#Clan Nightblood
clan-nightblood · 2 years
Once upon a time, Nightblood Manor was a small spot of land overlooking the bay...
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Decoration by Tisiphone Nightblood with help from a Friend
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askdaisydandfriemly · 2 years
Previously on askdaisydandfriemly...
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The storyline/mega collab WILD CHILDREN IS COMING BACK!
Read the whole season 1 here!
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the-littlest-kojin · 2 years
Pin-up Roegadyn Calendar 2023
Below the fold you will find a pin-up calendar of lovely Roegadyns! In it, you will find Brilliant (my own Roegadyn), Helvi (@sayonaramidnight), Merlbryda (@blorbos-of-the-7th-dawn), Roehgeim (@kuroimarzipan), Illyria (@capriccio-ffxiv), Gohtageim (@sunny-jade), Violet (@violet-stormbringer), Namhla (@jlsigman), Trachyngeim (@experimentkraj), Maetithota (@merlwybs-wife), Tisiphone (@clan-nightblood), and Styrlona (@styrlona). The whole project was put together by the amazing @unbloomingmoonflower, so a million thanks for your help, Moonie. (If I typo'd any of your names or tagged anybody wrong, please let me know and I will correct! I'm so sorry, I don't normally do projects of this scale)
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cherry-draws · 9 months
Protecting my clan
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Facing the one I never trusted, I did my best hidding my fear. Because even thought I denied it, Astor always kinda scared me, and I was sure we couldn't trust him. This evening, I wished I was wrong. The nightblood was rising, we were only 3, but protecing my leaders gave me enought courage to face our ennemy.
I am myself
Master Kohga, Sooga and Astor - Age Of Calamity (C) Nintendo
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
Would you rather see Clarke or Lexa get pregnant based on your previous tags?
Well if we're doin real talk here I'll be honest, I don't think canon Lexa would ever in a million years get pregnant. Like you could not bribe her into it in anyway shape or form. As the commander not only do I think she'd never allow herself to be that vulnerable to attack and basically taken out of commission for war/defense of the clans/a challenge on her throne for 9+ months, but after having to survive things like her conclave and murdering other children and taking on the weight of leadership at like,,, 12? I think it was? I don't think she'd ever even begin to entertain the possibility of passing on her nightblood. Or basically putting a target on any child she would have.
But also.... I have polls now 😌
Should we make a poll to see what the general consensus is of the fandom of who they'd rather see carry a potential canon Clexa baby 🤔
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okmcintyre · 1 year
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shtuff-hello · 2 years
I need help again...
I can't remember the name of another fic that I didn't get to finish before it disappeared on me. It was another bkdk fic and it was omega-verse. Deku is an omega and he starts in a small village, which treats him horribly, so he ends up leaving—half running away and half just kinda walking out though does punch a dude in the face. Once he sets out, he gets lost and stumbles into a different clan/tribe thingy’s territory while being attacked by an alpha. Thankfully another tall, strong, blonde alpha saves him. This new alpha has black blood the color of ink (that’s in the title, also the title is in a like custom text thing so I can’t search for it by title)
The alpha, Katsuki, takes Deku up a mountain and to his village, which respects omegas. Uhhhh a lot of plot things happen, including Deku finding his mom who he thought had died, but was actually just living her best life with Toshinori.
Deku and Katsuki have a sappy domestic falling in love story and eventually mate and this causes Deku to become a Nightblood (I think that’s what they called the people with the black blood, who also just have, like, maxed stats, including ridiculous height) but his transformation process is interpreted by him being attacked by another alpha.
More plot and then I think they go to war??? This is where my memory gets murky. It was on Ao3. Again, well written and quite long. I can’t really remember most of the tags. Anyway, please help and link this fic in the comments if you know the one I’m talking about. Thanks!
