#gender queer Marinette
a-flaming-idiot · 4 months
CW: Homophobia Interviewer: "So, Ladybug, Chat Noir, with pride month starting, do you have anything you'd like to say on the topic?" Ladybug, taking the microphone: "I just want all my queer siblings out there to know I see you and I love each and every one of you! I myself, am actually bi and a demigirl. I use she/they pronouns." Random heckler: "Burn in hell, fruit!" Ladybug turning to them like the fucking Terminator: "I WILL FUCKING DROP YOU OVER MY KNEE AND SNAP YOU LIKE THE USELESS, UNWANTED, STALE PRETZEL STICK YOU ARE! DON'T FUCKING TEST ME YOU LIMP-DICK-SON-OF-A-BITCH, COME HERE!" Chat Noir taking the microphone from LB before she runs off: "I have a really amazing boyfriend and I just wanna say how much I love him~"
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awakefor48hours · 3 months
Do you have any LGBTQ+ black clover headcanons? Talk about them!
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I sure do have LGBT+ headcanons for Black Clover characters so let's go over them.
Black Bulls
Vanessa - Bisexual
I headcanon Vanessa as bi (leans more towards women) because her backstory feels very similar to a queer allegory.
Vanessa is has pink hair and pronouns, grew up with a strict maternal figure (who does have Catholic imagery), who forbade her from having relationships with people of a certain gender. Then as soon as she leaves and finally joins the outside world, she starts to dress in more revealing clothes and drinks a lot.
All of that together, it just feels very similar to the way that people who have grown up with overly religious and strict parents behave when they leave to go to college.
Also this haircut
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The certified bisexual haircut.
Finral - Bisexual
I headcanon Finral as bi (leans more to women) for pretty similar reasons to Vanessa. They're parallels to each other after all, older siblings to abusive parents that didn't treat them right only to leave to help themselves while also choosing to be the older sibling that the Black Bulls deserve.
He also reminds me of my bi friends, he does finger guns a lot, and is very comfortable when it comes to complimenting men.
Magna - Bisexual
I ship magluck so my opinion is definitely going to be skewed but I fully think he's bi (no gender preference). The way he talks about being a man and masculinity, it just feels like a bit more than just appreciation, to me at least.
Luck - Pansexual
Like with Magna, my opinion on this is skewed because I ship magluck but I headcanon Luck as pan (no gender preference). His design is nearly the pan flag (just missing the pink) and he hasn't shown any real preference to anyone when it comes to forming a romantic and/or sexual relationship. When it comes to Luck's relationship with dating, it's a bit muddy because he's never been shown to be explicitly in love with anyone but from what we've seen he's not against dating women and the only person he's blushed around was Magna. Also when the Black Bulls share the type of people they like, Luck doesn't specify gender his preferred partner by gender (source: chapter 103).
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As you can see, save for Gordon, everyone else uses gendered terms (or just say the person's name) to describe their preferred partner, expect for Luck.
I will say, I do know that when the captains answer, they use more gendered neutral terms (source: chapter 167)
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but here's the fun thing about fanon, I can pick and chose when I want to stick my fingers in ears and go "lalalalalalalala! I can't hear you!"
Noelle - Biromantic/Asexual
This is a headcanon that's a bit skewed because Noelle reminds me a lot of Marinette from ML so I share a lot of headcanons between them. Putting that aside Noelle is bi (leans more to men)/ace (sex neutral).
First of all, I'd like to look at her upbringing. Even though it doesn't seem like homophobia exists in the BC universe (basing this off of the devil worshiper arc) I wouldn't put it past the royals to be queerphobic or have amanormative/heteronormative views.
With that in mind, it wouldn't be too strange to believe that Noelle would pick up some comphet beliefs. She definitely like Asta but I also feel like her relationship with Kahono is also a bit romantic.
Let's also not forget that Noelle has a hard time with her emotions, Kahono even notes this herself. (Source: chapter 103)
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With that, I think that she struggles to understand her romantic feelings so it makes sense to me that she wouldn't realize that she does like girls.
I headcanon her as asexual because when it comes to being physical, Noelle seems a bit finicky, in a word. We see that does like intimacy but when it comes to Asta, her love interest, grabbing her or any time of physical contact, suddenly she's very uncomfortable and it just feels pretty asexual.
Grey - Genderfluid
When it comes to shape shifters, I pretty much always headcanon them as genderfluid or trans and Grey is no exception.
Throughout most of her time in the Black Bulls, everyone saw her as a man. She chose to present herself as a man an never corrected anyone when they used he/him pronouns for her, it was also the form she was more comfortable with. She also doesn't seem too uncomfortable when she's presenting as anyone, male or female.
Also, it's no secret that Grey's backstory is based on Cinderella and I once saw a tumblr thread talk about how Cinderella being trans ties the story together (points such as, the slipper only fitting on her foot, the reason why the prince charming didn't even know she existed, it's also why her step mother hated her a lot, etc) and since that stuck with me, I ended up seeing Grey in a similar way.
Nero - Aromantic/Heterosexual
When it comes to Nero's relationships with other people she is a bit closed off, especially since she was a royal that lost her status early on in life. Then you look at her relationship with Lumiere and their relationship never really felt romantic. It was emotional, they were together, but it wasn't romantic at all, to me at least. Then you have the times when she was a bird. I don't ship Asta and Nero but it does seem like she prefers physical relationships than emotional relationships seeing as how she liked Asta the most and was always found on his head.
Nacht - Aro/Ace
Can't get into this too much without dipping into the manga so I'm just gonna say ✨vibes✨
Golden Dawn
Yuno - Aro/Ace
I headcanon Yuno as romance-neutral aromantic/sex repulsed asexual. I feel that Tabata wrote Yuno to be aromantic-spec and/or asexual-spec because Yuno absolutely does not vibe with sexual or romantic relationships in the slightest.
