#Now streaming means lots of it gets posted all at once and you gotta binge it if you don’t want to be spoiled so you can’t take your time
bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
hello hello its been a few days but i, the dream nonsie, am back! (also my name actually means "dream" irl 👀) personally, i think a silveny flavored popsicle would be cinnamon-y as u said, but also... sparkly? in a way? not- not like actual glitter, thats disgusting, but.. when u eat it it just *feels* magical. not sure if im making sense lol ^^ aww, glad my crazy dream made you happy! :D ask word limit is getting close so imma continue in another ask if thats okay with you! <3 1/?
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hello!! welcome back--i gotta admit I was not expecting this, but it's so nice of you and I really appreciate it <33. I hope you don't mind me compiling this all into one post, that way it's just a little more organized. you're entirely welcome to send as many asks as you want, so don't worry about continuing in others! I don't mind at all!
1. oo that's a really cool name meaning!! I always think it's interesting to hear what other people's name mean, or they meanings they've chosen to associate with them (as some have more that one). Quil doesn't really have a meaning, so I love hearing others'!! The only thing I miss about my dead name is the meaning, tbh, because it was pretty !!
also, I can totally imagine the cinnamon/sparkly popsicle. when you say that I immediately think of sparkling water for some reason, like it's not a taste it's a feeling. you put it in your mouth and it's an experience. you're wild dream was probably the highlight of my day!! something about it just stood out and I kept coming back to think about it. long silveny popsicles can do that to you, i guess
2. oopsie! my bad! when someone says writing I usually just default to the wings au, because that's the writing most people know me for. but!! i'm glad you like all the analyses I've done! I don't think they'll be stopping anytime soon--it's like everytime I answer an ask I get two more, which means there will be a steady stream of them for the forseable future. I really enjoy doing them, so I love hearing that people enjoy reading them! they're mostly just me rambling until I find a pattern or connection to latch onto, and then I build from there. and depending on the ask I might grab a book from my shelf to reference something if needed
also: thank you! The wings au is a pretty big project I've wanted to take on for a while, so it's absolutely thrilling to see people interact with it and talk about it--even if they haven't read it. There's absolutely no pressure on you to read it, just so you know! Honestly sometimes baffles me that I've gotten fanart and so many asks and comments on it, enough so that people who haven't read it still know what it is. like?? my wings au?? silly little idea I had all because of one stray thought one day?
as for writing it while taking college classes: yes! that's what I've been doing! I think i've had a combined total of like three weeks of break since January (i don't get summer), but aside from that i've had four or five classes while writing the au. Actually was taking an A&P class (which are notoriously difficult, even more so on summer schedule) this summer while working on it, which was wild. But a lot of the excited comments and theories and general interaction helped motivate me to keep going.
3. it's not dissapointing at all! I don't expect for anyone to read it, it's not something you have to do in order to interact with me and the stuff on my blog. it's just something I happen to be doing so if you like it you're welcome to engage with it! I actually don't read fanfic very often either, which may be surprising as I write it. Occasionally I binge a bunch of fics in a certain ship when I'm in the mood, but that's only once every few months. Ships just don't hold huge appeal for me, so I don't find a lot of fic that interests me. Also wow! mine was one of the first you've heard of?? that's a huge accomplishment to me, thank you! Where did you hear about it? I honestly don't know where people find my au, so I'm curious.
speaking of reading fanfic, Nattie's (theunmappedstar) fic is one of the few I've read! I haven't talked to them in a while, but they're very accomplished and it's an honor to be considered alongside them in terms of writing!
