#Now get ready for Rena Deux!
a-flaming-idiot · 4 months
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Marinette discovers something important about herself. We're all very proud of them!
Maybe a little too early for pride month but it's whatever.
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dreamwreaver · 7 years
I’m sorry... I don’t know why I wrote this either
AO3 Link
The school’s curriculum was an oddity to Adrien. Maybe it was the fourteen prior years of homeschooling, plus regimented activities. But some of the information he was learning about simply didn’t seem relevant to the real world. Like code words, why were they learning about codewords? Yes, he understood that during times of war they or other covert operations they were incredibly crucial things to have, but why did school children need to be learning about them?
But the more he thought about it, the more sense it seemed to make. And he wondered if perhaps he could use the code phrase for himself. He had wanted to learn his lady’s identity for so long, but respected her decision not to tell him. That, however, didn’t prevent him from having his suspicions, and he wanted to find a way to confirm them without seeming like it was prying.
Chat Noir landed on the assigned roof where he and Ladybug always met to begin patrol. The spotted heroine and girl of his dreams was already there and waiting. The idea had been stewing in his brain for some time, and while he wanted to bring it up immediately, the timing just didn’t seem right.
“And a good evening to you chaton,” Ladybug smiled, and he felt like he’d been blessed.
“Bonsoir m’Lady,” he bowed gallantly, “Ready to start the evening?”
“Always,” she gave him a cocky smile, jutting out a hip and placing a hand on it, “Wanna race?”
“You took the words right out of my mouth,” Chat grinned, settling down on his haunches. “On the count of three?”
“Un, deux,” they paused, tense, waiting, ready, “Trois!”
And they leapt, bounding over rooftops and streets, swinging and pouncing and all the while keeping an eye out for any trouble akuma related or not. When their cursory sweep of the city had been completed they settled down on another rooftop to take a quick breather.
“I think I won that round Chaton,” Ladybug laughed, “Sure you’re not losing your edge?”
“Not at all my lady,” Chat parried, “This cat is as fit as a fiddle,”
“So we’re moving on from bad puns to tired cliches, alright, I’ve been wanting a change of pace.”
“Speaking of cliches,” Chat blessed his rather poor luck for that easy transition. “What do you think of code words?”
“I think they can be quite useful, why?” Ladybug replied.
“I’ve been doing some thinking,” Chat began, suddenly nervous. There was a good chance she would say no, but he hoped he could present his case in a way that would allow her to agree without much risk to herself, “And I know you said we should keep our identities a secret.”
“I did, you haven’t been doing any spying on me, have you my curious kitten?” her eyes narrowed at him though she kept her tone light, uncertain of whether or not she would be justified in being angry just yet.
“No no!” Chat quickly held up his hands, trying to placate her, his lady’s wrath was not something to be toyed with, “I’ve been respecting your decision. It hasn’t stopped me from wondering though, curiosity and cats and all that.”
“And what does this have to do with codewords?” Ladybug asked him.
“Well, I was thinking… maybe we should have a codeword, just in case?”
Ladybug raised an unimpressed eyebrow but didn’t immediately object, meaning he still had a chance for now.
“Hear me out, I promise that I haven’t gone looking for you. I swear, cat’s honor. However, on the off chance that one of us was to see something we shouldn’t… or we have our suspicions-”
“If we have our suspicions we should keep them to ourselves,” Ladybug told him, “Chat, you already know why we can’t share. It isn’t because I don’t trust you… but until Hawkmoth is defeated for good, we can’t. We had enough risk bringing out Rena, we don’t know how much he knows and the thought that our identities could get back to him… it would put not only us but everyone around us in danger.”
“I know,” Chat felt himself deflate a little but tried to make the best of it, “But I think it’s a good idea regardless. A way to let us know in an emergency… It can even be something very specific, a way to verify. A way to tell friend from foe, like with what happened with Copycat.”
She sighed, “You’re really not going to let this drop, are you?”
“It can be something super specific, something only the two of us could come up with,” Chat promised.
“Like what?”
“Um…” he honestly hadn’t expected to get this far and now was scrambling for a phrase. He remembered the few times he’d gone on a blogging website, more specifically the english speaking side and recalled a phrase a few people had come up with to identify when they found someone else from said website, “I’ve got it! If we suspect we can say, ‘I like your shoelaces,’ and if it really is us we have to respond, no matter what, ‘Thanks, I stole them from the president’. Sound good?”
“Sounds a bit too random a response,” Ladybug quipped, “But that is the type of out of left field response I can’t expect an imposter to come up with,” she sighed and held out her hand, “Alright, it’s a deal.”
After that Adrien decided to test his codeword a few times, just as an experiment. If he found that anyone else responded with the phrase and then confronted Ladybug about it later they could alter it as necessary. But it wouldn’t do to have a faulty codeword.
He tried it out on models, on random people in the streets, he tried it out a few times even as Chat Noir. All the people, regardless of whether they were wearing something with laces or not, regardless of who he as playing the part of, never said the phrase. Good, so far. At least he had a control group which added credence to the fact that this was a safe bet.
Or… it was until Hawkmoth decided to start picking his victims closer to the end of day. Like Adrien didn’t have enough on his plate. Now instead of doing homework he got to stay up late fighting evil. Well, it wasn’t all bad, he still got to see Ladybug after all. A little sleep deprivation was worth it for that in his eyes.