He's called handsome by everyone around him, the male and female characters, and has tons of girls flaunting over him. In fact, in universe, he is literally the hottest guy (source: chapter 105)
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Despite everything playing in Yuno's favor to have a romantic partner, he doesn't bat an eye to anyone ever nor does he have a single major character as a love interest.
(I know that Charmy technically has a crush on him but I personally refuse to acknowledge it because as someone who's been both 15 and 19, it makes me very uncomfortable that Charmy was 19 when she fell in love with a whole ass 15 year old.)
Additionally, he just seems so uninterested in any type of physical/sexual relationship and I think the biggest example of this comes from the hot springs arc. even though Yami got all the men hyped up to peep at the women, Yuno could not be more unbothered by the idea. Just look at him. (Source: Chapter 111)
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This kid would not care about peeping if his life depended on it. He says that he's "not this kind of character" (which feels like a way of explaining asexuality without knowing the exact wording for it) and Asta even adds onto this by saying that Yuno has been this way since birth. With all of that I just really cannot help but think of Yuno as an asexual or ace-spec.
When you combine his complete disinterest in romance and in anything sexual, it really feels like he's supposed to be somewhere on the aro or ace spectrum. If he's not, he is in my mind.
Mimosa - Lesbian
I know I'm like one of three people to headcanon Mimosa as a lesbian but hear me out. Yes in canon she has a crush on Asta but in my fanon, she's comphet.
This is my headcanon for a few reasons. First of all, like Noelle, Mimosa grew up basically in the household with the same expectations put on them. So as mentioned with Noelle, I wouldn't put it past the royals to have queerphobic beliefs.
Also, Mimosa is an airhead. When it comes to other people's emotions, she cannot understand them to save her life. This is the main reason why Noelle had a hard time seeing her when Mimosa in the dungeon arc. If she's this bad with emotions, it's not hard to believe she would struggle to navigate her own emotions.
Then that takes us to her crush on Asta and I'm still holding onto the comphet lesbian headcanon. Mimosa is trying to go through life her own way, this is why she's in Golden Dawn and not the Crimson Lions, meaning I wouldn't put it past her that this is the first time ever she's really interacted with people outside of her family.
At the end of the dungeon arc, Asta happily smiled and thanked Mimosa for what she did. That was the moment Mimosa fell for him but due to my headcanons/warped perception of the show, I don't see it that way. Even if she was straight, it just feels very comphet to fall for the first boy outside of your family that was nice to you more than once (it's important to remember that Klaus kinda sucked at this time and that Yuno struggles to show affection). In fact, I've personally experienced this and have siblings who've also been there.
Also here's the difference between how Mimosa looked at Asta, after falling for him, and Lolopechka dressed as a queen.
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She is just taken aback completely by Lolopechka's beauty but when it comes to Asta, she's just timid. All the moments when Mimosa is blushing around Asta, to my heavily biased POV, it feels more performative than actual attraction.
To even bring Yuno into this, Mimosa hasn't developed feelings for him at all. Throughout the whole series, girls are constantly throwing themselves at Yuno's feet to get his attention and is, once again, he is the most attractive male character in Black Clover. Despite this, Mimosa, the girl who is constantly near him, gets to see him when he's vulnerable, just doesn't develop even a twinge of romantic feelings towards him. She sees him as only a friend.
Lastly, I feel like Mimosa being a lesbian works well with her crush on Asta because it's pretty obvious it's not gonna work out in the end. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Astelle is going to be canon and when that happens, I think Mimosa taking time to separate her feelings from Asta and move on is something I think is bound to happen, if that happens, I think it'd be really cool if while she's sorting through feelings, she comes to a lesbian realization and pursues relationships with other people, (if I had to be honest, I'd say Rebecca because then you'd have two girls who were heartbroken by the same guy, bonding over that, getting together in the end, and Rebecca finally gets to live a life where she doesn't have to worry about money.)
Alecdora - Gay
This man is madly in love with William with bad coping mechanisms for it, and I refuse to hear anything about it. Fellas, is it gay to devote your entire life to a man to the point that when his attention is diverted to someone else, just a little bit, it gives you so much anxiety that you lose weight because it?
Crimson Lions
Fuegoleon - Bigender
This literally has nothing to do with anything Fuegoleon has done in canon, the reason why I headcanon him as bigender comes from this thread and I wasn't able to stop myself from seeing him as bigender. I think about it so much that I genuinely forget at times that's he's not bigender in canon.
Mereoleona - Lesbian
Originally, this did just start from ✨vibes✨and the fact that she does fall kinda fall into the cliche of lesbians that live alone and scare off the men in their lives. Then Sword of the Wizard King came out and that solidified the lesbian Mereoleona headcanon to me.
I know that Mereoleona said her preferred partner was a "man" but once again, this is fanon so my fingers are in my ears. When it comes to Mereoleona's romantic/sexual life, the one and only character I can see her working with is Princia, Mereoleona did mention she wanted a partner that wouldn't die in mortal combat and Princia didn't. In fact, they were evenly matched, and they're sun and moon coded (methinks soulmates).
I also started shipping them because I'm me but can you really blame me this time? Mereoleona and Princia had a fight in which they very physical with each other, had their clothes get constantly torn off, and kept asking to keep going at it for another round. I feel like I'm describing a fanfiction but I'm just describing what happened on screen.
She's never really had this relationship with anyone else. Everyone, even Yami, is scared of her. So to have a partner that's able to not only handle her energy but able to dish it back to her just feels fitting.
Grey/Aqua Deers
Rill - Asexual
Part of this comes from the fact that I've never met a single cishet artist in my life. Every artist I've ever known has been queer in one way or another.
