#the wanderer‚ guardian of omndell
a small catlike child was walking around. their footsteps barely making a sound.
*reality bends near them as The Wanderer appears* The Wanderer: hello there small child what brings you too this place any questions to be answered, and items you require.
[Thank you at @magpieee101 for being the first to send in a ask. we are in desperate need of more asks]
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omndell-tales · 1 year
A Story's Beginning
???: Legends tell of place in between timelines, in between dimensions, a sort of resting point for travelers. ???: Many speak of this place but few actually remember it due to the nature of this rest point. ???: Those who usually speak of this place are alien to the reality that they are in. ???: Many have gone to seek out this place whether it be for fame money and power. ???: Though there are some who settled this place and let their being become one with the very fabric of reality of this place, this is their stories. ???: Ah yes stories like this are always interesting but I think I should introduce myself, I am The Wanderer, remember it isn't a name its a title. The Wanderer: Welcome to the realm of Omndell and like the story said its a place between realities and timelines, many come through this place but a number stay and join me to guard the rest of the multiverse. The Wanderer: The residents of Omndell will be accepting your questions or other things you want them to see or do (with in reason and nothing risque mind you). There is also a story that you all will have to unravel to meet more people. So with that good luck and ask away.
The Wanderer is now open for asks.
[Hi everyone Mod Wanderer here I am the owner of @the-multiversal-wanderer my personal blog, so maybe go check that out, but I am also the writer behind these characters. Other than that there are only two rules:
No risque questions they will be deleted
Nothing too controversial
Additional thing too note whenever a ask is submitted your ask in-universe will be spoken in universe into the mind of the target character and if no character was targeted it will be asked to everyone in the previous ask. and with that I wish you well on this journey because we are just getting started.]
[P.S. don't bey afraid to ask more than one question, though depending on how many questions are asked by one person their other questions may be pushed back so other user may ask questions]
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magolandandfriends · 1 year
Hello Magolor and friends, I have been watching your tale play out for a while and its interesting to me. I also brought a gift *place four bags of popeye's chicken in front of them* Its four chicken tender family meals making it 64 pieces of chicken twenty biscuits 20 sauces and 8 sides. I didn't know what you may want so I got 4 sides of fries, 2 sides of mashed potatoes and 2 sides of mac and cheese. Oh right and before I forget I had two questions. First, Magolor are you feeling any side effects from your little heatstroke incident. Second, I saw that Zan Partizanne and Susie are a couple so I was wondering if anyone else among the four of you (sans susie given my earlier point) or other people you know are in relationships. - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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[ They’re all happy. Very happy. Certified :D moment. ]
Magolor: No I haven’t been feeling any kind of side effects! It’s been a month since I fainted I’m doing perfectly fine! No need to worry!
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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Susie: That’s oddly specific-
Taranza: Trust me if I knew why I would tell you but- also don’t tell Marx I told you this I’ll never hear the end of it
Susie: oh don’t worry I won’t. I’ll just use this information to mess with him
Wanderer belongs to: @the-omndell-chronicles !!
(…. It’s been. Almost a month. Since I answered an ask. And it’s been. Almost 3 months. Since I’ve gotten this ask. Um. So how y’all doing)
(Anyways HOLY FUCJING SHIT ITS BEEN ALMOST A MONTH SINCE I FED YOU GUYS WITH MY ASKS IM SO DAMN SORRY- like I said before- college started, i had to wait for my new iPad to arrive, I have to do actual assignments now and I’ve been B U S Y, and this ask wAS SUPER LONG- I had to restart it twice because I wasn’t happy with how it was turning out)
(AND DAILY REMINDER ESPECIALLY WITH LIFE STARTINF TO GET MORE BUSY FOR ME. YOURE ASKS ARENT BEING IGNORED. NOT ONLY AM I LETTING A WHEEL PICK FOR ME BUT IM SUPER BUSY NOW. This time I’m going to focus on the asks from July before I go back to the wheel BUT hopefully now that this big one is finished they’ll come out quickly- I’ll try to get 1-2 out by the weekends but if not then please forgive me)
(And to those that read my tags on posts that were marx and Magolor focused- where I get extra silly. Yes this is technically a part where it starts to pick up but it’s more of a prologue if anything so do with that what you will)
(Ok anything else I wanna say- oh yes- Magolor isn’t lying he hasn’t been experiencing any side effects that were linked to the fainting incident. But his friends are keeping and extra close eye on him when the weather is hotter than usual. Man I hope something like that doesn’t happen again that would be cra-)
(OKOK ONE LAST BIT IF IMPORTANT INFO- I normally draw characters from the magoverse for silly and fun but this time I tried to draw this askers OC wanderer for fun- I tried goikg based off the text post that was on their profile but if I messed anything up then I DEEPLY apologize- I’ll try to make fixes if I don’t forget-)
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ask-dcf · 1 year
I have a set of games that Chara might like if Toriel say it is okay to get these games they are all from a small company called project moon they are lobotomy corporation, library of ruina, and Limbus company. The first is monster management game, the second is strategy card game and the third is a turn based RPG all have pretty heavy topics and blood so no clue if Toriel would allow it - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
*Chara looks them up on phone*
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*The scene slowly shifts to Data and Shift!Chara…. Still in the usual spot on the coach. Shift!Chara watching TV. And Data reading a book*
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Hello "chaos squad" I will say this universe is sure a interesting one my info says you have a super crown, I have heard the psychological damage that could occur if you're not careful could be awkward at best and traumatic at worst. do you still have it asking out of worry - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
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He is lying
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Hello again Mari things have certainly been moving since I was last here how are thing goings oh and also as a side note to Sunny don't worry about understanding mewo (yeah I witnessed that) It isn't the weirdest thing that could happen. - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
Things have been going well for us, Wanderer!
