#Not sure if I should tag this as a crossover with Hermitcraft
fierykitten2 · 6 months
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I still somehow haven’t warmed up to Harvester of Sorrow but I’ve warmed up to the other songs I listed. I’ve listened to his guitar cover of RtL and plan on listening to the others (even HoS) and I noticed he covered a few Judas Priest songs and since I plan on getting into Judas Priest alongside Iron Maiden and probably Black Sabbath I think I’ll give those covers a listen too
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theflippedpages · 3 months
The Chiseled Catastrophe - 0 (EtN + MCYT)
(This is the start of my new hyperfixation fanfiction. Blocky YouTubers are stuffed into a death-game escape room and have to try and escape while their friends die around them. How fun. :D)
(Also, if there's any other old fics ya'll want me to update, let me know! I got nothing else to do but write this summer break, so I might as well!)
Episode 0 - The Wax Seal
"Hey, Tim," Grian's familiar voice crackled on the other side of the line, "I know you're busy with real-life duties, but I thought I should mention…" 
"...Tumble Town blew up.” And quickly added, “It’s not a joke, I swear on my life." 
Jimmy had been planning to take a couple of days off from Empires, but never once had he opened up Minecraft so fast. 
Before he could click onto the world, he spotted his web camera clutching the edge of his monitor, and he was instantly reminded of his duty as a content creator. Running a hand through his slightly damp hair and ruffling it to partially dampen his bedhead, he pulled up his recording software and sighed. 
"I was honestly planning to take a couple of days off of Minecraft to get creativity again, but," he raised his phone, "one of my friends just gave me quite a call… telling me that Tumble Town… blew up." He forced a chuckle as he began to record his screen. "Now, this could all be another bad prank to get me back into Empires… or all my months of work are actually gone."
Jimmy didn't force an emotion for a camera this time as his eyes shifted to the small sheriff plushie sitting on his desk. His heart was racing much more than usual, and he couldn't stop his eyes from blurring. He bit down on his cheek. It's just a game, Jimmy. It's just a game. He told himself, his mouse once again hovering over the 'Empires SMP' slot. It's not life or death. It's just something you do for fun. It's not actually life-threatening. In fact, this would be a great thumbnail and title. 
Blowing out his held-up breath, he clicked in and logged on. The world spawned in little sections as the white sky –wait, white?– filled his screen. Loading in doesn't usually take long… there must've been a ton to update. While he waited for it to load, he paused his recording and casually checked who was online. Some of the Empires' creators were there; himself, Joey, Scott, Marytn, Lizzie, and Joel; as well as some of the Hermitcraft players from the concluded crossover; Grian, Mumbo, Tango, and Ren. Though they had stopped recording about the ‘rift between the two servers’, the players were still interested and intrigued by the buildings and often came to visit off-camera. That's why he hadn't found it strange that Grian had been the one to call him, as he and Scar usually helped tidy and terraform the place when Jimmy was off recording 'lore' with the members of Empires. 
The name tags were less of his worry as he saw a new one join. 'Time_Is_Up joined the game.' He glanced over at his recording software, making sure it was paused. The worst thing I could do is ruin the magic of someone else's lore by showing a camera account. He looked back at the game, noticing the chat light up. 
SmallishBeans: who's that? Smajor1995: I thought it was a camera acc. InTheLittleWood: same here!
Jimmy's eyes narrowed. Was this also part of the story? No.. Someone usually mentions if they're adding an account in our group chat…
SolidarityGaming: you mean this isn't any of ours? LDShadowLady: nope, not mine Mumbo: I thought it belonged to one of the Empires members. Grian: I don't have an account named like that SolidarityGaming: Surely this isn't another ‘Xornoth’ thing, is it, Scott Smajor1995: it's not me this time, I swear!
Either someone is playing a strange prank or… wait, my empire!  He dragged his mouse down to check on the progress of his chunks loading in, reaching over to continue the recording and slipping in his headphones. Once he saw Tumble Town fully come into view Jimmy's heart nearly stopped. 
The once-thriving Wild West town now lay in ruins, its wooden structures engulfed in roaring flames that billowed smoke into the air, and deep craters dug into the red sand below. This town, which had once epitomized the rugged spirit of the frontier, was now a ghostly landscape of destruction. And to his surprise, the sky was still white…
Jimmy, the ‘Sheriff’ who had dedicated months to building up the town and establishing law and order, walked through the chaos with heavy steps. His heart weighed as heavily as the town's buildings, now reduced to smoldering piles of debris. The saloon, wagon, and jail that had once echoed with lively chatter and the jokes of his friends were reduced to ash and charred wood.
