#Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.
idvoteforthatdaddy · 11 months
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Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. (1934-2012) General
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mydaddywiki · 11 months
Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.
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Physique: Stocky build Height: 6'3" (1.91 m)
Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. KCB (August 22, 1934 – December 27, 2012) was a United States Army general. While serving as the commander of United States Central Command, he led all coalition forces in the Gulf War against Ba'athist Iraq. Schwarzkopf retired shortly after the end of the war and undertook a number of philanthropic ventures, only occasionally stepping into the political spotlight before his death from complications of pneumonia in late 2012 at the age of 78. Schwarzkopf was survived by his wife Brenda and their three children.
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The Trenton, NJ native was one of the memorable things about the Gulf War, at least for me. Just by the look of him, I think the 6-foot-3-inch 240-pounder with grim determined eyes, Schwarzkopf might have been a hell of a good fuck. And with nicknames like 'Stormin’ Norman' and 'The Bear,' it really helps the fantasy. Schwarzkopf came home to a hero’s welcome, appearing at a ticker-tape parade up Broadway, the Pegasus Parade at the Kentucky Derby in Louisville and an unusual joint session of Congress, where he received a standing ovation. Even Queen Elizabeth II awarded him a knighthood. And I would have offered him 'the goods' if given the opportunity.
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Schwarzkopf was a burly highly decorated Vietnam War veteran who was easily angered considered an exceptional leader. But they miss the gentler man who listened to Pavarotti, Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan; who loved hunting, fishing and ballet; and, like any soldier, called home twice a week from the war zone. Awww… now I feel bad for wanting to fuck him. Not really.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Birthdays 8.22
Beer Birthdays
Carl Funke (1855)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ray Bradbury; writer (1920)
Claude Debussy; French composer (1862)
John Lee Hooker; blues singer (1915)
Dorothy Parker; writer, critic (1893)
Annie Proulx; writer (1935)
Famous Birthdays
Roberto Aizenberg; Argentine artist (1922)
Tori Amos; pop singer, songwriter (1963)
Richard Armitage; actor (1971)
Honor Blackman; English actor (1925)
Alexander Bogdanov; Russian philosopher (1873)
Aimé Bonpland; French botanist and explorer (1773)
Ty Burrell; actor, comedian (1967)
Henri Cartier-Bresson; French photographer (1908)
Roger Cashmore; English physicist (1944)
David Chase; tv director (1945)
Holly Dunn; country musician (1957)
Jack Dunphy; author and playwright (1914)
Colm Feore; American-Canadian actor (1958)
Gorch Fock German author and poet (1880)
Valerie Harper; actor (1939)
George Herriman; cartoonist (1880)
Jerry Iger; cartoonist (1903)
James Kirkwood, Jr.; playwright and author (1924)
Samuel Langley; aviation pioneer (1834)
Jacques Lipchitz; sculptor (1891)
Rich Lowry; writer (1968)
Bill Parcells; football coach (1941)
Denis Papin; French physicist and mathematician (1647)
Max Scheler; German philosopher (1874)
Norman Schwarzkopf; U.S. general (1934)
Edward Rowe Snow; historian (1902)
Layne Staley; rock singer (1967)
Karlheinz Stockhausen; composer (1928)
Kristen Wiig; comedian, actor (1973)
Archibald M. Willard; artist (1836)
Cindy Williams; actress (1947)
Carl Yastrezemski; Boston Red Sox LF/1B (1939)
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alphaman99 · 1 year
Lakshmi Kapoor
“Frankly, any man that doesn't cry scares me a little bit. I don't think I would like a man who was incapable of enough emotion to get tears in his eyes every now and then. That type of person scares me. That's not a human being.”
~ Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr.
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whitepolaris · 3 months
Ghostly Displays at Fort Lewis?
Some people believe that not only can buildings be haunted, but objects, such as clothing, furniture, and weapons, can be haunted as well. This might be the case at Fort Lewis Military Museum, outside Seattle, where there are rumors that certain objects on display are infused with some of the violence of the wars in which they were used.
Museum burglar alarms have been tripped both day and night, even though no one has been inside the building. People have reported seeing other people looking out the third-floor windows when the museum was empty.
Employees point out that the museum is an old building that sometimes creaks and settles, which may set off burglar alarms. They also store display mannequins on the third floor, which could be mistaken for a ghost in a window. However, employees admit that at least one person died there in the past, when the museum was a hotel. And once an exorcism was held to put suspected spirits to rest.