But he came into school one morning absolutely exhausted out of his mind. These nighttime akumas had kept up for over a week now. And Adrien was getting a little sick of it. He knew without a doubt that if this continued his grades would continue to slip, and if his father ever got an inkling of Adrien starting to decline in his expectations he would be out of school before the situation could be remedied. In a catatonic, almost zombie-like state Adrien sat down at his desk. Nino was already there, and shot a grimace at his friend.
“Dude, you look like death warmed over, what happened?” Nino asked.
“Nothing much Nino,” Adrien fobbed off, “My schedule’s just been a little more demanding than usual lately,” Not a lie, but definitely not the truth either, “Sorry.”
“No it’s fine, I get it.”
“Anything new happened while I’ve been out of the picture?”
“Got some sweet new kicks, wanna see?” Nino asked.
Adrien nodded and the other boy plopped his feet up on the desk. Belatedly Adrien noticed Marinette stumbling into the classroom in much the same manner as he had. She looked about ready to drop, but as soon as she was safely in her seat Adrien turned his attention back to Nino. they were Chat Noir themed sneakers. Black all over, with neon green laces. But as Adrien looked closer he noticed,
“Hey,” he drawled, the laces had little black paw prints on them. And without even thinking, too tired to consider the potential ramifications of his words, he said, “I like your shoelaces.”
Before Nino could even respond another voice chimed in, “Thanks, I stole them from the president.”
Adrien froze, the phrase, the exact phrase he had agreed he and Ladybug would say to let each other know. The same answer that a rather large sample of the population hadn’t come up with. In stilted motions Adrien turned around and looked behind him. Marinette was still bleary-eyed, and not at all like the answer had been something she’d said intentionally. It was more like an ingrained phrase, one she’d agreed to say, one that a certain Lady had said was too out of left field for an imposter to come up with. Alya was looking at the other girl with confusion, so it wasn’t some sort of inside joke the two might have been sharing. And then it all began to click, the hairstyle and color, the eyes, the small dusting of freckles he saw across the bridge of her face, the sleep deprivation. Marinette was Ladybug.
And the first thing Adrien did when his faculties were once again working was scream.
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking... Ch.17
Masterlist (will update for needed parts soon)
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
A/N: Bet you weren’t expecting this so soon were ya? Aren’t I just full of surprises? I never sleep!!!!! Also I tried something new with the tags so hopefully it works!! I regret nothing
Wordcount: 2016 (neat)
Warnings: Fluff, cute, then blood
Tags!: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty@meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips@sweaterkitty-fluff@pinkyiger7@littlemissshortcakes@msageofenlightenment@unprofessional-inhumanbeing@fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple@ashwolfcub@myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate@superwholockbooknerd526@frozengal2013@lmaodedhaha@itsmikayblr@sarmar29 @arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms@hoshihime98@shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space@iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2(lol) @asprinkleofmermaids @pinkyiger7(I’m tagging you twice my friend!) @satellitesuga @rose-coloured-nihilism  @okie-dokie-artichokeme (I love your URL omg)
 if anyone else wants to be tagged just send me an ask!
Breaking Agreements
Johnny tugged at the bottom of your dress, trying to get your attention.
“Mama says we should give your present now, I’ll go get my drum.” It took you a moment to realize what you were talking about. Aww I did say this would be better with a drum! Angie interlocked your arms once more.
“Come on everyone! TT, Mama and I have something to you in the music room!” AJ and Jaime got up off the ground and ran toward the hall where Eliza was already heading. You saw Johnny slowly going down the stairs, his little snare and sticks in hand, being careful not to drop anything. Wow, he got that fast! He must be excited! Angie pulled on your arm. “Let’s go TT!” Alex stood up and patted his daughter on the head.
“I’ll go with you, sunshine girl, follow me.” Alex winked at Philip who was standing behind you. What was that about?
“Okay, Daddy!” Angie let go of your arm, her and Alex walked off to the hallway, well actually, Angie skipped but not the point. You felt something touch your waist, the same thing press against your back lightly.
“Have you already forgotten about me, ma petite chou?” Philip whispered in your ear. You jumped slightly, turned yourself around, your face heating up all over again.
“Why you have to go and call me a cabbage like that?” You blurted out, he chuckled softly.
“You are quite radiant when you’re flustered, my star.” He smiled. “I have a gift for you as well, but you will have to find it after I see yours.” He turned you back around, keeping his hand on your waist while leading you forward.
“I have to find it? What does that even mean?” You asked with intrigue.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He spoke softly. As you finished squealing internally you approached the music room door. The two of you walked in together, everyone already ready and waiting. Eliza was seated at the piano, Angie and Johnny were standing on opposite sides of her. Johnny already had the strap on his drum secured, the drum leaning on his side. AJ, Jamie and Alex were sitting on the small couch closest to the piano.
“Took you two long enough!” AJ exclaimed.
“What’s going on anyway?” Alexander asked.
“We just have something very special to show you all!” Eliza smiled.
“I’ll go stand by father.” Philip informed. You were suddenly struck with an idea, as he walked away you snatched his hat off his head once more. He turned around with surprise. “Do you have a thing with stealing my hats now?” He asked and you smiled deviously.