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theredpharaoah · 1 year
The issue with trying to construct shows where no form of oppression exists, is that the people creating it come from oppressed societies and don’t adequately check themselves. Like Jaha becoming a villain made sense, but Pike not being able to see the Grounders were ppl just like him didn’t. When we’re introduced to Pike he’s characterized as compassionate and kinda father-figure like. And even people like Miller, Jackson, Indra, and Gaia - moreso used as tools for other characters’ development as opposed to their own. Wells is literally the “black guy always dies first” trope. And even Lincoln’s character has some uncomfortable stuff going on. It’s not purposeful or consciously done - it’s designed so it doesn’t have to be. We don’t have a main character who’s black, of color, or indigenous that has actual development and is a major part of the plot. Monty didn’t really develop at all - neither did Gaia. Indra didn’t really develop, so much as she considered Skaikru family and opened herself up to them. And the death of cultures was so sad - why did all the stations on the Ark settle on English? They had nothing but time - they should’ve learned every language they could. The erasure of all the religions - it would’ve been cool to see how Grounder clans incorporated Becca and the Nightbloods into their religions. Maybe they saw Becca and the Commanders as Maitreya, Kalki, Jesus, etc. You’ve got to remember that’s it’s only been 100 years since the bombs went off. Which happened in like 2030(lol, how bleak). There’s no way all of that just disappears. The culture of the militant Ark is one thing, but the Grounder cultures should’ve retained a lot more. Also, no hijabis, no other languages(Latin and trig doesn’t count), etc. The Commander’s Regalia clearly has Indian influences, but that’s about it. There’s a lot of “eastern” influences in Polis and Grounder culture but nothing concrete. If they’d done the prequel, the second commander being Indian- and so they introduced those parts of the Commander’s Regalia - would’ve been so cool. But I also thought it was dumb that Calliope wasn’t the second commander. Jason essentially tried to recreate the mid season 2 Clarke/Lexa dynamic with Becca and Calliope. As a way to legitimize not giving Clarke the flame, but all it did was make me think that both Calliope and Clarke should’ve gotten the flame. They were clearly being implied as heirs to their respective mentors. Honestly, Lexa should’ve taken Clarke as her second. That could’ve been a really easy way to incorporate her and Skaikru into Grounder culture. Like the usual things people do in alliances were just ignored here. Lexa should’ve commanded a person from each of the 12 clans to come to Polis and take a second - maybe even have several do it. If she didn’t want to weaken Clarke’s position by having her serve Lexa - Luna was an option. Octavia’s training was over. Roan could’ve trained Bellamy(We DESERVED bi Bellamy) or Monty, Miller, Harper, Raven, Murphy, or Jasper(WE DESERVED Monsper but I’m thinking Monty and Roan could’ve been cute too). Like Raven and Murphy having to enter the Order of the Flame under Titus? Having Abby and Jackson create a “school”/safe zone of Mt. Weather where they trained Grounder healers to be doctors. That too. They didn’t leverage their medical/technological superiority NEARLY enough. Like Sinclair and Raven could’ve showed them how to turn the heaters in Polis on or something. No political marriages either. I feel like Jason got so into the sci-fi, he kinda forgot what I felt like really pulled a lot of people into the 100 - that Lord of The Flies, Animal Farm appeal with a sci-fi twist. I loved the politics and strategy of the 100 in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi setting. He didn’t balance it well and he veered way too far into Sci-fi. And also, a lot of the characterization and depth we got in the first 2 seasons was lost. You really need to see Characters doing meaningless things that don’t always push the plot - some filler is good!
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rasiedwithoutlove · 2 years
Clan Building // royalty
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the king/queen and the royal family were at the very top of azgeda everyone knew them and feared them. the royal guard were right below them but still the most respected warriors in azgeda. while azgeda leadership is undoubtedly a dictatorship the king or queen do take their people’s opinions into consideration, inside the throne room, there is a large rectangular fire pit in the middle of the room. at the end of the fire pit stands a throne reserved of course for the king/queen. smaller chairs are set along the sides of the fire pit, these are for ambassadors, advisors and war chiefs.
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becoming king/queen in azgeda culture takes more than being the eldest child, all the current rulers children have an equal chance to take the throne after their parents death. royal children are raised similar to how nightbloods are raised, (this is why roan was able to fight as well as he did against lexa and luna.) when the current ruler dies their children are put in a conclave together, winner takes the throne. rulers are expected to have many children leaving the best possible warrior to take over azgeda.
