wh40kgallery · 2 months
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Nob Warbiker
by Karl Kopinski
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front-line-head-line · 7 months
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Thought of the Day: For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die alone, unsung, and unremembered.
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gardhoulthehermit · 2 months
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Gotta have a right 'ard lad to lead the nobz!
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deffdread · 4 months
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About 20 years of various Nob models in one unit. 3rd edition metal box, Black Reach, new Plasic box, the extra boyz one, all here!
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erwansiannodel · 3 months
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First batch of a bunch of Evil sunz Ork Nobz I had, half finished, in my backlog.
Feel free to C&C
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zestyaardvarks · 2 years
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PARTS 1-10  PART 11  PART 12  PART 13  PART 14  PART 15 PART 16  PART 17 PART 18
My Growing Warhammer Collection part 19: ORKS! (bad friend edition). Painted by commission by my friend and impeccable painter YMCharlie, CHECK IT!
Oy wuz dis den? These are my custom Evil Sunz inspired by the corrupted Fel Orcs from Warcraft 3 with their red skin and green magic. This is "bad friend edition" because Charlie painted these like a year ago, I've had these pictures all year, and I just never posted them. But here they are now! And check his Instagram out! He's really fucking good! And when his schedule allows for it you should pay him to paint your minis! Because he's fantastic! He's got Star Wars, Warhammer Underworlds, Lorda Them Rings, Bolt Action, Warhammer 40K, and more!
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
Desire for a “Human force that collaborates with Orks” (aka “DiggaNobz”) force is tempting me again.
Might make that my Bday project. Buy some Nobz and other Ork stuff, some House Goliath Dudes, and kitbash the parts together. 
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squirmydads-creations · 8 months
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In honor of Orktober; the story of Drek. Drek was an experiment in psychological warfare from the mid-90's, probably 3rd edition Ork Codex. This is what Ork Mega-Armor looked like in the early days, I like the new chunky sculpts much better. Anyways, Ork Nobz were allowed to have banners at no cost so I gave him a big banner and then had some gretchin attendants follow him around with his name on a banner. He's just a solo Nob, not the Warboss, which I told every opponent when I played him on the table. The thing was, every time I moved him or had make an attack I'd shout "Drek is coming for you!" or "Drek will destroy you!" And he became a nuisance that couldn't be ignored and refused to be ignored. In many games oppononents would devote 3-4 times Drek's points cost in troops in order to chase him down and eliminate him...because everyone thought he was much more important and valuable than he actually was. But he was just a Nob with a giant ego. :D
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racefortheironthrone · 3 months
Warhammer Gaslamp: Peoples of the Old World
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(For Introduction, see here; for Imperial Society, see here; for Geopolitics, see here.)
While the Old World of 2725 IC is dominated by the nations of Men, the non-human species of the world are by no means vanished - although all have seen enormous amounts of change over the last two hundred years.
Although they still maintain their traditional alliance with the Empire of Man, the Dawi of the Old World suffered badly from their pyrrhic victories in the Skaven and Greenskin Wars, to the point where they have begun a slow, inexorable demographic decline - not helped by increasing assimilation into the Empire. Increasingly, the Dawi have begun to coalesce around the master plan of the Great Reckoning, an effort to avenge every single Grudge in the Dammaz Kron in one fell swoop through the creation of an army of 100,000 Slayers. When the last of the Grudges has been satisfied, the sages of Dwarfkind believe that the Ancestor Gods will return and restore their people to their former glory.
Proving that it is truly an ill wind that blows no one any good, the shift in the Aethyr mentioned earlier had a profound influence on the Asur. With the increase in the concentration of Aethyric energy around, Asur born since 2594 have universally developed psykic abilities seemingly independent of their access to the Winds of Khaos, such that the younger generation now primarily speak mind-to-mind, can move themselves and objects with a thought, and much more that was once the exclusive ability of magi. Among many of the Asur, this is seen as a sign of the gods' continual favor, but these new abilities will need to be pressed into service sooner rather than later, as the blessed isle of Ulthuan is gradually sliding beneath the waves....
While their territories in Laurelorn have shrunken dramatically, the territories of the Asrai in Athel Loren remain quite strong in Bretonnia thanks in no small part to their political influence on Forest Law in L'Ancien Régime. As part of an increased level of caution (or paranoia), the Spellsingers embarked in a campaign of educating the entirety of their population in how to magically transport themselves between the remaining forests of the Old World and the spiritual dimension of Underhill, where magic remains strong and the verdant world untouched by hands of men, and to use the Glamour to move undetected in the human world.
[From the 9th Edition Imperial Encyclopedia]: Halflings (noun). A malevolent subspecies of mutant, destroyed in the Great Gene-Purge of 2614.
Life for the Vampire Counts has become increasingly more dangerous and complex. Driven from their seat of power in a vicious war that left much of Sylvania a faintly glowing wasteland of bomb craters and barbed wire, the survivors live on the run from the Imperial Plasmic Survey and the Schwarzmänner, although some vampires and thralls alike can manage to stay one step ahead via falsified blood samples and living in masquerade in the teeming throngs of urban society. Many of the surviving vampires have developed wealthy clients from among the nobility and the haut bourgeoisie, who are willing to risk the attentions of the state in exchange for infusions that extend their lifespans by decades. At the same time, the Vampire Counts are learning how to play politics by Imperial rules...