as for committing to mine, feel free to take your time! no rush! it's always going to be there! although I will say it does just keep getting longer, so be prepared for that. I update every two weeks on sunday, so you've got time. if you do read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts. truly, comments and just hearing what people think are the best motivation. it also enriches the story! I never know what's going to stick out to people or what they'll remember, so hearing from people gives me ideas for scenes in the future! I have a general idea of where this au is heading, but a lot of the details have been impacted by theories and comments. You absolutely don't have to though, just if you'd like I'd love to hear
4. thank you so much <33. I'd love to get back more into traditional art, as i've been focusing on digital recently. I just love how watercolors look! I actually have a few art requests from an embarrasingly long time ago (April) that I'd like to do in a traditional style. I also just haven't posted as much art recently, so I'd love to get back into that. Coloring and lighting were mostly me just winging it, trying to imagine a few colors that would look nice next to each other and then just going for it. Also, i cant even count how many times I would accidentally switch up the light source in in the middle of a piece. I actually took an art class a few semesters ago, so I have leftover supplies from that I could use for some keeper pieces! I've had a few ideas, so hopefully your encouragement can help me get back into that <33
the writer and artist thing: thank you!! both writing and art are interests of mine, so it's so cool to get recognized for both!! I remember when I started posting art I was doing it as a "I'll do this for now until I get to the writing" thing and then i accidentally became fairly well-known as an fanartist and i was just there like wait a minute this wasn't supposed to happen. But I love it!! I love doing fanart and I'd love to do more. But I also love writing! i have some ideas for aus and other one shots I'd like to do when the wings au is done, not that I'm trying to hurry that along. I thoroughly enjoy working on the wings au, and i'm not in any rush to get through it.
and don't worry, you have nothing to apologize for!! i'm glad you feel comfortable talking to me! You don't need to be concise or anything, you're welcome to take up as much space and use as many words as you'd like. I think it'd be a little hypocritical if i didn't believe that, considering how long my responses to the asks i get are (partially why they sometimes take a bit to answer). it was very much so a fun read!! I really appreciate you and wasn't even sure how to respond to everything in a way that conveyed that. I absolutely blown away by how genuine and sweet you are
i really loved this ask, and I've reread it several times because it's just so kind. thank you so much <33
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bojacktherapy-blog · 5 years
Is Bojack’s Depression keeping me Happily Depressed?
Do you ever look at your life and see you have a codependency to your depression? Like you’re fully attached to this feeling and the consistent presence it promises that you become comfortable in it. I’m currently on the last season (as of now) of the Netflix original series, Bojack Horseman. I just now realized that this is the final season and soon I won’t have this feeding my depression. I won’t have this constant reaffirmation of my constant negative thoughts. Bojack Horseman takes a more realistic approach on how people feel about themselves. How a lot of people feel about themselves. Whether you see yourselves as an unappreciated overachiever, like Princess Carolyn. Or a self-loathing narcissist, like Bojack. Every character is relatable in someway. With a lighter meta vibe the show makes for a fun who’s who of the fictitious, Hollywoo. With interpersonal anecdotes, real life scenarios, and creative/trippy animations Bojack Horseman makes for a low key stoners perfect sad girl binge.
For the past few weeks, give or take months, the depression has been on high. Even getting a job to assuage my boredom hasn’t taken up enough space in my mind. So I had to find something else. Something that wouldn’t take too much effort. Upon perusing the myriad of streaming services, I passed up my usual go-tos. Broad City and Seth Rogen movies for a show I had attempted to start multiple times before.
Bojack Horseman. A series of self described misfortunes is the life that Bojack Horseman would say he lives. A washed up 90s sitcom actor grasping on the remnants of his life. Bojack lives a life where he is the victim. If only people were smarter, funnier, kinder. If people weren’t terrible. If people would just be different than who they are, then and only then would they be acceptable for Bojack. With a line of quirky side characters with equally as appealing and addictive personalities who hold on to their own self destructive tendencies, the Netflix original used my insecurities against me to follow a misfit bunch on a series of wacky adventures for 5 seasons.
While I try not taking life advice from cartoons, Bojack Horseman gives out a lot of helpful anecdotes that have made me realize, I’m not happy and I don’t know when I will be or if I even want to be. Let me explain. For all the ‘what do you mean you don’t wanna be happy?’ commentators getting their fingers ready. Of-fucking-course I want to be happy. I want to walk outside and look at the sky and be glad to be alive. I want to be a person who thanks God for giving me another day to live and then posts about how grateful I am on Facebook. I want to smile at people, not because I’m afraid they’ll see how sad I am if I don’t but because I really want to just...smile.