Sunny managed to confess to his crushes!
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He's grown so much from how he used to be and I'm so proud of him!
Anyways, are you just stopping by, or are you here to order?
Either one is fine, I'm just curious is all.
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Hello Kim it is me the Wanderer, and I wanted to help explain what some of the others who have passed by meant when they mentioned the mafia. Do you remember when I came by and mentioned how things were going not well or the panicked dragon who came by saying that Sunny and Mari's restaurant was abandoned. Well it had to do with the Mafia situation. You even had a close brush with them I suspect, specifically that girl who asked you if you would join their organization. So far everyone is scattered, temporary replacements are running some of the stores and restaurants and someone is injured though I don't think you know them. From the looks of it you are currently safe but just keep your head on a swivel you can't be too careful I say. Now though I must be off, stay safe - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
“and thats a good reason why I stayed inside…”
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askthetimekeepers · 1 year
Hello again I was wondering do you all have any furniture in the time pocket oh also I brought a gift for each of you.
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A BLAHAJ - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
TimeHunter Cookie: We don't really have any furniture here in this time rift. We just usually sit or stand.
TimeWeaver Cookie: And we truly appreciate the gift!
TimeTrapper Cookie: *hugs the shark cutely*
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somethings-diner · 1 year
Hello again something the wanderer here and I want to bring something to the attention of you, Mr. Jawsum, Mari and whoever else is with you. That is that almost if not all of the members of the mafia of kids, with the exception of LongLegs, have names that allude to religious or more accurately biblical origins. I just wanted to point that out in the off chance it could be at all helpful - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
Ooc: the Greek Mytholgy characters will not understand that
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(@pokege-ne-project, Shadow) She didn't understand a lot of this messaging system thing, but it was worth a shot! She did her best to send a message: "Hi! What sorta place did you come from? Was it also a city?" Hopefully this wasn't a minefield question...
*Guinevere's phone pings she looks at the phone reads the message and turns on the text speech function before putting down her phone*
Guinevere: well that is a complicated question. Where was I originally from I think I was from Hoenn around route 102 if you have been to Hoenn you know what I am talking about. Then I fell into a place called the Lost World. The Lost World is... well its hard to explain from what my boss The Wanderer said its basically where things go when they are lost that includes people and places as well as old concepts go. Now I live in a place called Omndell which is a city where many people pass through though it exists... elsewhere is the best way to describe it that won't take a while to explain. But other than that Omndell is both the name of the region(?) and the city I live in. Don't know if that answered your question Shadow [@pokege-ne-project] but if you have any other questions I would be happy to answer any more questions you have. *she sends the message and walks off taking her phone with her*
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the-omndell-chronicles · 11 months
Halloween Hijinks
The Wanderer: Ah yes to day one of the best days of the year, All Hallows eve the date when everyone is in costume, scary stories are told, children get to experience the joys of trick or treating, and the day at which some believe the veil between this world and realm of spirits is at its thinnest. And thus tonight means chaos. not to mention it's also a full moon in Omndell. yes Omndell doesn't follow the real world lunar cycle it just is what it is. Anyways CORE can we get footage of the others
Core: of course Wanderer let me just-
[No stopping you there]
The Wanderer: why not you know it would be fun
[yeah but also life is still kinda thing and still have some stuff to get done. But you know what if the askers want to see chaos they can ask for who they want to see on this Halloween nigh at any point in the year until of course next year. really gonna have to have everything written and tagged prior for next year so that this doesn't happen again]
The Wanderer: Well you heard it here folks anyways. From all of us in Omndell we say Have A Happy Halloween
[OOC: hi this is me actually taking a step back for a sec and just say I am tired definitely need a game plan next year]
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A spooky start to October (pt. 1)
Core: Okay lets get this show on the road Wanderer knows its October and I haven't been able to contact him for a bit all he told me was to send a email to his assistant to prepare a meeting. So I am just as much in the dark as you dear viewers and those working under the Wanderer
*in one of the meeting rooms with in the walls of where ever The Wanderer works sits Lily Todd, Guinevere, Lurex and on a wall is a screen with the Ever Ticking Clock*
Lurex: So... are we here?