The museum has military displays from the earliest days of settlement in Washington, as well as from units that were based at Fort Lewis. It's also got the Jeep of General H. "Stormin" Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., a Vietnam and Gulf War hero. We don't know which items trigger ghost activity, but if you want to try to figure out which ones are the culprits, you can stop by the museum from Wednesday through Sunday, when it is open.
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xtruss · 2 years
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© Alexander Nemenov/AFP
Kremlin Dismisses ‘Outrageous’ Hypocrite International Criminal Court (ICC) Claims
The Hague-based body has no authority in Russia, spokesman points out
"The decisions of the International Criminal Court have no significance for our country, including from a legal point of view," Zakharova wrote in a Telegram post Friday. "Russia is not a party to the ICC's Rome Statute and bears no obligations under it. Russia is not engaged in cooperation with this body, and any possible [orders] for arrests coming from the court will be legally null and void for us," she added.
Moscow is under no obligation to acknowledge the “arrest warrant” for President Vladimir Putin announced by the International Criminal Court on Friday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.
“We consider the very premise outrageous and unacceptable,” Peskov told reporters when asked about the warrant for purported war crimes. “Russia, like many other states, does not recognize the jurisdiction of this court. Accordingly, the Russian Federation considers any of its pronouncements null and void from the legal standpoint.”
When will “Hypocrite International Criminal Court (ICC)” issues warrants to arrest “REAL WAR CRIMINALS” Biden, Obama, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Collin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Jorge Tenet, Norman Schwarzkopf, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair, North Atlantic Terrorist Organization’s (NATO’s) Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Palestine’s illegal occupier Zionist Cunt Satan-Yahu, MODI of India and so many around the Globe?
The ICC on Friday issued warrants for the arrest of Putin and Russia’s Children’s Ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova, accusing them of “unlawful transfer” of children from Ukraine to Russia. They claim Putin and Lvova-Belova bear both individual and command responsibility for the alleged war crime.
Former Russian President and Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev summed up the "arrest warrant" with a single emoji, tweeting that there’s "no need to explain WHERE this paper should be used," accompanying the comment with a toilet paper icon.
The Russian authorities have evacuated thousands of residents from Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson – four regions that overwhelmingly voted to join Russia last September – to the interior, due the deliberate shelling of civilians by Ukrainian forces, often using NATO-supplied weapons.
"Today the jurisdiction of the ICC is unrecognized not only by Russia, but also by a number of members of the UN Security Council. Having made such an absurd decision, the ICC has embarked on the path of self-destruction," — Andrey Klishas, chairman of the Russian Federation Council’s committee on constitutional legislation and state construction,.
“It’s great that the international community has appreciated the work to help the children of our country,” Maria Lvova-Belova told reporters on Friday evening.
Neither Russia nor Ukraine have ratified the Rome Statute that established the ICC. The US, which underwrote the tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda on which the ICC was based, adopted a law authorizing a military invasion of the Netherlands if any American is ever detained by the court.
People Comments:
The ICC is just one of the Criminals. Where is Cheney and Bushes Warrant for Mass Murder? Where is Obama and Hillary's warrant for Crimes they committed in Syria and Libya? I would think Europe and America have had enough War in the 20th Century. Why are they pushing for Nuclear annihilation in the 21st?
The ICC ought to be dismantled and put on trial for its cover-up of the mass murder of Iraqi civilians (overwhelmingly women and children) by the U.S.-Britain criminal gang of George W. Bush and Tony Blair. What is the ICC doing to stop the daily killing of Palestinian children by the Israeli Neo-fascist regime? For more than 8 years, the ICC turned blind eye to the killing and misplacement of women and children in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson by the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi regime.
Again, another US controlled court with zero chances of being unbiase.
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notpulpcovers · 3 years
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Your Friend -- the Policeman
by Colonel H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police
The father of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.
From True Detective Mysteries, September 1929
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justforbooks · 2 years
The Art of War (Chinese: 孫子兵法) is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu ("Master Sun"), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a different set of skills (or "art") related to warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that was formalized as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare and has influenced both Far Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, lifestyles and beyond.
The book contains a detailed explanation and analysis of the 5th-century BC Chinese military, from weapons and strategy to rank and discipline. Sun also stressed the importance of intelligence operatives and espionage to the war effort. Considered one of history's finest military tacticians and analysts, his teachings and strategies formed the basis of advanced military training for millennia to come.
The book was translated into French and published in 1772 (re-published in 1782) by the French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot. A partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910.
