#Noelle Dunphy
odinsblog · 1 year
T/W rape mention
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A woman named Noelle Dunphy filed a shocking and graphic 70-page legal complaint against her former boss, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, accusing him of rape, sexual harassment, abuse of power, wage theft, and other misconduct while he was serving as former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.
Dunphy claims Guiliani hired her in 2019 as director of business development at a salary of $1 million per year plus expenses. Then, she says, he only paid her about $12,000 over the next two years, forced her to perform oral sex and have intercourse with him at work so he could “feel like Bill Clinton” and demanded she either be naked, wear a bikini, or wear short shorts he’d bought her with the American flag on them at work—even while he was on calls with the president. She also claims he regularly spouted off “confused and hostile alcohol-laced tirades” that were homophobic and racist in nature.
She says she recorded some of their interactions as proof.
👉🏿 https://jezebel.com/rudy-giuliani-accused-of-rape-and-sexual-harassment-in-1850439218
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A former aide to former Trump attorney Rudolph Giuliani says he told her the ex-New York City mayor and then-president Donald Trump were offering to sell presidential pardons for $2 million apiece, according to court documents.
The bombshell allegation was levied in a complaint filed against Mr. Giuliani by Noelle Dunphy, a New York-based public relations professional who is suing him for “unlawful abuses of power, wide-ranging sexual assault and harassment, wage theft, and other misconduct” committed while she worked for him in 2019 and 2020.
The lawsuit also claims that she was subjected to sexual assault, harassment, wage theft and other misconduct by Mr. Giuliani, and alleges that she was forced to perform sex acts on him and work in the nude.
Ms. Duphy’s lawsuit details an interaction she allegedly had with Mr. Giuliani on or about 16 February 2019, when he was serving as Mr. Trump’s personal attorney and attempting to dig up overseas dirt on then-former Vice President Joe Biden, who at the time was two months away from entering the 2020 presidential race against Mr. Trump.
She writes that as they reviewed emails between him and Ukrainian government officials, she asked if he had to register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act and offered to do the required paperwork for him.
The former mayor replied that he was allowed to violate FARA and other US laws because “[he had] immunity”, according to the lawsuit.
She then states that Mr. Giuliani asked her “if she knew anyone in need of a pardon” because he was “selling pardons for $2 million, which he and President Trump would split.”
“He told Ms. Dunphy that she could refer individuals seeking pardons to him, so long as they did not go through 'the normal channels' of the Office of the Pardon Attorney, because correspondence going to that office would be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,” the suit added.
During Mr Trump’s presidency, he frequently granted pardons to wealthy or well-connected individuals without the involvement of the Pardon Attorney, the Department of Justice official who is charged with reviewing petitions for executive clemency and making recommendations as to whether a given petition should be granted.
No evidence has ever emerged that either Mr. Trump or Mr. Giuliani were ever compensated for any presidential pardon granted during Mr. Trump’s time in office, but Ms. Dunphy’s allegation matches that made by another person who once sought a pardon from the then-president.
In August, The New York Times reported that former CIA officer John Kiriakou broached the topic with Mr. Giuliani during a meeting at the Washington D.C. hotel Mr. Trump’s company ran between 2016 and 2022.
Mr. Kiriakou, who in 2012 was sentenced to nearly three years in prison for disclosing classified information, told the Times that one of Mr. Giuliani’s associates at the meeting said the ex-New York City mayor could assist him — for a price.
“It’s going to cost $2 million — he’s going to want two million bucks,” he recalled the Giuliani associate as saying.
He also told the Times that he did not pursue a pardon through Mr. Giuliani because he could not afford to pay him $2 million.
“I laughed. Two million bucks — are you out of your mind?” Kiriakou told the outlet. “Even if I had two million bucks, I wouldn’t spend it to recover a $700,000 pension,” he said.
Ted Goodman, a spokesperson for and adviser to Mr. Giuliani, told The Independent in an email that the former New York mayor “unequivocally denies the allegations raised by Ms. Dunphy.”
“Mayor Giuliani’s lifetime of public service speaks for itself and he will pursue all available remedies and counterclaims,” he added.
The Independent has reached out to Mr. Trump’s team for comment.
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ivovynckier · 1 year
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Rudy is a hands-on guy. Subpoena actress Maria Bakalova!
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lifestyleug · 7 months
Who is Noelle Dunphy: Early Life, Career, Net Worth and More 
Noelle Dunphy, a well-known figure, gained attention for suing Rudy Giuliani over a sexual harassment case. She has a background in creative writing and now works as a business consultant. Noelle, 43 years old, was born in 1980. In 2019, she joined Rudy Giuliani as an associate, and she worked for him until 2021 when he was Donald Trump’s personal attorney.
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ceevee5 · 10 months
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Trump only picks the best people.
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soberscientistlife · 1 year
A new lawsuit alleges Rudy Giuliani attempted to SELL pardons from Donald Trump for $2 million which he said he would “split” with Trump.
The major accusation was included in a lawsuit also alleging Giuliani demanded sex from a former employee.