But to actually look at his character, Rill just seems completely uninterested in any sexual relationships. His one and only romance blossomed when Charmy kicked his ass and it feels a lot like he's admiring her beauty and strength but not in a sexual way.
Blue Rose Knights
Sol - Lesbian
She pretty much fits the lesbian stereotype to a T
Princia - Lesbian
Along with a lot of the reasons that I headcanon Mereoleona as a lesbian and she did become the captain of an all girl squad so I'm already doubting any straight behavior.
Coral Peacocks
Kirsch - Queer
When it comes to Kirsch, I feel like no other description is better than he's himself. I don't think he'd use any label for himself (I can, however, see him picking his favorite pride flag and saying that it's his).
Other characters
Kahono - Lesbian
Kahono definitely likes Noelle, I just interpret it as romantic. They were able to bond so much over their short time and the first thing that Kahono does after getting her voice back is hug Noelle, this is to saw she barely acknowledges Asta's existence. Then after going on the double date, Kahono just immediately suggests that she and Noelle go on date (Source: chapter 103).
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We don't get to see what happens next but Kahono did start these dates to get Noelle to realize her feelings and seeing as how Noelle just sent Asta flying, my headcanon is that Kahono saw this as a way to shoot her shot to get Noelle to notice her.
You also have the fact that Kahono grew up in the Seabed Temple, meaning that her experiences with being queer are probably going to be different than the other characters and she's probably more open to it.
Sister Lily - AroAce
I headcanon Lily as a romance and sex repulsed aroace for two reasons. The first reason is how she views Asta's crush on her. Sure, Asta is annoying about his crush on her I also think that part of her disinterest comes from being aroace.
The other reason comes from the fact that she became a nun pretty early in her life. If I remember correctly, Lily became a nun when she was 16, that's a pretty young age to swear yourself to celibacy and I know people do it but there's a part of me that can't help but think it's because she's aroace and saw an out to any potential relationships.
Vanica - Lesbian
Vanica has men constantly falling over themselves to be with her, yet she doesn't really care too much about them. When it comes to the women, however, she's pretty open when talking about their beauty. Also, once again, because I'm me (and because of my moots), I do ship her with Noelle.
I know I have more but that's all I got at the moment
+ As a bonus
The characters who I think would be over the top with their allyship: Asta, Leopold, Klaus, Lumiere.
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lostuntothisworld · 6 months
My Sexuality/gender headcanons of the Miraculous cast:
Marinette: bi with a preference towards girls. Cis.
Adrien: gay, and either super comphet or amok ordered to be cishet, uses he/him pronouns and usually identifies as male, but there's still quite a bit of gender fuckery going on. Is intersex.
Alya: bi with a preference for boys. Cis.
Nino: Cishet but the world's best ally.
Chloe: Seriously in denial lesbian. Cis.
Luka: bi with a preference for girls. Cis.
Kagami: Lesbian with some serious comphet due to her upbringing. Cis.
Juleka: Lesbian. Cis.
Rose: pan instead of bi because she thinks the flag is prettier. No gender preference. Cis.
Alix: on the demi or gray side of the aroace spectrum. Sapphic. Probably meets a nice girl in the distant future and they have an exclusive and dedicated queer platonic relationship, and eventually decide to get married because of taxes lmao. Cis.
Mylene: Cishet, and an extremely dedicated ally.
Ivan: Cishet, but also an extremely dedicated ally. He has baggage, and thinks that people should be able to be happy and love who they want.
Max: Very very ace. Cis.
Kim: Cisheteroflexible, but totally has a platonic bromance with Max. Him, Max, and Undine probably in the future as adults decide to be a polycule, with Kim being the hinge.
Zoe: Pan, but only because she (incorrectly) believes that bisexuality is a restrictive label that excludes trans people. This greatly annoys several people in the cast. Has a preference for girls. Cis.
Marc: Surprisingly bi, with a preference for boys. Is a trans male.
Nathaniel: Technically gay, but calls himself bi just to annoy Zoe, as he's dating Marc who is trans. Is cis. (Edit: him being actually gay is very much a parallel for Adrien’s comphet crush/relationship with Maribug)
Sabrina: considers herself pan because she latched onto Zoe after Chloe was forced to go to New York, and believed her incorrect beliefs about being bi, and she has a crush on Marc. Sabrina's most likely just heteroflexible. Cis.
Felix: Completely cishet. Surprisingly no amok orders or comphet to be cishet. Considers himself an ally, but he's not a very good one.
Lila/Cerise/Iris: A mystery...
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wisconsin2002 · 1 year
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Witch from Mercury took 1 and a half seasons to give me married wives that went through a difficult yet fulfiling journey.
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Nimona. A movie that was cancelled and almost wasn't made due to production issues (keep that in mind cause we'll come back to that) managed to give people a great gender non conforming protagonist as well as a gay couple and a heartbreaking angsty young sapphic backstory.
But this show is five fucking seasons in
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And still nothing but heavy teasing.😮‍💨
I'm not an idiot. I know they're a couple. You can tell by how close they are but this show should have a solid confirmation already cause or not it's just going to keep looking like queerbait. Especially when the only characters they explicitly do confirm as queer in the show is Ms Bustier and her out of NOWHERE wife and Zoe, a character they sideline in her own focus episodes!
And yeah I'm aware Astruc, sort of confirmed Juleka and Rose as a couple on twitter but that's still pretty shit. I mean people didn't let Korrasami only being confirmed on twitter slide, so why tf should we let this pass? And the thing with legend of korra is that it was one of the first to ever do it. To try and get Queer couples in animated shows so it makes sense why they would have that level of restriction on them when it came to korrasami and even then in the end they managed to explicitly show Korra and Asami as a couple in a graphic novel at the very least!