Guinevere: Girl your guess is as good as mine. I hate how the Wanderer tells us nothing at times
Ever Ticking Clock: He could be messing with us it wouldn't be too odd for him
*Lily Todd smiles fingers neatly interlaced before her*
Guinevere: There is something you aren't telling us
*Lily Todd's eyes glow green*
Lily Todd: in due time, Guinevere in due time besides the others should be here soon...
*at that very moment the door opens as a small waddle dee with glasses comes in with a clipboard. He is followed by Capt. Hope and Lacey, as well as a small pastel pink kobold with motor oil on their skin and overalls, a teenager in a black bicker jacket, black cargo pants and skull t-shirt, and a meek looking doctor or researcher with thick round glasses.
Lilly Todd: ah perfect timing Joey you are right on time
Joey: Just as always, now other than The Wanderer everyone should be here so everyone take your seats and the meeting will begin soon
{End of part 1}
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omndell-tales · 1 year
Character Files: The Wanderer
Photo: N/A
Age: ??? Gender: Male Species: Human Description: A human that from person to person will seem different in their physically attributes each time he is perceived. He wears a green and black robe with a fractal pattern and a pair of glasses with round lenses. Atop his head is a clockwork top hat. He always carries three things with him. The first is a ring of pristine white keys, the second is an umbrella and the third is a magic satchel. Power: ??? Relations: ??? Job: Guardian of Omndell
[Mod Wanderer here again here to explain how character files will work. Character files are a way for you all track info known about each of the characters. As you ask the characters more questions the more info you get. that info will be visible here and every time either a lot of new info or a critical piece of info is found I will update it via a self re-blog. Also there is currently no art as I am not good at art bad I may add my own at some point]
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Guinevere: Hey Wanderer we got your message what was it that you wanted to talk to us about Lily Todd: I feel as if there another force here watching us Guinevere: also I thought there would be three of us The Wanderer: oh don't worry ETC will be here in...
Ever Ticking Clock: hello Wanderer did you require my assistance
The Wanderer: yes I started a little outreach program and now people can ask you all as well as me questions Lily Todd: So that is what I felt watching Guinevere: ah that makes a lot more sense The Wanderer: so could you guys just quickly introduce yourselves
Ever Ticking Clock: of course, Hello I am the iterator Ever Ticking clock, My home reality is that of RainWorld, I am currently communicating from the inside of can which is at the top of a clock tower which houses a number organisms
Lily Todd: I am Lily Todd a psychologist from America who has a connection to The Eye, I learned this fact after coming into contact with a magnus archive tape, case number 9721207 if I remember correctly Guinevere: and I am Guinevere a Gardevoir who got transported into a hell reality which in-turn mutated me a bit but now I can speak English. As for the mutations I have now have magic abilities and the tips of my hair and my eyes are pink but that's it.
Lily Todd, Guinevere, and Ever Ticking Clock/ETC are now open for asks.
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Core: Sir, I think I have a idea
The Wanderer: yes core what is it
Core: you keep talking about how this front gets little interaction to say the least
The Wanderer: okay and
Core: If we get some of the others to participate maybe we would see more people
The Wanderer: Wonderful idea Core. HEY [MOD WANDERER]
[Yes, oh right hello again readers and other mods these two are only two who can hear me/see what I type. anyways so who did you want me to add] The Wanderer: How about E.T.C., Guinevere, Lily Todd
[will do (this will take a bit though)]
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Character Files: The Wanderer
Photo: N/A
Age: ??? Gender: Male Species: Human Description: A human that from person to person will seem different in their physically attributes each time he is perceived. He wears a green and black robe with a fractal pattern and a pair of glasses with round lenses. Atop his head is a clockwork top hat. He always carries three things with him. The first is a ring of pristine white keys, the second is an umbrella and the third is a magic satchel. Power: ??? Relations: ??? Job: Guardian of Omndell
[Mod Wanderer here again here to explain how character files will work. Character files are a way for you all track info known about each of the characters. As you ask the characters more questions the more info you get. that info will be visible here and every time either a lot of new info or a critical piece of info is found I will update it via a self re-blog. Also there is currently no art as I am not good at art bad I may add my own at some point]
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