“I need it for something, I am about to do something great!” You laid the hat on top of your head and made it point up slightly. I shall now become George Washington; I’m going to make Chris Jackson proud! You trotted over to the middle of the room while Philip walked past you and sat next to Alex. You cleared your throat. “Is everyone ready?” You asked and were met with several yeses. Eliza got ready on the piano.
“Alright Angie, John; Un…deux…trois!” She stared with the first chord and you began your song.
“I was still older than you all now, when I gave myself a command. I may have led myself straight into a massacre, I have witnessed death first hand. I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me. And even now I lie awake knowing history has its eyes on me.”
(Whoa…whoa, whoa…) Angie and Johnny sang along, Johnny tapping his drum lightly.
“History has its eyes on me…” You stepped slowly over to the couch, stopping in front of it and putting one arm behind your back. “Let me tell you what I wish I’d known, now that I know love and dream of glory. You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story!” You patted Jamie and AJ on the head, smiled at Alex and stepped toward Philip. “I know that we can win, I know that greatness lies in you! Because you’ve taught me from here on in, history has its eyes on you!”
(History has its eyes on you!) They held out. Everyone began to clap and Eliza turned her gaze toward you.
“That was our best run yet!” She exclaimed. You looked down at Philip.
“What’d you think, Sunshine?” He stared up at you, silent for a moment. “Philly?”
“I think…you have the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard in my entire life! And you look better in my hat than I do! And I look really good in that hat, so.” He stood up, brought his hands to both sides of your face, pushing the hair out of the way. His fingers grazed your cheeks and made your skin tingle. You saw his eyes dart from your right eyes, to your left and then down to your lips. Oh my God, is he going to…? OH MY GOD THIS IS HAPPENING! What do I do?! Do I lean in? Do I stay still?! His eyes kept moving in the triangle pattern as his face came a little closer to yours. Before you could actually do anything, you felt the hat on your head be lifted up. You looked to the side to see Angie placing it on top of her own head, it was far too big on her but the feather fit her style more than Philip’s.
“Oh, look at me! I’m Philip Hamilton! After all these years, I have found my beloved! Mon amour! Ma petite chou!” She put her hands on her cheeks and made teasing kissing noises. FUCKING SHIT! ANGIE I LOVE YOU BUT NOW WAS NOT THE TIME! “You know…I quite like this hat. It makes me look like a leader!” She put her hands on her hips proudly. She tipped the hat up and skipped away, sticking her tongue out as she went. Everyone else just sort of collectively looked at each other and got up.
“Well! Time to get some tea!” Alex clapped, almost signaling for everyone to leave, and they did, leaving you and Philip alone to stew in the awkward remnants of what just happened. Both of you simultaneously took a step back from each other, red faced and mumbling. It was terrible.
“Uh, so yeah um, that uh…”
“Yeah, um…so what did you say about needing to find a present earlier?” You laughed nervously, trying to change the topic. Make this torture end!
“Right! That! Well, you’ll have to find it! I’ll tell you which room it’s in but that’s the only hint you’ll get okay?” You nodded and followed him as he walked out of the room, into the hall. “It’s in the study, let’s go!” The two of you quickly made your way over to the study doors and let yourselves inside. If I were Philip, where would I hide a present? Considering you were the smarty pants that you were, it didn’t take much effort for you to figure it’s in Alex’s immense Shakespeare collection. You went over and examined the shelves scrupulously. All’s Well Ends Well, As You Like It, Anthony and Cleopatra, Cornelius, Hamlet, King John, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Macbeth, Merry Wives of Windsor, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Winter’s Tale- You stopped. Wait a second. You took a second look and found what made you take a double take. Two copies of Midsummer Night’s dream. The one you recognized had gold text but the new one was more silver looking. You picked it off the shelf. “Damn, you found that fast, Star!” Philip exclaimed, leaning against the bookshelf.
“You…you got me my favorite…” You whispered in disbelief.
“Yes, I thought it must be a bit annoying not being able to take it over to your room… I was buying books for school, saw this and knew you had to have it…” He scratched restlessly. “B-But that’s not all! There’s a page marked in there! Well a few actually…Go ahead and open it!” You opened the cover and the pages bump up slightly, you flipped to where this bump ended and saw something. A pressed, slightly discolored pick of baby’s breath. You looked up at Philip.
“Is…is this…?”
“The same flower from our night in the garden? Yes, it is. But that’s not the best part, look at what I marked.” He instructed, you looked back down at the page, moving the wildflower out of the way.
Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,
Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
More than cool reason ever comprehends.
The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact:
One sees more devils than vast hell can hold,
That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic,
Sees Helen’s beauty in a brow of Egypt:
The poet’s eye, in fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
You looked back up at Philip, slightly confused. “A lover and a madmen are quite similar, what changes them is how they are written. You have faced many madmen, and they will be written as such. However, I will never be your madman. I will write and fight and shape what I am, if it would make you smile. Someday, you will blow us all away, because you blow me away every moment I’m with you.” You look up and see Philip’s face and he is helpless. And his eyes are just helpless. There were so many things you wanted to say, so many things you wanted to do in that moment… You felt a ping rush through your head. No…Not now! Not again! Your head was aching and you felt your pupils dilate over and over again. You felt your hands shaking and looked down at the holding the book. The pages were now old and withered, no longer brand new but the baby’s breath looked like it had just been plucked from the garden. Looking past the book you saw grass on the ground, the wood flooring completely gone. You dropped the book and raised your gaze toward Philip. The sight was familiar but that didn’t make it any less horrifying. There was a pistol in his hand, blood all over his arms and right side, his stare looked blank.
