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Superman Rogues Batch Update: Nyxlygsptlnz, a fifth-dimensional imp married to Mister Mxyzptlk, plus Nam-Ek and Lar-On, a pair of Kryptonian Beast-Men forever altered by genetic experimentation (Nam-Ek’s augments being the basis for the Doomsday Experiments and Lar-On inspiring the Red-K Woman Robinson Goode’s wolf form)
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hitchell-mope · 1 month
I’ve changed Nyxly in the My Universe au.
I have issues with how they used the word patriarchy in the final season. Because why would fifth dimensional imps have a human understanding or concept of patriarchy? So. In the My Universe au. Nyxly still uses her father as an excuse for her attitude and actions. But because they run on a different morality system to humans. Her father would be hailed as the second coming of King Arthur and Jesus Christ combined while in their dimension he’s worse than every dictatorial despot put together. A little bit like when Homer Simpson made the Stonecutters start acting within the interests of the community and they excommunicated him for it. Basically in this au. To the imps her father was a despot. But to humans he’d be lauded as a saviour. So Nyxly believes she’s righting a wrong. But really she’s worse than Lena Luthor. If that’s even remotely possible. Plus both of them die in this au. As they should’ve done in canon if those stupid writers had a modicum of a spine in them.
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42.  Lex Luthor‘s Adventures in the Future (Supergirl Season 6)
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„Supergirl“ had this very weird habit of not showing us events, that are crucial to the show‘s plot sometimes, especially if they were taking place somewhere Kara wasn’t. The main offender here is the whole „Mon-El ended up in the future and met the Legion“-Subplot, which any other show would have done in a dedicated episode, but „Supergirl“ just forgot to do.
A simelar thing did happen in Season 6, when Lex left the show for a whole bunch of episodes, only to return as a very much changed man, who had spend a long time in the future, where he fell in love with Nyxly, who wants to have nothing to do with him in the present.
In order to actually understand what Lex saw in Nyxly, and why he was so obsessed with her, it would have been important to actually see whatever happened in the future, that Lex tried to change in order to save his love. But we never got to see it.
They probably ran out of time, because they somehow wanted to do a million things in Season 6, but could only do most of them after Kara was back and then couldn’t fit all of them in the show anymore. However since this actually was the main plot of the season, it would have been necessary to do at least some flashbacks/flashforwards for that. However like with Mon-El in Season 3 that would have required them to portray the future, and that was something they were unwilling or unable to do, even though – I say it again – they could have just used the interior of their ships for the scenes, which are taking place in the future. I don’t know, maybe there is some contract somewhere, that states that „Supergirl“ is not allowed to film scenes, that take place in the future. Because I literally have run out of explaining and trying to defend their constant using the future as a time and place, where important characters are from, but never showing us even a single scene with them there.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Apparently, Speedsters weren't the only ones that wanted Central City. One of Supergirl's enemies, Nyxlygsptlnz, or Nyxly, escaped from the Phantom Zone and wanted the city for herself. She even summoned a giant Fifth dimensional cat to attack them as Barry and Y/N thought this was the weirdest fight ever.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 11 months
in this life or the next
by Lara234
Kara’s going to die.
