming in your throat. You think you can hear Muriel cry out for you but you quickly pass out from the pain. Everything hurts until you feel nothing at all.
MURIELS POV (1st person)
That had been weeks ago, Asra had a funeral but no one knows what truly happened that day. Lucio decided to spill lies and tell everyone that you simply were attack by a bear..... what bear could do such unspeakable things. I can feel the pain and anger slowly eating at my soul. I know you wouldn't want me to get revenge but it is impossible not to. Any man would go insane seeing what I saw. I decided that Lucio would do this to no other person again and so I prepared, I prepared to kill the Count.
Days have past since I first decided that getting revenge was the way to go. Even in the short time span my mind has gotten darker with images of what I could do to the Count. Images of me brutally murdering him the same way he did to you. I could no longer take these thoughts so I decided that tonight is when my plan would take action. Asra doesn't know of my plan but that doesn't matter anymore, the only thing that matters is revenge.
Night has fallen and I make my way to the castle. Sneaking in should be simple, I'm used to staying in the shadows anyways. I approach the castle gates and see two guards standing post. 'Thought this would be harder' I think as I sneak around behind the unsuspecting men.
When I reach behind one of the guards I quickly slit his throat and move to the next before he can call for back up. I quickly take care of both men and continue my way into the castle.
The castle has little to no guards which makes my way to Lucio much easier than expected but of course the simple ness never lasts. When I reach Lucio's chambers I see around 5 guards stationed outside. 'He must have knew I'd want revenge.' Thankfully this is no setback for me. 'I think the Count had forgotten about my gladiator past that he himself had put me through' I muse to myself. I ready myself to attack and quietly dash from out of the shadows. Two men quickly spot me and are taken down just as fast. One other brave soul decides sneaking up on me will be the best approach, only for him to end up with a bashed in brain. The last two guards try teaming up together. One flanks right and the other flanks left. I can see the man on the right is slower than the one on the left. With this in mind I quickly stab the man on the left and then the one on the right. Both men fall to the ground in pathetic heaps, the sobbing only fueling me more. With no more guards in my way I open the door to the Counts chambers.
The room is dark with only a pale dim light coming from the moon. Surprisingly the Count had not woken up from the cries of anguish occurring outside his door. I make my way over to the unsuspecting man and lay my large palm over his mouth. His eyes shoot open and he starts to struggle. Lucio finally sets his eyes upon me and they widen almost comically. He starts to squirm again when I lower my head to his ear and manically state "you killed my one true love and now you will pay."
Before Lucio can even protest I swing my blade into his stomach. The sound it makes is like music to my ears. Blood instantly pouring from the wound. I drag the blade through his stomach and quickly pull it out. He tries to run away but the gaping hole in his stomach is making the task quite difficult. I drag the blade from his forehead to his eye creating a small cut. "The fun hasn't even begun my friend" I state before plunging the blade anywhere I can get my hands on.
Blood. Blood everyone and it is the greatest thing I have ever witnessed. Your screams are replaced by his. Sorrow replaced by freedom. Which can only mean that you can finally Rest In Peace.
A/N: I'm not a psycho I swear 😂 no but honestly this story ended up way more gory tha
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itsleah728 · 4 years
So I planned on coming back a few weeks ago but then my depression came and hit me full force. I've been feeling horrible and super self conscious lately. Then my school work started getting harder and harder with more assignments. I've had so much stress with me recently that I just couldn't make myself write. Then I planned on coming back yesterday.... until I found out my cat would be put down. She passed away today and that absolutely crushed me. I'm very fragile and sad at the moment and am in no mindset to start writing again. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience but I hope you understand. I will be back as soon as my mind clears once again. This was just for anyone who was wondering where I’ve been.
Until next time,
Leah 💜
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itsleah728 · 4 years
So my friend has decided they wanted to make their own little universe.
They started making their own concepts for a book that they want to create.
Recently they have decided to make a discord (with my help 😂)
They want people to join and help with plot ideas and character ideas.
If you don't want to come up with ideas and you'd rather join just for chatting with others that's okay too.
Their book is a nonfiction/fantasy.
The main plot has been somewhat developed and if you want to hear about that and some characters you can check out the discord.
Personally their ideas give me Attack on Titan and Naruto vibes so if you enjoy either of those anime's then I really recommend you join the server.
I have helped with some plot ideas and character names but their is only so much two people can do.
We also are looking for artists to created fan art and sketches of characters, I have recently started to create the main characters sketch.
If you're interested in helping with writing or drawings please join the server that goes by the name of Gifted Beasts Brainstorm. (The profile picture will eventually change as time progresses)
It would mean a lot to me and my friend so please consider joining the discord server.
If you have anymore questions you can comment or dm me on Instagram @its.leahs.art
Hope you consider joining 💜
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Death Won’t Do Us Part
This story has a gender neutral apprentice and is a angst! This story also takes place during the time of the plague plus has brief mentions of suicide (I will put a warning before this)! Lastly I have decided to have you and Valdemar already dating 😉 so be prepared for that.
MINOR SPOILER WARNING! (I did not properly research the effects of the plague so I winged it)
READERS POV. (2nd person)
          You have been working for days on end trying to find a cure for the deadly plague. You and your master, whom you call Julian have been working together for a few hours now. The work is tiring and has only been giving you no good results and a pounding headache. You both want to give up but the head doctor Valdemar and your lover won't allow it even though everyone knows it's only because they love testing on others and not because they actually care about saving them.
        You and Julian are working on your final patient of the night when Valdemar waltzes into the room looking as bored as ever. They have some blood on them but everyone down in the dungeons does. They casually walk up to you and wrap their long arms around your waist. "What do we have here?" The speak into your ear making a shiver shoot up your spine which makes Valdemar chuckle at the reaction. Julian fails to see the exchange as he's too busy trying to properly preform surgery on the plague victim layed out in front of you. You try shaking out of their embrace but to no avail due to them tightening their grip. You roll your eyes but can help the fond smile that comes forwards. "We're trying to do some tests if you would please remove your arms" you bashfully mumble making Julian look up at you in concern. He already knew of the strange relationship but he simply hates seeing it. Valdemar sees Julians strange looks and simply glares at him. Julian seemingly sees this as he briskly gets back to working.
         A few minutes pass in their embrace until Valdemar squeezes your hips once more before stepping away from you, allowing you to work once more. Out of the corner of your eye you can see them walk towards your notes and start flipping through the pages. Not really minding, you turn your full attention back to the victim in front of you leaving Valdemar to gaze at you from afar.
       After another hour of testing and an hour after that cleaning you are finally done for the day. Valdemar stayed in the room the rest of the night claiming they wanted to "see the results." Right when the day is done and everything is cleaned Julian dashes from the room and you know it's due to Valdemar's presence. Not most people enjoy being around them which is why your relationship is questioned and occasionally frowned upon. Even though at first you didn't like them either, they eventually showed you a side no one else had seen before. They act like your the most precious thing in the world while everyone else gets glares and rude gestures. You get snapped out of your thoughts by a hand on your shoulder. Turning around you see Valdemar staring at you lovingly. "Time to leave, even though I wish I could stay here longer" they mumble the last part and you scoff playfully at them for wanting to stay in the dungeons longer than necessary. You grab their hand and tug at it as if saying "let's go then."
        They lead you out of the dungeon as you walk hand in hand towards your shared room. As you walk a wave a dizziness washes over you, consuming your whole body. Your knees buckle and you collapse to the ground breathing heavily. Due to you and Valdemar's connected hands they fall to the ground with you. Your ears are ringing while black dots poke the edges of the vision. You can feel your body start to shake and all you can think in this moment is 'is this the end?' You faintly hear someone yelling out your name but it's too hard to tell as you finally succumb to the darkness.
          Me and MC walk through the halls towards our room when all of a sudden I feel MC start to shake. Concerned I turn towards them only to see their knees buckle as they collapse to the ground. "MC !" I scream as I kneel next to them and check over their convulsing body. 'What's happening' I think as my shaking hands continue searching their body for any external wounds. "SOMEONE HELP!" I yell down the halls of the castle because I know I can't do anything to help them in the halls or alone. "I NEED SOMEONES HEL-p.... now!" My voice gives out at the end of my statement as I watch in horror as my darlings eyes start to have a tint of pink in them. MC then passes out and my hands go up to my mouth. Tears slowly start streaming down my face and a million thoughts run through my mind.