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These motherfuckers milk miraculous to hell and back with dolls, amusement park rides, movies, specials, comics and some other bullshit but they can't make any piece of media at all to explicitly show Juleka and Rose and Marc and Nathaniel being a couple and not have to tease them anymore? Really?
Oh but they made a whole episode for Mylene and Iván when they first got together and halfassed a whole romance between Felix and Kagami.
I love Mylene and Ivan btw Im just pointing out the clear double standard here with the motherfuckers behind this show.
And then Astruc says it's cause production and censorship issues (his favorite excuse btw) that they can't show explicit confirmed LGBTQ+ Rep.
And I'm like
Huh.. Funny. You sure like to tackle other pretty controversial topics like abuse and racism in the show (very fucking poorly may I add! )
But you draw the line at gay? Oooo the gays. Company not gonna like that so let's hide it. Oh but let's go ahead and have Marinette be blatantly racist to POC in a comic, show Marinette nude in said comic, show distressed children being sent to go live with their neglectful abusive parents and redeem terrorist villains in death. 💀
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This show surprises me in all the wrong ways every time.
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My preference headcanons for every MLB character! (🌈 Happy Pride Month 🌈)
Note: These are MY personal preference headcanons for the characters. Take it with a grain of salt. Our opinions are allowed to differ, but please respect mine and I’ll respect yours.
Marinette: Bi, Female Leaning. I see her going both ways, but the reason why I see her female leaning is:
I personally just like that idea! ❤️
It seems that she’s more comfortable with girls than boys (I know that doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s attracted to girls, but eh. Still like the idea).
Her crush on Adrien seems comphet to me (yes, that can happen to Bi people too).
She can be that “preppy queer” archetype.
Adrien: Pan. I was THIS close to making Adrien Bi (female leaning), but I settled with him being Pan. Why? For the sole reason that I see Chat Noir as Pan (and Adrien IS Chat Noir lol). It makes sense 😄 I’m also starting to see him as Gender-fluid.
Alya: Bi, Female Leaning. Listen, I ALWAYS saw Alya into girls, even before her and Nino got together in Animan to be honest with you. But according to canon, it seems like she’s even Straight or Bi, since she’s shown attraction to boys. I mean, she COULD be a comphet Lesbian, but meh. I don’t want to erase the possibility of her being Bi because of her attraction to boys too. We need more Bi rep. 😜 So basically, I now see her as Bi, but female leaning. She prefers girls, but Nino is a sweetie pie 😊
Nino: Bi, female leaning. Nino prefers girls more, but he doesn’t mind dudes either 😉 I actually ship him and Adrien together. If it wasn’t for the love square and DJWifi, I think Nindrien would’ve been more popular.
Chloe: Closest Bi, comphet. Some people might see her as token Straight or a closest Lesbian, but I’ve finally decided that she likes both genders equally. Similar with Marinette, I just see her crush on Adrien as heteronormativity/comphet and also because she’s confusing her plantonic love for him with romantic.
Zoe: Queer. Tbh, I don't know right now. We don't know if she's gay, Bi or anything else, but we DO know that she's queer. She hasn’t shown any interest in boys in canon yet, but I don’t want to throw out the possibility of her being Bi/Pan yet either. 
Sabrina: Closest Pan. Sabrina is the type who thought that she was just an Straight Ally who doesn’t care who’s with who when it came to other peoples’s happiness. Love is love after all. Eventually she finds out that SHE HERSELF doesn’t care either when it comes to HER preferences lol 😂
Luka: Bi, simple but obvious 😌
Kagami: Pan & Demi. Use to see her as Bi (female leaning), but she doesn’t care as long as she can have a strong connection with them. I also see her as a Polyamorous Demi. She’s fine with being in a relationship with more than one person, but only if she has a strong connection with them. When you think about it, I guess that kind of makes Mari and Adrien Polyamorous too since Adrigaminette is my OTP3 huh? 😅
Rose: Pan. Rose loves everybody and anybody. She doesn’t care who it is 😊
Jeluka: Lesbian. I don’t really see Jeluka with any males and I don’t think that I ever did. She’s my little goth Lesbean! 😊
Kim: Bi. He’s perfectly fine with both, as long as he’s having fun 😄
Max: Biromantic Ace, Male Leaning, use to see him as Pan, but I see him more as male leaning now. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t mind girls though. Ones who are kind, sweet or/and match his intellect 😊
Ordine: Straight. Meh, I don’t really see her with females 🤷🏾‍♀️ Ordine ships like Kagami, Alix and Aurore etc. don’t interest me. Might change in the future, but I don’t know.
Mylene: Bi & Demi (male leaning). Her and Ivan together are pretty cute, and I don’t put it pass her to be interested in other boys too. But she is queer.
Ivan: Straight. Ivan was the first character in MLB that I saw as Straight lol
Nathaniel: Bi. I don’t ship him with anyone anymore, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a bi-bean to me 😛 I’m pretty sure he’ll find someone one day.
Marc: Gay, Trans, and Gender-fluid. I don’t really see Marc with girls anymore, so he’s gay now 😛 Also, I know he’s already Androgynous, but I also see him as Trans & Gender-fluid.
Alix: Aromatic Lesbian & Bigender. Like with Max (Ace), Alix was confirmed Aromatic, but I still do see her as a Lesbian. I don’t really imagine Alix being in an long term relationship, but she is interested in females. I did headcanon her Bi in the past, but I don’t really see her interested in any boys anymore tbh
Lila: Pan. She doesn’t care who it is, as long as she can manipulate them to her advantage…🤷‍♀️ Don’t get me wrong though, I do imagine Lila being capable of love and falling for someone, but not immediately.
Aurore: Lesbian (Comphet). I don’t ship her with any boys at all, and all my ships with her are with girls.
Mirelle: Bi (Comphet). Similar with Aurore. Also, I also ship them on the same level as Julrose.
