#Nordic Noir AU
ghostcat3000 · 1 year
After the fire, Várvá told the police what she thought was the truth: there was nothing out of the ordinary about that day. She couldn't remember when she’d last spoken to the lady of the house, whether she’d even seen the boy before he’d gone upstairs, or if she'd noticed if the long matches that were usually kept in the drawer next to the stove were missing. Várvá had only cleaned, cooked, and left, like she always did. It wasn’t her job to see too much.
Sometime later Várvá would remember the mess on the sole of her shoe and how that―along with the night’s fog blotting out the sun so that it appeared small and too-distant―had left her uneasy on the bus ride back to Tromsøya. She’d put her brand new yellow Sports Walkman on her lap, placed the headphones over her ears, but didn’t press play, listening to the hissing sound of the brakes at every stop instead. 
(soundtrack snippets from Prologue: Monday 21.21 of Rest Easy)
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nukaberrycola · 1 year
Alright I am super nervous but it'll most likely never be seen by anyone ever but here it goes. Here is the first chapter of a fun thing I'm writing called blood diamonds. Now beware, I am not a professional writer, I am new and I love doing it. I'll gladly and openly accept criticism and advice. I really want to get better and be an author one day!!
Blood diamonds.
Chapter one.
September 25th 1930, 12:28 am.
     The rain still fell heavy as Nick exited his Buick. The neon bar sign casted a yellow light onto the sidewalk, the puddle making it reflect. He stepped over the puddle and walked into the bar, the air already thick with smoke and cheap beer. He took of his hat, the velvet damp from the rain. Nick's client told him he had a lead here waiting for him, told to look for a strawberry blonde woman with cyan eyes. As he approached the bar he scanned the room first, a few small groups of people at tables drinking and smoking. A couple cling onto each other at the end of the bar, no strawberry blonde woman.
   "What can I get for you?" The bartender asked while she cleaned a whiskey glass.
   Nick pulled out his wallet, taking out a five dollar bill setting it on the counter. "Scotch on the rocks." The bartender took the money and began to make the drink. She was nothing too special, her hair was black with thick bouncy curls, Grey eyes and a roundish face, she wasn't too pretty but just enough to flirt men into giving her more money. She set the glass down in front of his hand and walked away from the bar. Nick nursed his drink, trying to seem like that's all he was here for.
   "Hah, rotten luck boys."
  A heavily accent voice called out from the back of the bar. It peaked Nick's interest, he craned his neck to try and get a look in the back.
   "Intrested in the game of poker back there?" The bartender asked in a whisper. Nick turned to face her, he nodded.
   "Yeah it might just be my lucky night."
   She ran a pale hand through her curls, she opened her mouth to say something before a man slammed his cup down on the counter.
   "More whiskey Sky, please I'll tip you more once I win a damn game." The bartender or rather Sky was it just sighed and rolled her eyes.
    "Sure John, we already know that damn Nordic woman is unbeatable." She poured more whiskey into his glass. Nick drowned out their talking and made his way to the back of the bar. There at a table sat three men and one woman, this woman had long strawberry blonde hair that had a bunch of small braids and jewelry woven into them. She laughed as she collected her winnings. The men groaned and cursed at their losses. Nick walked up to the table, holding his hat against his chest.
   "Alright if I join?"
"If you're willing to bet."
Nick nodded as cyan eyes met his, her lips curling into a small smirk. The three other men got up and walked off, mumbling about cheating and telling Nick good luck. As he sat down the woman shuffled the deck, this gave Nick time to pull out some change from his pocket and set it on the table. She dealt the cards slowly, his hand already not looking too hot. Five of hearts, four of spades and an ace. She dealt one card and Nick followed suit.
   "What's a pretty lady doing here in mayflower? And so far from home." Nick asked hoping to break the ice.
The woman eyed him before answering.
"Moved here when I was young and it seems like I'm not going anywhere. What about you? Wolf." She played another card. Nick had to think carefully.
  "Born and raised here miss.. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."
  "Skåld, Eivor Skåld." She dropped her deck showing winning numbers. Nick dropped his, showing just his luck. Eivor scowled as she reached for her pocket. Nick put up a hand to stop her, she looked at him in confusion.
  "I don't want your money, I want information that you may have." Her eyes looked him over, trying to figure him out.