A few minutes pass and I've run out of tears to cry for the time being. I shakily stand, dust myself off, and straighten my shoulders because I know that if want to try saving my darling I need to have the right mind set. Just as that thought passes my mind I hear someone dashing down the halls. I turn my body to see Julian running up to me, he comes to a stop in front of MC's frail body and his eye widen in shock. "What happened?" he questions in a whisper.
I explain to Julian exactly what happened and we both decide it's best to bring MC to the dungeons because we don't want anyone trying to harm or steal them away. I delicately grab ahold of MC's upper arms while Julian grabs their legs. We careful pick them up and start heading to the dungeons. I only have 2 things running through my mind. One being 'how can I save them plus what do I do if I can't ' and the other being 'how do I tell them that they may die from the plague.'
You come to with your ears still slightly ringing and your vision slowly clearing up. You spend a moment to take in your surroundings and try remembering what happened to you. You then suddenly remember that you were walking with Valdemar when you started feeling dizzy.... after that your brain draws a blank. You hear a small noise come from the corner of the room so you decide to slowly sit up. You place your shaky hands on each side of you and steadily push yourself up. It feels as if your body is being weighted down my 100 pound weights while your head feels as if it's being hit by a hammer repeatedly. After finally getting into a sitting position you can see that Valdemar is slowly pacing the room back and forth, seemingly not even aware that your awake. You clear your throat and Valdemar jumps in response. Their reaction makes your stomach roll because everyone knows that nothing scares Valdemar.
You watch with a blank face as Valdemar rushes over to you and starts fretting over you. You appreciate the gestures but you honestly just want to know what had happened to you, or what is happening to you. You place one of your frail hands over one of theirs and soothingly rub it. You slowly look into their eyes and ask "what is wrong with me?" You know whatever it is, is bad due to the way your body is feeling and the way Valdemar is comforting you. Valdemar freezes at the question and slowly sits beside you. They mumble something you didn't quite catch so you ask them to repeat it. You see them take a deep breath and just blurt out "YOU HAVE THE PLAGE!" You can feel your whole world crash around you with those 4 words. The worst part isn't even that you have the plague, the worst part is that you have to leave Valdemar. You can feel tears spring to your eyes and you want to wipe them away to appear strong but your body won't move. You can't tell if it's because your in shock or if it is because you're so deathly ill. You break out of the trance when you feel a warm hand wipe the tears from under your eyes. You then notice just how close Valdemar is to you and you try pushing them away. "You can't be near me you'll get sick.... I don't know what I would do if I caused your demise" you ramble with tears still streaming down your face. They take your hands that are trying to push them away and lightly start kissing each finger tip. The feeling makes your heart flutter but the words they say afterwords make you want to cry tears of joy. "Darling I am no longer human remember? Even if I was I wouldn't dare stay away from you." You both take a moment of just basking in each other's presence before Valdemar breaks the silence as they stand from the bed you're resting on. "I would love to stay here all the time but I must find a way to cure you!" You exhale a shaky breath and state "Valdemar we have spent months trying to find a way to cure the plague and we have found nothing.... there is nothing anyone can do....." Valdemar quickly turns towards you "I refuse to lose you!" They quickly storm out of the room after those parting words leaving you slightly sad. You slowly lay back down with a million thoughts running through your head.
It has been 2 weeks now and Valdemar has found nothing of use. They have been spending most of their time just trying to find a cure for you. You know your time is coming to an end because your health is rapidly deteriorating. You eyes have now turned completely red and getting out of bed is an absolute chore. You don't even want to attempt walking or standing. Knowing that your days are numbered you have decided to spend your last few days with the love of your life.
Valdemar had finally stopped by your room to tell you the same thing they have said every other time, that they have found no new information. Normally they would quickly dash out of the room. They attempted this today but with all the strength in your body you grab their wrist stopping any other further movements. You can see their whole body freeze at the touch of your cold hands. They slowly turn around and you can see the tired and sad expression laced upon their face. You pat the spot next to you and Valdemar slowly sits down. You place your head on their shoulder and with no words exchanged Valdemar starts running his hand through your long/short hair. You bask in the silence a moment longer until you remove your head from their shoulder and say in the softest voice they have ever heard "I know it is not what you want to hear but I am dying and I wish to spend my last few days with you." You think you broke them due to how silent they have become until they decide to speak. "I.....I know....I am so sorry I couldn't help you" they say while grabbing your hands in theirs. "We can do whatever you want for they next few days."
Your last remaining days were spent with you and Valdemar together. Just laughing and thinking of old times, better times. It was definitely some of the best days of your short life. You wish you could have stayed a bit longer just to be with them but your time came too soon. You died in Valdemar's arms just a few days after your talk. Not only did you die in that room but the soul of a demon died with you.
POV CHANGE (third person)
The other people living in the castle claim that Valdemar just disappeared after MC died. No one will forget the look of despair that came across Valdemar's face once MC took their final breath and said their last "I love you." Some people say that they have seen Valdemar just sitting in the hallway where it was first discovered that MC had the plague. Others say Valdemar isn't even alive anymore, that they have went on to be with their lover. No matter what the rumors say one thing will always be true and that is that MC and Valdemar will always love each other. Death will never do them part.
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itsleah728 · 4 years
A/n: My Valdemar stories have been highly viewed recently and I love writing for them so I figured I would write another story for them 😂 One more thing from now on GN means gender nuteral meaning you can make the gender whatever the heck you want it to be.
Also I hope everyone had a good holiday season and I hope everyone has a good new year!
Readers POV (2nd person)
The sky is dark with the clouds crying from above. The eerie sound of rain drops is all that can be heard through out the castle. You sit in a chair located in one of the random rooms the Countess has graciously let you borrow as you look for the old Counts murderer. The people here have been treating you well although you definitely miss Asra and working the shop with them. The castle also seems to bore you at times, times like now.
You've been sitting in this dark room for what seems to be hours. You sit and wait for the time to pass and pray for something to happen. You tried brainstorming some ideas to help you with finding the Counts murderer but nothing comes to mind besides the fact that everyone seems to think Doctor Devorak did it. (I'm sorry if his name autocorrected I'm too lazy to look up the proper spelling 😂) "I need something to do" you speak and the words slightly echo back due to the large empty room. You think for a moment before coming to the conclusion that you want to explore the castle. 'Maybe I can find the doctors office, I bet that has some good clues'
With that in mind you stand up and make your way to the door. The door creaks open with the loudest squeak you've ever heard. "Shoot" you whisper trying not to make anymore loud noises than necessary. You lightly close the door and you start tip toeing down the long hallways of the castle. Your eyes go wide as you notice just how long the halls are, you also question how you didn't notice this before.
After walking for a few more minutes you reach a door with a little tag on it that reads "Devorak" you slightly smile knowing you've finally reached your destination. You try shaking the door nob hoping the door isn't locked and to your luck the door creaks open. With a content smile you step into the dusty room, you can see that there are books and notes scattered throughout the room almost as if someone was here before you. 'How strange' you think before stepping further into the room. You have to cover your mouth with your hand when you almost inhaled an inhuman amount of dust. 'My lungs would burst if I inhaled this, how could someone else enter this room without a mask?' This is the question running through your mind as you search the room for anything of use.
         As you are flipping through numerous books that seem to all be useless you fail to hear the door creak open until you feel hand resting on your hips. The sudden contact makes you jump out of your skin and let out a startled yelp. You swerve around to see Valdemar standing there with their mask up to their face. "That's how you can be in this room" you speak aloud gaining an amused looking face from Valdemar. "What are you doing in here darling" they speak while circling around you like a lion would to it's prey. The action makes you slightly concerned but you decide to shake it off and answer the question. "I'm looking for clues, I want to prove that Doctor Devorak is innocent." They lightly hum in response and look thoughtful for a moment before responding "well of course it wasn't him, he was working with me at the time." Your eyes almost bulge out of your head as you scream "WHAT!" Valdemar looks content with that response as they decide to look around the room once more. "Wait wait Doctor Devorak was with you!?" You can barley hold in screaming at the top of yours lungs with the news presented to you. "Yes, he was about to murder him but by the time he arrived, the room was already on fire" Valdemar speaks in a tone that seems bored. You fall silent as you process the words just spoken to you.
Valdemar starts circling you again until they decide to speak "would you like to play a game with me?" Your eyes follow them as they walk and they go wide after they offered such a thing. You start sputtering not knowing how to respond to that until Valdemar places a long finger upon your lips to keep you quiet. "Hush dear it's not a difficult decision it's only a game" they speak as if the answer is the most obvious thing in the word and that they're not known as being crazy. "What game?" You speak quietly as if you're scared of the answer because you are. They place their hand under their chin in a thinking position. Eventually they say "hide and seek, tag."