“Phil…ip…s-sunshi….ne” You tried to yell, to cry out, to do something but the blood in your veins was boiling and it made your head feel like it was burning alive.
“I held my head up high…” He said with a gaunt expression. There was a voice, you didn’t recognize it but it sounded masculine.
“Madman, madman, madman, madman, madman, madman, madman. Lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover. Change, change, change, change, change, change, change.” It kept bouncing around in your head, it pushed through your skull and back in again.
“But even before we got to ten…” Philip whispered again. You looked past him and saw figures in black, you couldn’t identify them because they were running back and forth but you could hear the voices. You always did.
“Where is my son?”
“Who did this? Alexander did you know?”
“Stop! You won’t take me! Philip! I need you! Help me!”
“Sept, sept, sept, sept, sept, sept, sept…” Philip mulled.
“Is he alive?”
A blood curdling scream.
“I am not traumatized! I love her! RoseMary! Save me!”
You felt something wet drip down your face and felt yourself lose sight from your right eye, then your left. In this black abyss, it is the only place you’re truly safe, a place of in between. There was nothing there, no one could hurt you, no one could harm those you loved. As long as you were in that Purgatory, nothing wrong could be done. But you always had to wake up.
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googlenewson · 5 years
A couple weeks ago I received an email message with the subject line “Urgent Request !!!” The note purported to be from Adam Lashinsky, this newsletter’s weekday columnist, a man whose comminqu?s I am wont not to ignore. Yet I knew instantly, even before opening the note, that the composer was an imposter.
The tell: Three more exclamation points than I have observed the bossman ever having used !!!
Phishing, the attempted ensnarement of people’s personal information through fraudulent dispatches, continues to be one of the web’s great scourges. The tactic remains an effective means for spies to commit espionage, a lucrative pastime for criminals, and a nuisance to my inbox. Naturally, the practice is a highlight in Verizon’s 2019 data breach investigations report, a compendium of useful cybersecurity insights, published Wednesday.
Verizon’s useful report is based on an analysis of more than 41,000 security incidents and more than 2,000 breaches across many industries and companies. The data are culled from 73 data sources ranging from Palo Alto Networks, the cybersecurity firm, to the U.S. Secret Service.
Three findings from the report to call your attention to, all of which concern phishing:
Hackers are increasingly targeting top dogs. Senior executives were 12 times more likely to be the target of “social incidents,” including email phishing scams, than in years past. They were also nine times more likely to be the target of “social breaches,” meaning the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information through social channels, such as via phishing, than in years past.
Money motivates. Financially-oriented social engineering attacks, which include phishing, represented 12% of all data breaches. Some miscreants sought to steal web login credentials, banking passwords, or credit card information; others urged people to wire money into coffers controlled by crooks.
Phones are a threat. Mobile devices were associated with 18% of phishing email clicks. People are often distracted when using their phones and are thus easier targets.
It’s obvious why hackers are turning their attention to senior executives. They have greater access to organizational resources and, when compromised, their accounts hold more sway over underlings. (Yessir, right away, Mr. Lashinsky, sir!)
John Loveland, Verizon’s global head of cyber strategy, offered another reason for the uptick when visiting Fortune’s office this week. “Executives are very busy. They’re flying through lots and lots of emails a day. They’re more likely to click on bad emails,” he said. “The bad guys are focusing their attention on where they think they’re going to get the greatest bang for their buck.”
A tip for your consideration. Have a conversation with your teammates, and let them know that they should always confirm your identity out of band--over the phone, or through some other means--before they wire money somewhere. Make it urgent.
Robert Hackett
Welcome to the Cyber Saturday edition of Data Sheet, Fortune’s daily tech newsletter. Fortune reporter Robert Hackett here. You may reach Robert Hackett via Twitter, Cryptocat, Jabber (see OTR fingerprint on my about.me), PGP encrypted email (see public key on my Keybase.io), Wickr, Signal, or however you (securely) prefer. Feedback welcome.
Boomerang oops. Chinese spies secretly obtained U.S. National Security Agency hacking tools and used them to attack American allies in Europe and Asia, the New York Times reports. The agents got their hands on the cyber arms prior to a mysterious group known as the Shadow Brokers leaking the weapons online in 2016, an incident that led to global, business-crippling cyberattacks by Russia and North Korea. The report is based on findings by cybersecurity firm Symantec, which believes the hackers captured the code on machines targeted by NSA hackers. For a skeptic's view, read this piece of commentary by Dave Aitel, chief security technical officer at data center firm Cyxtera and former NSA hacker.
Cambridge Analytica part deux? Facebook is suing Rankwave, a South Korean data analytics firm, which the media giant is accusing of failing to comply with its advertising and marketing policies. The alleged offender supposedly would not submit to an audit concerning its data collection and retention, which involved 30 or so apps for tracking and analyzing Facebook comments and "likes." Facebook wrote in a blog post that "we are sending a message to developers that Facebook is serious about enforcing our policies." Better late than never.
Take a picture; it will last longer. Ever, a photo storage app, has been quietly training facial recognition algorithms based on people's photo uploads. The company then offers to sell this technology to military, law enforcement, and private companies, including a deal it has in place with SoftBank Robotics, maker of the Pepper robot, NBC News reports. The company updated its privacy policy after NBC contacted it questioning the policy's clarity.