So, what did i really mean when I said, ‘I don’t know if I wanna be happy.’ I meant more along the lines of I don’t know if I want to give up my comfortability to be happy. I’m going on my 4th (5th?) year with doctor diagnosed depression and anxiety. That’s 1,460 days. That’s 2,102,400 minutes. That’s 126,144,000 seconds. Seconds I have gotten used to. Seconds I have gotten comfortable in. Seconds where I agonized over hating myself, my body image, my ‘daddy’ issues, and my abandonment issues. Seconds where I had set alarms in my brain for mental bashings. My mind would rest up and only really turn on when it was time to make a fool of me. When it was time to call me names and tell me no one loves.
It’s funny before Bojack i didn’t really watch sad shows that called me out on my bullshit. I tried to keep it light. Especially when smoking. When I was ready to turn my brain off I always tried to keep the mindless entertainment to shenanigans and good times. I tried to keep the storylines tight and the chances of having a happy ending with a clean resolution even tighter. But Bojack Horseman isn’t my usual. It made me realize that not only do I have hundreds of self destructive tendencies I don’t have the support system to deal with any of the problems I think I have. I feel like watching B.H, was a one sided therapy. I listened and then used the 5 seconds before the next episode and the 10 seconds of theme song to try and rationalize how I felt about myself. 
I know it’s not so crazy to think that Bojack’s depression is keeping me happily depressed because his depression did the same thing to Diane’s depression when she left Cordovia and didn’t tell Mr. Peanut Butter and decided to crash on Bojack’s couch for six months. Diane was so comfortable in the uncomfort of her depression because Bojack did it every day. And his life wasn’t too bad...was it? She was feeding her anxiety and her depression with Bojack’s feelings of depression and anxiety and maybe even PTSD. And when you keep something fed, it’s bound to grow.
Season 2 episode 12, titles Out To Sea, ends with Bojack Horseman pushing himself to jog up a hill by his house. Once he jogs up he collapses and stares at the sky. A baboon that had been jogging up and down the hill for most of the season comes into view and says, “Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that's the hard part. But it does get easier.”. This was the first time I felt not alone. Or better understood. And I wasn’t even explaining myself to anyone. The wise baboon simply applied his stupid general knowledge to my life and I ran with it. He definitely meant just running but I had applied that meaning to my intentions on being happy. Being intentional about my happiness was going to be hard. But it was going to get easier. Everyday I did it. The hard part, was the fact that I would have to be intentional every day.
I read a tumblr post years ago, not sure if it was real or fake but I’ll use it as my closing piece because in all honesty who’s going to read this and who’s going to even give a shit? Anyways on the post a woman is talking to her younger girl family member, not sure about the relationship. But the younger girl tells the woman that she wants to be an astronaut. The older woman tells her that in order to do that she’ll have to go to school, go to college, train, and apply herself or something like that. The girl ponders the information for a minute and then responds. She says, “well that doesn’t seem too bad that’s only 4 things.” Now of course because i’m not a fucking child and I know what each indiviual thing holds i know, it’s technically 4 things with a hell of a lot of sub lists. (i.e. 1a...1b...2a...3d...) But when i remember reading the post, I remember thinking wow. The things we really want to accomplish are truly only a short list away. Being intentional everyday about my happiness is literally 1 thing. It’s all I truly need to do. But I’m so hung up on the sub points. About the things that stupid little girl wouldn’t think about. I shouldn’t call her stupid. She’s not stupid she’s hopeful. Or confident. Or whatever positive forward thinking term we have out right now. I don’t know if at the end of Bojack Horseman if I’ll find my one-step intentional happiness program but I do know something will be there.
Back in the 90’s I was in a very famous t.v. show...
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wigglywormy · 7 years
not-so-peaceful morning [archie/jughead, 1.2k~]
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bbbbb here u go!!
Archie usually goes to the gym on the weekends, when they don’t have class, and it’s nice because it usually means Jughead gets the bedroom all to himself early Saturday mornings to do with as he pleases.
Namely, binge watch on all of the weird shows that Archie doesn’t like to watch with him. Jughead’s into some indie shit, and quite a bit of horror, which Archie happily enjoys avoiding, thank you very much.