   "What kind of information are you looking for mister.. I'm sorry you didn't tell me your name." Nicks lips tugged upwards a little, he fished into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small card and handing it to her.
  "Private detective Nick Valentine." Her accent curled around the syllables in a sharp way. Eivor pocketed the card and returned her gaze to him.
   "Something very valuable was stolen from the May's easte and a maid was murdered in cold blood." Nick ran the tip of his finger over the scratched wood of the table. Eivor scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
   "Think I've got anything to do with that mess?" Nick shook his head while he pulled out and envelope and dropped it onto the table. Eivor hesited before snatching up the envelope and pulling out the money that lay inside.
  "I heard you were at the party when it happened. Witnesses say you were quite the shutter bug that night." Her cyan eyes looked over the money before quickly shoving it back inside the envelope. Her long slim fingers fidgted with the corner of the envelope, Nick now noticed how long her nails were, painted a deep cherry red. Eivor gently set the envelope down before speaking gently.
   "You want to buy those pictures off me." He nodded.
   "Yes I do, and that should be enough to cover it."
  "I need to develop them first, then I can give them to you." Nick rose to his feet, Eivor doing the same motion while picking up the envelope.
"Well detective, I have your office address. How about I bring those photos over tomorrow morning." Eivor held out her slender pale hand, Nick took it and they both shook on it. He watched as she collected her earlier winnings and shoved it all into a velvet coin purse. She walked out from around the table and towards the front of the bar, Nick noted that she was tall for a woman, slightly wide hips and a fuller body. Definitely Nordic. Mayflower has always been very diverse in its population but the Nordics were rare, not a lot of them like leaving their cold homelands for a floating island. Nick shook his head and made his way back up to the bar, he grabbed his Scotch and looked it over, he decided he no longer wanted it. Pulling out three dollars he set it under the glass and took his leave. He was thankful for fresh air once he stepped outside. The rain had slowed to a drizzle and no traffic lined the streets. But people did line the sidewalks, he was downtown and that usually meant more bad people and crime were active. He hoped Eivor didn't live down here, Nick slid behind the wheel of his car and began the lackluster drive home. Nick always wondered if what he did mattered, taking small cases like for instance helping an old woman get her rights back to her dead husband's home, or getting back a mother's stolen car. The M.F.PD didn't do much these days or even seemed to care about its own citizens. He focused on the painted white line on the road, while his mind wandered farther then it needed to. He pulled up to the apartment complex, lucky enough only a couple of people lived here. He parked into one of the small garages that lived under his apartment. As he ascend the stairs he heard an argument between a young couple who moved here not too long ago. Trouble in paradise, Nick thought as he unlocked the rickety wooden door. His apartment stood dark and silent, the air rather stale and stuffy. It was late and Nick was tired. He turned on the small table lamp that sat by his couch and opened up the window. The cold night air washed in bringing in the fresh smell of rain, he retired to his small bedroom and took the time to remove his suit. As he laid down he hoped Eivor's photographs gave him more to grab onto and work with.
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nordickies · 1 year
Can we get some Denmark and Norway stuff?
Yup! I just didn't know what to draw, so I figured I could draw something for the AU that has been rotting my brain
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I've been consuming too many Nordic Noir series lately, and this is the result. You cannot tell me Norway wouldn't make perfect sense for a detective show! Plus, his struggle with a Danish officer has fun possibilities. The drama and melancholy of Noir, with a Buddy cop twist, sign me up!! It's perfect
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mousemannation · 6 months
im combining tag games here a little but thank uuuu to @shapovalovvs @nick-cassidy and @bluespring864 for the tags!!!!!
Last song: talk is cheap by chet faker!
Status: aroace and never looking lol
Currently watching: I just started The Man Who Died with my mum it's supposedly a comedic Nordic noir and I've enjoyed the first two episodes. I did also watch the first episode of taskmaster aus and was happily delighted to find it was quite good sjsj
Current obsession: still deep in the tennis hyperfixation.. I did also start attempting to carve a bear for my friend out of wood yesterday
Colour: sage green!!!!
these next two r technically only part of the game blue tagged me in!
Sweet/savoury/spicy: I can enjoy all three but I don't like anything that's too much of something.. autism..
