#Nosy the Niffler
lil-grem-draws · 1 year
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Dedicating this to everyone who has ever been involved in the Nosy the Niffler roleplay or has been following his chaos for a while. @kiwiplaetzchen is a true blessing. All hail Kiwi, the mightiest Kiwi and her Nosy! 🥝
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
[You come back to the dorm after classes to find the following scene transpire on your bed]
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[Upon seeing you, Nosy settles even deeper into his "nest", proudly pulling a pocket watch out of his pouch and hugging it closely. You are not sure how many pillows he has destroyed or where he got that gold pile behind him. The feathers are all over the room, the niffler is rocking back and forth on what probably is the last surviving pillow. Nosy is making proud little noises while looking intently at you, waiting for some praise]
This is magnificent! Thank you so much!
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ask-aileen-berwick · 5 months
Slipping through the ancient door of the Slytherin common room, Nosy's tiny feet pitter-patter with the triumph of a day well spent. The little Niffler was still feeling very proud of himself. Sebastian surely would be thrilled by the aromatic surprise he had in store for him! The aroma alone could make even the most stoic being weak at the knees.
But wait, who's this? A figure perched on the stone bench caught his attention. A lone wanderer. Nosy tilted his head, trying to recall where he had seen this lass before. But the little Niffler shrugged.
Well, well, well, seems like it's this girl's lucky day, Nosy thought to himself. He decided to grace this lonely girl with his delightful presence! Rummaging through his belly pouch, Nosy retrieved the smelly chunk of cheese once more. 
Ah, the aroma!
Breaking off a crumb of the pungent delight, Nosy inhaled deeply, savouring the scent that tickled his nostrils and set his taste buds tingling. Almost drooling, he stashed the rest of the cheese away, ready to bestow his gift upon the unsuspecting Slytherin. 
With a triumphant honk, Nosy hopped onto the girl's lap and placed the crumb down, chirping at her as if he wanted to say, aren't you a lucky one? This Niffler is feeling particularly generous today!
With a cute wiggle of his bum, Nosy hopped down and waddled towards the stairs, sliding down the railing with a playful gleam in his eye.
The sudden weight in her lap is what draws Aileen's attention first, then the pungent smell coming from the creature sitting there.
"Hello there, little guy," she coos, extending a hand to pet him. She halts upon the creature dropping something tiny next to himself. Before she has a chance to fully acknowledge the offering, the niffler is gone from her lap.
"Thank you?"
Aileen carefully grabs the crumb between forefinger and thumb and brings it to her nose, sniffing. Her face contorts in disgust. Should I...? He left it for me, but he isn't around to see what I do with it...
With a tentative look around the room, she tosses it into her open mouth and swallows the foul cheese. If she doesn't chew, she can't taste it, and yet she gags anyways. She rushes to the washroom to brush her teeth or puke, or both.
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*It was getting late in the evening, and you were leisurely floating through the Transfiguration Courtyard when you heard something rustling and honking in one of the bushes. Curiosity got the better of you, and just as you were about to float closer, a teal-furred rascal jumped out of the bush—Nosy!
The little Niffler didn't pay any attention to you at first. He was too busy chasing after an insect in vibrant sapphire blue colours. The little bug was so shiny—Nosy just had to catch it! The little menace jumped up and down, constantly trying to catch the flying sapphire, and on the seventh jump Nosy finally seemed to have succeeded and caught the little bug with his paws! But the little insect was not like any other. It was a Billywig, and it definitely had other plans than Nosy. The Niffler let out a short yelp and immediately let go of the Billywig.
It seemed like Nosy had been stung! Nosy first looked at his stung paw and then slowly glanced over at you. His big, round eyes were slowly beginning to fill up with a few tears. He looked back at his paw, began to whimper, and licked his wound. But after just a few seconds, the whining turned into a cheerful squeak. If you didn't know any better, you would almost say that Nosy was giggling. Each new squeak of the teal-furred rascal sounded louder and more playful. And suddenly, out of nowhere, Nosy slowly started to float. Still squeaking and honking, Nosy floated higher and higher. He was now almost at eye level with you! Nosy honked at you with a happy face.*
Richard's curiosity takes the better of him: he starts following the little teal niffler around, inconspicuously humming a little tune not to spook the creature in case it's not aware of his ghostly presence. He has seen this particular niffler before — Nosy, was it? Back at Solomon's? Richard wonders if the little one ever returned Solomon's pocketwatch back as it seems to be really important to Mr. Sallow.