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clan-nightblood · 2 years
Erebus Nightblood
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PHYSICAL TRAITS  Age: 28  Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them  Race: Wildwood Elezen  Height: 6'10"  Weight: 198lbs  Body Type: Slim with lean muscle  Hair Color: Black and Silver  Eye Color: Ice Blue  Skin Color: Pale  Distinctive Physical Features: Blue marks emblazoned on their face, fangs, long black claws  General Attire: Tight jet black pants, loose shirts or no shirt, black leather boots, no hat, sometimes black leather gloves.
GENERAL DETAILS  Homeland: Gridania  Nationality/Culture: Elezen of the Twelveswood  Spirituality: Pays lipservice to the Twelve but believes primarily in what a person can do with the power they have.  Languages: Carries the Echo - everything makes sense.  Current Residence: Apartment in Ishgard  Favored Environment: Thick forests, cliffs, places near water.  Occupation: Scion, Researcher and Alchemist  Associations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Marauders Guild, Tonberries of Nim, Students of Baldesion
PERSONALITY  Key Words: Adventurous, flirtatious, silver-tongued, laid back, diligent, fun-loving, supportive, relaxed, curious, reliable, intelligent, resilient, heavy-hearted.  Details: Erebus lives and breathes curiosity - from researching random things to running alchemical experiments, to chatting up local passers by who draw intrigue. In general he is rather cheery and friendly, inviting people to his home or his curated library and laboratory. In darker moods, he is more apt to keep to his experiments and research, only speaking with the other Nightbloods or completely taking time alone. Though he cares greatly for the community at large and his friends, there is no deeper care he holds than that of his care for Tisiphone.
"Aren't you curious? Don't you want to experiment with me? Imagine the discoveries we could make together."  - Erebus Nightblood
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Clan Building // funerals
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death in trigeda is almost viewed as a good thing, especially for those who died at war. a warriors death is a rewarding fate that most people hope for. trigeda people respect their dead, even those who were executed will be granted a respectful funeral despite what they may have done.
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a trigeda death ritual includes covering the bodies in cloth before preparing them for the flame. fire is trigeda’s preferred method of body disposal as they believe that “from the earth, we will grow. from the ashes, we will rise.”
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often times someone will give a speech of sorts before setting fire to the bodies. sometimes when a trigeda commander is currently holding the flame they will travel back to their territory to lead these funerals. they’ll say a few words and be on their way back to polis.
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with the death on any clans commander comes a funeral customary to their clan. when a trigeda commander dies they will be wrapped in cloth with a red powder spread over them courtesy of their nightbloods. after the nightbloods finish praying the commander will be burned on the roof of the tower while a red smoke sends a signal indicating the commanders passing.
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wonderswritings · 2 years
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Name: Esmeray kom Trikru
Face Claim: Poppy Drayton
Alias(s): Esme 
Title(s): Riheda, Stalker of the Night, Dark Moon
Motto: My sister, my people, they are what matters. Nothing else.
Affiliation: Trikru, The Coalition, The Resistance, Arkadia
Age: 22   Eye Color: Hazel   Hair Color: Dark Brown
Race/Species: Nightblood   Height: 5’6   Gender: Female (she/her)
Blood Family: Lexa kom Trikru (sister)
Found Family: Sato kom Trikru (boyfriend), Reina kom Trikru (little sister), Indra kom Trikru, Octavia Blake, Bellamy Blake (boyfriend)
Identifiable Markers:
Moon and Arrow tattoo on left forearm. Solar System tattoo along spine symbolizing her role as commander. A sun and moon tattoo on the inside of right wrist symbolizing her relationship with Lexa. A wolf and moon tattoo on the inside of left wrist symbolizing her relationship with Sato. A black line tattoo that fades towards the end on her neck as a reminder that even through the darkness, there is light at the end. Jagged scar stretching from right shoulder down along right collarbone. Sword wound scar above left hip bone stretching midway to stomach. 