Military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong, Japanese daimyō Takeda Shingen, Vietnamese general Võ Nguyên Giáp, and American military general Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. are all cited as having drawn inspiration from the book.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. (1934–2012) General
I SO want to fuck him during Desert Storm.
And years afterwards too.
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The National Garden should be composed of statues, including statues of Ansel Adams, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Muhammad Ali, Luis Walter Alvarez, Susan B. Anthony, Hannah Arendt, Louis Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, Crispus Attucks, John James Audubon, Lauren Bacall, Clara Barton, Todd Beamer, Alexander Graham Bell, Roy Benavidez, Ingrid Bergman, Irving Berlin, Humphrey Bogart, Daniel Boone, Norman Borlaug, William Bradford, Herb Brooks, Kobe Bryant, William F. Buckley, Jr., Sitting Bull, Frank Capra, Andrew Carnegie, Charles Carroll, John Carroll, George Washington Carver, Johnny Cash, Joshua Chamberlain, Whittaker Chambers, Johnny “Appleseed” Chapman, Ray Charles, Julia Child, Gordon Chung-Hoon, William Clark, Henry Clay, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Roberto Clemente, Grover Cleveland, Red Cloud, William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody, Nat King Cole, Samuel Colt, Christopher Columbus, Calvin Coolidge, James Fenimore Cooper, Davy Crockett, Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., Miles Davis, Dorothy Day, Joseph H. De Castro, Emily Dickinson, Walt Disney, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Jimmy Doolittle, Desmond Doss, Frederick Douglass, Herbert Henry Dow, Katharine Drexel, Peter Drucker, Amelia Earhart, Thomas Edison, Jonathan Edwards, Albert Einstein, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Duke Ellington, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Medgar Evers, David Farragut, the Marquis de La Fayette, Mary Fields, Henry Ford, George Fox, Aretha Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Milton Friedman, Robert Frost, Gabby Gabreski, Bernardo de Gálvez, Lou Gehrig, Theodor Seuss Geisel, Cass Gilbert, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Glenn, Barry Goldwater, Samuel Gompers, Alexander Goode, Carl Gorman, Billy Graham, Ulysses S. Grant, Nellie Gray, Nathanael Greene, Woody Guthrie, Nathan Hale, William Frederick “Bull” Halsey, Jr., Alexander Hamilton, Ira Hayes, Hans Christian Heg, Ernest Hemingway, Patrick Henry, Charlton Heston, Alfred Hitchcock, Billie Holiday, Bob Hope, Johns Hopkins, Grace Hopper, Sam Houston, Whitney Houston, Julia Ward Howe, Edwin Hubble, Daniel Inouye, Andrew Jackson, Robert H. Jackson, Mary Jackson, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Steve Jobs, Katherine Johnson, Barbara Jordan, Chief Joseph, Elia Kazan, Helen Keller, John F. Kennedy, Francis Scott Key, Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King, Jr., Russell Kirk, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Henry Knox, Tadeusz Kościuszko, Harper Lee, Pierre Charles L’Enfant, Meriwether Lewis, Abraham Lincoln, Vince Lombardi, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Clare Boothe Luce, Douglas MacArthur, Dolley Madison, James Madison, George Marshall, Thurgood Marshall, William Mayo, Christa McAuliffe, William McKinley, Louise McManus, Herman Melville, Thomas Merton, George P. Mitchell, Maria Mitchell, William “Billy” Mitchell, Samuel Morse, Lucretia Mott, John Muir, Audie Murphy, Edward Murrow, John Neumann, Annie Oakley, Jesse Owens, Rosa Parks, George S. Patton, Jr., Charles Willson Peale, William Penn, Oliver Hazard Perry, John J. Pershing, Edgar Allan Poe, Clark Poling, John Russell Pope, Elvis Presley, Jeannette Rankin, Ronald Reagan, Walter Reed, William Rehnquist, Paul Revere, Henry Hobson Richardson, Hyman Rickover, Sally Ride, Matthew Ridgway, Jackie Robinson, Norman Rockwell, Caesar Rodney, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Betsy Ross, Babe Ruth, Sacagawea, Jonas Salk, John Singer Sargent, Antonin Scalia, Norman Schwarzkopf, Junípero Serra, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Robert Gould Shaw, Fulton Sheen, Alan Shepard, Frank Sinatra, Margaret Chase Smith, Bessie Smith, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Jimmy Stewart, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Gilbert Stuart, Anne Sullivan, William Howard Taft, Maria Tallchief, Maxwell Taylor, Tecumseh, Kateri Tekakwitha, Shirley Temple, Nikola Tesla, Jefferson Thomas, Henry David Thoreau, Jim Thorpe, Augustus Tolton, Alex Trebek, Harry S. Truman, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Dorothy Vaughan, C. T. Vivian, John von Neumann, Thomas Ustick Walter, Sam Walton, Booker T. Washington, George Washington, John Washington, John Wayne, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Phillis Wheatley, Walt Whitman, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Roger Williams, John Winthrop, Frank Lloyd Wright, Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright, Alvin C. York, Cy Young, and Lorenzo de Zavala.”