The ghost (rather used to being ignored over the years to the point of irnoring the ignoring) observes the little creature jumping around trying to get to something blue and shiny beelining through the air. Richard's brow furrows as he makes his way closer trying to figure out what it is that has got Nosy so excited. His eyes go wide in recognition. "Oh no, you reeealy don't want this one to—" he hurriedly starts saying to the niffler a moment before the cute little attempts at catching the bug succeed.
"Ouch," Richard visibly winces at the niffler's cry of pain, feeling bad for him. This is not good. "I'm sorry, little buddy, there's nothing I can do for you," the ghost says, implying not only the sting which undoubtedly hurts but also what happens a moment later: a jumping niffler turns into a flying niffler.
Nosy's excitement is rather contagious and Richard is glad his young little friend forgot about the tragic wound he received while on a hunt. Oh, the pray might have escaped, but the gift it left? It's spectacular! The ghost laughs at the niffler's happy noises, flying up with him, trying to manipulate the air around the creature to make him spin a little. That might show Nosy what fun he can have!
On the inside Richard is panicking a little. How long will the levitation last? What if when it wears off Nosy gets stuck on a tower and falls down? Or above the lake and couldn't swim back? Should he tell teachers? Call for the niffler's owner? The ghost isn't letting the niffler see any of that worry on his face, instead, he laughs excitedly. A flying niffler!
Prepare for trouble! thinks Richard honking back at the niffler as well.
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ask-wren-zhang · 10 months
Sitting down right before Wren, Nosy locked his gaze with the Ravenclaw. Slowly, he dipped both paws into his soft pouch while maintaining eye contact like no other.
With a dramatic pause, the little menace pulled out one gingerbread man after another, each missing either a limb or a head, and laid it down at Wren's feet.
As Wren holds her breath, her eyes remain fixed on the wee critter’s unmoving gaze, engaged in an intense game of a staring contest, then briefly fleeting to the small paws moving ever so slowly into his little bag of tricks, knowing it denotes neither bad nor good, but it certainly, or at least often, means havoc.
“What do you have for me, you little rogue? Certainly not more tickles. I’m prepared this time.” She snickers. Should she expect treasures? Trinkets? Sugary ammunition?? Stink bombs? Or-
Dismembered Gingerbread Men. That’s new.
“And where in under Merlin did you even manage to find that many? Actually, don’t tell me.”
As the while of morsels begin to pile by Wren’s feet, the situation changes from of lighthearted trepidation to comical. Picking up one decapitated biscuit, she studies it before taking a generous bite - delicious.
She gently lifts Nosy off the ground, his tiny feet dangling as she gives him a good snuggle and peppers kisses on his fuzzy head.
It’s simply impossible for her to polish off all of the flaky carcasses though, out of the question. She contemplates sharing the rest of the treats with Charlie and Egg. (Mainly Charlie. Egg is way too picky)
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kiwiplaetzchen · 1 year
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theodoradevlin · 9 months
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Nosy and a mysterious niffler sharing their very special treats.
A very firm banana and very sinny-cinnamon bun are very, very nice treasures indeed~
@kiwiplaetzchen 🤭😌🍌🥖🍒🥝 💜💚
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ask-solomon-sallow · 1 year
Solomon, hi! I just realized something, did you ever get you watch back from Sebastian's niffler? I could've swore I saw you talking to Nosy a while back but I haven't seen the watch in ages! Want to try and persuade Nosy again? You said the watch was really important to you 🥺
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the watch back. I do want it back, but I also know Nosy enjoys it. Perhaps I could trade him for it with a similar watch?
You're quite right, it's very important to me.
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
*Nosy the Niffler has had a rather tough day. All those shiny things he managed to capture - all in vain!*
*The Niffler wanted to proudly present it's treasures to you, maybe earning a pat on the head, but you didn't seem interested even in the slightest - ignoring Nosy all day!*
*The teal-furred menace runs up to you, crawls up your leg and grabs your wand with it's pouting snout.*
*As soon as Nosy has it, he runs out of your bedroom chambers.*
Not good....*bolts after him, skidding down the dorm corridor in a panic* NOT. GOOD.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 9 months
Christmas 2023
One of my favorite holiday traditions it to give a book on Christmas Eve. So hopefully in time for you to cozy up before bed, here is my Christmas Eve gift to you - a rec list!
Just the Two of Us by torino10154 (200 words, rated T)
"I can't believe this is our first Christmas, just the two of us," Harry said as he placed the star on top of the Christmas tree.
Christmas Brunch by @drarrily-we-row-along (583 words, rated G)
Draco wanted to host brunch for his parents on the first Christmas in their shared flat. Harry thought that seemed like a great idea.