You room falls silent and the only thing that can be heard is once again the rain falling and the low rumble of thunder in the background. Breathing from Valdemar can also be heard as you think of the chances of winning this game. Valdemar decides to expand on the offer as you contemplate. "You will hide and I will try finding you, once found I will have to 'tag' you in which then signals the end of the game. If you can evade me for 3 whole minutes then you win if I find and tag you I win." "What happens WHEN I win?" You question with a slight cocky smirk. Valdemar can't help but chuckle at your confidence. "Well darling IF you win then you can request anything of me and IF I win then I can do the same towards you." You can almost see their creepy smile and razor like teeth smiling at you from behind their mask. You ponder for a moment on what Valdemar could possibly want from you and the worst you can think of is to dissect you, which sends a shiver down your spine. 'I should be able to fight them off even if that is what they want' you think to yourself. You shakily hold out your hand and squeak out "deal." Valdemar gets the most wicked smile and grabs a tight grip onto your hand and says "good, good then you better get ready because the games begins in 3...2...." you don't hear the rest because you've already booked it down the hallway.
         You're running and suddenly you remember a rather large grandfather clock that you may be able to fit in. You dash around the corner and into the room where the clock is located. Upon arrival you can see that there's a small space in the corner in which your body can fit. You quickly swing open the clock and step inside. You shuffle your body slightly to the left, just enough to make your body fit and then you slam the clock shut. You sit there with unsteady breaths for a moment until you finally hear "here I come darling" from a few hallways away. You swear your heart stops because it finally set in that you could lose this game.
VALDEMAR'S POV. (1st person)
        "Here I come darling" I yell down the hallways hoping my pray hears me. I start my way through the halls and catch a whiff of MC. 'Too bad they didn't notice that I'd previously made a deal with the Devil' I think to myself as I follow the scented trail of the future loser. I reach a rather large room where in the middle is a grandfather clock and I don't even need to use my sense of smell to know exactly where they are hiding. I creep over to the clock but right before I reach it MC dashes out of the spot and runs right by me. "Seems I forgot this is also a game of tag" I mumble to myself. I shrug and make my way towards where MC has ran off to. I follow them until the manage to corner themselves.  I check the time and see that I still have about a minute and a half left. As I look around the corner I can see that they are wildly turning their head left and right looking for a way out. I give out a small chuckle, remove my mask, and sneak up behind the un noticing soul. I trace my hand from their neck to their jaw and up to their ear. "I found you darling" I whisper and can't help but smirk at the shiver that shoots up their spine.
READERS POV. (2nd person)
         You can feel a hand travel from your neck to your ear and your whole body freezes. "I found you darling" is all Valdemar whispers and it sends a shiver down your spine. You slowly rotate to face them and upon doing that you can see that Valdemar has a wide smirk on their face. 'When did they remove the mask' you wonder. You give out a nervous chuckle and mumble "okay you win what do you want?" "Well darling I want......"
THE END! You can decide what they want to request MC to do. They can want to dissect them or they can want more (ya know, ya know) 😂 sorry not sorry.
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Scenario: When You Get Hurt
(These scenarios are kind of in 2nd and kind of in 3rd person, I don't really know how that happened but I like how they came out anyways so enjoy!)
Asra: You were practicing magic in the shop as Asra sat near you and peacefully slept on the couch. His soft snores were the only sounds that could be heard as you were careful not to make any loud noises until you casted a certain spell that went haywire and bounced off a near by mirror. The spell was heading towards you and you didn't have enough time to react as it smacked you in the chest and you felt searing pain spread through your body, you immediately knew you definitely casted that spell incorrectly. You tried to figure out what went wrong but the amount of pain spreading through your body was too much. You cried out in pain which ultimately woke Asra, he flung his head around and looked at your face scrunched up in pain.
He knew you were practicing magic so he put two and two together and knew you hit yourself with something. He rushed over to your side and led you to the couch as you tried gaining back your breath. He sat you down and quickly casted a healing spell to soothe your throbbing chest. After the spell was casted you had to continue telling him that you're okay now. He then pulled you into the tightest hug the universe has ever seen. You definitely cuddled together for the rest of the day.
Julian: Julian insisted on taking you to the Rowdy Raven even though he knows that place isn't your favorite. He also knows how you hate seeing him drunk, so when you dragged you along AND got drunk you weren't a happy camper. You sat at the bar with your face in your hands staring at Julian who was dramatically throwing his arms in the air as he told a group of drunk men a story that probably never even happened. You knew he enjoyed drinking and couldn't stop him but you wish he didn't bring you along. You continued sitting at the bar until another man approached and sat next to you. He continued to glance at you until he finally decided to speak.
You ignored him as he continued to try speaking with you, probably trying to flirt. You can tell he was getting frustrated with you ignoring him but you didn't think it was a big deal until the man roughly gripped your wrist making you whip your head around to stare at him with wide eyes. You can tell the man had poor intentions and you didn't want to cast magic at the bar so instead you decided on screaming your heart out. The Rowdy Raven got very quiet after your ear piercing scream you could hear a pin drop until Julian flies out of his chair and wraps a protective arm around you but the man refused to let go. Your wrist is throbbing from the mans harsh grip, Julian who seemingly sobered up, decided to punch the man in the face and make a run for it.
Once you both got away from the bar he pulled you to his side and apologized a million times for bringing you there as he checked out your hurt wrist. He brought you home and the rest of the day was spent with you reassuring Julian.
Muriel: You and the mountain man were walking through the woods towards a river so you can wash yourselves. It was a nice day where the sun was shining through the leafs of the trees, the birds were chirping, and your mood was as happy as can be. Muriel was silently walking besides you, occasionally stealing glances at your almost skipping frame. He couldn't help but have his lips twitch up at the sight, he loved how cheerful you always are.
You eventually reached the clearing where the river is located. You both stripped down to your underwear to bathe, this used to make Muriel very flustered but he's gotten used to it by now. You both stepped into the slightly cold water and started cleaning. You were in the middle of washing your hair when you lost your balance and crashed into the water the slight roughness of the current making it difficult to swim up to get the air you so desperately need. The sudden noise startled Muriel as he turned around only to see you struggling to reach the surface of the water. You started to really need air so being a natural reflex you took a large breath only to have water fill your throat and take your remaining air away. The current was still trying to take you and you knew you would become a prisoner to the water if you didn't get out soon. Black dots were poking the sides of your vision until two large arms wrapped under your arms and quickly tugged you up.
Muriel saw you struggling and as fast as he could with the rough currents, approached you. He tugged you out of the water expecting you to take a breath only to try breathing, inhaling more water, and falling limp in his arms. His eyes almost popped out of his head as he quickly got you to land and started pounding on your chest. He almost started crying seeing you like this until your eyes flew open and you started coughing up the water. After it all left your system you noticed Muriel with teary eyes staring at you, you gave Muriel a large hug as a thank you and an apology. After a moment of hugging he picked you up to bring you back to the hut. Let's just say you never went there to bathe ever again.
Nadia: Nadia was busy doing her job as the Countess most of the time, which you were fine with but she got uncomfortable leaving you alone for long periods at a time. There was also rumors that someone is after the Countess which made you uneasy but it made Nadia feel worse, not for her but for you. She was scared someone would harm you in the attempt to harm her so she decided to give you your own guard.
         You were currently in yours and Nadias room reading a book as your new guard who, you found out goes by the name of Larson kept watch. You didn't like having your own guard and Larson gave you the creeps, he didn't seem like a good man but you decided to keep that for yourself. You continued to read but you noticed Larson continuously stare at you from the other side of the room, at first you thought nothing of it thinking he was just doing his job but then he continued to do it. It started to really freak you out so you casually stood up and started heading for the door which of course didn't go down well with Larson.
           He continued to demand where you planned on going which definitely surprised you because he was just meant to guard you not judge your every move. You got fed up with him and started to shove past him planing on leaving until he got a grip of your throat and slammed you into the door. Your eyes went wide and you tried pushing his hand away that was squeezing the air from your lungs but it was in vain. As he choked you he explained to you that it was his plan to become your guard and eventually kill both you and the Countess. You were losing air fast and you gave up on trying to pry his hands off until the door you were pressed against slammed open, making you and Larson stumble back. You fell to the ground and sucked in air considering you could finally breathe. You looked up to your savior ready to thank them only to see a very pissed off Nadia. She stood at the entrance of the door fuming, she screamed for the guards and as she put it the "real guards". They finally arrived and took Larson away. Nadia took the day off and spent the rest of the day comforting your shaken mind.