She’s going to die and there’s nothing she can do about it. Try as she might, fate has other plans for her. The Halo buried in her back can sense it…it feels her sorrow. The sorrow of knowing that she has to die so that others can live. It’s why she finally acts on her feelings and kisses Sister Lena with so much want and longing, praying that this one simple act would be enough to keep the two of them frozen in that moment forever. - A Warrior Nun AU Snippet
Words: 1489, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Ruby Arias, Mxyzptlk (DCU), Nyxlygsptlnz (DCU), Imra Ardeen
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Angst, First Kiss, Alternate Universe, Warrior Nun (TV) Season 2, SuperCorp, Autistic Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun), Snippets, so much yearning
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/4PwfG0l via IFTTT https://ift.tt/4PwfG0l
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misandriste · 3 years
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i’m projecting unto nyxly what about it
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Farewell to Supergirl Week - Villains: Nyxly
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behbuh · 3 years
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proudtobealuthor · 3 years
Honestly it was so gay Nyxly could feel how happy Kara was when she was alone with Lena like 👀
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femmeetart · 3 years
Supergirl finale favourite moments in screenshots:
first i have a question- I'm not gonna add a screenshot cos lex don't deserve it- but why was lex the one delivering the instructions of the deal instead of Nyxly?!?? I'm confusion. Anyways
Andrea & Lena- kinda late for an apology but wtv, she saved Lena when lex was gonna kill her so i forgive her
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I believe Nyxly deserved better than going back to the phantom zone- c'mon she has a soft spot for children n she disliked lex (the writers should've made up their mind if she liked him or not bruh like she agreed with him right after fighting for.. hours??) Anyways she gave me older sister vibes when interacting and protecting Esme.
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Fits perfectly. Like Cinderella... without the gender inequality through patriarchy and sexual objectification
LMAO and her laugh was just perfect
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I like this shot. And her hair looks straight
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The funeral fits🔥 William isn't dead shhhh
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So pretty ugh I'm gonna miss seeing her
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Last weekly reminder of how tiny Esme is- 🥺
And I'm so not over how cute her voice is when she's excited, evident in this scene↓ and when she talked to James.
NIA'S HAIR IS SO CUTE WTF, ITS A BOW (not shown in this pic)
Kelly look so good 😍
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Game night with Esme now :D
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+The supercorp scene of course, they looked gorgeous and the amount of love radiating off them... supercorp is canon, end of discussion.
+ the cat x supergirl interview, i love the shot that shows them sitting face to face.
+OH and we got to hear Mel singing for the last time for this show
Legends of Tomorrow 🤝 Supergirl
Having a wedding at the end of a season
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hereforthewomen1996 · 3 years
Non humans I’m attracted to yes it’s gonna be weird.
1. Alcina Dimitrescu
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2. Ashoka Tano
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3. 13th Doctor
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4. Eda Clawthorne
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5. Lilith Clawthorne
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6. Della Duck
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7. Magica De Spell
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8. Nyxly
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9. Krolia
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10. Janai
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markedbyindecision · 3 years
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Supergirl as text posts (7/?)
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templedragon · 3 years
Supergirl 6x07 Fear Knot
For the longest time, the award for the most self sabotaging show went to the X-Files. Refuse to act on stellar chemisty? Make the characters fit the plot? Hide the main plot and then disregard it? Give no time to the trauma characters endure? Make everything about a white guy that really should stay dead? It's all here. The showrunners may try and make the actresses look bad by praising scenes in upcoming episodes only to cut them out, but the blame lies firmly in the drifting filler decisions of whoever thought this was okay to write and film, not just this episode but the whole of 6A. Where's the consistency, the emotional through line, the plot that's about Kara? Where's the excitement, the emotional payoff for six years of build up... to what?
The plus points of this episode are David Harewood's third time directing, where atmospheric and off kilter framing portray the sense of the Phantom Zone. Another plus point is everyone's stellar acting with whatever material they are given. They have the range but it's seldom stretched by the script (take the grass, anyone?). Dansen rocked this episode, though I am concerned that it's only been a week in show time that Alex asked Kelly to move in with her, as we've had three days waiting for Nia and Brainy to come back from 2009 Midvale.
That's about it for the good points. The episode resetting itself every few minutes felt like a microcosm of the show, and as such there's no emotional consistency for me to follow. All these fear scenarios happened in isolation, and it's unlikely the characters will ever talk to the other characters about what scared them the most. Lena and Nia had the most consistent fear. Nia fears her slow interpretation of dreams will get Brainy killed. Lena is still dealing with family baggage of survivor's guilt with her mother drowning. This was previously only known by a volunteer for a science project that promptly died (season 4), but it adds to the audience's feelings that Lena would rather drown by being dropped into a reservoir than harm children (season 3), and the self torture of Titanic being her favourite film.