But the week leading up to it has been a nightmare, Draco is stressed and Harry's losing his mind. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all.
For Everything a Season by @shealynn88 (1,342 words, rated T)
"Our children are a joy, Harry, but I’m glad it’s just you and me.”
Harry goes soft. “Why’s that?”
“Well, many reasons. But right now, you’re under the mistletoe, and I prefer to take my time, and the children would make an awful racket if they were here to see.”
Draco Malfoy and the Cursed Sweater by @slytherco (1,804 words, rated T)
After falling victim to Harry's stupid prank, Draco finds an unexpected partner in crime.
Underneath the Tree (You'll Find a Piece of Me) by @squintclover (4,435 words, rated M)
Harry and Draco find themselves in a holiday home amongst friends at Christmas. The Secret Santa Hermione has planned is sure to go perfectly. Surely...
Even Children Get Older by @lou-isfake (4,500 words, rated M)
It started with don't wake the baby.
Snow on the Beach by tinaakitten (4,915 words, rated T)
Over multiple Christmas Eves, Harry and Draco find their way back to each other.
Featuring cute Harry Potter obsessed toddler Scorpius.
Deliberate Denial by edaniels0221 (7,244 words, rated G)
Professor Harry Potter can't help but to deny his children's ridiculous notion that he has a crush on the gorgeous new Hogwarts Healer, but as he comes to find out, one can only be in denial about liking Draco bloody Malfoy for so long.
Löyly by @citrusses (10,323 words, rated E)
Somewhere between the steam of a sauna and the icy waters of the Gulf of Finland, Harry heals from a broken engagement and a failed career. Draco Malfoy helps.
25 Additional Scenes for Ain't That the Garden of Eden by @romaine2424 (12,139 words, rated G)
The additional scenes cover missing moments in December, Harry's election, and Inauguration.
Because Cats by @icmezzo (14,589 words, rated T)
Harry has a cat, and Draco doesn’t. Then Draco has a cat, and Harry doesn’t. Then Harry has a cat again, but Draco doesn’t. Then Draco has a cat, but Harry—OMG HOW WILL IT END.
Waking Up Slow by @sweet-s0rr0w (21,941 words, rated E)
'Twas the night before Christmas, although it’s July Draco’s a shopkeeper, no-one knows why There’s hiking and witch caves, freak snowfalls and more Bad Christmas jumpers, nosy neighbours galore Narcissa’s here too, but… something’s amiss And what’s in those chocolates that’s making them kiss?
Be sure to check out @skeptiquewrites wonderful Happy Hour Rec for this fic!
All I Want for Christmas by CaityCatt (36,509 words rated M)
Harry feels like a bit of a grinch at Christmas, but his true love has a plan to change all that.
The Coldest of Days by Anonymous (54,683 words, rated E)
At thirty-one, Harry Potter finally has it all: four incredible children, a naughty Niffler named Penny, and a brilliant boyfriend who has managed to fill the hole in his heart.
But because Harry is Harry, chaos is bound to follow. On a cold December morning, Draco wakes up with no memory of the war, his children, or his life with Harry.
That, and he’s insisting that he’s been thrown fifteen years into the future.
The Art of Thank You Notes by fictionclaw (82,286 words, rated E)
A few years after the war, Harry receives a ministry notice that Draco Malfoy’s house arrest will soon be lifted and that the wand he has kept may be sent to the ministry. He doesn’t think much of it when he sends the wand directly to Malfoy Manor with a note.
But one letter swiftly follows another and Malfoy sneaks his way into Harry's every day life without either of them minding.
Or; Harry and Draco find reasons to write letters to each other and Black heirlooms and family histories are uncovered while they figure out why that is. Lunch dates, careful friendship, confusing feelings and Draco's art included.
I hope that wherever you are, you know you have a place by my fire and a place in my heart. Merry Christmas Eve to those who celebrate, and the Happiest of Holiday wishes to all!
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hogwarts-legacy-hype · 2 months
Well, I can already feel how the water spray bottle is getting filled to the brim for what’s to come, but I simply cannot remain silent until a certain someone is out of breath for yeeting so much admiration into my face. (That’s my job. Try to stop me, twat.)
It’s only fitting that I take a moment to turn the spotlight back onto @ask-sebastian.
For the world should know the legend that is Minty.
I’m not sure where to begin. But from the very beginning, your dedication has been a beacon in this community. You’ve poured so much love and care into your blog, always striving to give it your best. Your commitment to giving your absolute best in every post, every reply, and every interaction is nothing short of inspiring.