The Old World has changed, but the Greenskins have not. Although banished beyond the World's Edge Mountains, they still practice their traditional ways of WAAAGH! and generally making a mess of things. However, they have adapted to the age of gunpowder by trading with the Ogres of the East for the 'splody stuff, from the Orkish love of really big shootas and the Goblin fascination with bombs. The Greenskins might wear top hats and call their warleaders Nobz now, but they are still the mad, anarchic bastards who refuse to die.
Despite their defeat in the wars with the dwarfs and the mysterious explosion that engulfed Skavenblight in 2573 IC, the Underempire of the Skaven has adapted to their new circumstances in new and strange ways. While increasing urbanization has allowed the Skaven to spread through the sewers and subway systems of the Empire, they face new competition from the "Untervolk" and the increasingly impressive efforts of the human Technomancers. So instead the Skaven have allied with the Slaaneshi to sell warpstone dust drugs to the stupid stupid man-things, using the financial proceeds and the insidious long-term effects of warpstone dust to weaken humanity from within.
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Da boss already et 'af a dozen uv 'im Squigs, kilt tree uv 'im Nobz, an' pinned Halshaz's ears to a plank wit a coupla spikes 'dis mornin'. Mad? Nah, 'e's not mad. Dis is a good day.
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tictacpbandai · 8 months
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Converted a predator tank for a second Ork Trukk
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Some boyz/nobz riding in to the waaaagh
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wh40kgallery · 3 months
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T'au Empire vs Orks
by Pedro Nuñez
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soylent-robot · 9 months
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nobz are done! they will wait politely for their trukk
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gardhoulthehermit · 2 months
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I want y'all to meet one of my new nobz, Gorthog Krispyfist!
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Stirring Vestiges
In the Segmentum Solar, soaring within a region of space once guarded by the late Kaptin Zagbad Grimgul, a horrific battle raged. Nob Gogstomp Spleentwister mashed the controls of his rickety command throne, fist slamming into the buttons with thunderous slams.
Emergency sirens screamed throughout the bridge, bathing the room in a flashing red as Orks scurried around. Multiple boys were patching a breach in the window with power tools, while others were screaming at her terminals. Explosions outside in the void lit up the bridge every few seconds, and Gogstomp could easily spy the tyranid bio-ship floating towards the Gog-Stompa. His grimace turned into a snarl, his claws digging into the ship controls in a furious panic.
The Razorfiend released a volley of organic missiles from its rippling carapace, and when those bleeding torpedos slammed into the Gog-Stompa’s hull, all Orks in the bridge toppled over from the sheer force. Gogstomp held himself in place thanks to his grip on the controls, righting his balance easily before screaming,
“Why ain’t any ‘o yoo firing da gunz!?” Most of the Orks around him kept desperately repairing, but one turned and blurted out,
“Da bugz blew em up aftah dat last round Kaptin, we ain’t got any more gunz ta use!” Just then a chunk of scrap tore free from the ceiling and fell on the Ork, reducing him to a red smear with a loud crunch.
“ZOG ME, I’z knew dis wozza bad idea from da start! Should’ve torn da wheel from yoo when I’z ‘ad da chance!” A fur wearing nob roared, the infamous second in command Bogpunch vaulting over ruined consoles and rushing over to Gogstomp. “Wot are we gonna do now eh, wot now!?”
Gogstomp nearly fell over when Bogpunch slammed into him shoulder first, the impact eliciting a sickening crack from the bigger Nobz ribs. His claws still hung onto the console however, and he shoved into Bogpunch violently, pushing the Ork off him and sending the nob crashing into a group of Boyz.
“We’z gonna board em, loike any Ork will do you bloody nitwit! Get da ships ready or else-“
“B-BOSS, BOSS, look!” A boy screamed, pointing at the window. All the Greenskin’s heads turned, and outside in the depths of space, a green tear had opened up beside the Razorfiend. As the Tyranid ship bore down on the Gogstompa, the green portal grew larger, until out of it sailed a ghastly Kroozer. The ship burst free from the rip and smashed into the bio-ship at a ridiculous speed. As metal bore into flesh, carapace cracked open and blood flowed outward into the void.
The Razorfiend shuddered in agony, tail thrashing uselessly as the Kroozer cut it in half and continued on, now drenched in the purple ichor of the now dying ship. All the Orks watched the blackish vessel in awe, and one brought a claw to his cheek in astonishment.
“Dat’s….Dat’s Zagbad’s Kroozer…”
Multiple Orks whirled on him, a ruckus ensuing as they each tried to figure out what just happened. But Gogstomp remained silent, watching the Kroozer float through the void and leave them behind. He swore he could hear something….it was as if someone was laughing.
“Bogpunch, get Grimgrod on da phone….somefing weird’s goin on.”
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maniakminis · 8 months
I forgot to mention I played my first game of 10th edition a few weeks ago. I had a lot of fun. 1000 points vs Necrons, my buddy and I were both there to roll dice and learn our updated armies so we didn't have any objectives.
My Gorkanaut got in a slug fest with the Silent King for 3 turns before dying. I don't think he did a single wound in the shooting phase.
My Beast Boss on Squigasaur tanked an insane amount of wounds and finished off the Silent King. He was then quickly gunned down by 60 gauss rifles.
My biggest takeaway was how awesome Flash Gitz are. Not to metachase or anything but I want to run 30 of them because firing 120 shots in the shooting phase is very funny...
Anyway I'm converting more Flash Gitz out of Nobz and a bunch of Ogryn Ripper guns I have. I'm also gonna need to get two more Trukkz for them.
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