donald trump ki kicsodája az amerikai történelemben
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markloveshistory · 5 years
H. Norman Schwarzkopf Stared Down into Baby Charles Lindbergh’s Shallow Grave...
H. Norman Schwarzkopf Stared Down into Baby Charles Lindbergh’s Shallow Grave…
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Today in History, May 12, 1932:
H. Norman Schwarzkopf looks down into the recently found shallow grave of infant Charles Lindbergh, Jr. in a field not far from the Lindbergh home.
The Lindbergh baby had been kidnapped from his home on March 1st, the ransom paid, but the child was not returned to his parents.
Schwarzkopf, a West Point graduate and WWI veteran, had been appointed in 1921 by the…
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For those who live in New Jersey and those who visit . . . .
New Jersey is a peninsula.
Highlands, New Jersey has the highest elevation along the entire eastern seaboard, from Maine to Florida.
New Jersey is the only state where all of its counties are classified as metropolitan areas.
New Jersey has more race horses than Kentucky.
New Jersey has more Cubans in Union City (1 sq. mi.) than Havana, Cuba.
New Jersey has the densest system of highways and railroads in the US.
New Jersey has the highest cost of living.
New Jersey has the highest cost of auto insurance.
New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the nation.
New Jersey has the most diners in the world and is sometimes referred to as the "Diner Capital of the World."
New Jersey is home to the original Mystery Pork Parts Club (not Spam): Taylor Ham or Pork Roll.
Home to the less mysterious but the best Italian hot dogs and Italian sausage w/peppers and onions.
North Jersey has the most shopping malls in one area in the world, with seven major shopping malls in a 25 square mile radius.
The Passaic River was the site of the first submarine ride
by inventor John P. Holland .
New Jersey has 50+ resort cities & towns; some of the nation's most famous: Asbury Park, Wildwood, Atlantic City, Seaside Heights, Cape May.
New Jersey has the most stringent testing along its coastline for water quality control than any other seaboard state in the entire country.
New Jersey is a leading technology & industrial state and is the largest chemical producing state in the nation when you include pharmaceuticals.
Jersey tomatoes are known the world over as being the best you can buy.
New Jersey is the world leader in blueberry and cranberry production (and here you thought Massachusetts?)
Here's to New Jersey - the toast of the country! In 1642, the first brewery in America, opened in Hoboken.
New Jersey rocks! The famous Les Paul invented the first solid body electric guitar in Mahwah, in 1940.
New Jersey is a major seaport state with the largest seaport in the US, located in Elizabeth. Nearly 80 percent of what our nation imports comes through Elizabeth Seaport first.
New Jersey is home to one of the nation's busiest airports (in Newark), Liberty International.
George Washington slept there.
Several important Revolutionary War battles were fought on New Jersey soil, led by General George Washington.
The light bulb, phonograph (record player), and motion picture projector, were invented by Thomas Edison in his Menlo Park, NJ, laboratory
Jersey also boasts the first town lit by incandescent bulbs.
The first seaplane was built in Keyport , NJ.
The first airmail (to Chicago) was started from Keyport, NJ.
The first phonograph records were made in Camden, NJ
New Jersey was home to the Miss America Pageant held in Atlantic City.
The game Monopoly, played all over the world, named the streets on its playing board after the actual streets in Atlantic City. And, Atlantic City has the longest boardwalk in the world, not to mention salt water taffy. ( Now made in Pennsylvania)..
New Jersey has the largest petroleum containment area outside of the Middle East countries.
The first Indian reservation was in New Jersey, in the Watchung Mountains
New Jersey has the tallest water-tower in the world.
(Union, NJ!!!)
New Jersey had the first medical center, in Jersey City
The Pulaski Sky Way, from Jersey City to Newark, was the first skyway highway.
New Jersey built the first tunnel under a river, the Hudson (Holland Tunnel).
The first baseball game was played in Hoboken, NJ, which is also the birthplace of Frank Sinatra.