The men were unaffected by the fear, for the sexism. J'onn saves the ship. Brainy has a new analogy of compartmentalised feelings, replacing little boxes with balloons waiting to pop. It does make sense as he temprarily made himself forget Kara's identity when interrogated by the truth seeker. Personally I would have thought J'onn's biggest fear would be abandoning his found family, the way he escaped White Martian occupation. I would have thought Brainy's biggest fear is turning into his ancestors and bottling planets. But hey, we're only going to torture women. Kelly shows the greatest emotional strength, recognising it's a dream thanks to her mental health specialist training and picking up a 'guardian' shield to protect the women she loves. It's a pity Alex won't know about the depths Kelly loves her. Lena is the second most adept at overcoming fear, by showing her kelpie folklore nightmare compassion. Nia doesn't recognise all of the dream as such, and it's just her and Brainy in the end. Alex is so far gone that she self-sacrifices to save those she loves, so her biggest fear is being a compromising element to the superfriends, specifically being unable to save Kara and protect Kelly.
The episode is a similar set up to the 100th, where we have four scenarios with high emotions ultimately for naught, as in the final moments Kara does something unrelated to what the audience has seen for 40 minutes. If the 100th was a treat about the world being fundamentally altered depending on how Supercorp get on, being sabotaged by Kara given an emotionally damaged woman an ultimatum of "forgive me for treating you badly or I'll leave you to your family abusers". This episode was an exploration of the supporting ladies having none of their deepest fears involve Kara, because she's not shown, not even in GCI watery outline. This is in contrast to the previous episodes where people have gone to emotional extremes to get Kara back from the Phantom Zone, with Brainy breaking down and comfort eating, to Nia getting despondent about her dream interpretation, to Lena ready to sacrifice the world to repopulating phantoms to get Kara back, to Alex and J'onn having to rely on their military training to keep it together. Six episodes of build up, to have four 10 minute segments unrelated to Kara, with the exception of J'onn and Alex arguing about who is her touchstone early on.
Yet, even this is disregarded as Zor-El becomes her hope speech. The guy has barely had screen time, and previously his stone function was being a dead weight I couldn't wait for Kara to cast off. This guy made the Medusa virus, was married to someone who sent innocent people to an indefinite torture, only thought of saving his hometown rather than challenge bureaucracy to stop environmental degredation, thought his daughter would be fine as a teenage parent on an alien planet. He gets a longer hug than any reunion with the superfriends, and it's only Alex that gets a half second hug that was apparently cut and originally included J'onn. The reason given was the sense of urgency of the Phantom Zone island being ripped apart by the anchor, but I remember Mon-El having a prolonged goodbye scene when he should have died from coughing lead. Given any opportunity, the show will make things about men, especially white men. The trailer to tide us through the hiatus was framed around Zor-El acclimatising to Earth, with a blurry background prescense of William Dey, the show killer. It's season 2 all over again, the comedic relief eroding Kara's progress. He should be sent to Argo immediately, so the show can be about Kara, and unpacking her trauma.
There's been filming spotted this week of Katie McGrath with Staz Nair. She's holding a battered book that an audience looking for consistency has dubbed the folklore book Lena's mother read to her as a pre-four year old. Worst case scenrario, William's presence with Lena may be them romantically dating, as it's not the first time Lena's had Kara's romantic cast offs.
Want a Supercorp parallel? While Kara's been in the Phantom Zone (around the Nyxly hijinx) she's told us her biggest fear is people she loves dying because of her. Lena and the audience actually see all of the superfriends die. Want another parallel? Both Kara and Lena are saved by their parents. Another? Nia's supersuit was made by her romantic partner Brainy, and Lena makes Kara's suped up suits. Nia and Lena really big on bonding over their dead mothers and how lucky they are to have their found family, for the audience at least as I think it falls into the individual dreams. Indirectly, Kara's called Lena family as that's what she says upon seeing the sun bomb and Lena created it.