Jimmy remembered the countless evenings he'd spent on the top of the sandy crater, looking out over Tumble Town with a sense of pride. He recalled the laughter of Scott as he flirted with him, Joel playing by the TNT wagon, and the harmony that had thrived in this rustic settlement. As he walked, he stumbled upon the charred remains of the large train Scar had built, the ornate timepiece forever frozen in time at the very moment when chaos erupted. The destruction was surreal and heart-wrenching.
“Jimmy!” He instantly recognized the voice as it loudened with each yell. “Jim!” A pair of wings were flying above him, pulling back to land. “Jimmy, what happened here?” It was Scott. “Did your stash of TNT go off? Did someone…” His head moved in a circle as he took in the immense amount of damage. “...Spawn 10 Withers here? Why is Tumble Town so destroyed?” 
“I… I don’t know.” Jimmy admitted, turning to face him. “Grian called me, saying Tumble Town blew up. So I logged in… and…” He looked back into the mesa. “It’s all… gone.” The tragedy left Jimmy with a profound sense of loss. His duties as sheriff had been rendered powerless against the unstoppable flames that devoured the wooden structures. He couldn't help but feel responsible, wondering if there was more he could have done to prevent this disaster.
Smajor1995: Grian, could you come to Tumble Town pls Grian: sure
Jimmy heard the yelling of his fellow Britishman as the brunette landed beside him and Scott. “Grian, how did you know Tumble Town was destroyed?” Scott began asking before Jimmy could even say hello. “Did you see anyone or anything that blew up?” 
“No, no,” Grian shook his head, “I was actually here to steal some gunpowder for fireworks. But when I came by… your TNT wagon was lit up, and it caused a bit of a large crater. I thought it was just a silly mistake, and I turned to leave with my two stacks, but I heard more explosions…” He sighed. “And when I looked back again… there was TNT everywhere, and it was flying, and there was just… so much smoke.” 
“Could you catch any name tag?” 
“Yeah, actually, I think I saw-” Grian’s voice withered as he checked the chat. The messages flew quickly in succession.
Tango: Guys, I got a letter Grian: What letter?  Mumbo: I got one too Smajor1995: you mean, your internet bill?  Tango: no, no, like an invitation Tango: It’s like Minecraft themed RenDog: as I as well
“If you’d like, Sheriff, you could stay in my Inn back in Chromia for now,” Scott flirted, hoping to lighten the mood. Jimmy would usually push the woo away with a laugh and an assurance he’d do it on his own, but now, accepted it with a kind nod. 
“That would actually be very nice, Scott. The more I look at this, the more I feel absolutely enraged.” Jimmy tried to keep his eyes away from the destruction and toward the chat, but the flames and smoke distracted him quickly. “I’m just going to diffuse the fire… I don’t want it to expand and destroy more than it already has.” The blonde slowly trudged toward the fire as Grian monitored the lines on the screen, curious about the conversation.
Mumbo: I thought it was something from Mojang Tango: That’s what I’m thinking Grian: ooh, if it's from Mojang, have fun Mumbo: Grian, check if you got one too, the letter says 10 members Tango: 10 members from ALL over Minecraft, i don’t think they’d invite all from hermitcraft  RenDog: the letter doesn’t say ‘all’ though Mumbo: Wait, it says we shouldn’t talk about this… Tango: oh RenDog: pretend this never happened, guys. there was no letter.
Grian laughed. 
Grian: Letter? What letter? 
And the chat fell silent again as a few people began to sign off. 
Smajor1995: Btw, Jimmy’s place has been blown up, does anyone know who did it? LDShadowLady: like, in roleplay, or actuality?  Grian: Tumble Town was absolutely destroyed  JoeyGraceffa: no way
Grian frowned. 
LDShadowLady: oh my, Jimmy do you need resources to rebuild? SmallishBeans: we’d love to help, Jim Smajor1995: I’m gonna get him to stay in Chromia for now InTheLittleWood: who would do such a thing?
Grian's room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the glow of his computer screen. The sounds of the faraway flicker of fire from the destroyed Tumble Town was an eerie, yet peaceful sound to listen to, paired with the quiet hum of the Minecraft soundtrack. But then, amidst the digital noise, he heard it – a gentle chime, like a distant doorbell. His head snapped up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Nobody ever rang his doorbell while he was gaming, and he wasn't expecting any visitors.
Pushing himself away from the desk, he rose from his gaming chair and padded softly across the room. The brunette reached the door, hand on the knob, ready to fling it open with a playful grin. However, when he swung the door wide, he found no one there. Instead, a simple envelope lay on the welcome mat, just inches from the threshold. He bent down, plucking it from the ground.
