#Noora + William
noorhelming · 3 months
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Skam S02E03 - 18.03.16 - FREDAG, 21:22 From the script written by Julie Andem
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admireforever · 7 months
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Skam (s02e05)
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rachemchul · 10 months
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forbescaroline · 2 years
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MELISSA'S 225 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME ranked by my followers 198. noora seatre and william magnusson - skam “It's always gonna be me and William.”
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davidluigi · 1 year
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Skam 4x10 - ‘Thanks for everything’
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sheriheartsit · 10 months
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endless list of my all time favourite tv ships; ♡ william magnusson & noora sætre {Skam} ↳ “Are you never letting anyone in again because you might get hurt? Believe me, you don’t want that. It’s really lonely. People need people. I love you. And you love me. We have to be together. Tell me we should be together.”
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etherealbelladonna1 · 1 month
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jegulus4444 · 9 months
Skam is everything to me. Happy eight years. This show changed the course of my life and will forever be my favourite. Skam is my way of living
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rainbowhat98 · 9 months
I’m rewatching SKAM, and Noora is SO lesbian coded, why the fuck did she end up William of all people???
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noorhelming · 11 months
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♡ Skam (2016) | The OC (2003) ♡
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azulala17 · 2 months
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i like this scene a lot i love everything about it <3
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rachemchul · 10 months
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I just finished watching Skam (Norway) today and let’s just say I’m not kidding when I say this is one of the BEST shows I’ve ever watched. I did take a lot of time to watch all the seasons (spanning over one year) but I enjoyed each and every moment of it. Well, some a little less than others. Hence, I have some thoughts and please forgive my yapping.
Okay so Season 1. I actually liked it quite a lot. The acting was good, and it gave a nice start to the whole story.
The getting together of the girls was the highlight obviously, but I really liked the portrayal of Eva in this, as a kind of lost teenager who doesn’t have a lot of direction in her life and is mostly dependent on her boyfriend.
I did think the Isak plot line in this was a little badly done, but I guess it was necessary for the big reveal in the end.
I think the fact that Eva was able to resolve things with Ingrid was very unrealistic, considering they had literally been besties and she basically stole her man. But really idk.
Talking about Jonas, he was majorly gaslighting Eva during the season so I think their relationship was a little immature. Classic right person wrong time.
Penetrator Chris is SO HOT. Especially in that mf smoky eye makeup istg. But he’s a giant asshole and we do not support him.
Season 2. Okay. First let’s start with the showstealer. Eskild my man. I don’t think Eskild is appreciated enough in the whole series but I absolutely love him!! He is so mature, and is such a good friend. I love the dynamic between him and Noora and even him and Linn.
Now let’s address the elephant in the room because why not? I did not like Noorhelm all that much. William never had much of a character development and we never get to see him expressing a lot of emotions. I forever stand by the opinion that Noora was too good for him. Many people talk about William’s support of Noora’s decision to not have sex, but really, that’s like settling for the bare minimum that can be expected from a decent person.
I think the dickhead of a brother had more personality than William. So in conclusion, season 2 did not really impress me but I’d watch it again for Eskild.
Eva hooking up with Chris?? The guy she cheated on her ex with? Can’t say I like this.
Season 3 is SO well done. There’s no question about it. I love Isak’s slow acceptance of his sexuality. From being a closeted gay guy who made homophobic comments to fit in, to a happy and out gay guy in a relationship.
Absolutely adore the boys. Jonas, Mahdi, Magnus. I especially loved Magnus and his take on the whole situation.
Eskild coming in and stealing the show yet again?!!
Emma and Sonja are VICTIMS. As much as I love Evak, they fucked their girlfriends over pretty bad and I hate them for it. Also, Emma is soooooooooo pretty.
The story of Even. His whole character portrayal. The picturisation of his mental issues. Chef’s kiss.
Minute by minute??? Are you trying to kill me here??? It is SO wholesome and they both have matured so much, especially Isak, dealing with his sexuality plus his boyfriend’s mental issues so delicately.
Their chemistry. Their chemistry. Their chemistry.
Sonja should NOT have apologised.
Overall, this season is tied with the fourth as my favourite.