The show is really not being subtle about sci-fi and fantasy references this season, with Harry Potter and Alien nods abound. It's like they decided they wouldn't follow through on anything they created regarding Kara and women, and hoped we'd appreciate being reminded that other shows do far better.
Apparently Kara really doesn't have to worry about leaving Earth unprotected as M'Gann is doing it by herself. And if J'onn was immune to the Phantom Zone, then he could have gone on his own without subjecting everyone else to their isolated fears.
Kinda concerned that the canon romances got killed in the fear dreams - both Brainy and Alex get blown out an airlock while their queer partner watches helplessly. Glad M'Gann wasn't here for that.
I want to know what it's like to live next to the Tower. Do you think they take bets as to what's happening next? People fly out of it, spaceships pull up to the balcony, and now the whole top section flies off and disappears into a dimensional portal. Said portal is opened by Lena as a sign of trust to use the projector. This bonding by Lena with the superfriends is appreciated. Though the DEO blew up so I don't know how she got the plans or equipment for the sun grenades (season 2) to make the sun bomb. Everyone's got magic money stashes, and Nia's had a three day absence from CatCo without reprimand.
Gonna be a long wait until August.
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
What happened to Lena’s mother?
Here we go, me dissecting a fictional show again, to try and find meaning while its sixth season is on summer break, and because apparently everything may or may not be relevant again. So let’s cut to the chase:
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What we've been told:
"We were visiting family she said. Somewhere by the water, a lake I think. It was... It was so green. It wasn't a very bright day, it was overcast, but my mom said that's where the magic was. It was the rain that made the green. So of course, she went swimming. She didn't come back. [...] I was with her on the shore, when she went in, and when she went under and I did nothing." 
[Lena Luthor - 4x07]
I don’t know about you all, but... this whole description always felt strange to me, like there was more going on than Lena’s mother just going for a swim while it was overcast and raining, the loving and devoted mother she’s described as leaving her little girl on the shore alone. In a show like Supergirl and with Lena’s mother’s fairy-tale connection, I find it hard to imagine that the woman just had a leg cramp and drowned... Not to undermine the tragic of it all. For any child a mother’s death and the sub-sequential uprooting would equal to, like, all of a sudden losing one’s whole world, only to be flown to what is essentially a whole new and entirely different world and to be put with a family of strangers...  Is it just me who sees the parallel here? ...where was I? Right. So let me dissect the wording and add my two cents:
Visiting family, huh?
Lena seems to have no other family but the Luthors, with Lionel being her ever absent bio-dad (until he died) and Lex being her half-brother.
Lena's mom said they’d visit family, went into a lake and [presumably] died.
So, was her mother suicidal? Went to 'join' her non-alive family?
If Lena's mother wasn't suicidal, but indeed referring to their family, then... who could she have been referring to?
The visiting part also may or may not imply something non-permanent.
I honestly don’t believe in the “suicidal” approach, as even Lex noted how sunny and light the woman was. She’s described as happy and carefree...
Lena (who according to Lex's journals was capable of remembering people and events from before she was 4 years old accurately) only remembers it was by the water, guesses it was a lake. Something about the location (or something at the location) stuck with Lena as "lake-like".
It was overcast and raining. (Young-)Lena concluded that was what made everything look green. I mean, we assume this happened in Ireland, so green should have been somewhat normal for her? Yet, this stood out to her... 
So... magic? 
Lena's mother was into that fairy-tale / folklore book, y'know, the one Lena used to find the Medallion of Acrata, that Andrea snagged (and which we seemingly will see a lot more of in s06). 
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The medallion being real is a rather good indicator that whatever 'magic' is described in that book is at least to some degree rooted in (the show's) reality.
[Aside from “The Adventure of Acrata”, the set-designers inserted “Hans in Luck”, “The Fox's Brush” and “The Grateful Beasts” (Brothers Grimm) to the book’s pages. Oookay.]
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Green, so green.