Last thing searched: library opening hours bc I need to replace my library cards lol
im not gonna tag anyone specific bc i combined many tags and also this is from like two weeks ago djdjjd so enjoy the q&a with me !
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bereft-of-frogs · 1 year
6, 7, 17 for the fanfic asks
tag thing 3/3
I believe this was from this list, though my answer is super late
6. Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs? If so, elaborate!
I actually have a repository for my Star Wars OC fics now. Hoping to put some more in there to fill upcoming whumptober prompts, it was kind of inspired by the animated short series Visions, in that it could kind of bend the rules of canon and not have to have anything to do with the main narrative. A good exercise in character development, I think. There are a couple upcoming OCs (‘dark ocean’ has one main one that helps out our MCs and I have this whole long 4 part series planned about a serial killer that spans 40 years, and while 3 parts feature canon characters, the 4th will, in theory, be almost all OCs) and I feel like most fics have to have at least 1-2, right?
And I'm kind of sad that it’s unlikely that I’ll ever finish the ‘Nordic noir’-style fic that was supposed to be the continuation to my main AU series, because Astrid, my first and most beloved OC, was going to make a comeback and play a slightly larger role. She is my most beloved because I was actually really nervous to include her because 1) past experiences especially from my former fandom days back in the 00s made me wary of OCs, especially female ones, 2) she had to deliver a lot of exposition, 3) it was exposition on a sort of controversial topic, 4) yeah I was kind of using her as a mouthpiece for my own ideas about said controversial fandom topic. So I was super nervous but she was well-received and that gave me a lot more confidence to write more OCs into fics.
7. What’s a troupe you love to write?
I am assuming this is supposed to say ‘trope’ but you know me I love an ensemble (though also ensemble casts can be so hard to write). Jk, yeah tropes, idk I like a whole range of hurt/comfort tropes, that’s definitely where I’m most comfortable. Magical exhaustion/magical consequences, always fun. ‘There was only one bed’, classic. I feel like I keep having things with ghosts in them, don’t know if that counts as a trope. ‘___ as death/grief metaphor’. I also keep writing about nightmares, so much that I had to have a little talk with myself on this current rewrite about nightmares and cut like 70% of them.
17. Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
I think early writing inspiration came from Tamora Pierce, particularly her Circle of Magic series (see previous post about books that have stuck with me). Definitely turned me on to the idea of like, magical found families. Tamsyn Muir I feel like I have a weird relationship to because there’s a part of me that’s like…mad I didn’t think of it first but definitely once I got over that she’s for sure inspired me to just go so much harder on the death metaphors and the descriptions of corpses, so that’s fun. I’m trying to remember how I filled out this question for NaNoWriMo way back in the day…idk I think American Gods is an influential single-story for me. I can’t think of any other big authors but also in terms of fandom writers who influenced me, I’ll admit to being influenced to loving long, plotty Star Wars fics by ruth baulding, the only reason I still have an open fanfiction.net account, and when I was getting back into writing fic around 2018 or so, I was both inspired and encouraged by @veliseraptor so thank you so much <3
Ok, I have to go clean my apartment now, feel free to send any other questions from this list or from the other ask game thing (see tagged thing 1/3), and I will answer them when I return!