The first intercollegiate football game was played in New Brunswick in 1889 (Rutgers College played Princeton).
The first drive-in movie theater was opened in Camden, NJ, (but they're all gone now!).
New Jersey is home to both of "NEW YORK'S" pro football teams!
The first radio station and broadcast was in Paterson, NJ.
The first FM radio broadcast was made from Alpine, NJ, by Maj. Thomas Armstrong.
All New Jersey natives: Sal Martorano, Jack Nicholson, Bruce
Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Jason Alexander, Queen Latifah, Susan Sarandon, Connie Francis, Shaq, Judy Blume, Aaron Burr, Joan Robertson, Ken Kross, Dionne Warwick, Sarah Vaughn, Budd Abbott, Lou Costello, Alan Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, Marilynn McCoo, Flip Wilson, Alexander Hamilton, Zack Braff Whitney Houston, Eddie Money, Linda McElroy, Eileen Donnelly,
Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Walt Whitman, Jerry Lewis, Tom Cruise, Joyce Kilmer, Bruce Willis, Caesar Romero, Lauryn Hill, Ice-T, Nick Adams, Nathan Lane, Sandra Dee, Danny DeVito, Richard Conti, Joe Pesci, Joe Piscopo, Joe DePasquale, Robert Blake, John Forsythe, Meryl Streep, Loretta Swit, Norman Lloyd, Paul Simon, Jerry Herman, Gorden McCrae, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Phyllis Newman, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Eva Marie Saint, Elisabeth Shue, Zebulon Pike, James Fennimore Cooper, Admiral Wm.Halsey,Jr.,Norman Schwarzkopf, Dave Thomas (Wendy's), William Carlos Williams, Ray Liotta, Robert Wuhl, Bob Reyers, Paul Robeson, Ernie Kovacs, Joseph Macchia, Kelly Ripa, and Francis Albert Sinatra and "Uncle Floyd" Vivino.
The Great Falls in Paterson, on the Passaic River, is the 2nd highest waterfall on the East Coast of the US.
You know you're from Jersey when . . . .
You don't think of fruit when people mention "The Oranges."
You know that it's called Great Adventure, not Six Flags.
A good, quick breakfast is a hard roll with butter.
You've known the way to Seaside Heights since you were seven.
You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery.
At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen, and you know the town Jon Bon Jovi is from.
You know what a "jug handle" is.
You know that WaWa is a convenience store.
You know that the state isn't all farmland.
You know that there are no "beaches" in New Jersey--there's the shore--and you don't go "to the shore," you go "down the shore." And when you are there, you're not "at the shore"; you are "down the shore."
You know how to properly negotiate a circle.
You knew that the last sentence had to do with driving.
You know that this is the only "New" state that doesn't require "New" to identify it (try . . Mexico . . . York ..! . . Hampshire-- doesn't work, does it?).
You know that a "White Castle" is the name of BOTH a fast food chain AND a fast food sandwich.
You consider putting mayo on a corned beef sandwich a sacrilege.
You don't think "What exit?" is very funny.
You know that people from the 609 area code are "a little different." Yes they are!
You know that no respectable New Jerseyan goes to Princeton--that's for out-of-staters.
You live within 20 minutes of at least three different malls.
You refer to all highways and interstates by their numbers.
Every year you have at least one kid in your class named Tony.
You know the location of every clip shown in the Sopranos opening credits.
You've gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of the mall.
You know that people from North Jersey go to Seaside Heights, and people from Central Jersey go to LBI, and people from South Jersey go to Wildwood.
It can be no other way.
You weren't raised in New Jersey--you were raised in either North Jersey, Central Jersey or South Jersey.
You don't consider Camden to actually be part of the state
You remember the stores Korvette's, Two Guys, Rickel's, Channel, Bamberger's and Orbach's.
You also remember Palisades Amusement Park.
You've had a boardwalk cheese steak and vinegar fries.
You start planning for Memorial Day weekend in February.
And finally . .
You've NEVER, NEVER NEVER, EVER pumped your own gas.
