thebookowal · 10 months
Doodle time, in class 👍
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(so to clarify in my school, we have a strict rule not to bring any electronics, from home so we’re not allowed to bring our phones )
octopus, DJ by @ntls-24722
he just popped in my head doing those cool poses supposed
I think that sentence rhymes 😝 I know I didn’t make them really chubby, even though I really do I just need to practice more
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oh yeah and here or there is some thing I got really inspired off by an animation called,the worm
It’s actually pretty cool and it gives you the chills not that much but the ones (want to have another episode ) kind of chills
and it had a detective that somehow give me vibes that what if Fritz before he got reincarnated what, if -what if Fritz wasn’t or didn’t go through what he did in his childhood and in fact, he lived a normal life and become a detective. He looks like a very suitable person, but of course our Fritz, insane personality makes him much suitable to be fritz ✨
edit : here he is 👇✨
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NTLS!! You have to go see him tell me what do you think??? doesn’t look like friends without reincarnation (or if it didn’t happen at all) ???
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Here is my fellow boy oh, by the way, I think that is inspired by Ntls as well I remembered to draw something similar to it but this guy I think he’s a lizard. I don’t know where he is yet. I just know that the colors are completely different. And his food is different. But I don’t know I named him bubbles by the way bubbles DJ what do you guys think? I don’t know yet. They already covered up that he only walks on four legs, and he rarely walks on his two back legs
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!!!
where is this? Funny thing happened as well with him every single time I try to draw him fully I don’t draw the tail full in
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There is one of them
oh yeah and on top is actually the diabetes celebration day for men. My friend told me about it and it was supposed to be I think right now to other people two days ago
look at him very cute with a stormy out 😚
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Here is him sleeping he like to sleep with his mouth open all the time I mean with the song out just creating a puddle of saliva And here it is this fat hundred XL ass boy dancing he was in my head, the whole entire lesson, and I said “I had to draw it!”
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I have never in my life draw big shoes. I am really proud of the big shoes that I did here. Oh yeah, and this guy is name is puppet I know it’s very taking, but I thought of killing him that because I can do whatever the hell I want with him, I could create them to be a cat like in the picture down belooooow
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I have been sleeping for two hours for two days now and my head is throbbing so this is one of them him checking on me
because I couldn’t handle it. I literally fall asleep. While I am writing notes.
And yeah, I was drawing this underneath the table because the teacher was right beside me and if they saw me, they might actually go through it and tell me why aren’t you writing I guess that’s all
good night everybody or good morning or good afternoon or whatever time you have right now bye I need to go to sleep. I have a lot tomorrow.(thanking about DJ will go to sleep.🤭)
guys is it normal that my body shaking it’s really shaking violently while I’m writing this I think it’s fine I don’t know. Is it ??
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
i am hilarious
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artastic-friend · 4 months
Made some Bolur OCs!! 😁😁😁
World and species created by @ntls-24722
This first one is Atzurae, they’re a zebraelf that just loves painting and creating their own little works of art through experimentation with different pigments!
And no! They definitely don’t like to eat the pigments sometimes because they get a little peckish when they paint. I don’t know why you had to bring that up🙄 /j
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I love this guy. Ngl I sorta see them as a self insert almost?? But not fully, if that makes sense.
They also have no gender I don’t think??? But I wanna ask NTLS about that first before I know for sure bc I know that he had some stuff about the genders of zebraelves but i can’t find the post so I’m just gonna edit this later after I ask them about it lmaoo
The thing about the founding Debu of Serendipolis being Badlands Debu really spoke to me…
So I basically made a “Tough Biker Guy with a tiny kitten/Pomeranian puppy that he loves very much” type dynamic via a very tough Badlands Debu with many sick battle scars, and a little goofy artist zebraelf that the Debu just decides is now their best friend.
The Debu is Kofruth, who.. I like to imagine is sorta genderfluid in a way that she doesn’t really care much about his gender identity? But some days just feels like shaving off his back hair and other days feels like she wants to keep it.
Here was my initial idea sketch of Her,
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but then I apparently went all out and decided to just draw a full body and color everything 💀💀
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I love these guys
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Anyway, i don’t have a huge amount of info on these guys yet but wanted to share these drawings nonetheless 😁😁
And definitely go check out @ntls-24722 ‘s awesome art and worldbuilding RRARAGHH!!!
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alntidychka · 2 months
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Hehe... hah
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no-truth-left · 3 months
1.001 Wake up
The first thing she notices is how hungry she is. It gnaws at her abdomen, and she thinks about how she'll need a double helping of rice, fish, and natto for breakfast. Saliva pools in her mouth as she dreams of the smell of cooking food.
But first she needs to get out of bed.
What bed?
Adrenaline shoots through her, killing her grogginess. Jolting up, legs flailing, the boat rocks precariously, and she grabs onto the side to steady herself. Brackish water ripples away from the small dinghy, into thick fog. The smell of rotting fish and stagnant water assault her nose so powerfully she can taste it on her tongue.
"Hello?" She calls out cautiously, both hoping someone hears her and fearing who might be around to. For better or worse, only the low, continuous drone of buzzing flies answers her.
Her grip tightens on the boat, splintered wood digging into her hands.