At first glance, Esmeray is seen as a cold, emotionless person- her face hardened into a glare. Her circle of those she trusts is limited to three people, Lexa, Indra and Sato. She will do whatever it takes to keep her family safe, even if it means giving up her own life. She keeps her emotions locked up, only trusting a select few with her ‘true’ self. Her job has always been to keep her sister safe, protecting her no matter the cost. 
When Esmeray was two, she said goodbye to her baby sister and moved to Polis to begin training as a potential for Commander. A year later, Lexa joined her and the two were inseparable, Esmeray keeping Lexa close to her to protect her while the two trained. While Lexa trained as Anya’s second, Esmeray trained as a second under Tano. At thirteen, the Commander died and the two were placed in the conclave. Esmeray went in with a plan, protect Lexa, kill the other nightbloods and then kill herself so that Lexa could lead. When Luna fled the conclave and the other seven nightbloods were killed, Lexa stopped Esmeray from killing herself, refusing to watch her sister die for her, giving her the title of Riheda, the dark commander. From there, she became Lexa’s shadow, she was the moon and Lexa was the sun. To attack one was to attack them both. Together they became a force to be reckoned with, instilling peace throughout the clans. A peace that lasted until the people from the sky landed. 
Other OC’s Mentioned:
Sato, Reina, Tano
Meet Esmeray! You can read her story here!
More info will be added as the story progresses if needed
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the-littlest-kojin · 11 months
Roegadyn Of The Month: November
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The Roegadyn of this month is Tisiphone, of @clan-nightblood, welcoming us to November!
This month, I want to see your characters in their element: Show me them being sexy or cute in ways they're most comfortable!
(Work done by @unbloomingmoonflower to make this project happen! Thank you, Moonie.)
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Mounting Curiosity.
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What mount does your WoL (or other OC) favour? Why do they have a connection to this mount? Is it particularly grand? Or impressive?
Does it communicate something about their personality? Or their role in society? Perhaps they chose it in order to be intimidating? Or disarming? Or merely practical?
Mimble has a number of mounts, but his favourite is definitely his giant porxie. Largely because it's quite endearing and he rather enjoys whizzing around his more serious companions, with their grand chocobos and horses, on his flying magical porxie. However, he does also use it to assist with curing tempering and occasionally giving rides to children.
(Purely optional tags below the cut)
Tagging @avettabendrot @aroseyetbloomedwrites @bigpuppyroegadyn @briar-ffxiv @bramdreamshade @cadrenebula @chill-bunn-sage @draculas-husband @eljaofthecrookedgrin @eorzeanflowers @firelightmuse @goldthornxiv @meepsthemiqo @spotofmummery @healersadjust @kskellington @lookbluesoup @scales-claws-and-thorns @furys-mercy @loldragoon-ffxiv @lizzy-of-the-dotharl-tribe @the-littlest-kojin @mirageofthecrystal @nyarumi-nyan @ofscorchedearth @pinxli @phobos-voidwalker @peddlestox-shinyrocks @ruaidhri-ffxiv @scholarlostintime @talion-graves @theimperialnuisance @umbralaether @umbralastra @pumpkinmagekupo @windupsanson @windupadventurers @yzeltia @yloiseconeillants @windup-dragoon @zuraoftheblack @superiorthaumaturge @piratecatte @finalfartasy @roegirlrhi @lunaria-de-borel @lizarddiary @lt-rootsap @saeta @bough-waker @phoebe-of-ivalice @merlwybs-wife @professorbunbun @blucifermain @clan-nightblood @rulianbadeux @mages-ballad @azure-dragonsinger @ievaxol @fantasy-so-far @fair-fae @kolak-magiya and anyone else who is interested.
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1-dum-bitch · 2 years
So you're mildly interested in The 100 but it's garbage and you just want the goods of fanfic?
said no one ever. but here we go
Cheater article
1900s : Mount Weather Emergency Operations center is constructed in the Blue Ridge Mountains in the United States as a military bunker.