Is this the letter they were all talking about? The Minecraft one?
Examining the envelope, he noticed that it was old-fashioned, sealed with a wax stamp that bore an intricate design. His curiosity piqued, he carefully broke the seal and withdrew the letter from within. Grian's eyes scanned the handwritten words on the paper, and his brows furrowed with surprise as he read the unexpected message.
Dear Charles (Grian),
You are cordially invited to a Minecraft-themed party that promises to be an unforgettable experience. As you know very well through your years of continuous playing, Minecraft is a world of endless possibilities, and this event aims to bring that pixelated adventure to life. We've prepared a world full of surprises.
The location of the event is a remote area, isolated from the hustle and bustle of the city, surrounded by dense woods. Don't worry; it's far from the distractions of everyday life. You will also not be allowed to vlog through any other means, as this is meant for you and the 9 other invitees. 
This also means that this invitation cannot be talked about to anyone, whether they be of relevance to Minecraft or not. If we find out that this has been discussed, your offer will be rescinded and all your Minecraft accounts erased. I'm sure you wouldn't want that… and neither would your other invitees.
The environment may challenge your understanding of the real world and the digital realm. But remember, it's all in the spirit of fun and adventure.
Don't let the absence of exits concern you; the event will run through the night and into the early morning, with all food and hospitalities cared for and on the house. 
We understand this invitation might seem strange, but rest assured, it's all about transporting you into the Minecraft universe and creating lasting memories. We kindly request that you bring a sense of adventure and a willingness to embrace the unexpected.
Please be prepared for a night filled with enigmatic challenges, engaging experiences, and the thrill of the unknown. It would be recommended you dress up as your player skin to be recognizable to others. 
We look forward to your presence at the Minecraft-themed adventure. The date will be revealed shortly, and your transportation will also be taken care of.
 It will be an event to remember, and we hope you will leave with stories to share.
"Grian?? Oh, is he AFK?" He could hear Jimmy from his computer back in his room. He slipped the letter back into its casing and walked back upstairs. 
"Sorry, sorry, I'm back now," he blurted out, dropping the envelope beside his desk. "What's going on?" 
"Jimmy's 'bout to continue recording, we were hoping you could hide?" Scott asked, looking back at the still nametag of Jimmy's that had disappeared into the wooden ruins. 
"Oh, yes, sure." Grian was quick to murmur. "I actually think I might just head off right now." 
"Okay, yeah, have a good rest of your day then," Scott spoke as he crafted new rockets with the help of the half-broken gunpowder farm. He had to make his entrance in style, after all. How else was he going to take the spotlight in Jimmy's video?
Once he saw the brunette's name tag flicker out, Scott muted his mic and flew himself a distance over. He still kept himself within earshot of Jimmy's mic so he wouldn't create dead space in his recording. 
Speaking of, I have to start my video soon, if I plan on benefiting from Jimmy's destroyed empire. After all, this is a huge event. I have to get the first scoop before everyone else knows about it. Scott turned on his recording software and tested his mic before waiting in silence. He knew that there would be dead space in his video, but he didn't mind, seeing as he'd have to record himself in Chromia first so it didn't seem suspicious... And then get a message from Jimmy. But he can work out the kinks later once Jimmy's done with his initial panic. 
Grian said he knew who it was… While he heard the Sheriff mumbling about all his hard work gone, Scott's mind couldn't help but wonder who could've done something like this or why someone would do it if it wasn't for any story-based arc. Surely someone would've let Jimmy know before destroying his entire empire… it wasn't even a prank that could be fixed easily. Scott focused on Jimmy's words as they grew farther and farther away. 
"Oh my gosh, Norman!" Scott's eyes widened. Norman? Oh god, is he okay?
"Thank god you're safe!"
And Scott breathed out a heavy sigh. Even if it's just a few pixels, a pet in Minecraft is still a pet. 
"I better tell someone about this… who could've done such a thing! I've been nothing but nice to everyone– even if they call me a toy." 
SolidarityGaming: Is anyone nearby? Please come to my empire.
Scott took this as his cue.
Smajor1995: Anything for you, sheriff. I'm on my way.
He could hear the blonde's flustered sigh, and he couldn't help but grin at that awaited reaction. He instantly shot a couple of rockets into the sky, pulling back from the mesa only to fly in the direction of it, landing close to where he last saw Jimmy. 
"Scott, I'm so glad you're here!" 