Okay. Okay, this isn't the worst thing that has happened to her, surely. She just got confused waking up and got her wires crossed. But the only memories she recalls are vague; trips to the supermarket, her commute to work, cleaning the bathroom. Nothing tells her how she got here or why she'd want to be here.
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linxprime · 1 year
The aftermath >:"D
@ntls-24722 @artastic-friend
Thought to do the aftermath, just cus I had the idea in my head for a while :"3.
Swing invited on alien fast food :"D.
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Evil that we didnt get any full sea shanty recordings of John Tams's arrangements for the National Theatre's Treasure Island.
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thesparklytoast · 9 months
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Comet & Fritz belongs to @ntls-24722 Sison & BB belongs to me >:)
(I am a very messy artist)
I had this funny thought about Fritz & BB would understand comet, and sison relationship wrong
and I would think that comet would try to tell Fritz that sison is it normal, so weird and uncomfortable person. He doesn’t like him at all but Fritz would just tell him maybe he should just understand more he doesn’t seem like a talkative person
(he actually like to talk a lot with BB but he likes to freak out the people of that he doesn’t know specially comet don’t ask me why I just feel that he would do that)
and I think I’m getting better at drawing comet 💫
Finals next week and I know that I won’t stop posting. Could just become an addiction to just be on Tumblr (that’s a funny thing about Tumblr. nobody care about followers in there. (maybe some )It’s just fun and showing people how weird you are, and they will except it)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
Hey @ntls-24722
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Scribbled a Debu in my little notebook and scanned it!
Also this scrimblo I was figuring out the shapes with but the above one is the one I was going for lmao
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She looks a bit scared or worried to me lmao didn't wanna leave her out
I haven't been drawing much lately, I've just been getting back to it the last few days so I'm a bit rusty to put it lightly. The Debus are the best things I drew last night by a mile lmao and also the reason I got the scanner working again so uhh anyway I love these guys. Everyone go look at the Debus right here cause they're cool as fuck
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thebookowal · 3 months
@ntls-24722 they are not done with you yet mate
I have been thinking of them for a while now it’s been 3 days and I have came up with so much ideas
And if you have to give them those three musketeers hair how would it look like?
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ntls-24722 · 7 months
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No wonder I'm always saying DJMM needs to escape the plex due to the lack of enrichment. He doesn't even have a disco ball! This is basic DJ husbandry...
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glitterfartsprinkle · 6 months
insert funny joke. uhm uhm erm.... ntls gay flesh dinoisoiar that is in a gay situation ship with a retired clown
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(@ntls-24722 )
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artastic-friend · 26 days
Wanted to draw one (1) test drawing of Kofruth but it evolved into way more than that 💀💀💀
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They later named the mauroosa "Wrinkle" because of how its nose wrinkles when it eats or gets mad
They found wrinkle alone one day and Atzurae, against Kofruth's wishes, coaxed the mauroosa with some spittleberries and then it never left their side...
Kofruth hates wrinkle at first because in her eyes it just takes things and steals food constantly. So disrespectful :[
Btw I drew these all in one single sitting so they sorta devolve with time bc my hand was beginning to hurt 💀💀
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I love themb
Not enough Atzurae in this post bc I got so distracted drawing Kofruth and Wrinkle lmaooo
Homo mousike and Bolur belongs to @ntls-24722
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angelicartemis · 1 year
I was drawing a little on @artastic-friend's DJMM/MM Hello Paint board last night, now I'm gonna throw my drawings up. :D
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March was there to witness me draw this nearly the entire time. 💀 I wanna say this took around 1 hour or so? Maybe a little more because I could not stop looking over it. 😭 As you can see by my tiny doodle alone, my hand was going through it. 💀💀💀 BUT I DID THIS FOR THE BIG MAN BECAUSE HE PRETTY!! ✨✨✨ I definitely wanna try to draw Comet more, but god damn, he is a piece of WORK. /lh
Anyway here are the rest of the doodles! :D This time they're just of DJ. Not a lot of drawings, but that's because I literally draw at a snail's pace. 🗿
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Little March cameo
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Anyway yea that's it *crawls in a hole and dies*
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no-truth-left · 4 months
Hi! Thank you for checking out my little story c: I tried this in the past but let it drop because I needed more structure when writing. After tossing it about in my head on and off for a while, I've come to this! We shall see how things play out.
No Truth Left is a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game where the audience will decide on what the main characters do. I hope to give varying options and consequences to the options so your choices have weight to them. Character sheets will be updated as the story progresses to show how the characters are being affected.
This is a lovecraftian horror story. Content warnings can be provided upon request. I will attempt to tag accordingly.
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Each option may affect the two main characters' personalities. As their personalities shift based on the options chosen, those options will become more nuanced and available more often while the other one will slowly be phased out.
For example, continuously choosing 'peaceful' options will mean 'violent' options will become less available.
Characters' physical and mental health will be tracked. There will be consequences if their health dips too low, which will be tracked in the Afflictions section of their sheets.
ntl story = posts containing the story itself
ntl ooc = any posts directly from me not pertaining to the story. It could be about breaks, or asking for feedback.
ntl meta = posts pertaining to the story but not the story itself.
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his-porous-membrane · 5 months
I'm off to see Good in the cinema! Curious if the DT girlies will be out tonight or if it’ll just be me and the senior citizens as per uszh.
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