You never hesitate to lend a friendly ear, offering advice and comfort whenever someone is in need. Whether someone seeks counsel or simply a hug, you are always there. Your kindness knows no bounds, and your presence is a blessing to all who have the fortune of knowing you.
you don't even realise how precious you are. Your passion for the things you love is infectious, and it’s only one of the many reasons I cherish our friendship.
Your writing style continues to captivate me, and I will never stop adoring it. Every single one of your RP posts fills me with joy and motivation, pushing me to become a better writer myself. Thank you for giving a little, teal-furred Niffler a family. Just as Sebastian is to Nosy, you are my partner in crime. You have changed my life in ways I can hardly put into words, and I don’t think I could ever truly express how much you mean to me.
Thank you for making me smile and laugh. Thank you for your steadfast presence when I need it most. Thank you for bringing more music into my life. Thank you for being such a peanut. Thank you for being you, and most importantly, for being my friend. You are a true blessing, Minty, and I am forever grateful to have you in my life.
Here’s to many more shared moments, laughter, and naughty innuendos. It’s an honour and a privilege to know you.
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✨Wholesome ✨
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floodl8 · 1 year
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Niffler Nosy 🥰
For my dearest friend @kiwiplaetzchen ❤️❤️❤️
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kiwiplaetzchen · 2 months
*A Ravenclaw student with a hood over their head crouches in front of Nosy. They get out a bunch of similar looking rectangle pieces of parchment that barely fit in their hands. They start shuffling them.*
Shall we see what is in store for you today?
*They place two "cards" in front of the niffler, face down. And wait.*
Nosy looked the hooded figure up and down. They didn't seem particularly dangerous. Or even interesting at that. What was it that they were placing in front of Nosy? Paper? Nosy made a dubious expression.
Really? For him, the Teal King? What a weird offering.
With a dramatic sigh, Nosy looked slightly disappointed and bored. He eyed the two cards placed before him and decided to take the right one, trying to throw it at the Ravenclaw. But the card didn’t have enough weight to achieve Nosy's desired effect and simply glided back to his feet, revealing the other side.
Nosy's eyes began to gleam. The little menace would always recognise this beautiful, shiny, shimmering light. Fire!
In a flash, Nosy snatched the card, turning his back to the hooded figure to admire it. So shiny. So captivating. The Niffler forgot everything else around him, lost in the mesmerising beauty of the shimmering card.
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theravenchild · 3 days
It had been a harrowing week.
Wren is more than eager to stretch her legs, seeking a much needed reprieve from her endless assignments, the scent of old books, stacks of parchment and half written letters requesting extensions lest she inevitably becomes mad.
She’d expected the workload after the trip crossing North America with her parents, but right now homework will have to wait. As of this moment, there is only one matter occupying her mind, involving her small brownish, furry companion with a gluttonous belly.
She makes a beeline for the familiar milieu of the Ravenclaw’s Common Room, quickly spotting one of her favourite housemates. “Hellendil!” She chimes, almost tempted to crash into him with a hug. The mere sight of a fellow student fill her with immeasurable jitters after days of being confined to her desk.
“I’d planned to send you an owl but since I have you here, I wish to express my gratitude for looking after my wee Charlie in my absence!” She missed her little friend dearly, and knowing Charlie is less than eager to traverses out of the castle, who better to care for the lovable critter than someone who adores the creature as much as she does. “Should you ever need assistance in tending Sepulchria in the future, just know I’d be more than willing to be up to it. It’s the least I can do!”
“I’d be happy to collect him any time whenever he’s ready to come home to his nest. We both know he’s no Nosy, but a niffler nonetheless. I hope my boy didn’t cause much mischief!”
Hellendil is standing near the fireplace paging through one of his textbooks when he hears a familiar voice calling his name from across the common room.  He quickly turns in the direction of the voice, a smile coming to his face as he spots Wren heading toward him.  The book snaps shut and he opens his arms invitingly.  "Wren!  So good to see you, my friend!  The common room has been less bright without your smile and perhaps a bit too quiet.  I hope you haven't had too much trouble catching up.  I haven't seen you much since you got back so you must have been terribly busy.  If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask."
He can read in her stance this was a much needed break from all the catch-up work she'd been doing.  His smile widens again at the mention of her little furry companion whom he'd been caring for in her absence.  He chuckles a little at the mention of Sebastian's little mischief maker, Nosy.  "Charlie was very little trouble compared to our little teal friend.  A couple stolen chocolate frogs and sweets here or there and some holes dug in one of the planters in the common room, but nothing that couldn't be easily remedied or replaced.  I do have some rather surprising news for you, though.  Come with me and we'll collect your wee little one.  When last I checked a few minutes ago, she was nesting in one of my old sweaters in the dorm."  He motions towards the staircase and leads the way.