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pdj-france · 1 year
Ce post est écrit en partenariat avec Robot Cache. Obtenez votre propre copie de Torment: Tides of Numenera gratuitement avec l'aimable autorisation de Robot Cache ici. Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que l'avenir nous réserve, dans des milliards d'années, en supposant que nous n'ayons pas transformé la Terre en une ruine fumante ? Y aura-t-il des voitures volantes ? Des pilules alimentaires ? Aurons-nous tous perdu notre corps et nous serons-nous transformés en êtres d'énergie pure ? Pas d'après Torment: Tides of Numenera, un RPG fantastique qui fait l'objet du dernier jeu PC du distributeur numérique Robot Cache. Conçu en tant qu'une suite spirituelle du classique Planescape: Torment, il brosse un tableau très différent. Tant de civilisations se sont élevées et sont tombées que le monde est un mélange de style médiéval de magie, de monstres et de technologie peu fiable. Et dans toute cette étrangeté, tu es né. Vous n'êtes techniquement pas un bébé, provoquant 3xd6 dégâts avec vos dents de lait, mais votre protagoniste est aussi nouveau à travers le monde. En qualité de The Last Castoff, vous vous réveillez pour révéler que vous étiez autrefois le vaisseau d'une intelligence sautillante. Et désormais qu'ils t'ont rejeté, tu as une vie bien à toi. C'est à vous de décider quel chemin vous empruntez, même si vos décisions auront de profondes conséquences. Prenez-vous la grande route, essayant d'être une meilleure personne que votre « créateur » ? Peut-être, sachant que les gens reconnaissent votre forme actuelle, prétendez-vous être vous-même ? Cela ne dépend que de vous et si vous jouez bien vos cartes, vous pouvez même vous sortir du bataille. Ne vous attendez pas à ce que les choses soient en noir et blanc; Torment: Tides of Numenera n'est pas un de ces jeux. Il offre un monde fascinant et imparfait avec des personnages dont les motivations sont au mieux boueuses. Et grâce à Robot Cache, vous pouvez obtenir la version PC tout à fait gratuitement. Robot Cache est une plateforme de distribution de jeux vidéo PC qui vous permet de vendre vos jeux numériques. Traditionnellement, une fois que vous avez acheté un jeu numérique, vous êtes bloqué, vous ne pouvez pas l'échanger avec un ami ou le mettre sur eBay. Vous avez vu tout ce qu'il y a à voir, et désormais ce jeu languit dans votre bibliothèque, pour ne plus jamais être joué. Mais avec Robot Cache, vous pouvez donner une seconde vie à ce jeu. Une fois que vous avez terminé un jeu, ou si vous venez de décider que vous en avez terminé, vous pouvez continuer et le mettre en vente. Et si vous craignez de perdre des développeurs, ne le soyez pas, car Robot Cache redonne aux développeurs 70% quand vous vendez. La société compte 50 partenaires éditeurs, dont Atari, Bethesda, THQ Nordic, inXile Entertainment, vous pouvez donc mettre la main sur des titres comme Destroy All Humans 2, Metro : Last Light et bien d'autres. Robot Cache propose plus de 700 jeux, allant des jeux indépendants aux versions AAA. De plus, vous pouvez économiser gros avec plus de 200 titres actuellement en vente. Robot Cache propose même des essais sur certains titres. Vous voulez un avant-goût de The Walking Dead : The Telltale Definitive Series ? C'est l'un des essais disponibles, mais ne vous plaignez pas quand le générique roule et que vous pleurez partout sur votre clavier. Pour réclamer votre copie de Torment: Tides of Numenera, qui vous appartient, créez un compte Robot Cache gratuit ici. Et pendant que vous y êtes, découvrez quelques-uns des essais et offres proposés. Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la façon dont Robot Cache change le paysage du jeu ? En savoir plus ici. - Ce post a été mis à jour le 8 août 2023 À propos de l'auteur Plus sur Attack of the Fanboy :
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gameforestdach · 1 year
THQ Nordic bringt das Reboot von Alone in the Dark am 25. Oktober 2022 für PlayStation 5, Xbox Series und PC heraus. Zugleich ist eine kostenlose Demo-Version des Spiels erhältlich. Die Hauptrollen übernehmen Hollywood-Stars David Harbour und Jodie Comer, und IGN hat bereits erste Eindrücke veröffentlicht. Launch-Termin am 25. Oktober 2022 für PS5, Xbox Series und PC Kostenlose Demo-Version verfügbar Starbesetzung mit David Harbour und Jodie Comer Klassische Lovecraft-Horror-Elemente und Entscheidungsfreiheit IGN liefert erste Preview-Review Das Warten hat ein Ende: Alone in the Dark Reboot und Demo THQ Nordic hat kürzlich bekannt gegeben, dass das langersehnte Reboot von Alone in the Dark am 25. Oktober 2022 für PlayStation 5, Xbox Series und PC auf