Season 4. Sana is my favourite character hands down. She is portrayed so well, we see all her insecurities, beliefs so beautifully.
Yousana is my favourite couple. Evak is a close second.
The understanding between them, the intellectual conversations, the level of maturity. Just wondrous.
I did think the whole situation with the russ bus was overdone. I never really understood why Sana was so involved with it in the first place. This could easily have been summed up in one episode leaving time for more Yousana development.
Yousef is such a green flag omg. He’s literally the cutest out of all skam boys( my opinion). I just wish he had more screen time.
Elias and Sana??? Whatever bits and pieces we got to see of their relationship were GOLD.
I. Love. My. Girls. So. Much. I just wish Sana was shown interacting more with all of them, not just Noora. Also Yousef and Noora working together to thaw Sana??
I canNOT stress this enough. Yousef and Sana are the best couple ( besides Evak obviously). The chemistry, the flirting, everything was done so right that it got me blushing furiously through the screen. And they managed to do all this without showing any kind of physical contact. Just lovely. The way they counter each other’s opinions with such delicacy and respect makes me believe that they are definitely going to last.
The situation with Even and Mikael and all the balloon squad boys should have been given more screen time.
The way Sana’s faith and her relationship with her family were handled are commendable. We see the dilemma, the cogs of her brain working, and how she accepts her fate and doesn’t sway from her beliefs. I strongly believe that her and Yousef will handle their differences maturely and still come out to be a strong couple.
I SWEAR SHE AND I ARE SOULMATES?????? Cutest shit I’ve ever seen.
Sana and Isak’s friendship means so much to me. In Season 3, we see her rising above her opinions and respecting homosexuality. Here we see Isak figuring Sana out and helping her see beyond her strong opinions. And wdym Sana??? You are best buds.
Okay. The last episode. I absolutely loved it. It’s one of the best season finales I’ve ever watched. We go into the lives of all the girls and some of the guys too. I literally teared up at the Eskild and Linn part!!( idk why they still address Chris as penetrator Chris when his face is literally on the screen like people we know it’s not our girl?? Idk I find it extremely funny). I wish they had shown more of Vilde and Chris’ friendship in the past and not just the final episode. The Even part was absolutely incredible. His insecurities, his fears, and we see him pacifying Isak and not the other way around. Yousef texting Sana from Turkey?? And saying he’ll take her there?? My heart melted.
I literally don’t think Noorhelm is going to last long even though they have reconciled. Something just seems off. Joneva is back??? Didn’t really like the buildup but I guess they could be a good couple as they are more mature than the last time.
Okay. So that sums it up more or less. My favourite was season 4, closely followed by season 3. My favourite characters were Sana and Eskild, they were just so amazing. I related to Sana fiercely all through the show.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to give your own opinions please!!!!
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rdng1230 · 11 months
William from Skam and Willhelm from Young Royals are like... the same character
If I had a nickel for every time I initially disliked a nordic dude named Will because I thought he was a violent party kid,
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but then I grew to like him due to him falling in love with a Singer who is of lower financial/social status, and who then helped shift Will's perspective on class/emotional vulnerability etc.
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but also because I discovered Will's tragic backstory involving the death of a sibling in a car crash which helped explain a lot of coldness/shittiness of the character. Then, when the aforementioned singing romantic partner (who was a minor at the time) has sexually explicit images recorded of them without their consent by a family member of Will's....
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Will's eventual integrity/support/revenge arc from the fallout of that helped cement my love for the character.
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davidluigi · 1 year
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Skam 2x02 - ‘You’re lying to a friend and blame me for it’
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lunaathorne · 1 year
Insane to me that there are people who genuinely believe that Noora and William shared a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship. Insane to me that there are people who think it's a good deconstruction of the good girl bad boy trope. Insane to me that there are people who think they are the Darcy and Elizabeth of SKAM. Insane to me that people saw an older boy who had unprotected sex with a young girl, gave her a pregnancy scare, destroyed her self esteem enough to give her an eating disorder, apologized to her in a half assed way because he was promised a date, blackmailed and harassed her female friend into going out with him and they thought "omg so cute this is what young love looks like!" And then they point to nooreva and say it won't work because *checks smudged writing on palm* eva idolizes noora and doesn't see her true self. be fucking for real.
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