Gabriel: Straight, but I don’t like the idea of him being the stereotypical homophobic parent. He’s a shitty person and parent, but it’s not because he’s homophobic. I did see him as bicurious in the past tho lol
Emillie: Bi. Meh, she gives off that kind of energy, even if she’s been in a coma 😜
Natalie: Bi. I like the headcanon that she’s a Bi woman who had feelings for Emillie too, as well as Gabriel (formally). I don’t know how true that is now, but meh. Still my headcanon.
Ms Mendeleiev: Lesbian. I see her being into women solely for the reason that I shipped her with Bustier lol 😅
Miss Bustier: Bi, but now just Queer. Similar with Zoe, we don't know if she's gay, Bi or anything else, but we DO know that she's queer/sapphic. 
Socqueline: Queer/Sapphic. We most certainly know she’s into girls, especially cute preppy ones that so happen to attend the same school that she use to attend, sees her as a role model to the point where she adapted her hairstyle, is into fashion, works at her parents bakery and unfortunately tends to have crushes on boys who are dum-dums instead of also acknowledging her obvious attraction to girls! 😤
..Wait wha-?
Fei: Lesbian. Plain and simple. Makes sense.
Felix: Like Zoe, I’m not absolutely sure yet. But I do see him being part of the Ace Spectrum.
The other characters I don’t really care about enough to have preference headcanons for. So if you want to know my preference headcanon about them, ask me.
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zephyrwrites2 · 10 months
Zéphyr / Zeph | Used to be @zephyrwrites | +21 | 🇨🇵 | They / It / Iel / Ol | Queer | Feminist | Pro-choice | Anti-censorship | Anti-harassment of all kinds
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Block the tags Suggestive / Sex Mention if you do not want to see / read nsfw stuffs
Origins of the "I retconned my gender" joke
(The link is for a french youtube video about 2 guys watching and theorising about Petscop).
AO3: Zephyr_Cloe_Ambroise
I have Twitter, Insta and Aethy but I nearly never use them
I can help with any question about French and French culture for your stories + I can translate them
Thanks @dankgemestho for my new pfp 😊
(Nearly) All my fandoms in alphabetical order (the crossed out ones are not my current obsession but you can ask about them):
Boku no Hero Academia (BakuDeku is still my ultimate otp)
DC Comics (especially everything that has to do with Damian <3)
Detroit: Become Human (especially Connor and the Jericrew)
Hetalia (Japan, Germany and N. Italy or FACE Family centric mostly)
D.Gray-Man (favourite manga forever and Allen is best boi <3)
Harry Potter (very occasionally and mostly about Harry or Regulus)
Le Comte de Monte Cristo (2024) (obessed with the Count, André and Haydée's relationship)
Marvel (Team Iron Man, Matt Murdock and Loki centric + Poolverine and very anti Steve, Clint and Wanda)
Percy Jackson (especially about my boy Percy)
Petscop (Paul has retconned his gender like me :D)
Rusty Lake/Cube Escape (about everything <3)
Sherlock BBC (Sherlock centric and not that much of a johnlock shipper anymore because of the last season)
Star Wars (mostly reading about Luke, Leia and Han + Anakin, Obi Wan and Ahsoka + Rey, Finn and Poe)
The Sandman (mostly the TV Show, I haven't finished the comics even if I spoiled myself months ago)
Ace Attorney (very occasionally and mostly about Phoenix or Miles)
Assassination Classroom (Class 3-E centric)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (especially Zuko)
Blue Exorcist (very occasionally and Rin and Yukio centric)
Creepypasta (nearly only fanarts)
Criminal Minds (Reid centric and not a big fan of JJ or Seaver)
Danganronpa (only Trigger Happy Havoc)
Danny Phantom (Danny centric and somewhat anti Maddie and Jack)
Deltarune (nearly only the original FUN Gang + sometimes Noëlle and Berdly)
Detective Conan / Magic Kaito (Shinichi/Conan and Kaito centric)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club (very occasionally and Iwatobi + Rin centric)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward my beloved childhood crush <3)
Good Omens (everything about the Ineffable Spouses, Anathema, Warlock or Adam)
Hades 2018 (mostly Zagreus, my sweet boi!)
Heartstopper (very occasionally and mostly Charlie centric)
Haikyuu!! (Hinata centric)
Hollow Knight (The Knight/Little Ghost centric and not against The Pale King + The White Lady bashing)
Hunter x Hunter (very occasionally and Gon/Killua/Kurapika/Leorio centric)
Ib (anything about Ib, Garry, Mary and Guertena)
Into The Spiderverse (mostly Miles centric)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn (Tsuna centric and All27 or Skull centric and nice crossovers)
Kuroko no Basket (Kuroko and Seirin centric and very much NOT Aomine)
Lucifer (very occasionally and mostly Lucifer centric)
Lupin III (mostly Lupin, Jigen and Goemon centric)
Macgyver 2016 (Mac centric with a good dose of Jack, Riley, Bozer, Mattie and Page + not a fan of MacDesi nor of James)
Merlin BBC (Merlin centric + preferably good/redeemed Morgana)
Miraculous (Marinette centric and NOT Adrien or Adrienette)
Mulan 1998 (very occasionally and mostly about Mulan)
NCIS (Tony, Abby or Gibbs centric mostly)
Naruto (Mostly Naruto and Obito centric + not a big fan of Sakura, Jiraiya and Sarutobi)
One Piece (Mostly about the ASL Brothers and Law)
Pandora Hearts (very occasionally and mostly about Oz)
Perception (very occasionally and mostly about Daniel)
Prodigal Son (or as I call (and love) it “Let’s Whump Malcolm!”)