When they arrive at the dorm room, he places the book on the desk and hurries over to the bed where the little brown and white furball was still curled up in the sweater.  He kneels beside the bed and gently pets her with his forefingers to rouse her.  "Wakey, wakey little princess, your Mama's back from her travels and eager to see you." His eyes soften with a smile as the little niffler stretches against his fingers awaking from her slumber. He pulls a small treat from his pocket and offers it to Charlie as a little extra incentive.
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ask-felix-aberg · 5 days
*You've been randomly approached by a niffler*
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*Blinks down at the small creature, the corners of his mouth twitching into a soft smile.*
I thought you were Nosy for a second. Hello, little guy.
*Pats the niffler's fur with soft, careful strokes.*
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adallegra · 10 days
At breakfast, you notice Vetiti at the Hufflepuff table, staring intently at Sebastian and his Niffler while sliding a long piece of butter into his mouth. The churned cream leaving the corners of his mouth all greasy.
Her morning post had just been delivered. Allegra’s hand tightened around her cup of tea, which she had recently and uncharacteristically taken to drinking black. She stared at the slim piece of parchment, jaw set hard before she took one calming breath and set the note alight.
Despite watching the edges of the parchment coil and blacken into ashes, the anger that had swelled did not subside. It was as if he was right there — her father’s ever-disinterested voice in her ear as he requested her presence at the British Confederation of Wizards’ Gala. A summons, more like.
Do not disappoint me. As if any of the gathered officials would give a flying fu-fairy her opinion on the import of Catoblepas and how it may or may not aid wizardkind in dairy farming.
Speaking of which — Allegra’s eyes raised automatically to the Hufflepuff table and she immediately recoiled; all previous thoughts dissipated. Mouth puckered around what appeared to be a stick of butter, the nifflerphile was ogling in her general direction. With an expression of utmost revulsion, she followed his gaze, and by gods — several yards down the table and opposite her, Nosy was nuzzled into Sallow’s neck, a dozing, teal-coloured pillow as he cocooned himself on the wizard’s shoulder whilst his companion was occupied with that morning’s Prophet.
The anger returned sevenfold, and Allegra’s lips curled derisively.
There had been whispers in the corridors that the Italian fiend had been educating their fellow schoolmates on niffler-milking etiquette — if there was such a thing. And if even William’s ears still perked every time cheese was mentioned, it was only a matter of time before this heretical obsession spread like wildfire and cemented itself into a commercial demand.
At that moment, Vetiti’s attention flickered over to her, and his face broke out into a slimy grin when the buttery wedge left his lips. Allegra was thankful then that the Slytherin table was mostly vacant, the younger years having already gone to class. She took a half second more to decide her course, plastered a deliberately equable smile onto her face, and beckoned the Italian scoundrel over. His reaction was instantaneous. The solid mass of dairy was quickly tossed aside as Vetiti scrambled eagerly from his seat and jogged across the Great Hall.
Keeping her eyes on the Hufflepuff, Allegra lifted an arched brow and jerked her head unmistakably in Sallow’s direction. Paired with a falsely encouraging smile, it had the intended effect. Vetiti’s features visibly burst with anticipation, and he near-dashed for the bench opposite Allegra, eyes glossy with expectant need.
Before Vetiti could ciao bella her, Allegra had cut him off. “Vincent, was it?”
Without waiting for an answer, she continued, her voice dulcet yet carried with it an underlying chill. “You know, I don’t care for much in my life. In fact,” the witch idly twirled her wand, “I can count on one hand those that I care about.”
“That darling little niffler over there?” Allegra tilted her head sideways again, a sickly sweet smile sliding onto her lips. “At the top of the list.”
As she lazily conjured a napkin, a razor-edged iciness crept into her voice. “If you have less than salubrious intentions with him, however innocent you may think they are,” she languidly leant over the table, taking her time to tenderly dab at the grease on the corners of Vetiti’s mouth.
“Well,” Allegra gave the napkin an evaluating glance and let it fall onto Vetiti’s lap before settling back into her seat. “It’s well-known how much you Italians want for la dolce vita — that easy, sweet, sweet life.” Almost absentmindedly, she brushed the ashes of the incinerated note from earlier off the table, “I’d hate to have to ruin that for you.”
Her lashes swept upward as her gaze lifted to meet the Hufflepuff before she flashed him a disarming smile. “Capisce, bello?”
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