den Markt kommen wird. Fans des Horror-Klassikers können einen ersten Eindruck von der Neuauflage erhalten, indem sie sich eine kostenlose Demo-Version für Konsolen herunterladen. Die Demo dreht sich um die 11-jährige Grace Saunders, deren alltägliche Besorgungen in einem albtraumhaften Chaos enden. Hollywood-Stars als Hauptfiguren Das Reboot setzt im Bereich der Charaktere auf hochkarätige Darsteller und schauspielerisches Talent: David Harbour, bekannt aus der Serie "Stranger Things", und Jodie Comer, Star der Serie "Killing Eve", wurden als Hauptfiguren Edward Carnby und Emily Hartwood verpflichtet. Entscheidungsfreiheit und unterschiedliche Perspektiven THQ Nordic verspricht den Spielern, dass sie in Alone in the Dark nicht nur zwischen Edward Carnby und Emily Hartwood wählen können, sondern dass diese Wahl auch tatsächlich Einfluss auf die Spielhandlung hat. Jeder Charakter bietet dem Spieler eine unterschiedliche Perspektive auf dieselbe story. Lovecrafts Horror und Noir-Atmosphäre In Alone in the Dark tauchen die Spieler in die Welt der Lovecraft-schen Horror-Elemente ein, die in der Atmosphäre der 1920er im US-amerikanischen Süden spielen. Das Reboot ist als Hommage an den Kult-Klassiker der 90er Jahre mit einer Noir-Setting konzipiert. Seit der Ankündigung im August 2022 hielt sich THQ Nordic-Entwicklungsteam eher bedeckt, um Spannung aufzubauen. Fazit Das Reboot von Alone in the Dark verspricht mit einer Hollywood-Starbesetzung, Lovecrafts Horror-Elementen und Entscheidungsfreiheit sowohl für Fans des Klassikers als auch für Neueinsteiger ein interessantes Erlebnis. Sowohl der angekündigte Release-Termin am 25. Oktober 2022 als auch die kostenlose Demo lassen die Vorfreude weiter steigen. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass das Reboot den Erwartungen gerecht wird.
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neonun-au · 3 years
ok someone come and brainstorm an elaborate doie au with me im thinking....fuck why do i always just want to put him in like private detective / crime aus lol
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nordicwannabe-blog · 4 years
The Chestnut Man (Der Kastanien Mann)- neue Netflix-Serie aus Dänemark
"The Chestnut Man" (Der Kastanien Mann)- neue Netflix-Serie aus #Dänemark - jetzt schon mal vormerken
Hej, die Dreharbeiten zu The Chestnut Man haben in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, begonnen. Der dänische Psychothriller hat seine Wurzeln im Nordic Noir-Genre und basiert auf dem gefeierten Roman “The Chestnut Man” von Søren Sveistrup (The Killing) mit den preisgekrönten SchauspielerInnen Danica Curcic (The Mist, Equinox), Mikkel Boe Følsgaard (The Rain) , A Royal Affair), David Dencik (Tschernobyl, James…
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okay, so me and @snowy-atlas are totally normal. today when we were walking down the streets of stockholm together, we saw "Danske Bank" (Danish bank) and immedietly thought of Deutsche Bank. And well... It lead to this
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behold the nordic noir au where kinn and porsche are getting it on in a classic "badtunna" during the winter in the middle of nowhere, with danske bank watching in the background
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echocoffee · 3 years
I have so many Young Royals fic ideas in my head, but no creative talent to write them.
So if you’re looking for a bit of inspiration, feel free to explore the following prompts:
- Young Royals x Snabba Cash crossover - basically Simon and August’s storyline in YR but set several years after Hillerska, with the financial stakes much MUCH higher - struggling entrepreneur Simon makes a deal with cash-poor nobleman and the royal family’s second cousin August of Årnäs. Mayhem ensues. Doesn’t have to be a strict crossover - it can be Snabba Cash inspired. I tried to write this but I couldn’t.
- Young Royals Nordic noir AU in general.
- One of the Hillerska female students as a royal correspondent when they graduate (can be Felice although it’s unlikely canon Felice, in my opinion, would choose this career path. I’m thinking more along the lines of Stella or Fredrika. Maybe Maddie. Maybe).
- Wille unintentionally causing political chaos when he becomes King. The specifics surrounding this is up to you.
- Social or youth worker Simon.
- Sara gets a job at the Stockholm head office at Spotify. The fic can be her journey being female identifying in the tech world (I can see her in the ‘creative’ side of tech - UI/UX design, perhaps even front-end development. She could also be in marketing and design as well, but I don’t really see her personality type in that field).
