#rune dusk
ask-luciavampire · 3 months
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kids love him
ask and fet @asklightningshadowbolt
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luuxxart · 3 months
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🌟updates Saturday and Sunday🌟
✨(read tags for extra info!)✨
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what they do
ask by @green-screen-green-god
background ponys
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ask-rubyflare · 28 days
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who they like
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katgrey14 · 1 year
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I made a collage of my favorite video game leads.
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vulpixelates · 3 months
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changeling-rin · 11 months
(Conversation anon) *draws card* who is the most skill swordsman among the link sequel boys and Hero's Shade included. P.S. given enough resources how long would it take Lore and Mask to break an (uninhabited) time stream, the sooner they finish the sooner they get Grandma's soup.
The most skilled swordsman? Ah... well, Shadow and Oni each have several hundred years of experience behind them, so they're pretty good. The Hero's Shade, of course, has a full lifetime behind him, so he is also pretty good. Dusk learned from the Shade, so he's got a bit of an advantage over the rest of the group. Rune can apparently pick up anything and successfully kill a demon-god with it so I'm giving him points for that, and... Lux has enough control over his sword skills to do fancy combos, so he gets points too
P.S. Eh, three days, probably? One to set up a bootstrap paradox, one to initiate it, and one more to deliberately break it and watch the laws of reality crumble in response!
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runicsorceress · 10 months
"dont want my lampent to evolve so have to be careful of dusk stones. even if littie holds an everstone.. a dusk stone would still make her evolve. fuckin shame too... dusk stones are pretty."
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beck-a-leck · 2 years
(And returns, and is always the same)
My contribution for the @rf5dawntodusk zine!
Livia takes a nighttime walk around Rigbarth.
The fire in her hearth had burned down to smoldering embers, and she added another log. It caught quickly and warmth bloomed in the room. It wasn’t really the season to require a fire at all times, but Livia enjoyed the warmth regardless of season. Ares often teased her about being a cold-blooded reptile, needing a warm fire even in the heart of summer which, for one, rude, and for two inaccurate. Dragons weren’t cold-blooded, nor reptiles, regardless of how they looked.
Livia looked at her bed. Despite her teasing about her bedtime, she really wasn’t ready to sleep. She didn’t really need to sleep as often as mortals did and could go quite some time without needing real rest. And right now, she wasn’t feeling particularly tired.
She could read a book. Simone had let Livia borrow a thick tome on the early days of the former Sechs Empire that she hadn’t gotten around to reading yet. But Livia faltered when she looked at her reading chair. After spending most of her night trapped behind a desk, sitting still for several more hours was the last thing she wanted to do.
A walk then.
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bloodsoakedogre · 11 months
Elden Ring AU
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ask-luciavampire · 4 months
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ask by @foodielovethealicorn
fet @asklightningshadowbolt and @anideterm3
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dionysianivy · 2 days
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙣 𝙀𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙭 🌾🍎🕯
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What is Mabon?
Mabon, celebrated around September 21 to September 29, marks the autumnal equinox and the second harvest of the year. It’s a time of balance, as the hours of light and dark stand equal, symbolizing the transition between summer and winter. It's a time when witches and practitioners honor the changing seasons, express gratitude for the Earth's abundance, and connect with the energies of balance and transition. The term "Mabon" for this celebration is named after Mabon ap Modron, a character from Welsh mythology. It is often associated with the mythological theme of the abducted and imprisoned child who later becomes a hero, which parallels the changing seasons.
Who is Mabon Ap Modron?
Mabon ap Modron, also known as Maponus, is a character from Welsh mythology. In some versions of the myth, Mabon is portrayed as a divine hero or a child who was abducted from his mother, Modron, and imprisoned. He is rescued after 3 years and plays a significant role in Welsh mythological tales. The name "Mabon" itself means "son" or "young man" in Welsh, and it is connected to the theme of rebirth and the return of the light.