Lucio: Lucio is a very busy man which you've grown to accept but sometimes it gets lonely. You decided to take a walk through the woods as you wait for Lucio to finish working, at the time it seemed like a good idea but thinking about it, it definitely was not.
          You start your walk through the calming woods, you watch a few birds fly above your head, and the trees that sway in the wind. Nature has always been a calming thing for you but you never thought to do this before when feeling alone which you now wish you did sooner. The woods takes away the feeling of loneliness that lives in the pit of your stomach. You know Lucio is the Count which is clearly a very busy job but you wish he made some time for you once and awhile. Even the occasional heart to heart conversation would be enough for you.
        You're so lost in your own head that you don't even notice the cliff you're heading straight towards.  Your foot hits a rock and you stumble slightly, your eyes go wide once you see the cliff. You quickly jerk your body back snapping your ankle in the process. Your cry out in pain but still have a great sense of relief seep through your system due to the fact that you could have tumbled down that cliff.
         You take a moment to calm your harsh breathing down as you try willing yourself to your feet. You take a small step on your snapped ankle and immediately feel the need to remove the pressure. The pain makes you hold in a choked sob that burns your throat as it tries escaping. You know you need to get back to the castle to receive medical attention so you start hopping on one foot all the way back.
          By the time you reach the entrance of the castle your uninjured leg is throbbing from being used too much as your injured ankle throbs for a different reason. You're panting out breaths due to the long journey back and upon looking closely at the gates of the castle you can see Lucio pacing back and forth seemingly very stressed. You accidentally step on a branch which causes Lucio's head to snap up and look at your panting, dirty, and quite broken body. He rushed up to you and wraps an arm around your waist helping you stand, he asks what happened and you contemplate not telling him what truly happened but you eventually crack. You explain how you were feeling lonely and decided to take a walk, you then explain how you broke your ankle. He seems speechless at the end but as you have doctors attending to you he vows to spend more time with you and he apologized over and over again. He spends the rest day helping you around the castle and reading a book to you.
Portia: You and Portia decided to spend the day horse back riding together. You planned on being alone for the day but Portia burst into your room and demanded you go together, you didn't have it in your heart to say no. It was a sunny day, not a cloud in sight with a small breeze flowing through the air. The grass was slightly damp from the previous day but all in all it was a fantastic day for horse back riding.
You and Portia chose your horses, she chose a rather large horse with mostly brown fur while you chose a slightly smaller horse with white fur and black spots. At the time the horse you chose seemed very proud to be chosen as it strode into the clearing and waited for you to mount it. This made you think you made a good choice in choosing a horse. You and Portia saddled up and you lightly tapped your foot to the horses side to get it running.
The wind whipped your clothing as the horse took off with a start, too fast for your liking. You tried to slow the horse down to no avail as it continued to run at what seemed to be full speed. Portia yelled at you asking what the heck you're doing and you were about to answer her but the horse you were riding on decided that the ride was over as it threw you off it's back and ran away. You fell down to the ground and you swear you heard a crack on impact. You groaned and rolled over that way your back wasn't on the hard ground, you heard Portia call out to you and the soft patter of hoofs. Portia got off her horse and ran to your side helping you slowly sit up. You asked her about the horse that ran away and she explained how she has no clue where it went because she was too focused on you, she also explained that you can figure it out later because you're what's important right now. You face flushes at the statement as she helps you to your feet she wraps an arm around you and hobble back to the castle. You back is throbbing but considering you can stand you know it's not broken which you're extremely thankful for.
You get the castle and Portia called Julian for him to check you out, making sure nothing is seriously wrong. After Julian gave you the okay Portia apologized for making you go with her but you shook it off saying it was fun anyways. You both spend the day together reading by the fireplace wrapped in each other's arms. (because why the hell not ya know?)
Valerius: You and Valerius were walking around the market place together one afternoon. Valerius decided to spend the day with you considering his duties as a Courtier took up a lot of his time, and even if he didn't show it often he does care for you. Therefore he told Nadia that he wanted time off to spend the whole day with you.
         You were both walking through the bustling market place when a man running a stall of random trinkets peaked your interest. You told Valerius that you wanted to check out the stall and he told you he would be at the wine stall. You gave him a smile and told him to meet up near the center in a few moments, he agreed and walked away. You checked out the trinkets and found something you thought Valerius would like, it was a small wine keychain. You knew he wouldn't show it off but you still decided on buying it for him.
You were heading towards the middle of the market place when an arm roughly tugged you into an nearby alleyway. You could already guess what was going to happen so you prayed someone had seen you. You could tell the person who tugged you was a rather large man due to his rough grip on your forearm. He tugged until you reached the end of the alleyway when he threw you to the wall. Your head bounced off the concrete and you knew right away magic was out of the equation because your head was now fogged up due to the force of the hit. The man kept asking for money but you sadly didn't have any to give otherwise you totally would have because your vision was darkening per second. You feel something warm run down the back of your head and you silently curse under your breath knowing that your head was split open.
You're very much out of it when you hear some shuffling and then a few muffled yells. You feel like you're going to pass out when two hands grip your face and turn your head up. You can see a very worried Valerius who seems to be speaking to you but you can't tell anymore because you've finally passed out.
When you come to there is a faint throbbing in the back of your head but no lasting damage. You see Valerius laying next to you in the hospital bed, you lightly tap him to wake him up. He wake up seemingly very confused until he saw you and pulled you into a hug which shocked you considering he's not one for showing affection. You spent the day with Valerius because he refused to leave your side.
Valdemar: Valdemar was working on a new subject for who knows what reasons as you sat near by and casually watched. You hated seeing these poor souls be quite literally tortured but there was nothing you could do about it and you kind of have gotten used to hearing the pained screams. Valdemar's next subjects were all lined up behind you as they all moaned and groaned because they knew they would meet the same fate.
          All was going well so far and Valdemar seemed pleased with what they have found so far. You still sat there and watched with half lidded eyes from boredom, you sat and wondered why the hell you fell for the demon creature. You were snapped out of your thoughts with the rattling of chains. You were going to turn around until an arm was placed around your chest as you were tugged towards someone. You froze when you felt the cool metal of a scalpel placed near your throat. Your breath caught in your lungs and tears started falling from your eyes. You didn't know how one of the subjects managed to escape the chains but now your life was on the line and you were terrified. Valdemar had yet to notice your situation as they were still pre occupied with their current subject until you fearfully called out their name. They slowly turned around and their eyes went wide but they quickly masked their surprise and anger with a face of uncaring. The subject and Valdemar bickered for a few moments until the scalpel started approaching your throat at a quick pace. The tears were now freely running down your face and you let out a sob when the scalpel lightly cut your neck. You new they planned on doing way more damage than that because the cut you acquired would only leave a small scar.
         The subject was going to cut again until Valdemar looked you dead in the eyes and calmly stated "darling close your eyes." You knew he planned on turning to his demon form so you quickly snapped your eyes shut and prayed to make it out alive. There were a few snaps and a few screams and then you felt yourself being tugged into an inviting hug. You hesitantly open your eyes only to be met with Valdemar who was placing a towel on your cut neck. Valdemar apologized which surprised you by staying he would stop working to spend the rest of the day helping you remove the trauma you were just exposed to.
A/n: look at my being all dramatic and making them be all near death experiences 😂
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art ,I'm about to hit 200 followers which is extremely exciting. I'll be doing a Q&A for the occasion so if you want to ask me anything you can head over there!
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Perfect~ Julian x Reader
A/n: PLEASE READ! Hello everyone, I took a bit of a break for the holidays and such. I also have been quite down in the dumps, I get sad over dumb things like getting a zit or not liking what I create. I wanted to write this story to show that no matter what you do or how you look you’re not alone and there is someone waiting out there for you. That person may either be a friend or a lover but either way you’ll never be alone. Now I’m only young and haven’t truly experienced life yet, I’ve never even been in love only minor crushes but that’s a different story. Anyways I also wanted to write this because I wanted to try getting my love for life back you know? I haven’t even been creating art lately which is horrible because I love making art. Well if you read that whole thing thank you but it’s fine if you didn’t. Now onto the actual story which may be shorter than normal.
READERS POV. (1st person) I know I normally do 2nd person but I didn’t want to say “you” knowing that not everyone is experiencing things like this.
WARNING: This story shows self esteem issues and a fear of being alone!
