#No comment on michi tho i hate her actually
lauteli · 4 months
i love how Sasha and Michi run away to Tu'la together at the end of Season 2. Like, omg yes, the girlfriends are going on the horrible evil deplorable girlie pop big bad villain world tour extravaganza, good for them
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kyosohmastan · 5 years
Fruits Basket Another Vol 1 Review
I thought I’d share my thoughts on the first volume of Fruits Basket Another since I FINALLY got to it. I’m in love!
First of all, the MC. I think I’m going to relate to Sawa more than I ever did with Tohru. We share very similar traits and anxieties. She has a fear of forming relationships due to trauma she experienced when her friends suddenly abandoned her because she was too “annoying”. I don’t remember the majority of my childhood (due to the fact that I had epilepsy, but that’s a whole other story) but one thing that stood out to me because it left me so heartbroken was when I was in first grade and my friends decided they didn’t want to hang out with me anymore because I was too weird for wanting to play in the grass and dirt when they thought that’s not something a girl should do. Which is dumb, but kids will be kids. So I really connected with Sawa over that. Based on how much Takaya has a talent for developing characters seamlessly, I can see her opening up more and becoming more comfortable around the Sohmas and others throughout the series.
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As for other characters, let’s move onto Mutsuki who is seriously drop dead gorgeous. Of course, Yuki’s son would also look like a girl (although tbh Yuki is more feminine.) He has a lot of optimism and clear signs of kindness, but he’s very mischievous as well. He reminds me a lot of Kakeru in a way which that is his uncle so I’m sure he influenced him. I find it hilarious that he’s naturally messy and his excuse is “My parents are messy too”. And they are haha! Then he follows it up with a sweet comment saying “I’m happy to be like them.” He’s like “Yeah, it’s a bad trait. But I wouldn’t have it any other way because I can connect with my parents over it.” The family vibes has me all smiles.
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I’m most excited to follow Hajime since I adore Kyo and Tohru so of course, I’m super pumped to get to know their son. He’s like a toned down version of Kyo. He has a temper, but it never gets too out of control. But then again, he’s kind of like Tohru having a considerate side to him as well as the fact that the family refers to him as “papa” because he addresses Sawa as a father would. And Tohru had always been the motherly type. I love how both of their traits are mixed into him. It makes for a very balanced personality! His first meeting with Sawa was hilarious. Obviously he’d be like Kyo and sleep on the floor haha. Or is the cat part of his blood coming out?
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I’ll discuss Sora and Riku together. First of all, HARU AND RIN HAD TWINS?! I can only imagine Rin was terrified of that lol. I think Sora will be the Momiji of this series. That bubbly personality is adorable. I don’t know enough about Riku yet, but he seems very caring albeit stoic. I loved the part when Sawa finally asked him if she offended him and he told her he was concerned that she didn’t know a girl wanted to have lunch with her. So he worried over her which was sweet.
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Michi I don’t have much of an opinion on yet. I was never a huge fan of Kakeru in the first place so....We’ll see if she grows on me. 
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The most BEAUTIFUL woman so far is Kinu, holy smokes. I’m guessing she’s the parental figure in this series since she seems to be the oldest. I’m very excited to get to know her. And I’m thrilled that Hatori and Mayu ended up staying together and had a daughter awwww.
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Shiki made a brief appearance and since he’s the head of the family, that’s gotta be Akito and Shigure’s son. He’ll be in volume 2 a lot more, I assume. 
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And then this chick shows up and I’m like oh, hell, naw. Motoko is the most annoying character of FB and her daughter is no different. Grrrr. It is interesting that Motoko was only a fan of Yuki, but Ruriko’s club is a fan club for all the Sohmas. Their popularity has grown that much dang.
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Two other characters that showed up from the OG series are Megumi and Takei. Megumi looks soooo good. And he still has his habit of doing curses!
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Takei hasn’t changed. Still obsessed with Yuki.
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Now going over specific scenes I liked. I suppose starting from the beginning. 