Hades × Persephone and the Autumn Equinox
Legend has it that on the last day of summer, Hades, the god of the Underworld, saw Persephone picking flowers in a field. He immediately fell in love with her and abducted her, wanting to keep her by his side as the queen of the dead. Upon discovering the disappearance of her daughter, Demeter, the goddess of harvest, set out to find her. Unable to locate Persephone, Demeter’s sorrow and despair were so overwhelming that the flowers, trees, and all vegetation withered, bringing all growth on Earth to a halt. The gods of Olympus, who were powerless to ignore the prayers of humans, reached a compromise with Hades regarding Persephone’s return. She would spend only six months each year with Hades in the Underworld. To avenge herself, Demeter decreed that during those six months, nature would mourn, and nothing would grow on Earth until Persephone ascended again from the Underworld.
Magical Correspondences
Planets: Sun, Mercury
Season: Autumn 
Element: Water 
Time of Day: Dusk
Tarot: The Hermit 
Colors: Brown, Maroon, Red, Orange, Purple, Yellow, Gold
Herbs: Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Juniper, Mugwort, Dried Apple
Fruits: Grapes, Apples, Pears, Plums, Blackberry, Pomegranates
Vegetables: Carrots, Corn, Onions, Pumpkin, Squash
Runes: Dagaz, Inguz, Eihwaz, Jera
Crystals: Amethyst, Agate, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Amber, Yellow Topaz
Trees: Apple, Oak, Aspen, Cedar
Goddesses: Pomona, Demeter, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Kore, Modron, the Morrigan, Persephone, Banbha, Autumnus, Hestia
Gods: Dionysus, Mabon ap Modron, Hades, Dumuzi, the Green Man, Hermes, Thoth, Cernunnos, Osiris, Freyr
Flowers: Marigold, Chrysanthemum, Aster
Animals: Deer, Dog, Wolf, Blackbird, Squirrel, Salmon, Swan
Magical uses: Abundance, Accomplishment, Agriculture, Balance, Goals, Gratitude, Grounding, Harvest, New Beginnings, Reflection
Activities to do:
🍎 create your own Cornucopia
🍎 make a special Mabon jar
🍎 bake an autumn recipe
🍎 eat apple pie
��� harvest your garden
🍎 light a bonfire and dance or tell stories with your loved ones around it
🍎 do a guided meditation to welcome the new season
🍎 clean your garden
🍎 listen to Mabon music on Youtube or Spotify(there are plenty of playlist you can find!)
🍎 spend time with your deity/deities
🍎 grab some autumn flowers and bring them into your home
🍎 rest and relax♡
🍎 read about Mabon
🍎 clean your house to prepare for the season
🍎 take a walk outside to connect with nature and be grateful for the summer that has passed and warmly welcome the beauty of autumn
Food and Drinks:
apple pie, apple cider, wine, grapes, root vegetables, apples, cornbread, baked good made from wheat or grains, cakes with cinnamon or nutmeg, roasted meat, pork chops, mashed potatoes, peach jams, fruit tarts, apples in all forms, pumpkin pie
useful sources: Magie Blanche by Eric Pier Sperandio
gifs credit: Pinterest
Tip jar🍎🌾
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little better post of the school what tour
ask and fet @mrsdooggle
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duchess-doodles · 21 days
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Uuh so some more on my take on human Bill. He basically highjacks Nick's body and uses some good ol ancient rune tattoos to make him into an immortal vessel only he can possess. Some more ✨lore✨ under the cut because I have waaaaay to many thoughts about this
So Nick is just some random guy who's passing through Gravity Falls, and he stops in the dusk 2 dawn for some chips or something
Ford happens to be there at the same time. He has the very normal, very insignificant thought of seeing some dude across the aisle in a convenience store and thinking "hm. cute guy" (which I might add is a thought he's barely conscious of. My guy has layers of representation to deal with but that's a different post) and moves on with his day
Bill on the other hand, the jealous fuck, reads this in Ford's brain and has the calm, collected and controlled reaction of ghosting ford for a few weeks to go fuck with this guy. For "fun." Definitely no reason other than that nope Bill doesn't care that Sixer spent 0.2 seconds looking at another guy whaaat no why would he care
Eventually Bill manages to get Nick to make a deal with him and gets his hands on Nick's body. Nick is obviously Not Ok with this so Bill rips out Nick's eye, using the body's pain to deter Nick from trying to get it back and because he's a crazy bitch like that and also because I want my Bill design to have one eye sue me
Then Bill does all the hair dying and piercing, and then uses spellbinding tattoos to secure his new flesh puppet :D now Nick's body can only be possessed by him (thereby keeping Nick out permanently so Bill can come and go as he pleases, without having to worry about fighting for the body's ownership every time he wants to use it) and doesn't need "looking after" the way a normal human body does (so he can leave it in a closet for weeks on end and it'll be fine)
Bill then rocks back up to the mystery shack and tells Ford he can manifest a human body sometimes. Just flat out lies to him. Like the liar he is <3
He stashes the body under the porch or something when he's not using it
I have more thoughts on this but I'll save it for another post lol
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baldursyourgate · 5 months
bored, looked up drow name meaning
Jarlaxle - prefix Jhul/Jar: charmed, rune, symbol; suffix cyrl/axle: ally, companion, friend. -> charmed friend? symbol of ally? If he were born female, his name would be... Jhulcyrl. Barely pronounceable.