Professor Layton (either Luke or Layton centric)
Resident Evil (Ethan and Leon, my fav DILFs <3 + Jill my love <3)
RPF (French Youtube only)
Scorpion 2014  (very occasionally and mostly about Walter + not a big fan of Page and the rest of the team because of the last season)
SCP Foundation (nearly only fanarts)
Shugo Chara!  (very occasionally and mostly about Amu and Ikuto)
Star Trek (mostly the J.J. Abrams remake and Jim centric)
Supernatural (Dean centric and John bashing + a little Sam bashing)
The Big Bang Theory (very occasionally and mostly Leonard and Sheldon centric)
Teen Wolf (mostly Stiles centric and pretty much anti-Scott)
The Queen’s Gambit (very occasionally and mostly Beth centric + only the TV show)
Undertale (mostly Frisk and Chara centric + NarraChara truther)
Voltron (Lance centric and Langst fan)
Yuri!!! On Ice (Yuuri, Yuri and Viktor centric mostly)
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coffeebanana · 1 year
okay i maintain that all of my love square fics ARE queer because bi4bi lovesquare is always in my mind. but if i were going to try and post another flavour of queer for pride month...
[by gender! i mean any sort of gender identity/exploration/presentation that differs from canon. i have ideas in mind for those three characters which is why i specified but i am open to other suggestions too. and i have ideas of which characters i might explore for arospec and/or acespec fics too but you can also suggest those! and i can't promise i'll actually finish any of these kajdfbksjb but i want to try!!]
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artzychic27 · 1 year
One Day at a Time Quotes
Marinette: A Proposition U.
Lacey: You wanna proposition me?
Denise: The rain ruined everything, and everybody came back, and we’re Cuban, so now we’re having a party.
Marc: Well, I’m Colombian, so I actually get that. Except with my mom, it’s not, *Vocalizes Cuban music* it’s *Vocalizes Colombian music*
Pilar Cabello: Do I hear a Colombian?
Kagami: I have figured out what to do about that tree!
Mylène: Form a Million Fencer March!
Kagami: No, no, no. I have something better than all of that, that will cut through the red tape! *Whips out a katana* HA!
Mylène: Kagami! Be careful!
Kagami: I know, I’m sorry. This is not my usual katana arm.
Zoé: Uh, thanks so much for dinner, but I’m not really that hungry, so I’m gonna chill till the lockdown’s over. *Leaves the room*
Austin T: … She is walking away from my meal?… *Points to Jean* This is your fault.
Roger: *Through a megaphone* Please go back inside! Kissing teenagers! Please go back inside!
Cosette: *Stops kissing Zoé* IN A MINUTE!
Austin A: I pretended that these people were my friends, but, honestly, for some reason, I’m not that popular. *Marinette walks by* Nice wig, Mari! You get it from the dump like the rest of your clothes?… I don’t know what it is, exactly.
Marc: *Gets a text* Oh! My boyfriend’s out front. He hates when I make him wait.
Jean: …
Marc: Aaw! And he just bought me a cookie! I love cookies! *Leaves*
Austin T: *Walks over to Jean* He has a boyfriend… He’s so lucky… Do you wanna split that cookie?
Jean: Huh? Wait… Ooh…
Austin T: Oh. Never mind. Uh, I thought- Sorry.
Jean: No, no! Queer! Me, queer!
Austin T: Oh! Uh… Me, queer, too!
Jean: Heh… Great… *Offers Austin T a cookie* Cookie?
*Meanwhile, Denise and Simon watch from afar*
Denise: Oof.
Simon: Yeah. He is terrible at this.
Denise: Thank goodness he has us.
Reshma: Okay… Then what I’m trying to say… Is that… When I think about love… I see myself… Someday… Loving a woman…
Aabha Leghari: … Oh… Why do I keep giving everyone the wrong sex talk?
Mme. Bustier: How bad was this movie?
Mme. Mendeleiv: Awful.
M. Grotke: Filthy.
Mme. Bustier: Okay! Show me!
Mme. Mendeleiv: Yeah, that’s not happening.
M. Monlataing: Caline, you turned away when I bent over to tie my shoe. Trust me, this is not for you.
Mme. Bustier: Hey. I have been married since I graduated university. If anything, it is a shame that Giselle and I went unrecorded. *Takes the laptop and opens it, playing the video* …
Mme. Mendeleiv: …
M. Monlataing: …
M. Grotke: …
Mme. Bustier: … *Tilts her head… Then shuts the laptop* Burn this.
Juleka: Well, what are you asking me? How to spot a lesbian? I mean, do some of us have short hair? Sure. Do we sometimes prefer practical, gender neutral clothing? I guess? Does a perfect day involve going to candle making class in our Subaru with a roof rack full on antiques? That’s just solid Parisian fun.
Valentin Bellamy: I want her to have the perfect coming out story. You know, where I’m cool and supportive, and… We high five unicorns down a rainbow together.
Anarka: Okay, so, gay people aren’t magic. But it’s a common misconception, so…
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purpleratbastard · 3 years
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there is something so violently gender about adrien in a dress as the princess and marinette as the knight <3
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
the way some people try to break gender roles with love square fan content feels very,,,, bleh to me. Taking gender norms and swapping them isn't like. Objectively Progressive and honestly I don't think it's as much of a win to break gender norms for the sake of breaking gender norms (without consideration for personal preferences, etc) as some people think it is.
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a-flaming-idiot · 4 months
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Marinette discovers something important about herself. We're all very proud of them!
Maybe a little too early for pride month but it's whatever.
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multimousenette · 2 years
Qualities of a ladybug weilder:
1. bisexual
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breeeliss · 7 years
@booksmusicinternet replied:
Ok so I'm not going to say everyone is straight bc we don't know what their sexualities are but Mari and Adrien COME ON THEY'RE BOTH SO STRAIGHT UGHHHhhhh The whole show is about Adrien and Marinette/Chat and Ladybug being in love with one another
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adrinoir · 3 years
Headcanon: Adrien Agreste is trans? (Pt 3)
Can’t believe I’m making a 3rd post about this headcanon, but I thought of more and I’m still noticing people who also really like this hc. Here’s part 1 and part 2 if you’d like to read those!