They’re probably crappy ideas but like I said, they’re in my head and they have no way of getting out. So feel free to use any of the prompts. They’re very high level and not very detailed, so feel free to be as creative as you want. Even if you take the original idea but go in a different direction, that’s ok too. I’d still want to read.
And if you do use any of them, please tag me or let me know so I can read them :). I just ask if you could mention me in an authors note when you do.
Alternatively, if similar fanfics already do exist, please let me know!
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ghostcat3000 · 1 year
Isak has never been this far north, and while this journey is a job, nothing but that, it feels like an exile. He fucked up professionally two months ago and was disciplined accordingly—first with involuntary leave, and now, less directly, with this assignment—cast out to a far-flung place to work his way back into the top brass’s good books. Deliver results and maybe return to his former track, fail and get more of the same: cheap hotel rooms, assignments with no glory nowhere near home.
He closes the image of the murdered girl and checks his phone—a rote, useless move since the thing is in airplane mode, the habitual urge to stay connected overruling logic. It’s an occasional weakness of his, this. Impatience.
There’s a crackle in his earbuds and their flight captain welcomes them to the Arctic Circle. At the announcement, the plane immediately hits turbulence, jerking up and down, the dining trays rattling, and Isak feels it in his teeth. 
(soundtrack snippets from Chapter 1: Keep that mind sharp from Rest Easy)
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kiraziwrites · 3 years
Here's a hasty and incomplete rec list for this year's @jb-smut-swap, squeaking in shortly before author reveals!
First and foremost, my compliments to the Extremely Mysterious Unknown Author (lol) of my marvelous gift, the star to every wand'ring bark, which managed to fulfill all three of my prompts (make-up sex after a fight, impact play, and that infamous photo of Gwen's titties looking like a landscape) with this lovely triptych of post-canon scenes from a marriage. I am entirely certain I know who wrote this, not least because it's so precisely attuned to my tastes, but I will continue to keep up the pretense until tomorrow.
A few other faves so far, in no particular order:
Tempered (Western AU)
The idea of blacksmith Brienne fills my heart with deep joy and profound lust, and that's just how the Jaime in this story feels. This is the one I am most eagerly awaiting reveals for—I have a guess for the author, but it would require one of my other guesses to be wrong.
Confessions of an Unknown Maiden (Victorian AU)
Somebody wrote pitch-perfect nineteenth-century erotica pastiche, right down to the initial-and-dash disguised surnames, and it's great. I have no idea who wrote it and can't wait to find out.
tonight you're thinking of cities under crowns of snow (detective AU)
This incredibly atmospheric story just nails the tone of a good Nordic noir—the chilly setting, the weary professionalism, the ominous aura of a place where there are many routes to an untimely death—while also giving us some very heated glimpses of a Jaime & Brienne with a complicated past. Also dead certain about the author of this one.
This year's exchange featured two especially good book-based post-canon on Tarth first-time fics—badly in need, and My Love is Blue, both of which are very hot and tender, and feature a Brienne who is inexperienced, but also curious and forthright about her desire. My favorite thing about the former was the dialogue (they're just the right amount of stubborn and semi-inarticulate) and my favorite thing about the latter was the sense of discovery (also, the blue sheep). I have suspicions as to authorship, but none firm enough to put in the spreadsheet!
Shoreline (Industrial Revolution AU, sort of)
This fic really feels like a short story to me, from the striking worldbuilding (which remixes canon in clever ways) to the arc of the relationship. It's unusual and moving, and while the smut is only a small fraction of the story, it's also great. I made a guess for this one but have no idea if I'm right.
What Happens in Dorne (modern AU, threesome)
I am always here for Jaime/Brienne/Addam threesomes, and man does this one deliver—it's hot and sweet and funny, and the anticipation builds just beautifully to the very satisfying smut. I did make a guess for this one, but now I'm second-guessing that guess. Either way, I loved it.
One and Only (modern AU, shibari)
Love a good rope fic, and this one hit some of my favorite switchy notes for this pairing by having Jaime finally tie Brienne after she's done it for him many times. And the Valyrian origins and names of the various ties are a delightful and clever addition!
There's much more, and I haven't finished reading or commenting on them all, but the above are all well worth your time.