I like how Mutsuki and Hajime are trying to help Sawa get over her fear of being a burden to people. I saw a tumblr post mentioning how Tohru was the one who saved the Sohmas from their trauma and the Sohmas are the ones saving Sawa from hers and so far that is so true. It think it goes to show how differently the previous generation raised their children in comparison to how they were raised from hate and spite. This generation is so much more carefree and considerate as their parents probably shared with them their own previous trauma so they’re able to understand what that’s like. I think overtime, they’re really going to help Sawa get over her fears and she’ll find a place where she belongs with this family. I’m so excited to see that unravel.
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And so Sawa is forced onto the student council with Mutsuki and Hajime lol. I like how it gives her that push to interact with others because she will have to now. I expected Mutsuki to be the president since his dad was, but Hajime is? He was forced into it tho. xD
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Possibly one of the best things is that Hajime is (or used to be) a mama’s boy which comes as no surprise since Tohru would be an amazing mother. How could her children not love her? This was too cute.
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Based on what Mutsuki said, Hajime has siblings????? I heard Kyo and Tohru had three kids ouhuobuefbhjqbeh. I need deets!
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It seems that Mutsuki and Hajime have a pretty close relationships whereas their fathers were rivals. They do bicker, but it’s clear there’s no animosity between them. That also indicates that Kyo and Yuki must have really patched up their relationship over the years if their kids have always hung out together. That’s a happy thought. I love the dynamic of their relationship so far.
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Glad to see Aya is so involved in Mutsuki’s life hahahhahha.
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Mutsuki and Hajime don’t even live with their parents? For some reason, Hajime moved to be closer to school, but why did he specifically have to go to Kaibara? Maybe he wanted to go to school with the family. I do know Kyo and Tohru moved out of town. Or did they move back so Kyo could take over Kazuma’s dojo? Idk anyway... I think Yuki and Machi did too which is probably why Mutsuki moved out. And Kinu is watching over them. It’s like Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo all over again.
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IS HAJIME WEARING THE BEADS?????!! I saw somewhere that it was a gift. Or is it Kyo’s actual beads?!
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The entire last chapter is my favorite in the volume. Seeing Sawa get so comfortable with the Sohmas was heartwarming. It’s sad how she says this is the happiest she’s felt in a long time, but also sweet. I’m interested to see what her home life is like. It doesn’t sound good.
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As I suspected, the kids know about the curse. But I guess they weren’t told about it until they were a little older. It’s so sad how Kyo was nervous when everyone was saying how Hajime looked like him. Goes to show that Kyo still has his demons and he doesn’t want his son to go through any of that.Therefore, he doesn’t want Hajime to be like him at all. They had to be worried that the curse would come back. Thank goodness it didn’t.
I suppose what pushed Kyo and Tohru to tell him was when he was told that “I hope you’re not a monster.” (Is that Ren? It kind of looks like it.) Indicating that she thought he might be the cat since his dad was. That had to be so confusing. But after knowing the curse, everything makes sense. And I hope by knowing about it, they don’t face any hardships that the curse brought upon the family. But they seem to be doing fine.
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To conclude, I’m really liking this. I’m sure I’ll love it since I’m biased in my love for Fruits Basket, but I think this series has the potential to stand on its own as something fantastic. 
I have noticed that the kids mention their parents A LOT, but that’s to be expected since the readers know of the original characters. I’m anticipating some great family moments and I’m looking forward to that. I REALLY HOPE THE OG CHARACTERS SHOW UP SOMETIME!!!
Thanks for reading~ I’m on to volume 2.
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doomedzagreus · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
i was tagged by @davenziv ty!!❤️
1. favourite crack ship
it has to be abdi and carlos. carlos has canonically seen his ass. i rest my case
2. least favourite character from each remake excluding williams and his brothers (or equivalent)
druck: oh god idk for a laugh id say stefan but....i don't dislike anyone,,,, hmmm it doesn't have to mean dislike.....so id have to say other sam (where did he go?) yes this is 100% a cop out
españa: hugo,,,, sorry man you're great but i love everyone else a bit more
nl: he's pretty but it has to be kes, sorry
baguette: daphné and basile i can't pick just one wow i don't like this remake as a whole but those two whew
ita: wana.
haven't seen the other two remakes!!!