(Copied from a friend)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 8.22
Beer Birthdays
Carl Funke (1855)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Ray Bradbury; writer (1920)
Claude Debussy; French composer (1862)
John Lee Hooker; blues singer (1915)
Dorothy Parker; writer, critic (1893)
Annie Proulx; writer (1935)
Famous Birthdays
Roberto Aizenberg; Argentine artist (1922)
Tori Amos; pop singer, songwriter (1963)
Richard Armitage; actor (1971)
Honor Blackman; English actor (1925)
Alexander Bogdanov; Russian philosopher (1873)
Aimé Bonpland; French botanist and explorer (1773)
Ty Burrell; actor, comedian (1967)
Henri Cartier-Bresson; French photographer (1908)
Roger Cashmore; English physicist (1944)
David Chase; tv director (1945)
Holly Dunn; country musician (1957)
Jack Dunphy; author and playwright (1914)
Colm Feore; American-Canadian actor (1958)
Gorch Fock German author and poet (1880)
Valerie Harper; actor (1939)
George Herriman; cartoonist (1880)
Jerry Iger; cartoonist (1903)
James Kirkwood, Jr.; playwright and author (1924)
Samuel Langley; aviation pioneer (1834)
Jacques Lipchitz; sculptor (1891)
Rich Lowry; writer (1968)
Bill Parcells; football coach (1941)
Denis Papin; French physicist and mathematician (1647)
Max Scheler; German philosopher (1874)
Norman Schwarzkopf; U.S. general (1934)
Edward Rowe Snow; historian (1902)
Layne Staley; rock singer (1967)
Karlheinz Stockhausen; composer (1928)
Kristen Wiig; comedian, actor (1973)
Archibald M. Willard; artist (1836)
Cindy Williams; actress (1947)
Carl Yastrezemski; Boston Red Sox LF/1B (1939)
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Lindbergh Kidnapping
Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., 20-month-old son of the famous aviator and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was kidnapped about 9:00 p.m., on March 1, 1932, from the nursery on the second floor of the Lindbergh home near Hopewell, New Jersey. he child’s absence was discovered and reported to his parents, who were then at home, at approximately 10:00 p.m. by the child’s nurse, Betty Gow. A search of the premises was immediately made and a ransom note demanding $50,000 was found on the nursery window sill. After the Hopewell police were notified, the report was telephoned to the New Jersey State Police, who assumed charge of the investigation.
During the search at the kidnapping scene, traces of mud were found on the floor of the nursery. Footprints, impossible to measure, were found under the nursery window. Two sections of the ladder had been used in reaching the window, one of the two sections was split or broken where it joined the other, indicating that the ladder had broken during the ascent or descent. There were no blood stains in or about the nursery, nor were there any fingerprints.
The Investigation: 1932-1934
On March 2, 1932, after a conference with the Attorney General, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had contacted the headquarters of the New Jersey State Police at Trenton, New Jersey. He officially informed the organization that the U.S. Department of Justice would afford Colonel H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, the assistance and cooperation of the FBI in bringing about the apprehension of the parties responsible for the kidnapping. He advised the New Jersey State Police that they could call upon the Bureau for any facilities or resources which the latter might be capable of extending. The special agent in charge of the New York City Office of the Bureau, which at that time covered the New Jersey district, was instructed accordingly and, upon instructions from the Director, the special agent in charge communicated with the New Jersey State Police and the New York City Police, offering any assistance which the Bureau might be able to lend in this matter.
During the next few weeks the Bureau was acting merely in an auxiliary capacity, there being no federal jurisdiction. However, on May 13, 1932, the President directed that all governmental investigative agencies should place themselves at the disposal of the state of New Jersey and that the FBI should serve as a clearinghouse and coordinating agency for all investigations in this case conducted by federal investigative units.
On May 23, 1932, the FBI in New York City informed banks in greater New York that the Bureau was the coordinating agency for all governmental activity in the case. A close watch for ransom money was requested.
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jordanfifer · 3 years
“I get angry at a principle, not a person.”
— Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. (source)
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xtruss · 2 years
Both, World’s Deadliest Warmonger and War Criminal, Are Patting Each Others’ Backs! WTF?
John McCain Was a Good Man on the Papers, But He Was a “Deadliest Warmonger” as Well. Now Staying, Resting, Rotting and Burning 🔥 in Hell Forever. Just Look at His Records of Wars When It Comes to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Veitnam and Afghanistan. On the Other-hand Obama is a War Criminal and Should Be Behind Bars to Stay, Rest, Rot and Burn 🔥 in Hell Forever. Obama will Definitely Join the Club of War Criminals: McCain, Bush Sr., Rumsfeld, Collin Powell, Norman Schwarzkopf, Madeleine Albright and So Many Others Around the Globe. On the waiting list are: Bush Jr., Dickhead Cheney, Condomleeza Rice, Killary Clinton, Ashcroft, British Bloody Bastard Blair, Sarkozy and so many more Boak Bollocks.
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