But, for Archie’s birthday this year, his dad decided that getting him a pull up bar for his doorway and some weights for his room was a great idea, and now Jughead has the (fortunate? unfortunate?) privilege of waking up every damn Saturday morning around eight am to the sun streaming through the windows, and his best friend panting softly as he does reps on his stupid new exercise bar.
This morning is no different than the rest, and when Jughead sleepily blinks his eyes open, sure enough Archie is right there in front of him, body shining with a light sheen of sweat already, hair damp and pushed out of his face, and biceps bulging with every upwards pull he makes. Jughead’s eyes quickly travel over the clusters of freckles littering his torso, and Archie’s making these quiet, strained sounds, quiet puffs of breath as he exerts himself.
Jughead groans and shoves his face back into the pillow.
“Oh, Jug! Good morning!” Archie calls, voice breathless as he notices Jughead’s body shifting against the air mattress.
And okay, sure, seeing him shirtless and working out and sweaty is…. not a site for sore eyes, but still. Saturday’s are supposed to be Jughead’s personal mornings to himself, and though he loves his boyfriend, he needs some privacy every once in awhile, because getting privacy when you literally share a bedroom together is much harder than you’d think. Nearly impossible, almost, unless Jughead specifically asks for it. Which he doesn’t do very often, because Archie is clingy and gets pouty when Jughead tries to evade his affections.
“Uhg, why,” Jughead mumbles into his pillow.
Archie ignores him, hopping off the pull up bar and stretching out on the floor. “Hey, Juggie, can you do me a favor?”
“Oh, I can do you lots of favors,” Jughead mumbles, sitting up finally and rubbing at his eyes blearily, “most of them involving my fist. To your face. For waking me up so damn early with your stupid.... your stupid exercising.”
“C’mon, please? It’ll only take a few minutes.”
Jughead sighs. “Fine. Whatever. I’m already awake, anyways. What do you want, Andrews?”
Archie grins and kicks his legs a bit. “Can you hold my feet down while I do sit ups? You can fall back asleep on my legs if you want? I know it’s early.”
“You… are so damn weird,” Jughead whispers, shaking his head slightly before crawling over to where Archie is already lying back on the carpet. “And all this time I thought I was the strange one.”
“Don’t worry, you still are,” Archie reassures with an innocent smile, folding his arms behind his head as Jughead grumbles at the jab and situates himself so he’s sitting on Archie’s feet, his hands gripping the redhead’s ankles tightly. Archie’s only wearing a pair of gym shorts, his legs bare and long as they fold up, and Jughead watches in mild fascination as Archie breathes in and sits up suddenly with no warning, his nose almost brushing his knees.
“Hey, that’s not a full push up,” Jughead teases, waking up little by little. “Your nose has to touch your knees.”
“That’s a lie,” Archie grunts, sitting up again before lowering. His abs bunch with the movement, and Jughead bites his lip on a grin as he lets go of one of Archie’s ankles, reaching up to gently tap at his knee. 
“C’mon, you gotta make it to here.”
His nails scrape gently over the top of Archie’s knee, and Jughead tries to hide his grin when he sees Archie’s leg tremble, his movements pausing for a moment.
“Have you ever done a sit up in your entire life, Jug?” Archie pants out, frowning as he curls up again, and this time, when Jughead pinches at Archie’s knees, it’s definitely on purpose.
Archie squeaks a bit, falling back against the carpet, and when he glares up at Jughead, the other teen just blinks back silently.
Oh. A challenge.
Archie narrows his eyes. He does another sit up.
Jugheads fingers trace along the tops of his feet, fluttering around his ankles. Archie sucks in a breath and curls his toes, pausing mid-sit up just to fall back down against the carpet.
“C’mon, Andrews,” Jughead teases. “Just a few more reps to go.”
“I’ll show you a few more reps,” Archie bites back, doing another full sit up, but this time Jughead is prepared, waiting, and his hands dart in between Archie’s thighs, fluttering his fingers up the legs of Archie’s gym shorts, and this time, Archie can’t hold back the quiet snort as he finally kicks his legs out, trying to shove Jughead away.