Julian has been out working for a while now, which for me is never a good thing. Being alone leaves me with only my thoughts, my thoughts happen to be mostly negative. Ive never told Julian about what I fear or what I think because I never want to be a burden to him. He deserves someone who can brighten a room and cheer others up, not someone sad and insecure. People have told me not to be so sad over small things that can’t be helped but it’s harder than some people choose to think. In my opinion being happy is something you have to earn or something that you gain. Most of the time I silently cry myself to sleep praying that I don’t wake Julian. Night time is when my thoughts keep me awake, consistently telling me horrible things that deep down I know aren’t true.
Julian has been working for hours now and my breath slowly starts to shorten as the hours go by. A fear or being alone is what I have had sense I was young. I grew up being scared and stressed that I’ll get older and be alone but then I found Julian. He is always by my side and only leaves when he has to work, I don’t mean to sound clingy either but right when he leaves I get scared that he won’t come back. I could never tell him to stay home either because his job makes him happy and no matter what my fears say I won’t take away his happiness.
My fear for loneliness decreased as I got older and met more people but the reasons for my fear never went away. I’m so deep into my thoughts that I don’t even notice the door creaking open. I don’t snap out of my own head until I hear Julians voice speak up from behind me. “Darling, are you okay?” I jump in the air at the words suddenly spoken. I turn around to see Julian staring at me with a worried expression sketched across his face. I give him my best fake smile and pray he doesn’t ask anymore questions because I may just over flow. “Julian I’m doing great how was work?” Julian clearly doesn’t buy it but he continues on with the conversation non the less. I know he’s going to ask about it later though.
We continue on speaking about Julians work day until late that night when we decide to finally go to sleep. The sun decided to no longer shine and gave the moon its time. The light glow of the moon illuminates Julians handsome features as he wearily glances at me from the corner of his eye. He probably think I notice but he’s never been the stealthy kind.
He stares for a while more until his filter finally cracks, “Darling are you positive you’re feeling well?” I debate on telling him anything when all of my fears and negative thoughts start creeping in. I involuntarily let out a saddened whimper which puts Julian on high alert. He stares shocked towards my shaking frame until he he seemingly snaps out of it and gives me a bone crushing hug. He whispers kind words into my ear as I break down and start sobbing.
Julian eventually calms me down until I’m able to speak when he asks “tell me what’s bothering you please!” His voice is begging me to tell him what’s on my mind and I answer before I can even think about it. “Would you ever leave me?” I finally speak the one question that’s been tainting my mind all my life, I ponder for a moment and realize how stupid it sounds. I’m about to take it back when Julian almost screams “never would I ever even think about leaving you love, now what brought on these foolish thoughts?” “I-I I’ve always had t-these horrible thoughts, I w-was just scared one d-day you’ll d-decide to l-leave me” I manage to stutter out while holding back another round of tears.
I calm myself before speaking again, trying to explain why I feel the way I feel in greater detail. “I have always felt ugly, whether it be because I have blemishes or I’m too fat/skinny (either of these can be a reason for someone to be upset so I wanted to include both) I have never really liked myself so I put on fake confidence and try going with the flow.” I don’t dare look up at Julian as I take another breath to continue. “I have also always had a fear of being alone, I thought I would grow up and everyone would think I’m ugly or no fun and would just leave me. I sometimes get scared when you go to work that you’ll never come back.” By the time I’m done I am holding my breath and tears back.
All is silent before two arms wrap tightly around me. I feel wetness drop onto my shoulder as I realize I have made Julian cry. I gasp as tears start falling even harder than before. I then wrap my arms around Julian even tighter than his are around me.
We sit like this for a moment before Julian pulls back and wipes his eyes. “Darling I would never leave you and if you felt all of these things why haven’t you told me?” I sheepishly look away before responding with “I didn’t want to be a burden to you because you deserve better than that.” Julians jaw drops and he seems to get tense until he whispers “love, you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I love you too much to ever even consider leaving you.” I feel like crying again but manage to hold back as I mumble “thank you.” Julian slightly smiles my way and he slams me into his chest once again. He kisses my head as a wave of sleepiness washes over me, probably from crying so many tears. Julian lightly pushes me against the bed and says “rest now darling we can speak more about this in the morning.” I mumble a incoherent response as my fatigue decides to completely wash over me. The last thing I notice is Julian squishing me against his tall frame and me thinking ‘I’ll never be alone’ before the darkness takes over.
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Scenario- When You Hug Them From Behind
A/n: I know this concept is kind of random but I thought it would be funny and fluffy so bare with me.
Asra: As long as he isn’t doing any sort of magic he would love it. If you did it while he was doing magic he would probably scold you but not in a completely serious way because he knows what your intentions were. He lives for cuddles and hugs so if your the one engaging in them just imagine he’s giving you heart eyes. When you hug him from behind he would probably jump at first but then he would turn around to give you a proper hug. I feel like you would both spend the rest of the day cuddling together.
Julian: I have a feeling you tried this once and after that never again. There is one of three ways this could have gone he either screamed like a little girl because you snuck up on him. He also could have felt so flustered that he didn’t move once you hugged him, he just became a statue. The last way it could have gone is (my personal favorite....jk.....unless) him just straight up moaning.....yup that was an awkward rest of the day, he avoided you like the plague (get it?).
Nadia: I think her and Asra would have the most normal reactions. As long as she’s not working, unless you’re trying to get her to relax she won’t mind the behind the back hugs. She would probably jump slightly if you did it with absolutely no warning but then she would laugh. She is usually always stressed so she would probably thank you for distracting her for a moment. Sometimes she recuperates the hug other times her headaches are so bad that she just leans into the hug as she rubs her temples.
Lucio: Well he would definitely scream at first, you probably hug him from behind just to scare him sometimes. When you do actually mean to hug him then he will turn around right away and hug you back. As long as he isn’t seriously busy doing Count work, he will hug you all day long. Lets be real though a cuddle session with Lucio probably leads to a make out session.
Portia: She’s probably the opposite of Julian, if you hug her from behind she won’t even jump she’ll just turn around and squeeze you to death. She even sometimes makes Faust jealous of how powerful her hugs are. I also think if you’re dating Portia she would be the one to hug you from behind for the most part, so whenever you do it first she would be extra happy that day.
Muriel: Honestly he would freeze, if you hug him from behind he would literally become a living statue. He might awkwardly pat your head while he blushes a lovely shade of red. He would secretly love it but he would never show it, mainly because he doesn’t know how. Whenever he awkwardly coughs you know it’s time to let go. Once you stop hugging he would definitely ask “what was that for?”
Valerius: He would never hug you back and when you hug him from behind he will simply call you annoying. Maybe if he manages to somehow get drunk he’ll hug you back but that’s a very rare occasion. Also have mercy on your soul if you spill his wine in the process.
Thank you for reading! Also my last post has like 60 something likes which is crazy so thank you!
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Scenario: When They See You Crying
Asra- I think he would be concerned but calm in this situation, probably the most calm out of the 6. He would quietly walk up to you, making sure not to scare you and lightly wrap his arms around you. I think he would just hug you and whisper calming words to you until you feel better. He would then totally make you tea or use some magic to get you a blanket or something along those lines. You would probably fall asleep cuddling with him, he would ask you about it the next day.
Julian- Oh boy would be freak out, he would think that he did something wrong right away. He would sit there with wide eyes for a moment just thinking about what he could have done to make you cry. After he couldn’t think of anything out of the normal he decided to then comfort you. He would definitely have a beat red face as he hugged you, he would be really awkward about the hug. I think you would end up feeling better because you laugh at how awkward he was about the whole situation.
Muriel- Muriel would silently freaking out and probably start fidgeting. He would also think about if he did something to upset you until he snapped out of it and remembered, you’re crying. He would hesitate to comfort you but eventually he would just wrap his cloak around you and apologies because he’s still thinking he did something. You would probably forget why you were even crying for a second just to be confused towards Muriel. This would definitely turn into a group comfort, you would have to keep telling Muriel he did nothing wrong. After that is drilled into his brain he would probably ask why you were crying. Cue the waterworks once again.
Nadia- When she saw you crying she became very concerned because you beat the Devil what could make you cry. (I’m sorry if it wasn’t the Devil faced in Nadia route....I’ve never played it) She would put on a calm demeanor and carefully walk up to you. Her first move would to ask you what happened. If your too upset to answer then she would give you a hug and comforting pats. If you can speak she would silently listen to your issues, letting you rant for as long as you want. You would probably feel better after ranting, Nadia would then tell you to sleep as he continues working. She would take one more worried glance at you and then leave the room.
Portia- Portia would obviously be concerned but she would totally play it off by saying a bunch of jokes. She would continue to tell stories and ramble on about her day as you sit there wiping your tears away. You would eventually laugh forgetting about what made you cry. She would laugh along with you and just pull you into a bone crushing hug. After letting go she would continue to joke for the rest of the day.