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My usual disclaimer: As always, this is just for fun - it’s a headcanon. Cis boys can also have traits like the ones I mention. This is just from a trans person’s perspective.
Also, bare with me, this one ended up being much longer than the other parts lol. So I’m adding a read more if you want to reblog and not have your followers scrolling down real far.
His outfit designs are androgynous
A while ago, I showed my best friend (who doesn’t even watch ML) a drawing I did of Mister Bug, and he said he really liked his androgynous look. I’ve also gotten comments while cosplaying Chat Noir that I’m Cat Woman lol. So, it came to me that he does have a bit of an androgynous design with a lot of his costumes.
A shiny black catsuit can be pulled off by people of any gender, it’s not typically associated with one over another.
Mister Bug’s suit design is not far off from Ladybug’s typical skin-tight red suit with the spots. There wasn’t a super drastic change in his design vs Ladybug’s. He of course adds his own little changes to it, but again, the design is ambiguous enough to fit any gender.
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Not even mentioning his suit, Cat Walker has a long ponytail. What I like about ponytails is that - like the black catsuit - it’s also not associated with one gender over another - it’s socially acceptable for anyone to wear a ponytail.
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All hero designs aside, Adrien’s everyday look is a bit androgynous - a loose button up over a t-shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of Converse.
Also as a bonus: a lot of people had pointed out in Risk when he’s in his pajamas, his chest looks bigger, almost like “he’d taken off his binder.”
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Adrien feels trapped
Obviously Adrien is sheltered by his father, which definitely contributes to this feeling. However, when you feel that disconnect with your own body, when you feel super dysphoric, it’s very easy to feel trapped.
Gabriel’s grip on what Adrien does was lightened a bit once he started letting him go to school, and Adrien gets a lot of freedom in his role as Chat Noir. But, Adrien’s feeling of being extremely trapped hasn’t lightened at all. We’re given an insight on this in Sandboy when he has a super intense nightmare of being caged in, represented by an actual jail cell (I’ve actually had this nightmare myself).
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Despite having certain levels of freedom, he doesn’t let himself out as much as you’d think. Although his father is obviously the main thing holding him back, Adrien puts a lot of limits on himself - even Felix calls him out for that in Risk.
He could be Chat Noir as much as he wanted. He could loosen up and show more of his personality to other people, but he doesn’t. There’s a strong lack of self confidence and it’s sad.
Adrien could easily be putting extra limits on himself with this lack of self confidence, and bodily disconnect. If he doesn’t feel like the man he feels he should be, of course he’s going to feel trapped, and there’s the likelihood his internal dysphoric thoughts are worsening that feeling.
He’s written as the stereotypical princess
Speaking of his father keeping him trapped at home, who does that remind you of? Rapunzel, Cinderella, Briar Rose? All (blond) princesses sheltered by their parents.
He’s written just like them. This fragile, soft, sweet, and innocent character who can’t leave the house, who doesn’t have the freedom they deserve.
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It’s even a canon story in the show of him being the princess and Marinette being his knight in shining armor. His own friends thought of this idea, mind you. It seems like a queer headcanon that someone in the fandom would make. This is Nathaniel and Marc’s own fanfic, except it’s based off of Adrien’s actual life. Also consider, Nath and Marc have HCs as queer characters, and it’s even implied that they’re smitten.
Imagine this, too. If Adrien had originally grown up as a girl, Gabriel sees him as this weak, helpless girl who needs to be home, kept away from dangerous society because “she” can’t take it on “herself”.
Why does Gabriel keep Adrien trapped?
I had brought up in my first trans post that Adrien and Gabriel have this strange dynamic that feels unexplainable. Like, there’s no solid reason why they have the relationship that they do.
Have you also noticed that despite being the villain, Gabriel has this odd worry of Adrien being put in danger? Why is that? It’s never explained.
Imagine it’s not necessarily because he wants to keep Adrien out of harm from his own akumatized victims, but instead from society as a whole. Gab has a very tiny soft spot for his son. Maybe he’s legitimately worried about people finding out Adrien is trans and wants to keep him safe in that sense.
A lot of cis people don’t understand trans people, and end up being transphobic because of that. Risking having your assigned gender at birth outted can be so dangerous for trans people. Trigger warning here: trans people are attacked, harassed, etc just for being themselves. They’re constantly at risk. Adrien being a model in the public eye is a big risk in itself. Hence why Gabriel may try to make him stay home so much, why he’s almost constantly keeping an eye on him. Adrien’s got two people (Nathalie and Gorilla) as his shields.
Adrien was homeschooled up until he was about to turn 14. That’s a long stretch of time. Gabriel really didn’t want Adrien going to school. Why? Maybe because school is a pretty dangerous place for trans kids. Kids can be so cruel and misunderstanding. The school system itself can be misunderstanding.
OR, all of this aside, maybe Gabriel really is just an asshole of a father and isn’t 100% accepting of his son being trans. But instead of kicking him out, he keeps him trapped and uses him to his own advantage. He’d probably be the type to gaslight him too: “you have it so good here! I didn’t kick you out and I use your right name and pronouns!”
He’s often compared to his mother
Speaking of Gabriel, he often compares Adrien to Emilie - rarely to himself. Adrien apparently has all these similar traits to a woman, but not a man - a man who’s supposed to be his role model, mind you.
He sees a lot of Emilie in Adrien and makes that very clear. He also doesn’t always imply that it’s a good thing?