Most obvious thought would be Kryptonite. But I cannot find any reference of green Kryptonite doing something that could remotely fit the scene described. I was sorta hoping, maybe the rain tainting everything green could be a meteor shower, but this event happened in 1997. Kal's pod (and the accompanying Kryptonite shower) fell to Earth around 1979. Couldn't have been some greenK following in the wake of Kara's pod either, because that didn't arrive on Earth until 2003.
Also also, Lena's mother apparently knew where to go in advance. This leads me to believe it may have been a "natural" occurrence.
What else is green?
Well, the Arrowverse’s Temporal Vortex for one.
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Or the sky (light) at the Dawn of Time.
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Am I really alone in the belief, that maybe, just maybe, Lena’s mother searched and found a “magical” place that happened to be some sort of portal?  ...to “visit family”? Maybe? Possibly had intended to take Lena with her? Something went wrong (as things always do when magical stuff is involved)?
"So of course, she went swimming," she said in a sarcastic tone.
That can easily be adult-Lena's way of belittling the moment, distancing herself from her own pain by adding some sarcasm. Lena's mother clearly went into something (”lake-like”), and never came back, presumably in a good mood (at least not scared) and without hesitation. Lena thinks "lake" and her mother "going under", while she herself remained at the edge of the event. Remember: This whole narration is what her 4-yo self saw and understood, revisited through an (guilt-ridden, self-deprecating) adult’s lens.
Here's a little tidbit, that I found checks quite a lot of boxes:
In Celtic/Irish mythology there is this supernatural "Otherworld" (aka Avalon in the King Arthur Legend), a realm of the deities and possibly also of the dead / ancestors and/or heroes. Apparently it is similar to a parallel universe (or some sort of multiverse) and a happy place. This elusive place is reached by entering ancient burial mounds, caves or by going under the waters of pools, lakes or the sea (giving it one of its many other names, Tír fo Thuinn, "land under the wave") or by crossing the western sea. And/or it sorta connects (at certain times or random / aforementioned places), signaled by fog, mists, sudden changes in the weather, appearance of unusual animals or divine beings. In tales featuring this realm, sometimes the hero returns after what he believes is a short time, only to find that all his companions are dead and he has actually been away for hundreds of years.
You know where you'd learn about “Otherworld” (aside from wikipedia)? In a book of fairy-tales, folklores and myths.
Now, there’s currently this fan-theory that Nyxlygsptlnz could be ...Lena’s mother...
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Alright, similar’ish hair-do. I give you that. And the way the clothing bunches at the shoulders looks similar... It’s possible, I guess. Visually, at least.
However, Nyxly shared her troubled past, and Miss “tried to cut my father's throat” seems to not have (had) nearly the care-free, loving, playful, free-spirited character Lena’s mother has been described with. Who sang an Irish lullaby to a 7 year old Lex. And worked with/for Lionel for several years... Plus, wasn’t Lena to look ‘exactly’ like her mother?  So... yeah, if the writers go there, I will have serious problems suspending my disbelief.  That’s all I have for the moment.  Thanks for reading and as always don’t feel shy to correct me or help me find more clues.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
The Charge
by Cymberlea
A brief "ficlet"/drabble taking place in season 6 episode 19 "The Last Gauntlet" after Lillian steps in to sacrifice herself for Lex. It's my take on what happened in the moments after Lillian is blasted with the All Stone and Kara and Alex step out of the elevator announcing that Lillian is stable and Lena's with her. I had this idea of what if, in those few moments, Lillian reached out to Kara.
Words: 4240, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Alex Danvers, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Lex Luthor, Nyxlygsptlnz (DCU), Nia Nal
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: SuperCorp Sunday, SuperCorp
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/wc1FoVU via IFTTT https://ift.tt/wc1FoVU
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shieldagent93 · 3 years
Nxyly: * Tries to make a bomb that will encase Supergirl in ice *
Lena: * Actually encased Supergirl in ice back in S5*
See? It's a bad guy move.
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