Who left the door open? Security researchers are debating whether the presence of a flaw in a cryptographic algorithm submitted for consideration to an Internet standards body by a Russian delegation was intentionally included or not. Was this bug an accident, or a covert attempt to insert a backdoor? It's unclear. The issue, while not immediately exploitable, could lead to an attack.
Hot wallet. Binance, one of the world's biggest cryptocurrency exchanges, disclosed this week that looters stole more than 7,000 Bitcoin, worth nearly $41 million, from its digital vaults. The company is covering customers' losses using an emergency fund it set up for just such a contingency, the "secure asset fund for users," or SAFU. The exchange also said it has begun conducting a security audit intended to patch vulnerabilities and root out hackers.
Giving whole new meaning to "jailbreak."
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Elephant graveyard. On the latest episode of Crazy/Genius, The Atlantic's technology podcast, the hosts interview Shoshana Zuboff, the author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (whose work we have written about before). She describes how technology companies are creating exploitative marketplaces out of people's personal data--including, in one particularly egregious example, the recording and storage of children's voices by Internet-connected dolls. Are consumers unwittingly toiling in the data mines for Silicon Valley's overlords?
"There is an important distinction to be made between labor and raw material," [Zuboff] says. These children are not working. They are merely living, and their lives are being strip-mined for data, as an elephant might be harvested for its ivory.
"What are we in this equation?" Zuboff asks. "We are not the ivory. We are not what is poached. We are the carcass that is left behind."
After GDPR Struggle, Are Companies Ready for the Next EU Data Law? by Robert Hackett
Chelsea Manning Was Just Released From Jail. Here's What Happens Next by Erin Corbett
The Questionable Future of Donald Trump's Department of Justice by Renae Reints
A.I. Can Now Read Your Thoughts--And Turn Them Into Words and Images by John Nosta
20% of Americans Have Bought Counterfeit Mother's Day Gifts by Laura Stampler
Microsoft Prepping New Tools to Fight Election Hacking by Dina Bass
Zuckerberg Should Be Held Personally Liable for Facebook's Violations by Adam Lashinsky
Doxing. A freelance journalist and former NSA hacker have embarked on a project to obtain and publish government files related to early hacker history using Freedom of Information Act requests. They've raised more than $2,300 to cover their FOIA costs and have submitted about 50 requests so far, reports Motherboard. The files they're seeking relate to groups like Anonymous, LulzSec, the Cult of the Dead Cow, and others.
The venture is already bearing fruit: Here's an internal NASA report about the so-called WANK worm, a self-propagating computer virus that struck the space agency in 1989. A pre-WikiLeaks Julian Assange is believed to have had a hand in that hijinks, though he denies involvement.
from Fortune http://bit.ly/2LD0ywL
0 notes
jo-the-schmo · 8 years
Breaking... Ch.2
A/N: Part two is finally done and it’s pretty long! I have no idea how to make links so if someone could message me and tell me how that would be apreciated ;-; Once I figure that out I’ll put one to part one on here so that no one has to go through my blog. Anyways I hope you enjoy! Here’s all the people who asked to be tagged, if you would also like to be tagged then just shoot me a message and I’ll add you in the next part! @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes 
ok this is my attempt at trying to link this to part one
Part one
Word count: 3965 (oh)
Warnings: Anxiety/Panic attacks, allusions to sexual assault, more cursing(there will never not be curing)
Breaking Promises
               There was no way, this was literally physically impossible. No Y/N, what are you crazy?  Of course you didn’t travel back in time! There had to be some sort of explanation to this! Yet for some reason you couldn’t help your mind wander to that possibility. What if you had actually gone back in time? How would that even be possible? What are the consequences to you being here? How much have you changed by just breathing where you weren’t supposed to? More pressing, how would you get back if this was all real? This couldn’t be real, maybe you fell in some weird coma dream after that guy shot you. Hell maybe you were dead. You hadn’t even noticed how tight you were clutching your chest, how heavy and painful your breathing was.
             Everyone had their eyes glued to you, Eliza was holding onto your shoulders to help you stand. Angie and the two little boys looked scared about what was happening. Alexander looked like he was trying to keep his composure but his eyes were searching for answers. You could see their lips moving but it took a few moments before you could actually hear them. Eliza’s voice flooded over you first, it sounded diluted, almost washed out.
“Y/N! Dear, you’re safe, you have nothing to fear.” Her voice snapped you back slightly, only enough to the point where you could actually look at her. She was simply glad that you were finally being responsive.
“Yes, that’s it now. I am here, we are here. I’m going to count; focus on what I’m saying. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf…” She kept going, your head bobbing ever so slightly to the numbers but every time you thought you were about to calm down another thought came to mind. What if I really am dead? If I’m not, then how do I get back home? Can I even get home? Am I stuck here for the rest of my life?! Eliza looked over at Alexander frantically, he looked you in the eyes as his voice replaced Eliza’s. His was more clear than Eliza’s was.
“Miss Y/N, if you can hear me I would like to ask you to please nod your head.” You were able to do so and nodded slowly, a small bit of relief could be seen in his eyes.