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 years
✍ Hi! Anything with Loki, Thor and whump would be great! (Also I'm very stocked about the Nordic Noir with Loki and the medievalish au and the countinuation of where is your sting and the hard road- ok I think now that I remembered what you were working on I am excited about everything)
God I have so many series I've dropped...I think I'm going to focus on coming up with a plot/outlining the last part of 'the dead reign there alone' first, but I'll add the others to my 'outlining hard/plot-based fics' list because I don't want to leave things hanging. the Nordic Noir is mostly outlined but...awaiting inspiration, shall we say. 'hard road' might never be finished, because I never really knew where that was going, but we'll see.
General MCU whump might have to wait and hope that whumptober sparks some inspiration for because I am out of ideas lol
[send me the little hand-writing-emoji-thing and tell me what you want me to write more of this year]
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gimme-more-caffeine · 4 years
Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal Familiar AU
Basically where Personas can become animals in the real world. An AU that has been in my brain for YEARS, mainly starting way back when I first played Persona 4. Or rather, I think it's more accurate I've had this idea since I read it in a book with a similar concept way back in middle school. It was just stronger with the Persona franchise.
- First thought: Black cat or Tortoiseshell cat
Honestly the thought of Arsene and Morgana sharing Akiren's bag/desk just amuses me
Plus since Akiren is pretty much confirmed cat by the fandom, it fits his Persona is a cat as well
Black cat for the element or tortoiseshell for the colors (makes me think Metaverse)
- Second thought: Raven
It's mainly due to Arsene's wings
- Third thought: Bat
This is mainly all due to Rauol, mainly the wings
- Main thought: Bird of some kind
Magpies are the only thing I can of. I think it's because they look like crows and the coloring makes me think of all three of Morgana's personas
Captain Kidd/Skull
- First thought: Cheetah
It's all because cheetahs were my first thought when it comes to running
I think Ryuji could soothe any anxiety
- Second thought: Otter or Seal
They are aquatic and cuddly (seals look cuddly to me)
Probably hard for Ryuji to carry these guys around now that I think about it...
- Third thought: Coyote
Another animal based on running
Ryuji is pretty much confirmed a dog by the fandom
- Bonus/Last minute thought: Falcon
Bird for pirate theme
Speed bird as a running companion
- (Edit) Main/Only thought: Panther
Obvious, should have done this first. It's in her name! Thank you @puwaasuru!
- Main/Only thought: Foxes
Debating on the type of fox mostly.
First choice is ultimately the Marble fox as it honestly looks like Gormon to me
Second choice is arctic fox cuz basically it's an ice fox, Yusuke's name plus element
Third choice is a silver fox because they are pretty
- First thought: Dove
This mainly has to do with her Arcana being Priestess
- Second thought: Pangolin
After watching one of these destroy a wall, I just felt like this could fit her
- First thought: Ferret
I honestly have no idea why but I want to give my gremlin child a ferret
- Second thought: Raccoon
Pretty much same reason as ferret...
- First thought: Capybaras
Mainly has to do with how friendly I read Capybaras are and how I read that they're pretty strong
Was inspired to use mouse due to Disney's Three Musketeers and rodents due to gardening
- Second thought: Stoat
They're cute and I love how vicious they can get (Reminds me of Haru)
Robin Hood/Loki/Crow
- Main thought: Crow
In all honesty, crows have been the main and only thought I got for this and it's due to Loki. I know ravens are more Nordic but I was inspired by fanworks of Crow having crow traits
- Main thought: Deer
The jumping around and elegance reminds me of a dancer
How afraid Sumi got made me think of a skittish deer
- Second thought: Barn Owl
Not sure why but there's just something really elegant about a barn owl to me that could fit Cendrillon
- Main thought: Octopus
I blame the tentacles...
Octopuses are said to be smart so it could fit
- These were just my thoughts and a lot of times I was scrambling for something other than "just because" for a reason. I failed on that
- This list is honestly two weeks old and I've been working on it on/off when I have time. For some reason, whenever I couldn’t get to this list, my brain would get me a wide variety of animals. I simply forgot them when I got here
- I don't see Persona animals changing with each Tier, but if others do then that's great! Sumi's may be the only one to change, still not sure
Please feel free to add on your thoughts!