2051 : Scientist Dr. Becca Franco, created an AI A.L.I.E. (Applied Lucent Intelligence Emulator), but turns out the AI is a eugenicist and subscribes to the thought of overpopulation, and that the greatest threats to humans (the mystery she was created to solve) is humans. Franco shuts that shit down. She retreats to her personal space station, Polaris, to continue studying, where she created a new A.I. dubbed A.L.I.E. 2 (and only compatible with a special blood compound she also created, called nightblood)
2052 : A.L.I.E. launches a worldwide nuclear strike to “save the human race” due to its calculation that there were “too many people.” She set out to solve the world’s overpopulation problem by eliminating enough of the human race to save the rest.
2054 : October 1st, the first Unity Day. 13 separate space stations from 12 separate nations (plus Franco’s) are trying to ride out the apocalypse that’s happening on the surface. The 12 stations are way too sus about Franco and how she made ALIE and Alpha Station shoots Polaris down. With her fall, the remaining 12 join as one and create The Ark - the supposed last bastion of human survivors.
PYSCH. Franco didn’t die with the rest of her station, she jettisoned in a little pod, shot up with Nightblood and having shoved ALIE 2.0 into the back of her neck at her brain stem (ALIE 2 being an implanted AI to better understand human emotions, unlike its predecessor who was a stand alone AI). She crashes to earth with the rest of the superhuman blood- i mean, nightblood, and tries to help the ppl who survived on the surface (everyone in space thought everyone else died). Her story becomes the legend of the First Commander and her technology becomes the foundation of the Grounder society, with the Nighblood passing through Grounders. A.L.I.E. 2.0 becomes "The Flame," a chip passed down and implanted through the generations of Grounder leaders called Commanders, which contains the memories of all Commanders before them.
2100-2149 : On the Ark, Abigail Griffin, Marcus Kane, Thelonius Jaha, Charles Pike are born and live in humanity's post-apocalyptic society in space.
The generation below them also grows up on the Ark, including Clarke Griffin, Bellamy and Octavia Blake, Monty Green, Raven Reyes, John Murphy, Jasper Jordan, Harper McIntyre, Finn Collins, Nathan Miller, and Wells Jaha, all of whom will make their way to Earth at the start of the series with the Delinquents.
On Earth, the Grounders become the descendants of Earth's human survivors, developing new languages, faith, and customs foreign to the pre-apocalypse world. 12 Grounder Clans emerge, as well as societies of nomadic grounders.
OK done with the condensed and relevant version of that article, now to the important plot.
Clarke is MC
Mom: Abby, head of medical clinic
Dad: Jake, head of engineering or smn
Chancellor: Thelonius Jaha
Wells: Chancellor’s son, clarke’s bff
Because they’re all part of the Elite Alpha Station, they don’t get a lot of acceptance from the others that are essentially considered lower class by default, so they tend to band together very clichishly 
There are limited resources on the Ark, obvs, so shit like one kid only rule, food rations, recycling of  goods (like clothes), etc. That also means that all “crimes” are super detrimental and get you floated… into space. Death penalty style. Unless you’re a minor, then you get incarcerated until you’re 18 when you go through a revision and maybe you’re let back into populace or maybe they float you anyway
Jake finds out the Ark’s oxygen scrubbing system is in catastrophic failure. Like not just a little glitch but full failing. And there’s nowhere to run in space, so he tells Abby and suggests they tell everyone so everyone can be in on the decision of what to do moving forward. Abby is hesitant, and they bring it up to Jaha (Thelonius is Jaha, Wells is Wells) who immediately shoots it down - mass panic and all that. Jake still presses that they should Let The People Know and while that who whatever is going down, Clarke hears her dad talking about it. She stresses over it, confides in Wells about it, and then her father is floated for treason (recording a video he intended to release to the public about the failure). She is 17 and so they toss her in the Skybox (juvy) but gen pop gets visitation with the outside, so they put her in solitary for the rest of her sentence so she can’t blab.