“Very good, now take a deep breath with me.” He breathed in and you were able to shakily follow along. Eliza joined in with her husband, her voice was no longer hushed like it was before. Her voice was soft and comforting, she was a mother after all. A good one too if we’re being historically accurate. She was able to guide you through breathing well enough as to where you no longer were shaking, that was good. You fixed your posture and Eliza loosened her grip on you, for the first time in who knows how long you were able to speak.
“I’m, I’m sorry…” Your voice was feeble and weak, everyone’s gazes softened.
“Do not worry dear, you have nothing to apologize for.” Eliza said reassuringly.
“I have not seen anyone react to anything like that since the war. I do not know exactly what I said that upset you, but you should not be sorry, if anything I am sorry.” Alexander stated, his eyes completely focused on you to ensure that you wouldn’t regress.  You nodded along, your head aching, not quite the same way it was earlier but still debilitating. You rubbed your forehead with the palm of your hand before taking one last deep breath. Okay, this is real, at least in some capacity it is. I really don’t want to think I’m dead so I should put that thought on hold for now. I’m standing in front of Alexander Hamilton, the very first Secretary of Treasury, the guy on the $10 bill. If I really have gone back in time, then I have to be careful. I could literally change all of history if I meddle around at all, hell even existing here is probably screwing everything up. Stupid Butterfly Effect. You made a silent promise to yourself to not break history; it was probably for the best anyway.
             Opening your eyes, you saw Alexander and Eliza standing in front of you with worried eyes and downturned lips. These people, they don’t know who you are or how bad is it that you’re there. They don’t know anything about you and yet they treat you like a dear friend. You at the very least needed to thank them.
“Mr. and Mrs.…Hamilton I, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me, you know, calm down. That hasn’t exactly happened in a while…” You weren’t lying, it’s been a long time since you had a freak out like that. Not since graduation if I’m remembering correctly.
“My dear, there is no need to thank us. But you seem to be under a lot of stress, perhaps you need to take a break?” Eliza asked. Are we running away for the summer to go upstate? Shit, Y/N this is not the time for musical references! Pull yourself together! You allow yourself a moment to scream internally before responding.
“That won’t be necessary, I’ll be fine in just a second. Maybe we could sit down or something?” Wow that sounded dumb. Nice job trying to deflect yourself from the situation!
“Yes, perhaps that’s-“ Alexander started to speak before he was interrupted by a familiar, female voice.
“My apologies Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton but I wanted to inform you of Philip’s arrival…” Rachel locked eyes with you. “Miss Y/N! What’s wrong, did something happen?” She asked worriedly. She was standing in front of the now open front door, you could hear the sound wheels and some odd clacking from outside.
“Yeah, I’m fine Rachel, don’t worry.” You smiled at her meekly. Just as you were finishing your sentence a figure stepped up behind Rachel. He slid past her in the door way and his eyes scanned the room, his gaze finally fell onto you.
“Ah, Philip! Back later than usual aren’t we my son?” Alexander interjected with slight suspicion. Eliza patted him lightly on the arm before smiling at the young man making his way towards us. Wait… Philip? As in Philip Hamilton, the ray of sunshine in the midst of darkness? The sweet sunshine boy!
“There he is! My drop of sunshine! How was class today, love?” Eliza beamed. Oh praise we were right! The name is canon! His eyes never left you as he made his way over.
“Fine, class went well as always, mother… More importantly however, who might this lovely lady be?” Oh, of course this is coming from Mr. Let’s-strip-down-to-our-socks. I may indeed look good in my frocks but it is not happening today sir! He stops in front of you, holding out his hand with his palm facing up. He bows lightly and introduces himself.
“As for myself, I am Philip Hamilton.” He spoke with a slight chuckle and a sly grin. It took a second for you to realize you were supposed to give him your hand. You placed your hand on his palm, raising your hand to his lips he pressed a ‘polite’ kiss to your knuckle. This cheeseball really thinks he’s being slick, huh? You did your best to keep a straight face.
“My name is Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you, um, Philip was it?” You tried to hint that you were not interested. He stood back up with that grin still plastered on his face. You could finally get a good look at him as he stood in front of you. His slightly curled hair paired with the freckles splattered on his face reminded you of a piece by Jackson Pollock. Autumn Rhythms. His clothes were similar to his father’s but with color and fit were slightly different. The color itself was interesting, from far away it seemed to be grey but up close it looked to be more of a dull cyan.
“Yes, it is Philip, and if I may be so forward I’d like to say that your name is quite possibly as lovely as you.” This little shit, sunshine my ass, more like fuckboy. Wait a second was he the original fuckboy? Oh God no The Founding Fuckboys. You decided to stop thinking about that and try to look as serious as possible for someone thinking of ‘The Founding Fuckboys’ as a phrase used for the fathers of our country. You pulled your hand away and folded your arms behind your back, giving a sardonic smile towards his general direction. Alexander cleared his throat.
“Philip, my son, we were discussing some rather pressing matters before you arrived.”
“Oh? What matters exactly?” Philip questioned.
“I believe it would be best for us to sit down at the table first, supper is ready after all.” Eliza touched your arm gently before turning her attention to Rachel, who had stayed surprisingly silent throughout the conversation. Both of them turned to head down a separate hall, Alexander and the children followed them and just as you were about to join them Philip tapped you on the shoulder.
“Miss Y/N, as the eldest son, it would be politest of me to escort you to the table.” He held out his arm for you to take. Seriously? Okay, at this point this is just getting ridiculous.