He thinks Adrien is so dramatic and emotional, just like his mother. But why is that bad? I don’t really know. Does he see him as a weak fragile woman? There’s no solid answer to this, either.
He struggles to open up to people
This kinda adds to the whole previous section I wrote about Adrien limiting himself and closing himself off. I mention this point in my other posts too, but I’ve never given it its own section as it rightfully deserves.
If Adrien is closeted (not out as trans), he’s going to struggle to open up to people, as he canonically does in the show. His friends - like Nino and Marinette - like him and think they know who he is and the entirety of his situation. But do they really know? No, they don’t.
They have this idea of Adrien, but it’s not who the viewers of the show see behind closed doors. Adrien doesn’t allow himself to open up to people. He shuts himself down, closes himself off.
He has some strong internal battles that he isn’t talking about with anyone. Having dysphoria makes opening up harder in itself, let alone knowing your friends don’t know who you truly are.
His strong desire to be accepted by his love, Ladybug
I had mentioned in part 2 that he has this tendency to meld himself into whoever certain people need him to be. But, this is especially stronger with the girl he loves - Ladybug.
He has this strong desire for her to accept him. He loves her, but this desire so unnecessarily strong. Why does he so strongly feel this need for her acceptance?
I had also mentioned this in part 1, if Adrien was raised as a girl, he may have self doubts in girls actually feeling attracted to him. With that being said, of course he’s going to go above and beyond to try to get the girl he loves to feel this way about him.
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The biggest thing was his very Prince Charming-esque suit and behavior when he played the role of Cat Walker. Notice the suit has this very typical old-fashioned type of royalty design, with the very square shoulders and buttons on each side. He changes his tone of voice to sound very elegant. He acts like he’s here to help and “take care of” her (especially with that dramatic scene of reaching his hand out to her).
He melds himself to be the stereotypical prince who tends to his lady. And Ladybug loves this. She thirsts for him the entire episode, to a point where she thinks he’s too perfect and can’t even focus on a plan with her lucky charm.
With Plagg’s help and his idea of a “perfect man” and partner, this is what he turned into. This Prince Charming type hero named Cat Walker. It’s sad he went to this extreme just to gain Ladybug’s acceptance. But if his self confidence and possible gender dysphoria is that bad, then yes it makes sense why he did all that.
Him vs Felix
The question still stands: why are him and Felix identical? Cousins aren’t identical, that’s not a thing. So either this insane sentimonster theory is true or they’re secretly identical twin brothers. Or, in part 1, I had also griped about Felix just being a lazy copy-and-paste of Adrien in the way of his character design.
However, what if we looked at this from a completely different perspective? It’s none of those. Instead, Adrien was born a girl who looked similar to Felix, and he looked up to Felix; envied his gender (gender envy). So, he cut his hair like his. And him “copying” Felix is the reason behind why they decided to prank their parents as kids.
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Also, side note of a thing I noticed: compare Adrien’s chest to Felix’s. There’s a difference. Does anyone else see that?
Felix is mean to Adrien for no good reason. He mocks him and thinks he’s weak; mocks him for being weak, too. Imagine if he still saw him as this weak “girl”. He lowkey lost some respect for Adrien when he came out as trans to his family. He thinks Adrien is annoying for “copying” him.
Notice that Adrien doesn’t take well to Felix implying that he’s weak. But, also he doesn’t really stand up to Felix for mocking him. Maybe he feels this way about himself and internalizes that.
I’ve thought of so many reasons why Adrien might be trans. Between the headcanon being three parts long and this one having eight examples is wild. I might even think of more. Who knows? I let my imagination run free a lot lol.
I’d love to see characters in this show be canonically queer. A lot of transphobes think showing gay relationships and trans people on tv (especially to an audience of kids) is “pushing an agenda” or “political views.” No. Absolutely not. It’s to help people understand and to provide a good role model for young queer children.
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sugarshackpeasant · 3 years
my miraculous ladybug headcanons
marinette: she/they, demigirl, bisexual
adrien: he/they, demiboy, bisexual
alya: any pronouns, nonbinary, bisexual
nino: he/him, biromantic, asexual
juleka: they/she, demigirl, lesbian
kim: he/him, pansexual
alix: any pronouns, gender fluid, aromantic (being aromantic is canon), asexual
zoe: she/xe, demigirl, lesbian
luka: he/they, nonbinary, bisexual
kagami: she/they/xe, nonbinary, lesbian
max: he/him, panromantic, asexual (being asexual is canon)
rose: she/her, lesbian
mylene: she/her, queer
ivan: he/him, omnisexual
nathaniel: he/him, bisexual
marc: he/she/they, genderfluid, gay
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coffeebanana · 2 years
Ok this is one I really want to write one day but so far I have no sense of overall plot, just vibes. Essentially it's a Marigami spy x family AU. And if you haven't seen the show, then basically all you need to know is that Kagami is a spy, Marinette's an assassin, and neither of them know about the other's identity. They enter into a fake marriage and adopt a kid who's a telepath. Chaos ensues.
I know the like...default for spy x family AUs is Adrinette. (Although I'm honestly shocked I haven't really come across any fics like that yet? fanart yes but not fics.) But when I started thinking about the possibility...to me Marigami just fit the vibes so much better.
The other main ship would be DJWifi or Alya/Nino/Adrien (I'm leaning towards the latter but I have to see how it works out once I actually come up with a plot haha). I don't want to spoil too much but the dynamics and backstory for those three have been really fun to play with.
And another thing that's fun to think about in this AU is that like...it takes place in fictional countries that seem rather heteronormative. I thought about ignoring that for the sake of this AU because it's fic and I can do what I want. Let the queers be happy, damn it! But then...I realized that if I add the extra element of Kagami having to pose as a man and maybe having gender!feelings about it...yeah I think that'll be fun to explore...
Thanks for the ask!! 💜
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