“Hey, you didn’t finish,” Jughead laughs, crawling towards Archie and deliberately squeezing right above his knees. Archie laughs out loud this time, reaching down to push at Jughead’s hands, but Jughead is on a mission now, and Archie is too ticklish for his own good, honestly.
Also, he’s a little worn out and his muscles are weaker from his morning work out, so it’s easy for Jughead to crawl between his legs and start digging into where his hips meet the tops of his thighs, pressing into the muscle and feeling the warm skin under his fingertips.
“J-Jug,” Archie giggles - actually fucking giggles, jesus - and tries to twist away, but Jughead just rolls his eyes and crawls his fingers higher.
“This is what you get, for being a cheeky little shit in the morning,” Jughead answers. “Wakin’ me up, making me do favors for you before I’ve even had my damn coffee, you heathen.”
“Y-You don’t even like c-coffee that much!” Archie manages, yelping when Jughead reaches down to scratch at the sole of his foot. Archie kicks wildly, finally managing to roll away and crawl towards his bed, and Jughead watches him go with a glint in his eye.
Archie’s panting post-attack, pouting over at Jughead. “Asshole.”
“What?” Jughead says, cracking his knuckles. “That was part of your work out, right?”
“I’ll show you a workout,” Archie growls, pushing his hair from his eyes before lunging at Jughead.
Needless to say, Jughead doesn’t quite get to fall back asleep that morning.
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I miss the days before everyone was addicted to streaming services
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FOMO, recognized by many as a soul-crushing feeling of missing out on something wonderful, is brought on by a variety of different circumstances.
The sensation is pretty common nowadays. It can hit when you see friends engaging in a Twitter discussion without you, or co-workers posting photos from a happy hour that you missed. I've experienced a ton of FOMO in my 25 years of life, but one of my least favorite forms is the FOMO that arises when people are bonding in front of me over a movie or television show I've never seen.
As someone who loves television and hates feeling left out, whenever this happens I find myself thinking, "GAH, I miss life before streaming services."
SEE ALSO: Learning to let go of your entertainment backlog
Now you might be thinking to yourself, well, if you really loved television you'd think streaming was the best thing since sliced bread DVD box sets. And I do. I have Netflix and Hulu subscriptions and spend so many hours in front of my television that I've surely left an imprint in my couch. But all the different platforms, hundreds of exclusive originals, and subscription prices in the world today really pile on the pressure.
I can't help but feel like a movie and TV show version of Ash Ketchum, in the sense that I GOTTA WATCH 'EM ALL. But I can't. So here I am, longing for the days before streaming — a time when tuning into the latest shows felt like a far more relaxed and even playing field.
The problems with streaming
Think about it: Today we've got streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and HBO Now. And those are just some of the most popular.
I can't even think about Sling TV, and all the other cable alternatives out there right now, so for the purpose of this article let's concentrate on those first four. Each costs money and each creates its own original content, so if you don't have subscriptions to all of them, you're definitely missing out on something.
If you don't have Netflix, you're isolated from hundreds of originals, including one of the greatest romantic comedies the world has seen in years. You're also woefully behind in the Marvel Universe, there's a good chance you've never experienced Stranger Things, and you have yet to be blessed by the Fab Five Guardian Glow-Up Angels that are the cast of Queer Eye!
No Hulu? That means no Handmaid's Tale, no Casual, and where the HECK are you watching re-runs of The Mindy Project? 
While I personally have access to all those brilliant programs, I don't have HBO Now, which means I've sadly never had the pleasure of seeing other great shows like Insecure or Veep. It means that during Game of Thrones season I walk into the office every Monday unable to participate in my colleagues impassioned discussions. And I'm fine with that, but it doesn't mean I don't feel left out.
Believe it or not, the most devastating streaming FOMO I have yet to experience isn't related to not knowing what's up in Westeros. It comes from not owning an Amazon Prime account.