“Thank you Philip, I’m sure it would be polite of you to lead me down a hallway, but I can walk myself just fine thank you.” You started to walk away with a bit of annoyance, you stopped and turned to look back at Philip. He looked shocked, not upset or angry, just shocked. You decided to add something to even the playing field slightly.
“Also, Mr. Hamilton, calling me Miss seems a bit formal. Just call me Y/N, after all I’m probably around the same age as you.” Although you were still a bit annoyed by his previous attempts to flirt when you clearly weren’t interested, you couldn’t help feeling a little sorry about how dejected he looked. You gave him a friendly smile and you could literally see his shoulders relax. Wow, was he really that tensed up? His surprised expression was quickly changed to one of intrigue. He folded his arms behind his back and spoke up once more, even his voice sounded more relaxed.
“Very well then… Y/N, forgive me, my behavior was not very becoming of me. If you could find it in yourself to pardon me for my actions, then I would be greatly appreciative.” His voice was softer and genuinely apologetic.
“You’re forgiven, now we should probably follow the others. Don’t want to miss dinner right?” You chuckled and turned back around to walk down the short hallway. Philip jogged up to walk beside you, a soft laugh escaping him as he approached. The two of you walked toward the dining room, Philip making offhand jokes about his parents along the way. Everyone was already sitting and adjusting themselves to be more comfortable by the time you had gotten there. Angie’s head perked up when you stepped into the room and when she noticed Philip at your side a mischievous grin replaced her innocent smile.
“Ooooh! Philly’s found his beloved!” She teased happily. You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics. What did Alexander call her earlier? Sunshine girl? Yeah, she’s the real sunshine in this house.
“Angelica, please, it’s rude to insinuate such things.” He buried half his face in one of his hands, you could tell he was a little embarrassed.  Oh siblings, the only people who are allowed to ruin your day. You walked to an empty seat at the table, Philip was about to pull the seat out for you but he stopped himself.
“Sorry, force of habit.” He shrugged with a smile before making his way to the other side of the table to sit across from you. You shook your head and rolled your eyes. Well, at least his little shit levels are manageable. What a dork. On the table you saw some sort of bread? It looks like bread but it’s got a funny shape to it. A few older women came out of a set of doors, their clothes were similar to yours and they were carrying bowls in their hands. A bowl was set down in front of everyone, when yours came you could finally see what it was. Some kind of stew? Honestly why am I surprised, New York was prominently Dutch during the colonial era. Wow I really am majoring in history aren’t I?
“Y/N dear, I know you’ve been having…a rather trying day so you do not have to tell us what happened quite yet. But if you think that you are well enough then we will listen.” Eliza cooed. What happened? What is she… Oh shit this is bad. I showed up on their doorstep with blood pouring from my head and definitely not wearing the proper attire for the century. Not only that but I’ve been saying things willy-nilly, how the hell am I supposed to explain my situation? You looked up to see Philip staring at you, not so much at you actually but at the bruise on the side of your forehead. Did he not notice it until now? Okay, if I tell them I don’t want to talk about it I’ll just have to do it later. I need to think of something now while I remember everything I’ve said in the past few hours. Come on, four years of Drama Club don’t fail me now! You took a deep breath to ease your rapidly beating heart.
“It’s fine Eliza, it’s probably best to get this off my chest now rather than later.” You cleared your throat. Alright, keep it simple and easy to remember.
“I’m from upstate New York, although I haven’t lived there for some time. When sickness came through downtown, my father decided I was to move down to North Carolina. I’m the only child that survived to adulthood so it was rather important that I stay as far away from the illness as possible.” Yes! Off to a good start! Everyone at the table was fully invested in what you had to say. They know that I can read, that’s what Eliza meant when she said she was surprised that I was educated. Only wealthy people were well off in education. I’m going to have to explain that.
“Honestly, my father is the one to thank for my wellbeing. He insisted that I have the best education; my mother was educated as well. I learned to read and write. He also made sure I had an appreciation for art as well as music. Though I must confess, I always had an infinity for politics and history. And my father indulged those interests.” Alexander seemed to take the most interest in what you were saying. Shit, I’m running low on ideas… Okay, Okay, what’s left? How I got here and why… Grand Finale I guess? I don’t know what to say… Fuck, this is going to get personal, I have no other options here. You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Unfortunately, my parents passed from the disease last year. Land and money can’t be passed down to unmarried women so once word of their deaths went around I had several…visitors.” Damn it all.
“There was…one in particular that was, uh, a bit more aggressive than the others. I came back to try and get away from him but he found me. I was lucky to escape before anything really serious could happen.” You couldn’t help but look away from the eyes staring at you.
Eliza was the first one to break the silence. She swiped at her eyes and, after clearing the lump that formed in her throat during your story, she pushed her chair back and rounded the table to get to you. Eliza enveloped you into a warm embrace.
“Oh, you dear, sweet child. How horrible! No lady should ever be put into that situation. And no gentleman should ever press his advantages. I cannot even imagine! No wonder you were in such a disarray when you arrived.” You were taken aback for a moment but you couldn’t help it when you hugged her back. She pulled away and smiled warmly, smoothing down your hair with one hand. Alexander slowly stood up and walked to stand beside his wife.