Just before her 18th (revision hearing anticipated), guards bust in and haul her out. She flips, thinking they’re floating her early, probably starting in the Skybox to save on oxygen. But no, she sees her mom for a sec and she explains they’re sending down the kids in a dropship to test if earth is safe. It’s not projected to be for another few generations, but clarke knows there’s a time crunch. she knows the real why. They zap her and she wakes up on the dropship, descent already starting, and there’s… Wells? Goody Two Shoes Chancellor’s Son? the only other person she told about her dad. wtf yanno. He confesses to her he got arrested to get sent down on the Dropship with her. ok but didn’t you sell out her dad? Question Mark?
They have monitoring cuffs to relay their vitals to the Ark to see just how toxic earth is now. There’s supposed to be a radio but it gets fried in the rough landing. They go out and WOW EARTH! But they were supposed to be dropped on Mount Weather, uninhabited maybe, but should still be stocked with pre-war goodies. they’re also horny, stupid, delinquent teens so they just start dicking around and taking off their wristbands (fuck the Ark, they don’t get to know about us, they sent us on a suicide mission) and clarke is like. Hello? The Ark is dying. Pissbaby (Bellamy Blake) is like so what. Whatever the hell we want. And clarke is like uhhhhh do you know farming like the aptly named Farm Station? Do you know medicine? Tell me what you do know. Oh right, you were training to be a guard to keep your sister (a second child *gasp*) safe, you both got caught, she was iced, you got demoted to a janitor, and then the head of the guards was like “shoot jaha and i’ll get you on that dropship” and so you did. What a Big Bad Boy. boring. But he knows how to appeal to the rest of the delinquents, and so he’s effective.
So they try to actually survive (food, water, shelter, under clarke’s direction mostly) because maybe they don’t hate everyone on the Ark. clarke gets some of them to head out towards mount weather, just to see what they could benefit from. but on their way there, one of them gets speared. Holy shit there are people living on the ground! And then the rest of them get their ass in gear and try to actually survive. people start dying, surprise surprise, they get panicked by the threat of people already established on the land they were told was their birthright and by the fact that they’re woefully underprepared. also Super Charming Space Walker Finn is hitting on clarke and she’s kinda into it because wow. hormones. there’s also this acid fog that rolls through sometimes and boils the skin off their bones. 
One time, she’s running from it with Finn and Wells and they find an old, mostly buried car to hide out in.
Canonically, she hops in with them to flirt and brood and drink.
Canonically, she goes with them back to the rest of the delinquents and the Dropship.
Canonically, she is Skaikru (the Grounder word for People Of The Sky) and is treated as such.
But also like. Canon is garbage anyway
And instead, we were gifted with KL Morgan
And KL Morgan gifted us with Destruction 
And then for more canonical aus, we have KL Morgan (again ofc) with The Lay of the Looking Glass Land - it does take up further into canon so this blurb wouldn't be sufficient
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Have Clarke and Lexa ever gone on a family vacation with Elaina and the twins in your light au?
Lexa and Clarke have found a darling little wooden cabin just outside Polis. It is fairly hidden, near a little river, and in pretty good shape. They find it before they have Elaina and do spend a few days there when they can. Its watched by guards at a safe and unbothersome distance and close enough to Polis that if something were to happen they'd be at the tour is around 2 hours max (the older nightbloods are, under the eyes of Gaia, present in clan meetings and are making minor decisions to better help prepare them and those will still need to be approved by Lexa but it does keep things moving of needed and its great for the ones that will be up for the throne to have first hand experience).
It becomes their little vacation home. And although they love Polis and the life they are now allowed to lead there, there are still some things they don't have the agility to do there that they can in their little cabin. Their vacations there are all about relaxing, spending time with the kids and each other really.
The lighter clothes they get to hear, cooking with the kids and letting them be as messy as they want in the kitchen (something that simply is not possible in the tower kitchen) let them play outside until its dark, go to the river with them and teach them out to swim. Lexa and Clarke get to spend so much more time just being a couple and although people know they are married of course they keep their touching in public to a minimum but here they can act like a married couple and like moms who run around with their kids and who kiss each other and are very public with it.
Its a nice decompression from their life, that while so very different and much more freeing than they ever thought theyd have, its still restrictive for them at times and while on their little two week vacation they get to be nothing but moms and lovers 🥰
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