#Nyx Nightblood
clan-nightblood · 2 years
Beholding Starlight
The seas waves broke softly on the shores of Costa del Sol, and their sound was accompanied by that of a crackling bonfire some way up the beach. The moon shown bright in the sky, the stars twinkling brightly around it. The music of the resort had died down hours ago. All patrons and staff had long since gone to slumber, leaving the waves, the wind, and the few souls who stirred in the night.
Nyx Nightblood, crewmember of the Kraken's Arms and master of trade, slowly strode toward the waves. Her wavy black and blue hair flowed down her back, accenting her deathly pale skin and the sapphire blue markings on her face. She was clad in a loosely tied cloth shirt, small shorts, and leather boots that went up to her mid thigh. However, she took a pause a few malms from the water's edge, and disrobed herself, leaving a pile of cloths and leathers on the sand within eyesight.
She moved with grace in every movement of her body as she continued to saunter toward the water in the moonlight, supple skin shining in the darkness, gentle breezes blowing her hair and ruffling her long ears and short tail. Her long black claws softly brushed the skin of her thigh as she walked, and she softly began to sing a tune without words. Her melodic tones carried gracefully through the night, only wavering slightly as her feet dipped into the tepid waves.
Her voluptuous form pushed forward into the water more, until she stopped where the waves reached her upper thighs. She swept her fingertips softly through the water as she continued to sing, closing her eyes and smiling as she leaned her head back. Bringing her hands up, she allowed tiny droplets of water to drip down her chest and shoulders, over her curves and back to the ocean whence it came. She enjoyed taking these moonlight baths in the sea.
Behind her, back up the beach, silently, Captain Carvallain stood and watched her. Some might consider it brazenly inappropriate to watch a woman bathe without so much as trying to conceal the act, but he believed that fate favored the bold. Besides, even if he tried, he could never take his eyes off her. And he had tried - many times, in fact. While captaining his crew, while at port, while conducting trade deals, and even tonight while indulging in some much needed vacationing. Not a thing could keep him from her.
Carvallain held no intention of interrupting or joining her. The elezen purely wished to observe and admire, and even cater to the viera who had him so transfixed. Beside her pile of clothes, he placed down a soft towel he had folded up and heated by the fire, along with a small note, and then silently departed. On that note, in his own hand, read:
There's not a single siren in the entire sea who could hold a candle to all that is you.
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ask-luciavampire · 9 months
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happy birthday to me/lucia so many friends, family, and boyfriend come to join
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Previously on askdaisydandfriemly...
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The storyline/mega collab WILD CHILDREN IS COMING BACK!
Read the whole season 1 here!
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alexdti · 3 years
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Commission for @ask-luciavampire
Quick backstory: They’re both vampire sisters of Lucia Nightblood. Twilight is a nerd that likes to read a lot of books, while Nyx wants to be a strong as her sister and her father when he was alive.
COMMISSION are always open ^^
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Well-Earned Wake Up Call
A bottle of ale shattered against the wooden hull of the ship, spilling red onto the floor and sending splintered glass raining down.
"How dare you think that you can get away with cutting corners on securin' the cargo?! We aren't sailin' some dinky boat on a lake - we are sailing a ship inta the heart o' the ocean!" Nyx held up a scrawny tan mi'qote by the collar, raising him well off the ground. He had once been drunk, but she had screamed him sober by now, and both his hands clutched the one she had around his throat as his feet attempted to find purchase on the support beam to lighten the grip on his neck. He found no such luck. The raging Viera woman held up her other hand with a finger raised right in front of the crewman's nose. "One storm hits, tha' set o' cannons comes loose, and I lose men! Those are my crew's lives you're playing with, aye? Mine! They belong to me! An' if your good for nothing, stinking, drunk arse gets one of them killed I will take it out of yer own hide for a fortnight before I let you ever sleep again, and tha' sleep will be the kind ye'll not be wakin' from! Savvy?!" The poor cat whimpered and nodded, his ears folded flat against his head and tail quivering, "Aye, Nyx-" "WHAT WAS THAT?" "A-aye, sir!" With a snarl, Nyx dropped him to the ground, and he would have collapsed had he not dug a set of claws into the barrel beside them. Her face was stone cold in anger, jaw set and brow furrowed as she continued, "Get out o' my sight, you filthy, good for nothing sod. You reek of piss and bad ale and I don't want to see yer face again til' the sun rises." The mi'qote had, in fact, soiled himself in the whole ordeal, and he made his way to the crew's quarters. Nyx huffed, twitching her long soft ears, and strode confidently up the stairs and onto the main deck.