“I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we would be honored for you to stay here with us.” He said with a proud smile. How are they so nice? Eliza nodded in agreement.
“Yes, Alexander is right. We’ll have a room set up for you in no time.” You didn’t know what to say for a second. You felt guilty for lying to them, even if they weren’t total lies and you knew you couldn’t actually tell the complete truth. All you need is a place to stay until the threads of time shove you back to the time where you belong.  Until then you need to lie low and try not to destroy the space time continuum. Easy, no problem at all.
“You’re too kind to me Eliza, thank you both so much.” You smiled as wide as you could manage but you knew your eyes were still downcast.
“Now I’m sure none of us want to exhaust you anymore so if you need to talk to any of us we will gladly do so. For now, let us all relax and eat supper, you must be starving dear.” Eliza ran her thumb across your cheek before her and Alexander went back to take their seats. You sat down and looked at the seat across from yours. Philip sat silently for a second until your eyes met. He didn’t look at all like he did earlier, no cheeky grin, no playful shine in his eyes, it was all replaced with something that resembled being distraught. He mouthed a sentence to you so that no one could hear him.
“May I speak with you later?”
“Of course, Philly” You mouthed, giving him a weak smile. Eliza and Alexander sat back down in their seats, an oddly comfortable silence filled the room. You looked around to make sure there wasn’t some specific way to eat the food, you settled with just trying to eat it as quickly and quietly as possible. That was kind of hard though, once you took a bite you realized how right Eliza was. You felt like you hadn’t eaten in days. Eliza filled the silence.
“Alexander, love, how was work today?” She smiled at Alexander, he didn’t seem to be happy though.
“He doesn’t even have a real job… Washington should have done something about him.” Was all that you were able to comprehend through his angry mumbles. Eliza heaved a sigh.
“We talked about this Alexander, John Adams has a job. And while we’re at it you must remember that George is no longer in office, he is back in Virginia, Adams is our president now.” Eliza explained. Wait, didn’t he say earlier that he worked under Washington? How can he work under him when Adams is in office?
“Betsy, I refuse to accept that that man is the leader of the country I fought for! He’s arrogant, ignorant and anti-charismatic!” Wow, he really didn’t like Adams did he? I guess I can’t blame him too much, no one really liked him as a follow-up to Washington.
“If that scoundrel thinks that he has the right to call me “Creole Bastard” than he is utterly mistaken!” Alexander spat. That fat motherfucker. Eliza coughed, practically choking on the tea she was sipping, Angie was staring at you with wide eyes, Philip and Alexander had wide grins stretched across their faces. Philip actually looked like he was trying with every ounce of strength in his body to not laugh. Why are they all looking at me like that?
“What did you just say?” Alexander asked with a sort of twinkle in his eyes. Oh no, what did I… Shit did I say that out loud?
“Uh, what? Did I say something?” You shoved a piece of bread into your mouth so that you wouldn’t be able to say anything else. This isn’t good, not only did I just make a reference out loud but it was also something that you probably didn’t hear women say! Nice job with trying to keep a low profile Y/N! Alexander and Philip both started to laugh hysterically.
“A fat motherfucker? That is a rather astute way to describe him actually!” Alexander howled.
“That is quite the slur, I have never heard someone say something such as that so casually!” Philip snorted. Eliza slapped Alexander on the arm and stared menacingly at Philip.
“Alexander! Do not use that sort of language around the children!” I never knew that you could yell quietly until now, Eliza you truly are impressive! You haphazardly ate the bread that was in your mouth, everything was happening so fast, you didn’t even realize how red your face had gotten.
“I am so, so sorry Eliza! That was extremely improper of me!” Eliza shook her head, giving another sigh.
“It is alright Y/N, my husband and son are also at fault for reacting in such a way. Dear, would it be alright if I asked you to watch your speech, at least around the little ones.” Her voice wasn’t quite unpleasant in that moment, it just sounded like a mom who wanted to make sure her children didn’t say something wrong. Which is exactly what she was. How do mom’s sound so nice yet so threatening at the same time? You nodded in a rather exaggerated manner.
“Of course! No problem at all, I’m really sorry…” You ran a hand through your hair to shake it out slightly. Note to self, never cross Eliza. Mom skills too great.
Supper finished relatively quickly after that, Angie and the little boys from earlier plus one more you didn’t recognize were the first to scamper off. Eliza stood up after a little bit and excused herself, she said that she would be in the garden for a little while. Now that you think about it, even for the time period, her clothes were still a bit off. Her dress was almost flat in the front, not figure hugging like most of the clothes in the 18th century, in fact the cloth seemed to pull away from her body. Weird. Alexander coughed softly to get your attention.
“I apologize again Miss Y/N, I promised you talks of literature during supper. If you would like you may join my son and I in the study. Not only can we discuss Shakespeare, as my daughter has told me you enjoy, but we might also converse on our…mutual distaste for…President Adams” Alexander’s voice strained as he said the last two words. Philip looked at you expectantly, he gave you a comforting smile.
“That sounds wonderful, I’d love to join you.” You sat up from your seat and began to follow Alexander down the hall. You matched your pace with Philip’s so that you would walk side by side. He looked down at you and nudged your arm. Looking up at him to see what he wanted he turned his gaze away, pretending he hadn’t done a thing. You chuckled softly and repeated what he did, he gave you a similar response.
All I have to do is not change history, simple right?
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