Scott made a long motion of looking around the destroyed empire. "Jimmy, I thought this was something sweet, what on earth happened to Tumble Town?!"
"I'm asking you the same thing! I took a couple of days off, and went back to see everything in ruins!" 
"Gosh… maybe it was a stray lightning strike on TNT?" The cyan-haired tried to reason. "Maybe someone brought flint and steel a bit too close to your saloon?"
"Scott, there is barely a half-stack of TNT in Tumble Town. All my stock for trading is all in the form of gunpowder!" Jimmy grew more and more upset with each sentence. "And last I played Minecraft, gunpowder doesn't explode unless it's in a creeper, in TNT or fireworks! And two out of three of those can't create a disaster this big!" 
"Listen… being here is only going to get you further upset. Let's get you to Chromia where you can spend the night. Next morning, I'll call up the other empires and we can discuss what just happened." 
Jimmy hesitated for a moment. Scott didn't know whether it was a show for the camera or not. "Yeah… yeah, okay. I'll just… gather a couple of my belongings." 
Scott nodded, turning to fly back to the top of the crater. "Good, and make sure you grab everything valuable to you."
"Tumble Town is valuable to me." 
At that, Scott nearly broke character. This wasn't the 'Sheriff Solidarity' speaking, it was Jimmy. There was actual emotion in that short sentence. "You'll be okay, Jim. We'll find out who did it." He assured gently, slipping back into his actor-self. 
The cyan-haired didn't have to wait for long as Jimmy came back holding an Enderchest and his sheriff badge in his offhand. "Let's go." 
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stormoftara · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @mysterygreentea thank you!!
I have two ao3 accounts I use regularly so I'll be answering for both!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On hcsf: 68
On stormoftara 215
2. What’s your total word count?
On hcsf: 362,281
On stormoftara: 1,185,425
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Too many to count, but currently Hermitcraft/Life series. Previously it was Undertale, Omori and Osomatsu San
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
On hcsf: A Game of Love, Distances and Lies, Scar is Oblivious, Truth or Dare, Dick Measuring Contest
On stormoftara: The Dreamer, If not you then me, The Heaviness of a Heart, Drunken Ramblings, UN//Forgotten
5. Do you respond to comments?
Oh how I try… but fail. I'm sorry.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhh. That's a good question. Maybe Missing, an Osomatsu San fic about Karamatsu dying. 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's hard too. I write a lot of angst. Lots of my short fics are fluffy and have good endings. I can't think of one thats like super happy. 
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah. Some of my Omori fics for reasons I don't understand. At one point I had one person really harassing me about it. I don't know why honestly. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah. Most of my highest kudos fics on hcsf are smut, if the fuc title "Dick Measuring Contest" is any hint lmao
10. Do you write crossovers?
Sure do! Mostly Mob Psycho 100/Osomatsu San. But there are other, much stranger things 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not really. I've had some really close plagiarism, in which someone took my exact idea, but thats not really stealing. I was mad that there were comments on the other fic saying it was the best thing they ever read when it was a copy of my work, but eh... On Wattpad someone stole my story from reddit, but that particular story has been stolen and it's everywhere. It shows up a bunch in those YouTube videos where people read reddit posts too. That's not a fic and I'm not that upset since they usually credit me.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! One Undertale fic and one Omori fic. There might be others, but those ones I know for sure!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope and I wouldn't do that. I can't write like that.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I dunno. I like a lot of things. I guess TotoNyaa and Scarian 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have about 50. I don't think I'll finish any of them. There's an Undertale fic and an Omori fic I want to finish but I don't have time. Sigh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Writing fast. I have no lack of ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar. I write too fast and forget words. I get lazy and I don't edit things or polish them like I should 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Nah. It's confusing for the reader. If someone is speaking another language I either translate it in the text or if the Narrator doesn't understand I just say that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marble Hornets
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
A Game of Love. It's also by far my most popular fic so I'm happy that others like it too!
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go-learn-esperanto · 3 years
MCYTblr elections policies
I made a list of the policies of the parties that are running for the @mcytblr-fourth-elections
Not every policy is on here because I put what interested me the most (Almost all parties said that they will legalise arson guys— and Stan Jack Manifold does not affect me in the slightest on the voting lol) So this will have small biased comments in brackets. There are some in which I couldn't find their policies on Tumblr. I don't care if you have them on Discord this is MCYTblr elections they should be on Tumblr. Aaand a party did not account for accessibility and since I couldn't read their policies they aren't on here.