3. rank the remakes in order of best to worst boy squad
nl (tbf theirs is p bad but i can't bare to rate ita any higher)
4. rank the remakes in order of best to worst girl squad
fr (can u tell i just hate this remake)
like i said i haven't seen the other two but i feel like they definitely rank higher than ita + fr
5. your favourite headcanon that is not at all supported by canon
BALLET. DANCER. MATTEO. like michi can do ballet and just imagine david walking into the wg to see matteo dancing and he's fucking flawed cause he didn't know his clumsy gremlin had this in him, he's so beautiful too whew
6. one thing og did better than the remakes
well shit i ....this is super difficult since as u all know im up drucks arse, but i think the relationship between isak and jonas was amazing, and only druck has come to rest on that level to me. i also think their general feel, it feels so "everyday"? like you're actually watching day to day life, and not something overly dramatised for the sake of it ??? like obviously it's dramatic it's a show, but it's not *three car crashes and someone drowns* u know?
7. one thing each remake did better than the og
druck: boy squad. trans moc (even holds a special place in my heart but.....david u know). integration of the squads. teens feeling like they're real teens, being dumb. arguably bearable william (only due to the new content which lbr it's just chris) IK THIS ISNT ONE THING BUT IM DRUCKS BITCH OK
nl: G I R L. S Q U A D. diversity!!!!!!!! arguably better william even tho that went right to shit in the second half of s2.
españa: the pacing and the girl squad. like the conflict in s2 only ever lasted a few clips max, as cris and joana would fix it just after it started. i loved that so much.
ita: well shit uh. uhhhhhhhhhhhh.
fr: nope
8. a popular opinion that (almost) everyone shares but you don't
(nobody i follow thinks this but let me open up anon hate for myself a sec) that fr is a good remake in general. like even without the big obvious issues they have, the remake in general just isn't well done. don't come for my throat, i used to love it when it was the only one airing S3, but then i took a look at it and realised i was settling, cause it just ISN'T good, without the fucking blatant sexualisation of teenagers played by 30 year old men, and the sheer levels of fucking racism. it's overly dramatic, it's badly written, everything is stated too obviously and nobody actually feels like a real teenager which has a lot to do with casting people in their mid to late 20s
9. your headcanon for lucas vdh's love interest
definitely not white, not model-hot, maybe with a disability. idk, probably cause i was hard of hearing as a child, but id like to see a hard of hearing even
10. your headcanon for shays love interest
well i haven't seen austin, but once again her love interest will hopefully be a woman of colour, maybe plus size, since the skams lack a lot of body diversity (idk the right wording but im plus size myself so)
11. character you look up to the most
it was between david and matteo, and it says only one so to try to stick to the question, im gonna say david. he was so afraid, and he didn't wanna get close to anyone for fear he would lose everything again, but he let matteo in and he came out and he once again went through hell and he fell in love and found a support system and now he has an amazing set of friends and a wonderful, supportive, caring boyfriend. yeah im emotional about david. for the first time in my life i don't actually hate myself, so yeah, i look up to david for inspiring that. and now im crying lmao
RIGHT you will most likely all have been tagged already, but either way you DON'T have to do this (im tagging some people i usually wouldn't hence me saying this) @akefalosthea @8102-druck @killyourdarlingsx @darkdodielove @distastefullyqueer @driftovertheedge @schreibnersfriday @softamira @davidfors5 @waterbottle79 (ik u can't but idk 11 people asjfjjdkskl) @manthastop (ik u have only seen nl but see the comment before this)
1. which remake would you most like to be a part of?
2. if you could be best friends with someone from each remake, who would it be?
3. what changes would you make to each remake?
4. what was your favourite scene from each remake?
5. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen?
6. is there a country you think would make a brilliant remake? if so, which and why?
7. what is your favourite quote from each remake
8. what is your favourite headcanon?
9. what is your opinion of the nl boy squad?
10. rank most bearable to most despicable william
11. what thing from og do you wish a remake would change, and if one already has, what was it and do you prefer the change?
(these questions are shite and by each remake i mean the ones you've seen lmao. also ik some of the people i tagged i don't actually talk to i hope u don't mind asfjgjdk)
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