Lucio- This man would be so concerned and confused. He would walk up at you and just be like “what?” He would eventually figure out you need comforting and he would probably call Melchior and Mercedes to snuggle. You, Lucio, and the dogs would just lay there in one big pile as Lucio keep trying to tell jokes. His jokes are not as good as Portias so you end up laughing at him not with him (but he doesn’t know this). After finally getting you to laugh he would then probably get serious and ask what happened.
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
He’s Back~ Lucio x NonBinaryReader
A/n: This is NOT a continuation from the last story! SPOILERS: The MC in this story never dies from the plague!
Requested by: UnicornGirl039 on Wattpad
READERS POV. (2nd person)
You always wondered as a child what your life would be like when you got older. You expected something quite boring like working as a merchant, even being a pirate would have been tame compared to what has been going on in your life. You learned magic, lived through the plague, brought back to life the dead Count Lucio, started dating the now alive Count Lucio, beat the Devil, saved the world, and after all of that the most challenging part hasn’t even arrived yet. Today is the day where Lucio would tell the town that he is back from the dead.
You’ve spent the whole day alone in your room at the castle pacing back and forth. Lucio claimed he had to get ready and prepare for his “welcome party” which left you time alone to gather your thoughts. ‘How would people react?’ ‘Is Lucio feeling okay about this?’ ‘Is Lucio going to leave me when he becomes Count again?’ These were all questions swirling through your mind but the main question is truly ‘what is going to happen?’ You just didn’t know what to think anymore, you didn’t even know where you stood with this whole thing. Lucio and Nadia decided they would become “business” partners and run the town together because Lucio never truly lost his title. Lucio would be busy for a while which you were completely fine with and understood but you didn’t know if he would forget you or not. You also hoped that Lucio wouldn’t be completely over run with work and stress.
You continue to pace throughout room failing to notice the repeating knocks at your door. You also fail to notice a concerned looking Lucio peek his head into your room until he spoke. “MC are you okay, you didn’t even notice me knocking.” You jump slightly from the sudden words but you quickly try clearing your throat to mask your on slot of fears. “Oh uhm....I’m fine” you mumble as Lucio now fully enters your quarters. He gives you an unimpressed look as if implying ‘I’m not THAT stupid.’ Lucio continues to stare at you until you finally crack from the pressure, tears of stress and frustration start running down your face. Your not one to cry so this clearly startles Lucio as he quickly tries figuring out what happened.
Lucio rambles on about how sorry he is for whatever he did until you wipe your tears and pour out your feelings to him. You tell him about your insecurities, how your very unsure about everything, and how you wish him the best. It takes a while to explain as your stutter through statements and try holding back the tears that want to continue falling.
At the end of your very long and somewhat dramatic rant, Lucio has a hand planted on your knee rubbing comforting circles as your head is resting on his shoulder. You take deep breaths in and out trying to regain the air you lost as you spoke. There is a moment of silence, not an awkward one, only a thoughtful one. Lucio finally decides to break the silence “sadly love I don’t exactly know what truly will happen but I do know one thing..... I will always love you even after everything occurs.” He speaks with such confidence you can’t help but feel the positive energy flow throughout your body and into your soul. “Thank you Lucio..... I really needed to hear that” you speak in a soft tone as you try keeping the calm atmosphere. Lucio simply hums in repose as the silence continues.
You both sit there at the edge of your bed for bit longer until Lucio abruptly stands up and speaks. “MC it’s getting late, let’s rest now and let me handle what happens tomorrow.” You have no objections to his statement so you join him in standing as he takes your hand and walks you towards the headboard of the bed. He gently pushes your fatigued body backwards until you fall onto the soft mattress. He gives you a small smile as he waits for you to go under the covers, once he sees your situated he then joins you. Lucio wraps his arms around you and you both fall asleep wrapped in each other arms.
The next day had finally arrived and it has been just as hectic as expected. Lucio has been preparing for his return and you have been feeling as stressed as ever. Lucio explained to you just what was going to happen and when. He told you that he will be telling everyone about you and your relationship. That thought alone is enough to send you into a panic but you still can’t help feeling more worried for Lucio. You once again find yourself pacing back and forth through the halls of the palace. The party that Lucio and Nadia invited everyone to is about to be in full swing. Which only means the time is slowly counting down until you have to go in front of all those people with Lucio as he brings the news of a life time.
LUCIOS POV. (1st person)
I have been preparing for this moment for a long time now, the day I return as Count. I can’t help but feel excited and stressed all at the same time. Me and Nadia decided to throw a party and invite everyone. Which will make it easier for me to happily announce my return and my amazing lover. I know MC is feeling nervous and stressed but I know after everything is done and over with things will get better for the both of us.
The party is finally at max capacity and Nadia decides its time. She tells me to find MC as she calls for everyone to enter the ball room while I go looking for MC. I can hear Nadia tell the towns folk about the past events as I dash through the halls looking in every room MC can possibly be in.
I finally find MC once again stressing out as they pace the halls of the castle. I slowly approach them trying not to startle them as I place a careful hand on their shoulder. I feel them tense up and I can’t help but feel worried for them as I say “love if you don’t want me to tell them about you I won’t.” My statement has them hastily turning around and fiercely shaking their head. “No, no, no you can tell them I just....I don’t know....I guess....I guess I’m more worried about you” they ramble on until finally getting to the point of their statement which makes my eyes go wide. Their confession also makes my jaw go slack and a confused look to slowly take over my features. I’m sure I look extremely strange but I can’t help my reaction, I don’t understand how they can be more worried about me. ‘I suppose I’m shocked because I’ve never had someone care about me’ is my final thought before responding to MC. “Love, you have no need for worrying about me, I’m excited to be honest.” I sheepishly admit. “Excited? Why?” “Well I get to claim you as officially mine won’t I?” I confidently say while throwing an arm over their shoulder. They chuckle at my actions as they reply with “yeah, yeah let’s get this over with.”
We make our way to the ballroom, as we do I can hear the bustling of people speaking about what Nadia has said no doubt. We come to a stop at the outside of the doors and wait for the signal Noddy gave me. I put my ear up to the door and listen until I hear her say “and now one last surprise......Count Lucio.” I quickly slams the doors open as a shell shocked MC follows behind. I can hear the bubbling conversations as the people are stunned with the sudden news until I throw my arms up and state “IM BACK!”
I thought that was a fitting ending~
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Worth The Wait~ Lucio x Male!Reader
A/n: Lucio’s route is obviously not completed (by the time I’m writing this), so for the sake of this story I am going to make my own ending.
READERS POV. (2nd person)
The end of the battle was near, all of the hardships and sacrifices would soon be worth it. You and Lucio fought side by side through out the whole battle against the Devil. Lucio never left you alone and you never left him alone. It was a great and needed comfort knowing someone had your back at all times. The previous encounters with the Devil were difficult and this one was no exception, you just couldn’t wait for it to finally be all over.
The sounds of metal clashing with metal fills the air. Every once and a while magic shot by Asra, would zoom past your face. Your back was pressed against Lucio’s back as you both slowly turn around making sure to stop all of the Devils chains in there tracks. The amount of magic you have used so far is slowly taking a toll on your beat up body. You have burn marks scattered around your arms and legs from the fire like heat of the chains. Lucio is in better condition then you are, he has less fatigue and less burn marks. Mainly from the fact that he doesn’t use magic, only a sword.
The fight continues on until you hear Asra yell aloud “MC, you have your chance now!” You know what he means right away, everyone including the Devil knows that your the only person who can stop him. You can control his chains, to an extent. You look towards the Devil and notice he’s finally getting tired. His large form is slightly slouched and his chains start moving at a slower rate. Lucio gives your shoulder a comforting pat and a knowing look. You know what you have to do, you approach the Devil and get your magic ready.
The Devil eventually notices your body creeping towards his as his head shoots up. He snarls at you and you can see his chains getting ready to pounce. “You truly are the fool” is all the creature says before sending his chains right at you. Using all of your magic and energy the chains slowly come to a halt. They rotate around and you can see the Devil giving off a horrified express right as the chains dart towards him. The chains wrap around his fearful and angry form as his body starts turning to stone. “THIS ISN’T THE END I WILL BE BAC-“ the Devil tries heaving a warning but it is cut short due to his whole body finally being incased in the stone. You can feel the stress leave your body as your frame physically relaxes. You drop to your knees as your legs give out but right before you hit the ground you feel arms wrap around you waist. You peer upwards and see Lucio giving you a tearful smile. You lightly smile back, you want to give off a cheerful mood but your body is far too exhausted. Even if you are only slightly smaller than Lucio he still manages to lift your body and cradle you in his arms. The loving stare he gives you is enough to reduce you to tears. You can hear the others celebrating in the background but you can only focus on the man in front of you. Lucio wipes the tears from your eyes with one hand as the other is holding your body flush against his. You want to stay awake to celebrate but your eyes start fluttering. Lucio kisses your cheek and mumbles into your face “rest now love when you wake we will spend the day together.” You nod in approval and yawn before the world goes dark.