Gromph Baenre - suffix oyss/omph: binder, judge, law, prison. His female name counterpart could be... Groyss...
Triel Baenre - Triel/Taz: bat, winged.
Minolin Fey-Baenre - prefix Min/Ran: lesser, minor, second; suffix olin (unisex): ascension, love, lover, lust. -> minor lover? second lover? Tbf she is the second named lover of Gromph in the series. Very... plot relevant name.
Minthara Baenre - prefix Min/Ran: lesser, minor, second; suffix thara/tar: glyph, marker, rune -> lesser glyph, second rune... glyph jr.? Kind of a cute name meaning from what we've seen.
Nalfein Do'Urden - prefix Nhil/Nal fear, horrible, horror, outraged; suffix ffyn/fein: minstrel, singer, song -> fear singer? song of outrage? horror minstrel... Nhilffyn would be his female counterpart.
Dinin Do'Urden - prefix Gin/Din berserk, berserker, orc, wild; suffix inil/in lady/lord, rider, steed -> berserk rider? wild steed? berserk lord. Gininil is a bit of a tongue twister...
Drizzt Do'Urden - prefix Jys/Driz hard, steel, unyielding; suffix zyne/zt finder, hunter. -> unyielding hunter?
Zaknafein Do'Urden - prefix Zar/Zakn: dusk, haunted, shadow; suffix afae/afein bane, executioner, slayer. Dusk slayer, haunted bane, shadow executioner. His name's female counterpart would be Zarafae. However, in "Relentless", it is stated that Zaharina is the feminine of Zaknafein.
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Baby girl is named after her grandpa <3
Malice Do'Urden - Prefix Mal/Malag: mystery, secret; suffix ice/eth: obsession, taker, taken -> secret taker. So her name means something in drow and it's a coincident that it makes up a word that has meaning in Common.
Briza Do'Urden - prefix Briz/Berg graceful, fluid, like water; suffix a/agh breaker, destruction, end, omega -> graceful end.
Vierna Do'Urden - prefix Vier/Val black, dark, darkness; suffix na/nar adept, ghost, spirit -> darkness's adept.
Maya Do'Urden - prefix May/Mas beautiful, beauty, silver; ; suffix a/agh breaker, destruction, end, omega -> beautiful destruction.
For all that she did, gotta give it to Matron Malice when it comes to the naming department. She knows how to give name that's got a good balance on both the meaning and pronounceability.
Sorn Orlith - prefix In/Sorn enchanted, spell.
Nym Orlith - prefix Myr/Nym: lost, skeleton, skull. According to the list, Nym is a male prefix?
Viconia DeVir - prefix Vic (unisex) abyss, deep, profound; suffix onia/onim rod, staff, token, wand. -> abyss' wand.
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Matron Baenre had a LOT of children and so a tonne to name. Idk how she did it or if she give up after the first... 5 and just go for a dice roll for the rest.
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I wasn't able to find the meaning for a few name, like Quenthel's. Also some prefix seen in existing drow's names like Sos in Sosdrille and Sos'Umptu is not in the list.
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