This is not perfect go read their policies if you want! And it's also light hearted. :)
•Grian friendly
•hermitcraft fans are in it
•no Wilbur Soot but Ghostbur enjoyers
•Art reblog
•Death to C!Dream
•Wants Grian in the sewers
•Says fuck you Wilbur but the president is a Wilbur Kinnie or so I have heard. (I believe it, that's a Wilburian move right there.)
•Technoblade cat boy???
•Mumbo is eye candy. Understandable.
•Everyone over 6ft will pay more taxes. (I'm less than 5ft so this benefits me greatly.)
•Very art oriented
•small creators support
•Claim to have no simps in the cabinet
•Claim to draw your minesonas if you vote for them
•Will add guns to Minecraft
•Welcome Twitter refugees
•Art reblog
•focused on the reblog like ratio
•Doesn't accept hermitcraft slander
•the only mcyt accepted on Tumblr are SophieTexxas, Editor Larry and Eret(recently). (I hope they are aware that Shelby is here too. Could tag her 👀)
•will give mermaid tails and the ability to breathe under water if you vote
•Promiss to get Ghostbur out of Limbo
•(complicated ass name)
•maybe on hermitblr?
•no tags?
•(that is literally all I could find)
•Will personally drag CC!Wilbur to his own limbo of ace race (not sure how that holds up now) and will let any Ghostbur enjoyers punsih him how they see fit without any representation. And will also let them use Wilbur's Reddit account.
•Ghostbur will be taken out of Limbo but they don't promise to abolish Ghostbur angst. Friend has infinite lives.
•Tubbo Glock
•Character analysts will get new fountain pens, nap and gold star (and it's now that I become a character analyst. I want the pens!)
•twitter refuges will be accepted if they pass the test (go read the full test on their post if you wanna know more)
•Will end the Dream SMP in the end of the presidency
•Will recruit members to help with the presidency and that includes the opposition
•reblog art
•C!Dream should die. The rest get good arcs.
•CCs on Tumblr will be treated like normal Tumblr users.
•Will ask of CCs on Tumblr to not mention their usage of the website so to not attract a lot of mcytwt
•small creators rec
•Mumza gets a gun
•Wilbur is prohibited from using his Reddit or writing stuff about Ghostbur
•Philza and Tubbo get one murder each. C! or CC.
•Found family content
•Tommy is Teletubbies sun (amazing policy. Wow.)
•egg arc will be brought back
•Hermiblr gets a annual purge
•Dictatorship I mean, "strong leadership"
•Hunt down Butch Hartman (very good policy yes)
•fan and small creators appreciation
•CCs on Tumblr will be treated with respect and won't be obliged to provide opinions on fandom debate
•Ao3 tag division (This is great. I think @timedeo is already working really hard to make this happen but more help could be great so that's cool)
•rb ratio/A safer place for marginalized people/respect for any MCYT fandom be it big or small/accessibility features (You will later see why this is necessary 👁️👄👁️)
•A party in honour of the loosing parties in the end of the elections
•Watch Kakujo
•Watch obscure series/MCYTs
•Crossovers are encouraged
•Ghostbur gets care packages
•Crack fic will be written by the President with suggestions of the public
•kick Butch Hartman (very good policy)
•more tnt and underrated duos content
•C!Tommy gets a hug if he wants
•therapy (good policy yes)
•Wilbur will be forced to apologize to Ghostbur and Friend
•If you vote you might get drugs
•Hear the community and try fix the problems in it (a bit vague imo)
•Twitter refuges are welcome
•angst and fluff propaganda
•abolish MCYTblr government or prevent purposes of tyranny (anarchist party? Oh)
•Mumza gets Mum of the year award
•Wilbur will be hunted and Ghostbur will be in a Scottish farm limbo with Friend.
•Ramboo will be prohibited from using "Fallen Down"
•More literacy to the fandom
•Ao3 tag separation
•Cookies and hugs for everyone
•Tumblr and mcyt tagging guides
•Encouragement but not enforcement of use of proper tags
•fanartists appreciation
•MCYTblr as a nice place for fans and CCs alike
•A blog for fandom events (That's cool!! I like the idea)
•custom hats
•Can't read anything for lack of accessibility. Everything is in images with little letters. I'm sorry (but you proved Csmp point with this one)
•Abolish MCYTblr prision
•Empower cat people in all forms
•Wilbur is going down
•Abolish weedstreet
•Legalize weed
•Respect SophieTexxas
•increase literacy
•stream Fundy's dad (?
•remove people from business who are not wearing masks (a very sexy policy imo)
•Dissolve MCYTblr presidency
This was mainly made for myself so I could keep track of the parties' policies.
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