Meanwhile, Captain Carvallain leaned against the door frame of his quarters, grinning as he watched her. He had heard every word; Nyx's voice carried easily no matter what corner of The Kraken's Arms she was on. She ran the ship as if she were the captain, as if it were her own, and it was one of the things he truly admired about her.
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Members of Clan Nightblood
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Clan Nightblood is a family of folk who came together through many and varied walks of life. Each of them has their own story, but they have chosen to be bonded together. The members of Clan Nightblood are: 
Tisiphone Nightblood  Erebus Nightblood  Nyx Nightblood  Luna Nightblood  Trystal Nightblood  Celeste Nightblood  Luscius Nightblood 
While each of these people live their own lives, they can occasionally be found in Nightblood Manor, located in the Mists of La Noscea. They do bear some resemblance to each other in looks, tastes, and mannerisms, which you will find more and more.
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ask-luciavampire · 6 months
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kiss for mistletoe
ask by @asklightningshadowbolt
fet @asklightningshadowbolt and lucia boyfriend @agkandvideomaker2000
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ask-luciavampire · 7 months
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happy thanksgiving to all
Lucia family/ clan for this day
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ask-luciavampire · 6 months
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lucia Christmas with her family and clan
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ask-luciavampire · 8 months
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new vampires join lucia home
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ask-luciavampire · 2 years
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is my/lucia birthday 
here a pic if you what darw your oc to join you can 
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ask-luciavampire · 1 year
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ask-luciavampire · 8 months
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two much candy
ask by @foodielovethealicorn
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askdaisydandfriemly · 2 years
Noteworthy Original Characters from Other Blogs
Splunge: Many characters from other universes have visited San Franciscolt. I unfortunately can’t list every blog, but I'm sure new followers might wonder who these characters are.
So I decided to share the ones that have contributed to the more recent storylines the most and/or have close relationships with my characters.
Keira, Ruse, and Mirage Starlight-Draconequus @keirastarlightdraconequus and @ask-pastkeirastarlight-discord
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Keira is one of Daisy's friends. Daisy adores Keira's children- Ruse and Mirage- and is one of Mirage's Godmothers. Ruse has a puppy love crush on Daisy.
Mirage is Echo Wind's best/only friend. Verdigris is a sometimes babysitter for Keira.
Lucia and Nyx Nightblood @ask-luciavampire, Charm Rose @ask-ponys-gamers-club, and Sapphire @ask-society-vampire-club
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Lucia is Daisy's friend and taught her that not all vampires are evil. Lucia's sister, Nyx, along with her adopted little sisters are friends with Hidden Key.
Charm Rose is Adere "Jack" Zeal's marefriend who brings out his geeky gamer side.
Sapphire is another one of Hidden Key's friends.
Heartistry, Embi and Allister @asktheartpone
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Heartistry is friends with both Daisy and Jack. Daisy will often sneak Heartistry's adopted son Allister cookies.
Verdigris is a sometimes babysitter for Allister.
While Embi is a general troublemaker in San Franciscolt, Caricature has found annoying her alter ego Wilted Rose to be very fun.
Johnathan Ebony, Amber Altering, and Emily Gemstone @ask-forestville
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Daisy and Amber Altering are friends. Daisy and John were mutually crushing on each other for a long time and are now in the "talking phase".
Verdigris has asked out Emily Gemstone (as his alter ego The Locksmith) and wants her to be his marefriend. He's afraid she won't like him when he's not a super hero though.
Justin and Ella @threeuniverses
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Justin is friends with Daisy, Rasul, and Rasul's marefriend Naturally Unique. Ella (Justin's girlfriend) is also friends with Rasul and Naturally Unique- but a little closer to the later one.
Terra and Drive @anideterm3
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Terra and Drive are both friends with Daisy- but Terra especially has a knack for making friends with most of the San Franciscolt residents.
They've both recently become close with Striking Plate and his family. Striking Plate and Terra are unaware that they are mutually crushing on each other.
Maua has a big old crush on Terra, but thinks she's straight.
Shutter Ghost @ask-shutter-ghost
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The spirits keep leading Rose Moon to Shutter Ghost, and this stallion never strays far in her thoughts (they're dating).
Splunge: Free free to send asks to these blogs! :)
I hope to make adjustments if more blogs have bigger roles in the future- but for now, this is my list!
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ask-luciavampire · 2 years
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kids are so cute glad they made more friends
ask and fet by @keirastarlightdraconequus
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ask-luciavampire · 2 years
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what they like
ask by @mimikyufan000
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