#Noland Irwin [OC from the depth of my brain]
the-omndell-chronicles · 11 months
A spooky start to October (pt. 3)
*as the group sits there they hear the a distinct sound of music playing down the hall*
[hi mod here I just want to say that I am using this song as I loved this movie as a kid and I still do I really need to find sometime to watch it this month actually but lets get back to the story]
Joey: Ah that should be The Wanderer
Noland: oh just end my suffering now
*at that moment The Wanderer walks in placing a box at the center of the meeting table as the music continues playing in the background*
The Wanderer: Hello everyone as you all know it is Halloween and well I just really wanted to announce I do have some notes but none of you really need to be here
*Noland, and Capt. Hope just stare at him with indignation*
Capt. Hope: your kidding me
The Wanderer: no
Noland: I...I had a meeting and you were late to this meeting making me late to that meeting.
The Wanderer: Noland... I doesn't matter remember time is non linear in Omndell. you are still on time
*Noland roles his eyes*
Noland: well I need to go remind my sister that our work is going to get extremely busy in the coming weeks
*Noland leaves after saying this. Not but a few seconds later Capt. Hope just silently and angerly gets up to leaves followed by a slightly annoyed but amused Guinevere and Dr. Good who is trying to calm Capt. Hope*
Scitta: Come on Lurex we have to plan what to do for halloween
Lurex: sorry Scitta I think I have work to d-
The Wanderer: don't worry you have all of October off
Lurex: thanks Wanderer!
*Lurex and Scitta both run off*
The Wanderer: Lacey-
Lacey: already activating the witches brew production line
The Wanderer: and Lily Todd... she is already gone just gone never even left anyways with that I think I can say let the chaos commence
[Hi everyone Mod Wanderer here and oh good god this has been brewing for a while. I meant to have this done shortly after Part 2 but then life hit me like a train and well... yeah haven't had much time for tumblr anyways I'm probably going to be fully back by week's end or beginning of next week]
0 notes