LUCIOS POV. (1st person)
I watch as MC falls asleep in my arms and I can’t help but smile lovingly at him. He’s so brave, he did the one thing I could never do and that is beat the Devil. I look up at the others and notice they are all staring at MC with worried expressions. “Don’t worry” I start “he’s just sleeping.” I can see the relief spread throughout the group. Asra reluctantly approaches me and gives MC an adoring look, I can’t help but glare. He rolls his eyes at me and says “let’s head back to the castle.” I grumble some words under my breath and lift MC into a bridal position. I can’t help but snicker knowing if he were awake he would definitely yell at me saying “I’m not a girl.”
We finally reach the castle and I run past everyone and approach MC’s room. I throw open the door and drop MC onto the bed. I wipe some non existent sweat off my forehead and mumble at the sleeping form “your so heavy.” I take a moment to catch my breath before I start addressing to mine and MC’s wounds.
After bandaging and attending to both our burn marks and other wounds, I plop down next to MC feeling slightly more energized. I think for a moment before suddenly remembering what I said right before MC passed out. “Rest now love when you wake we will spend the day together” I repeat my words from earlier and start brainstorming some ideas. When I finally think of something, I give a glance at MC who seems to be doing well before dashing through the never ending halls of the castle. ‘He’s going to love this’ I think as I prepare the necessary items.
READERS POV. (2nd person)
Your heavily eyelids slowly flutter open before you slam them shut once more. You give out a small hiss as the bright lights enter your vision. You slowly blink as you let your eyes adjust before carefully sitting up. You feel your body is wrapped in bandages and you can only assume that it was Lucio’s doing. You look around and notice you’re no longer on the battlefield but back in the castle. You tilt your head to the right and see Lucio laying down next to you fast asleep. You lean down and place a gentle kiss on his temple. His eyes fly open as he quickly sits up. His body rotates every which way before his eyes settle on you. He gives you a blinding smile before pulling you into the most powerful hug you’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. “I’m so glad your okay” he mumbles into the crook of your neck. You release yourself from his hold and place a loving kiss on his lips. He tenses before slowly returning the kiss.
You eventually unattached from each other and you decide to speak “I love you, also thank you for bringing me back.” “Anytime and I love you too.” You both just stare at each other before Lucio’s whole demeanor seems to brighten. “I prepared something amazing for us love” he says while slightly shaking the bed due to how excited he his. He doesn’t give you a chance to respond as he grabs your arm, covers your eyes, and starts leading you somewhere. You love how excited he seemed so you don’t try stopping him. “As the man in the relationship I put something together I know you will love.” You scoff and roll your eyes at his statement but don’t bother correcting him. “Why can’t you tell me where we’re going?” You questions him as he picks up his pace. His footing doesn’t even falter when he says “it’s a surprise duh!”
Lucio finally seems to slow down as you both reach your surprise destination. “Okay so I tried my best for such a short notice but I know you’ll love it” he states with his cocky attitude peaking through. “We will see about that” you say with an annoyed tone, even though you know you’ll love whatever he has planned. Lucio removes his hand from your eyes and you quickly take in everything in front of you.
Right before your eyes is the ballroom but not just the normal ballroom, Lucio upgraded it with colorful lights and beautiful music. You feel like crying but manage to hold in your tears. You turn to Lucio about to speak but before you can Lucio interrupts you by holding out his hand and saying “may I have this dance.” You give him a watery smile and give your hand to his. He pulls you flush against his chest and starts to sway you side to side to the soft beat of the melodic music.
You dance in silence before you decide to break it by saying “no one has does something like this for me before, so thank you.” Lucio doesn’t respond he just dips your body and pulls you back to his chest. He gives your cheek a quick kiss before this time spinning your body. You can’t help but laugh at his antics and give him the biggest smile you can manage.
You spend the rest of the night dancing and laughing, overall having a blast with the one who stole your heart. You can definitely say this was worth the wait.
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Garden~ Portia
A/n: Spoilers: In this AU the apprentice (MC) never looses their memories or dies to the plague.
READERS POV. (2nd person)
You had a rough childhood, you never really got to do everything all the other normal children were able to do. You sadly missed out on a lot of the fun and adventure that came with being a child. The whole ordeal made you quite sad whenever you thought about it or when anyone spoke about it. One day your past was brought up in a conversation you and your girlfriend Portia were having. Right when the conversation was brought up she could tell something was bothering you. You could tell Portia decided not to push the subject but you planned on telling her anyways so why not then.
After Portia heard you sad tale she vowed to help you do everything you couldn’t do before. You knew she was devising a plan in her mind by the look on her face and the glint in her eye, which brings you to where you are right now. You are in the castle, waiting in your room for Portia to come and fetch you. She requested for you to stay hidden away in your room for a few hours. You were very confused but complied non the less. You trusted her with your life so you knew whatever she was planning wouldn’t cause any harm and would most likely be quite entertaining.
PORTIAS POV. (1st person)
Me and MC were chatting about random subjects while the occasional laughter rang through the air, when the subject of our pasts came up. MC basically knew everything about me but I realized I didn’t know much of theirs. As soon as I brought the subject up all of the color from MC’s face drained away. It pained me to see them in such a stressed state so I quickly changed the subject. MC looked lost in thought for a moment before they said “no, no let me tell you about my past.” My eyes slightly went wide but I nodded silently telling them to continue.
They told their story quite beautifully even if it was such a sad tale. They had slight tears in their eyes which brought small unshed tears to mine. I carefully wipe their tears away from their eyes and pulled them into a bone crushing hug. I felt horrible for them and what they went through. We hugged for a moment until I quickly pulled away as an idea struck me. MC gave me a weird look but I couldn’t care less at the moment. I knew what I was going to do to cheer MC up. I spoke in a vibrant tone when saying “MC I’m going to help you do everything you couldn’t do in your childhood.” Their eyes went wide at my statement and more tears threatened to fall from their eyes but they managed to hold them in. They gave me a small smile and mumbled quietly “I would like that.” I gave them a bright grin and stated “now head to your room and wait for me to fetch you.” They hesitantly nodded while standing up and starting the walk towards their room. I hastily stood from the bench I was seated at and got to work.
READERS POV. (2nd person)
The hours quickly flew by when Portia lightly knocked at your door. You made your way towards the closed door and quietly opened it. Portia wasted no time and skipped the greetings as she grabbed your hand and started dragging you down the halls of the castle. You didn’t try stopping her as you let yourself be dragged away.
You made it to the front of the door which leads to the outside of the castle when Portia finally turned around to look at you. She had a huge smile on her face when she spoke. “So I have something planned but I want it to be a surprise.” She grabbed something from behind her back and you made it out to be a blindfold. “Can you put this on, I won’t let you fall promise!” You saw how excited she was and decided that you can’t say no to that face so even if you wanted to, so you placed the cloth around your eyes. The smooth fabric blocked all light and all objects from your vision. You felt Portia grab your arm and tug you towards what you assume to be whatever she set up. You couldn’t lie when saying you were very, very excited to see what she has planned for you both.
You get dragged for a few more minutes when you finally come to a stop. “Okay I’ll take the blindfold off in 3 okay?” Portia questions sounding quite nervous. You whisper a “ok” giving her the confirmation to start the countdown. “1.....2......3!” She quickly takes the blindfold off and steps aside letting you see her work. After letting your eyes adjust to the lighting change you can see a picnic set up with many random lights littered around the area. Upon an even closer inspection you also see some gardening supplies laid carefully next to the picnic setup.
You don’t speak for awhile as your brain tries processing what’s going on, this makes Portia very nervous as she starts rambling. “I know you never specifically told me what you wanted but I know as a child I loved picnics and gardening so I figured ‘hey why not do both maybe MC will like it’. Oh but if you don’t like it I’m sor-“ You quickly cut her off by wrapping your arms around her and mumbling a “thank you” into her torso. She seems to tense for a moment before laughing and wrapping her arms around your tucked in frame.