Even more significant, the accuser claims she has TAPE RECORDING’S of Giuliani demanding sex.
In a complaint filed in New York state court on Monday, attorneys for Noelle Dunphy allege Giuliani hired her only to solicit sex. She claims Giuliani allegedly drank alcohol and "took Viagra constantly," the document states.
Giuliani “made clear that satisfying his sexual demands—which came virtually anytime, anywhere—was an absolute requirement of her employment and of his legal representation,” the lawsuit alleges.
This is a major lawsuit that has BIG legal implications that can extend to Trump.
Source: @CalltoActivism Twitter
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antidrumpfs · 10 months
Rudy Giuliani was caught on audio tape spewing vulgar comments toward a woman who has since accused him of sexual harassment and sexual abuse, according to new transcripts filed in New York Supreme Court by lawyers for his accuser.
Noelle Dunphy sued the former New York City mayor for $10 million in May, filing a 70-page complaint chock full of graphic allegations and text messages. She alleged Giuliani forced her to have oral sex and intercourse with him, in addition to making sexist, racist, drunken, and antisemitic remarks when she worked for him from 2019 to 2021. She also revealed that she recorded some of their interactions.
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socialjusticeinamerica · 10 months
Idiot and Nazi.
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maddyformen · 10 months
Wtf did I just read? 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
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Why is it always the people you most suspect?
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savedfromsalvation · 1 year
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azspot · 1 year
It is more than possible for survivors of domestic abuse to fall out of the frying pan and into the fire: it happened to former porn star Linda Boreman (aka Linda Lovelace) repeatedly. So there is more than enough reason to believe that this occurred precisely as Noelle Dunphy says it did. But if that is so, it’s also hard to know how these things could have been happening in the vicinity of Donald J. Trump without him having a clue that one of his chief advisors was an abusive sex maniac.
The Alleged Sleaze Bag Formerly Known As America's Mayor
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1111111yeah · 1 year
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transcript from noelle dunphy / rudy giuliani court case
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pscottm · 10 months
Rudy Giuliani Transcripts Reveal Racist, Sexist Remarks – Rolling Stone
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Relación ideal y persona también
Mi relación ideal es que sea a base de confianza, tolerancia y comprensión. Que la lealtad sea algo fundamental, al igual que la comunicación.
Me gusta que me digan las cosas, porque o no me doy cuenta o no pregunto directamente porque no quiero incomodar.
Ojalá llegar a tener una relación constructiva, donde seamos partner, donde nos sintamos seguros de nuestros sentimientos y seguros como zona de confort.
Pero necesito también de compromiso, comprensión y tolerancia debido a enfermedades mentales que me llevan a condiciones físicas como temblores en las manos y en todo el cuerpo, problemas con el colon, problemas de migrañas, y sumándole la parte crítica de los trastornos donde deja de "ser divertido" o deja de ser un chiste, como lo son las crisis de angustia, los cuadros depresivos, entre otros.
So, eso como relación ideal.
Como persona ideal, ojalá tuviera todas esas características JDJDK así que lo enfocaré como en detalles simples.
Amo a la gente detallista, gente romántica, gente sensible, gente que escucha. También que tengan una personalidad más activa que la mía, porque así me pueden mantener animada y como que de algún modo nos podemos complementar fácilmente. Me gustan mucho las mentes abiertas, me encanta la gente que tiene sus metas y objetivos claros, que tienen los pies en la tierra, pero que también cuestionen todo. Al respecto, me gusta que tengan harta inteligencia pero que no sean pedantes. Me gusta que sepan de todo un poco, y que gusten de compartir conocimiento porque igual me gusta aprender aunque probablemente lo olvide o sea un dato insignificante jdjd.
Actualmente se me hizo requisito que no fumen, o que no lo hagan conmigo al lado, porque por medicación ya no puedo tolerar el humo, y el olor igual me molesta un poco 😔.
Me gusta que sea una persona hogareña, que le gusten los videojuegos porque igual me gusta jugar, pero más me gusta ver a la gente jugar JSJDKDK. Es como mi síndrome de hermana menor donde veía a mi hermano pasarse las etapas de los juegos sin ninguna dificultad jdjdjd.
Ahora, como en resumen, puedo decir algunos personajes que son como mi ideal xddd como para resumir mucho más, aunque me de mucho cringe mencionarlos: Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli, Noelle, Kuki y Ayaka del Genshin, Mitsuya y Baji de Tokyo Revengers, Guy de Los Croods, Edd de Ed, Edd & Eddy y Phil Dunphy de Modern Family (aunque esto es muy Freud, porque también es como una figura paterna para mí, pero es que es tan estúpido que me gusta JDJDJ).
Y esos son mis estándares sjjdd tampoco creo que sea tan exigente, pero bueno, son ideales. Nada puede ser 100% perfecto 🤝
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antidrumpfs · 1 year
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Woman files sexual harassment lawsuit against former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Noelle Dunphy filed the complaint in Manhattan Supreme Court, charging Giuliani with sexual abuse, harassment and wage theft. He reportedly refused to pay her the $1 million salary he promised. ...
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