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tilbageidanmark · 3 years
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Movies I watched (and books I read) - Week 26
I flew to Israel for a month long vacation, but was stupidly turned away at the border and had to spend some days in Latvia before being able to return home.
The upshot of this screw-up was that I had a chance to finally read G.G. Marquez’s ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’ (- full text here!) crying and laughing continuously and enjoying every minute of it. A perfect bookend to my favorite ‘100 years of Solitude’.
I’m going to start reading good books again!
Best book of the week!
And as much as I loved Marquez’s book, I hated the 2007 limp, Telenova-style adaptation of it, with Javier Bardem, full of cinematic cliches and devoid of any real feelings, magic or poetry. Boring and truly disappointing!
The first 10 minutes in Gus Van Sant’s sad film Sea of Trees sums up the premise: Matthew McConaughey travels to Aokigahara, the Japanese "suicide forest," planning to end his life among the quiet, beautiful trees.
And the last 5 minutes wraps up the story in a moving way.
3 by Steven Soderbergh (2 of which are about Spalding Gray):
✳️✳️✳️ Gray’s Anatomy, Gray’s fourth and last stage monologue about an eye condition he suffered from and the outlandish, alternative remedies he tried to heal it with (Indian sweat lodges, Philippine psyche surgeons, raw vegetable diets, etc.) Funny but graphic!
I didn’t know he also acted in porn films, but I’m not too surprised.
✳️✳️✳️ And Everything Is Going Fine is a traditional biography that Soderbergh edited after Gray’s suicide, from clips and TV-interviews, a disappointing capture showing Gray as a self-absorbed, neurotic story-teller.
(There are about a dozen of Soderbergh’s ‘personal’ films, as well as his Ocean trilogy, that I haven’t seen yet, and which I should watch now that I have the chance).
✳️✳️✳️  Also, Bill Hader’s parody of Spalding Gray, Parker Gail’s Location is Everything, which is actually just as deep, or funny, or random as the original. Really, Gray’s was basically a free-associating shtick! 
Soderbergh’s latest, No Sudden Move, is one of his best and most convoluted stories. Another eccentric heist thriller with great performances (except of the Matt Damon role) where everybody turns against and betrays each other.
I especially loved the music note that borrowed so clearly from Chinatown theme’s first chord!
Based on a true, historic background of the ‘smog conspiracy’ and the racism of redlining and ‘urban renewal’.
I will surely watch it again very soon, to enjoy the many, many details.
After last week’s ‘Queen of Hearts’ featuring an affair between a mother and (step) son, I wanted to revisit Louis Malle’s 1971 Murmur of the Heart (’Le souffle au cœur‘), a perfectly sentimental bonbon about the 50′s French bourgeois in Dijon, Camus, the Beats and Charlie Parker, with a 14 year old Laurent, who looked just like young Mick Jagger. 8+/10
A man called Ove, a Swedish film with Rolf Lassgård, as an angry, bitter, curmudgeon widower who finds a semblance of niceness in him, after a Persian family moves to his neighborhood.
A standard, sentimental story. Eventually, the only funny parts are his continual failed attempts to hang himself.
The Marx Brothers’ last film together, 1946 A Night In Casablanca: Chico must have gone into another large gambling debt, so he convinced the other two to make another movie.
“I've met a lot of pin-up girls, but I've never been able to pin one down.”
2 big, loud, dumb anniversary blockbusters:
✳️✳️✳️ 30 years anniversary to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, one of the only “action” films I ever liked.
This is the 2017 3D 4K-resolution version. A blatant Pepsi product placement.
“What’s wrong with your eyes?” 4/10
✳️✳️✳️ 25 years after Independence Day, a cliche-laden video game  with mindless special effects and the worst possible dialogue (“Do me a favor. Tell my children... I love them very much... “)
The destruction was the best part of it.  2/10
A conspiracy of Faith, the 3rd part of the Danish Nordic Noir “Dept. Q Trilogy” is a stupid, sadistic thriller about a serial killer who murders children. With Nikolaj Lie Kaas and distinct-looking Lebanese-Swedish actor Fares Fares. I guess the series was trying to emulate Stieg Larsson’s Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series, but even the religious undertones were weak and superficial.
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Throw-back to the art project:
Schwarzenegger Adora song
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(My complete movie list is here)
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