You both stand there for a moment in each other’s embraces before Portia pulls away from you. She gives you her signature smile before yelling out “LETS GET STARTED!” You can’t help but laugh at her antics and let yourself get pulled into a night of endless laughter and fun, all with the love of your life.
My Instagram I recently hit a milestone of 150+ followers so if you want you can check that out at @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Lost~ Muriel
READERS POV. (2nd person)
Asra left you alone at the shop again for about the 10th time this week. It normally wouldn’t bother you because you understand that he enjoys traveling, but this time it made you feel pretty lonely and forgotten about. You decided you wanted to speak with someone and who better than Muriel (lol everyone would be better to speak to than Muriel ANYWAYSSS). You know he enjoys being alone and you’ve only been dating for about 3 weeks now but you really felt the need for company right now. So with that in mind you decided to walk to Muriels small hut in the woods. The only issue with this plan is you’ve never walked there by yourself before. Normally Muriel comes and gets you to escort you to the hut but this time you wanted to surprise him.
You decided to pack a small picnic with a bunch of random foods, to top it off a rather large blanket that can fit Muriel on it. You double check everything over, just to make sure you have everything packed. After checking you cast a small protection spell on the shop and head out into the busy streets.
You pass all the vendors who continue to try selling small trinkets to you. You hate saying no without giving anything a try but today your in a rush, it’s starting to turn to night and you have little faith in your abilities to navigate in the dark. You start questioning if you can even make it there before the sky becomes too dark. You pick up your pace a slight amount as you continue to nervously glance up at the sky.
You continue to speed walk through the endless amounts of people who are all also trying to reach their destinations until you reach the edge of the forest. You step past the invisible line that marks where the town ends and the forest starts. You freeze for a moment thinking if you can actually reach Muriels hut before nightfall. ‘If I run I should be able to make it’ with that thought in mind you get a better grip on your picnic basket and take off through the forest.
You dodge trees and rocks as you dash through the woods. You continue to pray that your abilities as a runner will get you to his hut in time. The sky is slowly becoming more ominous and you swear the wind is starting to pick up. You mumble a few choice words and try carrying your legs faster than before. As you speed through the untamed nature you fail to notice the un stable rocks laying beneath your feet. The rocks slide causing your body to go crashing onto the forest floor and the basket you were holding to fly through the air. You feel your ankle start to throb and a ragged scream rips through your throat. You try stumbling back up but to no avail. Your body crumbles to the ground once more. You try holding back the tears that want to fall but the throbbing of your ankle gets the better of you as the tears filling your eyes slowly trickle down.
You sit there on the ground of the forest for a moment as you ferociously wipe your tears with the end of your sleeves. When you finally do you look up and stare at your surroundings. You notice not only has the sky darkened significantly but you also have no clue where you are. “Great now it’s night, my ankle must be sprained, and I’m lost” you mumble to yourself as you wipe your remaining tears. You know that you have to at least try standing so you can find any familiar landmarks.
You take a deep breath and heave yourself up using a sunken tree branch. You stand still for a moment and slightly put pressure on your swollen ankle, testing the pain level. You barley touch the ground when a pained moan leaves your body. The pain shoots up your leg and you start wondering if you maybe broke your ankle instead of just spraining it. You know you have to start moving, so much to your dismay you use the nature around you help yourself stumble through the forest.
You search through the forest looking for anything familiar when the pain make walking too unbearable. You slide your hurt body against a tree and flop onto the ground. You feel your whole body tense up because you know you’re lost and Muriel doesn’t even know your were heading to his hut. ‘Great’ you think as your eyes start to drift shut. The pain making your whole body want to shut down and sleep it off. You know you probably shouldn’t sleep in a forest but you don’t see the point in trying to navigate in the dark with a hurt ankle. You eyes start drifting until you hear a wolf howling in the distance and the bushes in front of you start to shake. You forget about your ankle for a moment as the adrenaline kicks in and you rise to your feet. You put most of your weight on your normal healed ankle and dart your head around looking for whatever is in the bushes. You hear a branch snap from behind you causing you to jump and swing your head in the other direction only to have your body slam into something. You’re about to scream but before you can something covers your mouth. Your eyes go wide as you cautiously peer up only to see a worried looking Muriel staring back at you.
You can feel the tension leave your body as you sag against him. He careful picks you up in a bridal position and he mumbles a hesitant “Asra came home and told me you were missing.....I was worried.” You give a small smile and I’m return say “I wanted to surprise you but I hurt my ankle and got lost.” His body tensed, probably only now noticing your broken ankle. He mumbles something under his breath that you didn’t quite catch but your too tired to care.
MC’s eyes finally drift close and they become dead weight in Muriels arms, Muriel doesn’t mind because MC is light to him anyways. Muriel peers down and gives MC’s sleeping frame a small smile and mumbles a shy “no more surprises” before continuing on his journey back to his hut.
Check out my Instagram @its.leahs.art
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itsleah728 · 4 years
Better Together~ Asra
A/n: in this AU the MC never looses their memory and them and Asra are together. (You still see the Countess and such)
READERS POV. (2nd person)
Alone, cold, and scared. These are the main emotions you’re feeling right now. The Countess has invited you to the castle to search for a murderer. You would be fine with this if your boyfriend Asra came with you, you’re both magicians so it wouldn’t be a big deal. Now instead of being together, Asra was already away on a new adventure. He doesn’t like taking you with him because he doesn’t want you getting hurt. Sometimes you wish you could just scream at him and tell him that your not a child but you could never do that, you understood why he’s so protective. A few years ago the plague swept over the land, you and Asra stayed holed up in the shop. Luckily you never got it but a friend of yours did, now whenever something happens Asra is very protecting. Back to the castle Asra claims he will join you later on, but that leaves you alone right now.
You’re not sure if it’s the fact you’re alone or the fact that you’re in a new environment but you’re not feeling all that well. Being in a dark room all alone isn’t exactly your favorite pass time. Nadia was kinda enough to give you, your own room. You keep telling yourself nothing is wrong but even the air in this castle is strange and sends a shiver up your spine.
The window in the room is cracked open slighting letting the chilly wind enter the warm room. The moon reflects the glass letting some light enter the dark room but it’s not enough for you. With very cautious motions you stand from your bed and head towards a lone cabinet in the room. You hope there are some candles in the drawer to brighten up the room some more. You can’t stand the thought of trying to sleep in a dark and cold room.
You eventually find a single candle and use your magic to light it. You quietly place the candle on the cabinet and cover yourself with blankets once more. The light helps your situation but doesn’t stop the feeling of unease in the pit of your stomach. Your eyes scan the room looking for anything that can be causing this dread and find nothing. “Something is wrong” you mumble just as you feel something fly past you which causes the candle to blow out. You jump about a foot in the air and duck under the covers. You can feel yourself shaking as you start mumbling to yourself. You’ve never been so disappointed in yourself, you know you don’t scare easy meaning something is truly wrong here. As you hide you think ‘I wish Asra was here.’ You smack your head to get rid of these thoughts, you can’t be selfish like that. You know Asra loves his adventures you could never stop one just for him to comfort you.
After a few moments you finally stick your head out from under the covers. You slowly scan the room only to find absolutely nothing. You’re about to stand when you hear a knock at the door which startles you once again as your breathing becomes ragged. You shake in fear once more and ramble a few curse words directed at yourself for acting so weak. The knocking repeats itself and you swear the room is becoming colder. You think your going to have a panic attack until the person outside of the door speaks “MC?” You think for a moment before your face brightens with reconciliation. “Asra” you speak in a whisper praying that whatever is out there is truly Asra and not some ghost.
The door creaks open and you jump back against the bed frame. Your heart is pounding in your chest so you head under the covers again. You know the blankets won’t protect you but you can still hope. You hear the floor snap with every step the person takes until they finally reach you. You feel something sit down next to you as the bed adjusts to their frame. You slowly remove the blanket from your eyes and look up only to see Asra looking at you with a apologetic like expression. He doesn’t speak and simply wraps his larger arms around your smaller body. You relax in his arms almost as if all the tension has left your body.
You both stay in each other’s arms for a while until Asra finally pulls away. You don’t even have to ask before he starts explaining what he’s doing here. “I was heading back from my adventure when I felt as if something was wrong” you nod telling him to continue. “I knew it was you which scared me even more because you never get scared, I decided to come here to be with you” he finished explaining and you can’t help but smile. He smiles back at you and pushes your body backwards that way it’s against the bedding. “Now you need sleep” he states while wrapping his arms around your waist as your eyes start closing. You didn’t know what was wrong with this castle but that was tomorrow’s mystery, for now you and Asra can fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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