For years I was perfectly content living a Prime-less existence, considering I almost never purchase anything on Amazon.com. But in 2017, everything changed. The Golden Globe-winning Marvelous Mrs. Maisel came out, and I, a die-hard Amy Sherman-Palladino fan since Gilmore Girls first aired in 2000, was unable to experience the magic. I don't feel I should be isolated from content simply because I don't want a Prime account. Like, put that shit on the CW or something, please! 
After a week of listening to people rant and rave over Marvelous Mrs. Maisel's characters, writing, and performances my sadness transformed into anger, and my internal grudge against streaming was born. 
It's not just TV...
Sadly, the stresses of streaming aren't simply confined to television — they're creeping into the music world, too. (Lookin' at you, Bey and Jay.)
Apple Music and Spotify are over there duking it out, while Tidal's keeping quality Queen content under lock and key, making non-members feel like they're shamefully living under a cultural rock for days on end. 
Ugh should I download Tidal??? Having major FOMO rn pic.twitter.com/uK9gFCasiN
— Andrew🥂 (@_AndrewC17) June 17, 2018
Thankfully, I used an HBO free trial to watch Beyoncé's Lemonade live — because I fear that level of FOMO would have sent me to my grave — but I still had to wait until it was no longer a Tidal exclusive to listen to the actual album. 😒
So while music streaming gives you access to such an overwhelmingly wide library of music, there are cases like when Beyoncé drops an album, for example, in which you can't have timely access unless you pay for a certain subscription. It's straight up peer-pressure, and it's infuriating.
Hello? Is anyone out there?!
Beyond the basic FOMO, streaming stresses lie in the race to binge-watch after an entire original season drops, the overloaded queue, and the feeling that there's simply too much content to consume.
The fast-paced viewing life is fun sometimes, but once in a while I can't help but miss the days of waiting a week between single episodes to find out what happens next, knowing the rest of the world was doing the same. Now there's cable AND streaming to worry about!
While writing this article I began to wonder if I was alone in my love/hate feelings towards streaming, so I sought out some thoughts from my fellow binge-watching colleagues.
Turns out Entertainment Reporter Kellen Beck gets overwhelmed by streaming services, too. "I like streaming, but the pressure of watching everything is something I do not like," Beck said — a topic which he explored further in this piece about coming to terms with your massive entertainment backlog.
But Mashable Culture Writer Martha Tesema offered another perspective, explaining she personally feels far less FOMO nowadays than she did growing up without cable. She likes the fact that streaming lets her watch things on her own terms and that watch shows whenever, wherever. All very valid points.
The solutions
The way I see it, there are a few way to conquer the overwhelming exclusivity of streaming services. The first, and what I'm sure many seem is the easiest, is to succumb to the stress, pull out your wallet, and subscribe to them all.
But you know what? I refuse. In this frustrating scenario, you drop a pretty penny on streaming services for what? Dozens of exclusives and loads of repeat content that exists across multiple platforms? Not to mention an unbearably overwhelming amount of content that you'll likely never have time to even put a dent in... No thank you. 
I'm a millennial, and I don't know if you've heard or not but if I ever want to buy a house I shouldn't even spend money on avocado toast — let alone splurge on more than two streaming subscriptions.
Another problem-solving trick of the trade I've been enlightened on is to simply share accounts. Find a friend, a family member, essentially anyone who's willing to save a few bucks and work out a deal to share passwords. Maybe you can pay for two services and share your password in exchange for their passwords for the other two services. That way everyone's happy! 
And of course, there's always the Keep Creating New Emails To Take Advantage Of As Many Free Trial Sessions As Needed option. But honestly, that can become a lot of work.
The future of FOMO
When cable TV ruled the world visual entertainment felt more like a leisurely reward and less like a race to educate yourself for the purpose of keeping up with pop culture. There were still different packages and premium channels, sure, but you could pick what you want, pick what you didn't and it was done. Everything was in one place and it was glorious.
But it's 2018 and streaming — with all its frills, bonus packages, and competitive content — looks like it's here to stay for a while. It's messy but it's reality, so I guess it's time to stream on and  embrace that FOMO, people.
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WATCH: 10 of the best TV shows that made it to 10 seasons
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